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The occurrence of photorespiration in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaf cells was demonstrated by the presence of an O2-dependent CO2 compensation concentration, a nonlinear time course for photosynthetic 14CO2 uptake at low CO2 and high O2 concentrations, and an O2 stimulation of glycine and serine synthesis which was reversed by high CO2 concentration. The compensation concentration was a linear function of O2 concentration and increased as temperature increased. At atmospheric CO2 concentration, 21% O2 inhibited photosynthesis at 25 C by 27%. Oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis was competitive with respect to CO2 and increased with increasing temperature. The Km (CO2) of photosynthesis was also temperature-dependent, increasing from 12 μm CO2 at 15 C to 38 μm at 35 C. In contrast, the Ki (O2) was similar at all temperatures. Oxygen inhibition of photosynthesis was independent of irradiance except at 10 mm bicarbonate and 100% O2, where inhibition decreased with increasing irradiance up to the point of light saturation of photosynthesis. Concomitant with increasing O2 inhibition of photosynthesis was an increased incorporation of carbon into glycine and serine, intermediates of the photorespiratory pathway, and a decreased incorporation into starch. The effects of CO2 and O2 concentration and temperature on soybean cell photosynthesis and photorespiration provide further evidence that these processes are regulated by the kinetic properties of ribulose-1,5-diphosphate carboxylase with respect to CO2 and O2.  相似文献   

Oliver DJ 《Plant physiology》1979,64(6):1048-1052
Isolated soybean leaf mesophyll cells decarboxylated exogenously added [1-14C]glycolate and [1-14C]glycine in the dark. The rate of CO2 release from glycine was inhibited over 90% by isonicotinic acid hydrazide and about 80% by KCN, two inhibitors of the glycine to serine plus CO2 reaction. The release of CO2 from glycolate was inhibited by less than 50% under the same conditions. This indicates that about 50% of the CO2 released from glycolate occurred at a site other than the glycine to serine reaction. The sensitivity of this alternative site of CO2 release to an inhibitor of glycolate oxidase (methyl-2-hydroxy-3-butynoate) but not an inhibitor of the glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase (2,3-epoxypropionate) indicates that this alternative (isonicotinic acid hydrazide insensitive) site of CO2 release involved glyoxylate. Catalase inhibited this CO2 release. Under the conditions used it is suggested that about half of the CO2 released from glycolate occurred at the conversion of glycine to serine plus CO2 while the remaining half of the CO2 loss resulted from the direct oxidation of glyoxylate by H2O2.  相似文献   

Mechanism of glycolate transport in spinach leaf chloroplasts   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Takabe T  Akazawa T 《Plant physiology》1981,68(5):1093-1097
The incorporation of 14CO2 into glycolate by intact spinach leaf (Spinacia oleracea L. var. Kyoho) chloroplasts exposed to 14CO2 (NaH14CO3, 1 millimolar) in the light was determined as a function of O2 concentrations in the reaction media. A hyperbolic saturation curve was obtained, apparent Km (O2) of 0.28 millimolar, indicating that glycolate is produced predominantly by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. A concentration gradient of glycolate was invariably observed between chloroplast stroma and the outside media surrounding chloroplasts during photosynthetic 14CO2 fixation under an O2 atmosphere.  相似文献   

Liang Z  Huang AH 《Plant physiology》1983,73(1):147-152
Intact and broken (osmotically disrupted) spinach (Spinacia oleracea) leaf peroxisomes were compared for their enzymic activities on various metabolites in 0.25 molar sucrose solution. Both intact and broken peroxisomes had similar glycolate-dependent o2 uptake activity. In the conversion of glycolate to glycine in the presence of serine, intact peroxisomes had twice the activity of broken peroxisomes at low glycolate concentrations, and this difference was largely eliminated at saturating glycolate concentrations. However, when glutamate was used instead of serine as the amino group donor, broken peroxisomes had slightly higher activity than intact peroxisomes. In the conversion of glyoxylate to glycine in the presence of serine, intact peroxisomes had only about 50% of the activity of broken peroxisomes at low glyoxylate concentrations, and this difference was largely overcome at saturating glyoxylate concentrations. In the transamination between alanine and hydroxypyruvate, intact peroxisomes had an activity only slightly lower than that of broken peroxisomes. In the oxidation of NADH in the presence of hydroxypyruvate, intact peroxisomes were largely devoid of activity. These results suggest that the peroxisomal membrane does not impose an entry barrier to glycolate, serine, and O2 for matrix enzyme activity; such a barrier does exist to glutamate, alanine, hydroxypyruvate, glyoxylate, and NADH. Furthermore, in intact peroxisomes, glyoxylate generated by glycolate oxidase is channeled directly to glyoxylate aminotransferase for a more efficient glycolate-glycine conversion. In related studies, application of in vitro osmotic stress to intact or broken peroxisomes had little effect on their ability to metabolize glycolate to glycine.  相似文献   

The development of glycolate pathway enzymes has been determined in relation to photosynthetic competence during the regreening of Euglena cultures. Phosphoglycolate phosphatase and glycolate dehydrogenase rapidly reached maximal levels of activity but the complete development of ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase and concomitant photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation were not attained until 72 hours of illumination. Specific inhibitors of protein synthesis showed that the formation of ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase in both division-synchronized and regreening cultures was prevented by both cycloheximide and d-threo-chloramphenicol, whereas phosphoglycolate phosphatase formation was only inhibited by d-threo-chloramphenicol but not by l-threo-chloramphenicol or cycloheximide. Since cycloheximide prevented ribulose diphosphate carboxylase synthesis and photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation without affecting phosphoglycolate phosphatase synthesis during regreening, it was concluded that photosynthetic competence was not necessary for the development of the glycolate pathway enzymes. The inhibition of phosphoglycolate phosphatase synthesis by d-threo-chloramphenicol but not by l-threo-chloramphenicol or cycloheximide shows that the enzyme was synthesized exclusively on chloroplast ribosomes, whereas protein synthesis on both chloroplast and cytoplasmic ribosomes was required for the formation of ribulose 1,5-diphosphate carboxylase. Although light is required for the development of both Calvin cycle and glycolate pathway enzymes during regreening it is concluded that the two pathways are not coordinately regulated.  相似文献   

The pattern of radioactivity distribution in several amino acidsof Chromatium cells exposed to 14CO2 was determined. By transferringthe bacterial cells from an atmosphere of nitrogen to oxygenthere occurred a transient decrease of 14CO2 incorporation intoaspartate and glutamate, whereas that into glycine showed aprominent increase. The labeling of both serine and alaninedid not show a marked change under such conditions. The, activitiesof glycolate oxidase and glycolate dehydrogenase in crude extractsof the bacterial cells were very low. The formation of glycolic acid only occurred during the oxidativemetabolism of Chromatium cells grown on bicarbonate as a C source,being negligibly small in bacteria under nitrogen or after growthon malate or acetate. The activities of both ribulose- 1,5-bisphosphateoxygenase and phosphoglycolate phosphatase in the extract preparedfrom the bicarbonate-grown bacterial cells were very low andapparently could not account for the glycolic acid formationthrough these enzymic reactions. Metabolic patterns of glycolicacid in Chromatium are discussed in relation to the photorespiratoryphenomenon. (Received February 24, 1975; )  相似文献   

Glycolate oxidase (E.C. was purified from spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea). The molecular weight of the native protein was determined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation to be 290,000 daltons (13S), whereas that of the monomeric form was 37,000 daltons. The quaternary structure of the holoenzyme is likely to be octameric, analogous to pumpkin cotyledon glycolate oxidase [Nishimura et al, 1982]. The subcellular localization of the enzyme was studied using linear sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and it was found that glycolate oxidase activity is detectable in both leaf peroxisomal and supernatant fractions, but not in chloroplasts and mitochondria; the activity distribution pattern is essentially similar to that for catalase, a known leaf peroxisomal enzyme. Ouchterlony double diffusion and immunotitration analyses, demontrated that the rabbit antiserum against purified spinach leaf glycolate oxidase cross-reacted, identically, with the enzyme molecules present in two different subcellular fractions, i.e, the leaf peroxisome and supernatant fractions. It is thus concluded that the enzyme present in the supernatant is due to the disruption of leaf peroxisomes during the isolation, and hence glycolate oxidase is exclusively localized in leaf peroxisomes in spinach leaves.  相似文献   

Zelitch I 《Plant physiology》1978,61(2):236-241
Under conditions where glycolate synthesis was inhibited at least 50% in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaf discs treated with glycidate (2,3-epoxypropionate), the ribulose diphosphate carboxylase activity in extracts and the inhibition of the activity by 100% oxygen were unaffected by the glycidate treatment. [1-14C]Glycidate was readily taken into leaf discs and was bound to leaf proteins, but the binding occurred preferentially with proteins of molecular weight lower than ribulose diphosphate carboxylase. Glycidate added to the isolated enzyme did not inhibit ribulose diphosphate carboxylase activity or affect its inhibition by 100% O2. Thus, glycidate did not inhibit glycolate synthesis by a direct effect on ribulose diphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase.  相似文献   

The psychotomimetic potency and chemical characteristics of a group of glycolate esters of heterocyclic amines were compared. It was found that in a group of drugs in which steric factors did not vary, the differences in psychotomimetic potency could be explained by differences in the nucleophilicities of the drugs as measured by their rates of quaternization with methyl iodide. The stability constants of the charge-transfer complexes of these drugs with chloranil were found to correlate well with the psychotomimetic potencies of the drugs, raising the possibility that charge-transfer interactions play an important role in these drug-receptor interactions. It was concluded that although nucleophilicity was a factor in determining psychotomimetic potency, steric factors were also important.  相似文献   

Glycolate oxidase (E.C. was purified from spinach leaves (Spinacia oleracea). The molecular weight of the native protein was determined by sucrose density gradient centrifugation to be 290,000 daltons (13S), whereas that of the monomeric form was 37,000 daltons. The quaternary structure of the holoenzyme is likely to be octameric, analogous to pumpkin cotyledon glycolate oxidase [Nishimura et al, 1982]. The subcellular localization of the enzyme was studied using linear sucrose density gradient centrifugation, and it was found that glycolate oxidase activity is detectable in both leaf peroxisomal and supernatant fractions, but not in chloroplasts and mitochondria; the activity distribution pattern is essentially similar to that for catalase, a known leaf peroxisomal enzyme. Ouchterlony double diffusion and immunotitration analyses, demonstrated that the rabbit antiserum against purified spinach leaf glycolate oxidase cross-reacted, identically, with the enzyme molecules present in two different subcellular fractions, i.e, the leaf peroxisome and supernatant fractions. It is thus concluded that the enzyme present in the supernatant is due to the disruption of leaf peroxisomes during the isolation, and hence glycolate oxidase is exclusively localized in leaf peroxisomes in spinach leaves.  相似文献   

A comparative study was made of the ultrastructure of parenchyma leaf cells of different soybean varieties systemically infected with soybean mosaic virus (SMV). It has been shown that virus accumulation and formation of virus-specific cylindrical inclusions (CIs) occur in the infected cells, in addition to intracellular changes showing stimulation of lytic processes, such as activation of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus, formation of cytoplasmic vacuoles, cytosegresomes, myelin-like bodies, different disturbances in the structure of cell organelles. Many infected cells demonstrated microbodies with invagination in which cylindrical inclusions were often found showing signs of destruction. It is suggested that such microbodies possess autophagic activity towards CIs. A possible relation of the observed virus-induced ultrastructural cell changes with the degree of SMV affection of investigated varieties is discussed  相似文献   

Operation of the glycolate pathway in isolated bundle sheath (BS) strands of two C4 species was demonstrated from 14C incorporation into two intermediates, glycine and serine, under conditions favourable for photorespiratory activity. Isolated BS strands fixing 14CO2 under light at physiological rates incorporate respectively 3% (Zea mays L., cv. INRA 258) and 7% (Panicum maximum Jacq.) of total 14C fixed into glycine + serine, at low bicarbonate levels (less than the Km for CO2 fixation, 0.8 mM). Higher bicarbonate concentrations depressed the percentage of incorporation into the two amino acids. No labelling was observed in the absence of added glutamate. Oxygen was required for glycine + serine labelling, since 14C incorporation into glycine was largely depressed by argon flushing, and labelling of the two amino acids was nearly suppressed by the addition of the strong reductant, dithionite, especially in maize. Two inhibitors of the glycolate pathway were tested. With α-hydroxypyridine-methanesulfonic acid, an inhibitor of glycolate oxidase, labelling of glycine and serine remained minimal whereas glycolate was accumulated. Isoniazid, an inhibitor of the transformation of glycine to serine induced a 50% increased labelling of glycine in maize BS, and a large decrease in serine labelling. In Panicum, the increase in [14C]-glycine was 90%. These results suggest that the pathway glycolate → glycine → serine operates in these plants. However, leakage of metabolites occurs in BS cells, especially in maize and a large part of newly formed glycolate, glycine and serine is exported out of the cells. Operation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate oxygenase activity in competition with ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase is demonstrated by the lowering of total 14CO2 fixation when O2 is increased at low bicarbonate concentration. An interesting feature observed in maize BS, at low bicarbonate concentration, was an increase in ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate labelling when the O2 level was decreased. This was accompanied by an increase in CO2 fixation. This could indicate an increased rate in synthesis of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (which accumulated) due to a stimulation of ATP synthesis by cyclic photophosphorylation under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

A lectin has been identified in the cell line, SB-1, originally derived from the roots of Glycine max. This lectin, which we shall refer to as SB-1 lectin, was isolated on the basis of its carbohydrate-binding activity (affinity chromatography on Sepharose column derivatized with N-caproyl-galactosamine) and its immunological cross-reactivity (immunoblotting with rabbit antibodies directed against seed soybean agglutinin (SBA]. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting analysis of SB-1 lectin revealed a major polypeptide (Mr approximately equal to 30,000) which co-migrated with seed SBA. This form of the lectin was observed in fractions purified from culture medium of SB-1 cells or supernatant fraction of SB-1 cell suspension after enzymatic removal of cell wall. Extracts of SB-1 cells under some other conditions yielded a major band (Mr approximately equal to 60,000) as revealed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting with rabbit anti-seed SBA; prolonged incubation of these samples in the presence of SDS resulted in the appearance of the 30-kDa polypeptide. It appears that the 60-kDa band represented a highly stable, even under SDS-PAGE conditions, dimeric form of the 30-kDa subunit. The SB-1 lectin derived from the culture medium was compared with seed SBA by gel filtration and by peptide mapping after limited proteolysis; no difference between the lectins from the two sources was found. Extracts of soybean roots fractionated on N-caproyl-galactosamine-Sepharose affinity columns yielded, upon elution with galactose, polypeptides of Mr 30,000 and 60,000. These results suggest that soybean roots contain a lectin whose polypeptide composition corresponds to that of seed SBA and SB-1 lectin.  相似文献   

PTEN is involved in the regulation of normal cellular functions in addition to its well–known role as a tumor suppressor. In the present study, we have shown that stable transfection of the PTEN gene into PTEN–mutated endometrial carcinoma cells leads to contact inhibition accompanied by a decreased level of phosphorylated–Akt (p–Akt) expression, an increase in p27Kip1, and a decrease in β–catenin. PTEN–induced cells with contact inhibition exhibit G0–G1 cell-cycle arrest, and the Ki–67 labeling index is reduced. These changes are canceled by transfection of a double–stranded short–interfering RNA against the PTEN gene. Normal endometrial stromal cells increase their PTEN expression when reaching confluence; this is followed by changes in the expression of Akt–related proteins in the same way as in tumor cells. These results indicate that PTEN, p–Akt, p27, and β–catenin are involved in the signal transduction of contact inhibition and suggest that PTEN may, in part, control the proliferation of endometrial carcinoma cells through the induction of contact inhibition.  相似文献   

The addition of -hydroxy-2-pyridinemethanesulfonate (-HPMS)to spinach leaf protoplasts caused a marked inhibition of photosyntheticCO2 fixation in both air and O2 atmospheres. In the O2 atmosphere,14CO2 was incorporated into glycine, but upon addition of -HPMS(10 mM), there was a suppression of 14CO2 incorporation intothe glycine and serine plus isoleucine fractions, accompaniedby an accumulation of 14C-glycolate. A marked stimulation ofalanine labeling due to the -HPMS treatment was also observed.Feeding protoplasts with [l–14C)-glycolate resulted inthe formation of 14C-labeled glycine, serine, and sugar phosphatesin both light and dark conditions, and a sizable amount of 14CO2evolved concomitantly. The results support the notion concerningthe operation of the glycolate pathway in leaf tissue duringphotorespiratory environments. The suitability of protoplastsfor photosynthetic research in conjunction with the use of inhibitorsubstances are discussed, although the results of the presentresearch indicate that the effect of a-HPMS is not confinedto the specific inhibition of the glycolate-oxidase reaction. 1 This is paper 42 in the series "Structure and Function ofChloroplast Proteins", and the research was supported in partby the grant from the Ministry of Education of Japan (11912,147106), the Toray Science Foundation (Tokyo), the Nissan ScienceFoundation (Tokyo), and the Matsunaga Foundation (to M. N.). (Received July 21, 1977; )  相似文献   

 Selection for high specific leaf weight (SLW) in soybean [Glycine max (L) Merr.] may increase apparent photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area (AP), which in turn may improve seed yield. In general, the SLW and leaf size are negatively correlated in soybean. To maximize total photosynthetic performance, and perhaps the seed yield, of a soybean cultivar, it would be necessary to establish a large leaf area rapidly while maintaining a high SLW. The objective of the present study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conditioning SLW and leaf size in soybean. One hundred and twenty F4-derived lines from a ‘Young’×PI416937 population were evaluated using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. The genetic map consisted of 155 loci on 33 linkage groups (LGs) covering 973 cM of map distance. The phenotypic data were collected from two different environments – a greenhouse at Athens, Ga. and a field site at Windblow, N.C. The SLW and leaf-size measurements were made on leaves from the 8th and 9th node of soybean plants at the V12 stage of development. Combined over environments, six putative independent RFLP markers were associated with SLW, and four of these loci were consistent across environments. Individually, the six markers each explained between 8 and 18% of the phenotypic variation among lines for SLW. The Young alleles contributed to a greater SLW at four of the six independent marker loci, and transgressive segregation occurred among the progeny for SLW. Three putative independent RFLP markers were associated with leaf size, each explaining between 6 to 11% of the phenotypic variation in the trait, and one of these markers was identified in both environments. There was no correlation between SLW and leaf size in this population. Similarly, none of the six QTLs conditioning SLW were linked to any of the three QTLs for leaf size. In this soybean population, it is possible to select for progeny lines with greater SLW than either parent perhaps without affecting the leaf size. It is feasible to pyramid all of the desirable alleles for greater SLW and large leaf size in a single genetic background. Received: 16 August 1997 / Accepted: 20 October 1997  相似文献   

大豆开花后叶片衰老规律的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
大豆开花后叶片光合速率和气孔导度呈单峰曲线变化,光合速率在叶片展开后21d达到高峰,气孔导度在展开后8d达到高峰(1998年)。CAT活性、SOD活性和POX活性的变化似于光合速率,也呈单峰曲线变化,叶片展开后8d内和33d后其含量都比较低,一般在25d达到高峰。叶片可溶性蛋白质含量呈双峰曲线变化,分别在叶片展开后8d和25d达到高峰,只是前一高峰的峰值比较低。叶绿素a、叶绿素b和类胡萝卜含量也呈  相似文献   

The senescence delaying effect of cytokinin is well known, however, the details behind how this process occurs remain unclear. Efforts to improve understanding of this phenomenon have led to the identification in Arabidopsis of specific cytokinin signaling components through which senescence signal responses are regulated. These include the cytokinin receptor (AHK3), the type-B response regulator (ARR2) and the recently identified cytokinin response factor (CRF6). At the mechanistic end of this process, it was found that increased cell-wall invertase activity which occurs in response to cytokinin is both necessary and sufficient for the inhibition of senescence. Yet, a direct link between the signaling and mechanistic steps of a cytokinin regulated senescence process has yet to be demonstrated. This may be in part because the relationship between senescence and primary metabolism implied by the key role of cell-wall invertase is the subject of two apparently opposing bodies of evidence. Here we briefly summarize and propose a model in which cytokinin mediated changes in sink/source relationships leads to delayed senescence which is consistent with existing evidence both for and against sugars as a trigger for developmental senescence.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the quantitative analysis of intactness of spinach leaf protoplasts using glycolate oxidase activity as an index. Since glycolate does not penetrate into protoplasts at neutral pH, the increase of O2 consumption by the addition of glycolate to protoplast suspension was due to the glycolate oxidase activity released from damaged protoplasts. The proportion of damaged protoplasts in the whole preparation was calculated from the ratio of released and total glycolate oxidase activity. Freshly prepared spinach leaf protoplasts were found to be 80 to 90% intact as estimated by the method. The effect of osmolarity on the respiratory activities of spinach leaf protoplasts was also examined by applying the same principle.  相似文献   

The refractive index of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) leaf cell walls was measured by two methods. The refractive index of fully hydrated walls in the living leaf was about 1.415, while that of dried cell walls was about 1.53. The refractive index of the external surface of the living leaf hair was 1.48.  相似文献   

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