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须根多数成簇,纺锤状肉质增粗;无横走的根茎;茎1(—2),被淡色短柔毛,上下均具叶,基部不变细;基生叶常早枯,留下纤维状的叶残基;茎生叶柄具鞘;总状花序顶生,花蓝色,柱头具6个乳突;蒴果圆柱形,成熟时通常扭曲。 本组近曲花紫堇组,但本组茎被短柔毛,上下均具叶,基部不变细;柱头具6个乳突;蒴果成熟时通常扭曲。  相似文献   

大花长梗黄堇 新变种 Corydalis longipes DC. var. megalantha H. Chuang, var. nov. A var, chumbicae Prain differt petalis inferioribus basi saccatis ac in ca'car minimum pendulum productis. 与春丕长梗黄堇的区别在于下花瓣基部呈囊状并向下延伸成1下垂小距。  相似文献   

庄璇 《云南植物研究》1991,13(3):271-273
维西黄堇 新种 图1:1—4 Corydalis weisiensis H. Chuang, sp. nov. Corydalis lopinensis auct. non Franch.: C. Y. Wu et H. Chuang in Act. Bot. Yunn. 6(3): 237. 1984, excl. spec. typo. Proxima C. lopinensi Franch., a qua differt floribus majoribus, petalis superioribus 2.5—3 cm longis, calcaribus conico-cylindraceis, attenuatis, 3/5 totis petalorum occupantis, petalis interioribus superne purpurino-brunneis; racemis 4—7 cm longis; lobulis foliorum caulinorum anguste ovatis vel lanceolatis. Herba glabra, 20—30 cm alta. Radices numerosae fasciculatae, fusiformes incrassatae, ad 3.5 cm longae, sessiles, in sicco atrocunneae. Caules simplices in summo foliati, ceterum nudi, basi attenuati. Folia basalia ignota; caulina 2, apice caulum alterna, petiolata vel subsessilia, laminis 3—5 cm longis, bipinnatisectis, segmentis primariis 2—3-jugis, inferior iterum lobatis,lobulis anguste ovatis vel lanceolatis, integris, subtus pruinosis, nervibus 3 longitudinalibus. Racemi terminales, 4—7 cm longi, dense multiflor  相似文献   

泾源紫(?) 新种 图1 Corydalis jingyuanensis C. Y. Wu et H. Chuang. sp. nov. Species C, quantmeyeriana Fedde affinis, sed inflorescentiis pallide pallide pubescentibus, petalis externis cristatis crista circ. 3 mm alta, foliis triternatisectis differt.  相似文献   

突尖紫堇组计6种2变种,特产于中国西部的四川,云南,贵州,而集中分化于四川西部。本文描述了本组的特征集要,4新种和2新变种,即龙溪紫堇,凯里紫堇,羽叶紫堇,长距紫堇,无囊紫堇,多裂长距紫堇。  相似文献   

中国紫堇属大叶紫堇组的分类与分布   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文叙述大叶紫堇组在紫堇属(Corydalis)中的系统位置以及其分布区的原始性,同时记载了隶属于5个系的23种9变种和1变型,其中有4个新系,7个新种和7个新变种。  相似文献   

林生多年生、高大直立的半灌木状草本。主根退化,须根发达。茎生叶多数,叶片二至三回三出分裂或羽状分裂,裂片通常全缘。苞片常很小,全缘,稀最下部者3裂或缺刻。花冠中等大,长(1.2—)1.5—2.5厘米,花瓣黄色,距通常比花瓣片长,大多具长的密腺体,柱头双卵形或扁长方形,2浅裂,具2—10个乳突。蒴果通常长倒卵形。  相似文献   

伞花紫堇组(Sect. Denecinctae Fendde ex C.Y.Wu et T.Y.Shu)是集中分布在我国云南,四川和西藏接壤地区的特有高山类群,其独特的形态特征在紫堇属中有别于其他各组,是十分自然的一类。1928年Fedde建立本组(Fedde,Repert.25:221,1928),后来他又将它降为亚组(Subsect.Benecinctae Fedde) 置于真紫堇组(Sect.Eucorydalis Prantl)之下(Fedde in Engler et Prantl,Naturl Pflanzenfam.17b:134,1936),鉴于Fedde在建立本组时缺乏拉丁描述,以及近年来的一些新发现已为Fedde原有记载所不能包括,所以作者除恢复 Fedde首次建立的组的等级外还作了拉丁的补充描述。  相似文献   

曲花紫堇组(Sect.Rapiferae)是1936年由Fedde建立的,当时大约有20种。我们在做中国植物志的过程中,对大量标本进行了分析研究后,本组已是包括有41种的大组。模式种:曲花紫Corydalis curviflora Maxim.  相似文献   

本文报道9种尾孢菌,其中有2个新种:蟹甲草尾孢 Cercospora cacaliae Y. L. Guo & Y.Jiang和菜蓟尾孢Cercospora  cynarae Y. L. Guo & Y. Jiang,中国新记录种有迪氏尾孢Cercosporademetrioniana  G. Winter,田菁生尾孢 Cercospora  glothidiicola  Tracy &  Earle,甘草尾孢 Cercosporaglycyrrhizae  (Savulescu & Sandu)Chupp,野桐尾孢Cercospora malloti Ellis &  Evsrh,木薯尾孢Cercospora manihobae Viegas,补骨脂尾孢 Cercospora psoraleae-bituminosae Savul.& Sandu和香豆尾孢Cercospora traversiana Sacc。文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

蒋毅  郭英兰 《菌物学报》2001,20(1):25-28
本文报道9种尾孢菌,其中有2个新种蟹甲草尾孢Cercospora cacaliae Y.L.Guo & Y.Jiang和菜蓟尾孢Cercospora cynarae Y.L.Guo & Y.Jiang,中国新记录种有迪氏尾孢Cercospora demetrioniana G.Winter,田菁生尾孢Cercospora glothidiicola Tracy & Earle,甘草尾孢Cercospora glycyrrhizae (Sǎvulescu & Sandu)Chupp,野桐尾孢Cercospora malloti Ellis & Everh.,木薯尾孢Cercospora manihobae Viégas,补骨脂尾孢Cercospora psoraleae-bituminosae Sǎvul. & Sandu和香豆尾孢Cercospora traversiana Sacc.。文中为新种提供了拉丁文描述并附图,研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

The input and fate of new C in two forest soils under elevated CO2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this study was to estimate (i) the influence of different soil types on the net input of new C into soils under CO2 enrichment and (ii) the stability and fate of these new C inputs in soils. We exposed young beech–spruce model ecosystems on an acidic loam and calcareous sand for 4 years to elevated CO2. The added CO2 was depleted in 13C, allowing to trace new C inputs in the plant–soil system. We measured CO2‐derived new C in soil C pools fractionated into particle sizes and monitored respiration as well as leaching of this new C during incubation for 1 year. Soil type played a crucial role in the partitioning of C. The net input of new C into soils under elevated CO2 was about 75% greater in the acidic loam than in the calcareous sand, despite a 100% and a 45% greater above‐ and below‐ground biomass on the calcareous sand. This was most likely caused by a higher turnover of C in the calcareous sand as indicated by 30% higher losses of new C from the calcareous sand than from the acidic loam during incubation. Therefore, soil properties determining stabilization of soil C were apparently more important for the accumulation of C in soils than tree productivity. Soil fractionation revealed that about 60% of the CO2‐derived new soil C was incorporated into sand fractions. Low natural 13C abundance and wide C/N ratios show that sand fractions comprise little decomposed organic matter. Consistently, incubation indicated that new soil C was preferentially respired as CO2. During the first month, evolved CO2 consisted to 40–55% of new C, whereas the fraction of new C in bulk soil C was 15–23% only. Leaching of DOC accounted for 8–23% of the total losses of new soil C. The overall effects of CO2 enrichment on soil C were small in both soils, although tree growth increased significantly on the calcareous sand. Our results suggest that the potential of soils for C sequestration is limited, because only a small fraction of new C inputs into soils will become long‐term soil C.  相似文献   

六种尾孢菌被报道,其中有2个新种:寄生在结香Edgeworthiapapyrifera上的结香生尾孢Cercosporaedgeworthiicola和寄生在印度枣Ziziphusincurva上的枣生尾孢C.ziziphigena。4个为新记录种:昂天莲尾孢Cercosporaabromae,滇芎尾孢C.arracacina,玄参尾孢C.scrophulariae和毛蕊花生尾孢C.verbascicola。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、英文描述并附图。研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

六种尾孢菌被报道,其中有2个新种:寄生在结香Edgeworthiapapyrifera上的结香生尾孢Cercosporaedgeworthiicola和寄生在印度枣Ziziphusincurva上的枣生尾孢C.ziziphigena。4个为新记录种:昂天莲尾孢Cercosporaabromae,滇芎尾孢C.arracacina,玄参尾孢C.scrophulariae和毛蕊花生尾孢C.verbascicola。文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、英文描述并附图。研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)。  相似文献   

本文报道了黑蛋巢菌属Cyathus的三个新种、一个新变种和一个新记录种,它们分别是:四川黑蛋巢菌C.sichuanensis Liu et Y.M.Li,关帝山黑蛋巢菌C.guandishanensisLiu et Y.M.Li,云南黑蛋巢菌C.yunnanensis Liu et Y.M.Li,五台山黑蛋巢菌垣曲变种C.wutaishanensis Liu,Shangguan et Yuan var.yuanquensis Liu et Y.M.Li和栗褐黑蛋巢菌C.badius Kobayasi。模式标本除C.yunanensis Liu et Y.M.Li保存在中国科学院微生物研究所标本室外,其余均保存在山西大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   

本文报道了黑蛋巢菌属Cyathus的三个新种、一个新变种和一个新记录种,它们分别是:四川黑蛋巢菌C.sichuanensis Liu et Y.M.Li,关帝山黑蛋巢菌C.guandishanensisLiu et Y.M.Li,云南黑蛋巢菌C.yunnanensis Liu et Y.M.Li,五台山黑蛋巢菌垣曲变种C.wutaishanensis Liu,Shangguan et Yuan var.yuanquensis Liu et Y.M.Li和栗褐黑蛋巢菌C.badius Kobayasi。模式标本除C.yunanensis Liu et Y.M.Li保存在中国科学院微生物研究所标本室外,其余均保存在山西大学真菌标本室。  相似文献   

六种尾孢菌被报道,其中有2个新种寄生在结香Edgeworthia papyrifera 上的结香生尾孢Cercospora edgeworthiicola和寄生在印度枣Ziziphus incurva 上的枣生尾孢C. ziziphigena.4个为新记录种昂天莲尾孢Cercospora abromae, 滇芎尾孢C. arracacina, 玄参尾孢C. scrophulariae和毛蕊花生尾孢C. verbascicola.文中为新种提供了拉丁文简介、英文描述并附图.研究的标本保存在中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS).  相似文献   

Since the 19th century many botanists have studied the Chinese Cirsium and a great number of taxa or names has been reported, of which many still need to be reviewed critically This work is a preliminaxy result of study on Chinese species of Cirsium. As many as 65 taxan or names in the literature are reduced to synonym in this paper. The Cirsium in China so far known comprises 49 species, of which 9 are described as new, 1 is a new combination and 4 are new records in Chinese flora. These new species are: C. subulariforme Shih, S. muliense Shih, C. fanjingshanense Shih, C. periacanthaceum Shih, C. racemiforme Ling et Shih, C. vernonioides Shih, C. chrysolepis Shih, C. tenuifolium Shih and the new combination is C. viridifolium (Hand. -Mazz.) Shih. The new records in China are C. serratuloides (L.) Hill., C. incanum (S. G. Gmel.) Fisch. ex MB., C. lanatum (Roxb. ex Willd.) Spreng and C. alatum (S. G. Gmel) Bobr. The Chinese Cirsium is divided into 8 sections in the present paper, of which 3 are new, namely, Sect. Isolepis Shih, Sect. Tricholepis Shilh and Sect. Hymenolepis Shih, and I is a new combination, namely, Sect. Spanioptilon (Cass.) Shih. In addition, a new species of the genus Alfredia, A. aspera Slih, is described.  相似文献   

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