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The aim of this study was to determine the possible fetal effects of interaction between maternal diabetes and acute doses of alcohol. Pregnant TO mice were made diabetic by a single injection of streptozotocin (STZ) on gestation day (GD) 2. Single dose of 0.003 or 0.03 ml/g body weight of fresh ethanol (25% v/v of absolute alcohol in normal saline) was injected into groups of diabetic and nondiabetic animals on GD 7 or 8. One group of diabetic animals had a daily dose of 6–8 IU of insulin subcutaneously. Fetuses were collected on GD 18. There was a significant increase in the incidence of implantation failure in the diabetes plus ethanol groups and insulin control group. Ethanol injection on GD 7 accentuated diabetes-related embryonic resorption and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). This effect was less marked in the diabetic group treated with ethanol on GD 8. Diabetes alone produced a greater incidence of IUGR than ethanol alone. Midfacial hypoplasia and minor anomalies were found more frequently in the combination treatment groups. Holoprosencephaly and thymus hypoplasia observed in diabetic groups were found to be reduced in frequency in the diabetes plus ethanol groups, suggesting an antagonistic type of ethanol--diabetes interaction, stage-dependently. Since severely malformed embryos are known to be resorbed/killed in utero in mice, this reduction might reflect the magnitude of early death of severely malformed embryos. These data suggest that the interaction effects are possibly related to alterations in fundamental developmental processes of early embryos. (Mol Cell Biochem 261: 43–56, 2004)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the possible fetal effects of interaction between maternal diabetes and acute doses of alcohol. Pregnant TO mice were made diabetic by a single injection of streptozotocin (STZ) on gestation day (GD) 2. Single dose of 0.003 or 0.03 ml/g body weight of fresh ethanol (25% v/v of absolute alcohol in normal saline) was injected into groups of diabetic and nondiabetic animals on GD 7 or 8. One group of diabetic animals had a daily dose of 6-8 IU of insulin subcutaneously. Fetuses were collected on GD 18. There was a significant increase in the incidence of implantation failure in the diabetes plus ethanol groups and insulin control group. Ethanol injection on GD 7 accentuated diabetes-related embryonic resorption and intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). This effect was less marked in the diabetic group treated with ethanol on GD 8. Diabetes alone produced a greater incidence of IUGR than ethanol alone. Midfacial hypoplasia and minor anomalies were found more frequently in the combination treatment groups. Holoprosencephaly and thymus hypoplasia observed in diabetic groups were found to be reduced in frequency in the diabetes plus ethanol groups, suggesting an antagonistic type of ethanol-diabetes interaction, stage-dependently. Since severely malformed embryos are known to be resorbed/killed in utero in mice, this reduction might reflect the magnitude of early death of severely malformed embryos. These data suggest that the interaction effects are possibly related to alterations in fundamental developmental processes of early embryos.  相似文献   

The link between adaptation and evolutionary change remains the most central and least understood evolutionary problem. Rapid evolution and diversification of avian beaks is a textbook example of such a link, yet the mechanisms that enable beak''s precise adaptation and extensive adaptability are poorly understood. Often observed rapid evolutionary change in beaks is particularly puzzling in light of the neo-Darwinian model that necessitates coordinated changes in developmentally distinct precursors and correspondence between functional and genetic modularity, which should preclude evolutionary diversification. I show that during first 19 generations after colonization of a novel environment, house finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) express an array of distinct, but adaptively equivalent beak morphologies—a result of compensatory developmental interactions between beak length and width in accommodating microevolutionary change in beak depth. Directional selection was largely confined to the elimination of extremes formed by these developmental interactions, while long-term stabilizing selection along a single axis—beak depth—was mirrored in the structure of beak''s additive genetic covariance. These results emphasize three principal points. First, additive genetic covariance structure may represent a historical record of the most recurrent developmental and functional interactions. Second, adaptive equivalence of beak configurations shields genetic and developmental variation in individual components from depletion by natural selection. Third, compensatory developmental interactions among beak components can generate rapid reorganization of beak morphology under novel conditions and thus greatly facilitate both the evolution of precise adaptation and extensive diversification, thereby linking adaptation and adaptability in this classic example of Darwinian evolution.  相似文献   

This is a retrospective, observational study to evaluate the effect of maternal age on the outcomes of in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer (IVF-ET). 11830 IVF-ET cycles from 10268 women were included. Four groups of different maternal age periods were compared. The groups were 21?C30 years old group (4549 cycles), 31?C35 years old group (4424 cycles), 36?C40 years old group (2429 cycles), and over 40 years old group (428 cycles). The mean starting dose of Gn and mean total dose of Gn in each cycle were significantly higher (P<0.01), while the mean retrieved oocyte number was significantly lower (P<0.01) in groups of higher maternal age period than those in each of the lower groups. The biochemical pregnancy rate and the clinical pregnancy rate were significantly lower (P<0.01), while the miscarriage rate was significantly higher (P<0.01) in groups of higher maternal age period than those in the lower groups. No difference was found in two-pronuclear zygotes (2PN) rate and good quality embryo rate among different groups. Birth defect rate was also comparable in the born babies in different groups. In the group with patients?? age over 40 years old, the pregnancy rate was 26.87%, the clinical pregnancy rate was 19.39%, while the miscarriage rate after clinical pregnancy was 36.14%. To draw the conclusion, patients with higher maternal age had worse IVF outcomes. In women of fertile age, patients between 20 and 30 years old have the best IVF outcomes. Patients over 40 years old have poor IVF outcome and high miscarriage rate, which suggested the necessity of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS).  相似文献   

High‐dose gavage exposure to ethylene glycol (EG) is teratogenic in rats, but not rabbits. To investigate the reason for this species difference, toxicokinetic and whole embryo culture (WEC) studies were conducted in gestation day 9 New Zealand White rabbits, and the data compared to very similar data previously generated in pregnant rats. In the toxicokinetic study, maximal levels of unchanged EG in rabbits were comparable to those reported for rats. However, maximal levels of EG's teratogenic metabolite, glycolic acid (GA), in rabbit maternal blood and embryo were only 46% and 10% of the respective levels in rats. The toxicokinetic profile suggested that the lower GA levels in rabbits were due to a slower rate of maternal metabolism of EG to GA, slow uptake of GA into the yolk sac cavity fluid which surrounds the embryo, and negligible transfer via the visceral yolk sac (VYS) placenta. In the WEC study, exposure of rabbit conceptuses to high concentrations (≤12.5 mM) of GA was without effect, which contrasts with reported effects in rat WEC at ≥3 mM. Overall, these data implicate toxicokinetics as an important factor underlying the species difference, although intrinsic insensitivity of the rabbit embryo might also be involved. Integration of these findings with published human data suggest that the rabbit is the more relevant model for human EG exposure, based on the negligible role of the rabbit VYS in placental transfer (humans lack a VYS) and similar rates of EG metabolism and extraembryonic fluid turnover. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is small deviations from perfect symmetry which reflect one component of fitness, i.e. developmental stability. There is accumulating evidence that low FA is important in inter- and intra-sexual selection in humans. However, there is little information on the pattern of FA in children. Data from cross-sectional studies of 680 participants from 2–18 years suggests that (1) both absolute and relative FA reduces with age until 10 years (2) there is an increase in FA in adolescents (11–15 years) with a peak at 13 years for males and 14 years for females (3) after 15 years there is reduction in FA which is maintained until 18 years. The importance of growth rate, metabolic maintenance and sex steroids on developmental stability is discussed.  相似文献   

Individual variation in ecologically important features of organisms is a crucial element in ecology and evolution, yet disentangling its underlying causes is difficult in natural populations. We applied a genomic scan approach using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers to quantify the genetic basis of long‐term individual differences in herbivory by mammals at a wild population of the violet Viola cazorlensis monitored for two decades. In addition, methylation‐sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) analyses were used to investigate the association between browsing damage and epigenetic characteristics of individuals, an aspect that has been not previously explored for any wild plant. Structural equation modelling was used to identify likely causal structures linking genotypes, epigenotypes and herbivory. Individuals of V. cazorlensis differed widely in the incidence of browsing mammals over the 20‐year study period. Six AFLP markers (1.6% of total) were significantly related to herbivory, accounting altogether for 44% of population‐wide variance in herbivory levels. MSAP analyses revealed considerable epigenetic variation among individuals, and differential browsing damage was significantly related to variation in multilocus epigenotypes. In addition, variation across plants in epigenetic characteristics was related to variation in several herbivory‐related AFLP markers. Statistical comparison of alternative causal models suggested that individual differences in herbivory are the outcome of a complex causal structure where genotypes and epigenotypes are interconnected and have direct and indirect effects on herbivory. Insofar as methylation states of MSAP markers influential on herbivory are transgenerationally heritable, herbivore‐driven evolutionary changes at the study population will involve correlated changes in genotypic and epigenotypic distributions.  相似文献   

We previously reported that methylmercury (MeHg) exposure is associated with DNA hypomethylation in the brain stem of male polar bears. Here, we conveniently use archived tissues obtained from controlled laboratory exposure studies to look for evidence that MeHg can disrupt DNA methylation across taxa. Brain (cerebrum) tissues from MeHg-exposed mink (Neovison vison), chicken (Gallus gallus) and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were analyzed for total Hg levels and global DNA methylation. Tissues from chicken and mink, but not perch, were also analyzed for DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) activity. In mink we observed significant reductions in global DNA methylation in an environmentally-relevant dietary exposure group (1 ppm MeHg), but not in a higher group (2 ppm MeHg). DNMT activity was significantly reduced in all treatment groups. In chicken or yellow perch, no statistically significant effects of MeHg were observed. Dose-dependent trends were observed in the chicken data but the direction of the change was not consistent between the two endpoints. Our results suggest that MeHg can be epigenetically active in that it has the capacity to affect DNA methylation in mammals. The variability in results across species may suggest inter-taxa differences in epigenetic responses to MeHg, or may be related to differences among the exposure scenarios used as animals were exposed to MeHg through different routes (dietary, egg injection), for different periods of time (19–89 days) and at different life stages (embryonic, juvenile, adult).  相似文献   

Development is often described as temporal sequences of developmental stages (DSs). When tables of DS are defined exclusively in the time domain they cannot discriminate histogenetic differences between different positions along a spatial reference axis. We introduce a table of DSs for the developing chick optic tectum (OT) based on time‐ and space‐dependent changes in quantitative morphometric parameters, qualitative histogenetic features and immunocytochemical pattern of several developmentally active molecules (Notch1, Hes5, NeuroD1, β‐III‐Tubulin, synaptotagmin‐I and neurofilament‐M). Seven DSs and four transitional stages were defined from ED2 to ED12, when the basic OT cortical organization is established, along a spatial developmental gradient axis extending between a zone of maximal and a zone of minimal development. The table of DSs reveals that DSs do not only progress as a function of time but also display a spatially organized propagation along the developmental gradient axis. The complex and dynamic character of the OT development is documented by the fact that several DSs are simultaneously present at any ED or any embryonic stage. The table of DSs allows interpreting how developmental cell behaviors are temporally and spatially organized and explains how different DSs appear as a function of both time and space. The table of DSs provides a reference system to characterize the OT corticogenesis and to reliably compare observations made in different specimens. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The amount of between‐individual variation in the unobservable developmental instability (DI) has been the subject of intense recent debates. The unexpectedly high estimates of between‐individual variation in DI based on distributional characteristics of observable asymmetry values (of on average bilaterally symmetric traits) rely on statistical models that assume an underlying normal distribution of developmental errors. This prompted doubts on the assumption of the Gaussian nature of developmental errors. However, when applying other candidate distributions [log‐normal and gamma (γ)], recent analyses of empirical datasets have indicated that estimates remain generally high. Yet, all estimates were based on bilaterally symmetric traits, which did not allow for a formal comparison of the alternative distributions. In the present study, we extend a recent statistical model to allow statistical comparison of the different distributions based on traits that developed repeatedly under the same conditions, such as flower traits and regrown feathers. We analyse simulated and empirical data and show that: (1) it is statistically difficult to differentiate among the three alternatives when variances are small relative to the mean, as is often the case with DI; (2) the normal distribution fits the log‐normal or γ relatively well under those circumstances; (3) the deviance information criterion (DIC) is able to pick up differences in model fit among the three alternative distributions, yet more strongly so when levels of DI were high; (4) empirical datasets show a better fit of the normal over the log‐normal and γ‐distributions as judged by the DIC; and (5) estimates of between‐individual variation in DI in the three empirical datasets were relatively high (> 50%) under each distributional assumption. In conclusion, and based on our three datasets, the normal approximation appears to be a reasonable choice for statistical models of DI and the remarkably high estimates of variation in DI cannot be attributed to non‐normal developmental noise. Nevertheless, our method should be applied to a broad range of traits and organisms to evaluate the generality of this result. We argue that there is an urgent need for studies that reveal the underlying mechanisms of developmental noise and stability, as well as the role of developmental selection, in order to be able to determine the biological importance of the highly skewed distributions of developmental instability often observed. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 92 , 197–210.  相似文献   

Niche construction occurs when organisms modify their environments and alter selective conditions through their physiology and behaviours. Such modifications can bias phenotypic variation and enhance organism–environment fit. Yet few studies exist that experimentally assess the degree to which environmental modifications shape developmental and fitness outcomes, how their influences may differ among species and identify the underlying proximate mechanisms. Here, we experimentally eliminate environmental modifications from the developmental environment of Onthophagus dung beetles. We show that these modifications (1) differentially influence growth among species, (2) consistently shape scaling relationships in fitness‐related traits, (3) are necessary for the maintenance of sexual dimorphism, (4) influence reproductive success among females of at least one species and (5) implicate larval cultivation of an external rumen as a possible mechanism for environmental modification. Our results present evidence that Onthophagus larvae engage in niche construction, and that this is a fundamental component of beetle development and fitness.  相似文献   

本文以苹果绵蚜为繁殖寄主,研究了苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂在不同温度下的发育历期、发育起点温度和有效积温。结果显示:苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂的发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,最适发育温度为21℃-27℃。山东地区越冬代苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂打破滞育的发育起点温度为雌蜂8.58℃,雄蜂8.22℃;有效积温为雌蜂148.72日度,雄蜂154.68日度。非越冬代苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂在卵-羽化阶段发育起点温度为雌蜂5.62℃,雄蜂5.55℃;有效积温为雌蜂284.40日度,雄蜂为295.61日度。并推测了2008年济南地区苹果绵蚜蚜小蜂发生代数和越冬代羽化时间,与实测情况基本相符。  相似文献   

Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies were used to examine the expression of three erythroid developmental antigen systems in the chicken, Japanese quail, and quail-chicken hybrid. Chicken fetal antigen (CFA), quail fetal antigen (QFA), and chicken adult antigen (CAA) each represent a series of cell-surface glycorproteins associated with the development of avian hematopoietic cells. Monoclonal anti-CFA antibodies from clones 190-4 and 288- supernatants were shown to react against epitopes associated with CFA determinants 8 and 2, respectively. Using complement-mediated microcytotoxicity, these reagents permitted the identification of different erythroid subpopulations in the neonatal chicken and hybrid; therefore, heterogeneity in cell surface CFA determinants among mature peripheral erythrocytes should serve as a useful tool for analyzing erythroid development. In the case of CAA, erythrocytes from adult hybrids were found to express the same complement of CAA determinants identified in the chicken, and CAA appeared much earlier in the hybrid than in either of the parental species. Similarly, two species-restricted fetal antigens associated with similar glycoproteins, CFA8 and QFA, had similar developmental profiles in their respective species, the chicken and quail. In contrast, these antigens were dominantly expressed but exhibited different developmental profiles on erythrocytes from the hybrids. While quail-chicken hybrids exhibited apparent genomic interactions in the expression of these developmental antigens, no evidence for the existence of hybrid-specific fetal antigens was obtained.  相似文献   

Pre-pubertal pig oocytes display reduced developmental competence compared with adult oocytes following in vitro maturation (IVM). Exposure to dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (dbcAMP) for the first 20 hr IVM improves development of pre-pubertal oocytes, suggesting that their cAMP content may be inadequate. This study examined the effect of 1 mM dbcAMP treatment for the first 22 hr of IVM on the cAMP content, meiotic progression, and embryo development of pre-pubertal and adult oocytes. In control groups, a two-fold increase in cAMP was observed in adult oocytes after 22 hr IVM, with no change in pre-pubertal oocyte cAMP content. At 22 hr IVM, dbcAMP treatment resulted in two- and five-fold increases in pre-pubertal and adult oocyte cAMP, respectively. After 22 hr control IVM, a greater proportion of pre-pubertal oocytes occupied metaphase I (MI) compared with adult oocytes (69% vs. 49%). dbcAMP treatment reduced the proportion of pre-pubertal and adult oocytes in MI stage at 22 hr. Despite dbcAMP treatment, the proportion of pre-pubertal oocytes in the MI stage at 22 hr remained higher than that of adult oocytes. In control groups, adult oocytes displayed a greater ability to form blastocysts compared with pre-pubertal oocytes following either parthenogenetic activation (59% vs. 25%) or in vitro fertilization (IVF) (47% vs. 19%). dbcAMP treatment increased subsequent blastocyst formation rates of pre-pubertal oocytes, whereas blastocyst formation rates of adult oocytes remained unchanged. Our results suggest that the reduced developmental capacity of pre-pubertal oocytes may be a consequence of their reduced ability to accumulate cAMP during IVM.  相似文献   

Documented demographic bottlenecks resultingfrom introductions of the dice snake to severallakes in Switzerland provide a rare opportunityto study the effect of serial bottlenecks onthe genetic properties of Natrixtessellata populations. We investigated twointroduced populations using informationderived from eight microsatellite markers. Bothintroduced populations had significantlyreduced levels of allelic diversity relative tonon-bottlenecked populations. The severity ofthe bottlenecks was underlined by thesignificant reduction in observed and expectedheterozygosity. The loss of allelic diversityand observed heterozygosity was stronger in theserially bottlenecked population than in thepopulation that was bottlenecked only once.From previous studies, scale anomalies wereknown to be more common in introducedpopulations relative to native populations. Weinvestigated whether the higher occurrence ofscale anomalies in introduced populations isassociated with individual heterozygosity andmean genomic diversity d 2. We founda significant relationship between theoccurrence of scale anomalies and individualheterozygosity but no significant relationshipbetween scale anomalies and the microsatellitespecific measurement, d 2, was found.Because of their known history, introducedpopulations in Switzerland may serve as a modelto demonstrate the effect of severe populationbottlenecks on genetic variability anddevelopmental stability in N. tessellata.The results therefore help to device strategiesfor the management and protection of endangerednatural N. tessellata populations.  相似文献   

沙葱萤叶甲为近年来在内蒙古草原猖獗成灾的新害虫,为明确温度对其发育速率的影响,分别设置5个变温组合(8/20℃,11/23℃,14/26℃,17/29℃和20/32℃)和6个恒温(13℃,17℃,21℃,25℃,29℃和33℃),比较了变温和恒温对沙葱萤叶甲幼虫和蛹发育速率的影响。结果表明,不同变温组合和恒温对沙葱萤叶甲幼虫和蛹的发育速率有显著的影响。发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,在变温条件下,1龄幼虫期、2龄幼虫期、3龄幼虫期、总幼虫期和蛹期分别从最低温度组合(8/20℃,平均15℃)的11.00,13.44,23.18,46.42和16.89 d,缩短至最高温度组合(20/32℃,平均27℃)的4.92,4.63,9.17,17.83和5.83 d;在恒温条件下,13℃下幼虫不能发育和存活,1龄幼虫期、2龄幼虫期、3龄幼虫期、总幼虫期和蛹期分别从17℃的14.50,10.75,20.63,45.50和11.00 d,缩短至33℃的6.10,5.47,10.60,22.17和5.33 d。在变温条件下,幼虫和蛹的发育起点温度分别为7.44℃和8.48℃,有效积温分别为344.82日度和113.52日度;在恒温条件下,幼虫和蛹的发育起点温度分别为0.64℃和5.11℃,有效积温分别为714.28日度和147.06日度。变温促进了沙葱萤叶甲幼虫和蛹的发育,本研究结果为沙葱萤叶甲的预测预报及综合防控提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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