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Boja ES  Hoodbhoy T  Garfield M  Fales HM 《Biochemistry》2005,44(50):16445-16460
The mammalian zona pellucida is an egg extracellular matrix to which sperm bind. Mouse zonae are composed of three glycoproteins (ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3), while rat zonae contain four (ZP1, ZP2, ZP3, and ZP4/ZPB). Mouse sperm bind to zonae comprised solely of mouse ZP2 and ZP3. In this report, we show that rat sperm also bind to these zonae, indicating that ZP2 and ZP3 contain a "minimum structure(s)" to which rodent sperm can bind, and ZP1 and ZP4/ZPB are dispensable in these two rodents. These data are consistent with our mass spectrometric analysis of the native rat zona pellucida proteome (defined as the fraction of the total rat proteome to which the zonae glycoproteins contribute) demonstrating that the rat zonae glycoproteins share a high degree of conservation of structural features with respect to their mouse counterparts. The primary sequences of the rat zonae proteins have been deduced from cDNA. Each zona protein undergoes extensive co- and post-translational modification prior to its secretion and incorporation into an extracellular zona matrix. Each has a predicted N-terminal signal peptide that is cleaved off once protein translation begins and an anchoring C-terminal transmembrane domain from which the mature protein is released. Mass spectrometric analysis with a limited amount of native material allowed determination of the mature N-termini of rat ZP1 and ZP3, both of which are characterized by cyclization of glutamine to pyroglutamate; the N-terminus of ZP2 was identified by Edman degradation. The mature C-termini of ZP1 and ZP3 end two amino acids upstream of a conserved dibasic residue that is part of, but distinct from, the consensus furin cleavage sequence, while the C-terminus of ZP2 was not determined. Each zona protein contains a "zona domain" with eight conserved cysteine residues that is thought to play a role in the polymerization of the zona proteins into matrix filaments. Partial disulfide bond assignment indicates that the intramolecular disulfide patterns in rat ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 are identical to those of their corresponding mouse counterparts. Last, nearly all potential N-glycosylation sites are occupied in the rat zonae glycoproteins (three of three for ZP1, six or seven of seven for ZP2, and four or five of six for ZP3). In comparison, potential O-glycosylation sites are numerous (59-83 Ser/Thr residues), but only two regions were observed to carry O-glycans in rat ZP3.  相似文献   

The zona pellucida is an acellular coat which surrounds the plasma membrane of fully grown mammalian oocytes and which performs a variety of important functions during oogenesis, fertilization, and preimplantation development. In this investigation the proteins of the mouse oocyte's zona pellucida have been identified and characterized by using zonae pellucidae isolated individually from fully grown oocytes with mouth-operated micropipets. Various morphological and biochemical criteria were employed to assess the purity of the isolated zonae pellucidae and, in most cases, they were found to be virtually free of contamination by other oocyte proteins. It was determined that each zona pellucida contains 4.8 ng of protein, which represents 80% or more of the dry weight of the zona pellucida and about 17% of the oocyte's total protein. Electrophoretic analyses of as few as five isolated zonae pellucidae treated with diazotized [125I]iodosulfanilic acid revealed the presence of only three radiolabeled proteins, designated ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3. The same three proteins were identified by Coomassie blue staining when large numbers of isolated zonae pellucidae (approximately 750) were subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. These three proteins migrate as broad bands on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, consistent with their being glycoproteins, with apparent molecular weights of 200,000 (ZP1), 120,000 (ZP2), and 83,000 (ZP3). The same proteins were radiolabeled when intact oocytes were treated with diazotized [125I]iodosulfanilic acid, a reagent which does not penetrate the oocyte's plasma membrane, or when isolated zonae pellucidae were treated with 3H-labeled 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl chloride. Results of amino acid analysis and high-resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis of the individual proteins suggest that each protein represents a unique polypeptide chain. The proteins ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 represent about 36, 47, and 17%, respectively, of the total protein of the zona pellucida. In the presence of reducing agents which cause dissolution of the zona pellucida, ZP1 is converted into a species which migrates with an apparent molecular weight of 130,000, suggesting that it exists as an oligomer, stabilized by disulfide bonds, in the unreduced state. The results of these experiments are discussed in terms of the properties of the zona pellucida before and after fertilization and are compared with results obtained using vitelline envelopes of eggs from nonmammalian animal species.  相似文献   

We conducted a 2-year feasibility study with native porcine zona pellucida (PZP) vaccine and three recombinant rabbit zona pellucida vaccines (RC55, RC75a and a combination of RC55, RC75a and RC75b) as an initial phase of developing a recombinant immunocontraceptive vaccine to control reproduction in overpopulated herds of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Forty captive white-tailed does were divided into five groups (one sham and four treated), of eight each and injected with a 500microg prime dose of vaccine. Each prime dose was followed by a 300microg booster dose at 3-7 weeks post prime. The frequency and number of months of observed breeding were higher in PZP immunized does than in sham controls. Although the antibody titers of the three recombinant groups were 1000 or less, as compared with the PZP group with titers often over 128,000, the fawning rates of the two recombinants were significantly lower than that of the control group. The combined antigen group did not have a significantly lower fawning rate.  相似文献   

The hamster egg's extracellular coat, or zona pellucida, consists of three glycoproteins, designated hZP1, hZP2, and hZP3, that exhibit extensive heterogeneity on SDS-PAGE. hZP1 is a relatively minor component of hamster zonae pellucidae, as compared with hZP2 and hZP3. In the presence of reducing agents, hZP1, 200,000 apparent Mr, migrates on SDS-PAGE with an apparent Mr of 103,000. This suggests that hZP1, like mouse ZP1, is composed of two polypeptides held together by intermolecular disulfides. When purified hamster ZP glycoproteins were tested at relatively low concentrations in an in vitro competition assay, employing either hamster or mouse gametes, only hZP3 (56,000 apparent Mr) exhibited sperm receptor activity (i.e., inhibited binding of sperm to eggs). Thus, apparently hZP3 is the hamster counterpart of mouse ZP3, the mouse egg receptor for sperm. Furthermore, at relatively high concentrations, solubilized hamster egg ZP preparations induced both hamster and mouse sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction in vitro. hZP3 is encoded by a relatively abundant ovarian mRNA that is detected by a mouse ZP3 cDNA probe and is the same size, about 1.5 kb, as mRNA encoding the mouse sperm receptor, ZP3 (83,000 apparent Mr). Like mouse ZP2, hZP2 undergoes limited proteolysis following artificial activation of hamster eggs in vitro. Results of in vitro assays employing intact eggs and isolated zonae pellucidae demonstrate that hamster eggs possess a ZP2-proteinase which has a substrate specificity similar to that of the mouse enzyme. These observations are discussed in terms of structural and functional relationships that may exist between hamster and mouse zona pellucida glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-binding proteins interact with LPS in human serum and mediate various immune responses. We describe a high-throughput LPS-binding protein profiling platform for discovering unknown LPS-binding proteins and potential inflammatory mediators. As a pull-down method, the LPS molecules were immobilized onto epoxy beads and then directly incubated with human serum to screen LPS-binding proteins. Through the "untargeted" mass spectrometric approach, potential LPS-binding proteins which elicit various immune responses in human serum were identified by a highly sensitive LTQ Orbitrap Hybrid Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (LTQ Orbitrap FT MS). Therefore, this mass spectrometry (MS)-based profiling method is straightforward for screening unknown LPS-binding proteins and provides physiologically relevant binding partners in human serum.  相似文献   

 All vertebrate eggs have extracellular matrices, referred to as the zona pellucida in Mus musculus and the vitelline envelope in Xenopus laevis. The mouse zona, composed of three sulfated glycoproteins (ZP1, ZP2, ZP3), is critical for fertilization and early development, and mice lacking a zona pellucida produce no live offspring. The primary structures of mouse ZP1 (623 amino acids), ZP2 (713 amino acids) and ZP3 (424 amino acids) have been deduced from full-length cDNAs, but posttranslational modifications result in mature zona proteins with molecular masses of 200–180 kDa, 140–120 kDa, and 83 kDa, respectively. The vitelline envelope forms a similar structure around Xenopus eggs and contains three glycoproteins that are structurally related (39–48% amino acid similarity) to the three mouse zona proteins. To investigate whether the structural semblances are sufficient to allow incorporation of the mouse zona proteins into the Xenopus vitelline envelope, capped synthetic mRNAs encoding ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 proteins were injected into the cytoplasm of stage VI Xenopus oocytes. After 20 h of incubation the oocytes were harvested, and posttranslationally modified zona proteins were detected with monoclonal antibodies specific to mouse ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3. The oocytes were imaged with confocal microscopy to detect individual zona proteins in the extracellular matrix of the oocytes, and this localization was confirmed biochemically. Thus the mouse zona proteins appear to have been sufficiently conserved through 350 million years of evolution to be incorporated into the extracellular envelope surrounding Xenopus eggs. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 12 February 1999  相似文献   

The extracellular coat, or vitelline envelope (VE), of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs consists of three proteins, called VEalpha (M(r) approximately 52 kDa), VEbeta (M(r) approximately 48 kDa), and VEgamma (M(r) approximately 44 kDa). Each of these proteins is related to mammalian egg zona pellucida (ZP) glycoproteins ZP1-3 and possesses an N-terminal signal sequence, a ZP domain, and a protease cleavage site near the C-terminus. VEalpha and VEbeta also have a trefoil domain. All three proteins possess a relatively large number of cysteine residues (VEalpha, 18; VEbeta, 18; VEgamma, 12), of which 8 are present in the ZP domain and 6 are present in the trefoil domain of VEalpha and VEbeta. Here, several types of mass spectrometry were employed, together with gel electrophoresis of chemical and enzymatic digests, to identify intramolecular disulfide linkages, as well as the N- and C-terminal amino acids of VEalpha, VEbeta, and VEgamma. Additionally, these methods were used to characterize two high molecular weight proteins (HMWPs; M(r) > 110 kDa) of rainbow trout VEs that are heterodimers of individual VE proteins. These analyses have permitted assignment of disulfide linkages and identification of N- and C-terminal amino acids for the VE proteins and determination of the protein composition of two forms of HMWPs. These experiments provide important structural information about fish egg VE proteins and filaments and about structural relationships between extracellular coat proteins of mammalian and nonmammalian eggs.  相似文献   

The analysis of proteins and protein complexes by mass spectrometry (MS) has come a long way since the invention of electrospray ionization (ESI) in the mid 80s. Originally used to characterize small soluble polypeptide chains, MS has progressively evolved over the past 3 decades towards the analysis of samples of ever increasing heterogeneity and complexity, while the instruments have become more and more sensitive and resolutive. The proofs of concepts and first examples of most structural MS methods appeared in the early 90s. However, their application to membrane proteins, key targets in the biopharma industry, is more recent. Nowadays, a wealth of information can be gathered from such MS-based methods, on all aspects of membrane protein structure: sequencing (and more precisely proteoform characterization), but also stoichiometry, non-covalent ligand binding (metals, drug, lipids, carbohydrates), conformations, dynamics and distance restraints for modelling. In this review, we present the concept and some historical and more recent applications on membrane proteins, for the major structural MS methods.  相似文献   

Proteolytic processing of human zona pellucida proteins.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Formation of the egg's extracellular matrix, the zona pellucida, is critical for fertilization and development of growing embryos. Zona pellucida glycoproteins, ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3, are secreted to form an insoluble extracellular matrix surrounding mammalian eggs. All cloned mammalian zona pellucida sequences contain a furin consensus cleavage site, RX(K)/(R)R, upstream of a putative transmembrane domain, which suggests processing by an endoprotease of the furin-proprotein-convertase family. Recombinant expression of human (h) ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 produces glycoproteins that are secreted and have migration patterns in SDS-PAGE identical to those of native human zona pellucida proteins. Because a C-terminal epitope tag that is present in the cell-associated zona proteins is, however, absent from the secreted zona proteins, secreted recombinant zona pellucida proteins lack their C-terminal regions. Three different strategies were used to explore processing events in the C-terminal region: site-directed mutagenesis of the furin cleavage site, treatment with a competitive inhibitor of all furin family members, and interference with Golgi modifications by Brefeldin A. All treatments altered the SDS-PAGE migration of recombinant hZP3, concordant with cleavage by a furin family member and Golgi glycosylation of secreted hZP3. Furthermore, cleavage of cell-associated hZP3 by exogenous furin converts the migration of cell-associated hZP3 to that of secreted hZP3. To determine whether a similar cleavage pattern exists in zona pellucida proteins that are assembled in the zona matrix, "hZP3 rescue" mouse zonae pellucidae were employed. Immunoblotting experiments revealed that hZP3, assembled and functional in the "hZP3 rescue" mouse zona pellucida, lacks the furin cleavage site, supporting the hypothesis that formation of the zona pellucida matrix involves regulated proteolysis by a member of the furin convertase family.  相似文献   

High-molecular weight aggregates such as antibody dimers and other side products derived from incorrect light or heavy chain association typically represent critical product-related impurities for bispecific antibody formats.

In this study, an approach employing ultra-pressure liquid chromatography size-exclusion separation combined with native electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for the simultaneous formation, identification and quantification of size variants in recombinant antibodies was developed. Samples exposed to storage and elevated temperature(s) enabled the identification of various bispecific antibody size variants. This test system hence allowed us to study the variants formed during formulation and bio-process development, and can thus be transferred to quality control units for routine in-process control and release analytics. In addition, native SEC-UV/MS not only facilitates the detailed analysis of low-abundant and non-covalent size variants during process characterization/validation studies, but is also essential for the SEC-UV method validation prior to admission to the market.  相似文献   

Mammalian fertilization requires sperm to penetrate the cumulus mass and egg zona pellucida prior to fusion with the egg. Although sperm penetration through these physical barriers is essential, the molecular mechanism has not yet been completely elucidated. In addition to sperm motility, hyaluronan-hydrolyzing and proteolytic enzymes of sperm have been suggested to participate in the penetration events. Here we focus on the functional roles of hyaluronidase and protease in sperm passage through the cumulus mass and zona pellucida.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic mouse embryos were obtained by the method of electrical stimulation of eggs in vivo(Tarkowski et al., 1970), and their developmental retardation and limited viability were confirmed. Very early deviations from normalcy seemed likely in these embryos, and we chose to investigate their “zona reaction,” as this is one of the earliest events identified (Braden, et al., 1954) in normal fertilization. The change, ordinarily triggered by sperm penetration of the egg, decreases the permeability of the zona pellucida to supernumerary sperms, and has been attributed (Austin and Braden, 1956) to products released by cortical granules.An indirect assay for the state of the zona pellucida is presented. It is based on the observation (Mintz, 1970) that pronase, other proteolytic enzymes, and the normal uterine zonalytic factor lyse zonas of fertilized eggs more slowly than those of unfertilized eggs. Comparative zona lysis times in pronase are thus employed as a test for the degree of zona change after parthenogenetic activation relative to that after activation by sperm.The zonas of parthenogenetic embryos in stages ranging from 2 to 14 cells varied in their lysis times in pronase and overlapped with those of unfertilized and fertilized egg zonas. As a population, the zonas of the parthenogenones had intermediate lysis times. Thus, in the strains tested, electrical shock evokes only a partial zona reaction and, in this respect, is not an adequate substitute for sperm penetration.A working hypothesis for future testing is that the subnormal zona change and retarded development may both be due to inadequate release of products from cortical granules, under these conditions of artificial activation of the mouse egg.  相似文献   

In order to isolate the putative zona pellucida-binding proteins (ZPBPs) from boar spermatozoa, a new, simple method has been developed. The new isolation strategy made the most of the highly specific interactions between the components of the gametes. Detergent-extracted boar sperm proteins were submitted to affinity chromatography on a ZP-Sepharose column. SDS-PAGE analyses of the retained fraction under reducing conditions revealed that in addition to a component of Mr 38,000, the predominant ZPBPs contained at least three low molecular weight proteins (Mr less than 20 kDa). The isolated ZPBPs were effective in blocking sperm-oocyte binding in vitro. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, the ZPBPs were shown to be localized primarily in the sperm head, especially in the acrosomal cap region.  相似文献   

Boar sperm plasma membrane proteins (PMPs) with affinity for the zona pellucida were partially purified from columns of dextran sulfate using a linear salt gradient and a buffered detergent that retained their ability to block directly the binding of uncapacitated and capacitated sperm to isolated porcine oocytes. PMPs that bound most strongly to dextran sulfate (fraction IV) were also most effective in blocking sperm binding to porcine oocytes. These tightly bound proteins also bound to isolated zonae to a greater extent than other fractions. Monovalent antibodies to fraction IV PMPs completely blocked sperm binding to isolated eggs. Fraction IV PMPs lost the ability to inhibit directly the binding to eggs when treated with chaotropic agents and trypsin; the fraction also displayed a tendency to aggregate in the absence of high salt. This property and the affinity of proteins in this fraction for sulfated polysaccharides indicate that specific hydrophilic interactions may play a significant role in sperm-zona attachments.  相似文献   

Immature sperm from the caput epididymis are immotile and infertile. It is thought that caput epididymal sperm are infertile due to their immotility, as well as to an inability to bind to the zona pellucida, suggesting the absence of a functional receptor for the zona. However, the sperm receptor for the zona pellucida has been identified previously as the enzyme galactosyltransferase (GalTase) (L. C. Lopez et al. (1985) J. Cell Biol. 101, 1501-1510) and is present on the surface of caput as well as cauda epididymal sperm (N. F. Scully et al., (1987) Dev. Biol. 124, 111-124.). In this paper we examine this apparent conflict and show that immotile caput epididymal sperm are able to bind to the zona pellucida if they are first washed free of caput epididymal secretions, which contain factors that inhibit sperm-zona binding. Consistent with this finding are results that show that caput epididymal fluid is capable of inhibiting the binding of mature, cauda epididymal sperm to the zona pellucida. Caput epididymal fluid contains, among many other components, a soluble GalTase and an alpha-lactalbumin-like protein, both of which are capable of inhibiting mouse sperm-zona binding. Thus, caput epididymal sperm have the appropriate receptor, i.e., GalTase, for the zona pellucida, to which they can bind if removed from the inhibitory factors that mask their zona-binding ability.  相似文献   

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