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Measurements have been made of the permittivity and conductivity of normal and wounded human skin material over the frequency range 10 MHz-10 GHz. The permittivity of the wounded tissue was found to be about 12% higher than that of the normal tissue. A similar percentage increase was observed for the conductivity. These differences are attributed to the presence of a higher proportion of bulk water in the wounded material.  相似文献   

Yoo DS 《Bioelectromagnetics》2004,25(7):492-497
The dielectric properties of various cancers, namely brain tumor, breast cancer, gastric carcinoma, and colon cancer, were measured in the frequency range of 500 MHz to 5 GHz. Cancers were cultivated applying the xenograft model of growing human cancerous tissues using the specific pathogen free, homo inbred mouse (a nude mouse). The complex permittivity was measured using an open-ended coaxial probe (HP85070B) and a computer controlled network analyzer (HP8510C). For the measurement of the dielectric properties, a total of 58 xenografted specimens was used. The results showed that measured values of complex permittivity for all four cancerous tissues were similar, with little variations over the frequency range used. It might be agreed that components and characteristics of different cancerous tissues would be similar despite their different occurrences in the human body. It is necessary to investigate this result further.  相似文献   

目的:探讨模拟高原低氧对小鼠红细胞介电特性的影响。方法:实验动物分成平原对照组和模拟高原低氧组,采用Agilent 4294A阻抗分析仪测量小鼠红细胞交流阻抗,通过细胞介电谱、Cole-Cole图、介电损耗因子频谱、损耗角正切频谱以及Cole-Cole方程的曲线拟合分析,观察模拟高原低氧对红细胞介电特性影响。结果:小鼠模拟海拔5000 m低氧4周后,模拟高原组的低频介电常数εl和介电增量Δε较平原对照组分别增加57%和59%;模拟高原组的低频电导率κl和高频电导率κh较平原对照组分别降低49%和11%。结论:模拟高原低氧可以引起小鼠红细胞介电性增加和导电性降低。  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of human bone are one of the most essential inputs required by electromagnetic stimulation for improved bone regeneration. Measuring the electric properties of bone is a difficult task because of the complexity of the bone structure. Therefore, an automatic approach is presented to calibrate the electric properties of bone. The numerical method consists of three steps: generating input from experimental data, performing the numerical simulation, and calibrating the bone dielectric properties. As an example, the dielectric properties at 20 Hz of a rabbit distal femur were calibrated. The calibration process was considered as an optimization process with the aim of finding the optimum dielectric bone properties that match most of the numerically calculated simulation and experimentally measured data sets. The optimization was carried out automatically by the optimization software tool iSIGHT in combination with the finite-element solver COMSOL Multiphysics. As a result, the optimum conductivity and relative permittivity of the rabbit distal femur at 20 Hz were found to be 0.09615 S/m and 19522 for cortical bone and 0.14913 S/m and 1561507 for cancellous bone, respectively. The proposed method is a potential tool for the identification of realistic dielectric properties of the entire bone volume. The presented approach combining iSIGHT with COMSOL is applicable to, amongst others, designing implantable electro-stimulative devices or the optimization of electrical stimulation parameters for improved bone regeneration.  相似文献   

The effect of conductivity on the dielectric measurements of proteins is studied. For that purpose the dielectric spectra (0.03–13 MHz) of serum albumin and myoglobin in solutions of varying conductivities were recorded. The results presented confirm that Maxwell's prediction of a threshold frequency in conducting materials also holds for protein solutions. The threshold frequency of a serum albumin solution is experimentally determined and the ionic screening of the electric field when performing dielectric spectra of these samples discussed. Three distinct frequency regions must be considered: a low frequency region where the sample behaves like a conductor; an intermediate region centered around the threshold frequency where the free charges partially screen the fixed charges; and a high frequency region where the sample behaves like a good dielectric. Dielectric measurements in the low frequency region defined above, are not possible.  相似文献   

The in vitro dielectric properties of human fetal organ tissues were measured in the frequency range from 100 kHz to 500 MHz at 24 °C. The dielectric measurements were performed by using a network analyzer (HP4195A) and a coaxial line capacitive sensor. The tested samples, including skin, muscle, heart, lung, liver, kidney, spleen, and brain tissues, were obtained from the legal abortion of five women with 14–16 week gestation periods. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The dielectric properties of gray matter in the frequency range of 800-2450 MHz were measured on 20 human brains immediately after excision, less than 10 h after death. The brains were obtained during autopsy of 10 male and 10 female humans who died at ages between 47.5 and 87.5 years [70.4 +/- 9.8 years, mean +/- standard deviation (SD)]. The tissue temperature at the measurement sites ranged between 18 and 25 degrees C (21.35 +/- 1.6 degrees C, mean +/- SD). On each brain, four specific locations on the temporal lobe were measured on the right and left sides, i.e., 160 different measurements of the dielectric properties were performed. The dielectric probe was placed on the intact arachnoid on a gyrus in the selected area. The measurements yielded a mean value (+/-SD) of gray matter equivalent conductivity of 1.13 +/- 0.12 and 2.09 +/- 0.16 S/m at 800 and 2450 MHz, respectively. The mean value of measured relative permittivity was 58.2 +/- 3.3 and 54.7 +/- 3.3 at 800 and 2450 MHz, respectively. Taking into account a positive temperature coefficient of equivalent conductivity, these measurements indicate that the equivalent conductivity of human gray matter at body temperature is somewhat higher than today's generally accepted value, which is based on measurements on animal tissue and excised samples of human tissue measured more than 24 h postmortem.  相似文献   

Dielectric properties of human red blood cells (RBCs) in suspension (hematocrit 50%) from 243 healthy persons (120 males, 123 females) were measured at 25 °C in a frequency range of 1–500 MHz, with a coaxial transmission line reflection method (one-side measurement). The measuring system, controlled by an IBM-PC computer, was composed of a network analyzer (HP4195A), an impedance test adapter (HP41951-61001), a coaxial line sensor, and a temperature-controlling set. The data measured revealed a statistically significant age dependence, with a critical age of about 49 years, above which permittivity and conductivity of human RBCs in suspension decreased significantly. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ten experiments on pigs were performed to investigate possible postmortem changes of the dielectric properties of brain gray matter in the frequency range of 800-1900 MHz. After keeping the animals in stable anaesthesia for at least 45 min, they were euthanatised by an intravenous injection of hypertonic potassium chloride (KCl), causing cardiac arrest within 3 min. Measurements of the dielectric properties were performed repeatedly from at least 45 min prior to death to 18 h after euthanasia. The anaesthesia regimen was chosen to minimize influence on brain tissue characteristics such as brain water content, intracranial blood volume, and cerebral blood flow. The data showed a decline of mean gray matter equivalent conductivity of about 15% at 900 MHz and about 11% at 1800 MHz within the first hour after death. The decline in permittivity was less pronounced (about 3-4%) and almost frequency independent. The results indicate that in vitro measurements of dielectric properties of brain tissue underestimate equivalent conductivity as well as permittivity of living tissue. These changes may affect the generally accepted data of dielectric properties of brain tissue widely used in RF dosimetry.  相似文献   

A number of the electrogenic reactions in photosystem I, photosystem II, and bacterial reaction centers (RC) were comparatively analyzed, and the variation of the dielectric permittivity (ε) in the vicinity of electron carriers along the membrane normal was calculated. The value of ε was minimal at the core of the complexes and gradually increased towards the periphery. We found that the rate of electron transfer (ET) correlated with the value of the dielectric permittivity: the fastest primary ET reactions occur in the low-polarity core of the complexes within the picosecond time range, whereas slower secondary reactions take place at the high-polarity periphery of the complexes within micro- to millisecond time range. The observed correlation was quantitatively interpreted in the framework of the Marcus theory. We calculated the reorganization energy of ET carriers using their van der Waals volumes and experimentally determined ε values. The electronic coupling was calculated by the empirical Moser-Dutton rule for the distance-dependent electron tunneling rate in nonadiabatic ET reactions. We concluded that the local dielectric permittivity inferred from the electrometric measurements could be quantitatively used to estimate the rate constant of ET reactions in membrane proteins with resolved atomic structure with the accuracy of less than one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of water network in collagen structure, measurement of dielectric permittivity was performed on bovine Achilles' tendon as a function of water content. The data show a sudden decrease of the permittivity at each measured frequency value when the tendon humidity decreases. A similar behaviour is shown by the total number of photons emitted in delayed luminescence (DL) experiments. The comparison of the two results is in agreement with the hypothesis that DL is connected to the excitation and subsequent decay of collective electronic states, whose properties depend on the organized structure of the system.  相似文献   

Ultrashort electric pulse induced changes in cellular dielectric properties   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The interaction of nanosecond duration pulsed electric fields (nsPEFs) with biological cells, and the models describing this behavior, depend critically on the electrical properties of the cells being pulsed. Here, we used time domain dielectric spectroscopy to measure the dielectric properties of Jurkat cells, a malignant human T-cell line, before and after exposure to five 10ns, 150kV/cm electrical pulses. The cytoplasm and nucleoplasm conductivities decreased dramatically following pulsing, corresponding to previously observed rises in cell suspension conductivity. This suggests that electropermeabilization occurred, resulting in ion transport from the cell's interior to the exterior. A delayed decrease in cell membrane conductivity after the nsPEFs possibly suggests long-term ion channel damage or use dependence due to repeated membrane charging and discharging. This data could be used in models describing the phenomena at work.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in patellofemoral (PF) kinematics for different loading configurations of the quadriceps muscle: single line of action (SL), physiological-based multiple lines of action (ML), weak vastus medialis (WVM), and weak vastus lateralis (WVL). Fourteen cadaveric knees were flexed from 15° to 120° knee flexion using a loading rig with the ability to load different heads of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles in their anatomical orientation. PF rotation in the sagittal plane) and medial lateral translation were significantly different (p<0.05) for SL and ML, with maximum differences of 2.8° and 0.9 mm at 15° and 45° knee flexion, respectively. Compared to the ML, the WVM induced an average lateral shift of 1.5 mm and an abduction rotation of 0.8°, whereas a 0.9 mm medial shift and 0.6° adduction rotation was seen when simulating a WVL. The difference in the sagittal plane resultant force orientation of 26° between SL and ML was the major contributor to the change in PF rotation in the sagittal plane, while the difference in the frontal plane resultant force orientation of both the WVM and WVL from the ML (17° medial and 8° lateral, respectively) were the primary reasons for the change in PF frontal plane rotation and medial lateral translation. The two PF kinematic were significantly different from the ML for WVM and WVL (p<0.05). The results suggest that quadriceps muscle loading configuration can have a large influence on PF kinematics during full extension but less in deeper flexion. Therefore, using quadriceps single line loading for simulating activities with low flexion angles might not be sufficient to accurately replicate the physiological condition.  相似文献   

Lab and pilot scale batch cultivations of a CHO K1/dhfr? host cell line were conducted to evaluate on‐line multifrequency permittivity measurements as a process monitoring tool. The β‐dispersion parameters such as the characteristic frequency (fC) and the permittivity increment (Δεmax) were calculated on‐line from the permittivity spectra. The dual‐frequency permittivity signal correlated well with the off‐line measured biovolume and the viable cell density. A significant drop in permittivity was monitored at the transition from exponential growth to a phase with reduced growth rate. Although not reflected in off‐line biovolume measurements, this decrease coincided with a drop in OUR and was probably caused by the depletion of glutamine and a metabolic shift occurring at the same time. Sudden changes in cell density, cell size, viability, capacitance per membrane area (CM), and effects caused by medium conductivity (σm) could be excluded as reasons for the decrease in permittivity. After analysis of the process data, a drop in fC as a result of a fall in intracellular conductivity (σi) was identified as responsible for the observed changes in the dual‐frequency permittivity signal. It is hypothesized that the β‐dispersion parameter fC is indicative of changes in nutrient availability that have an impact on intracellular conductivity σi. On‐line permittivity measurements consequently not only reflect the biovolume but also the physiological state of mammalian cell cultures. These findings should pave the way for a better understanding of the intracellular state of cells and render permittivity measurements an important tool in process development and control. © 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

It is well recognized that knowledge of structure alone is not sufficient to understand the fundamental mechanism of biomolecular recognition. Information of dynamics is necessary to describe motions involving relevant conformational states of functional importance. We carried out principal component analysis (PCA) of structural ensemble, derived from 84 crystal structures of human serum albumin (HSA) with different ligands and/or different conditions, to identify the functionally important collective motions, and compared with the motions along the low-frequency modes obtained from normal mode analysis of the elastic network model (ENM) of unliganded HSA. Significant overlap is observed in the collective motions derived from PCA and ENM. PCA and ENM analysis revealed that ligand selects the most favored conformation from accessible equilibrium structures of unliganded HSA. Further, we analyzed dynamic network obtained from molecular dynamics simulations of unliganded HSA and fatty acids- bound HSA. Our results show that fatty acids-bound HSA has more robust community network with several routes to communicate among different parts of the protein. Critical nodes (residues) identified from dynamic network analysis are in good agreement with allosteric residues obtained from sequence-based statistical coupling analysis method. This work underscores the importance of intrinsic structural dynamics of proteins in ligand recognition and can be utilized for the development of novel drugs with optimum activity.  相似文献   

Chicks were fed an amino acid mixture-based diet (basal diet) or one supplemented with selenium (Se, 0.2 micrograms/g as Na2SeO3) and/or vitamin E (100 micrograms/g as alpha-tocopherol). The group receiving the basal diet devoid of Se and vitamin E showed a tendency to grow slowly, but not significantly so, compared to the non-deficient control and manifested a symptom of exudative diathesis after the feeding period of 4 weeks. Supplementation of the basal diet with Se or vitamin E prevented the deficiency symptoms in the chicks. The hepatic GSH level and GSH synthesis activity were about three times as much in the Se- and vitamin E-deficient group as in the control. This was also the case for in vivo sulfur incorporation into hepatic GSH for 10 h post-injection with [35S]methionine. The increased level of GSH may partly compensate the hepatocytes for peroxidative damage.  相似文献   

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