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Herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoproteins gE and gI form receptors for the Fc domain of immunoglobulin G (IgG) which are expressed on the surface of infected cells and on the virion envelope and which protect the virus from immune attack. Glycoprotein gE-1 is a low-affinity Fc receptor (FcR) that binds IgG aggregates, while gE-1 and gI-1 form a complex which serves as a higher-affinity FcR capable of binding IgG monomers. In this study, we describe two approaches used to map an Fc binding domain on gE-1 for IgG aggregates. First, we constructed nine plasmids encoding gE-1/gD-1 fusions proteins, each containing a large gE-1 peptide inserted into the ectodomain of gD-1. Fusion proteins were tested for FcR activity with IgG-sensitized erythrocytes in a rosetting assay. Three of the fusion proteins containing overlapping gE-1 peptides demonstrated FcR activity; the smallest peptide that retained Fc binding activity includes gE-1 amino acids 183 to 402. These results indicate that an Fc binding domain is located between gE-1 amino acids 183 and 402. To more precisely map the Fc binding domain, we tested a panel of 21 gE-1 linker insertion mutants. Ten mutants with insertions between gE-1 amino acids 235 and 380 failed to bind IgG-sensitized erythrocytes, while each of the remaining mutants demonstrated wild-type Fc binding activity. Taken together, these results indicate that the region of gE-1 between amino acids 235 and 380 forms an FcR domain. A computer-assisted analysis of the amino acid sequence of gE-1 demonstrates an immunoglobulin-like domain contained within this region (residues 322 to 359) which shares homology with mammalian FcRs.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein gE functions as an immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc receptor (FcgammaR) that promotes immune evasion. When an IgG antibody binds by the F(ab')(2) domain to an HSV antigen, the Fc domain of some of the same antibody molecules binds to the FcgammaR, which blocks Fc-mediated functions. gE is a type 1 membrane glycoprotein with a large ectodomain that is expressed on the virion envelope and infected-cell surface. Our goal was to determine if immunizing with gE protein fragments could produce antibodies that bind by the F(ab')(2) domain to gE and block the FcgammaR, as measured by competitively inhibiting nonimmune human IgG binding to the FcgammaR. Three gE peptides were constructed in baculovirus spanning almost the entire ectodomain and used to immunize mice and rabbits. Two fragments were highly effective at producing antibodies that bind by the F(ab')(2) domain and block the FcgammaR. The most potent of these two antibodies was far more effective at blocking the FcgammaR than antibodies that are only capable of binding by the Fc domains to the FcgammaR, including anti-gC, anti-gD, and nonimmune IgG. These results suggest that immunizing with gE fragments has potential for preventing immune evasion by blocking activities mediated by the HSV-1 FcgammaR.  相似文献   

Evidence was recently presented that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc receptors are composed of a complex containing a previously described glycoprotein, gE, and a novel virus-induced polypeptide, provisionally named g70 (D. C. Johnson and V. Feenstra, J. Virol. 61:2208-2216, 1987). Using a monoclonal antibody designated 3104, which recognizes g70, in conjunction with antipeptide sera and virus mutants unable to express g70 or gE, we have mapped the gene encoding g70 to the US7 open reading frame of HSV-1 adjacent to the gE gene. Therefore, g70 appears to be identical to a recently described polypeptide which was named gI (R. Longnecker, S. Chatterjee, R. J. Whitley, and B. Roizman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:147-151, 1987). Under mildly denaturing conditions, monoclonal antibody 3104 precipitated both gI and gE from extracts of HSV-1-infected cells. In addition, rabbit IgG precipitated the gE-gI complex from extracts of cells transfected with a fragment of HSV-1 DNA containing the gI, gE, and US9 genes. Cells infected with mutant viruses which were unable to express gE or gI did not bind radiolabeled IgG; however, cells coinfected with two viruses, one unable to express gE and the other unable to express gI, bound levels of IgG approaching those observed with wild-type viruses. These results further support the hypothesis that gE and gI form a complex which binds IgG by the Fc domain and that neither polypeptide alone can bind IgG.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein E (gE) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) will bind immunoglobulin G (IgG) (Fc) affinity columns (R. B. Bauke and P. G. Spear, J. Virol. 32:779-789, 1979), but recent evidence suggests that the HSV-1 Fc receptor is composed of a complex of gE and glycoprotein I (gI) and that both gI and gE are required for Fc receptor activity (D. C. Johnson and V. Feenstra, J. Virol. 61:2208-2216, 1987; D. C. Johnson, M. C. Frame, M. W. Ligas, A. M. Cross, and N. D. Stow, J. Virol. 62:1347-1354, 1988). We have expressed gE and gI, either alone or in combination, on the surface of HeLa cells by using recombinant vaccinia viruses and have measured Fc receptor activity by Fc-rosetting or IgG-binding assays. Expression of gE alone resulted in the induction of Fc receptor activity, while expression of gI alone gave no detectable Fc binding. Coexpression of gE and gI resulted in higher levels of IgG binding than did expression of gE alone, despite the fact that under conditions of coexpression, the levels of surface gE were reduced. We propose that gE and gI together form a receptor of higher affinity than gE alone and that HSV-1 therefore has the potential to induce two Fc receptors of different affinities.  相似文献   

We have used DNA bound to cellulose to isolate and translate in vitro herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) mRNA's encoded by HindIII fragment L (mapping between 0.592 and 0.647), and 8.450-base-pair (8.45-kb) portion of the long unique region of the viral genome. Readily detectable, late mRNA's 2.7 and 1.9 kb in size encoding 69,000- and 58,000-dalton polypeptides, respectively, were isolated. A very minor late mRNA family composed of two colinear forms, one 2.6 kb and one 2.8 kb, was isolated and found to encode only an 85,000-dalton polypeptide. A major early mRNA, 1.8 kb in size encoding a 64,000-dalton polypeptide, was also isolated. High-resolution mapping of these mRNA's by using S1 nuclease and exonuclease VII digestion of hybrids between them and 5' and 3' end-labeled DNA fragments from the region indicated that the major early mRNA contained no detectable splices, and about half of its 3' end was complementary to the 3' region of the very minor 2.6- to 2.8-kb mRNA's encoded on the opposite strand. These mRNA's also contained no detectable splices. The major late 2.7-kb mRNA was found to be a family made up of members with no detectable splices and members with variable-length (100 to 300 bases) segments spliced out very near (ca. 50 to 100 bases) the 5' end.  相似文献   

G Dubin  E Socolof  I Frank    H M Friedman 《Journal of virology》1991,65(12):7046-7050
Recent studies indicate that the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) Fc receptor (FcR) can bind antiviral immunoglobulin G by participating in antibody bipolar bridging. This occurs when the Fab domain of an immunoglobulin G molecule binds to its antigenic target and the Fc domain binds to the HSV-1 FcR. In experiments comparing cells infected with wild-type HSV-1 (NS) and cells infected with an FcR-deficient mutant (ENS), we demonstrate that participation of the HSV-1 FcR in antibody bipolar bridging reduces the effectiveness of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

We detected a glycoprotein on the surface of cells infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) which, in conjunction with gE, binds immunoglobulin G (IgG). The novel glycoprotein, which has an apparent molecular mass of 70 kilodaltons and was provisionally named g70, was first detected in extracts of HSV-1-infected cells labeled by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination and precipitated with rabbit sera or IgG and protein A-Sepharose. In subsequent experiments, g70 and gE were coprecipitated from extracts of HSV-1-infected cells labeled with [35S]methionine, [35S]cysteine, or 14C-amino acids. We were unable to precipitate a polypeptide analogous to g70 or gE from extracts of HSV-2-infected cells with rabbit IgG and protein A-Sepharose. Partial proteolytic peptide analysis indicated that g70 is structurally distinct from gE and gI). In addition, g70 was electrophoretically distinct from the HSV-1 Us4 glycoprotein gG. HSV-1 gE, expressed in mouse cells transfected with the gE gene, was not precipitated with rabbit IgG, nor could these cells bind radiolabeled IgG, suggesting that gE alone cannot act as an IgG (Fc) receptor. This result, coupled with the findings that gE and g70 are coprecipitated with IgG and with an anti-gE monoclonal antibody, suggests that gE and g70 form a complex which binds IgG. The electrophoretic mobilities of g70 molecules induced by different strains of HSV-1 differed markedly, arguing that g70 is encoded by the virus and is not a cellular protein induced by virus infection.  相似文献   

The 104-S monoclonal antibody immunoprecipitated from herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)-infected cell extracts the 75,000-molecular-weight glycoprotein gF and its 65,000-molecular-weight precursor (pgF). The precursor pgF was sensitive to endoglycosidase H digestion, indicating the presence of high mannose-type oligosaccharides, whereas the stable gF product was sensitive to neuraminidase digestion, indicating the presence of sialic acid residues. The 104-S antibody also weakly precipitated the 130,000-molecular-weight herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) glycoprotein gC from both infected cell extracts and purified preparations obtained through the use of monoclonal antibody-containing immunoadsorbent columns. Immunofluorescence tests demonstrated that the 104-S antibody reacted with antigen present in cells infected with HSV-2 strain 333 and HSV-1 strain 14012 but not with antigen present in cells infected with HSV-1 strain MP, a strain deficient in HSV-1 gC production. These findings indicate that HSV-1 gC and HSV-2 gF have antigenic determinants that are related.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1) virions and HSV-1-infected cells bind to human immunoglobulin G (hIgG) via its Fc region. A complex of two surface glycoproteins encoded by HSV-1, gE and gI, is responsible for Fc binding. We have co-expressed soluble truncated forms of gE and gI in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Soluble gE-gI complexes can be purified from transfected cell supernatants using a purification scheme that is based upon the Fc receptor function of gE-gI. Using gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation, we determined that soluble gE-gI is a heterodimer composed of one molecule of gE and one molecule of gI and that gE-gI heterodimers bind hIgG with a 1:1 stoichiometry. Biosensor-based studies of the binding of wild type or mutant IgG proteins to soluble gE-gI indicate that histidine 435 at the CH2-CH3 domain interface of IgG is a critical residue for IgG binding to gE-gI. We observe many similarities between the characteristics of IgG binding by gE-gI and by rheumatoid factors and bacterial Fc receptors such as Staphylococcus aureus protein A. These observations support a model for the origin of some rheumatoid factors, in which they represent anti-idiotypic antibodies directed against antibodies to bacterial and viral Fc receptors.  相似文献   

We have found that virions of herpes simplex virus type 1 have surface receptors capable of binding to the Fc region of immunoglobulin G and have also shown that the previously identified Fc-binding glycoprotein (designated gE) is present in extracts prepared from purified virions. The technique of affinity chromatography was used to detect gE. Two approaches were used to demonstrate the presence of Fc-binding receptors on intact virions. First, it was shown that [125I]-immunoglobulin G, but not [125I]F(ab')2 fragments, cosedimented with virions in sucrose gradients and, second, electron microscopy was done to show that soluble peroxidase-antiperoxidase complexes bound to virions. The use of peroxidase-antiperoxidase complexes also permitted us to demonstrate that Fc-binding receptors from input (parental) virions become incorporated into the surface membranes of infected cells. This occurs presumably as a consequence of fusion between the virion envelope and cell surface membrane.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) origin of replication, oriS, contains three highly homologous sequences, sites I, II, and III. The HSV-1 origin-binding protein (OBP), the product of the UL9 gene, has been shown to bind specifically to sites I and II. In this study, gel shift analysis was used to characterize interactions between site I DNA and proteins in infected and uninfected cell extracts. The formation of two protein-DNA complexes, bands A and B, was demonstrated with infected cell extracts, and one predominant protein-DNA complex, band M, was identified with mock-infected extracts. Protein interactions with the highly homologous site II and III DNAs were also characterized. Incubation of infected cell extracts with the lower-affinity site II DNA as a probe resulted in the appearance of two protein-DNA complexes with mobilities identical to those of the A and B complexes, while incubation with site III DNA resulted in the formation of a single complex with the mobility of band B; no A-like band was observed. Incubation of high concentrations of partially purified OBP with site I DNA resulted in the formation of two novel complexes, bands 9-1 and 9-2. Addition of uninfected or HSV-1-infected cell extracts to the purified OBP-site I DNA mix significantly enhanced the formation of complex 9-1. The enhanced formation of complex 9-1 by uninfected cell extracts implicates a cellular factor or factors in the formation or stabilization of the OBP-site I DNA complex.  相似文献   

We describe a novel function of the Fc receptor of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), its ability to participate in antibody bipolar bridging. This refers to the binding of a single immunoglobulin G (IgG) molecule by its Fab end to its antigenic target and by its Fc end to an Fc receptor (FcR). We demonstrate that various immune IgG antibodies, including polyclonal rabbit antibodies to HSV-1 glycoproteins gC1 and gD1 and monoclonal human antibody to gD1 blocked rosetting of IgG-coated erythrocytes at IgG concentrations 100- to 2,000-fold lower than required for rosette inhibition with nonimmune IgG. Steric hindrance did not account for the observed differences between immune and nonimmune IgG since rabbit anti-gC1 F(ab')2 fragments did not block rosetting. Murine anti-gC1 or anti-gD1 IgG, a species of IgG incapable of binding by its Fc end to the HSV-1 FcR, also did not block rosetting. When cells were infected with a gC1-deficient mutant, anti-gC1 IgG inhibited rosetting to the same extent as nonimmune IgG. This indicates that binding by the Fab end of the IgG molecule was required for maximum inhibition of rosetting. Bipolar bridging was shown to occur even when small concentrations of immune IgG were present in physiologic concentrations of nonimmune IgG. The biologic relevance of antibody bipolar bridging was evaluated by comparing antibody- and complement-dependent virus neutralization of an FcR-negative mutant and its parent HSV-1 strain. By engaging the Fc end of antiviral IgG, the parent strain resisted neutralization mediated by the classical complement pathway. These observations provide insight into the role of the HSV-1 FcR in pathogenesis and may help explain the function of FcR detected on other microorganisms.  相似文献   

We recently reported that herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) can cause agglutination of murine erythrocytes (E. Trybala, Z. Larski, and J. Wisniewski, Arch. Virol. 113:89-94, 1990). We now demonstrate that the mechanism of this hemagglutination is glycoprotein C-mediated binding of virus to heparan sulfate moieties at the surface of erythrocytes. Hemagglutination was found to be a common property of all gC-expressing laboratory strains and clinical isolates of HSV-1 tested. Mutants of HSV-1 deficient in glycoprotein C caused no specific hemagglutination, whereas their derivatives transfected with a functional gC-1 gene, thus reconstituting gC expression, regained full hemagglutinating activity. Hemagglutination activity was inhibited by antibodies against gC-1 but not by antibodies with specificity for glycoproteins gB, gD, or gE or by murine antiserum raised against the MP strain of HSV-1, which is gC deficient. Finally, purified gC-1 protein, like whole HSV-1 virions, showed high hemagglutinating activity which was inhibited by heparan sulfate and/or heparin and was completely prevented by pretreatment of erythrocytes with heparitinase, providing evidence that gC-1 mediates hemagglutination by binding to heparan sulfate at the cell surface. Thus, HSV-1-induced hemagglutination is gC-1 dependent and resembles the recently proposed mechanism by which HSV-1 attaches to surface heparans on susceptible cells, providing a simple model for initial events in the virus-cell interaction.  相似文献   

The heterotrimeric helicase-primase complex of herpes simplex virus type I (HSV-1), consisting of UL5, UL8, and UL52, possesses 5' to 3' helicase, single-stranded DNA (ssDNA)-dependent ATPase, primase, and DNA binding activities. In this study we confirm that the UL5-UL8-UL52 complex has higher affinity for forked DNA than for ssDNA and fails to bind to fully annealed double-stranded DNA substrates. In addition, we show that a single-stranded overhang of greater than 6 nucleotides is required for efficient enzyme loading and unwinding. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays and surface plasmon resonance analysis provide additional quantitative information about how the UL5-UL8-UL52 complex associates with the replication fork. Although it has previously been reported that in the absence of DNA and nucleoside triphosphates the UL5-UL8-UL52 complex exists as a monomer in solution, we now present evidence that in the presence of forked DNA and AMP-PNP, higher-order complexes can form. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays reveal two discrete complexes with different mobilities only when helicase-primase is bound to DNA containing a single-stranded region, and surface plasmon resonance analysis confirms larger amounts of the complex bound to forked substrates than to single-overhang substrates. Furthermore, we show that primase activity exhibits a cooperative dependence on protein concentration while ATPase and helicase activities do not. Taken together, these data suggest that the primase activity of the helicase-primase requires formation of a dimer or higher-order structure while ATPase activity does not. Importantly, this provides a simple mechanism for generating a two-polymerase replisome at the replication fork.  相似文献   

A mutant of the herpes simplex virus type 1 Angelotti was isolated in which 87% of the coding region of glycoprotein E (gE) was deleted and replaced by a functional neomycin resistance gene of the Tn5 transposon. The mutant was characterized by restriction enzyme analyses and Southern blotting. Western blotting of proteins and immunofluorescence assays revealed that gE was completely absent and that the Fc receptor was not expressed in cells infected with the mutant. The fact that this mutant was viable and that it replicated to a slightly lower titer than did the wild-type virus suggests that the presence of gE is not a prerequisite of viral infectivity in tissue culture.  相似文献   

The herpes simplex virus type 1 U(L)34 gene encodes a protein that is conserved in all human herpesviruses. The association of the U(L)34 protein with membranes in the infected cell and its expression as a gamma-1 gene suggest a role in maturation or egress of the virus particle from the cell. To determine the function of this gene product, we have constructed a recombinant virus that fails to express the U(L)34 protein. This recombinant virus, in which the U(L)34 protein coding sequence has been replaced by green fluorescent protein, forms minute plaques and replicates in single-step growth experiments to titers 3 to 5 log orders of magnitude lower than wild-type or repair viruses. On Vero cells, the deletion virus synthesizes proteins of all kinetic classes in normal amounts. Electron microscopic and biochemical analyses show that morphogenesis of the deletion virus proceeds normally to the point of formation of DNA-containing nuclear capsids, but electron micrographs show no enveloped virus particles in the cytoplasm or at the surface of infected cells, suggesting that the U(L)34 protein is essential for efficient envelopment of capsids.  相似文献   

The contribution to the free energy of binding of each of the residues forming the binding site for a human IgG Fc fragment on the surface of the B1 domain of protein G was determined by alanine-scanning mutagenesis. The interface between these two proteins is atypical in that it is smaller than usual, polar in character, and involves two well-defined "knobs-into-holes" interactions. The bulk of the free energy of binding is contributed by three central residues, which make hydrogen bonds across the interface. Of these, the most critical interaction is formed by Glu27, which acts as a charged knob on the surface of the B1 domain, inserting into a polar hole on the Fc fragment. A single alanine mutation of this residue virtually abolishes stable complex formation. Formation of a stable interface between these two proteins is therefore dominated by a small, polar "hot spot."  相似文献   

Glycoprotein C (gC) of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2) binds complement component C3b and protects virus from complement-mediated neutralization. Differences in complement interacting domains exist between gC of HSV-1 (gC1) and HSV-2 (gC2), since the amino terminus of gC1 blocks complement C5 from binding to C3b, while gC2 fails to interfere with this activity. We previously reported that neutralization of HSV-1 gC-null virus by HSV antibody-negative human serum requires activation of C5 but not of downstream components of the classical complement pathway. In this report, we evaluated whether activation of C5 is sufficient to neutralize HSV-2 gC-null virus, or whether formation of the membrane attack complex by C6 to C9 is required for neutralization. We found that activation of the classical complement pathway up to C5 was sufficient to neutralize HSV-2 gC-null virus by HSV antibody-negative human serum. We evaluated the mechanisms by which complement activation occurred in seronegative human serum. Interestingly, natural immunoglobulin M antibodies bound to virus, which triggered activation of C1q and the classical complement pathway. HSV antibody-negative sera obtained from four individuals differed over an approximately 10-fold range in their potency for complement-mediated virus neutralization. These findings indicate that humans differ in the ability of their innate immune systems to neutralize HSV-1 or HSV-2 gC-null virus and that a critical function of gC1 and gC2 is to prevent C5 activation.  相似文献   

Recent epidemiological data on diseases caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci belonging to Lancefield group C and G (GCS, GGS) underline that they are an emerging threat to human health. Among various virulence factors expressed by GCS and GGS isolates from human infections, M and M-like proteins are considered important because of their anti-phagocytic activity. In addition, protein G has been implicated in the accumulation of IgG on the bacterial surface through non-immune binding. The function of this interaction, however, is still unknown. Using isogenic mutants lacking protein G or the M-like protein FOG (group G streptococci), respectively, we could show that FOG contributes substantially to IgG binding. A detailed characterization of the interaction between IgG and FOG revealed its ability to bind the Fc region of human IgG and its binding to the subclasses IgG1, IgG2, and IgG4. FOG was also found to bind IgG of several animal species. Surface plasmon resonance measurements indicate a high affinity to human IgG with a dissociation constant of 2.4 pm. The binding site was localized in a central motif of FOG. It has long been speculated about anti-opsonic functions of streptococcal Fc-binding proteins. The presented data for the first time provide evidence and, furthermore, indicate functional differences between protein G and FOG. By obstructing the interaction between IgG and C1q, protein G prevented recognition by the classical pathway of the complement system. In contrast, IgG that was bound to FOG remained capable of binding C1q, an effect that may have important consequences in the pathogenesis of GGS infections.  相似文献   

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