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Phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase enhancer-activating Akt (PIKE-A) binds Akt and upregulates its kinase activity, preventing apoptosis. PIKE-A can be potently phosphorylated on tyrosine residues 682 and 774, leading to its resistance to caspase cleavage. However, the upstream tyrosine kinases responsible for PIKE-A phosphorylation and subsequent physiological significance remain unknown. Here, we show that PIKE-A can be cleaved by the active apoptosome at both D474 and D592 residues. Employing fyn-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblast cells and tissues, we demonstrate that fyn is essential for phosphorylating PIKE-A and protects it from apoptotic cleavage. Active but not kinase-dead fyn interacts with PIKE-A and phosphorylates it on both Y682 and Y774 residues. Tyrosine phosphorylation in PIKE-A is required for its association with active fyn but not for Akt. Mutation of D into A in PIKE-A protects it from caspase cleavage and promotes cell survival. Thus, this finding provides a molecular mechanism accounting for the antiapoptotic action of src-family tyrosine kinase.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress can induce apoptosis through activation of MstI, subsequent phosphorylation of FOXO and nuclear translocation. MstI is a common component of apoptosis initiated by various stresses. MstI kinase activation requires autophosphorylation and proteolytic degradation by caspases. The role of Akt in regulating MstI activity has not been previously examined. Here, we show that MstI is a physiological substrate of Akt. Akt phosphorylation of MstI diminishes its apoptotic cleavage by caspases and prevents its kinase activity on FOXO3. MstI directly binds to Akt, which is regulated Akt kinase activity. Akt phosphorylates MstI on the Thr(387) residue and protects MstI from apoptotic cleavage in vitro and in apoptotic cells. Interestingly, Akt phosphorylation of MstI strongly inhibits its kinase activity on FOXO3. The phosphorylation mimetic mutant MST1 T387E blocks H2O2-triggered FOXO3 nuclear translocation and apoptosis. Thus, our findings support that Akt blocks MstI-triggered FOXO3 nuclear translocation by phosphorylating MstI, promoting cell survival.  相似文献   

Zyxin, a focal adhesion molecule, contains LIM domains and shuttles between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. Nuclear zyxin promotes cardiomyocyte survival, which is mediated by nuclear-activated Akt. However, the molecular mechanism of how zyxin antagonizes apoptosis remains elusive. Here, we report that zyxin binds to acinus-S, a nuclear speckle protein inducing apoptotic chromatin condensation after cleavage by caspases, and prevents its apoptotic action, which is regulated by Akt. Akt binds and phosphorylates zyxin on serine 142, leading to its association with acinus. Interestingly, 14-3-3gamma, but not zeta isoform selectively, triggers zyxin nuclear translocation, which is Akt phosphorylation dependent. Zyxin is also a substrate of caspases, but Akt phosphorylation is unable to prevent its apoptotic cleavage. Expression of zyxin S142D, a phosphorylation mimetic mutant, diminishes acinus proteolytic cleavage and chromatin condensation; by contrast, wild-type zyxin or unphosphorylated S142A mutant fails. Thus, Akt regulates zyxin/acinus complex formation in the nucleus, contributing to suppression of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Solutions of rat liver and chicken erythrocyte chromatin at different ionic strngths were characterized by synchrotron X-ray solution scattering, ultracentrifugation, density and viscosity measurements. Previous observations on nuclei were extended to rat liver, calf thymus and yeast nuclei.It is shown that with monovalent cations condensation is independent of the nature of the cation whereas with divalent cations there are significant differences related to the preference of base binding over phosphate binding. The consistency of hydrodynamic and scattering results confirm the view that chromatin in solution at low ionic strength has a helix-like superstructure. A survey of X-ray and neutron scattering results in the literature shows that previous interpretations, e.g. in terms of a 10 nm filament, are incompatible with the experimental data at low resolution.  相似文献   

Electric dichroism and X-ray scattering measurements on solutions of uncondensed and condensed chicken erythrocyte chromatin were interpreted on the basis of model calculations. Information about the state of uncondensed fibers in the conditions of electric dichroism measurements was obtained from scattering patterns recorded as a function of pH, in the presence of spermine and at very low monovalent cation concentrations. Electric dichroism measurements on a complex of uncondensed chromatin with methylene blue were made to determine the contribution of the linker and of the nucleosomes to the total dichroism.A new approach to calculate the dichroism from realistic structural models, which also yields other structural parameters (radius of gyration, radius of gyration of the cross-section, mass per unit length) was used. Only a restricted range of structures is simultaneously compatible with all experimental results. Further, it is shown that previous interpretations of dichroism measurements on chromatin were in contradiction with X-ray scattering data and failed to take into account the distribution of orientation of the nucleosomes in the fibers. When this is done, it is found that the linker DNA in chicken erythrocyte and sea urchin chromatin must run nearly perpendicularly to the fibre axis. Taken together with the dependence of the fibre diameter on the linker length, these results provede the strongest evidence hitherto available for a model in which the linker crosses the central part of the fibre.  相似文献   

Comparison between the internucleosomal distance found by X-ray solution scattering for chicken erythrocyte (23 nm) and sea urchin (30 nm) chromatin indicates that this distance is proportional to the linker length. The diameter of the condensed sea urchin chromatin fibers is about 45 nm which is significantly larger than in chicken erythrocyte chromatin (35 nm). Trivalent cations (Gd, Tb, Cr) and the polyamines spermine and spermidine were found to induce compaction at much lower concentrations than the divalent cations but Gd, Tb and Cr induce aggregation before full compaction of the fibers. The influence of hydrogen bonding is illustrated by comparison of the effects of NaCl, ammonium chloride and alkylammonium chlorides on condensation. Solubility experiments indicate that there is a nearly linear dependence of the Mg-- concentration at which precipitation occures on chromatin concentration and confirm the differences between cations observed by X-ray scattering.The chicken erythrocyte chromatin samples were further characterized by their reduced electric dichroism. The values found are consistent with the model derived from X-ray scattering and are compared with those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Model calculations on the superstructure of uncondensed and condensed chromatin are presented. It is found that agreement between the calculated X-ray solution scattering patterns and the experimental observations can be reached with the assumptions that: a) The uncondensed chromatin fibre in solution has a helix-like structure, with a pitch of ca. 33.0 nm, a helical diameter of ca. 20.0 nm and 2.75–3.25 nucleosomes per turn. b) The most condensed state of the chromatin fibre in solution is best represented by a helix-like structure with ca. 2.56 nucleosomes per turn, a pitch of ca. 3.0 nm and a helical diameter of ca. 27.0 nm.  相似文献   

The superstructure of chromatin and its condensation mechanism   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Synchroton radiation X-ray scattering experiments have been performed on chicken erythrocyte chromatin fibres over a wide range of ionic conditions and on various states of the fibres (i.e. "native" in solution, in gels and in whole nuclei; chromatin depleted of the H1 (H5) histones and chromatin with bound ethidium bromide). A correlation between the results obtained with the various chromatin preparations provides evidence for a model according to which at low ionic strength the chromatin fibre already possesses a helical superstructure, with a diameter comparable to that of condensed chromatin, held together by the H1(H5) histone. The most significant structural modification undergone upon an increase of the ionic strength is a reduction of the helix pitch, this leads to condensation in a manner similar to the folding of an accordion. The details of this process depend on whether monovalent or divalent cations are used to raise the ionic strength, the latter producing a much higher degree of condensation. Measurements of the relative increase of the mass per unit length indicate that the most condensed state is a helical structure with a pitch around 3.0-4.0 nm. In this paper we give a detailed presentation of the experimental evidence obtained from static and time-resolved scattering experiments, which led to this model.  相似文献   

Changes in the structure of chicken erythrocyte chromatin fibres at low ionic strength resulting from enzymatic digestion, thermal denaturation and binding of Netropsin and Distamycin were monitored by synchrotron X-ray solution scattering. Digestion with micrococcal nuclease confirms the previous assignment of the 0.05 nm-1 band to an interference between nucleosomes with an average distance of 23 nm. The results of thermal denaturation indicate that above 40°C there is a progressive increase of the internucleosomal distance and that above 60°C the characteristic structure of the chromatin fibre is destroyed. Binding of Netropsin and Distamycin also results in an increase of the internucleosomal distance which can be estimated to correspond to about 0.2 nm/mol.  相似文献   

ErbB3-binding protein (Ebp1) promotes cell survival by preventing apoptotic DNA fragmentation through a complex with active nuclear Akt. Ebp1 phosphorylation by protein kinase C (PKC)-delta mediates its binding to nuclear Akt. In this study, we show that Ebp1 itself acts as a substrate of active caspase 3 during the programmed cell death. PKC-delta phosphorylation on Ebp1 protects it from apoptotic degradation initiated in cell-free apoptotic solution. Moreover, Ebp1 is evidently cleaved in PKC-delta-deficient cells but not in wild-type cells. Ebp1 translated from first ATG is resistant to apoptotic cleavage; by contrast, Ebp1 from second and third ATG demonstrates robust degradation, and PKC phosphorylation on S360 suppresses its cleavage by active caspase 3. Ebp1 can be digested at both D53 and D196 sites, but cleavage at D196 appears to be a prerequisite for its further degradation at D53 site. Compared with wild-type Ebp1, D196A mutant markedly protects cells from apoptosis. Thus, PKC-delta antagonizes apoptosis through phosphorylating Ebp1 and protects it from apoptotic degradation.  相似文献   

CK2 phosphorylates SSRP1 and inhibits its DNA-binding activity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Friend leukaemic cells (FLC) were induced to differentiate with dimethyl sulfoxyde (DMSO), hexamethylenbis-acetamide (HMBA) and sodium butyrate (SB) and the phospholipid composition was analyzed. The phospholipid composition of differentiated cells differed from that of non differentiated cells and also varied according to inducer. The ratios of the percentage of phosphatidyl choline (PC) to that of phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PE) or sphingomyelin (SPH) increased by about 2-fold in DMSO or SB induced FLC. These ratios did not vary in HMBa induced FLC. Furthermore the fatty acid composition of PC and PE obtained from differentiated cells varied according to the inducer. Although these changes appeared to be related to the inducers, it can not be excluded that the differentiated state also contributes to these changes.  相似文献   

The antiapoptotic protein PED/PEA-15 features an Akt phosphorylation motif upstream from Ser(116). In vitro, recombinant PED/PEA-15 was phosphorylated by Akt with a stoichiometry close to 1. Based on Western blotting with specific phospho-Ser(116) PED/PEA-15 antibodies, Akt phosphorylation of PED/PEA-15 occurred mainly at Ser(116). In addition, a mutant of PED/PEA-15 featuring the substitution of Ser(116)-->Gly (PED(S116-->G)) showed 10-fold-decreased phosphorylation by Akt. In intact 293 cells, Akt also induced phosphorylation of PED/PEA-15 at Ser(116). Based on pull-down and coprecipitation assays, PED/PEA-15 specifically bound Akt, independently of Akt activity. Serum activation of Akt as well as BAD phosphorylation by Akt showed no difference in 293 cells transfected with PED/PEA-15 and in untransfected cells (which express no endogenous PED/PEA-15). However, the antiapoptotic action of PED/PEA-15 was almost twofold reduced in PED(S116-->G) compared to that in PED/PEA-15(WT) cells. PED/PEA-15 stability closely paralleled Akt activation by serum in 293 cells. In these cells, the nonphosphorylatable PED(S116-->G) mutant exhibited a degradation rate threefold greater than that observed with wild-type PED/PEA-15. In the U373MG glioma cells, blocking Akt also reduced PED/PEA-15 levels and induced sensitivity to tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand apoptosis. Thus, phosphorylation by Akt regulates the antiapoptotic function of PED/PEA-15 at least in part by controlling the stability of PED/PEA-15. In part, Akt survival signaling may be mediated by PED/PEA-15.  相似文献   

Chromatin condensation and oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation are the nuclear hallmarks of apoptosis. A proteolytic fragment of the apoptotic chromatin condensation inducer in the nucleus (Acinus), which is generated by caspase cleavage, has been implicated in mediating apoptotic chromatin condensation prior to DNA fragmentation. Acinus is also involved in mRNA splicing and a component of the apoptosis and splicing-associated protein (ASAP) complex. To study the role of Acinus for apoptotic nuclear alterations, we generated stable cell lines in which Acinus isoforms were knocked down by inducible and reversible RNA interference. We show that Acinus is not required for nuclear localization and interaction of the other ASAP subunits SAP18 and RNPS1; however, knockdown of Acinus leads to a reduction in cell growth. Most strikingly, down-regulation of Acinus did not inhibit apoptotic chromatin condensation either in intact cells or in a cell-free system. In contrast, although apoptosis proceeds rapidly, analysis of nuclear DNA from apoptotic Acinus knockdown cells shows inhibition of oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation. Our results therefore suggest that Acinus is not involved in DNA condensation but rather point to a contribution of Acinus in internucleosomal DNA cleavage during programmed cell death.  相似文献   

Regulation of the intracellular localisation of its actors is one of the key mechanisms underlying cell cycle control. CDC25 phosphatases are activators of Cyclin-Dependent Kinases (CDK) that undergo nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling during the cell cycle and in response to checkpoint activation. Here we report that the protein kinase PKB/Akt phosphorylates CDC25B on serine 353, resulting in a nuclear export-dependent cytoplasmic accumulation of the phosphatase. Oxidative stress activates PKB/Akt and reproduces the effect on CDC25B phosphorylation and localisation. However, inhibition of PKB/Akt activity only partially reverted the effect of oxidative stress on CDC25B localisation and mutation of serine 353 abolishes phosphorylation but only delays nuclear exclusion. These results indicate that additional mechanisms are also involved in preventing nuclear import of CDC25B. Our findings identify CDC25B as a target of PKB/Akt and provide new insight into the regulation of its localisation in response to stress-activated signalling pathways.  相似文献   

When inappropriate DNA structures arise, they are sensed by DNA structure-dependent checkpoint pathways and subsequently repaired. Recruitment of checkpoint proteins to such structures precedes recruitment of proteins involved in DNA metabolism. Thus, checkpoints can regulate DNA metabolism. We show that fission yeast Rad9, a 9-1-1 heterotrimeric checkpoint-clamp component, is phosphorylated by Hsk1(Cdc7), the Schizosaccharomyces pombe?Dbf4-dependent kinase (DDK) homolog, in response to replication-induced DNA damage. Phosphorylation of Rad9 disrupts its interaction with replication protein A (RPA) and is dependent on 9-1-1 chromatin loading, the Rad9-associated protein Rad4/Cut5(TopBP1), and prior phosphorylation by Rad3(ATR). rad9 mutants defective in DDK phosphorylation show wild-type checkpoint responses but abnormal DNA repair protein foci and decreased viability after replication stress. We propose that Rad9 phosphorylation by DDK releases Rad9 from DNA damage sites to facilitate DNA repair.  相似文献   

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