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Braid LR  Verheyen EM 《Genetics》2008,180(1):283-299
Drosophila nemo (nmo) is the founding member of the Nemo-like kinase (Nlk) family of serine-threonine kinases. Previous work has characterized nmo's role in planar cell polarity during ommatidial patterning. Here we examine an earlier role for nmo in eye formation through interactions with the retinal determination gene network (RDGN). nmo is dynamically expressed in second and third instar eye imaginal discs, suggesting additional roles in patterning of the eyes, ocelli, and antennae. We utilized genetic approaches to investigate Nmo's role in determining eye fate. nmo genetically interacts with the retinal determination factors Eyeless (Ey), Eyes Absent (Eya), and Dachshund (Dac). Loss of nmo rescues ey and eya mutant phenotypes, and heterozygosity for eya modifies the nmo eye phenotype. Reducing nmo also rescues small-eye defects induced by misexpression of ey and eya in early eye development. nmo can potentiate RDGN-mediated eye formation in ectopic eye induction assays. Moreover, elevated Nmo alone can respecify presumptive head cells to an eye fate by inducing ectopic expression of dac and eya. Together, our genetic analyses reveal that nmo promotes normal and ectopic eye development directed by the RDGN.  相似文献   

Drosophila eye development is under the control of early eye specifying genes including eyeless (ey), twin of eyeless (toy), eyes absent (eya), dachshund (dac) and sine oculis (so). They are all conserved between vertebrates and insects and they interact in a combinatorial and hierarchical network to regulate each other expression. so has been shown to be directly regulated by ey through an eye-specific enhancer (so10). We further studied the regulation of this element and found that both Drosophila Pax6 proteins namely EY and TOY bind and positively regulate so10 expression through different binding sites. By targeted mutagenesis experiments, we disrupted these EY and TOY binding sites and studied their functional involvement in the so10 enhancer expression in the eye progenitor cells. We show a differential requirement for the EY and TOY binding sites in activating so10 during the different stages of eye development. Additionally, in a rescue experiment performed in the so(1) mutant, we show that the EY and TOY binding sites are required for compound eye and ocellus development respectively. Altogether, these results suggest a differential requirement for EY and TOY to specify the development of the two types of adult visual systems, namely the compound eye and the ocellus.  相似文献   

The formation of different structures in Drosophila depends on the combined activities of selector genes and signaling pathways. For instance, the antenna requires the selector gene homothorax, which distinguishes between the leg and the antenna and can specify distal antenna if expressed ectopically. Similarly, the eye is formed by a group of "eye-specifying" genes, among them eyeless, which can direct eye development ectopically. We report here the characterization of the hernandez and fernandez genes, expressed in the antennal and eye primordia of the eye-antenna imaginal disc. The predicted proteins encoded by these two genes have 27% common amino acids and include a Pipsqueak domain. Reduced expression of either hernandez or fernandez mildly affects antenna and eye development, while the inactivation of both genes partially transforms distal antenna into leg. Ectopic expression of either of the two genes results in two different phenotypes: it can form distal antenna, activating genes like homothorax, spineless, and spalt, and it can promote eye development and activates eyeless. Reciprocally, eyeless can induce hernandez and fernandez expression, and homothorax and spineless can activate both hernandez and fernandez when ectopically expressed. The formation of eye by these genes seems to require Notch signaling, since the induction of ectopic eyes and the activation of eyeless by the hernandez gene are suppressed when the Notch function is compromised. Our results show that the hernandez and fernandez genes are required for antennal and eye development and are also able to specify eye or antenna ectopically.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor development begins in the larval eye imaginal disc, where eight distinct photoreceptor cells (R1-R8) are sequentially recruited into each of the developing ommatidial clusters. Final photoreceptor differentiation, including rhabdomere formation and rhodopsin expression, is completed during pupal life. During pupation, spalt was previously proposed to promote R7 and R8 terminal differentiation. Here we show that spalt is required for proper R7 differentiation during the third instar larval stage since the expression of several R7 larval markers (prospero, enhancer of split mdelta0.5, and runt) is lost in spalt mutant clones. In R8, spalt is not required for cell specification or differentiation in the larval disc but promotes terminal differentiation during pupation. We show that spalt is necessary for senseless expression in R8 and sufficient to induce ectopic senseless in R1-R6 during pupation. Moreover, misexpression of spalt or senseless is sufficient to induce ectopic rhodopsin 6 expression and partial suppression of rhodopsin 1. We demonstrate that spalt and senseless are part of a genetic network, which regulates rhodopsin 6 and rhodopsin 1. Taken together, our results suggest that while spalt is required for R7 differentiation during larval stages, spalt and senseless promote terminal R8 differentiation during pupal stages, including the regulation of rhodopsin expression.  相似文献   

Due to the ectopic expression of the ey gene in the wing imaginal disc under the action of the 1096-Gal4 driver, a part of the wing disc cells change their fate and become eye cells. Ectopic eyes are induced in definite regions of the wing disc and form a stable pattern on the wing of an adult fly. Here, we have shown that the ectopic expression of Wg inhibits the formation of ectopic eyes, and conversely the expression of Wg is reduced in the sites of ectopic Ey expression. Experiments with overexpression of the vesicular traffic protein H rs capable of inhibiting the Wg signaling agree with the notion on antagonism of Wg and Ey in ectopic eyes. Our results confirm that the processes of formation of normal and ectopic eyes are principally similar with regard to genetic control.  相似文献   

Notch signaling controls formation of joints at leg segment borders and growth of the developing Drosophila leg. Here, we identify the odd-skipped gene family as a key group of genes that function downstream of the Notch receptor to promote morphological changes associated with joint formation during leg development. odd, sob, drm, and bowl are expressed in a segmental pattern in the developing leg, and their expression is regulated by Notch signaling. Ectopic expression of odd, sob, or drm can induce invaginations in the leg disc epithelium and morphological changes in the adult leg that are characteristic of endogenous invaginating joint cells. These effects are not due to an alteration in the expression of other genes of the developing joint. While odd or drm mutant clones do not affect leg segmentation, and thus appear to act redundantly, bowl mutant clones do perturb leg development. Specifically, bowl mutant clones result in a failure of joint formation from the distal tibia to tarsal segment 5, while more proximal clones cause melanotic protrusions from the leg cuticle. Together, these results indicate that the odd-skipped family of genes mediates Notch function during leg development by promoting a specific aspect of joint formation, an epithelial invagination. As the odd-skipped family genes are involved in regulating cellular morphogenesis during both embryonic segmentation and hindgut development, we suggest that they may be required in multiple developmental contexts to induce epithelial cellular changes.  相似文献   

optix is a new member of the Six/so gene family from Drosophila that contains both a six domain and a homeodomain. Because of its high amino acid sequence similarity with the mouse Six3 gene, optix is considered to be the orthologous gene from Drosophila rather than sine oculis, as previously believed. optix expression was detected in the eye, wing and haltere imaginal discs. Ectopic expression of optix leads to the formation of ectopic eyes suggesting that optix has important functions in eye development. Although optix and sine oculis belong to the same gene family (Six/so) and share a high degree of amino acid sequence identity, there are a number of factors which suggest that their developmental roles are different: (1) the expression patterns of optix and sine oculis are clearly distinct; (2) sine oculis acts downstream of eyeless, whereas optix is expressed independently of eyeless; (3) sine oculis functions synergistically with eyes absent in eye development whereas optix does not; (4) ectopic expression of optix alone, but not of sine oculis can induce ectopic eyes in the antennal disc. These results suggest that optix is involved in eye morphogenesis by an eyeless-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

Eye specification in Drosophila is thought be controlled by a set of seven nuclear factors that includes the Pax6 homolog, Eyeless. This group of genes is conserved throughout evolution and has been repeatedly recruited for eye specification. Several of these genes are expressed within the developing eyes of vertebrates and mutations in several mouse and human orthologs are the underlying causes of retinal disease syndromes. Ectopic expression in Drosophila of any one of these genes is capable of inducing retinal development, while loss-of-function mutations delete the developing eye. These nuclear factors comprise a complex regulatory network and it is thought that their combined activities are required for the formation of the eye. We examined the expression patterns of four eye specification genes, eyeless (ey), sine oculis (so), eyes absent (eya), and dachshund (dac) throughout all time points of embryogenesis and show that only eyeless is expressed within the embryonic eye anlagen. This is consistent with a recently proposed model in which the eye primordium acquires its competence to become retinal tissue over several time points of development. We also compare the expression of Ey with that of a putative antennal specifying gene Distal-less (Dll). The expression patterns described here are quite intriguing and raise the possibility that these genes have even earlier and wide ranging roles in establishing the head and visual field.  相似文献   

pha-2 is the Caenorhabditis elegans homolog of the vertebrate homeobox gene Hex. Embryonic expression of pha-2 is mostly pharyngeal and the only described mutant allele of pha-2 results in a severe pharyngeal defect in which certain muscle cells (pm5 cells) and neurons are grossly deformed. Here, we performed a detailed characterization of the pha-2 phenotype using cell-type-specific reporters, physical manipulation of the nuclei in pharyngeal muscle cells using "optical tweezers", electron microscopy, staining of the actin cytoskeleton as well as phenotypic rescue and ectopic expression experiments. The main findings of the present study are (i) the pha-2 (ad472) mutation specifically impairs the pharyngeal expression of pha-2; (ii) in the pha-2 mutant, the cytoskeleton of the pm5 cells is measurably weaker than in normal cells and is severely disrupted by large tubular structures and organelles; (iii) the pm5 cells of the pha-2 mutant fail to express the acetylcholinesterase genes ace-1 and ace-2; (iv) ectopic expression of pha-2 can induce ectopic expression of ace-1 and ace-2; and (v) the anc-1 mutant with mislocalized pm5 cell nuclei occasionally shows an isthmus phenotype similar to that of pha-2 worms.  相似文献   

Dachshund (Dac) is a highly conserved nuclear protein that is distantly related to the Ski/Sno family of corepressor proteins. In Drosophila, Dac is necessary and sufficient for eye development and, along with Eyeless (Ey), Sine oculis (So), and Eyes absent (Eya), forms the core of the retinal determination (RD) network. In vivo and in vitro experiments suggest that members of the RD network function together in one or more complexes to regulate the expression of downstream targets. For example, Dac and Eya synergize in vivo to induce ectopic eye formation and they physically interact through conserved domains. Dac contains two highly conserved domains, named DD1 and DD2, but no function has been assigned to either of them in an in vivo context. We performed structure-function studies to understand the relationship between the conserved domains of Dac and the rest of the protein and to determine the function of each domain during development. We show that only DD1 is essential for Dac function and while DD2 facilitates DD1, it is not absolutely essential in spite of more than 500 million years of conservation. Moreover, the physical interaction between Eya and DD2 is not required for the genetic synergy between the two proteins. Finally, we show that DD1 also plays a central role for nuclear localization of Dac.  相似文献   

The Nieuwkoop center is the earliest signaling center during dorsal-ventral pattern formation in amphibian embryos and has been implied to function in induction of the Spemann-Mangold organizer. In zebrafish, Nieuwkoop-center-like activity resides in the dorsal yolk syncytial layer (YSL) at the interface of the vegetal yolk cell and the blastoderm. hex homologs are expressed in the anterior endomesoderm in frogs (Xhex), the anterior visceral endoderm in mice, and the dorsal YSL in zebrafish (hhex). Here, we investigate the control of hhex expression in the YSL. We demonstrate that bozozok (boz) is absolutely required for early hhex expression, while overexpression of boz causes ectopic hhex expression. Activation of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling by LiCl induces hhex expression in wild-type YSL but not in boz mutant embryos, revealing that boz activity is required downstream of Wnt/beta-catenin signaling for hhex expression. Further, we show that the boz-mediated induction of hhex is independent of the Boz-mediated repression of bmp2b. Our data reveal that repressive effects of both Vega1 and Vega2 may be responsible for the exclusion of hhex expression from the ventral and lateral parts of the YSL. In summary, zebrafish hhex appears to be activated by Wnt/beta-catenin in the dorsal YSL, where Boz acts in a permissive way to limit repression of hhex by Vega1 and Vega2.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which a subset of mesodermal cells are committed to a nephrogenic fate are largely unknown. In this study, we have investigated the role of retinoic acid (RA) signalling in this process using Xenopus laevis as a model system and Raldh2 knockout mice. Pronephros formation in Xenopus embryo is severely impaired when RA signalling is inhibited either through expression of a dominant-negative RA receptor, or by expressing the RA-catabolizing enzyme XCyp26 or through treatment with chemical inhibitors. Conversely, ectopic RA signalling expands the size of the pronephros. Using a transplantation assay that inhibits RA signalling specifically in pronephric precursors, we demonstrate that this signalling is required within this cell population. Timed antagonist treatments show that RA signalling is required during gastrulation for expression of Xlim-1 and XPax-8 in pronephric precursors. Moreover, experiments conducted with a protein synthesis inhibitor indicate that RA may directly regulate Xlim-1. Raldh2 knockout mouse embryos fail to initiate the expression of early kidney-specific genes, suggesting that implication of RA signalling in the early steps of kidney formation is evolutionary conserved in vertebrates.  相似文献   

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