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Major-histocompatibility-complex (MHC) proteins are used to display, on the surface of a cell, peptides derived from foreign material - such as a virus - that is infecting that cell. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes then recognize and kill the infected cell. The HIV-1 Nef protein downregulates the cell-surface expression of class I MHC proteins, and probably thereby promotes immune evasion by HIV-1. In the presence of Nef, class I MHC molecules are relocalized from the cell surface to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) through as-yet-unknown mechanisms. Here we show that Nef-induced downregulation of MHC-I expression and MHC-I targeting to the TGN require the binding of Nef to PACS-1, a molecule that controls the TGN localization of the cellular protein furin. This interaction is dependent on Nef's cluster of acidic amino acids. A chimaeric integral membrane protein containing Nef as its cytoplasmic domain localizes to the TGN after internalization, in an acidic-cluster- and PACS-1-dependent manner. These results support a model in which Nef relocalizes MHC-I by acting as a connector between MHC-I's cytoplasmic tail and the PACS-1-dependent protein-sorting pathway.  相似文献   

The avid binding of HIV-1 Nef to the Src homology-3 (SH3) domain of Hck (KD 250 nM) has been shown to involve an interaction between the RT-loop of Hck-SH3 and residues in Nef outside of its prototypic polyproline type II (PPII) helix-containing SH3-ligand region. Such distinctive interactions are thought to provide specificity and affinity for other SH3/ligand protein complexes as well. Here, we have constructed and successfully displayed on the surface of M13 bacteriophage particles a complex library of SH3 domains, which are derived from Hck but carry a random hexapeptide substitution in their RT-loops (termed RRT-SH3). Using this strategy we have identified individual RRT-SH3 domains that can bind to Nef up to 40-fold more avidly than Hck-SH3. Some of these high-affinity RRT-SH3 domains resembled Hck-SH3 in that they bound much less well to a Nef variant containing an engineered F90R mutation that interferes with docking of the native Hck RT-loop. In addition, we could also select RRT-SH3 domains with an opposite specificity, which were dependent on the Arg90 residue for strong binding, and bound 100-fold less well to unmodified Nef. These results demonstrate the utility of phage-display in engineering of signaling protein interaction domains, and emphasize the importance of the RT-loop in SH3 ligand selection, thus suggesting a general strategy for creating SH3 domains with desired binding properties.  相似文献   

The HIV-1-encoded protein, Nef, plays a key role in the development of AIDS. One of Nef’s functions is to keep MHC class I off the surface of infected cells, a process that requires the host proteins clathrin and AP-1. To identify other proteins involved in this pathway, we carried out a genome-wide siRNA library screen on HeLa cells co-expressing HLA-A2 and an inducible form of Nef. Out of 21,121 siRNA pools, 100 were selected for further analysis, based on their ability to either inhibit or enhance downregulation of MHC-I by Nef. When cells were treated with the same siRNA pools as those used in the screen, 79% produced a similar phenotype. However, when the cells were treated with different siRNA reagents targeting the same genes, only 16% produced a similar phenotype. This indicates that most of the hits found in the original screen are likely to have been off-target, an important concern that is often not taken into account in siRNA screening studies. Nevertheless, we identified novel host factors involved in Nef-induced downregulation of MHC-I, including four genes, MIIP, CAMSAP3, SLC6A3, and KCTD19, where multiple reagents produced a strong inhibitory effect on Nef activity. Other hits slightly below our very high stringency cutoff point may also deserve further study. Thus, our dataset is a valuable resource for scientists investigating the pathogenesis of HIV.  相似文献   

The MHC class Ib molecule Qa-1 is the primary ligand for mouse CD94/NKG2A inhibitory receptors expressed on NK cells, in addition to presenting Ags to a subpopulation of T cells. CD94/NKG2A receptors specifically recognize Qa-1 bound to the MHC class Ia leader sequence-derived peptide Qdm. Qdm is the dominant peptide loaded onto Qa-1 under physiological conditions and this peptide has an optimal sequence for binding to Qa-1. Peptide dissociation experiments demonstrated that Qdm dissociates from soluble or cell surface Qa-1(b) molecules with a t(1/2) of approximately 1.5 h at 37 degrees C. In comparison, complexes of an optimal peptide (SIINFEKL) bound to the MHC class Ia molecule H-2K(b) dissociated with a t(1/2) in the range from 11 to 31 h. In contrast to K(b), the stability of cell surface Qa-1(b) molecules was independent of bound peptides, and several observations suggested that empty cell surface Qa-1(b) molecules might be unusually stable. Consistent with the rapid dissociation rate of Qdm from Qa-1(b), cells become susceptible to lysis by CD94/NKG2A(+) NK cells under conditions in which new Qa-1(b)/Qdm complexes cannot be continuously generated at the cell surface. These results support the hypothesis that Qa-1 has been selected as a specialized MHC molecule that is unable to form highly stable peptide complexes. We propose that the CD94/NKG2A-Qa-1/Qdm recognition system has evolved as a rapid sensor of the integrity of the MHC class I biosynthesis and Ag presentation pathway.  相似文献   

The nef gene contributes to the replication of primate lentiviruses by altering the trafficking of cellular proteins involved in adaptive immunity (class I and II major histocompatibility complex [MHC]) and viral transmission (CD4 and DC-SIGN). A conserved acidic leucine-based sequence (E(160)xxxLL) within human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Nef binds to the cellular adaptor protein (AP) complexes, which mediate protein sorting into endosomal vesicles. The leucine residues in this motif are required for the down-regulation of CD4 and for the up-regulation of DC-SIGN and the invariant chain of MHC class II, but the role of the acidic residue is unclear. Here, substitution of E160 with uncharged residues impaired the ability of Nef to up-regulate the expression of the invariant chain and DC-SIGN at the cell surface, whereas substitution with a basic residue was required for a similar effect on the down-regulation of CD4. All substitutions of E160 relieved the Nef-mediated block to transferrin uptake. E160 was required for the efficient interaction of Nef with AP-1 and AP-3 and for the stabilization of these complexes on endosomal membranes in living cells. Systematic mutation of the ExxxLL sequence together with correlation of binding and functional data leads to the hypotheses that AP-1 and AP-3 are major cofactors for the effect of Nef on the trafficking of transferrin, are less important but contribute to the modulation of the invariant chain and DC-SIGN, and are least critical for the modulation of CD4. The data suggest that the E160 residue plays a differential role in the modulation of leucine-dependent Nef-targets and support a model in which distinct AP complexes are used by Nef to modulate different cellular proteins.  相似文献   

Downregulation of major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) by HIV-1 Nef protein is indispensable for evasion of protective immunity by HIV-1. Though it has been suggested that the N-terminal region of Nef contributes to the function by associating with a mu-1A subunit of adaptor protein 1, the structural basis of the interaction between Nef and mu-1A remains elusive. We found that a tripartite hydrophobic motif (Trp13/Val16/Met20) in the N terminus of Nef was required for the MHC-I downregulation. Importantly, the motif functioned as a noncanonical mu-1A-binding motif for the interaction with the tyrosine motif-binding site of the mu-1A subunit. Our findings will help understanding of how HIV-1 evades the antiviral immune response by selectively redirecting the cellular protein trafficking system.  相似文献   

We studied the interaction of the artificial 12-aa proline-rich peptide PD1 with the SH3 domain of the hematopoietic cell kinase Hck and the peptide's potency in competitively displacing HIV-1 Nef from the Hck SH3 domain. PD1 was obtained from a phage display screen and exhibits exceptional affinity for the Hck SH3 domain (K(d)=0.23 microM). Competition experiments using NMR spectroscopy demonstrate that the peptide even displaces Nef from Hck SH3 and allow for estimation of the Nef-Hck SH3 dissociation constant (K(d)=0.44 microM), the strongest SH3 ligand interaction known so far. Consequences of this study for novel antiviral concepts are discussed.  相似文献   

The accessory protein Nef of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV and SIV) is an important pathogenicity factor known to interact with cellular protein kinases and other signaling proteins. A canonical SH3 domain binding motif in Nef is required for most of these interactions. For example, HIV-1 Nef activates the tyrosine kinase Hck by tightly binding to its SH3 domain. An archetypal contact between a negatively charged SH3 residue and a highly conserved arginine in Nef (Arg77) plays a key role here. Combining structural analyses with functional assays, we here show that Nef proteins have also developed a distinct structural strategy—termed the "R-clamp”—that favors the formation of this salt bridge via buttressing Arg77. Comparison of evolutionarily diverse Nef proteins revealed that several distinct R-clamps have evolved that are functionally equivalent but differ in the side chain compositions of Nef residues 83 and 120. Whereas a similar R-clamp design is shared by Nef proteins of HIV-1 groups M, O, and P, as well as SIVgor, the Nef proteins of SIV from the Eastern chimpanzee subspecies (SIVcpzP.t.s.) exclusively utilize another type of R-clamp. By contrast, SIV of Central chimpanzees (SIVcpzP.t.t.) and HIV-1 group N strains show more heterogenous R-clamp design principles, including a non-functional evolutionary intermediate of the aforementioned two classes. These data add to our understanding of the structural basis of SH3 binding and kinase deregulation by Nef, and provide an interesting example of primate lentiviral protein evolution.  相似文献   

Summary The Nef protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is known to directly bind to the SH3 domain of human lymphocyte specific kinase (Lck) via a proline-rich region located in the amino terminal part of Nef. To address the question whether Nef binding to Lck SH3 involves residues outside the typical poly-proline peptide binding site and whether the Lck unique domain is involved in Nef–Lck interaction, we studied the direct interaction between both molecules using recombinant full-length HIV-1 Nef protein on one side and recombinantly expressed and uniformly 15N-isotope labeled Lck protein comprising unique and SH3 domains on the other side. Applying nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy we could show that only residues of Lck SH3, that are typically involved in binding poly-proline peptides, are affected by Nef binding. Further, for the first time we could rule out that residues of Lck unique domain are involved in binding to full length Nef protein. Thus, interactions of Lck unique domain to cellular partners e.g. CD4 or CD8, are not necessarily competitive with Lck binding to HIV-1 Nef.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) Nef protein is a pathogenicity factor required for effective progression to AIDS, which modulates host cell signaling pathways and T-cell receptor internalization. We have determined the crystal structure of Nef, allele SF2, in complex with an engineered SH3 domain of human Hck showing unnaturally tight binding and inhibitory potential toward Nef. This complex provides the most complete Nef structure described today, and explains the structural basis of the high affinity of this interaction. Intriguingly, the 33-residue C-terminal flexible loop is resolved in the structure by its interactions with a highly conserved hydrophobic groove on the core domain of an adjacent Nef molecule. The loop mediates the interaction of Nef with the cellular adaptor protein machinery for the stimulated internalization of surface receptors. The endocytic dileucine-based sorting motif is exposed at the tip of the acidic loop, giving the myristoylated Nef protein a distinctly dipolar character. The intermolecular domain assembly of Nef provides insights into a possible regulation mechanism for cargo trafficking.  相似文献   

The physical association of HLA class I or H-2 molecules with 36 HIV-1 Nef synthetic peptides was studied using a direct peptide binding assay (PBA) in solid phase. To assess the functional significance of the PBA results, the Nef peptides were also tested for their ability to inhibit the lytic activity of human or murine CTL. The PBA results showed that seven partly overlapping regions of the Nef protein contained MHC binding peptides (4-18, 46-67, 73-94, 100-128, 126-155, 182-198, and 192-206). Five of these seven regions included all the already described epitopes recognized by CD8+ human CTL. The two other regions, 4-18 and 46-67, are not yet described as antigenic for human CD8+ cells but they are located in the N-terminal part of Nef that was previously described as being stimulator for rat or chimpanzee CD4+ cells. Altogether, it can be concluded that 1) In virtually 100% of the cases, the PBA is capable to detect known antigenic peptides recognized by CTL. 2) The PBA and the functional inhibition assay provide similar results, supporting the functional significance of PBA results. 3) The PBA is easy to handle on a large scale, using multiple peptide and several MHC molecules, so that it can be used as a routine method for prevision of possibly epitopic sequences. 4) Systematic studies of peptides issued from the whole sequence of a given protein allow to map polyepitopic areas that are probably the most interesting parts of proteins for a vaccine purpose.  相似文献   

The ability of HIV-1 to evade the host immune response leads to the establishment of chronic infection. HIV-1 has been reported to up-regulate MHC I molecules on the surface of thymocytes from HIV-1-infected thymus. We demonstrate in this study that HIV-1 up-regulates MHC I on both HIV-1-infected and uninfected thymocytes in a manner that is independent of Nef, proportional to viral replication, and entirely mediated by IFN-alpha. IL-3Ralpha+ type 2 predendritic cells (preDC2) resident in the thymic medulla secrete IFN-alpha, which acts on IFN-alphabetaR-expressing immature thymocytes to induce MHC I expression. Furthermore, thymic preDC2 are permissive for HIV-1 infection and positive for intracellular p24. These data demonstrate the ability of IFN-alpha secreted by preDC2 to induce MHC I up-regulation in the HIV-1-infected human thymus.  相似文献   

Nef is an HIV-1 virulence factor that promotes viral pathogenicity by altering host cell signaling pathways. Nef binds several members of the Src kinase family, and these interactions have been implicated in the pathogenesis of HIV/AIDS. However, the direct effect of Nef interaction on Src family kinase (SFK) regulation and activity has not been systematically addressed. We explored this issue using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, a well defined model system for the study of SFK regulation. Previous studies have shown that ectopic expression of c-Src arrests yeast cell growth in a kinase-dependent manner. We expressed Fgr, Fyn, Hck, Lck, Lyn, and Yes as well as c-Src in yeast and found that each kinase was active and induced growth suppression. Co-expression of the negative regulatory kinase Csk suppressed SFK activity and reversed the growth-inhibitory effect. We then co-expressed each SFK with HIV-1 Nef in the presence of Csk. Nef strongly activated Hck, Lyn, and c-Src but did not detectably affect Fgr, Fyn, Lck, or Yes. Mutagenesis of the Nef PXXP motif essential for SH3 domain binding greatly reduced the effect of Nef on Hck, Lyn, and c-Src, suggesting that Nef activates these Src family members through allosteric displacement of intramolecular SH3-linker interactions. These data show that Nef selectively activates Hck, Lyn, and c-Src among SFKs, identifying these kinases as proximal effectors of Nef signaling and potential targets for anti-HIV drug discovery.  相似文献   

Thymic transplantation across an MHC class I barrier in swine.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thymic tissue transplantation has been performed previously in adult mice to induce donor-specific tolerance across allogeneic and xenogeneic barriers. We have now attempted to extend this technique to a large animal preclinical model and describe here our initial studies of allogeneic thymic transplantation in miniature swine. Two miniature swine were thymectomized before thymic tissue transplantation, and two remained euthymic. Donor thymic tissue was harvested from SLA class I-mismatched juvenile pigs and placed into recipient sternocephalicus muscle, kidney capsule, and omentum. A 12-day course of cyclosporin A was started on the day of transplantation. Allogeneic thymic engraftment could only be achieved in euthymic and not in thymectomized miniature swine using this treatment regimen. Both nonthymectomized animals showed good graft development, with evidence of thymopoiesis, as indicated by positive CD1 and host-type SLA class I immunoperoxidase staining of immature graft-infiltrating cells. Both animals also demonstrated donor-specific T cell hyporesponsiveness, as measured by MLR and cell-mediated lympholysis. The thymic grafts continued to develop despite the appearance of high levels of anti-donor specific cytotoxic IgG Abs. Thus, thymic tissue transplanted across an SLA class I barrier can engraft and support host thymopoiesis in euthymic miniature swine. The presence of the host thymus was required for engraftment. These data support the potential of thymic transplantation as part of a regimen to induce donor-specific tolerance to xenogeneic organ grafts.  相似文献   

We have examined the differential binding of Hck and Fyn to HIV-1 Nef to elucidate the structural basis of SH3 binding affinity and specificity. Full-length Nef bound to Hck SH3 with the highest affinity reported for an SH3-mediated interaction (KD 250 nM). In contrast to Hck, affinity of the highly homologous Fyn SH3 for Nef was too weak (KD > 20 microM) to be accurately determined. We show that this distinct specificity lies in a variable loop, the 'RT loop', positioned close to conserved SH3 residues implicated in the binding of proline-rich (PxxP) motifs. A mutant Fyn SH3 with a single amino acid substitution (R96I) in its RT loop had an affinity (KD 380 nM) for Nef comparable with that of Hck SH3. Based on additional mutagenesis studies we propose that the selective recognition of Nef by Hck SH3 is determined by hydrophobic interactions involving an isoleucine residue in its RT loop. Although Nef contains a PxxP motif which is necessary for the interaction with Hck SH3, high affinity binding was only observed for intact Nef protein. The binding of a peptide containing the Nef PxxP motif showed > 300-fold weaker affinity for Hck SH3 than full-length Nef.  相似文献   

The nef gene is required for optimal viral spread of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of the Nef proteins may not be identical for all viral families. Here we investigate the interaction between the Nef protein of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses and SH3 domains from Src family kinases. Using the yeast two-hybrid system and immunoblotting we show that, in contrast to HIV-1 Nef, SIV and HIV-2 Nef poorly interact with Hck SH3 but bind to Src and Fyn SH3 domains. The molecular basis of these differences in SH3 targeting was revealed by sequence analysis and homology modeling of the putative SH3-Nef structures. Three amino acids (Trp-113, Thr-117, and Gln-118) that localize in a "hydrophobic pocket" implicated in SH3 binding of HIV-1 Nef, are systematically substituted in SIV/HIV-2 alleles (by Tyr, Glu, and Glu, respectively). We demonstrate that site-directed mutagenesis of these residues in SIV(mac239) Nef suffices to restore Hck SH3 binding and co-immunoprecipitation with full-length Hck from transfected cells. Our findings identify fundamental mechanistic differences in targeting of Src family kinases by HIV and SIV Nef. The herein described mechanism of SH3 selection by Nef via a "pocket" proximal to the canonical proline-rich motif may be a common feature for SH3 recognition by their natural ligands.  相似文献   



Cross-presentation by dendritic cells (DCs) is a crucial prerequisite for effective priming of cytotoxic T-cell responses against bacterial, viral and tumor antigens; however, this antigen presentation pathway remains poorly defined.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In order to develop a comprehensive understanding of this process, we tested the hypothesis that the internalization of MHC class I molecules (MHC-I) from the cell surface is directly involved in cross-presentation pathway and the loading of antigenic peptides. Here we provide the first examination of the internalization of MHC-I in DCs and we demonstrate that the cytoplasmic domain of MHC-I appears to act as an addressin domain to route MHC-I to both endosomal and lysosomal compartments of DCs, where it is demonstrated that loading of peptides derived from exogenously-derived proteins occurs. Furthermore, by chasing MHC-I from the cell surface of normal and transgenic DCs expressing mutant forms of MHC-I, we observe that a tyrosine-based endocytic trafficking motif is required for the constitutive internalization of MHC-I molecules from the cell surface into early endosomes and subsequently deep into lysosomal peptide-loading compartments. Finally, our data support the concept that multiple pathways of peptide loading of cross-presented antigens may exist depending on the chemical nature and size of the antigen requiring processing.


We conclude that DCs have ‘hijacked’ and adapted a common vacuolar/endocytic intracellular trafficking pathway to facilitate MHC I access to the endosomal and lysosomal compartments where antigen processing and loading and antigen cross-presentation takes place.  相似文献   

In the infected host, the Nef protein of HIV/SIV is required for high viral loads and thus disease progression. Recent evidence indicates that Nef enhances replication in the T cell compartment after the virus is transmitted from dendritic cells (DC). The underlying mechanism, however, is not clear. Here, we report that a natural variability in the proline-rich motif (R71T) profoundly modulated Nef-stimulated viral replication in primary T cells of immature dendritic cell/T cell cocultures. Whereas both Nef variants (R/T-Nef) downregulated CD4, only the isoform supporting viral replication (R-Nef) efficiently interacted with signaling molecules of the T cell receptor (TCR) environment and stimulated cellular activation. Structural analysis suggested that the R to T conversion induces conformational changes, altering the flexibility of the loop containing the PxxP motif and hence its ability to bind cellular partners. Our report suggests that functionally and conformationally distinct Nef isoforms modulate HIV replication on the interaction level with the TCR-signaling environment once the virus enters the T cell compartment.  相似文献   

The Nef protein is an important HIV virulence factor that promotes the degradation of host proteins to augment virus production and facilitate immune evasion. The best-characterized targets of Nef are major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) and CD4, but Nef also has been reported to target several other proteins, including CD8β, CD28, CD80, CD86, and CD1d. To compare and contrast the effects of Nef on each protein, we constructed a panel of chimeric proteins in which the extracellular and transmembrane regions of the MHC-I allele HLA-A2 were fused to the cytoplasmic tails of CD4, CD28, CD8β, CD80, CD86, and CD1d. We found that Nef coprecipitated with and disrupted the expression of molecules with cytoplasmic tails from MHC-I HLA-A2, CD4, CD8β, and CD28, but Nef did not bind to or alter the expression of molecules with cytoplasmic tails from CD80, CD86, and CD1d. In addition, we used short interfering RNA (siRNA) knockdown and coprecipitation experiments to implicate AP-1 as a cellular cofactor for Nef in the downmodulation of both CD28 and CD8β. The interaction with AP-1 required for CD28 and CD8β differed from the AP-1 interaction required for MHC-I downmodulation in that it was mediated through the dileucine motif within Nef (LL(164,165)AA) and did not require the tyrosine binding pocket of the AP-1 μ subunit. In addition, we demonstrate a requirement for β-COP as a cellular cofactor for Nef that was necessary for the degradation of targeted molecules HLA-A2, CD4, and CD8. These studies provide important new information on the similarities and differences with which Nef affects intracellular trafficking and help focus future research on the best potential pharmaceutical targets.  相似文献   

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