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At portal hypertension, produced by means of experimental stenosis of the portal vein in the hemomicrocirculatory bed of hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract, congestive phenomena and edema of walls in the organs are observed. Manifested dilatation is noted in the lumen of arterioles, venules, postcapillary venules and capillaries. At early stages after the operation average diameters of these vessels in the submucosal base of the small intestine become increased 3-7 times and they do not return to the initial size even at late stages. The precapillary sphincters are in the state of spasm. Overdistention of walls in microvessels of the venular part of the functional module results in their increased permeability, that is demonstrated as diapedesic hemorrhages. During formation of intraorganic and extraorganic peripheral pathways of the circulation, the congestive phenomena in the hemomicrocirculatory bed disappear gradually.  相似文献   

In 56 rabbits kept in tight cages for 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 weeks, effect of hypokinesia on structure of hemomicrocirculatory bed of the retina has been studied. The retina is digested in tripsin and then it is exfoliated, and the vessels are stained after Shiff. Diameters of arterioles, capillaries and venules are measured, their relations to each other and number of vessels per square unit are taken into consideration. Restriction of the motor activity for 4 weeks results in narrowing of arterioles, capillaries and venules, in increasing venuloarteriolar coefficient, in decreasing number of vessels per square unit, as compared to the norm. In 8 weeks of hypokinesia the diameter of all links of the hemomicrocirculatory bed is evenly increasing, but it does not reach the normal value; the number of the vessels is keeping to decrease; the venuloarteriolar coefficient is at the same level. In 12, 16 and 20 weeks changes in the diameter and the number of the vessels are poorly pronounced, have a wavy character and diversily directed. The value of the venuloarteriolar coefficient is kept constant. As a whole, the data obtained demonstrate that at a long hypokinesia the animals adapt to the new conditions of existence, and the state of the reticular hemomicrocirculatory bed stabilizes.  相似文献   

The hemomicrocirculatory bed in the canine pericardium is presented by arterioles, precapillaries, capillaries, postcapillaries and venules situating in various connective tissue layers of the pericardium. Certain morphological peculiarities of the structure of the hemomicrocirculatory bed links are revealed in various parts of the pericardium. As demonstrate morphometry data, the diameter of all the vessels of the hemomicrocirculatory bed in various parts of the pericardium has no precise differences. There are some fluctuations in the number of the capillaries per 1 mm2 in various parts of the pericardium. Their number is comparatively greater in the area of the vascular porta (transitional fold), in the left lateral, in the ventral and dorsal parts of the pericardium. In these parts of the pericardium the density of the capillaries is increased, the network is especially dense in the area where the pericardial transitional fold passes into the epicardium. In the pericardial microcirculatory blood bed adaptive mechanisms (glomeruli, arteriolo-venular anastomoses, microsphincters) performing regulation of the organ's blood stream, are widely presented.  相似文献   

By means of scanning electron microscopy of corrosive casts, applied to the human cardiac hemomicrocirculatory bed vessels, beginning from 6-9-month-old fetuses up to persons of elderly and old age, peculiarities in form, dimensions and distribution have been revealed in the wall of the arterial part of the vessels of the hemomicrocirculatory bed of so called circular strips. They are inevitable structural components in the wall of the vessels mentioned and correspond to smooth myocytes, shifted at methylmetacrilate injection.  相似文献   

By means of transmissive electron microscopy methods, general regularities in development of the microcirculatory system have been studied at early stages of the human prenatal ontogenesis in functionally different organs. Ultrastructure of two cell types has been described in the mesenchyme of human embryos. Formation mechanisms of the primary blood vessels belonging to the protocapillary type are revealed. Structural peculiarities of the primary protocapillary network differentiating into various links of the secondary organospecific hemomicrocirculatory bed are distinguished. Certain stageness in development of the microcirculatory system is stated, its blood circulatory compartment including. Two stages are determined in development of the microcirculatory system: prevascular and vascular microcirculation. The latter includes the precirculatory and circulatory phases.  相似文献   

The formation of the organospecific hemomicrocirculatory bed of the ovaries and testes has been studied by a complex of light, transmissive and scanning electron microscopy in 3--9-month-old human fetuses. The change of the diffusive protocapillary bed is secured by: 1) reduction of some protocapillaries; 2) appearance of secondary capillaries from the growth buds of the preceeding microvessels; 3) formation of arteriolar and venular links of the hemomicrocirculatory bed from the protocapillaries at the expense of differentiation of the developing paravasal connective tissue into cellular elements of the muscular and adventitial tunics. The secondary blood capillaries of the human gonads are predominantly formed intraendothelially. During the prenatal ontogenesis presence of the secondary blood capillaries of somatic uninterrupted type is specific for the human gonads.  相似文献   

Using a complex of morphological techniques both injective and non-injective, scanning electron microscopy including, the hemomicrocirculatory bed and vascular anastomoses have been studied in various parts of the human heart. In most cases anastomoses between the microcirculatory links are realized at the level of capillaries, precapillary arterioles and postcapillary venules. Venulo-venular anastomoses are demonstrated in the myocardium. Existence of terminal arterioles is discussed.  相似文献   

By means of amputation of the forearm (the place of the brachial musculus attachment is kept intact) in 30 male rats certain conditions are produced for decreasing force activity in the m. triceps brachii. Anatomical changes in structure and in distribution of links of the hemomicrocirculatory bed (HMCB) are followed in the medial head of the muscle and in the fascia covering it. Time of observations - 1-60 days. The sections of the muscles and some parts of the fascia are impregnated with silver nitrate solution. The greatest changes are observed to occur in the capillary-venular links of the HMCB during the interval of 1.14-4.5 days and are manifested as initial congestion of venous blood in these links. Later (4.5-15.3 and further 60 days) together with stable dilatation of all venous components of the blood bed certain qualitative changes take place in the arteriolar links of the HMCB.  相似文献   

By means of classical anatomical techniques: injection of contrast masses into the vascular network, macro-microscopic preparation, translucency, roentgenography, and some histological techniques, peculiarities of the hemomicrocirculatory bed in muscles of the human arm and forearm have been revealed. Small arteries of the 3d-4th order run along the muscle fiber fasciculi. In the center of the 2d order muscle fasciculus, in its internal perimysium, arteriole and venule (or 2 venules) run; from them into the 1st order fasciculus, precapillary arterioles and postcapillary venules, connected by means of capillaries, run. The arteriole and the venule, accompanying it, together with the precapillary arterioles and postcapillary venules, branching off them, form a unit of the microcirculatory bed of the arm and forearm muscles (module). Well developed intramuscular arterial anastomoses, presence of isolated structural-functional units of the hemomicrocirculatory bed ensure functional prosperity of the human muscles.  相似文献   

By means of transmissive electron microscopy structural aspects of new formation of secondary blood microvessels in functionally different organs have been studied during fetal period of the human development. Growth buds appear on the basal surface of the endothelial lining of the blood microvessels predominantly in those areas of the vascular wall, where pericytes and adventitial cells are absent. The first stage in formation of the growth bud is separating of small compartments in the lumen of the maternal vessel. Then, connected by means of specialized contacts, endothelial cells of such a compartment move one by one towards periphery of the vessel and form the growth bud, protruding outside. In the area of the growth bud local destruction of the basal membrane is observed. Newly formed microvessels, anastomising, form vascular loops. Further processes in differentiation of separate segments of the newly formed capillary network into links of the hemomicrocirculatory bed are analogous to those, observed in the course of differentiation of the primary protocapillary network into the secondary intraorganic blood bed.  相似文献   

Hemomicrocirculatory bed has been studied in fragments of the small intestine wall, obtained from 30 rabbits of various age. During ontogenesis the number and caliber of all components of the hemomicrocirculatory bed increase, as well as density of the capillary network in connection with formation and growth of the small intestine membranes. At the age of two or three years involutive changes are observed in the blood bed of this organ.  相似文献   

The intraorganic veins of the human urinary bladder have been studied in a vast sectional material. The veins within the organ make an enormous multilayered plexus which is differently organized in various layers of its wall. Abundant anastomoses, multiplicated ways for outflow from every layer, manifested interactions between the venous plexuses are specific for the intraorganic venous bed of the urinary bladder. The structures for an active regulating the hemomicrocirculatory blood stream are widely presented in the urinary bladder. In its every tunic certain specific morpho-functional features for organization and adaptation of the intraorganic venous bed are revealed.  相似文献   

By means of silver nitrate impregnation and hematoxylin -- eosin staining the microcirculatory bed of the human brain dura mater (the second half of the mature age) has been investigated. Owing to the analysis of the morphometrical data of module organization of the hemomicrocirculatory bed, an objective quantitative characteristics of its peculiarities in various layers and areas of the dura mater is presented. In three layers of the dura mater in the fornix and skull basis area, falx cerebri and tentorium cerebelli venular links predominate. Most of all morphometrical parameters of the venular vessels increase in the internal layer of the dura mater in the skull basis area. Conditions of functioning for the human brain dura mater are reflected in its blood bed, its specificity manifesting at the microcirculatory level.  相似文献   

The effect of castration and replacement therapy with testosterone propionate (TP) on the pituitary LH concentration and contents in the house musk shrew was investigated by using an in vitro bioassay for LH, the Rat Interstitial Cell Testosterone assay. The concentration and contents of LH increased slightly 10 days after castration, but decreased progressively thereafter to about a half of the pre-operation level by 90 days after the operation. The replacement with TP (100 micrograms/day) for 7 days significantly depressed LH contents when it was begun 10 days after castration, while the same treatment started immediately after or 30 days after the operation did not significantly affect the pituitary LH level. The feedback mechanism between the gonad and the pituitary may be slightly different in the shrew from that in other mammals. TP replacement, started immediately after castration, completely inhibited the decrease in the weight of male accessory sex organs in castrated shrews. In castrated animals when more than 10 days had elapsed after the operation, however, the decreased weight of the organs could not be fully restored by the TP replacement for 7 days.  相似文献   

By means of Karnovsky--Roots method the nervous apparatus of the hemomicrocirculatory bed has been revealed in the subcutaneous muscle fascia possessing acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. Innervational peculiarities in some microvascular branches, bushy pattern of AChE-positive nervous structures have been stated, as well as their uneven distribution along the vessels.  相似文献   

In preparations impregnated with silver nitrate (25 corpses of mature persons), the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the intestine wall tunics has been stated to possess a layer-by-layer organization. The most powerful submucosal vascular plexus, formed by branches of the arteries perforating the external tunics of the intestine, supplies with blood all the layers of the intestinal wall and their main working and integrating elements: intestinal and duodenal glands, villi, neural ganglia and trunks of the submucosal and intermuscular plexuses. Summarizing morphometrical criteria for estimating the capillary bed of the tunics of all the anatomical parts and the large duodenal papilla, it is clear that there are specific conditions in microvascularization of the upper part of the organ.  相似文献   

After investigations performed concerning the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the m. gracilis, m. rectus femoris, m. adductor longus and m. semitendinosus in 100 dogs transplanted on the perineum in order to form the rectal closing apparatus, according the technique elaborated, it has been stated that reaction of the blood bed of the muscle flaps in all experimental series is identical. During the restorative process of the disturbed hemocirculation in the muscle flap and in the intestinal closing apparatus built, certain phasesness in development of adaptive reactions is observed, that corresponds to the known syndrome "economization" microcirculation.  相似文献   

Hearts of 220 human corpses, who had not any cardiovascular system disease during their life, have been distributed into age groups, beginning from fetuses up to old age. By means of injection, silver nitrate impregnation and scanning electron microscopy methods, applied to corrosive preparations, morphological mechanisms of the blood stream regulation in the hemomicrocirculatory bed of the human heart have been revealed in ontogenesis. The first group of the regulation mechanisms includes proper mechanisms inherent in the links of the microbed: spatial orientation of microvessels, precapillary sphincters, anastomoses between these vessels, sequence in arrangement of the endothelial cell nuclei, length, diameter and number of links in the microcirculatory bed. The second group embraces those mechanisms, that depend on structure of the myocardial wall, influencing the microcirculatory bed.  相似文献   

采用真丝涤纶人造血管行腹主动脉移植,结果显示,术后10天吻合口管壁有较完整的纤维组织性吻合,并有内皮细胞覆盖,血管内壁有血细胞形成的一薄层血栓覆盖,10天后开始机化学变成纤维组织,逐渐被内皮细胞覆盖,术后1个月移植血管内形成完整的内皮,但并不完善,3个月血管内皮才被一单层内皮细胞完整覆盖。  相似文献   

Albino female rats were exposed to X radiation (5 Gy, 180 kV, 10 mA, filter 0.5 mm Cu) on days 10-15 of pregnancy. After 3 and 7 days they were sacrificed (under ether anesthesia) and fetuses were extracted. The status of the lympho- and hemomicrocirculatory beds (LMCB and HMCB) of the fetus back skin was studied by the macro- and microscopic methods. As early as day 3 of radiation sickness the diameter of LMCB vessels increased by 1.4-1.9 times, whereas changes in GMCB were less pronounced. On day 7, there was a progressive increase in dilatation of LMCB vessels, alongside with the narrowing of large units (arteries and veins). The development of the connective framework of the fetus skin was retarded.  相似文献   

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