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Floral organs are widely believed to enhance the pollination and reproductive success of angiosperms. However, the functional implication of some floral structures is still unknown. In this study, we explored the functional role of staminal appendages on male and female reproductive success of Himalayan Roscoea spp. and tested if their function differed between species with biotic pollination and autonomous selfing. Phenotypic manipulation is a powerful approach to test the functional effect of a particular trait on plant fitness. We compared various proxies of pollination success between intact flowers and flowers with manually excised staminal appendages. We found that the rate of visitation did not differ between intact and manipulated flowers. Our results revealed that in outcrossing Roscoea spp., the staminal appendages act as triggering devices to facilitate pollen release and deposition and also to manipulate the foraging position of pollinators to ensure both male and female reproductive success. In contrast, in autonomously selfing Roscoea spp., the removal of staminal appendages did not affect any aspect of pollination processes. Our results suggest that the staminal appendages are an integral component of outcrossing in Roscoea spp. and are maintained by selection pressure through both male and female reproductive success. This study provides important insights on how variation in breeding systems can provoke changes in the structure and function of floral organs among congeners.  相似文献   

Flowering plants typically use floral rewards to attract animal pollinators. Unlike nectar, pollen rewards are usually visible and may thus function as a signal that influences landing decisions by pollen‐seeking insects. Here we artificially manipulate the presence of both pollen and staminal hairs (a putative false signal of pollen reward availability) in the hermaphroditic lily Bulbine abyssinica (Xanthorrhoeaceae) to investigate their effects on bee visitation and fecundity, and also test for trade‐offs between pollen production and seed production. Honeybees, the primary floral visitors, are probably not able to distinguish between colours of petals, staminal hairs and pollen of B. abyssinica, according to analysis of reflectance spectra in a bee vision model. Flowers with both pollen and hairs removed had the lowest levels of bee visitation, seed set and seed abortions. Flowers containing hairs had an ~50% increase in visitation rate and seed set compared with emasculated flowers, while intact controls had the highest seed abortion rate. Ovule discounting in intact flowers is probably due to ovarian self‐incompatibility (or strong early inbreeding depression) as ovules penetrated by tubes from self‐pollen uniformly failed to develop into seeds. These results show that staminal hairs can enhance plant fecundity by increasing attraction of pollen‐seeking insects to flowers without increasing the risk of ovule discounting through pollinator‐mediated self‐pollination. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 481–490.  相似文献   

The floral biology of Nelumbo pentapetala (Walter) Fernald, the American lotus, native to Texas, was investigated. Anthesis occurs over three consecutive days with flowers opening each morning and closing around noon. First-day flowers are protogynous with the perianth parts partially expanded so that pollen-covered insects which are attracted by floral color and the intense “fruity” odor (diffused with the aid of increased floral temperature) are directed on to the flattened receptacle (= carpellary receptacle) from which the receptive stigmas protrude, thus accomplishing pollination. During the second morning anther dehiscence begins and insects which visit and forage within the flower become covered with pollen and typically crawl over the still receptive stigmas achieving “facilitated” self-pollination (indirect autogamy). By mid-morning of the second day the stigmas dry and become non-receptive to pollen. During the third day of anthesis perianth and staminal parts quickly abscise and over the period of a few weeks the receptacle and enclosed fruits mature. In most populations studied, Hymenoptera (e.g., Lusioglossum spp., and Apis mellifera) were the most abundant and effective pollinators. In some populations, however, Coleoptera (e.g., Chauliognathus) were also numerous and effective pollinators. It is suggested that the overall floral structure (e.g., large numbers of stamens, masses of pollen, staminal appendages) are adaptations which facilitate the pollination of Nelumbo by beetles.  相似文献   


Given that pollinators usually visit flowers for hidden rewards, they need to rely on floral traits that indicate reward status (“honest signals”). However, the relationship between pollination, honest signals, and floral rewards is little documented in natural conditions. The Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) is an invasive shrub with polymorphism in the color of its flowers that can be yellow, orange, or red. In three areas dominated by the Scotch broom, we described the abundance of the floral morphs and estimated bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) visitation rate. We examined whether bumblebee visitation to the floral morphs was related to pollen reward. We collected flowers and classified their stamens according to their function: reward or pollen export. Then, we measured anther size and estimated pollen quantity. The yellow morph was more abundant and more visited by bumblebees than the orange and red morphs. The yellow flowers did indeed offer more pollen than the other morphs and this occurred only for rewarding anthers, suggesting that bumblebees could use yellow color as an honest signal to visit the most rewarding flowers. We discuss whether innate and/or learned preferences of bumblebees can explain why the yellow morph is more visited, pollinated, and abundant, while the other morphs are maintained at a lower frequency. This is one of the few field works that shows that variation in intra-specific floral traits is associated with variation in floral reward and pollinator visitation rate, helping to understand the foraging preferences of pollinators and the coexistence of floral morphs in nature.

Clinical trials registration: Not applicable.


Bdallophytum oxylepis is a rare and endemic species belonging to the Cytinaceae family, a root holoparasitic plant in which most resources are allocated to attracting pollinators. This species is gynomonoecious with intraindividual variation in flower size and sex. Moreover, the flowers exhibit sapromyophilous traits, as do other species of Bdallophytum. Firstly, this study aimed to determine whether all floral morphs can form seeds and be pollen donors (in the case of bisexual flowers). Secondly, as this species has floral traits hypothesized to adapt to particular types of pollen vectors (carrion flies), we also studied the pollination of B. oxylepis to confirm whether the syndromes correspond to what occurs in nature. Through pollination treatments, we determined that all floral morphs are functional. By monitoring the inflorescences, we found that pollination is specialized in the studied population. Stingless bees performed pollination, as they have a high visitation rate, frequency, and constancy, and they are unique visitors that deposit pollen on the stigmas. Thus, they appear to be effective pollinators rather than carrion flies, as predicted by the syndrome. As shown here, animal–plant interaction studies can help establish a basis for conserving rare species such as holoparasites. Moreover, knowledge about the reproductive aspects of B. oxylepis reveals essential clues about its life cycle and role in maintaining native pollinators with economic and cultural value, such as stingless bees.  相似文献   

Floral morphology, nectar secretion strategies and the contribution of pollinators to the reproductive success of plants provide important clues regarding the levels of generalization or specialization in pollination systems. Anthesis throughout the day and night allows flowers to be visited by diurnal and nocturnal pollinators, promoting generalization or specialization. We studied three species in the diverse tropical genus Inga to: (1) quantify the response of flowers to successive nectar extractions and (2) determine the contribution of diurnal and nocturnal floral visitors to female reproductive success. Inga flowers could be clearly distinguished mainly on the basis of the staminal tube diameter and the quantities of filaments and pollen grains. Successive nectar removals led to a decrease of 60% in the total nectar secretion in I. vera and to increases of 20% in I. ingoides and 10% in I. striata. Despite these differences, the studied Inga spp. exhibited similar patterns of visitation rates and shared diurnal and nocturnal pollinators. Nocturnal pollinators contributed ten times more than diurnal pollinators to the female reproductive success of Inga. Floral morphology, nectar secretion patterns and pollination ecology data suggest an evolutionary trend towards specialization for nocturnal pollinators in Inga spp. with crepuscular or nocturnal flowers. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 177 , 230–245.  相似文献   

The foraging behavior of bees is a complex phenomenon that depends on numerous physical features of flowers. Of particular importance are accessibility of floral rewards, floral proportions, symmetry and orientation. The flowers of Roepera are characterized by the presence of staminal scales (SS), which play an important role in nectar protection. We studied two species of Roepera with different symmetry and flower orientation, which are mainly visited by honeybees (Apis mellifera). We aimed to show how the foraging behavior of honey bees is affected by the function of SS, floral symmetry and orientation. The foraging behavior was documented by video photography. Handling time, access to nectar, percentage of pollen/nectar foraging, percentage of pollen contact and pollen deposition site on the honey bee's body were assessed. The morphometric features of the honey bees and flowers were analyzed. We found that the SS restricted pollinator access to nectar. Our results indicated consistency of visitation patterns in zygomorphic, laterally oriented flowers of R. fuscata versus random patterns in actinomorphic, diversely oriented flowers of R. leptopetala. The relative proportions of SS and proboscis length appear to be crucial for the success of pollinators. The directionality of the honey bees' movement, together with the different positioning of reproductive organs, plays an important role in the accuracy of pollen transfer and pollination efficiency.  相似文献   

Switches in pollinators have been argued to be key drivers of floral evolution in angiosperms. However, few studies have tested the relationship between floral shape evolution and switches in pollination in large clades. In concert with a dated phylogeny, we present a morphometric analysis of corolla, anther connective, and style shape across 44% of nearly 1000 species of Salvia (Lamiaceae) and test four hypotheses of floral evolution. We demonstrate that floral morphospace of New World (NW) Salvia is largely distinct from that of Old World (OW) Salvia and that these differences are pollinator driven; shifts in floral morphology sometimes mirror shifts in pollinators; anther connectives (key constituents of the Salvia staminal lever) and styles co-evolved from curved to linear shapes following shifts from bee to bird pollination; and morphological differences between NW and OW bee flowers are partly the legacy of constraints imposed by an earlier shift to bird pollination in the NW. The distinctive staminal lever in Salvia is a morphologically diverse structure that has evolved in concert with both the corolla and style, under different pollinator pressures, and in contingent fashion.  相似文献   

Large floral displays favour pollinator attraction and the import and export of pollen. However, large floral displays also have negative effects, such as increased geitonogamy, pollen discounting and nectar/pollen robber attraction. The size of the floral display can be measured at different scales (e.g. the flower, inflorescence or entire plant) and variations in one of these scales may affect the behaviour of flower visitors in different ways. Moreover, the fragmentation of natural forests may affect flower visitation rates and flower visitor behaviour. In the present study, video recordings of the inflorescences of a tree species (Tabebuia aurea) from the tropical savannah of central Brazil were used to examine the effect of floral display size at the inflorescence and tree scales on the visitation rate of pollinators and nectar robbers to the inflorescence, the number of flowers approached per visit, the number of visits per flower of potential pollinators and nectar robbers, and the interaction of these variables with the degree of landscape disturbance. Nectar production was quantified with respect to flower age. Although large bees are responsible for most of the pollination, a great diversity of flower insects visit the inflorescences of T. aurea. Other bee and hummingbird species are highly active nectar robbers. Increases in inflorescence size increase the visitation rate of pollinators to inflorescences, whereas increases in the number of inflorescences on the tree decrease visitation rates to inflorescences and flowers. This effect has been strongly correlated with urban environments in which trees with the largest floral displays are observed. Pollinating bees (and nectar robbers) visit few flowers per inflorescence and concentrate visits to a fraction of available flowers, generating an overdispersed distribution of the number of visits per inflorescence and per flower. This behaviour reflects preferential visits to young flowers (including flower buds) with a greater nectar supply.  相似文献   

Most flowering plants depend on animal pollination. Several animal groups, including many birds, have specialized in exploiting floral nectar, while simultaneously pollinating the flowers they visit. These specialized pollinators are present in all continents except Europe and Antarctica, and thus, insects are often considered the only ecologically relevant pollinators in Europe. Nevertheless, generalist birds are also known to visit flowers, and several reports of flower visitation by birds in this continent prompted us to review available information in order to estimate its prevalence. We retrieved reports of flower–bird interactions from 62 publications. Forty‐six bird species visited the flowers of 95 plant species, 26 of these being exotic to Europe, yielding a total of 243 specific interactions. The ecological importance of bird–flower visitation in Europe is still unknown, particularly in terms of plant reproductive output, but effective pollination has been confirmed for several native and exotic plant species. We suggest nectar and pollen to be important food resources for several bird species, especially tits Cyanistes and Sylvia and Phylloscopus warblers during winter and spring. The prevalence of bird flower‐visitation, and thus potential bird pollination, is slightly more common in the Mediterranean basin, which is a stopover to many migrant bird species, which might actually increase their effectiveness as pollinators by promoting long‐distance pollen flow. We argue that research on bird pollination in Europe deserves further attention to explore its ecological and evolutionary relevance.  相似文献   

Floral orientation may affect pollinator attraction and pollination effectiveness, and its influences may differ among pollinator species. We, therefore, hypothesized that, for plant species with a generalized pollination system, changes in floral orientation would affect the composition of pollinators and their relative contribution to pollination. Geranium refractum, an alpine plant with downward floral orientation was used in this study. We created upward-facing flowers by altering the flower angle. We compared the pollinator diversity, pollination effectiveness, and pollinator importance, as well as female reproductive success between flowers with downward- and upward-facing orientation. Results indicated that the upward-facing flowers were visited by a wider spectrum of pollinators (classified into functional groups), with higher pollinator diversity than natural flowers. Moreover, due to influences on visitation number and pollen removal, the pollinator importance exhibited by the main pollinator groups differed between flower types. Compared with natural flowers, the pollination contribution of principal pollinators (i.e., bumblebees) decreased in upward-facing flowers and other infrequent pollinators, such as solitary bees and muscoid flies, removed more pollen. Consequently, stigmatic pollen loads were lower in upward- than in downward-facing flowers. These findings reveal that floral orientation may affect the level of generalization of a pollination system and the relative importance of diverse pollinators. In this species, the natural downward-facing floral orientation may increase pollen transfer by effective pollinators and reduce interference by inferior pollinators.  相似文献   

Shifts in pollen vectors favour diversification of floral traits, and differences in pollination strategies between congeneric sympatric species can contribute to reproductive isolation. Divergence in flowering phenology and selfing could also reduce interspecific crossing between self‐compatible species. We investigated floral traits and visitation rates of pollinators of two sympatric Encholirium species on rocky outcrops to evaluate whether prior knowledge of floral characters could indicate actual pollinators. Data on flowering phenology, visitation rates and breeding system were used to evaluate reproductive isolation. Flowering phenology overlapped between species, but there were differences in floral characters, nectar volume and concentration. Several hummingbird species visited flowers of both Encholirium spp., but the endemic bat Lonchophylla bokermanni and an unidentified sphingid only visited E. vogelii. Pollination treatments demonstrated that E. heloisae and E. vogelii were partially self‐compatible, with weak pollen limitation to seed set. Herbivores feeding on inflorescences decreased reproductive output of both species, but for E. vogelii the damage was higher. Our results indicate that actual pollinators can be known beforehand through floral traits, in agreement with pollination syndromes stating that a set of floral traits can be associated with the attraction of specific groups of pollinators. Divergence on floral traits and pollinator assemblage indicate that shifts in pollination strategies contribute to reproductive isolation between these Encholirium species, not divergence on flowering phenology or selfing. We suggest that hummingbird pollination might be the ancestral condition in Encholirium and that evolution of bat pollination made a substantial contribution to the diversification of this clade.  相似文献   

Plants often combine multiple strategies to achieve pollen transfer. The dioecious Clusia nemorosa (Clusiaceae) produces floral resin, a specialized reward for resin-collecting bees. It also exhibits floral automimicry with female flowers mimicking male flowers in order to attract pollen-collecting insects. We observed the hourly visitation frequency and behaviour of bee visitors on two rock savanna sites in French Guiana. The major strategy in pollen transfer and the variation in visitation rates among visitor species were examined. We hypothesized that the visitation rate will vary between the floral sexes and degree of this variation will differ between the two-reward systems. We found no evidence for visits being exclusively related to resin collection, which we expected to be the principal strategy in pollen transfer. Deceit pollination appeared to have minor importance and seemed to be locally associated with the site, where demand for pollen was greater. Flower visits that probably facilitated most pollen transfer, combined resin and pollen. The pollinators involved in this system collected pollen from male flowers and resin from female flowers. The fruit set was not particularly low (44.19%) so offering different rewards by different flower genders has not constrained reproductive success in this system. Pronounced variation in visitation rates between sexes was not related to the pollination mechanisms but to the demand for the two rewards. Overall demand for pollen was greater than demand for resin. Female flowers were visited much less frequently than male flowers. Peak pollen collection occurred in the morning, i.e., as soon as the resource was available, while resin was collected throughout the day. There was a local variability in demand for the two resources because both the visitation rate and the behaviour of foraging bees varied between the two observation sites.  相似文献   

The importance of ants for pollination in the dioeciousBorderea pyrenaica (Dioscoreaceae), a Tertiary palaeoendemic plant of the Pyrenees (NE Iberian Peninsula) was studied. The frequency of different visitors (ants, lady beetles, andDiptera) to staminate and pistillate flowers was quantified, and their effectiveness as pollinators was examined by means of fruit and seed set in selective experimental exclusions. Although ants were less abundant on flowers than other visitors, they were the most effective pollinators. Some qualitative factors of this mutualistic ant-plant interaction may account for their effectiveness: the small size of the ants, their high visitation rate to pistillate flowers, and the lack of reduction in viability of the pollen transported on the integument. In addition, the sedentary nature of ants assures their presence during the flowering period. The most abundant floral visitors ofB. pyrenaica were therefore not the most effective pollinators.  相似文献   

腐生植物无叶美冠兰食源性欺骗传粉研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无叶美冠兰是一种典型的腐生兰科植物,为揭示该物种的自然传粉机制,拓展对兰科植物生殖特性的认识,在广西雅长兰科植物国家级自然保护区对其开展了传粉生态学观测研究。结果表明:无叶美冠兰花朵具备高度自交亲和能力,但不存在自动自花授粉机制,必须依赖外部传粉媒介把花粉送到柱头,实现有效传粉;绿彩带蜂是无叶美冠兰唯一有效传粉昆虫;传粉昆虫与花朵在与传粉功能相关的关键性状在形态上良好拟合;绿彩带蜂的访花活动主要发生在3个阶段:8.6%发生在9:00~11:30,80.2%发生在11:30~14:00,11.2%发生在14:00~15:30;花朵在中午强烈的阳光直射下挥发出香甜的气味。无叶美冠兰花朵主要通过挥发极具诱惑力的香甜气味和唇瓣上黄色的蜜导来诱导绿彩带蜂进入花朵中觅食,传粉昆虫与花朵在与传粉功能相关的关键性状在形态上良好拟合促成有效传粉,绿彩带蜂在整个传粉过程没有获得报酬,是食源性欺骗传粉机制。  相似文献   

Failure of a flower to initiate fruit can be attributed to an insufficiency of resources, genetic incompatibilities, or ecological constraints on pollination. Flower visitors can increase fruit initiation by pollinating flowers, or decrease fruit initiation by damaging them. If, however, resources limit fruit initiation, variation in visitation may be relatively unimportant. Visitors to Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana, a rain forest understory palm, leave a record of their activity by feeding on floral tissue. I recorded variation in inflorescence visitation, floral display, and fruit initiation during 7 mo over two field seasons. On average, bats visited 50-60% of flowers; katydids and scarab beetles visited and damaged the remaining 40-50%. Four species of bat (Phyllostomidae) captured near inflorescences were found to be carrying C. ghiesbreghtiana pollen. Approximately 18% of flowers visited by bats and not damaged by insects initiated fruit, whereas insect-damaged flowers set a negligible number. Some variation in fruit initiation was explained by nightly variation in the proportion of inflorescences at each site that were potential pollen donors (male-phase inflorescences). Visitors responded to variation in floral display; katydids damaged more flowers on taller inflorescences, and in one season bats visited a greater proportion of flowers on inflorescences with many flowers. However, floral display only explained a small amount of variation in visitation. A similar amount of variation in flower visitation was explained by the degree to which inflorescences were obstructed by surrounding vegetation. I used path analysis to summarize the overall effect of floral display on visitation by both pollinators and florivores and the effect of visitation and site sex ratio on fruit initiation. Because almost all flowers were visited by bats or damaged by katydids, the amount of bat visitation was strongly negatively correlated with katydid damage. In spite of the low fruit set from bat-visited flowers, variation in bat visitation explained 27-37% of the variation in fruit initiation.  相似文献   

Floral key innovations play a significant role in the discussion of adaptive radiation in plants. The paper brings together a brief review of morphological key innovations in plants, elucidating their evolutionary significance in flower–pollinator interactions, and new data on Salvia, a genus being examined as an example for presumed adaptive radiation. We hypothesize that the characteristic staminal lever mechanism functions as a key innovation. It is defined as a functional unit including the modification of stamens to lever-like structures, their reversible movement, and the organization of the remaining floral structures involved in the process of pollen transfer. We follow the assumption that structure and functioning of the staminal levers play a major role in the process of pollen deposition on the pollinator's body, and that minute changes of both their proportions and their interactions with pollinators may have significant consequences for the pollination system. The functioning of the staminal lever mechanism is tested by field investigations, biomechanical experiments and pollination simulations. First results are presented, and possible modes of allopatric and sympatric speciation are discussed, based on morphometry of Salvia flowers and pollinators as well as on the operating mode of the staminal lever mechanism. Special attention is given to species-specific patterns of pollen deposition on the pollinator's body. We assume that, depending on the precision of the lever movement, sympatric Salvia species flowering during overlapping periods and sharing the same pollinating species may be either mechanically isolated from each other or able to hybridize. The latter may result in speciation, as may spontaneous mutations influencing the flower-pollinator interaction, e.g. by significant changes in morphometry of the staminal lever system and/or other flower structures. As a consequence, Salvia individuals may deposit pollen on a different part of the pollinator's body, or even adapt to a new pollinator species, both resulting in reproductive isolation from the parental population.  相似文献   

Summary In alpine Polemonium viscosum, plants having sweet-scented flowers are primarily pollinated by queens of the bumble bee species, Bombus kirbyellus. In this paper we ask whether two aspects of the pollination effectiveness of bumble bees, visitation rate and pollination efficiency, vary significantly with flower size in sweet-flowered P. viscosum.(i) Bumble bees visited plants with large flowers on 80–90% of encounters, but visited those with smaller flowers on only 49% of encounters. (ii) However, the gain in pollination that large-flowered plants obtained via increased visitation was countered in part because bumble bees deposited fewer outcross pollen grains per visit on stigmas of large flowers than on those of small ones. When both visitation rate and pollination efficiency are taken into account, the predicted value of a single bumble bee encounter declines from 1.06 seeds for flowers larger than 18 mm in diameter to 0.55 seeds for flowers smaller than 12 mm in diameter. Our results suggest that bumble bee pollinators of P. viscosum prefer flower morphologies that are poorly suited for precise pollination. Such behavioral complexities are likely to place constraints on the evolution of optimal floral design.  相似文献   

In addition to reducing fitness by consuming reproductive structures, florivores may also reduce plant fitness by altering interactions with pollinators. To date, the effects of florivore activity on the volatile profile of flowers and subsequent attractiveness to pollinators have not been extensively investigated. In this study, we had three specific objectives: to determine the impact of florivory by the parsnip webworm Depressaria pastinacella on the floral volatile profile of the wild parsnip Pastinaca sativa, to ascertain the mechanisms by which florivory changes the volatile profile, and to estimate the consequences of florivory on visitation by pollinators and eventual seed set. An overall indirect effect of webworms on seed set, that is, the effect of infestation on pollination success, was not detected. However, this overall lack of indirect effect masks the heterogeneity among individual plants. For seven of 14 plants examined, pollination success was altered by webworms, and in four of these plants the alteration in pollination success was consistent with webworm-altered visitation. Webworms significantly altered floral fragrance, in particular causing disproportionate increases in the emissions of octyl esters. Additionally, volatiles from webworm frass, which contains large amounts of the octyl ester metabolite n-octanol, may alter the floral fragrance in ways that change attractiveness of flowers to pollinators. This study suggests that the effects of florivores on plant fitness are not limited to the removal of floral units but may also involve alterations in floral volatile composition, through damage-induced release and detoxification of particular constituents, that affect visitation and pollination success. Handling Editor: Steve Johnson. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The detailed studies on phenology, floral morphology in relation to pollination of six endemic species of Elaeocarpus were carried out at different forest areas of Southern Western Ghats, India. The pollinators were attracted by morphology and nature of flowers with different types of rewards offered by the flowers of Elaeocarpus. The number of flowers per tree has determined its type of pollinators, in which, Coleoptera and Diptera visitation was significant and positive relation with increased number of flowers per tree. However, the visitation by Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera were negatively related with flower numbers per tree. The visitation of Diptera was significant and positive relation with number of petal divisions (fringes) of flowers. Also, it has predicted that higher number of petal divisions may act as an optical advertisement to the floral visitors. Like this, the size of the flower was also one of the factors to attract the members Diptera. Also, the size of the flower was negative and significant relation with members of Hymenoptera. Moreover, the visitation of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera were also affected by the size of the flowers. The pollen production was also positive and significant relation with the visitation of Hymenoptera and Coleoptera. Therefore, it may be assumed that the primary reward for Hymenoptera and Coleoptera will be pollen grains.  相似文献   

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