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We provide an expansive analysis of polar bear (Ursus maritimus) circumpolar genetic variation during the last two decades of decline in their sea-ice habitat. We sought to evaluate whether their genetic diversity and structure have changed over this period of habitat decline, how their current genetic patterns compare with past patterns, and how genetic demography changed with ancient fluctuations in climate. Characterizing their circumpolar genetic structure using microsatellite data, we defined four clusters that largely correspond to current ecological and oceanographic factors: Eastern Polar Basin, Western Polar Basin, Canadian Archipelago and Southern Canada. We document evidence for recent (ca. last 1–3 generations) directional gene flow from Southern Canada and the Eastern Polar Basin towards the Canadian Archipelago, an area hypothesized to be a future refugium for polar bears as climate-induced habitat decline continues. Our data provide empirical evidence in support of this hypothesis. The direction of current gene flow differs from earlier patterns of gene flow in the Holocene. From analyses of mitochondrial DNA, the Canadian Archipelago cluster and the Barents Sea subpopulation within the Eastern Polar Basin cluster did not show signals of population expansion, suggesting these areas may have served also as past interglacial refugia. Mismatch analyses of mitochondrial DNA data from polar and the paraphyletic brown bear (U. arctos) uncovered offset signals in timing of population expansion between the two species, that are attributed to differential demographic responses to past climate cycling. Mitogenomic structure of polar bears was shallow and developed recently, in contrast to the multiple clades of brown bears. We found no genetic signatures of recent hybridization between the species in our large, circumpolar sample, suggesting that recently observed hybrids represent localized events. Documenting changes in subpopulation connectivity will allow polar nations to proactively adjust conservation actions to continuing decline in sea-ice habitat.  相似文献   

Recent studies have reported discordant gene trees in the evolution of brown bears and polar bears. Genealogical histories are different among independent nuclear loci and between biparentally inherited autosomal DNA (aDNA) and matrilineal mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Based on multi-locus genomic sequences from aDNA and mtDNA, we inferred the population demography of brown and polar bears and found that brown bears have 6 times (aDNA) or more than 14 times (mtDNA) larger population sizes than polar bears and that polar bear lineage is derived from within brown bear diversity. In brown bears, the effective population size ratio of mtDNA to aDNA was at least 0.62, which deviated from the expected value of 0.25, suggesting matriarchal population due to female philopatry and male-biased migration. These results emphasize that ancestral polymorphisms and sex-biased migration may have contributed to conflicting branching patterns in brown and polar bears across aDNA genes and mtDNA.  相似文献   

Gene Flow and Genetic Differentiation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
P. T. Spieth 《Genetics》1974,78(3):961-965
A brief analysis is presented for the effects of gene flow upon genetic differentiation within and between populations generated by mutation and drift. Previous results obtained with the "island" model are developed into a form that lends itself to biological interpretation. Attention is focused upon the effective local population size and the ratio of the genetic identity of two genes in different populations to that of two genes in the same population. The biological significance of this ratio, which is independent of population size, is discussed. Similarities between the results of this model and those of the "stepping-stone" model are noted.  相似文献   

G. H. Pogson  K. A. Mesa    R. G. Boutilier 《Genetics》1995,139(1):375-385
High levels of gene flow have been implicated in producing uniform patterns of allozyme variation among populations of many marine fish species. We have examined whether gene flow is responsible for the limited population structure in the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua L., by comparing the previously published patterns of variation at 10 allozyme loci to 17 nuclear restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) loci scored by 11 anonymous cDNA clones. Unlike the allozyme loci, highly significant differences were observed among all populations at the DNA markers in a pattern consistent with an isolation-by-distance model of population structure. The magnitude of allele frequency variation at the nuclear RFLP loci significantly exceeded that observed at the protein loci (χ(2) = 24.6, d.f. = 5, P < 0.001). Estimates of gene flow from the private alleles method were similar for the allozymes and nuclear RFLPs. From the infinite island model, however, estimates of gene flow from the DNA markers were fivefold lower than indicated by the proteins. The discrepancy between gene flow estimates, combined with the observation of a large excess of rare RFLP alleles, suggests that the Atlantic cod has undergone a recent expansion in population size and that populations are significantly displaced from equilibrium. Because gene flow is a process that affects all loci equally, the heterogeneity observed among populations at the DNA level eliminates gene flow as the explanation for the homogeneous allozyme patterns. Our results suggest that a recent origin of cod populations has acted to constrain the extent of population differentiation observed at weakly polymorphic loci and implicate a role for selection in affecting the distribution of protein variation among natural populations in this species.  相似文献   

Oil and gas activities on Alaska's North Slope overlap spatially with polar bear (Ursus maritimus) maternal denning habitat and temporally with the peri-partum and emergence periods. Noise associated with these activities can be substantial and concerns regarding the effects on polar bears have been acknowledged. But the secluded and ephemeral nature of subnivean maternal dens renders the measurement of behavioral and physiological responses of bears to noise exposure challenging, except for rare cases when disturbance-prompted den abandonment has been documented. These limitations, coupled with the uncertainty associated with the synergistic effects of anthropogenic activities on bears in a rapidly changing Arctic, prompt the need to develop predictive models of disturbance to ensure management guidelines effectively mitigate disturbance. Towards this end, we characterized noise propagation from 9 sources (2 aircraft, 2 over-tundra tracked vehicles, 4 wheeled on-road vehicles, and humans walking) used to support industrial activities around artificial snow dens near Milne Point, Alaska, USA, in March–April 2010. We built dens in 4 configurations to mimic variability in den roof thickness and to evaluate differences in noise propagation from when the den was closed compared to being open, similar to den emergence. We integrated these data with an existing polar bear audiogram and developed models to predict auditory-detection probabilities as a function of distance from the den. Within a closed den, aircraft had high probabilities (detection probability ≥75%) of being detected by polar bears at distances ≤1.6 km and ground-based sources had high probabilities of detection at distances ≤0.8 km. On average, closed dens reduced noise levels by 15 decibels (dB) relative to open dens. Our findings indicate that although polar bear snow dens effectively attenuate acoustic sound pressure levels, noise from some industrial support vehicles was likely to be detected farther from dens than previously documented. These results reinforce the importance of maintaining buffer zones around polar bear dens to minimize the potential for den disturbance. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Inuit in Canada’s Arctic conceptualize both human hunters and their polar bear prey as active participants in the hunt and as part of a larger socio-economic system requiring the involvement of both humans and animals. Although often treated through the lens of common-pool resource theory, the Inuit viewpoint conflicts with Western wildlife management systems that typically treat animals, and nature in general, as passive. When polar bears are understood as active participants in the hunt, the rights associated with common property regimes and assumptions about collective-choice decisions in common-pool resource management require significant revision. In this paper we argue that common-pool resource theories which assume natural resources are inherently passive cannot adequately account for the system of active relationships operating among Inuit in Arctic Canada. The co-management system of Nunavut Territory, Canada, uses a flexible quota approach, which, while following conservation guidelines, allows some space for the traditional Inuit-polar bear system to operate. This example shows how common-pool resources may be managed sustainably without the attendant assumption that natural resources exist passively outside of common-pool resource regimes.  相似文献   

Human settlement and migrations along sides of Bay-of-Bengal have played a vital role in shaping the genetic landscape of Bangladesh, Eastern India and Southeast Asia. Bangladesh and Northeast India form the vital land bridge between the South and Southeast Asia. To reconstruct the population history of this region and to see whether this diverse region geographically acted as a corridor or barrier for human interaction between South Asia and Southeast Asia, we, for the first time analyzed high resolution uniparental (mtDNA and Y chromosome) and biparental autosomal genetic markers among aboriginal Bangladesh tribes currently speaking Tibeto-Burman language. All the three studied populations; Chakma, Marma and Tripura from Bangladesh showed strikingly high homogeneity among themselves and strong affinities to Northeast Indian Tibeto-Burman groups. However, they show substantially higher molecular diversity than Northeast Indian populations. Unlike Austroasiatic (Munda) speakers of India, we observed equal role of both males and females in shaping the Tibeto-Burman expansion in Southern Asia. Moreover, it is noteworthy that in admixture proportion, TB populations of Bangladesh carry substantially higher mainland Indian ancestry component than Northeast Indian Tibeto-Burmans. Largely similar expansion ages of two major paternal haplogroups (O2a and O3a3c), suggested that they arose before the differentiation of any language group and approximately at the same time. Contrary to the scenario proposed for colonization of Northeast India as male founder effect that occurred within the past 4,000 years, we suggest a significantly deep colonization of this region. Overall, our extensive analysis revealed that the population history of South Asian Tibeto-Burman speakers is more complex than it was suggested before.  相似文献   

Interest in using native grass species for restoration is increasing, yet little is known about the ecology and genetics of native grass populations or the spatial scales over which seed can be transferred and successfully grown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genetic structure within and among populations of Elymus glaucus in order to make some preliminary recommendations for the transfer and use of this species in revegetation and restoration projects. Twenty populations from California, Oregon, and Washington were analyzed for allozyme genotype at 20 loci, and patterns of variation within and among populations were determined. Allozyme variation at the species level was high, with 80% of the loci polymorphic and an average expected heterozygosity (an index of genetic diversity) of 0.194. All but two of the populations showed some level of polymorphism. A high degree of population differentiation was found, with 54.9% of the variation at allozyme loci partitioned among populations (Fst= 0.549). A lesser degree of genetic differentiation among closely spaced subpopulations within one of the populations was also demonstrated (Fst= 0.124). Self-pollination and the patchy natural distribution of the species both likely contribute to the low level of gene flow (Nm= 0.205) that was estimated. Zones developed for the transfer of seed of commercial conifer species may be inappropriate for transfer of E. glaucus germplasm because conifer species are characterized by high levels of gene flow. Limited gene flow in E. glaucus can facilitate the divergence of populations over relatively small spatial scales. This genetic differentiation can be due to random genetic drift, localized selective pressures, or both. In order to minimize the chances of planting poorly adapted germplasm, seed of E. glaucus may need to be collected in close proximity to the proposed restoration site.  相似文献   

Determinants of Home Range Size for Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The mean home range size of female polar bears ( Ursus maritimus ; 125 100 km2 ± 11 800; n  = 93) is substantially larger than the predicted value (514 km2) for a terrestrial carnivore of similar weight. To understand this difference, we correlated home range size and sea ice characteristics. Home range size was related to (i) the ratio of land vs. sea within a given home range (42% of explained variance), and (ii) seasonal variation in ice cover (24%). Thus, bears using land during the ice-free season had larger home ranges and bears living in areas of great seasonal variation in ice cover also had larger home ranges. In another analysis we investigated how variation in a bear's environment in space and time affects its choice of home range. We found that polar bears adjusted the size of their home range according to the amount of annual and seasonal variation within the centre of their home range. For example, polar bears experiencing unpredictable seasonal and annual ice tended to increase their home range size if increasing home range size resulted in reducing variation in seasonal and annual ice. Polar bears make trade-offs between alternate space-use strategies. Large home ranges occur when variable ice cover is associated with more seals but also a more unpredictable distribution of those seals.  相似文献   

Development of efficient techniques for monitoring wildlife is a priority in the Arctic, where the impacts of climate change are acute and remoteness and logistical constraints hinder access. We evaluated high resolution satellite imagery as a tool to track the distribution and abundance of polar bears. We examined satellite images of a small island in Foxe Basin, Canada, occupied by a high density of bears during the summer ice-free season. Bears were distinguished from other light-colored spots by comparing images collected on different dates. A sample of ground-truthed points demonstrated that we accurately classified bears. Independent observers reviewed images and a population estimate was obtained using mark–recapture models. This estimate (: 94; 95% Confidence Interval: 92–105) was remarkably similar to an abundance estimate derived from a line transect aerial survey conducted a few days earlier (: 102; 95% CI: 69–152). Our findings suggest that satellite imagery is a promising tool for monitoring polar bears on land, with implications for use with other Arctic wildlife. Large scale applications may require development of automated detection processes to expedite review and analysis. Future research should assess the utility of multi-spectral imagery and examine sites with different environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Allee effects are an important component in the population dynamics of numerous species. Accounting for these Allee effects in population viability analyses generally requires estimates of low-density population growth rates, but such data are unavailable for most species and particularly difficult to obtain for large mammals. Here, we present a mechanistic modeling framework that allows estimating the expected low-density growth rates under a mate-finding Allee effect before the Allee effect occurs or can be observed. The approach relies on representing the mechanisms causing the Allee effect in a process-based model, which can be parameterized and validated from data on the mechanisms rather than data on population growth. We illustrate the approach using polar bears (Ursus maritimus), and estimate their expected low-density growth by linking a mating dynamics model to a matrix projection model. The Allee threshold, defined as the population density below which growth becomes negative, is shown to depend on age-structure, sex ratio, and the life history parameters determining reproduction and survival. The Allee threshold is thus both density- and frequency-dependent. Sensitivity analyses of the Allee threshold show that different combinations of the parameters determining reproduction and survival can lead to differing Allee thresholds, even if these differing combinations imply the same stable-stage population growth rate. The approach further shows how mate-limitation can induce long transient dynamics, even in populations that eventually grow to carrying capacity. Applying the models to the overharvested low-density polar bear population of Viscount Melville Sound, Canada, shows that a mate-finding Allee effect is a plausible mechanism for slow recovery of this population. Our approach is generalizable to any mating system and life cycle, and could aid proactive management and conservation strategies, for example, by providing a priori estimates of minimum conservation targets for rare species or minimum eradication targets for pests and invasive species.  相似文献   

鱼类免疫球蛋白基因结构及抗体多样性的遗传机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张永安  聂品  朱作言 《遗传》2002,24(5):575-580
本文对鱼类免疫球蛋白的基因结构以及抗体多样性产生的遗传机制作一综述。免疫球蛋白重链和轻链是由不同染色体上的多基因座编码的,在鱼类的不同分类单元中具有不同的基因组织方式。鱼类抗体可以识别外界为数众多的抗原,其多样性主要是由以下遗传机制产生的:种系V区编码区段的多样性、V (D) J区段组合的多样性、基因重组的不精确性、基因转换、体细胞突变以及H和L链的随机组合等。 Gene Structure and Genetic Diversity of Immunoglobulins in Fish ZHANG Yong-an,NIE Pin,ZHU Zuo-yan State Key Laboratory of Freshwater Ecology and Biotechnology,Institute of Hydrobiology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430072,China Abstract:The current knowledge concerning the structure of fish immunoglobulin (Ig) genes and the genetic mechanisms in generating fish antibody diversities is reviewed.The heavy (H-) and light (L-) chains of the immunoglobulin are encoded by multigenic loci on separate chromosomes.In different taxa of fish,the Ig genes are organized in different patterns.Fish antibody can recognize various foreign antigens,and the antibody diversity is generated by the following genetic mechanisms:the sequence diversity within the segments encoding the variable domain,the combinatorial diversity of V (D) J segments,the imprecision of rearrangements,gene conversion,somatic hypermutation,and the combination of H- and L-chain. Key words:immunoglobulin; gene; antibody; diversity; fish  相似文献   

Since horse breeds constitute populations submitted to variable and multiple outcrossing events, we analyzed the genetic structure and gene flows considering horses raised in France. We used genealogical data, with a reference population of 547,620 horses born in France between 2002 and 2011, grouped according to 55 breed origins. On average, individuals had 6.3 equivalent generations known. Considering different population levels, fixation index decreased from an overall species FIT of 1.37%, to an average of −0.07% when considering the 55 origins, showing that most horse breeds constitute populations without genetic structure. We illustrate the complexity of gene flows existing among horse breeds, a few populations being closed to foreign influence, most, however, being submitted to various levels of introgression. In particular, Thoroughbred and Arab breeds are largely used as introgression sources, since those two populations explain together 26% of founder origins within the overall horse population. When compared with molecular data, breeds with a small level of coancestry also showed low genetic distance; the gene pool of the breeds was probably impacted by their reproducer exchanges.  相似文献   

Immune function in higher vertebrates is mediated primarilyby multimeric glycoproteins found in the serum and on the surfacesof lymphoid cells. These molecules possess common structuralfeatures suggesting that they belong to a supergene family whichmay have originated from a common ancestral gene. Some multigenicmembers of the supergene family undergo unique forms of chromosomalrearrangement during somatic development. We have identifiedimmunoglobulin heavy chainvariable region (VH) homologs in speciesrepresenting critical points in the vertebrate radiation, examinedtheir nucleotide sequences and found high degrees of organizationalhomology as well as localized regions of extended nucleotide(and amino acid) sequence identity with mammalian VH genes.The unexpected high degree of nucleotide sequence identity suggeststhat within this multigene family, selection may be operatingat both the DNA and polypeptide levels.Using several differentapproaches, the VH gene families in lower vertebrates have beenshown to be remarkably complex, discounting the possibilitythat a reduced number of germline genes accounts for the apparentlyrestricted natureof lower vertebrate immune responses. The lowervertebrate germline VH genes possess prototypic recombinationsignal sequences, implicated in the somatic reorganization ofmammalian immunoglobulin variable region genes, and segmentalreorganizationresembling that seen in mammals has been observed in an elasmobranch.The detection of a recombination element flanked by short, directrepeats within the intervening sequence of one reptilian VHgene suggests that these sequences may be mobile, perhaps functioningoutside of the immunoglobulin loci in other developmental processes.The complex nature of the variable region gene families andtheir capacity to undergo structural change during somatic developmentsuggest that unique genetic mechanisms may govern their evolutionarystabilization and diversification.  相似文献   

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