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Lombardi L  Schneider K  Tsukamoto M  Brody S 《Genetics》2007,175(3):1175-1183
In Neurospora, the circadian rhythm is expressed as rhythmic conidiation driven by a feedback loop involving the protein products of frq (frequency), wc-1 (white collar-1), and wc-2, known as the frq/wc (FWC) oscillator. Although strains carrying null mutations such as frq(10) or wc-2Delta lack a functional FWC oscillator and do not show a rhythm under most conditions, a rhythm can be observed in them by the addition of geraniol or farnesol to the media. Employing this altered media as an assay, the effect of other clock mutations in a frq(10)- or wc-2Delta-null background can be measured. It was found that the existing clock mutations fall into three classes: (1) those, such as prd-3 or prd-4 or frq(1), that showed no effect in a clock null background; (2) those, such as prd-1 or prd-2 or prd-6, that did have a measurable effect in the frq(10) background; and (3) those, such as the new mutation ult, that suppressed the frq(10) or wc-2Delta effect, i.e., geraniol/farnesol was not required for a visible rhythm. This classification suggests that some of the known clock mutations are part of a broader multioscillator system.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms in Neurospora crassa: oscillations in fatty acids   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
P E Roeder  M L Sargent  S Brody 《Biochemistry》1982,21(20):4909-4916

The frequency (frq) gene of Neurospora crassa has long been considered essential to the function of this organism’s circadian rhythm. Increasingly, deciphering the coupling of core oscillator genes such as frq to the output pathways of the circadian rhythm has become a major focus of circadian research. To address this coupling it is critical to have a reporter of circadian activity that can deliver high resolution spatial and temporal information about the dynamics of core oscillatory proteins such as FRQ. However, due to the difficulty of studying the expression of circadian rhythm genes in aerobic N. crassa cultures, little is known about the dynamics of this gene under physiologically realistic conditions. To address these issues we report a fluorescent fusion to the frq gene using a codon optimized version of the mCherry gene. To trace the expression and accumulation of FRQ–mCherryNC (FRQ–mCh) during the circadian rhythm, growing vegetative hyphae were scanned every hour under confocal microscopy (100×). Fluorescence of FRQ–mCh was detected only at the growing edge of the colony, and located in the cytoplasm and nuclei of vegetative hyphae for a distance of approximately 150–200 μm from the apices of leading hyphae. When driven by the frq promoter, apparently there was also a second FRQ entrance into the nucleus during the circadian cycle; however the second entrance had a lower accumulation level than the first entrance. Thus this fluorescent fusion protein has proven useful in tracking the spatial dynamics of the frq protein and has indicated that the dynamics of the FRQ protein’s nuclear trafficking may be more complex than previously realized.  相似文献   

Employing a fatty acid-requiring strain (bd csp cel) of Neurospora crassa, the 21.5-h period of the circadian spore-forming rhythm was manipulated by fatty acid supplementation. The addition to the medium of an unsaturated fatty acid (oleic, linoleic, or linolenic acid) lengthened the period to 26, 40, or 33 h, respectively. Ther period-lengthening effect of linoleic acid was proportional to its concentration up to 1.3 X 10(-4) M, and also was reversed by the addition to the medium of a saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid. None of these period-lengthening effects was observed in the prototrophic strain (bd csp cel+).  相似文献   

The fatty acid compositions of the phospholipids of Neurospora crassa mutants with altered periods were determined to test the possibility that some of these mutants might have altered membrane composition. In liquid shaker culture in constant light the bd (band) strain, which has a normal period (21.6 h), exhibited a growth-dependent increase in linoleic acid content and a decrease in linolenic acid content during early log phase growth. By late log phase, fatty acid composition was essentially constant. The phospholipid fatty acid compositions of bd strains containing mutations at the frq (frequency) and chr (chrono) loci were indistinguishable from that of the bd strain under the conditions used. However, a bd strain containing a mutation at the prd-1 (period) locus, as well as prd-1 segregants from a cross of this strain to a bd strain, had altered patterns of growth-dependent fatty acid composition; linoleic and linolenic acid contents changed more slow than in the bd strain and continued to change throughout growth. In addition, the fatty acid composition of a bd prd-1 strain on solid medium differed from that of the bd strain. It is proposed that the prd-1 mutation leads to altered membrane homeostasis, which in turn affects circadian rhythmicity because some or all components of the rhythm-generating system are membrane-localized.  相似文献   

The cel mutant of Neurospora, partially blocked in fatty acid synthesis and lacking temperature compensation of its circadian rhythm below 22 degrees C, had a phospholipid fatty acid composition in liquid shaker culture distinctly different from that of a cel+ control strain. During growth, cel+ exhibited a reproducible increase in its linoleic acid level from about 32 to a plateau at 63 mol%, and a corresponding decrease in its linolenic acid level from about 40 to a plateau at 10 mol%. The level of palmitic acid was constant at 19 mol%. In the cel strain, the linoleic acid level was constant at 54 mol% while the palmitic acid level increased from about 12 to about 23 mol%. Supplementation with palmitic or linoleic acids altered the patterns of fatty acid composition of cel, but did not affect the pattern of cel+. Altered fatty acid composition cosegregated with the cel marker. The mitochondrial phospholipids of cel in liquid culture also had abnormal fatty acid composition, as did the whole mycelial phospholipids on solid medium. These results are consistent with the involvement of membrane homeostasis in the temperature compensation of circadian rhythms.  相似文献   

In a mutant strain (bd) of Neurospora, the biological clock is visibly expressed at the growing front of a mycelial mat by sequential periods of conidiating (spore-forming) and non-conidiating growth. The edges (8 mm) of the mycelium at different ages were sampled during a 31 h period, and the adenine nucleotide levels were enzymatically assayed. In the edge region, the total adenosine 5'-monophosphate (AMP) level showed an oscillation, with a minimum of 0.5 mumol/g (residual dry weight) and a maximum of 6.0 mumol/g. The total adenosine 5'-triphosphate level and the total adenosine 5'-diphosphate level showed no obvious oscillation. The oscillation in AMP content had many of the properties of a circadian rhythm. Its period was about 22 h long, it was phase-shifted by light, and it was damped out by continuous illumination. The oscillation in AMP level led to an oscillation in the overall cellular energy charge from 0.65 to 0.93. However, the energy charge calculation does not take into account any possible compartmentalization of AMP, and therefore must be interpretated cautiously. It is suggested that the underlying cause of the oscillation in AMP level could be a rhythmic, partial uncoupling of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

When food is scarce, a food-entrainable circadian clock coordinates mammalian activity rhythms with a predictable daily mealtime. Neural and molecular substrates of this circadian function have long eluded localization, but new studies suggest a critical role for a familiar circadian clock gene.  相似文献   

The biological clock affects aging through ras‐1 (bd) and lag‐1, and these two longevity genes together affect a clock phenotype and the clock oscillator in Neurospora crassa. Using an automated cell‐counting technique for measuring conidial longevity, we show that the clock‐associated genes lag‐1 and ras‐1 (bd) are true chronological longevity genes. For example, wild type (WT) has an estimated median life span of 24 days, while the double mutant lag‐1, ras‐1 (bd) has an estimated median life span of 120 days for macroconidia. We establish the biochemical function of lag‐1 by complementing LAG1 and LAC1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae with lag‐1 in N. crassa. Longevity genes can affect the clock as well in that, the double mutant lag‐1, ras‐1 (bd) can stop the circadian rhythm in asexual reproduction (i.e., banding in race tubes) and lengthen the period of the frequency oscillator to 41 h. In contrast to the ras‐1 (bd), lag‐1 effects on chronological longevity, we find that this double mutant undergoes replicative senescence (i.e., the loss of replication function with time), unlike WT or the single mutants, lag‐1 and ras‐1 (bd). These results support the hypothesis that sphingolipid metabolism links aging and the biological clock through a common stress response  相似文献   

All circadian clock genes discovered in Drosophila have mammalian counterparts with extensive sequence homology. Similarities and differences have been identified between insect and mammalian oscillators. Recent studies have shed new light on two mammalian clock components: Mop3 and Per2.  相似文献   

At first, the saprophytic eukaryote Neurospora crassa and the photosynthetic prokaryote Synechococcus elongatus may seem to have little in common. However, in both organisms a circadian clock organizes cellular biochemistry, and each organism lends itself to classical and molecular genetic investigations that have revealed a detailed picture of the molecular basis of circadian rhythmicity. In the present chapter, an overview of the molecular clockwork in each organism will be described, highlighting similarities, differences and some as yet unexplained phenomena.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism and mitochondria have been discussed with respect to their role in the circadian rhythm mechanism for some time. Numerous examples of inhibitors that affect the mitochondria of plants and animals and microorganisms are known, which cause large phase shifts in the rhythms of these organisms. Analogous studies on the role of mitochondria in the Neurospora circadian rhythm mechanism have also been reported and summarized. This communication differs from previous studies on other organisms in that it will focus on two lines of evidence derived from studies on Neurospora strains carrying mutations affecting the mitochondria, (a) Strains whose growth rate is resistant to oligomycin (olit) owing to an altered protein in the F0 sector of the mitochondrial ATPase, showed no phase shifts when pulsed with oligomycin. Control strains (oli8) showed large phase shifts when pulsed with oligomycin. This indicates that the phase-shifting effect of oligomycin is due to the direct inhibition of the mitochondrial ATPase and not some side effect of this inhibitor, (b) In Neurospora, many different strains are known that carry mutations in the nuclear or mitochondrial genome that affect mitochondrially localized proteins. Some of these, such as oli', [MI-3], or cya-5, showed shorter (≥ 19-h) periods compared with the normal (21.5-h) period. Others showed little or no change in period. Those mutant strains exhibiting shorter periods also contained ≥60% more mitochondrial protein per gram total protein in extracts compared with the normal strains. Assays of the level of a mitochondrial-specific protein, acyl carrier protein, showed that the cellular content of this protein was approximately doubled. A parallel set of studies on the effects of antimycin or chloramphenicol on Neurospora demonstrated that these inhibitors also produced shorter periods as well as increased amounts of mitochondrial proteins. These two new lines of evidence may be interpreted to indicate that in Neurospora either some part of the oscillator is localized to the mitochondria and/or that mitochondria exert their effect on the clock mechanism through their effects on biosynthetic pathways or by their contribution in determining ion gradients.  相似文献   

Energy metabolism and mitochondria have been discussed with respect to their role in the circadian rhythm mechanism for some time. Numerous examples of inhibitors that affect the mitochondria of plants and animals and microorganisms are known, which cause large phase shifts in the rhythms of these organisms. Analogous studies on the role of mitochondria in the Neurospora circadian rhythm mechanism have also been reported and summarized. This communication differs from previous studies on other organisms in that it will focus on two lines of evidence derived from studies on Neurospora strains carrying mutations affecting the mitochondria, (a) Strains whose growth rate is resistant to oligomycin (olit) owing to an altered protein in the F0 sector of the mitochondrial ATPase, showed no phase shifts when pulsed with oligomycin. Control strains (oli8) showed large phase shifts when pulsed with oligomycin. This indicates that the phase-shifting effect of oligomycin is due to the direct inhibition of the mitochondrial ATPase and not some side effect of this inhibitor, (b) In Neurospora, many different strains are known that carry mutations in the nuclear or mitochondrial genome that affect mitochondrially localized proteins. Some of these, such as oli', [MI-3], or cya-5, showed shorter (≥ 19-h) periods compared with the normal (21.5-h) period. Others showed little or no change in period. Those mutant strains exhibiting shorter periods also contained ≥60% more mitochondrial protein per gram total protein in extracts compared with the normal strains. Assays of the level of a mitochondrial-specific protein, acyl carrier protein, showed that the cellular content of this protein was approximately doubled. A parallel set of studies on the effects of antimycin or chloramphenicol on Neurospora demonstrated that these inhibitors also produced shorter periods as well as increased amounts of mitochondrial proteins. These two new lines of evidence may be interpreted to indicate that in Neurospora either some part of the oscillator is localized to the mitochondria and/or that mitochondria exert their effect on the clock mechanism through their effects on biosynthetic pathways or by their contribution in determining ion gradients.  相似文献   

A master circadian clock resides in the brain and is required to synchronize the clocks in peripheral tissues such as the liver. Until now, it has been unclear how the central clock synchronizes the peripheral ones. New work points to one of the core clock genes, mPer2, as an essential link in this chain.  相似文献   

Circadian Rhythms of Nucleic Acid Metabolism in Neurospora crassa   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Wild-type, band, and fluffy strains of Neurospora crassa exhibit circadian rhythms of ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid content in the growth-front hyphae of cultures grown on a solid medium. There is also a rhythm of (3)H-uridine incorporation into the nucleic acids of the band strain. Maximum incorporation precedes the peaks of nucleic acid content which occur during conidiation. As cultures age, ribonucleic acid content decreases rapidly and deoxyribonucleic acid content decreases gradually in standing, shake, and bubble cultures. A reduction of ribonuclease activity with age is also noted in standing and shake cultures. The nucleic acid content, nuclease activity, and changes associated with age vary with the culture conditions.  相似文献   

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