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The binding of [3H]cGMP to purified beef lung cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cG kinase) was examined using two methods of membrane filtration which avoided loss of bound [3H]cGMP. The enzyme bound 1.6-2.0 mol of [3H]cGMP/mol of monomer. If the kinase was saturated with [3H]cGMP and then excess unlabeled cGMP was added, [3H]cGMP dissociated from the enzyme as two approximately equal components (Sites 1 and 2). When 8-bromo-cGMP or cIMP was added to the [3H]cGMP-binding reaction at a concentration sufficient to competitively inhibit binding by greater than 50%, the relative amount of the slower or faster component, respectively, of [3H]cGMP dissociation decreased during the cGMP chase. The data indicated that the cG kinase, like its cAMP-dependent protein kinase homologue, possesses two highly conserved intrachain cyclic nucleotide-binding sites which have different dissociation rates and analog specificity. The Ka of the kinase for cGMP was about 20-fold lower using histone instead of heptapeptide as substrate. Aging of the enzyme caused conversion to a higher Ka form of the kinase and an apparent increase in the Site 1 cGMP dissociation rate. Using fresh enzyme and heptapeptide as substrate, Site 1 occupation occurred at lower concentrations of cGMP than did Site 2 occupation, and was associated with an increase in protein kinase activity. However, kinase activity appeared to correlate better with total cGMP binding than with binding to either of the two sites, and the activation by cGMP exhibited positive cooperativity (n = 1.57). It is suggested that both intrachain sites are involved in protein kinase activation. E2 + 4 cGMP in equilibrium E2 . cGMP4 The cG kinase could be photoaffinity-labeled using 8-azido-[32P]cAMP. When the labeled cG kinase was trypsin-treated followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-slab gel electrophoresis, a single major peptide of approximate Mr = 12,000 was resolved.  相似文献   

A C Newton  D E Koshland 《Biochemistry》1990,29(28):6656-6661
Protein kinase C substrate phosphorylation and autophosphorylation are differentially modulated by the phosphatidylserine concentration in model membranes. Both substrate phosphorylation and auto-phosphorylation display a cooperative dependence on phosphatidylserine in sonicated vesicles composed of diacylglycerol and either phosphatidylcholine or a mixture of cell lipids (cholesterol, sphingomyelin, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine). However, the concentration of phosphatidylserine required to support phosphorylation varies with individual substrates. In general, autophosphorylation is favored at intermediate phosphatidylserine concentrations, while substrate phosphorylation dominates at high phosphatidylserine concentrations. These different phosphatidylserine dependencies may reflect different affinities of particular substrates for negatively charged membranes. Increasing the negative surface charge of sonicated vesicles increases the rate of substrate phosphorylation. In contrast to the modulation exerted by phosphatidylserine, diacylglycerol activates protein kinase C equally toward substrate phosphorylation and autophosphorylation. These results indicate that both diacylglycerol and phosphatidylserine regulate protein kinase C activity in the membrane: diacylglycerol turns the enzyme on, while phosphatidylserine affects the specificity toward different substrates.  相似文献   

Cardiac sarcolemmae from guinea pig ventricles were purified and incubated with cGMP-dependent protein kinase. In the presence of the purified kinase plus 10(-5) M cGMP or 8-Br-cGMP, a protein of approximately 50 kD, (Kilodalton) was phosphorylated. This membrane-associated cGMP-dependent protein kinase substrate is similar in MW to the regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase, which is known to be a substrate for the cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Thus, this substrate, the identity of which remains to be proven, may be a possible mediator of cGMP-mediated control of cardiac function.  相似文献   

Baek MC  Krosky PM  Coen DM 《Journal of virology》2002,76(23):11943-11952
Human cytomegalovirus encodes an unusual protein kinase, UL97, which is a member of the HvU(L) family of protein kinases encoded by diverse herpesviruses. UL97 is able to autophosphorylate and to phosphorylate certain exogenous substrates, including nucleoside analogs such as ganciclovir. It has previously been concluded that phosphorylation of UL97 is essential for its phosphorylation of ganciclovir. We examined the relationship between autophosphorylation of UL97 and its activity on exogenous substrates. Glutathione S-transferase-UL97 fusion protein purified from insect cells was found to be already partially phosphorylated, but neither extensive autophosphorylation nor phosphatase treatment meaningfully altered the time course of its phosphorylation of the exogenous substrate, histone H2B. Sequencing and mass spectrometric analyses of (32)P-labeled tryptic peptides of the UL97 fusion protein identified nine sites of autophosphorylation, all within the first 200 residues of the protein, outside of conserved protein kinase subdomains. A peptide corresponding to the N-terminal UL97 segment that was most extensively autophosphorylated was readily phosphorylated by UL97, confirming that fusion protein sequences are not required for phosphorylation at this site. Deletion mutants lacking at least the first 239 residues exhibited drastically reduced autophosphorylation (<5%) but retained near-wild-type H2B phosphorylation activity. Baculoviruses expressing these mutants efficiently directed the phosphorylation of ganciclovir in insect cells. Taken together, these results identify the autophosphorylation sites of a herpesvirus protein kinase and show that autophosphorylation of UL97 is not required for phosphorylation of exogenous substrates.  相似文献   

Homogenates, membranes and cytosol of rat and human platelets were found to contain cGMP-dependent protein kinase immunoreactivity. Specific cGMP-dependent protein kinase immunoreactivity was about 1.7 pmol protein kinase/mg protein for homogenates of human platelets and 0.7 pmol/mg for homogenates of rat platelets; the majority appeared to be associated with the membrane fraction. In membranes of platelets low concentrations of cAMP (0.5-2 microM) stimulated the phosphorylation of five major proteins with apparent relative molecular masses, Mr, of 240 000, 130 000, 50 000, 42 000 and 22 000 while low concentrations of cGMP (0.5-2 microM) stimulated the phosphorylation of three major proteins with apparent Mr of 130 000, 50 000 and 46 000. An affinity-purified antibody against the cGMP-dependent protein kinase was prepared which specifically inhibited the activity of cGMP-dependent protein kinase. In membranes of human platelets this affinity-purified antibody inhibited the cGMP-stimulated phosphorylation of the three proteins with Mr of 130 000, 50 000 and 46 000 while it had no effect on the cAMP-dependent and cyclic-nucleotide-independent protein phosphorylation. The results demonstrate that platelets contain a cGMP-dependent protein kinase and at least three specific substrates for this enzyme. Two of these substrates, the proteins with apparent molecular Mr of 130 000 and 50 000, are substrates for both cAMP- and cGMP-dependent protein kinase. The protein with apparent Mr of 130 000 appears to be closely related to an intrinsic plasma membrane protein of vascular smooth muscle cells which is a substrate for a membrane-associated cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Therefore, cGMP-dependent protein kinase and cGMP-regulated phosphoproteins may mediate in platelets the intracellular effects of those hormones, vasodilators and drugs which elevate the level of cGMP and inhibit platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

Treatment of cGMP-dependent protein kinase with low concentrations of trypsin generates an enzyme fragment of 65 kDa which is fully active in the absence of cGMP. The fragment has a s20,w value of 4.6 S indicating that the active fragment is a monomer of 65 kDa. Trypsin removes the first 77 amino acids which contain the aminoterminal dimerization site and the autophosphorylation sites. The Km and Vmax values of the fragment for ATP and Kemptide were essentially the same as those for the native enzyme. The fragment binds 2 mol cGMP/mol fragment with affinities close to that of the native enzyme. However, binding of cGMP to these sites was non-cooperative and shows similar characteristics to the autophosphorylated native enzyme. These results indicate that the aminoterminal dimerization site of cGMP-dependent protein kinase and the autophosphorylation site, present in this part, control not only the activation of the enzyme but also the cooperative binding characteristics of the intact enzyme.  相似文献   

MST1 is a member of the Sterile-20 family of cytoskeletal, stress, and apoptotic kinases. MST1 is activated by phosphorylation at previously unidentified sites. This study examines the role of phosphorylation at several sites and effects on kinase activation. We define Thr(183) in subdomain VIII as a primary site of phosphoactivation. Thr(187) is also critical for kinase activity. Phosphorylation of MST1 in subdomain VIII was catalyzed by active MST1 via intermolecular autophosphorylation, enhanced by homodimerization. Active MST1 (wild-type or T183E), but not inactive Thr(183)/Thr(187) mutants, was also highly autophosphorylated at the newly identified Thr(177) and Thr(387) residues. Cells expressing active MST1 were mostly detached, whereas with inactive MST1, adhesion was normal. Active MKK4, JNK, caspase-3, and caspase-9 were detected in the detached cells. These cells also contained all autophosphorylated and essentially all caspase-cleaved MST1. Similar phenotypes were elicited by a caspase-insensitive D326N mutant, suggesting that kinase activity, but not cleavage of MST1, is required. Interestingly, an S327E mutant mimicking Ser(327) autophosphorylation was also caspase-insensitive, but only when expressed in caspase-3-deficient cells. Together, these data suggest a model whereby MST1 activation is induced by existing, active MST kinase, which phosphorylates Thr(183) and possibly Thr(187). Dimerization promotes greater phosphorylation. This leads to induction of the JNK signaling pathway, caspase activation, and apoptosis. Further activation of MST1 by caspase cleavage is best promoted by caspase-3, although this appears to be unnecessary for signaling and morphological responses.  相似文献   

cGMP-dependent protein kinase (cGK) is a major cellular receptor of cGMP and plays important roles in cGMP-dependent signal transduction pathways. To isolate the components of the cGMP/cGK signaling pathway such as substrates and regulatory proteins of cGK, we employed the yeast two-hybrid system using cGK-Ialpha as a bait and isolated a novel male germ cell-specific 42-kDa protein, GKAP42 (42-kDa cGMP-dependent protein kinase anchoring protein). Although the N-terminal region (amino acids 1-66) of cGK-Ialpha is sufficient for the association with GKAP42, GKAP42 could not interact with cGK-Ibeta, cGK-II, or cAMP-dependent protein kinase. GKAP42 mRNA is specifically expressed in testis, where it is restricted to the spermatocytes and early round spermatids. Endogenous cGK-I is co-immunoprecipitated with anti-GKAP42 antibody from mouse testis tissue, suggesting that cGK-I physiologically interacts with GKAP42. Immunocytochemical observations revealed that GKAP42 is localized to the Golgi complex and that cGK-Ialpha is co-localized to the Golgi complex when coexpressed with GKAP42. Although both cGK-Ialpha and -Ibeta, but not cAMP-dependent protein kinase, phosphorylated GKAP42 in vitro, GKAP42 was a good substrate only for cGK-Ialpha in intact cells, suggesting that the association with kinase protein is required for the phosphorylation in vivo. Finally, we demonstrated that the kinase-deficient mutant of cGK-Ialpha stably associates with GKAP42 and that binding of cGMP to cGK-Ialpha facilitates their release from GKAP42. These findings suggest that GKAP42 functions as an anchoring protein for cGK-Ialpha and that cGK-Ialpha may participate in germ cell development through phosphorylation of Golgi-associated proteins such as GKAP42.  相似文献   

Little is known about the important cellular substrates for protein kinase C and their potential roles in mediating protein kinase C-dependent processes. We evaluated the protein kinase C phosphorylation sites in a major cellular substrate for the kinase, a protein of apparent Mr 80,000 in bovine and 60,000 in chicken tissues; we have recently determined the primary sequences of these proteins and tentatively named them the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrates. The proteins were purified to apparent homogeneity from bovine and chicken brains, phosphorylated with protein kinase C, digested with trypsin, and the phosphopeptides purified and sequenced. Four distinct phosphopeptides were identified from both the bovine and chicken proteins. Two of the phosphorylated serines were contained in the repeated motif FSFKK, one in the sequence LSGF, and one in the sequence SFK. All four sites were contained within a basic domain of 25 amino acids which was identical in the chicken and bovine proteins. All of the sites phosphorylated in the cell-free system appeared to be phosphorylated in intact cells; an additional site may have been present in the proteins from intact cells. The identity of the phosphorylation site domains from two proteins of overall 65% amino acid sequence identity suggests a potential role for this domain in the physiological function of the myristoylated alanine-rich C kinase substrate proteins.  相似文献   

The specificity of the two intrasubunit cGMP binding sites of cGMP-dependent protein kinase was determined by measuring the ability of 46 cGMP analogs to compete with [3H]cGMP. Both sites of the enzyme exhibited high specificity for the ribose cyclic phosphate moiety, and lower specificity for the guanine moiety. Effects of modifications in the ribose cyclic phosphate moiety suggested that cGMP is bound at both sites by three hydrogen bonds at 2'-OH, 3'-O, and 5'-O. A negative charge in the cyclic phosphate is apparently required. Modifications of the pyrimidine part of guanine, particularly at C-1, generally caused selectivity for the rapidly exchanging site while modifications of the imidazole part of guanine at C-7 and C-8 caused selectivity for the slowly exchanging site. These increases in selectivity for a site were mainly due to losses in affinity of the other site. There was an apparent requirement of the intact amino group at C-2, particularly for the slowly exchanging site. Comparison of the molecular interactions of cAMP and cGMP with their specific protein kinases showed that both nucleotides are bound by similar forces in the 2', 3' and 5' region, both bases may be bound in syn conformation, but that each base moiety is bound by different molecular interaction, thus leading to the selectivity of the two enzymes. cGMP analogs which possessed strong selectivity for the rapidly exchanging site, but not those selective for the slowly exchanging site, stimulated the binding of [3H]cGMP. Only a few cGMP analogs were more potent than cGMP in stimulating protein kinase activity. The potency of cGMP analogs as stimulators of kinase activity correlated better with the mean binding affinity for both binding sites than with the affinity for either site alone. Two analogs added in combination were synergistic in kinase activation, particularly if one analog was selective for the slowly exchanging site and the other for the rapidly exchanging site. These observations are suggestive that cGMP binding at the rapidly exchanging site stimulates cGMP binding at the slowly exchanging site and that both sites are involved in the activation process.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated phosphorylation of chromatin-associated proteins was studied in vitro. HL-60 and HeLa nuclear proteins were notably unresponsive to exogenously added brain PKC. In contrast, 3T3 fibroblasts and lymphocytes from primary cultures exhibited PKC-dependent phosphorylation of chromatin-associated proteins when chromatin was induced to expand. Unexpanded nuclei in all cell lines were unresponsive. Responsiveness was particularly obvious in the decondensed chromatin of primary lymphocytes, where a large number of proteins were phosphorylated in response to exogenous PKC. DNAase-I and micrococcal nuclease strongly modulated these phosphorylation patterns indicating that the substrates were DNA-associated. It was concluded that although substrate conformation, i.e. condensation state, was the primary determining factor in control of PKC-dependent nuclear protein phosphorylation, different cell lines greatly differ in their overall responsiveness to exogenous PKC.  相似文献   

The regulatory subunit of the type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase (Rt) serves as a substrate for the phosphotransferase reaction catalyzed by cGMP-dependent protein kinase (Km = 2.2 microM). The reaction is stimulated by cGMP when RI . cAMP is the substrate, but not when nucleotide-free RI is used. The cGMP-dependent protein kinase catalyzes the incorporation of 2 mol of phosphate/mol of RI dimer in the presence of cAMP and a self-phosphorylation reaction to the extent of 4 mol of phosphate/mol of enzyme dimer. In the absence of cAMP, RI is a competitive inhibitor of the phosphorylation of histone H2B (Ki = 0.25 microM) and of the synthetic peptide substrate Leu-Arg-Arg-Ala-Ser-Leu-Gly (Ki = 0.15 microM) by the cGMP-dependent enzyme. Nucleotide-free RI also inhibits the intramolecular self-phosphorylation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase. The inhibition of the phosphorylation reactions are reversed by cAMP. The catalytic subunit of cAMP-dependent protein kinase does not catalyze the phosphorylation of RIand does not significantly alter the ability of RI to serve as a substrate or an inhibitor of cGMP-dependent protein kinase. These observations are consistent with the concept that the cGMP- and cAMP-dependent protein kinases are closely related proteins whose functional domains may interact.  相似文献   

Bacterially expressed heterotrimeric (alpha1, beta1, and gamma1) wild-type, catalytically inactive, and constitutively active forms of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) were used to study phosphorylation by an upstream AMPK kinase preparation. Here, we report the identification of two new phosphorylation sites in the alpha-subunit, viz. Thr258 and Ser485 (Ser491 in the alpha2-subunit) by mass spectrometry, in addition to the previously characterized Thr172 site. Also, autophosphorylation sites in the beta1-subunit were identified as Ser96, Ser101, and Ser108. Mutagenesis of Thr172, Thr258, and Ser485 to acidic residues to mimic phosphorylation in the recombinant proteins indicated that Thr172 was involved in AMPK activation, whereas Thr258 and Ser485 were not. Transfection of the non-phosphorylatable S485A and T258A mutants in CCL13 cells subjected to stresses known to activate AMPK either by increasing the AMP:ATP ratio (slow lysis) or without changing adenine nucleotide concentrations (hyperosmolarity) resulted in no significant differences in AMPK activation. All three sites within the alpha-subunit were phosphorylated in vivo, as seen in AMPK immunoprecipitated from anoxic rat liver. In transfected CCL13 cells, the level of Ser485 phosphorylation did not change upon AMPK activation. The newly identified phosphorylation sites could play a subtle role in the regulation of AMPK, e.g. in subcellular localization or substrate recognition.  相似文献   

The cDNA of the two isoforms of bovine cGMP-dependent protein kinase   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
W Wernet  V Flockerzi  F Hofmann 《FEBS letters》1989,251(1-2):191-196
cDNAs encoding the isoform I alpha of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase were isolated from a bovine trachea smooth muscle cDNA library constructed in lambda gt10. The deduced protein sequence is identical with the protein sequence obtained by Edman degradation of the bovine lung enzyme [(1984) Biochemistry 23, 4207-4218]. Alternate cDNA clones were isolated which code for a protein slightly different within the aminoterminal part from the known amino acid sequence. These alternate cDNAs contain the sequence of a peptide identified in the isoform I beta of cGMP-dependent protein kinase. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+ RNA from bovine trachea smooth muscle indicated the presence of two different mRNA species of about 6.2 kb.  相似文献   

The rate and equilibrium kinetics of [3H]cGMP binding to the two rapidly exchanging and two slowly exchanging sites of dimeric cGMP-dependent protein kinase from bovine lung were studied. As observed by McCune and Gill (McCune, R. W., and Gill, G. N. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 5083-5091), unlabeled cGMP retarded the dissociation of [3H]cGMP bound to the "slow" site. This effect was due to interaction of unlabeled cGMP with the "rapid" rather than the slow site. First, the potencies of unlabeled cGMP and a number of cGMP analogs correlated nearly perfectly with their affinities for the rapid site. Second, the rate of dissociation in the absence of unlabeled ligand was independent of the degree of saturation of the slow sites. Third, unlabeled ligand inhibited the rate of dissociation more (about 10-fold) than theoretically predicted (maximum 2-fold) from interaction between two similar sites in one macromolecule. A favorable free energy coupling appeared to exist between the rapid and slow sites but not between the slow sites. cGMP associated faster to the slow site than the rapid site. Mg/ATP decreased the rate of association to either site by 50% and increased about ten-fold the rate of dissociation from the slow site. The dissociation of cGMP from the slow site could be described by a single activation energy (Ea = 71 kJ X mol-1) for the whole temperature range (0-37 degrees C) tested. These data indicated that the cyclic nucleotide-binding sites of the cGMP-kinase are kinetically more homologous to those in the cAMP-dependent protein kinases than previously recognized.  相似文献   

cGMP-Dependent protein kinase contains, per subunit, 2 binding sites for cGMP. The apparent KD values for site 1 and 2 were 12 and 55 nM. The analogues 8-benzyl-amino-cAMP and N2-monobutyryl-cGMP bind preferentially to site 1 and 2, respectively. Both analogues stimulate autophosphorylation of the enzyme at concentrations at which only half of the phosphotransferase activity of the enzyme is expressed. Complete expression of the phosphotransferase activity requires a high concentration of each analogue and is accompanied by inhibition of the autophosphorylation reactions. It is concluded that occupancy of site 1 or 2 stimulates autophosphorylation while occupancy of both sites prevents autophosphorylation.  相似文献   

R E Gates  L E King 《Biochemistry》1985,24(19):5209-5215
Limited proteolysis converts the native (Mr 170 000) epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor to the Mr 150 000 form of the receptor. Calcium-activated, neutral protease (purified to homogeneity from beef lung), chymotrypsin, and elastase were all similarly effective in generating the 150-kilodalton (150-kDa) form of the receptor in detergent-solubilized, membrane vesicles shed from A-431 cells. The rate of autophosphorylation with [gamma-32P]ATP of the 150-kDa form was only 10% of the rate with the native receptor. This decreased rate was not due to loss of kinase activity, since the phosphorylation of angiotensin was virtually unchanged after limited proteolysis of the native receptor kinase. However, maps of elastase-produced peptides from 170-kDa forms and elastase-generated 150-kDa forms of the EGF receptor showed that the major autophosphorylation sites in these two forms were totally different. Confirming this difference in autophosphorylation sites was the finding that the 32P label in the autophosphorylated native receptor could not be recovered in the 150-kDa form following proteolysis. This label was quantitatively recovered in 30-15-kDa peptide fragments generated simultaneously with the 150-kDa form of the receptor. Therefore, the decreased autophosphorylation of the 150-kDa form results from the loss of preferred autophosphorylation sites on the native receptor. Only 1-3% of the phosphate incorporated in the native receptor during autophosphorylation could be found on the 150-kDa autophosphorylation sites. Hence, autophosphorylation of the tyrosine sites in the 150-kDa form of the EGF receptor is markedly enhanced by removing the major sites autophosphorylated on the native form of the receptor.  相似文献   

Osteopotin is a secreted glycosylated phosphoprotein found in bone and other normal and malignant tissues. Osteopontin can be autophosphorylated on tyrosine residues and can also be phosphorylated on serine and threonine residues by several protein kinases. Autophosphorylation of osteopontin may generate sites for specific interactions with other proteins on the cell surface and/or within the extracelluar matrix. These interactions of osteopontin are thought to be essential for bone mineralization and function. The polyaspartic acid motif of osteopontin, in combination with neighboring sequences that include serine residues phosphorylated by protein kinases, could fold and assemble into a molecular structure that participates in the mineralization of the bone matrix.  相似文献   

A plasma membrane Ca(2+)-pump ATPase preparation purified from porcine aorta was incubated with cGMP-dependent protein kinase (G-kinase) under the conditions under which dose-dependent stimulation of the enzyme by G-kinase was observed. Several proteins were phosphorylated, but two isoforms of plasma membrane Ca(2+)-pump ATPase with molecular masses of 135- and 145-kDa were not phosphorylated. The protein that was phosphorylated by G-kinase and identified in our previous study as the 135-kDa isoform of Ca(2+)-pump ATPase, on the basis of its almost identical mobility on SDS-PAGE, was found to be another protein with a molecular mass of 138 kDa. Fractionation of the enzyme preparation after incubation with G-kinase by a newly developed calmodulin affinity chromatographic method resulted in the separation of all the G-kinase substrates from the two isoforms of plasma membrane Ca(2+)-pump ATPase. These results suggest that the direct phosphorylation of the Ca(2+)-pump ATPase does not occur in association with the stimulation of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-pump ATPase by G-kinase.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanisms that provide for cGMP activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) are unknown. PKGs are dimeric; each monomer contains a regulatory (R) and catalytic (C) domain. In this study, isolated recombinant R domains of PKGIalpha-(Delta349-670) and PKGIbeta-(Delta364-685) containing the dimerization and autoinhibitory subdomains and two allosteric cGMP-binding sites were expressed in Sf9 cells. Both R domains were dimers with elongated conformations (Stokes radii of 44 and 51 A, respectively, and frictional coefficients of 1.6 and 1.8, respectively). Exchange dissociation kinetics and K(D) values for cGMP were similar for each holoenzyme and its isolated R domain, indicating that under these conditions the C domain does not appreciably alter cGMP-binding functions of the R domain. As determined by gel filtration chromatography, cGMP binding caused elongation of the PKGIalpha-isolated R domain and contraction of the PKGIbeta-isolated R domain. Cyclic GMP-bound forms of the isoforms have similar physical dimensions that may reflect a common conformation of active isoforms. Elongation of the PKGIbeta holoenzyme associated with cGMP binding and PKG activation cannot be explained solely by conformational change in its R domain, but elongation of the PKGIalpha R domain may partially account for the elongation of wild type PKGIalpha associated with cGMP binding. The cGMP-induced conformational changes in the respective R domains are likely to be critical for kinase activation.  相似文献   

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