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地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库的异质性   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
应用自然萌发法和物理筛选法相结合的方法,调查了地中海沿岸沙丘三种微生境土壤总种子库和永久种子库特征,用功能群的方法分析了微生境之间的土壤总种子库和永久土壤种子库的组成和结构差异,也分析了主要物种土壤种子库的微生境分布格局,分析了种子大小和土壤种子库中的种子永久性关系。发现地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,即使在相同的微生境内,土壤种子库的分布也不是均匀的,甚至具有很大的差异;微生境对总的土壤种子库和各功能群的土壤种子库的分布格局具有显著的影响,开阔地区域具有最大的种子密度,而灌丛下和路径具有较小的种子密度;在永久土壤种子库中,豆科类植物种子在休眠种子中占有最大的比例,约为76%,而一年生和多年生禾草未发现休眠种子,豆类、伞形科类、多年生阔草、菊科类、一年生阔叶草和十字花科类等种子在土壤中的永久性比例依次下降,分别为50%、46%、41%、6%、6%和1%,微生境影响各功能群种子在土壤中的永久性。微生境显著影响大部分主要物种的土壤种子库分布;种子大小与其在土壤中的永久性为正相关,即大种子具有较高的永久性,小种子具有较低的永久性。  相似文献   

植被重建是露天煤矿生态恢复的重要途径, 植被恢复的最终目的是土壤生境的恢复, 而土壤呼吸是反映土壤健康状况的关键指标之一。采用LI-8100 土壤碳通量观测系统, 对内蒙古黑岱沟露天煤矿排土场不同植被配置下的土壤呼吸进行了测定, 分析了植被配置、生物、环境因子对土壤呼吸速率的影响。结果表明: 植被配置类型对土壤呼吸影响显著, 乔-草型和乔-灌-草型配置下的土壤呼吸速率接近(平均2.68 μmol CO2·m–2·s–1, P>0.05), 显著高于乔-灌型(2.33 μmolCO2·m–2·s–1, P<0.001), 但都显著低于邻近撂荒地土壤呼吸(3.64 μmol CO2·m–2·s–1, P<0.001)。4 种植被类型下的土壤呼吸日变化都呈单峰曲线, 但峰值出现的时间不同。土壤呼吸与植被盖度、草本多度、丰富度、生物土壤结皮盖度、厚度、土壤全氮、硝态氮、有机质含量显著正相关, 与灌木盖度、土壤体积含水量、容重和铵态氮含量显著负相关。植被重建显著影响矿区排土场土壤呼吸, 植被配置类型、草本盖度多度和土壤碳氮水平是影响土壤呼吸时空变异的关键因子。  相似文献   

青海湖地区芨芨草草地土壤种子库的初步研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
选择青海湖地区的次生芨芨草草地为研究对象,以围栏内封育和围栏外自由放牧的草地做对照,研究了围栏内外土壤种子库的萌发状况、密度和数量、物种多样性,以及土壤种子库与地上植被的关系。结果表明,围栏内外土壤种子库的萌发趋势非常相似,但是萌发种子累计数量不同;围栏内外土壤种子库中萌发种子的平均密度分别为3660和2460粒·m-2,围栏内萌发种子数比围栏外提高了48.8%;围栏内外土壤种子库的物种多样性指数差异较大,围栏内外丰富度指数R1分别为17和13,R2为3.693和2.832,丰富度围栏内大于围栏外,多样性指数和丰富度指数具有相同的规律,均匀度指数围栏内外分别为0.812和0.857,则是围栏外大于围栏内。围栏内外地上植被群落组成存在显著差异,围栏内的封育草地的物种丰富度和多样性指数均大于围栏外的放牧草地,而均匀度指数则呈相反趋势。  相似文献   

为了解决露天煤矿排土场土壤保水能力差、养分贫瘠和微生物活性弱等问题,文章以排土场土壤作为基质进行盆栽实验,设置4个处理组,分别为对照组、5‰保水剂、30%有机肥,5‰保水剂、30%有机肥、5 mL微生物菌剂以及5‰保水剂、30%有机肥和10 m L微生物菌剂,测定土壤6种酶酶活和微生物多样性。结果表明,由保水剂、有机肥和微生物菌剂制成的土壤调理剂能有效提高土壤过氧化氢酶、纤维素酶、蔗糖酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶的活性,增强土壤细菌群落丰富度和多样性,但微生物菌剂的两个不同添加量对土壤酶活和微生物多样性没有显著影响。总之,土壤调理剂的添加能有效改善排土场土壤环境,增加土壤质量。  相似文献   

土壤种子库   总被引:90,自引:3,他引:90  
土壤种子库张志权(中山大学生命科学学院生物系,广州510275)SoilSeedBank.ZhangZhiquan(DepartmentofBiology,LifeScienceSchol,ZhongshanUniversity,Guangzhou...  相似文献   

 本文把四川缙云山亚热带常绿阔叶林的演替系列分成6个阶段:(1)弃耕地;(2)灌草丛;(3)马尾松林;(4)以马尾松为优势的常绿针、阔叶混交林;(5)以常绿阔叶树为优势的针、阔叶混交林;(6)常绿阔叶林。分别从每个阶段分3层采集0.5m2,l0cm厚度的5个小样地的土样,带回实验室,通过萌发法研究土壤种子库。得到如下结论:A、种子数量和物种多样性在演替早期阶段(从弃耕地到马尾松林)一般随演替发展而减少,种子数目随土层加深而降低;后期阶段(马尾松林到常绿阔叶林)种子数则大致随演替发展而增加;同一阶段各土层种子数差异不大。B、各演替阶段土壤种子库的种类组成均以草本植物为主。C、在湿度和光照比较一致的情况下,萌发种子数与温度成正相关。大多数种类的种子80%以上在实验的头六个星期内萌发。D、演替早期阶段的地上植物种类组成与土壤种子库中种类组成基本一致,演替后期阶段相关甚少。本文还讨论了土壤种子库研究的取样体积问题,以及土壤种子库在植被动态中的作用。  相似文献   

应用自然萌发法和物理筛选法相结合的方法,调查了地中海沿岸沙丘三种微生境土壤总种子库和永久种子库特征,用功能群的方法分析了微生境之间的土壤总种子库和永久土壤种子库的组成和结构差异,也分析了主要物种土壤种子库的微生境分布格局,分析了种子大小和土壤种子库中的种子永久性关系.发现地中海沿岸沙丘土壤种子库具有明显的空间异质性,即使在相同的微生境内,土壤种子库的分布也不是均匀的,甚至具有很大的差异;微生境对总的土壤种子库和各功能群的土壤种子库的分布格局具有显著的影响,开阔地区域具有最大的种子密度,而灌丛下和路径具有较小的种子密度;在永久土壤种子库中,豆科类植物种子在休眠种子中占有最大的比例,约为76%,而一年生和多年生禾草未发现休眠种子,豆类、伞形科类、多年生阔草、菊科类、一年生阔叶草和十字花科类等种子在土壤中的永久性比例依次下降,分别为50%、46%、41%、6%、6%和1%,微生境影响各功能群种子在土壤中的永久性.微生境显著影响大部分主要物种的土壤种子库分布;种子大小与其在土壤中的永久性为正相关,即大种子具有较高的永久性,小种子具有较低的永久性.  相似文献   

2012年8—9月对黑岱沟露天煤矿北排土场乔木、乔木+灌木、乔木+草本(禾本科)、乔木+草本(豆科)和撂荒地5种人工植被配置条件下草本植物种类和数量进行了调查。结果表明:撂荒地的植物物种多度为181.00±12.52,显著高于其他植被配置条件的物种多度;撂荒地和乔木+草本(豆科)配置的植物物种丰富度最高,分别为4.50±0.95和4.78±0.87,显著高于其他植被配置条件的物种丰富度。植物物种多度、丰富度与土壤有机质和全氮呈正相关,与磷含量呈显著负相关。增加排土场浅层土壤有机质和全氮含量,控制土壤磷的输入是促进露天煤矿排土场植物物种多样性恢复的有效措施。促进排土场草本植物多样性恢复,应优先考虑种植能够明显改善土壤质量的物种,如豆科植物。  相似文献   

河西走廊沙漠人工植被区土壤种子库特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤种子库作为地上植被更新的重要的种源储备库,在植被自然恢复和演替过程以及生态系统建设中起着重要作用。以河西走廊不同区域沙漠人工植被为研究对象,研究了土壤种子库物种组成、时空分布和数量变化特征。结果表明:河西走廊沙漠人工林土壤种子库共出现27种植物,分属8科22属,以藜科植物最多,生活型以草本植物种子比例最高,占到90.6%—95.06%;土壤种子库密度介于19.29粒/m~2—858.57粒/m~2之间,从东到西呈水平地带性分布,土壤种子库分布主要集中在0—2cm土层中,不同样地土壤种子库密度均呈明显的垂直分布,在0—10cm土层内,随着土层深度增加,种子库密度先减小后增大;土壤种子库多样性(Simpson指数)在河西走廊东段沙漠人工植被区最高,在0.671—0.812之间,河西走廊中段沙漠人工植被区为0.417—0.809之间,河西走廊西段沙漠人工植被区为0.256—0.707之间,从东到西呈下降趋势,Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalett丰富度指数、Peilow均匀度指数也表现出相同的趋势,说明由于生境的植被的异质性程度高,使土壤种子库之间的差异性显著;河西走廊沙漠...  相似文献   

土壤种子库的结构与动态   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:31  
班勇 《生态学杂志》1995,14(6):42-47
土壤种子库的结构与动态班勇(中国林业科学院林业研究所,北京100091)StructureandDynamicsofSeedsBanksinSoil.¥BanYong(ResearchInstituteofForestry,ChineseAcadem...  相似文献   

苏伟  孙中平  李道亮  朱翔  郭祥云 《生态学报》2009,29(11):5860-5868
矿区土地复垦是目前土地整理的一项重要内容,也是矿区可持续发展实现的保障.矿区植被及其恢复状况是矿区土地复垦质量的一种重要的指示器,表征土地复垦的程度与质量.研究基于1975~2000年共4期遥感影像,构建植被覆盖度指数,考察辽宁省阜新市海州露天煤矿排土场25a来植被生长状况及时空变化特征.分析结果表明:1975~2000年间,研究区植被处于不断生长、逐渐恢复的状态,并存在明显的空间差异.时间尺度上,植被覆盖度较高(0.4~0.6)的区域所占面积比例从1975年的14.04%增长到2000年的34.83%;空间分布上,植被覆盖度低(0~0.25)的区域多分布在台地之间相连接的边坡位置上,植被覆盖度较高(0.25~0.6)的区域则分布于台地内部的平坦地面上.  相似文献   

大型露天煤矿区土地扰动的时空变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选择平朔矿区安太堡露天煤矿为研究区域,采用主成分分析方法对1990年和2005年两期Landsat-TM遥感影像进行分析,探讨了研究区15年间的土地利用变化.结果表明:由于露天矿区土地扰动下土地类型、面积分布及其景观格局的不同,其遥感影像的光谱空间特征也不相同,但前2个主成分构成的空间特征结构十分明显,第1主成分主要表示采煤运煤区、边坡区以及剥离堆垫区的特征信息,第2主成分主要表示植被高覆盖区及植被低覆盖区的特征信息.将研究区的土地利用类型按照剥离区、采挖区、复垦区和原地貌四大类型进行分类,15年间,采挖区基本保持原有面积;原地貌面积减少了15.263km2;复垦区面积增加了8.513km2;剥离区面积不断扩大,从1990年的5.522km2增加到2005年的11.889km2.  相似文献   

草原矿区排土场不同植被配置类型生态恢复   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

金沙江干热河谷山地植被恢复区土壤种子库和地上植被研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
罗辉  王克勤 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2432-2442
土壤种子库在植物种群动态中起着重要作用。土壤种子库可缓解种群的灭绝过程,保存群落中植物种的表现特征,是植被天然更新的物质基础。通过对金沙江干热河谷山地植被恢复区(包括水平阶、自然坡面、沟底)和未恢复区(包括放牧地)的土壤种子库和地上植被的组成、大小及多样性进行比较研究表明,植被恢复区土壤种子库和地上植被的密度、丰富度、多样性及均匀度均大于未恢复区。恢复区地上生物量要远大于未恢复区。水平阶和各类型间的土壤种子库密度与地上植被密度差异显著。土壤种子库中草本植物占很大比例。孔颖草和扭黄茅是土壤种子库和地上植被的两大优势种,两者的个体数量、重要值及生物量最大。土壤种子库和地上植被有较高的相似性,且随着恢复程度的加深,相似性有增高的趋势;土壤种子库密度和地上植被密度之间关系可以用二次和三次曲线拟合。  相似文献   

东部草原露天矿区粘土改良模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国东部草原露天矿区粘土为研究对象,采用盆栽试验方法,以粘土与表土和沙土混合物为培养基质,三叶草(Trifolium repens Linn)为供试植物,研究不同比例下三叶草生物量、养分吸收量、土壤理化和生物学性状的差异,为寻找最佳配比提供依据。结果表明:不同混合比例显著影响三叶草生物量,粘土+表土(1∶1、1∶2和1∶3)生物量最高(26.5—40.0 g/盆),平均为31.2 g/盆,粘土+沙土(1∶1、1∶2和1∶3)次之(14.9—20.3 g/盆),平均为18.9 g/盆,粘土、沙土和表土平均分别是9.0、5.4 g/盆和41.7 g/盆,同样地,粘土+表土混合基质上三叶草氮吸收量平均为1071 mg/盆,分别是粘土+沙土、粘土和沙土氮吸收量660、321 mg/盆和190 mg/盆的1.62、3.34倍和5.64倍,磷和钾吸收量具有相似变化规律,这与三叶草根直径、根长、根表面积和根尖数有显著关联性;粘土和表土与粘土和沙土混合基质的容重和最大持水量分别显著下降7.4%—21.5%和24.5%—71.8%,饱和入渗率、孔隙度和标准化平均重量直径分别显著增加26.9%—96.3%、45%—218%和34%—72%;全氮、有机质、速效磷、速效钾、饱和电导率显著增加23.0%—88.3%、25.1%—146%、44.0%—91.5%、70.3%—114.8%和3.5%—59.3%;磷酸酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶、硝酸还原酶和固氮酶活性显著提高45.5%—105%、65.2%—172.3%、160%—252%、53.4%—62.7%和197%—374%;真菌、细菌和放线菌数量增幅为119%—142%、93.5%—107%和83%—147%。相关性分析表明,生物量与土壤理化性状、酶活性和微生物数量呈显著或极显著正相关,表现为粘土+表土=表土粘土+沙土粘土沙土。因此,表土或沙土均能改良粘土性状,其中粘土和表土1∶2配比效果最优。  相似文献   

Luo H  Wang K Q 《农业工程》2006,26(8):2432-2442
Soil seed bank plays an important role in the composition of different plant communities, especially in their conservation. Although soil seed bank, aboveground vegetation and their relationship have been the subject of much recent attention, little is known about the size and species composition of the soil seed bank and about the aboveground vegetation in the semiarid hillslope grasslands. There is limited understanding of how these components interact to determine the importance of seed banks in regeneration. In this study, the size and species composition of a soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation have been assessed in an experiment using 36 vegetation quadrats and 108 soil samples in terrace, slope, gully, and grazing land. This land represents a range of habitats within a hillslope grassland in Jinshajing hot-dry river valley of Yunnan, China. Terrace, slope, and gully represent restored sites and grazing land typifies unrestored sites. Twenty-one taxa in the seed bank were identified with a median and median density of 7 species/m2 and 5498 seeds/m2, respectively, whereas in the aboveground vegetation, 19 species were observed with a median and median density of 6 species/m2 and 1088 plants/m2, respectively. Both seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density among grazing land, gully, slope, and terrace differed significantly. There was an absolutely high proportion of herbaceous species in the seed bank and aboveground vegetation. Gramineae predominated over both seed bank and vegetation. The most frequent seeds and plants were Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv that had the highest individual number, importance value, and biomass. In the seed bank, the seeds of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 50.68% and 33.10% of the total seeds, respectively. In the aboveground vegetation, the individual number of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 55.66% and 29.86% of the total, respectively. The biomass of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for more than 70% of the total, reaching 206.71 g/m2 and 147.76 g/m2, respectively. Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv had the highest importance value of 193.01 and 159.99, respectively. Density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and evenness were the highest in terrace land, whereas these were lowest in grazing land. Similarities between the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation were moderately high and not very different among slope, gully, and terrace lands, while for grazing land, they tended to increase when the restorative stage progressed. This result contrasts with some other studies where the seed bank contributes very little to the seedling flora and the vegetative growth clearly overwhelms sexual reproduction. The hypothesis about significant functional correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density is conformed. Correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density can be described in quadratic and cubic curves. The strong similarity between the vegetation and the seed bank is attributed to a large proportion of the species Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv., which are seed profusive and whose seeds have a significant viability in the ground. The high density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and uniformity of the reclaimed site are related to the sufficiency of heat and water supplies for species establishment and growth in the site, which partly reflects the effective efforts for hillslope grassland restoration. It is believed that the efforts for vegetation restoration have altered the microhabitat conditions of the site and have provided a favorable habitat for species to establish and grow.  相似文献   

Hui Luo  Keqin Wang 《生态学报》2006,(8):2432-2442
Soil seed bank plays an important role in the composition of different plant communities, especially in their conservation. Although soil seed bank, aboveground vegetation and their relationship have been the subject of much recent attention, little is known about the size and species composition of the soil seed bank and about the aboveground vegetation in the semiarid hillslope grasslands. There is limited understanding of how these components interact to determine the importance of seed banks in regeneration. In this study, the size and species composition of a soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation have been assessed in an experiment using 36 vegetation quadrats and 108 soil samples in terrace, slope, gully, and grazing land. This land represents a range of habitats within a hillslope grassland in Jinshajing hot-dry river valley of Yunnan, China. Terrace, slope, and gully represent restored sites and grazing land typifies unrestored sites. Twenty-one taxa in the seed bank were identified with a median and median density of 7 species/m2 and 5498 seeds/m2, respectively, whereas in the aboveground vegetation, 19 species were observed with a median and median density of 6 species/m2 and 1088 plants/m2, respectively. Both seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density among grazing land, gully, slope, and terrace differed significantly. There was an absolutely high proportion of herbaceous species in the seed bank and aboveground vegetation. Gramineae predominated over both seed bank and vegetation. The most frequent seeds and plants were Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv that had the highest individual number, importance value, and biomass. In the seed bank, the seeds of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 50.68% and 33.10% of the total seeds, respectively. In the aboveground vegetation, the individual number of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for 55.66% and 29.86% of the total, respectively. The biomass of Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv accounted for more than 70% of the total, reaching 206.71 g/m2 and 147.76 g/m2, respectively. Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv had the highest importance value of 193.01 and 159.99, respectively. Density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and evenness were the highest in terrace land, whereas these were lowest in grazing land. Similarities between the seed bank and the aboveground vegetation were moderately high and not very different among slope, gully, and terrace lands, while for grazing land, they tended to increase when the restorative stage progressed. This result contrasts with some other studies where the seed bank contributes very little to the seedling flora and the vegetative growth clearly overwhelms sexual reproduction. The hypothesis about significant functional correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density is conformed. Correlation between soil seed bank density and aboveground vegetation density can be described in quadratic and cubic curves. The strong similarity between the vegetation and the seed bank is attributed to a large proportion of the species Bothriochloa pertusa (L.) A. Camus and Heteropogon contortus (L.) Beauv., which are seed profusive and whose seeds have a significant viability in the ground. The high density, biomass, species richness, species diversity, and uniformity of the reclaimed site are related to the sufficiency of heat and water supplies for species establishment and growth in the site, which partly reflects the effective efforts for hillslope grassland restoration. It is believed that the efforts for vegetation restoration have altered the microhabitat conditions of the site and have provided a favorable habitat for species to establish and grow.  相似文献   

植被恢复对黄土区煤矿排土场土壤团聚体特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
唐骏  党廷辉  薛江  文月荣  徐娜  吴得峰 《生态学报》2016,36(16):5067-5077
目前关于植被恢复对排土场土壤团聚性的影响还不清楚,以植被恢复下黄土区露天煤矿排土场为研究对象,采用湿筛法测定了排土场土壤水稳性团聚体组成,研究了植被恢复类型(草地、灌木)和排土场地形(平台、边坡)对土壤团聚体特征的影响。结果表明:植被恢复促进了排土场水稳性团聚体的形成,平台0—20 cm土层水稳性大团聚体数量(R_(0.25))、平均重量直径(MWD)和几何平均直径(GMD)分别达到31.1%,0.70 mm和0.26 mm,边坡分别达到13.3%,0.37 mm和0.17 mm,均显著高于裸地,分形维数(D)在平台和边坡分别为2.91和2.96,均显著低于裸地;平台土壤团聚性要好于边坡,草地对于平台土壤团聚结构改良效果较好,而灌木对于边坡改良效果较好;排土场土壤有机碳和粘粒含量均与土壤团聚体指标有显著相关性。植被恢复提高了排土场土壤团聚性,植被恢复类型和地形对排土场土壤团聚体特征有显著影响。  相似文献   

Ulfig K  Korcz M 《Mycopathologia》1995,129(2):83-86
During the study of fungal succesion in the coal mine dump in Brzezinka (Poland), soil samples were examined for keratinolytic fungi. These micro-organisms were rather poorly represented in the area studied. Out of 300 soil samples examined, only 48 (16%) were positive for keratinolytic fungi.Trichophyton ajelloi andArthroderma curreyi were the prevailing species. These species occurred practically at two locations, i.e. on the naked carbon rocks inhabited by algae crops (chiefly byCyanophyta) and in the pine litter. It can be supposed that the occurrence of keratinolytic fungi was more dependent on the favourable general conditions such as increasing organic matter content, microflora, and humidity than on the presence of keratin remains in the soil. Because of the lack of potentially pathogenic fungi, the coal mine dump examined cannot be considered as an important source of fungal infection.  相似文献   

森林土壤种子库与天然更新   总被引:99,自引:4,他引:99  
论述了森林土壤种子库的特点:(1)森林土壤种子库密度小于耕作土壤和草地,并且受森林类型和年龄的影响,变化幅度很大;(2)森林土壤种库的种类组成在森林的不同演替阶段,受其地上植被影响的程度不同;(3)森林土壤种子库的动态变化是周期化因数和随机性因数的结合,并从土壤种子库的时间动态和空间分布角度,分析了土壤种子库对天然更新的影响,森林土壤种子库是天然更新的物质基础,种子库的结构和功能影响天然更新能力的方向,因此能影响土壤种子库格局变化的各种因子或措施,均能显著地促进或妨碍森林的天然更新,根据森林土训种子库的时空格局特点及影响更新的障碍因子,可以采用人工的辅助措施促进更新,同时,对于森林土壤种子库的研究应着眼于应用干扰生态学的基本理论,以退化生态系统的重建和群落交错区的演替为主要内容,研究方法应以长期定位观测为宜。  相似文献   

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