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A rapid increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of the non-receptor tyrosine kinase FAK is a prominent early event in fibroblasts stimulated by a variety of signaling molecules. However, a variety of epithelial cells, including intestinal epithelial cells, show a high basal level of tyrosine phosphorylated FAK that is only slightly further increased by addition of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) agonists or growth factors. In this study, we determined whether these stimuli could elicit FAK phosphorylation at serine residues, including Ser-910 and Ser-843. Our results show that multiple agonists including angiotensin II (ANGII), lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), phorbol esters and EGF induced a striking stimulation of FAK phosphorylation at Ser-910 in rat intestinal epithelial IEC-18 cells via an ERK-dependent pathway. In striking contrast, none of these stimuli promoted a significant further increase in FAK phosphorylation at Tyr-397 in these cells. These results were extended using cultures of polarized human colonic epithelial T84 cells. We found that either carbachol or EGF promoted a striking ERK-dependent phosphorylation of FAK at Ser-910, but these agonists caused only slight stimulation of FAK at Tyr-397 in T84 cells. In addition, we demonstrated that GPCR agonists also induced a dramatic increase of FAK phosphorylation at Ser-843 in either IEC-18 or T84 cells. Our results indicate that Ser-910 and Ser-843, rather than Tyr-397, are prominent sites differentially phosphorylated in response to neurotransmitters, bioactive lipids, tumor promoters and growth factors in intestinal epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A rapid increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) has been extensively documented in cells stimulated by multiple signaling molecules, but very little is known about the regulation of FAK phosphorylation at serine residues. Stimulation of Swiss 3T3 cells with platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) promoted a striking increase in the phosphorylation of FAK at Ser-910, as revealed by site-specific antibodies that recognized the phosphorylated state of this residue. FAK phosphorylation at Ser-910 could be distinguished from that at Tyr-397 in terms of dose-response relationships and kinetics. Furthermore, the selective phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) inhibitors wortmannin and LY 294002 abrogated FAK phosphorylation at Tyr-397 but did not interfere with PDGF-induced FAK phosphorylation at Ser-910. Conversely, treatment with U0126, a potent inhibitor of MEK-mediated ERK activation, prevented FAK phosphorylation at Ser-910 induced by PDGF but did not interfere with PDGF-induced FAK phosphorylation at Tyr-397. These results were extended using growth factors that either stimulate, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), or do not stimulate (insulin) the ERK pathway activation in Swiss 3T3 cells. FGF but not insulin promoted a striking ERK-dependent phosphorylation of FAK at Ser-910. Our results indicate that FAK phosphorylation at Tyr-397 and FAK phosphorylation at Ser-910 are induced in response to PDGF stimulation through different signaling pathways, namely PI 3-kinase and ERK, respectively.  相似文献   

 Cell migration is a highly complex process that requires the coordinated formation of membrane protrusion and focal adhesions (FAs). Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), a major signaling component of FAs, is involved in the disassembly process of FAs through phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of its tyrosine residues, but the role of such phosphorylations in nascent FA formation and turnover near the cell front and in cell protrusion is less well understood. In the present study, we demonstrate that, depending on the phosphorylation status of Tyr-925 residue, FAK modulates cell migration via two specific mechanisms. FAK−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) expressing nonphosphorylatable Y925F-FAK show increased interactions between FAK and unphosphorylated paxillin, which lead to FA stabilization and thus decreased FA turnover and reduced cell migration. Conversely, MEFs expressing phosphomimetic Y925E-FAK display unchanged FA disassembly rates, show increase in phosphorylated paxillin in FAs, and exhibit increased formation of nascent FAs at the cell leading edges. Moreover, Y925E-FAK cells present enhanced cell protrusion together with activation of the p130CAS/Dock180/Rac1 signaling pathway. Together, our results demonstrate that phosphorylation of FAK at Tyr-925 is required for FAK-mediated cell migration and cell protrusion.  相似文献   

Interactions between Eph receptors and their membrane-bound ligands (ephrins) are of critical importance for key developmental processes such as boundary formation or vascular development. Their downstream signaling pathways are intricate and heterogeneous at several levels, the combined effect being a highly complex and flexible system. Here we demonstrate that activated EphB1 induces tyrosine phosphorylation of the focal adhesion protein paxillin at Tyr-31 and Tyr-118 and is recruited to paxillin-focal adhesion kinase (FAK) complexes. Pretreatment with the specific Src inhibitor PP2, or expression of dominant-negative, kinase-dead c-Src abrogates EphB1-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin. Cells transfected with the paxillin mutant Y31F/Y118F displayed a reduced migration in response to ephrin B2 stimulation. Furthermore, expression of an LD4 deletion mutant (paxillin DeltaLD4) significantly reduces EphB1-paxillin association, paxillin tyrosine phosphorylation, as well as EphB1-dependent cell migration. Finally, mutation of the Nck-binding site of EphB1 (Y594F) interrupts the interaction between Nck, paxillin, and EphB1. These data suggest a model in which ligand-activated EphB1 forms a signaling complex with Nck, paxillin, and focal adhesion kinase and induces tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin in a c-Src-dependent manner to promote cell migration.  相似文献   

A number of cellular processes, such as proliferation, differentiation, and transformation, are regulated by cell-extracellular matrix interactions. Previous studies have identified a novel tyrosine kinase, the focal adhesion kinase p125FAK, as a component of cell adhesion plaques. p125FAK was identified as a 125-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein in cells transformed by the v-src oncogene. p125FAK is an intracellular protein composed of three domains: a central domain with homology to protein tyrosine kinases, flanked by two noncatalytic domains of 400 amino acids which bear no significant homology to previously cloned proteins. p125FAK is believed to play an important regulatory role in cell adhesion because it localizes to cell adhesion plaques and because its phosphorylation on tyrosine residues is regulated by binding of cell surface integrins to the extracellular matrix. Recent studies have shown that Src, through its SH2 domain, stably associates with pp125FAK and that this association prevents dephosphorylation of pp125FAK in vitro by protein tyrosine phosphatases. In this report, we identify Tyr-397 as the primary in vivo and in vitro site of p125FAK tyrosine phosphorylation and association with Src. Substituting phenylalanine for tyrosine at position 397 significantly reduces p125FAK tyrosine phosphorylation and association with Src but does not abolish p125FAK kinase activity. In addition, p125FAK kinase is able to trans-phosphorylate Tyr-397 in vitro in a kinase-deficient p125FAK variant. Phosphorylation of Tyr-397 provides a site [Y(P)AEI] that fits the consensus sequence for the binding of Src.  相似文献   

In endothelial cells, X-chromosome linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) regulates cell survival, migration and adhesion. We have recently found that XIAP recruits focal adhesion kinase (FAK) into integrin-associated focal adhesions, controlling cell migration. However, little is understood about the molecular mechanisms by which FAK modulation is controlled by XIAP. In this study, we show that XIAP modulates FAK activity through the control of FAK phosphorylation. In bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC), phosphorylation of Tyr-576 in FAK is elevated by laminar shear stress. This elevated phosphorylation appears to be responsible for shear stress-stimulated ERK activation. We found that XIAP knockdown reduces shear stress-enhanced phosphorylation of Tyr-576 and induces shear stress-triggered translocation of FAK into nucleus. Nuclear translocation of FAK reduces contact between FAK and Src, a kinase which phosphorylates Tyr-576. This spatial segregation of FAK from Src decreases Tyr-576 phosphorylation and thus shear-stimulated ERK activation. Taken together, our results demonstrate that XIAP plays a key role in shear stress-stimulated ERK activation by maintaining the Src-accessible location of FAK.  相似文献   



Cortactin is a classical Src kinase substrate that participates in actin cytoskeletal dynamics by activating the Arp2/3 complex and interacting with other regulatory proteins, including FAK. Cortactin has various domains that may contribute to the assembly of different protein platforms to achieve process specificity. Though the protein is known to be regulated by post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation and acetylation, how tyrosine phosphorylation regulates cortactin activity is poorly understood. Since the basal level of tyrosine phosphorylation is low, this question must be studied using stimulated cell cultures, which are physiologically relevant but unreliable and difficult to work with. In fact, their unreliability may be the cause of some contradictory findings about the dynamics of tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin in different processes.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In the present study, we try to overcome these problems by using a Functional Interaction Trap (FIT) system, which involves cotransfecting cells with a kinase (Src) and a target protein (cortactin), both of which are fused to complementary leucine-zipper domains. The FIT system allowed us to control precisely the tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and explore its relationship with cortactin acetylation.


Using this system, we provide definitive evidence that a competition exists between acetylation and tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin and that phosphorylation inhibits cell spreading. We confirmed the results from the FIT system by examining endogenous cortactin in different cell types. Furthermore, we demonstrate that cell spreading promotes the association of cortactin and FAK and that tyrosine phosphorylation of cortactin disrupts this interaction, which may explain how it inhibits cell spreading.  相似文献   

To investigate the regulatory mechanism of cell adhesion, we have searched for cellular inhibitory factors which prevent cell adhesion. The brain cytosol was found to inhibit the adhesion of various transformed cells to the substratum. An inhibitory 120-kDa protein was purified by sequential column chromatography. Peptide sequencing revealed that the protein is identical to amphiphysin1. GST-amphiphysin1 suppressed the attachment of HeLa cells to the plate when cells were cultured in the serum-containing medium. Vitronectin, a major cell-adhesive protein in serum and a ligand to alpha(v)beta3 integrin, was responsible for this cell attachment, and the vitronectin action was blocked by GST-amphiphysin1. GST-amphiphysin1 also inhibited the vitronectin-mediated spreading and migration of malignant melanoma cells. Furthermore, GST-amphiphysin1 bound directly to vitronectin. These findings point to the interesting possibility that amphiphysin1 could be a useful tool to inhibit cell-adhesive vitronectin.  相似文献   

We investigated the molecular and cellular actions of receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) alpha in integrin signaling using immortalized fibroblasts derived from wild-type and PTP alpha-deficient mouse embryos. Defects in PTP alpha-/- migration in a wound healing assay were associated with altered cell shape and focal adhesion kinase (FAK) phosphorylation. The reduced haptotaxis to fibronectin (FN) of PTP alpha-/- cells was increased by expression of active (but not inactive) PTP alpha. Integrin-mediated formation of src-FAK and fyn-FAK complexes was reduced or abolished in PTP alpha-/- cells on FN, concomitant with markedly reduced phosphorylation of FAK at Tyr397. Reintroduction of active (but not inactive) PTP alpha restored FAK Tyr-397 phosphorylation. FN-induced cytoskeletal rearrangement was retarded in PTP alpha-/- cells, with delayed filamentous actin stress fiber assembly and focal adhesion formation. This mimicked the effects of treating wild-type fibroblasts with the src family protein tyrosine kinase (Src-PTK) inhibitor PP2. These results, together with the reduced src/fyn tyrosine kinase activity in PTP alpha-/- fibroblasts (Ponniah et al., 1999; Su et al., 1999), suggest that PTP alpha functions in integrin signaling and cell migration as an Src-PTK activator. Our paper establishes that PTP alpha is required for early integrin-proximal events, acting upstream of FAK to affect the timely and efficient phosphorylation of FAK Tyr-397.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and integrin-linked kinase (ILK) are both involved in integrin-mediated cell migration. However, the molecular mechanism, and the relationship between FAK and ILK activity in signaling transduction for the osteopontin (OPN)-induced migration of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) remain unclear. Here, we show that treating VSMCs with OPN could result in the dissociation of FAK with ILK by inducing phosphorylation of the former and dephosphorylation of the latter. Furthermore, we demonstrate that FAK phosphorylation induced by OPN is coupled with ILK dephosphorylation. We also provide evidence that ILK acts downstream of FAK in the signaling pathways that mediate OPN-induced VSMC migration. These findings suggest that FAK phosphorylation and ILK dephosphorylation play important roles in VSMC migration induced by OPN.  相似文献   

Src family kinases (SFKs) are crucial for signaling through a variety of cell surface receptors, including integrins. There is evidence that integrin activation induces focal adhesion kinase (FAK) autophosphorylation at Y397 and that Src binds to and is activated by FAK to carry out subsequent phosphorylation events. However, it has also been suggested that Src functions as a scaffolding molecule through its SH2 and SH3 domains and that its kinase activity is not necessary. To examine the role of SFKs in integrin signaling, we have expressed various Src molecules in fibroblasts lacking other SFKs. In cells plated on fibronectin, FAK could indeed autophosphorylate at Y397 independently of Src but with lower efficiency than when Src was present. This step was promoted by kinase-inactive Src, but Src kinase activity was required for full rescue. Src kinase activity was also required for phosphorylation of additional sites on FAK and for other integrin-directed functions, including cell migration and spreading on fibronectin. In contrast, Src mutations in the SH2 or SH3 domain greatly reduced binding to FAK, Cas, and paxillin but had little effect on tyrosine phosphorylation or biological assays. Furthermore, our indirect evidence indicates that Src kinase activity does not need to be regulated to promote cell migration and FAK phosphorylation. Although Src clearly plays important roles in integrin signaling, it was not concentrated in focal adhesions. These results indicate that the primary role of Src in integrin signaling is as a kinase. Indirect models for Src function are proposed.  相似文献   

The Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase, SHP-2, plays an important role in cell migration by interacting with various proteins. In this report, we demonstrated that SHP-2 inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of Crk-associated substrate lymphocyte type (Cas-L), a docking protein which mediates cell migration, and found that SHP-2 negatively regulates migration of A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells induced by fibronectin (FN). We showed that overexpressed SHP-2 co-localizes with Cas-L at focal adhesions and that exogenous expression of SHP-2 abrogates cell migration mediated by Cas-L. SHP-2 inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of Cas-L, and associates with Cas-L to form a complex in a tyrosine phosphorylation-dependent manner. Finally, immunoprecipitation experiments with deletion mutants revealed that both SH2 domains of SHP-2 are necessary for this association. These results suggest that SHP-2 regulates tyrosine phosphorylation of Cas-L, hence opposing the effect of kinases, and SHP-2 is a negative regulator of cell migration mediated by Cas-L.  相似文献   

A novel Cas family member, HEPL, regulates FAK and cell spreading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
For over a decade, p130Cas/BCAR1, HEF1/NEDD9/Cas-L, and Efs/Sin have defined the Cas (Crk-associated substrate) scaffolding protein family. Cas proteins mediate integrin-dependent signals at focal adhesions, regulating cell invasion and survival; at least one family member, HEF1, regulates mitosis. We here report a previously undescribed novel branch of the Cas protein family, designated HEPL (for HEF1-Efs-p130Cas-like). The HEPL branch is evolutionarily conserved through jawed vertebrates, and HEPL is found in some species lacking other members of the Cas family. The human HEPL mRNA and protein are selectively expressed in specific primary tissues and cancer cell lines, and HEPL maintains Cas family function in localization to focal adhesions, as well as regulation of FAK activity, focal adhesion integrity, and cell spreading. It has recently been demonstrated that upregulation of HEF1 expression marks and induces metastasis, whereas high endogenous levels of p130Cas are associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer, emphasizing the clinical relevance of Cas proteins. Better understanding of the complete protein family should help inform prediction of cancer incidence and prognosis.  相似文献   

Cdk5 is a member of the cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) family. Unlike other Cdks that promote cell cycle, Cdk5 is activated in postmitotic neurons and critically regulates neuronal migration by phosphorylating its substrates during brain development. Recently, we found that Cdk5 phosphorylates focal adhesion kinase (FAK) at Serine 732 in vitro and is responsible for this phosphorylation in the developing brain. Our experiments using a phospho-specific antibody and an S732-unphosphorylatable mutant FAK suggest that S732 phosphorylation may regulate a centrosome-associated microtubule structure to promote nuclear translocation, a critical step in neuronal migration. S732 phosphorylation does not directly impact on the kinase activity of FAK, but appears to prevent the accumulation of FAK at the centrosome. Our study reveals a similarity between Cdk5 and Cdk1 in the regulation of neuronal migration and cell division, respectively. In addition, our study implicates FAK in a signaling pathway that directly regulates microtubules.  相似文献   

A rapid increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) has been extensively documented in cells stimulated by multiple signaling molecules, but little is known about the regulation of FAK phosphorylation at serine residues. Stimulation of Swiss 3T3 cells with the G protein-coupled receptor agonists bombesin, vasopressin, or bradykinin induced an extremely rapid (within 5 s) increase in FAK phosphorylation at Ser-843. The phosphorylation of this residue preceded FAK phosphorylation at Tyr-397, the major autophosphorylation site, and FAK phosphorylation at Ser-910. Treatment of intact cells with ionomycin stimulated a rapid increase in FAK phosphorylation at Ser-843, indicating that an increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) is a potential pathway leading to FAK-Ser-843 phosphorylation. Indeed, treatment with agents that prevent an agonist-induced increase in [Ca2+]i (e.g. thapsigargin or BAPTA (1,2-bis(O-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid)), interfere with calmodulin function (e.g. trifluoperazine, W13, and W7), or block Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) activation (KN93) or expression (small interfering RNA) abrogated the rapid FAK phosphorylation at Ser-843 induced by bombesin, bradykinin, or vasopressin. Furthermore, activated CaMKII directly phosphorylated the recombinant COOH-terminal region of FAK at a residue equivalent to Ser-843. Thus, our results demonstrate that G protein-coupled receptor activation induces rapid FAK phosphorylation at Ser-843 through Ca2+, calmodulin, and CaMKII.  相似文献   

Trifluoperazine (TFP) blocks spreading and migration of cultured mammalian cells. These are calcium-dependent and microfilament-mediated processes. Calmodulin, a regulator of many calcium-dependent processes in cells, is selectively inhibited by TFP. Cell spreading on a plastic- or collagen-coated substratum was reversibly inhibited by 10 μM TFP. The drug blocks cell spreading even in the presence of 1 mM cAMP. TFP is as effective as cytochalasin B (CB), an inhibitor of microfilament function, in blocking cell spreading. All cell lines tested, whether “normal” or virally transformed, failed to spread in TFP. The drug, at a concentration sufficient to inhibit spreading, does not interfere with the initial attachment of a cell to a plastic surface. Cells plated in the presence of 10 μM TFP attach at a rate and to an extent equal to untreated controls. TFP added to already spread cells results in a reversible cell rounding. Detection of fibronectin by indirect immunofluorescence suggests TFP-induced cell rounding is not due to shedding of fibronectin from the cell surface. TFP reversibly blocks cell migration into a wound edge almost as effectively as CB. We suggest that TFP interferes with these microfilament-mediated functions by direct action on the microfilaments or indirect action by inactivating calmodulin.  相似文献   

The common model for integrin mediated signaling is based on integrin clustering and the potential for that clustering to recruit signaling molecules including FAK and src. The clustering model for transmembrane signaling originated with the analysis of the EGF receptor signaling and remains the predominant model. The roles for substrate-bound ligand and ligand occupancy in integrin-mediated signaling are less clear. A kinetic model was established using HT1080 cells in which there was a linear relationship between the strength of adhesion, the proportion of alpha5beta1 integrin that could be chemically cross-linked, and the number of receptor-ligand bonds. This graded signal produced a similarly graded response measured by the level of specific phosphorylation of FAK Y397. FAK Y397 phosphorylation could also be induced by antibody bound to the substrate. In contrast, clustering of alpha5beta1 on suspended cells with either antibody to beta1 or by clustering of soluble ligand bound to alpha5beta1 induced the phosphorylation of FAK Y861 but not Y397. There were no differences in signaling when activating antibodies were compared with blocking antibodies, presence or absence of ligand. Only tethering of alpha5beta1 to the substrate was required for induction of FAK Y397 phosphorylation.  相似文献   

The expression of c-myc promotes cell proliferation and also sensitizes cells to various extracellular apoptotic stimuli. However, signal pathways regulating the function of Myc proteins during apoptosis are unknown. c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) is activated by various apoptotic stimuli, but neither the target molecule(s) or the action of JNK has been identified in Myc-mediated apoptosis. Here, we found that JNK selectively interacted with, and phosphorylated, c-Myc at Ser-62 and Ser-71 as confirmed with phospho-c-Myc-specific antibodies. Interestingly, dominant negative mutant JNK(APF) impaired the c-Myc-dependent apoptosis, but not mutated c-Myc (S62A/S71A)-dependent apoptosis triggered by UV irradiation. Furthermore, c-Myc (S62A/S71A)-expressing NIH3T3 cells were not sensitized like wild type c-Myc-expressing NIH3T3 cells to JNK-activating apoptotic stimuli, such as UV and Taxol. These results indicate that the JNK pathway is selectively involved in the c-Myc-mediated apoptosis and that the apoptotic function of c-Myc is directly regulated by JNK pathway through phosphorylation at Ser-62 and Ser-71.  相似文献   

Focal adhesion kinase (FAK), as a key mediator of signaling induced by integrins, plays an instrumental role in many cellular functions, including cell survival and proliferation. Many studies have reported that FAK is a positive regulator of normal cell migration and cancer cell metastasis. However, emerging evidence shows that FAK—under certain oncogenic signaling, such as that initiated by activated Ras and some growth factor receptor kinases—negatively regulates cancer cell migration. Activated Ras may promote tumor cell migration by dephosphorylation of FAK at Y397 and facilitation of focal adhesion turnover at the leading edge of cells.  相似文献   

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