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不同品种酿酒葡萄根围、叶围微生物群落结构特点解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】了解不同品种酿酒葡萄根围、叶围细菌群落结构。【方法】以不同品种酿酒葡萄根围、叶围样品为分析材料,采用末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术研究根围、叶围细菌群落结构,并对细菌群落多样性进行分析。【结果】不同品种葡萄根围微生物优势菌群为变形菌门,不同品种葡萄叶围微生物优势菌群为放线菌目。根围Simpson指数大小顺序为白福尔琼瑶浆白诗南赛美蓉白玉霓米勒长相思,Shannon指数与Simpson指数基本保持一致。叶围Simpson指数最大的为白诗南,最小的为米勒,与Shannon指数基本吻合。【结论】葡萄细菌群落结构综合多样性指数和品种以及定殖部位密切相关。  相似文献   

In the past 10 years, different strategies have been used to produce transgenic plants that are less susceptible to diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi and bacteria. Genes from different organisms, including bacteria, fungi and plants, have been successfully used to develop these strategies. Some strategies have been shown to be effective against different pathogens, whereas others are specific to a single pathogen or even to a single pathovar or race of a given pathogen. In this review, we present the strategies that have been employed to produce transgenic plants less susceptible to bacterial and fungal diseases and which constitute an important area of plant biotechnology.The authors are with the Departamento de Ingeniería Genética de Plantas. Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados del IPN-Unidad Irapuato, Km 9.6 del Libramiento Norte carretera Irapuato-León, Apdo Postal 629, Irapuato, Mexico.  相似文献   

This research work was oriented to outlining the diversity of Gram-negative culturable portion of the bacterial community in three fruit plants rhizosphere. Rhizosphere samples were taken from European chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill), true service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) and cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.) plants. Experiments were conducted for three years during the vegetation period, and the bacterial community structure was assessed with cultivation-dependent approach. Many Gram-negative isolates (n = 251) from the rhizosphere survived sub culturing and were identified by biochemical tests. A total of 57 species belonging to 29 genera were identified and assigned to four broad taxonomic groups (Bacteroidetes, Alpha-, Beta- and Gamma-proteobacteria). Several specific bacterial cluster communities were identified inside all the three rhizospheres. Most of the species belonged to the genera Moraxella, Pseudomonas, Pantoea, Enterobacter and Acinetobacter. In addition, while, using the plate count analysis, large discrepancies in numbers among physiological groups of bacteria cultured from three rhizosphere samples have not been revealed, more expressive distinctions among bacterial populations were obtained concerning the relative abundance of different genera, different taxonomic groups as well as different diversity indices. Furthermore, the number of cultured bacteria and their taxonomic distribution in the rhizosphere of all three plants changed not only explicitly during vegetation period but continually during the three years of investigation. It seems that rhizosphere bacterial populations of each plant are under the influence of the specific root-released materials.  相似文献   

Genetically engineered (GE) insects have the potential to radically change pest management worldwide. With recent approvals of GE insect releases, there is a need for a synthesized framework to evaluate their potential ecological and evolutionary effects. The effects may occur in two phases: a transitory phase when the focal population changes in density, and a steady state phase when it reaches a new, constant density. We review potential effects of a rapid change in insect density related to population outbreaks, biological control, invasive species, and other GE organisms to identify a comprehensive list of potential ecological and evolutionary effects of GE insect releases. We apply this framework to the Anopheles gambiae mosquito – a malaria vector being engineered to suppress the wild mosquito population – to identify effects that may occur during the transitory and steady state phases after release. Our methodology reveals many potential effects in each phase, perhaps most notably those dealing with immunity in the transitory phase, and with pathogen and vector evolution in the steady state phase. Importantly, this framework identifies knowledge gaps in mosquito ecology. Identifying effects in the transitory and steady state phases allows more rigorous identification of the potential ecological effects of GE insect release.  相似文献   

In a field release experiment, rifampicin resistant mutants of two antagonistic plant-associated bacteria were used for seed tuber inoculation of transgenic T4 lysozyme expressing potatoes, transgenic control potatoes and non-transgenic parental potatoes. The T4 lysozyme tolerant Pseudomonas putida QC14-3-8 was originally isolated from the tuber surface (geocaulosphere) of T4 lysozyme producing plants and showed in vitro antibacterial activity to the bacterial pathogen Erwinia carotovora ssp. atroseptica. The T4 lysozyme sensitive Serratia grimesii L16-3-3 was originally isolated from the rhizosphere of parental potatoes and showed in vitro antagonism toward the plant pathogenic fungus Verticillium dahliae. The establishment of the inoculated bacteria in the rhizosphere and geocaulosphere of the different plant lines was monitored over one growing season to assess the effect of T4 lysozyme produced by transgenic potato plants on the survival of both inoculants. Both introduced isolates were able to colonize the rhizo- and geocaulosphere of transgenic plants and non-transgenic parental plants, and established in the rhizosphere at levels of ca. log(10) 5 colony forming units g(-1) fresh weight of root. During flowering of plants, significantly more colony counts of the T4 lysozyme tolerant P. putida were recovered from transgenic T4 lysozyme plants than from the transgenic control and the parental line. At this time, the highest level of T4 lysozyme (% of total soluble protein) was detected. Effects of the inoculants on the indigenous microbial community were monitored by analysis of PCR-amplified fragments of the 16S rRNA genes of the whole bacterial community after separation by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). At any sampling time, the DGGE pattern of rhizosphere and geocaulosphere communities did not show differences between the inoculated and non-inoculated potatoes. Neither of the introduced strains became a dominant member of the bacterial community. This work was the first approach to assess the establishment of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria and potential biocontrol agents on transgenic plants.  相似文献   

To detect exogenous genes in genetically modified plants, we have designed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (MPCR) system that includes 7 primer pairs. With this method, the promoter, terminator, selection gene, reporter gene, and function gene can be detected simultaneously. The concentrations of each primer were optimized according to AT/TA%. Several genes in plasmid PBI121, genetically modified tobacco, and imported soybeans were detected, and the results were consistent with standard PCR. The method was sensitive enough to detect a single copy sequence.  相似文献   

黄瓜根际重要病原与其拮抗菌消长规律的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究了4个不同黄瓜品种根际两类重要土传植物病原菌(Pythiumspp.和Fusariumoxysporum f.sp.cucumerinum)的种群动态变化.结果表明,同一品种不同生长期间种群数有差异,与通常的发病规律相吻合.统计分析可见,腐霉种群和尖孢镰刀菌黄瓜专化型种群品种间差异极显著(F=495.54>F0.01=7.59;F=2355.57>F0.01=7.59).整个生育期,所有黄瓜品种种群数极显著地高于其它时期的腐霉种群数,结主蔓瓜期镰刀菌种群数极显著地高于其它时期的镰刀菌种群数.同时,2种病原菌与其拮抗菌均呈较密切的正相关关系,相关系数分别为0.95和0.81.  相似文献   

The field performance of a viral gene in two Swiss wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) varieties showed 10% increased fungal resistance against Tilletia caries (stinking smut). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of improved resistance against any fungus in the field achieved by genetic engineering in wheat. The genetically modified wheat lines previously showed a c . 30% decrease in symptoms of T. caries in the glasshouse (Clausen, M., Kräuter, R., Schachermayr, G., Potrykus, I. and Sautter, C. (2000) Antifungal activity of a virally encoded gene in transgenic wheat. Nat. Biotechnol . 18 , 446–449), depending on the fungal strain inoculated. A glasshouse experiment run in parallel to the field test, and using the same collection of T. caries , gave the same results. In a dose–response experiment with isolated fungal strains, in which the infection pressure was varied via the spore concentration, the transgene behaved as a quantitative resistance gene and shifted the S-shaped dose–response curve towards higher resistance. The transgene was shown to be highly specific for fungi of the order Ustilaginales. Tests of the transgene using cell cultures of eukaryotes, including hamster and human, showed no significant side-effects with respect to biosafety. Endogenous pathogen-related genes were also activated on fungal infection in the presence of the kp4 transgene.  相似文献   

Environmental impacts of genetically modified crops are mandatorily assessed during their premarket phase. One of the areas of concern is the possible impact on nontarget organisms. Crops expressing Cry toxins might affect Lepidoptera larvae living outside cultivated fields, through pollen deposition on wild plants, which constitute their food source. While pollen toxicity varies among different events, possible exposure of nontarget species depends on the agro‐environmental conditions. This study was conducted in two protected areas in Italy, characterized by different climatic conditions, where many Lepidoptera species thrive in proximity to maize cultivations. To estimate the possible exposure in absence of the actual stressor (e.g., Cry1‐expressing maize plants), we conducted a two‐year field survey of butterflies and weeds. Indicator species were selected—Aglais (Inachis) io in the Northern site and Vanessa cardui in the Southern site—and their phenology was investigated. Pollen dispersal from maize fields was measured by collection in Petri dishes. Duration and frequency of exposure was defined by the overlap between pollen emission and presence of larvae on host plants. Different risk scenarios are expected in the two regions: highest exposure is foreseen for A. io in the Northern site, while minimal exposure is estimated for V. cardui in the Southern site. In the latter case, locally grown maize cultivars flower in mid‐summer in coincidence with an aestivation period for several butterfly species due to hot and dry conditions. Moreover, host plants of V. cardui are at the end of their life cycle thus limiting food availability.  相似文献   

Genetically modified crops have been tested in 1,726 experimental releases in the EU member states and in 7,815 experimental releases in the USA. The global commercial cultivation area of genetically modified crops is likely to reach 50 million hectares in 2001, however, the commercial production of genetically modified crops in the EU amounts to only a few thousand hectares and accounts for only some 0.03% of the world production. A significant gap exists between the more than fifty genetically modified crop species already permitted to be cultivated and to be placed on the market in the USA, Canada and other countries and the five genetically modified crop species permitted for the same use in the EU member states, which are still pending inclusion in the Common Catalogue of agricultural plant species. The further development of the "green gene technology" in the EU will be a matter of public acceptance and administrative legislation.  相似文献   

水生植物及植物表面附着微生物在人工湿地水体净化过程中发挥着重要的作用。以北京奥林匹克公园龙形水系为研究对象,通过高通量测序技术,对其底泥、水体及3种沉水植物——苦草Vallisneria natans、狐尾藻Myriophyllum verticillatum、龙须眼子菜Potamogeton pectinatus——的根际及叶际微生物群落的结构及功能进行了研究。结果表明,微生物多样性从高到低分别为底泥样品、植物根际样品、植物叶际样品和水体样品,植物叶际微生物种类要显著高于水体中微生物种类。LEfSe分析结果显示不同生境富集不同的微生物类群,其中底泥主要富集厌氧微生物类群,水体及植物叶际主要富集好氧微生物类群,植物根际则两者兼具。功能预测结果显示植物叶际样品的反硝化标志基因丰度要高于根际样品及底泥和水体样品,且狐尾藻和龙须眼子菜叶际样品反硝化标志基因丰度要高于苦草叶际样品。本研究可以为人工湿地构建时对沉水植物及功能微生物的选择提供指导意义。  相似文献   

水葫芦根际细菌群落结构多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑李军  傅明辉 《微生物学通报》2015,42(11):2115-2125
【目的】了解水葫芦根际细菌群落结构。【方法】运用末端限制性片段长度多态性(Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism,T-RFLP)技术分析富营养化水体中水葫芦根际和水葫芦近、远水样的细菌群落特征及多样性,结合克隆文库技术和培养法分析根际的细菌种群类型。【结果】同一时期水葫芦根际细菌多样性(Shannon-Weiner指数H′或Simpson指数D)更高,水葫芦近水样次之,远水样最小。10月份的细菌多样性高于5月份的。通过水葫芦根际细菌的克隆文库可知变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)是水葫芦根际细菌的主要类群,占总群体的65.1%,包括噬菌弧菌(Bacteriovorax sp.)、Dechloromonas sp.、Leptothrix sp.、红螺菌科(Rhodospirillaceae)、Rhodoferax sp.和红环菌科(Rhodocyclaceae)等。T-RFLP图谱显示159 bp为最大优势菌,247 bp为第二大优势菌,对照克隆文库及培养结果分析247 bp属于γ-Proteobacteria,159 bp为不动杆菌(Acinetobacter sp.)。【结论】水葫芦根际细菌的群落结构丰富,不同时段水葫芦根际细菌的丰度略有变化,主要类群为变形杆菌门。  相似文献   

To investigate how exudation shapes root‐associated bacterial populations, transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants that exuded the xenotopic compound octopine at low and high rates were grown in a nonsterile soil. Enumerations of both cultivable and octopine‐degrading bacteria demonstrated that the ratios of octopine degraders increased along with octopine concentration. An artificial exudation system was also set up in which octopine was brought at four ratios. The density of octopine‐degrading bacteria directly correlated with the input of octopine. Bacterial diversity was analysed by rrs amplicon pyrosequencing. Ensifer and Pseudomonas were significantly more frequently detected in soil amended with artificial exudates. However, the density of Pseudomonas increased as a response to carbon supplementation while that of Ensifer only correlated with octopine concentrations possibly in relation to two opposed colonization strategies of rhizosphere bacteria, that is, copiotrophy and oligotrophy.  相似文献   

Rising global populations have amplified food scarcity across the world and ushered in the development of genetically modified (GM) crops to overcome these challenges. Cultivation of major crops such as corn and soy has favoured GM crops over conventional varieties to meet crop production and resilience needs. Modern GM crops containing small interference RNA molecules and antibiotic resistance genes have become increasingly common in the United States. However, the use of these crops remains controversial due to the uncertainty regarding the unintended release of its genetic material into the environment and possible downstream effects on human and environmental health. DNA or RNA transgenes may be exuded from crop tissues during cultivation or released during plant decomposition and adsorbed by soil. This can contribute to the persistence and bioavailability in soil or water environment and possible uptake by soil microbial communities and further passing of this information to neighbouring bacteria, disrupting microbial ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and soil fertility. In this review, transgene mechanisms of action, uses in crops, and knowledge regarding their environmental fate and impact to microbes are evaluated. This aims to encapsulate the current knowledge and promote further research regarding unintended effects transgenes may cause.  相似文献   

Abstract The presence of transfer proficient plasmids in bacteria isolated from the leaves of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris L.) was studied. Of 435 bacteria sampled 79 (18%) contained plasmids. Pseudomonads (30%), Erwinia (12%) and Klebsiella (9%) were the largest populations sampled of which 22%, 33% and 29%, respectively, contained plasmids. The ability of these plasmids to self-transfer or mediate the mobilization of the tra mob+ broad host range IncQ plasmid R300B was determined. R300B was maintained in 61/79 natural plasmid containing isolates, the Gram positive isolates could not support R300B. Pseudomonas aureofaciens SBW25, isolated from sugar beet leaves, was chromosomally marked with a tetracycline resistance gene and used as a recipient (SBW25ETc). Five isolates of Erwinia herbicola and one of Erwinia salicis containing natural plasmids were able to mobilize R300B into the recombinant, SBW25ETc. These mobolizing ( tra+ ) plasmids were not maintained in transconjugant SBW25 cells. Analysis of the fragment patterns of Pst I digested plasmid DNA demonstrated that four (pSB139, pSB140, pSB142, pSB146; 110 kb) were identical, one (pSB153; 65 kb) was common to a subset of fragments in these four and another (pSB169; 100 kb) was unique. Other natural isolates were able to transfer copper resistance ( Erwinia rhapontici , 2 strains) or mercury resistance ( Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW340) to a rifampicin resistant recipient Pseudomonas putida UWC1 but not to SBW25ETc. These self-transferable plasmids were not able to mobilize R300B. These data demonstrate that the phyllosphere supports indigenous microbial populations which have the capacity to transfer genetic material between bacteria of different genera.  相似文献   

Ribosomal 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing was used to explore whether the genetically modified (GM) Bt-maize hybrid MON 89034 × MON 88017, expressing three insecticidal recombinant Cry proteins of Bacillus thuringiensis, would alter the rhizosphere bacterial community. Fine roots of field cultivated Bt-maize and three conventional maize varieties were analyzed together with coarse roots of the Bt-maize. A total of 547 000 sequences were obtained. Library coverage was 100% at the phylum and 99.8% at the genus rank. Although cluster analyses based on relative abundances indicated no differences at higher taxonomic ranks, genera abundances pointed to variety specific differences. Genera-based clustering depended solely on the 49 most dominant genera while the remaining 461 rare genera followed a different selection. A total of 91 genera responded significantly to the different root environments. As a benefit of pyrosequencing, 79 responsive genera were identified that might have been overlooked with conventional cloning sequencing approaches owing to their rareness. There was no indication of bacterial alterations in the rhizosphere of the Bt-maize beyond differences found between conventional varieties. B. thuringiensis-like phylotypes were present at low abundance (0.1% of Bacteria) suggesting possible occurrence of natural Cry proteins in the rhizospheres. Although some genera indicated potential phytopathogenic bacteria in the rhizosphere, their abundances were not significantly different between conventional varieties and Bt-maize. With an unprecedented sensitivity this study indicates that the rhizosphere bacterial community of a GM maize did not respond abnormally to the presence of three insecticidal proteins in the root tissue.  相似文献   

代金霞  田平雅  张莹  苏建宇 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2705-2714
土壤微生物对土壤肥力的形成和植物营养的转化起着积极的作用。对盐渍化土壤中植物根际微生物群落组成和多样性进行研究,有助于发现新的重要微生物功能类群或者功能潜力,对于盐碱土壤的植被恢复和生态重建都具有十分重要的意义。通过高通量测序和分离培养方法,对宁夏银北地区盐渍化土壤中的6种耐盐植物根际细菌的群落结构和多样性进行了分析。结果表明:所有土壤样品共检测到31门(亚门) 67纲253科400属细菌类群,不同植物根际微生物群落组成相似,但丰度各有差异,厚壁菌门、变形菌门、放线菌门和拟杆菌门为主要优势类群;在纲水平芽孢杆菌纲相对丰度最高,其次为α-变形菌、γ-变形菌和梭菌纲;在属水平上,芽孢杆菌属以极高的丰度(15.57%—53.85%)占据绝对优势,其次是鞘氨醇单胞菌属、不动杆菌属和节杆菌属。6种植物根际细菌的群落结构组成表现为芨芨草和柽柳相似,柳枝稷、苜蓿与枸杞相似,苦豆子则与另外5种差别最大。分离培养出的110株根际细菌多数具有较强的盐碱耐受性和一种以上生物学活性,分别隶属于芽孢杆菌属、假单胞菌属、鞘氨醇杆菌属、节杆菌属和中华根瘤菌属,在属水平上多样性单一,其中芽孢杆菌属是优势属。传统的分离培养和高通量测序结果都反映出银北地区盐渍化土壤中定殖着许多有重要生态功能的微生物类群,可用于进一步筛选和利用根际微生物改良盐碱土壤。  相似文献   

 The use of genetically engineered crop plants has raised concerns about the transfer of their engineered DNA to indigenous microbes in soil. We have evaluated possible horizontal gene transfer from transgenic plants by natural transformation to the soil bacterium Acinetobacter calcoaceticus BD413. The transformation frequencies with DNA from two sources of transgenic plant DNA and different forms of plasmid DNA with an inserted kanamycin resistance gene, nptII, were measured. Clear effects of homology were seen on transformation frequencies, and no transformants were ever detected after using transgenic plant DNA. This implied a transformation frequency of less than 10-13 (transformants per recipient) under optimised conditions, which is expected to drop even further to a minimum of 10-16 due to soil conditions and a lowered concentration of DNA available to cells. Previous studies have shown that chromosomal DNA released to soil is only available to A. calcoaceticus for limited period of time and that A. calcoaceticus does not maintain detectable competence in soil. Taken together, these results suggest that A. calcoaceticus does not take up non-homologous plant DNA at appreciable frequencies under natural conditions. Received: 1 November 1996 / Accepted: 18 April 1997  相似文献   

Iron plaque occurs on the roots of most wetland and submersed aquatic plant species and is a large pool of oxidized Fe(III) in some environments. Because plaque formation in wetlands with circumneutral pH has been largely assumed to be an abiotic process, no systematic effort has been made to describe plaque-associated microbial communities or their role in plaque deposition. We hypothesized that Fe(II)-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) and Fe(III)-reducing bacteria (FeRB) are abundant in the rhizosphere of wetland plants across a wide range of biogeochemical environments. In a survey of 13 wetland and aquatic habitats in the Mid-Atlantic region, FeOB were present in the rhizosphere of 92% of the plant specimens collected (n = 37), representing 25 plant species. In a subsequent study at six of these sites, bacterial abundances were determined in the rhizosphere and bulk soil using the most probable number technique. The soil had significantly more total bacteria than the roots on a dry mass basis (1.4 × 109 cells/g soil vs. 8.6 × 107 cells/g root; p < 0.05). The absolute abundance of aerobic, lithotrophic FeOB was higher in the soil than in the rhizosphere (3.7 × 106/g soil vs. 5.9 × 105/g root; p < 0.05), but there was no statistical difference between these habitats in terms of relative abundance (1% of the total cell number). In the rhizosphere, FeRB accounted for an average of 12% of all bacterial cells while in the soil they accounted for < 1% of the total bacteria. We concluded that FeOB are ubiquitous and abundant in wetland ecosystems, and that FeRB are dominant members of the rhizosphere microbial community. These observations provide a strong rationale for quantifying the contribution of FeOB to rhizosphere Fe(II) oxidation rates, and investigating the combined role of FeOB and FeRB in a rhizosphere iron cycle.  相似文献   

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