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The C4 photosynthesis carbon-concentrating mechanism in maize (Zea mays) has two CO2 delivery pathways to the bundle sheath (BS; via malate or aspartate), and rates of phosphoglyceric acid reduction, starch synthesis, and phosphoenolpyruvate regeneration also vary between BS and mesophyll (M) cells. The theoretical partitioning of ATP supply between M and BS cells was derived for these metabolic activities from simulated profiles of light penetration across a leaf, with a potential 3-fold difference in the fraction of ATP produced in the BS relative to M (from 0.29 to 0.96). A steady-state metabolic model was tested using varying light quality to differentially stimulate M or BS photosystems. CO2 uptake, ATP production rate (JATP; derived with a low oxygen/chlorophyll fluorescence method), and carbon isotope discrimination were measured on plants under a low light intensity, which is considered to affect C4 operating efficiency. The light quality treatments did not change the empirical ATP cost of gross CO2 assimilation (JATP/GA). Using the metabolic model, measured JATP/GA was compared with the predicted ATP demand as metabolic functions were varied between M and BS. Transamination and the two decarboxylase systems (NADP-malic enzyme and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase) were critical for matching ATP and reduced NADP demand in BS and M when light capture was varied under contrasting light qualities.Interest in the C4 pathway has been increased by the potential for enhancing crop productivity and maintaining yield stability in the face of global warming and population pressure (Friso et al., 2010; Zhu et al., 2010; Covshoff and Hibberd, 2012). Maize (Zea mays), a C4 plant of the NADP-malic enzyme (ME) subtype, is a leading grain production cereal (www.fao.org). C4 photosynthesis is a shared activity between mesophyll (M; abbreviations are listed in BS) cells, coupled to allow the operation of a biochemical carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM). The CCM effectively minimizes photorespiration by increasing the CO2 concentration in the bundle sheath (CBS), where Rubisco is exclusively expressed. Since BS and M are connected by plasmodesmata, some CO2 retrodiffuses. The refixation of that escaping CO2 by the CCM increases the activity of the CCM and the total ATP demand (ATPBS + ATPM) for gross CO2 assimilation (GA; [ATPBS + ATPM]/GA), from a theoretical minimum of five ATPs (Furbank et al., 1990). Leakiness (Φ), the amount of CO2 retrodiffusing relative to phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylation rate, is therefore a proxy for the coordination between the CCM and assimilatory activity (Henderson et al., 1992; Tazoe et al., 2008; Kromdijk et al., 2010; Ubierna et al., 2011; Bellasio and Griffiths, 2013).

Table I.

Variables and acronyms described in the text
ANet assimilationμmol m−2 s−1
ABAbsorbed light
AB BS/MPartitioning of absorbed lightDimensionless
ATPBSATP demand in BSμmol m−2 s−1
ATPMATP demand in Mμmol m−2 s−1
BSBundle sheath
CBSCO2 concentration in BSμmol mol−1
CCMCarbon-concentrating mechanism
CEFCyclic electron flow
DHAPDihydroxyacetone phosphate
ETRElectron transport rateμmol m−2 s−1
GAGross assimilation (A + RLIGHT)μmol m−2 s−1
gBSBundle sheath conductance to CO2, calculated by fitting JMOD to JATPmol m2 s−1
IRGAInfrared gas analyzer
JATPTotal ATP production rateμmol m−2 s−1
JATPBSATP production rate in BSμmol m−2 s−1
JATPMATP production rate in Mμmol m−2 s−1
JMODModeled ATP production rateμmol m−2 s−1
LEFLinear electron flow
LCPLight compensation point
MDHMalate dehydrogenase
MDHBSMalate dehydrogenase reaction rate in BSμmol m−2 s−1
MDHMMalate dehydrogenase reaction rate in Mμmol m−2 s−1
MEMalic enzyme
MEMalic enzyme reaction rateμmol m−2 s−1
NADPHBSNADPH demand in BSμmol m−2 s−1
NADPHTOTTotal NADPH demandμmol m−2 s−1
OAAOxaloacetic acid
PARPhotosynthetically active radiationμE m−2 s−1
PEPCKPhosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase
PEPCKPEPCK reaction rateμmol m−2 s−1
PGA3-Phosphoglyceric acid
PPDKPyruvate phosphate dikinase
PPDKPPDK reaction rateμmol m−2 s−1
PRPGA reduction
PRBSPR rate in BSμmol m−2 s−1
PRMPR rate in Mμmol m−2 s−1
RBSRespiration in the light in BSμmol m−2 s−1
RLIGHTRespiration in the lightμmol m−2 s−1
RPPReductive pentose phosphate
SSStarch synthesis
SSBSStarch synthesis rate in BSμmol m−2 s−1
SSMStarch synthesis rate in Mμmol m−2 s−1
SSTOTTotal starch synthesis rateμmol m−2 s−1
TTransamination rateμmol m−2 s−1
VCRubisco carboxylation rateμmol m−2 s−1
VORubisco oxygenation rateμmol m−2 s−1
VPPEP carboxylation rateμmol m−2 s−1
Y(II)Yield of PSII
Δ13C isotopic discrimination
δ13C13C isotopic composition relative to Pee Dee Belemnite
Open in a separate windowRecently, the maize C4 subgroup has been shown to be complicated by the presence of two BS decarboxylation enzyme systems (NADP-ME and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase [PEPCK]), presumably both acting as CO2 delivery pathways (via malate [MAL] and Asp, respectively; Furumoto et al., 1999, 2000; Wingler et al., 1999; Eprintsev et al., 2011; Furbank, 2011; Pick et al., 2011). There is also an extensive overlap between BS and M functions, since both cell types can synthesize starch (Spilatro and Preiss, 1987; Kanai and Edwards, 1999) and reduce phosphoglyceric acid (PGA; Majeran and van Wijk, 2009; see the overall scheme in Fig. 1). Additionally, energetic partitioning can also vary between cell types, since the total ATP produced (JATP) per CO2 fixed in GA (JATP/GA) may be produced in BS (mainly through cyclic electron flow [CEF] around PSI) or in M (mainly through linear electron flow [LEF]), depending on the light locally available in BS or M (Kramer and Evans, 2011; Yin and Struik, 2012). Furthermore, although all NADPH is produced in M, the only compartment operating linear electron transport and oxidizing water, some NADPH is exported to BS through MAL diffusion, to meet the reducing power demand therein (NADPHBS). To capture the complex C4 physiology, several models of C4 photosynthesis have been developed (Berry and Farquhar, 1978; Laisk and Edwards, 2000, 2009; von Caemmerer, 2000). The earlier approaches were developed into the von Caemmerer (2000) C4 model. In particular, the associated light-limited equations (referred to subsequently as the “C4 model”) are used to estimate the parameters needed to resolve the isotopic discrimination (Δ) model, widely employed to study Φ under low-light conditions (for review, see Ubierna et al., 2011). The C4 model partitions JATP into two fractions: (1) the ATP consumed by PEP carboxylase, and (2) the ATP consumed by the C3 activity (glyoxylate recycling, PGA reduction [PR], and ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate [RuBP] regeneration). These activities are located in M, BS, or both compartments (see the overall scheme in Fig. 1). However, the C4 model simplifies the spatial compartmentalization between BS and M, and in this paper, we now develop the energetic implications of the differential contribution of M and BS to C4 photosynthesis under different light regimes.Open in a separate windowFigure 1.Metabolic model of C4 assimilation, rates of reaction, and net fluxes between BS and M. The overall scheme reports the reactions of the CCM (Furbank, 2011), Rubisco carboxylation, the reactions of the RPP pathway, the synthesis of starch, respiration, and glyoxylate recycling reactions. The tables, with the corresponding enzyme names, show the actual reaction rates, expressed relative to GA (5.13 μmol m−2 s−1), per unit of substrate transformed. Rates were estimated by parameterizing the model equations (PAR = 125 μE m−2 s−1 (A = 3.96 μmol m−2 s−1; RLIGHT = 1.17 μmol m−2 s−1; JATP = 28.6 μmol m−2 s−1), the output of the C4 model (VC = 5.35 μmol m−2 s−1; VP = 5.89 μmol m−2 s−1; VO = 0.44 μmol m−2 s−1), and the output of the Δ model (Φ = 0.23) under three characteristic ratios of ATP partitionings. These were numbered 1, 2, and 3. Condition 1 corresponds to the lowest ATP available in BS (ATP partitioning similar to that under blue light; Fig. 4B), condition 2 corresponds to an intermediate ATP availability in BS (ATP partitioning equal to that under red light; Fig. 4B), and condition 3 corresponds to the highest ATP available in BS (ATP partitioning equal to that under green light; Fig. 4B). The inset shows net metabolite fluxes between M and BS in multiples of GA. The ATP demand in BS (ATPBS) and M (ATPM), the total NADPH demand (NADPHTOT), and the NADPHBS were also calculated in the same three relevant conditions. PYR, Pyruvic acid.Because of these anatomical, metabolic, and energetic complexities, C4 metabolism is highly sensitive to limiting light intensity (Bellasio and Griffiths, 2013) and, potentially, light quality (Evans et al., 2007). Light quality has a greater influence on C4 photosynthesis than on C3. Leaf pigments preferentially absorb the blue and red region of the spectra, and some wavelengths penetrate deeper into leaves. It was shown in C3 leaves that exposure to different wavelengths results in characteristic light penetration profiles, which, translated into different gradients in PSII yield, rates of ATP production, and assimilation (A) within the leaf (Terashima et al., 2009). In C4 leaves, because of the concentric anatomy, light reaches M cells before the deeper BS (Evans et al., 2007) and could alter the balance between light harvesting and energetic partitioning between BS and M.In this paper, we model the likely profiles of light penetration for specific wavelengths associated with red, green, and blue light within a maize M and BS leaf cross section and calculate the impact on potential ATP production for each cell type. We calculate the proportion of absorbed light (AB) for each wavelength, expressed as AB BS/M, the fraction of photons absorbed in BS relative to the photons absorbed in M, from which we derive JATPBS/JATPM, the fraction of ATP produced in BS relative to the ATP produced in M. Second, we developed a steady-state metabolic model (Fig. 1; von Caemmerer 2000), to capture the spatial separation between BS and M and partitions the ATP demand between BS and M cells in terms of PR, starch synthesis (SS), and PEP regeneration, so as to meet the ATP availability in each cell type (Evans et al., 2007). Third, photosynthetic characteristics (leaf-level ATP production rate, CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, and Φ derived from online carbon isotope discrimination [Δ]) were measured under red, green, and blue light, and red, green, and blue light in combination (RGB), using a decreasing photon flux density (from 500 to 50 μE m−2 s−1) to investigate the importance of metabolic plasticity under limiting light intensities.

Table II.

Steady-state equations for the metabolic model of C4 assimilationProcesses described by Equations 4 to 10 can be calculated directly from the measured data for A, RLIGHT, and the output of the von Caemmerer C4 model (VO, VP, and VC), while Equations 11 to 21 require prior allocation of SS, PR, and PEPCK. For simplicity, enzyme names in italics represent the enzyme reaction rate. For stoichiometric consistency, reaction rates are calculated as rates of substrate transformation.
ProcessSymbolReaction RateEquationLocalizationNotes
Gross assimilationGA(4)GA and RLIGHT rates are expressed per CO2.
RuP phosphorylation(5)BSRuP phosphorylation supplies Rubisco carboxylating activity (VC) together with oxygenating activity (VO).
Total PRPRTOT(6)BS and MThis equation calculates the total rate of PR on the basis of the PGA produced by Rubisco carboxylation (2VC), Rubisco oxygenation (VO), and glyoxylate recycling (0.5VO) and considers the PGA consumed by respiration; 1/3 is the stoichiometric conversion between respiration (expressed per CO2) and PR (expressed per triose).
Total NADPH demandNADPHTOT(7)BS and MPR consumes one NADPH per PGA; the total rate of PR is PRTOT (see note to Eq. 6); in glyoxylate regeneration (per glyoxylate), 0.5 NADH is produced by Gly decarboxylase, 0.5 NADH is consumed by hydroxypyruvate reductase, and one ferredoxin (equivalent to 0.5 NADPH) is consumed by Gln synthetase; in total, 0.5 NADPH is consumed per glyoxylate (equivalent to VO rate; Supplemental Table S1; Yoshimura et al., 2004).
DHAP entering RPP(8)BSThe DHAP entering the RPP pathway corresponds to the total PR rate minus the DHAP used for starch synthesis, which in this work is expressed per triose.
Total SSSSTOT(9)BS and MIn this model, assimilation is entirely converted to starch; this assumption does not influence energetics, as starch synthesis has the same ATP demand as phloem-loaded Suc; in Equation 9, 1/3 converts the stoichiometry of A (expressed per CO2) to the stoichiometry of SS (expressed per triose).
Total PEP regeneration(10)BS and MPEP regeneration rate equals PEP consumption rate VP at steady state; PEP can be regenerated either by PPDK (mainly in M but active also in BS) or by PEPCK in BS; in this study, PPDK activity was assumed to be zero in BS.
Total ATP demandATPBS + ATPM(11)BS and MEquation 11 calculates the total ATP demand as the sum of ATP demand for PR (one ATP per PGA, corresponding to PR), RuBP regeneration (one ATP per RuP, corresponding to VC + VO), glyoxylate recycling (one ATP per glyoxylate, corresponding to VO), starch synthesis (0.5 ATP per triose, corresponding to SS), and PEP regeneration (one ATP per PEPCK catalytic event or two ATP per PPDK catalytic event); compared with the original formulation of the C4 model, Equation 11 separates the ATP demand for PEPCK and PPDK, includes the ATP demand for SS, and considers the PGA utilized by respiration, which does not need to be reduced (see Eq. 6).
ATP demand in BSATPBS(12)BSThe ATP demand in BS is brought about by PR (at the rate of PRBS), RuBP regeneration (at the rate of VC + VO), glyoxylate recycling (at the rate of VO), starch synthesis (0.5 ATP per triose), and PEPCK activity (one ATP per OAA; see note to Eq. 11).
ATP demand in MATPM(13)MThe ATP demand in M is brought about by PR (at the rate of PRM), SS, and PPDK (two ATPs per pyruvic acid; see note to Eq. 11).
NADPH demand in BSNADPHBS(14)BSThe NADPH demand in BS is brought about by PR (one NADPH per PGA) and glyoxylate recycling, which consumes 0.5 NADPH per glyoxylate (corresponding to VO; see Supplemental Table S2).
NADPH supply to BSMDHM(15)BSAll NADPH available in BS is produced in M and exported through the MAL shuttle because we have assumed that no linear electron transport (i.e. water oxidation) occurred in BS; for this reason, the NADPH supply to BS corresponds to the NADPH consumed to reduce OAA to MAL in M, the process responsible for NADPH export, and not to the rate of MAL decarboxylation in BS, which depends on T, PEPCK, and MDHBS (Eq. 19).
MDH activity in MMDHM(16)MMDH activity supplies the NADPH demand in BS; Equation 16 was derived from Equations 14 and 15.
TransaminationT(17)BS and MEquation 17 expresses that, at steady state, all OAA is either transaminated or reduced; since T bypasses the MDHM reaction, which is the reaction responsible for NADPH export to BS (see note to Eq. 15), T has the function of balancing NADPH supply and demand, which becomes apparent when Equations 15 and 17 are combined.
MDHMDHBST − PEPCK(18)BSMDH is assumed to operate a fast conversion at equilibrium; therefore, it is passively regulated by the substrate availability: the OAA that is not used by PEPCK is reduced to MAL by MDH; MDH may use NADH, since no NADPH-dependent reduction of OAA has been observed in maize (Kanai and Edwards, 1999) and it is likely mitochondrial (Rathnam, 1978; Chapman and Hatch, 1981); the NADH regeneration may be carried out by chloroplastic ME, which is reported to react both with NADP and NAD (Chapman and Hatch, 1981); however, the process may be more complicated (Eprintsev et al., 2011, and refs. therein); note that in this study, we assumed that cells are decompartmentalized while PEPCK rate was manipulated to increase between zero and a maximum rate in response to ATP availability (see “Minimum and Maximum BS Allocation” for details).
MEMEMDHM + MDHBS19BSEquation 19 expresses that the rate of MAL oxidation by ME corresponds to the rate of MAL produced by MDH activity in M plus the rate of MAL produced by MDH activity in BS.
PPDKPPDKVP − PEPCK20MThe PEP regenerated by PEPCK in BS diffuses to M and reduces the requirement of PEP regenerated by PPDK in M.
PR in MPRMPRTOT − PRBS21MPR is a shared process between BS and M.
Open in a separate windowFor instance, AB BS/M and JATPBS/JATPM were both lower under the blue light (wavelength 460 nm), which is rapidly extinguished within the M leaf profile, than under white light, confirming that light quality perturbs C4 energetics. In spite of this shift, when maize plants were exposed to different light qualities, there was no change in Φ, indicating that, at steady state, the coordination between CCM activity and Rubisco assimilation was retained (Ubierna et al., 2011; Sun et al., 2012). The modeled metabolic plasticity projected a window for ATP demand partitioning (ATPBS/ATPM), which matched the values for JATPBS/JATPM supply estimated under red, green, and blue light. We show that the plasticity of C4 metabolism, and in particular the possibility of shifting between MAL and Asp as a primary carboxylase product, was of pivotal importance in allowing the plasticity of ATP and NADPH demand. In conclusion, our study explains the extensive overlap between BS and M functions and the requirement for at least two decarboxylase systems in NADP-ME subtype plants such as maize, providing an explanation for empirical observations on the diversity of decarboxylase activities and PEP regeneration pathways (Rathnam, 1978; Chapman and Hatch, 1981; Wingler et al., 1999; Eprintsev et al., 2011; Furbank, 2011; Pick et al., 2011).  相似文献   

In the photosynthetic light reactions of plants and cyanobacteria, plastocyanin (Pc) plays a crucial role as an electron carrier and shuttle protein between two membrane protein complexes: cytochrome b6f (cyt b6f) and photosystem I (PSI). The rapid turnover of Pc between cyt b6f and PSI enables the efficient use of light energy. In the Pc-cyt b6f and Pc-PSI electron transfer complexes, the electron transfer reactions are accomplished within <10−4 s. However, the mechanisms enabling the rapid association and dissociation of Pc are still unclear because of the lack of an appropriate method to study huge complexes with short lifetimes. Here, using the transferred cross-saturation method, we investigated the residues of spinach (Spinacia oleracea) Pc in close proximity to spinach PSI and cyt b6f, in both the thylakoid vesicle–embedded and solubilized states. We demonstrated that the hydrophobic patch residues of Pc are in close proximity to PSI and cyt b6f, whereas the acidic patch residues of Pc do not form stable salt bridges with either PSI or cyt b6f, in the electron transfer complexes. The transient characteristics of the interactions on the acidic patch facilitate the rapid association and dissociation of Pc.  相似文献   

Target-site and non-target-site herbicide tolerance are caused by the prevention of herbicide binding to the target enzyme and the reduction to a nonlethal dose of herbicide reaching the target enzyme, respectively. There is little information on the molecular mechanisms involved in non-target-site herbicide tolerance, although it poses the greater threat in the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds and could potentially be useful for the production of herbicide-tolerant crops because it is often involved in tolerance to multiherbicides. Bispyribac sodium (BS) is an herbicide that inhibits the activity of acetolactate synthase. Rice (Oryza sativa) of the indica variety show BS tolerance, while japonica rice varieties are BS sensitive. Map-based cloning and complementation tests revealed that a novel cytochrome P450 monooxygenase, CYP72A31, is involved in BS tolerance. Interestingly, BS tolerance was correlated with CYP72A31 messenger RNA levels in transgenic plants of rice and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Moreover, Arabidopsis overexpressing CYP72A31 showed tolerance to bensulfuron-methyl (BSM), which belongs to a different class of acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides, suggesting that CYP72A31 can metabolize BS and BSM to a compound with reduced phytotoxicity. On the other hand, we showed that the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP81A6, which has been reported to confer BSM tolerance, is barely involved, if at all, in BS tolerance, suggesting that the CYP72A31 enzyme has different herbicide specificities compared with CYP81A6. Thus, the CYP72A31 gene is a potentially useful genetic resource in the fields of weed control, herbicide development, and molecular breeding in a broad range of crop species.The mechanism of herbicide tolerance can be classified roughly into two groups: target-site and non-target-site herbicide tolerance (Powles and Yu, 2010). Target-site herbicide tolerance is caused by the prevention of herbicide binding to the target enzyme, caused by point mutations occurring in the latter. It is relatively easy to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of target-site herbicide tolerance, because it is regulated mostly by a single gene encoding a target enzyme harboring point mutations. On the other hand, non-target-site herbicide tolerance is caused by reduction to a nonlethal dose of herbicide reaching the target enzyme, caused by mechanisms such as activation of herbicide detoxification, decrease of herbicide penetration, and herbicide compartmentation in plant cells (Yuan et al., 2007). Among these mechanisms, the oxidization of herbicides by endogenous cytochrome P450 monooxygenase is thought to be a major pathway in plants (Werck-Reichhart et al., 2000; Siminszky, 2006; Powles and Yu, 2010). From the point of view of weed control, non-target-site herbicide tolerance is a greater threat to crop production and in the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds, because it is often involved in resistance to multiherbicides that inhibit different target proteins, including never-used and potential plant growth regulators (Yuan et al., 2007; Powles and Yu, 2010). Conversely, it is expected that multiherbicide-tolerant crops could be produced easily by the application of non-target-site herbicide tolerance. Moreover, information gained from study of the molecular mechanisms of non-target-site herbicide tolerance can be applied to the research and development of novel herbicides and plant growth regulators.Acetolactate synthase (ALS; also known as acetohydroxy acid synthase) plays a key role in the biosynthesis of branched-chain amino acids such as Val, Leu, and Ile in many organisms. ALS is the primary target site for at least four classes of herbicides: sulfonylurea, imidazolinone, pyrimidinyl carboxylates, and triazolopyrimidine herbicides (Shimizu et al., 2002, 2005). These herbicides can inhibit ALS activity, resulting in plant death caused by a deficiency of branched-chain amino acids. ALS-inhibiting herbicides control many weed species in addition to exhibiting high selectivity in major crops and low toxicity to mammals, which lack the branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic pathway. However, various mutations in ALS that confer ALS-inhibiting herbicide tolerance have been found in many weeds (Shimizu et al., 2005; Powles and Yu, 2010). Similar mutations in ALS have also been reported in crops (Shimizu et al., 2005). To date, crops that show tolerance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides have been produced by various approaches, such as conventional mutation breeding, conventional transformation, and pinpoint mutagenesis via gene targeting based on information obtained from analyses of ALS mutants (Shimizu et al., 2005; Endo and Toki, 2013). On the other hand, weeds that show tolerance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides by cytochrome P450-mediated detoxification have also been reported (Powles and Yu, 2010). However, compared with target-site herbicide tolerance, little is known of the molecular mechanism of herbicide metabolism mediated by cytochrome P450. In rice (Oryza sativa), an herbicide-sensitive mutant has been produced by γ-ray irradiation (Zhang et al., 2002). This mutant showed 60-fold higher sensitivity to bensulfuron-methyl (BSM), a sulfonylurea herbicide, compared with wild-type rice (Pan et al., 2006). Genetic mapping and complementation tests revealed that a cytochrome P450, CYP81A6, is involved in BSM tolerance (Pan et al., 2006). As far as we know, this is the only example of the isolation and characterization of a cytochrome P450 gene involved in nontarget herbicide tolerance in rice.Bispyribac sodium (BS), a pyrimidinyl carboxylate herbicide, is effective in controlling many annual and perennial weeds, with excellent selectivity on direct-seeded rice (Shimizu et al., 2002). Recently, it was reported that japonica rice varieties show higher sensitivity to BS compared with indica rice varieties at the early stages of plant growth (Ohno et al., 2008; Taniguchi et al., 2010). A mutated ALS gene confers BS tolerance in plants including rice (Shimizu et al., 2005; Endo and Toki, 2013). However, the deduced amino acid sequences were shown to be highly conserved among japonica and indica rice varieties, and ALS levels of sensitivity to BS were similar in japonica and indica rice varieties (Taniguchi et al., 2010). These results suggest the possibility that indica rice varieties might show higher tolerance to BS due to the acquisition of nontarget herbicide tolerance.In this study, we isolated and characterized a novel cytochrome P450 gene, CYP72A31, involved in BS tolerance in rice. We also demonstrated that overexpression of CYP72A31 confers tolerance to ALS-inhibiting herbicides, including BS and BSM, in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana).  相似文献   

Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) metabolism are critical to plant growth and development and are at the basis of crop yield and adaptation. We performed high-throughput metabolite analyses on over 12,000 samples from the nested association mapping population to identify genetic variation in C and N metabolism in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays). All samples were grown in the same field and used to identify natural variation controlling the levels of 12 key C and N metabolites, namely chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, fructose, fumarate, glucose, glutamate, malate, nitrate, starch, sucrose, total amino acids, and total protein, along with the first two principal components derived from them. Our genome-wide association results frequently identified hits with single-gene resolution. In addition to expected genes such as invertases, natural variation was identified in key C4 metabolism genes, including carbonic anhydrases and a malate transporter. Unlike several prior maize studies, extensive pleiotropy was found for C and N metabolites. This integration of field-derived metabolite data with powerful mapping and genomics resources allows for the dissection of key metabolic pathways, providing avenues for future genetic improvement.Carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) metabolism are the basis for life on Earth. The production, balance, and tradeoffs of C and N metabolism are critical to all plant growth, yield, and local adaptation (Coruzzi and Bush, 2001; Coruzzi et al., 2007). In plants, there is a critical balance between the tissues that are producing energy (sources) and those using it (sinks), as the identities and locations of these vary through time and developmental stage (Smith et al., 2004). While a great deal of research has focused on the key genes and proteins involved in these processes (Wang et al., 1993; Kim et al., 2000; Takahashi et al., 2009), relatively little is known about the natural variation within a species that fine-tunes these processes in individual plants.In addition, a key aspect of core C metabolism involves the nature of plant photosynthesis. While the majority of plants use standard C3 photosynthetic pathways, some, including maize (Zea mays) and many other grasses, use C4 photosynthesis to concentrate CO2 in bundle sheath cells to avoid wasteful photorespiration (Sage, 2004). Under some conditions (such as drought or high temperatures), C4 photosynthesis is much more efficient than C3 photosynthesis. Since these conditions are expected to become more prevalent in the near future due to climate change, various research groups are working to convert C3 crop species to C4 metabolism in order to boost crop production and food security (Sage and Zhu, 2011). Beyond this, better understanding of both C3 and C4 metabolic pathways will aid efforts to breed crops for superior yield, N-use efficiency, and other traits important for global food production.In the last two decades, quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping, first with linkage analysis and later with association mapping, has been used to dissect C and N metabolism in several species, including Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Mitchell-Olds and Pedersen, 1998; Keurentjes et al., 2008; Lisec et al., 2008; Sulpice et al., 2009), tomato (Solanum lycopersicum; Schauer et al., 2006), and maize (Hirel et al., 2001; Limami et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2006, 2010a, 2010b). These studies identified key genetic regions underlying variation in core C and N metabolism, many of which include candidate genes known to be involved in these processes.Previous studies of genetic variation for C and N metabolism are limited by the fact that they identified trait loci only through linkage mapping in artificial families or through association mapping across populations of unrelated individuals. Linkage mapping benefits from high statistical power due to many individuals sharing the same genotype at any given location, but it suffers from low resolution due to the limited number of generations (and hence recombination events) since the initial founders. Association mapping, in turn, enjoys high resolution due to the long recombination histories of natural populations but suffers from low power, since most genotypes occur in only a few individuals. In addition, many of these studies focused on C and N in artificial settings (e.g. greenhouses or growth chambers) instead of field conditions, running the risk that important genetic loci could be missed if the conditions do not include important (and potentially unknown) natural environmental variables.To address these issues and improve our understanding of C and N metabolism in maize, we used a massive and diverse germplasm resource, the maize nested association mapping (NAM) population (Buckler et al., 2009; McMullen et al., 2009), to evaluate genetic variation underlying the accumulation of 12 targeted metabolites in maize leaf tissue under field conditions. This population was formed by mating 25 diverse maize lines to the reference line, B73, and creating a 200-member biparental family from each of these crosses. The entire 5,000-member NAM population thus combines the strengths of both linkage and association mapping (McMullen et al., 2009), and it has been used to identify QTLs for important traits such as flowering time (Buckler et al., 2009), disease resistance (Kump et al., 2011; Poland et al., 2011), and plant architecture (Tian et al., 2011; Peiffer et al., 2013). Most importantly, this combination of power and resolution frequently resolves associations down to the single-gene level, even when using field-based data.The metabolites we profiled are key indicators of photosynthesis, respiration, glycolysis, and protein and sugar metabolism in the plant (Sulpice et al., 2009). By taking advantage of a robotized metabolic phenotyping platform (Gibon et al., 2004), we performed more than 100,000 assays across 12,000 samples, with two independent samples per experimental plot. Raw data and the best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) of these data were included as part of a study of general functional variation in maize (Wallace et al., 2014), but, to our knowledge, this is the first in-depth analysis of these metabolic data. We find strong correlations among several of the metabolites, and we also find extensive pleiotropy among the different traits. Many of the top QTLs are also near or within candidate genes relating to C and N metabolism, thus identifying targets for future breeding and selection. These results provide a powerful resource for those working with core C and N metabolism in plants and for improving maize performance in particular.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroid (BR) and gibberellin (GA) are two predominant hormones regulating plant cell elongation. A defect in either of these leads to reduced plant growth and dwarfism. However, their relationship remains unknown in rice (Oryza sativa). Here, we demonstrated that BR regulates cell elongation by modulating GA metabolism in rice. Under physiological conditions, BR promotes GA accumulation by regulating the expression of GA metabolic genes to stimulate cell elongation. BR greatly induces the expression of D18/GA3ox-2, one of the GA biosynthetic genes, leading to increased GA1 levels, the bioactive GA in rice seedlings. Consequently, both d18 and loss-of-function GA-signaling mutants have decreased BR sensitivity. When excessive active BR is applied, the hormone mostly induces GA inactivation through upregulation of the GA inactivation gene GA2ox-3 and also represses BR biosynthesis, resulting in decreased hormone levels and growth inhibition. As a feedback mechanism, GA extensively inhibits BR biosynthesis and the BR response. GA treatment decreases the enlarged leaf angles in plants with enhanced BR biosynthesis or signaling. Our results revealed a previously unknown mechanism underlying BR and GA crosstalk depending on tissues and hormone levels, which greatly advances our understanding of hormone actions in crop plants and appears much different from that in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence indicates important functions for phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (PEPC) in inorganic phosphate (Pi)-starved plants. This includes controlling the production of organic acid anions (malate, citrate) that are excreted in copious amounts by proteoid roots of nonmycorrhizal species such as harsh hakea (Hakea prostrata). This, in turn, enhances the bioavailability of mineral-bound Pi by solubilizing Al3+, Fe3+, and Ca2+ phosphates in the rhizosphere. Harsh hakea thrives in the nutrient-impoverished, ancient soils of southwestern Australia. Proteoid roots from Pi-starved harsh hakea were analyzed over 20 d of development to correlate changes in malate and citrate exudation with PEPC activity, posttranslational modifications (inhibitory monoubiquitination versus activatory phosphorylation), and kinetic/allosteric properties. Immature proteoid roots contained an equivalent ratio of monoubiquitinated 110-kD and phosphorylated 107-kD PEPC polypeptides (p110 and p107, respectively). PEPC purification, immunoblotting, and mass spectrometry indicated that p110 and p107 are subunits of a 430-kD heterotetramer and that they both originate from the same plant-type PEPC gene. Incubation with a deubiquitinating enzyme converted the p110:p107 PEPC heterotetramer of immature proteoid roots into a p107 homotetramer while significantly increasing the enzyme’s activity under suboptimal but physiologically relevant assay conditions. Proteoid root maturation was paralleled by PEPC activation (e.g. reduced Km [PEP] coupled with elevated I50 [malate and Asp] values) via in vivo deubiquitination of p110 to p107, and subsequent phosphorylation of the deubiquitinated subunits. This novel mechanism of posttranslational control is hypothesized to contribute to the massive synthesis and excretion of organic acid anions that dominates the carbon metabolism of the mature proteoid roots.Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxylase (PEPC; EC is a ubiquitous and tightly regulated cytosolic enzyme of vascular plants that is also widely distributed in green algae and bacteria. PEPC catalyzes the irreversible β-carboxylation of PEP to form oxaloacetate (OAA) and inorganic phosphate (Pi). Vascular plant PEPCs belong to a small multigene family encoding several closely related plant-type PEPCs (PTPCs), along with a distantly related bacterial-type PEPC (BTPC; O’Leary et al., 2011a). PTPC genes encode 105- to 110-kD polypeptides that typically assemble as approximate 400-kD Class-1 PEPC homotetramers. In contrast, BTPC genes encode larger 116- to 118-kD polypeptides owing to a unique intrinsically disordered region that mediates BTPC’s tight interaction with coexpressed PTPC subunits. This association results in the formation of unusual Class-2 PEPC heterooctameric complexes that are largely desensitized to allosteric effectors and that dynamically associate with the surface of mitochondria in vivo (O’Leary et al., 2009, 2011a; Igawa et al., 2010; Park et al., 2012).The critical role of Class-1 PEPC in assimilating atmospheric CO2 during C4 and Crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis has been studied extensively. Class-1 PEPCs also fulfill a wide range of crucial nonphotosynthetic functions, particularly the anaplerotic replenishment of tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates consumed during biosynthesis (O’Leary et al., 2011a). Class-1 PEPCs are subject to a complex set of posttranslational controls including allosteric effectors, covalent modification via phosphorylation or monoubiquitination, and protein-protein interactions (Uhrig et al., 2008; O’Leary et al., 2009, 2011a, 2011b). Allosteric activation by Glc-6-P and inhibition by l-malate are routinely observed, whereas phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are catalyzed by a Ca2+-independent PEPC protein kinase (PPCK) and a protein phosphatase type-2A (PP2A), respectively (O’Leary et al., 2011a). Phosphorylation at a conserved N-terminal seryl residue activates Class-1 PEPCs by decreasing inhibition by malate while increasing activation by Glc-6-P. By contrast, Class-1 PEPC is subject to inhibitory monoubiquitination during castor oil (Ricinus communis) seed (COS) germination, or following depodding of developing COS (Uhrig et al., 2008; O’Leary et al., 2011b). Immunoblots of germinating COS extracts revealed a 1:1 ratio of immunoreactive 110- and 107-kD PTPC polypeptides (p110 and p107, respectively). PEPC purification and mass spectrometry (MS) demonstrated that (1) p110 and p107 are subunits of a 440-kD Class-1 PEPC heterotetramer, (2) both subunits arise from the same PTPC gene (RcPpc3) that also encodes the phosphorylated 410-kD Class-1 PEPC homotetramer of intact developing COS, and (3) p110 is a monoubiquitinated form of p107 (Uhrig et al., 2008). The monoubiquitination site (Lys-628) of COS p110 is conserved in vascular plant PEPCs and is proximal to a PEP-binding/catalytic domain. Incubation with a deubiquitinating enzyme converted the Class-1 PEPC p110:p107 heterotetramer into a p107 homotetramer while exerting significant effects on the enzyme’s kinetic properties (Uhrig et al., 2008). PTPC monoubiquitination rather than phosphorylation is widespread throughout the astor plant and appears to be the predominant posttranslational modification (PTM) of Class-1 PEPC that occurs in unstressed plants (O’Leary et al., 2011b). The distinctive developmental patterns of Class-1 PEPC phosphoactivation versus monoubiquitination-inhibition indicated that these PTMs might be mutually exclusive in the castor plant (O’Leary et al., 2011a, 2011b).Substantial evidence indicates that PEPC plays a pivotal role in plant acclimation to nutritional Pi deficiency (Duff et al., 1989; Vance et al., 2003; O’Leary et al., 2011a; Plaxton and Tran, 2011; Supplemental Fig. S1), a common abiotic stress that frequently limits plant growth in natural ecosystems. The marked induction of Class-1 PEPCs during Pi stress has been linked to the synthesis and excretion of large amounts of organic acid anions by roots of Pi-starved (–Pi) plants (O’Leary et al., 2011a; Uhde-Stone et al., 2003; Vance et al., 2003; Shane et al., 2004a). The excreted organic acids chelate metal cations such as Al3+ and Ca2+ that immobilize Pi in the soil, thus increasing soluble Pi concentrations by up to 1,000-fold (Vance et al., 2003). Harsh hakea (Hakea prostrata) is a perennial nonmycotroph that has evolved a host of traits that allow it to thrive in the nutrient-impoverished, ancient soils of western Australia. A crucial adaptation of harsh hakea is its proteoid roots, which excrete copious quantities of citrate and malate to mediate Pi solubilization and acquisition from the soil’s mineral-bound Pi (Supplemental Figs. S1 and S2; Shane et al., 2003, 2004a, 2004b; Shane and Lambers, 2005). Shane and coworkers (2004a) correlated proteoid root development in –Pi harsh hakea with marked increases in respiration, internal carboxylate concentrations, and rates of carboxylate exudation. Immunoblotting indicated that PEPC abundance remained relatively constant during proteoid root development, except in senescing 3-week-old roots, where it showed a marked decline. The PEPC immunoblots also revealed approximately 110- and 100-kD immunoreactive polypeptides that were of equal intensity in young proteoid roots, whereas mature proteoid roots showed a marked reduction in the p110 (Shane et al., 2004a). The possible contribution of PTMs such as phosphorylation to the in vivo activation of proteoid root PEPCs is currently unclear (e.g. see Uhde-Stone et al., 2003). However, this is feasible since the pronounced induction of PPCK genes coupled with the reversible phosphorylation-activation of a Class-1 PEPC isozyme (AtPPC1) has been conclusively demonstrated in –Pi Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) suspension cells and seedlings (Gregory et al., 2009).The goal of the current study was to test the hypothesis that PEPC PTMs contribute to the metabolic adaptations of harsh hakea proteoid roots. We report a novel metabolic control paradigm that involves the in vivo deubiquitination and consequent kinetic activation of a phosphorylated form of a C3 plant Class-1 PEPC.  相似文献   

Divinyl reductase (DVR) converts 8-vinyl groups on various chlorophyll intermediates to ethyl groups, which is indispensable for chlorophyll biosynthesis. To date, five DVR activities have been detected, but adequate evidence of enzymatic assays using purified or recombinant DVR proteins has not been demonstrated, and it is unclear whether one or multiple enzymes catalyze these activities. In this study, we systematically carried out enzymatic assays using four recombinant DVR proteins and five divinyl substrates and then investigated the in vivo accumulation of various chlorophyll intermediates in rice (Oryza sativa), maize (Zea mays), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus). The results demonstrated that both rice and maize DVR proteins can convert all of the five divinyl substrates to corresponding monovinyl compounds, while both cucumber and Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) DVR proteins can convert three of them. Meanwhile, the OsDVR (Os03g22780)-inactivated 824ys mutant of rice exclusively accumulated divinyl chlorophylls in its various organs during different developmental stages. Collectively, we conclude that a single DVR with broad substrate specificity is responsible for reducing the 8-vinyl groups of various chlorophyll intermediates in higher plants, but DVR proteins from different species have diverse and differing substrate preferences, although they are homologous.Chlorophyll (Chl) molecules universally exist in photosynthetic organisms. As the main component of the photosynthetic pigments, Chl molecules perform essential processes of absorbing light and transferring the light energy in the reaction center of the photosystems (Fromme et al., 2003). Based on the number of vinyl side chains, Chls are classified into two groups, 3,8-divinyl (DV)-Chl and 3-monovinyl (MV)-Chl. The DV-Chl molecule contains two vinyl groups at positions 3 and 8 of the tetrapyrrole macrocycle, whereas the MV-Chl molecule contains a vinyl group at position 3 and an ethyl group at position 8 of the macrocycle. Almost all of the oxygenic photosynthetic organisms contain MV-Chls, with the exceptions of some marine picophytoplankton species that contain only DV-Chls as their primary photosynthetic pigments (Chisholm et al., 1992; Goericke and Repeta, 1992; Porra, 1997).The classical single-branched Chl biosynthetic pathway proposed by Granick (1950) and modified by Jones (1963) assumed the rapid reduction of the 8-vinyl group of DV-protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) catalyzed by a putative 8-vinyl reductase. Ellsworth and Aronoff (1969) found evidence for both MV and DV forms of several Chl biosynthetic intermediates between magnesium-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester (MPE) and Pchlide in Chlorella spp. mutants. Belanger and Rebeiz (1979, 1980) reported that the Pchlide pool of etiolated higher plants contains both MV- and DV-Pchlide. Afterward, following the further detection of MV- and DV-tetrapyrrole intermediates and their biosynthetic interconversion in tissues and extracts of different plants (Belanger and Rebeiz, 1982; Duggan and Rebeiz, 1982; Tripathy and Rebeiz, 1986, 1988; Parham and Rebeiz, 1992, 1995; Kim and Rebeiz, 1996), a multibranched Chl biosynthetic heterogeneity was proposed (Rebeiz et al., 1983, 1986, 1999; Whyte and Griffiths, 1993; Kolossov and Rebeiz, 2010).Biosynthetic heterogeneity refers to the biosynthesis of a particular metabolite by an organelle, tissue, or organism via multiple biosynthetic routes. Varieties of reports lead to the assumption that Chl biosynthetic heterogeneity originates mainly in parallel DV- and MV-Chl biosynthetic routes. These routes are interconnected by 8-vinyl reductases that convert DV-tetrapyrroles to MV-tetrapyrroles by conversion of the vinyl group at position 8 of ring B to the ethyl group (Parham and Rebeiz, 1995; Rebeiz et al., 2003). DV-MPE could be converted to MV-MPE in crude homogenates from etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum) seedlings (Ellsworth and Hsing, 1974). Exogenous DV-Pchlide could be partially converted to MV-Pchlide in barley (Hordeum vulgare) plastids (Tripathy and Rebeiz, 1988). 8-Vinyl chlorophyllide (Chlide) a reductases in etioplast membranes isolated from etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus) cotyledons and barley and maize (Zea mays) leaves were found to be very active in the conversion of exogenous DV-Chlide a to MV-Chlide a (Parham and Rebeiz, 1992, 1995). Kim and Rebeiz (1996) suggested that Chl biosynthetic heterogeneity in higher plants may originate at the level of DV magnesium-protoporphyrin IX (Mg-Proto) and would be mediated by the activity of a putative 8-vinyl Mg-Proto reductase in barley etiochloroplasts and plastid membranes. However, since these reports did not use purified or recombinant enzyme, it is not clear whether the reductions of the 8-vinyl groups of various Chl intermediates are catalyzed by one enzyme of broad specificity or by multiple enzymes of narrow specificity, which actually has become one of the focus issues in Chl biosynthesis.Nagata et al. (2005) and Nakanishi et al. (2005) independently identified the AT5G18660 gene of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) as an 8-vinyl reductase, namely, divinyl reductase (DVR). Chew and Bryant (2007) identified the DVR BciA (CT1063) gene of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum, which is homologous to AT5G18660. An enzymatic assay using a recombinant Arabidopsis DVR (AtDVR) on five DV substrates revealed that the major substrate of AtDVR is DV-Chlide a, while the other four DV substrates could not be converted to corresponding MV compounds (Nagata et al., 2007). Nevertheless, a recombinant BciA is able to reduce the 8-vinyl group of DV-Pchlide to generate MV-Pchlide (Chew and Bryant, 2007). Recently, we identified the rice (Oryza sativa) DVR encoded by Os03g22780 that has sequence similarity with the Arabidopsis DVR gene AT5G18660. We also confirmed that the recombinant rice DVR (OsDVR) is able to not only convert DV-Chlide a to MV-Chlide a but also to convert DV-Chl a to MV-Chl a (Wang et al., 2010). Thus, it is possible that the reductions of the 8-vinyl groups of various Chl biosynthetic intermediates are catalyzed by one enzyme of broad specificity.In this report, we extended our studies to four DVR proteins and five DV substrates. First, ZmDVR and CsDVR genes were isolated from maize and cucumber genomes, respectively, using a homology-based cloning approach. Second, enzymatic assays were systematically carried out using recombinant OsDVR, ZmDVR, CsDVR, and AtDVR as representative DVR proteins and using DV-Chl a, DV-Chlide a, DV-Pchlide a, DV-MPE, and DV-Mg-Proto as DV substrates. Third, we examined the in vivo accumulations of various Chl intermediates in rice, maize, and cucumber. Finally, we systematically investigated the in vivo accumulations of Chl and its various intermediates in the OsDVR (Os03g22780)-inactivated 824ys mutant of rice (Wang et al., 2010). The results strongly suggested that a single DVR protein with broad substrate specificity is responsible for reducing the 8-vinyl groups of various intermediate molecules of Chl biosynthesis in higher plants, but DVR proteins from different species could have diverse and differing substrate preferences even though they are homologous.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a crucial enzyme that catalyzes an irreversible primary metabolic reaction in plants. Previous studies have used transgenic plants expressing ectopic PEPC forms with diminished feedback inhibition to examine the role of PEPC in carbon and nitrogen metabolism. To date, the in vivo role of PEPC in carbon and nitrogen metabolism has not been analyzed in plants. In this study, we examined the role of PEPC in plants, demonstrating that PPC1 and PPC2 were highly expressed genes encoding PEPC in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) leaves and that PPC1 and PPC2 accounted for approximately 93% of total PEPC activity in the leaves. A double mutant, ppc1/ppc2, was constructed that exhibited a severe growth-arrest phenotype. The ppc1/ppc2 mutant accumulated more starch and sucrose than wild-type plants when seedlings were grown under normal conditions. Physiological and metabolic analysis revealed that decreased PEPC activity in the ppc1/ppc2 mutant greatly reduced the synthesis of malate and citrate and severely suppressed ammonium assimilation. Furthermore, nitrate levels in the ppc1/ppc2 mutant were significantly lower than those in wild-type plants due to the suppression of ammonium assimilation. Interestingly, starch and sucrose accumulation could be prevented and nitrate levels could be maintained by supplying the ppc1/ppc2 mutant with exogenous malate and glutamate, suggesting that low nitrogen status resulted in the alteration of carbon metabolism and prompted the accumulation of starch and sucrose in the ppc1/ppc2 mutant. Our results demonstrate that PEPC in leaves plays a crucial role in modulating the balance of carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Arabidopsis.Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC is a crucial enzyme that functions in primary metabolism by irreversibly catalyzing the conversion of phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) and HCO3 to oxaloacetate (OAA) and inorganic phosphate. PEPC is found in all plants, green algae, and cyanobacteria, and in most archaea and nonphotosynthetic bacteria, but not in animals or fungi (Chollet et al., 1996; O’Leary et al., 2011a). Several isoforms of PEPC are present in plants, including plant-type PEPCs and one bacterium-type PEPC (Sánchez and Cejudo, 2003; Sullivan et al., 2004; Mamedov et al., 2005; Gennidakis et al., 2007; Igawa et al., 2010). Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) possesses three plant-type PEPC genes, AtPPC1, AtPPC2, and AtPPC3, and one bacterium-type PEPC gene, AtPPC4. Unlike plant-type PEPCs, bacterium-type PEPCs lack a seryl-phosphorylation domain near the N terminus, a typical domain conserved in plant-type PEPCs (Sánchez and Cejudo, 2003). Plant-type PEPCs form class 1 PEPCs, which exist as homotetramers. Recently, bacterium-type PEPCs have been reported to interact with plant-type PEPCs to form heterooctameric class 2 PEPCs in several species, including unicellular green algae (Selenastrum minutum), lily (Lilium longiflorum), and castor bean (Ricinus communis; O’Leary et al., 2011a).Because of the irreversible nature of the enzymatic reactions catalyzed by PEPC isoforms, they are strictly regulated by a variety of mechanisms. PEPC is an allosteric enzyme and is activated by its positive effector, Glc-6-P, and inhibited by its negative effectors, malate, Asp, and Glu (O’Leary et al., 2011a). Control by reversible phosphorylation is another important mechanism that regulates the activity of PEPC. In this reaction, phosphorylation catalyzed by PEPC kinase changes the sensitivity of PEPC to its allosteric effectors (Nimmo, 2003). In addition, monoubiquitination may also regulate plant-type PEPC activity (Uhrig et al., 2008). Recent research in castor oil seeds suggests that bacterium-type PEPC is a catalytic and regulatory subunit of class 2 PEPCs, as class 1 and class 2 PEPCs show significant differences in their sensitivity to allosteric inhibitors (O’Leary et al., 2009, 2011b).A number of studies on PEPC function have been performed in a variety of organisms (O’Leary et al., 2011a). The best described function of PEPC is in fixing photosynthetic CO2 during C4 and Crassulacean acid metabolism photosynthesis. However, in most nonphotosynthetic tissues and the photosynthetic tissues of C3 plants, the fundamental function of PEPC is to anaplerotically replenish tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates (Chollet et al., 1996). PEPC also functions in malate production in guard cells and legume root nodules (Chollet et al., 1996). A chloroplast-located PEPC isoform in rice (Oryza sativa) was recently found to be crucial for ammonium assimilation (Masumoto et al., 2010). In addition, previous work in Arabidopsis suggested that AtPPC4 might play a role in drought tolerance (Sánchez et al., 2006).Transgenic plants expressing ectopic PEPC forms with diminished feedback inhibition showed an increase in overall organic nitrogen content at the expense of starch and soluble sugars (Rademacher et al., 2002; Chen et al., 2004; Rolletschek et al., 2004). However, the in vivo function of PEPC in carbon and nitrogen metabolism has not been reported previously.To further investigate the function of PEPC in higher plants, we isolated and characterized mutants of Arabidopsis deficient in the expression of the PEPC-encoding genes PPC1 and PPC2. We demonstrated that PPC1 and PPC2 were the most highly expressed PEPC genes in the leaves. To further define their role, we produced a double mutant (ppc1/ppc2) deficient in the expression of the PPC1 and PPC2 genes. We then conducted a detailed molecular, biochemical, and physiological characterization of this double mutant.  相似文献   

Using the automated cell pressure probe, small and highly reproducible hydrostatic pressure clamp (PC) and pressure relaxation (PR) tests (typically, applied step change in pressure = 0.02 MPa and overall change in volume = 30 pL, respectively) were applied to individual Tradescantia virginiana epidermal cells to determine both exosmotic and endosmotic hydraulic conductivity (LpOUT and LpIN, respectively). Within-cell reproducibility of measured hydraulic parameters depended on the method used, with the PR method giving a lower average coefficient of variation (15.2%, 5.8%, and 19.0% for half-time, cell volume [Vo], and hydraulic conductivity [Lp], respectively) than the PC method (25.4%, 22.0%, and 24.2%, respectively). Vo as determined from PC and PR tests was 1.1 to 2.7 nL and in the range of optically estimated Vo values of 1.5 to 4.9 nL. For the same cell, Vo and Lp estimates were significantly lower (about 15% and 30%, respectively) when determined by PC compared with PR. Both methods, however, showed significantly higher LpOUT than LpIN (LpOUT/LpIN ≅ 1.20). Because these results were obtained using small and reversible hydrostatically driven flows in the same cell, the 20% outward biased polarity of water transport is most likely not due to artifacts associated with unstirred layers or to direct effects of externally applied osmotica on the membrane, as has been suggested in previous studies. The rapid reversibility of applied flow direction, particularly for the PR method, and the lack of a clear increase in LpOUT/LpIN over a wide range of Lp values suggest that the observed polarity is an intrinsic biophysical property of the intact membrane/protein complex.The conductivity of membranes to water (hydraulic conductivity [Lp]) is an important property of the cells of all organisms, and whether plant cell membranes exhibit a polarity in this property has been debated for a number of decades (Dainty and Hope, 1959; Steudle, 1993). Most early evidence for polarity was based on transcellular osmotic experiments using giant algal cells in the Characeae, in which the relative areas of cell membrane exposed to conditions of osmotic inflow (endosmosis) or outflow (exosmosis) could be varied and, hence, Lp for both directions determined (Tazawa and Shimmen, 2001). Interpretation of these experiments is complicated by unstirred layer (USL) effects (Dainty, 1963), but even after accounting for these, it was concluded that inflow Lp (LpIN) was higher than outflow Lp (LpOUT) in these cells, with LpOUT/LpIN of about 0.65 (Dainty, 1963). When using osmotic driving forces in algal cells, LpOUT/LpIN values of between 0.5 and 0.91 have been reported in many studies (Steudle and Zimmermann, 1974; Steudle and Tyerman, 1983; Tazawa et al., 1996), and the same direction of polarity was also reported using osmotic driving forces in whole roots of maize (Zea mays; Steudle et al., 1987). When applying hydrostatic driving forces in algal cells using the pressure probe (Steudle, 1993), which is less influenced by USL effects (Steudle et al., 1980), LpOUT/LpIN has been closer to 1 (0.83–1; Steudle and Zimmermann, 1974; Steudle and Tyerman, 1983). However, in higher plant cells, an analysis of the data presented by Steudle et al. (1980, 1982) and Tomos et al. (1981) indicates the opposite polarity, with LpOUT/LpIN averaging from 1.2 to 1.4. Moore and Cosgrove (1991) used two contrasting hydrostatic methods to measure Lp in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) stem cells: (1) the most commonly used pressure relaxation (PR) method, in which cell turgor pressure (Pcell) changes during the measurement, and (2) the more technically demanding pressure clamp (PC) method, in which Pcell is maintained constant. Consistent with other studies in higher plant cells, Moore and Cosgrove (1991) reported average LpOUT/LpIN from 1.15 (PC) to 1.65 (PR). Using the PR method in epidermal cells of barley (Hordeum vulgare), Fricke (2000) reported only a modest LpOUT/LpIN (based on reported half-time [T1/2]) of 1.08. In view of the contribution of proteins (e.g. aquaporins) to overall membrane Lp, Tyerman et al. (2002) suggested that polarity may result either from asymmetry in the pores themselves or from an active regulation of the conductive state of the pores in response to the experimental conditions that cause inflow or outflow. Either of these mechanisms may explain the wide range of values reported in the literature for LpOUT/LpIN. Cosgrove and Steudle (1981) reported that a substantial (6-fold) and rapid (within 20 s) reduction in Lp could occur in the same cell, and in hindsight, this presumably reflected the influence of aquaporins. Cosgrove and Steudle (1981) did not consider the lower Lp as indicative of the Lp in situ, and Wan et al. (2004) reported that a reduction in Lp was associated with perturbations to Pcell on the order of 0.1 MPa. Hence, if measured membrane Lp itself can exhibit substantial changes over relatively short periods of time in the same cell, then further study of systematic differences between LpOUT and LpIN will require a robust hydrostatic methodology (PC or PR) that can reversibly and reproducibly apply small perturbations in pressure (P) to individual cells over short periods of time.For the PR method, a T1/2 of water exchange is measured by fitting an exponential curve to the observed decay in Pcell over time following a step change in volume, and membrane Lp can be calculated if cell surface area (A), cell volume (Vo), and volumetric elastic modulus (ε) are known (Steudle, 1993). In practice, A and Vo are typically calculated from optical measurements of individual cell dimensions or estimates using average values, and ε is calculated based on Vo and an empirical change in pressure (dP) to change in volume (dV) relation for each cell (Steudle, 1993; Tomos and Leigh, 1999). In the PC method, first developed by Wendler and Zimmermann (1982), Vo (and, given reasonable assumptions about cell geometry, A) is estimated without the need for optical measurements, and Lp can be measured without the need to determine dP/dV or ε. However, this method is technically more demanding because it requires precise P control as well as a continuous record of the volume flow of water across the cell membrane (as measured by changes in the position of the cell solution/oil meniscus within the glass capillary over time) and has rarely been used (Wendler and Zimmermann, 1982, 1985; Cosgrove et al., 1987; Moore and Cosgrove, 1991; Zhang and Tyerman, 1991; Murphy and Smith, 1998). Since volume (V) is continuously changing over time, this approach may also be influenced by the hydraulic conductance of the capillary tip (Kh) used to make the measurements as well as surface tension effects due to the progressive changes in capillary diameter with meniscus position, and these influences have not been quantitatively addressed.Automation of the pressure probe operation, particularly automatic tracking of the meniscus location in the glass microcapillary tip, would address many of the above-mentioned issues, and to date, several attempts have been made to monitor the meniscus location using electrical resistance (Hüsken et al., 1978) or hardware-based image analysis (Cosgrove and Durachko, 1986; Murphy and Smith, 1998). Recently, Wong et al. (2009) redesigned the automated cell pressure probe (ACPP), originally proposed by Cosgrove and Durachko (1986), using a software-based meniscus detection system and a precise pressure control system. In the new ACPP system, both the position of the meniscus and oil pressure (Poil) are recorded frequently (typically at 10 Hz), and Poil is controlled with a resolution of ±0.002 MPa. We have combined the ACPP with a new technique to reproducibly fabricate microcapillary tips of known hydraulic properties (Wada et al., 2011) in order to correct for Kh and surface tension effects in both PC and PR estimates of the water relations parameters of Tradescantia virginiana epidermal cells and have determined the relation of LpOUT to LpIN in these cells.  相似文献   

Plants differ greatly in their susceptibility to insect herbivory, suggesting both local adaptation and resistance tradeoffs. We used maize (Zea mays) recombinant inbred lines to map a quantitative trait locus (QTL) for the maize leaf aphid (Rhopalosiphum maidis) susceptibility to maize Chromosome 1. Phytochemical analysis revealed that the same locus was also associated with high levels of 2-hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside (HDMBOA-Glc) and low levels of 2,4-dihydroxy-7-methoxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one glucoside (DIMBOA-Glc). In vitro enzyme assays with candidate genes from the region of the QTL identified three O-methyltransferases (Bx10a-c) that convert DIMBOA-Glc to HDMBOA-Glc. Variation in HDMBOA-Glc production was attributed to a natural CACTA family transposon insertion that inactivates Bx10c in maize lines with low HDMBOA-Glc accumulation. When tested with a population of 26 diverse maize inbred lines, R. maidis produced more progeny on those with high HDMBOA-Glc and low DIMBOA-Glc. Although HDMBOA-Glc was more toxic to R. maidis than DIMBOA-Glc in vitro, BX10c activity and the resulting decline of DIMBOA-Glc upon methylation to HDMBOA-Glc were associated with reduced callose deposition as an aphid defense response in vivo. Thus, a natural transposon insertion appears to mediate an ecologically relevant trade-off between the direct toxicity and defense-inducing properties of maize benzoxazinoids.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a small redox molecule that acts as a signal in different physiological and stress-related processes in plants. Recent evidence suggests that the biological activity of NO is also mediated by S-nitrosylation, a well-known redox-based posttranslational protein modification. Here, we show that during programmed cell death (PCD), induced by both heat shock (HS) or hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 cells, an increase in S-nitrosylating agents occurred. NO increased in both experimentally induced PCDs, although with different intensities. In H2O2-treated cells, the increase in NO was lower than in cells exposed to HS. However, a simultaneous increase in S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), another NO source for S-nitrosylation, occurred in H2O2-treated cells, while a decrease in this metabolite was evident after HS. Consistently, different levels of activity and expression of GSNO reductase, the enzyme responsible for GSNO removal, were found in cells subjected to the two different PCD-inducing stimuli: low in H2O2-treated cells and high in the heat-shocked ones. Irrespective of the type of S-nitrosylating agent, S-nitrosylated proteins formed upon exposure to both of the PCD-inducing stimuli. Interestingly, cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (cAPX), a key enzyme controlling H2O2 levels in plants, was found to be S-nitrosylated at the onset of both PCDs. In vivo and in vitro experiments showed that S-nitrosylation of cAPX was responsible for the rapid decrease in its activity. The possibility that S-nitrosylation induces cAPX ubiquitination and degradation and acts as part of the signaling pathway leading to PCD is discussed.Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous and diffusible redox molecule that acts as a signaling compound in both animal and plant systems (Pacher et al., 2007; Besson-Bard et al., 2008). In plants, NO has been found to play a key role in several physiological processes, such as germination, lateral root development, flowering, senescence, stomatal closure, and growth of pollen tubes (Beligni and Lamattina, 2000; Neill et al., 2002; Correa-Aragunde et al., 2004; He et al., 2004; Prado et al., 2004; Carimi et al., 2005). In addition, NO has been reported to be involved in plant responses to both biotic and abiotic stresses (Leitner et al., 2009; Siddiqui et al., 2011) and in the signaling pathways leading to programmed cell death (PCD; Delledonne et al., 1998; de Pinto et al., 2006; De Michele et al., 2009; Lin et al., 2012; Serrano et al., 2012).The cellular environment may greatly influence the chemical reactivity of NO, giving rise to different biologically active NO-derived compounds, collectively named reactive nitrogen species, which amplify and differentiate its ability to activate physiological and stress-related processes. Many of the biological properties of NO are due to its high affinity with transition metals of metalloproteins as well as its reactivity with reactive oxygen species (ROS; Hill et al., 2010). However, recent evidence suggests that protein S-nitrosylation, due to the addition of NO to reactive Cys thiols, may act as a key mechanism of NO signaling in plants (Wang et al., 2006; Astier et al., 2011). NO is also able to react with reduced glutathione (GSH), the most abundant cellular thiol, thus producing S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), which also acts as an endogenous trans-nitrosylating agent. GSNO is also considered as a NO store and donor and, as it is more stable than NO, acts as a long-distance NO transporter through the floematic flux (Malik et al., 2011). S-Nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR), which is an enzyme conserved from bacteria to humans, has been suggested to play a role in regulating S-nitrosothiols (SNO) and the turnover of S-nitrosylated proteins in plants (Liu et al., 2001; Rusterucci et al., 2007).A number of proteins involved in metabolism, stress responses, and redox homeostasis have been identified as potential targets for S-nitrosylation in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana; Lindermayr et al., 2005). During the hypersensitive response (HR), 16 proteins were identified to be S-nitrosylated in the seedlings of the same species (Romero-Puertas et al., 2008); in Citrus species, S-nitrosylation of about 50 proteins occurred in the NO-mediated resistance to high salinity (Tanou et al., 2009).However, while the number of candidate proteins for S-nitrosylation is increasing, the functional significance of protein S-nitrosylation has been explained only in a few cases, such as for nonsymbiotic hemoglobin (Perazzolli et al., 2004), glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Lindermayr et al., 2005; Wawer et al., 2010), Met adenosyltransferase (Lindermayr et al., 2006), and metacaspase9 (Belenghi et al., 2007). Of particular interest are the cases in which S-nitrosylation involves enzymes controlling ROS homeostasis. For instance, it has been reported that S-nitrosylation of peroxiredoxin IIE regulates the antioxidant function of this enzyme and might contribute to the HR (Romero-Puertas et al., 2007). It has also been shown that in the immunity response, S-nitrosylation of NADPH oxidase inactivates the enzyme, thus reducing ROS production and controlling HR development (Yun et al., 2011).Recently, S-nitrosylation has also been shown to be involved in PCD of nitric oxide excess1 (noe1) rice (Oryza sativa) plants, which are mutated in the OsCATC gene coding for catalase (Lin et al., 2012). In these plants, which show PCD-like phenotypes under high-light conditions, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase and thioredoxin are S-nitrosylated. This suggests that the NO-dependent regulation of these proteins is involved in plant PCD, similar to what occurs in animal apoptosis (Sumbayev, 2003; Hara et al., 2005; Lin et al., 2012). The increase in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) after exposure to high light in noe1 plants is responsible for the production of NO required for leaf cell death induction (Lin et al., 2012). There is a strict relationship between H2O2 and NO in PCD activation (Delledonne et al., 2001; de Pinto et al., 2002); however, the mechanism of this interplay is largely still unknown (for review, see Zaninotto et al., 2006; Zhao, 2007; Yoshioka et al., 2011). NO can induce ROS production and vice versa, and their reciprocal modulation in terms of intensity and timing seems to be crucial in determining PCD activation and in controlling HR development (Delledonne et al., 2001; Zhao, 2007; Yun et al., 2011).In previous papers, we demonstrated that heat shock (HS) at 55°C and treatment with 50 mm H2O2 promote PCD in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells (Vacca et al., 2004; de Pinto et al., 2006; Locato et al., 2008). In both experimental conditions, NO production and decrease in cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase (cAPX) were observed as early events in the PCD pathway, and cAPX decrease has been suggested to contribute to determining the redox environment required for PCD (de Pinto et al., 2006; Locato et al., 2008).In this study, the production of nitrosylating agents (NO and GSNO) in the first hours of PCD induction by HS or H2O2 treatment in tobacco BY-2 cells and their role in PCD were studied. The possibility that S-nitrosylation could be a first step in regulating cAPX activity and turnover as part of the signaling pathway leading to PCD was also investigated.  相似文献   

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