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总结了大肠杆菌中C源分解代谢(carbon catabolite repression,CCR)现象的原理及特点,综述并分析了如何通过对宿主菌进行基因工程改造以解除碳代谢抑制,以实现大肠杆菌利用多种C源。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌L-色氨酸合成的代谢流分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:从代谢流的层面研究育种过程中基因操作对色氨酸积累的影响,为色氨酸菌种选育的设计思路提供理论指导和验证。方法:根据实验菌株的代谢特点构建£一色氨酸代谢网络图,对出发菌株TRTH0709,及其重组菌株TRTH1013、TRTH1105和TRTH1107在30L发酵罐中进行分批流加发酵试验,在发酵进入稳定期后的26.28h,分别检测主要胞外代谢物的浓度并计算变化速率。结果和结论:得到了各菌株在拟稳态下的代谢流分布图。转酮酶基因(tktA)和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸合成酶基因(ppsA)过表达能显著影响中心代谢途径,使代谢流向有利于色氨酸合成的方向改变,贮碳因子基因(csrA)敲除的影响较小,但在tktA和ppsA过表达质粒存在的情况下对色氨酸合成的代谢流有明显的促进作用。进一步的菌种改造仍有待进行,葡萄糖转运系统的替代和三羧酸循环的减弱是主要方向。  相似文献   

人源化小鼠从起初的入-鼠嵌合体到目前具有人体免疫活性的模型不断演进,已用于人免疫缺陷病毒、EB病毒、丙型肝炎病毒和登革病毒等病原体的感染、发病机制和防治的研究,取得了很大进展。我们简要介绍几种有代表性的人源化小鼠模型及其在病毒研究中的应用。  相似文献   

纤维素乙醇的统合生物加工过程(consolidated bioprocessing,CBP)是将(半)纤维素酶生产、纤维素水解和乙醇发酵过程组合,通过一种微生物完成的生物加工过程。 CBP有利于降低生物转化过程的成本,受到研究者的普遍关注。酿酒酵母( Saccharomyces cerevisiae)作为传统的乙醇生产菌株,是极具潜力的CBP底盘细胞。纤维小体是某些厌氧微生物细胞表面由纤维素酶系与支架蛋白组成的大分子复合物,它能高效降解木质纤维,在酿酒酵母表面展示纤维小体已成为构建CBP细胞的研究热点。笔者综述了人造纤维小体在酿酒酵母细胞表面展示组装的研究进展,重点阐述了纤维小体各元件的设计和改造,并针对酿酒酵母分泌途径的改造,提出提高人造纤维小体分泌组装的可能性策略。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌分解代谢产物阻遏效应研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
马婉晴  章珍  刘悦琳  王华忠 《遗传》2010,32(6):571-576
细菌在多种碳源共存的环境中优先利用一种(通常是葡萄糖)的现象被称为分解代谢产物阻遏效应。国内现有分子生物学及相关课程教材普遍对该效应的机理解释不清甚至给出错误的解释。大肠杆菌葡萄糖-乳糖分解代谢产物阻遏效应产生的根本原因不是胞内葡萄糖的存在, 而是葡萄糖经PTS(Phosphoenolpyruvate: carbohydrate phosphotransferase system)系统向胞内运输同时藕联磷酸化的过程。磷酸向葡萄糖的传递导致PTS关键组分EⅡAGlc去磷酸化形式的积累。该形式的EⅡAGlc可以与质膜上本底表达的乳糖透性酶LacY结合, 阻止诱导物乳糖的吸收。cAMP的影响也是通过激活参与PTS系统的关键基因而加强了诱导物排斥作用。此外, 去磷酸化形式的EⅡBGlc和YeeⅠ对全局性转录阻遏蛋白Mlc活性的抑制也保证了PTS系统关键组分蛋白的基因表达。文章综述了近年来有关大肠杆菌分解代谢产物阻遏效应机理的最新研究进展, 并对相关教材有关这一内容的阐述提出了修改建议。  相似文献   

Conversion of lignocellulose to lactic acid requires strains capable of fermenting sugar mixtures of glucose and xylose. Recombinant Escherichia coli strains were engineered to selectively produce L-lactic acid and then used to ferment sugar mixtures. Three of these strains were catabolite repression mutants (ptsG ) that have the ability to simultaneously ferment glucose and xylose. The best results were obtained for ptsG strain FBR19. FBR19 cultures had a yield of 0.77 (g lactic acid/g added sugar) when used to ferment a 100 g/l total equal mixture of glucose and xylose. The strain also consumed 75% of the xylose. In comparison, the ptsG + strains had yields of 0.47–0.48 g/g and consumed 18–22% of the xylose. FBR19 was subsequently used to ferment a variety of glucose (0–40 g/l) and xylose (40 g/l) mixtures. The lactic acid yields ranged from 0.74 to 1.00 g/g. Further experiments were conducted to discover the mechanism leading to the poor yields for ptsG + strains. Xylose isomerase (XI) activity, a marker for induction of xylose metabolism, was monitored for FBR19 and a ptsG + control during fermentations of a sugar mixture. Crude protein extracts prepared from FBR19 had 10–12 times the specific XI activity of comparable samples from ptsG + strains. Therefore, higher expression of xylose metabolic genes in the ptsG strain may be responsible for superior conversion of xylose to product compared to the ptsG + fermentations. Received 14 December 2000/ Accepted in revised form 28 June 2002  相似文献   

The solution structure and dynamics of the Bacillus subtilis HPr-like protein, Crh, have been investigated using NMR spectroscopy. Crh exhibits high sequence identity (45 %) to the histidine-containing protein (HPr), a phospho-carrier protein of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):carbohydrate phosphotransferase system, but contains no catalytic His15, the site of PEP-dependent phosphorylation in HPr. Crh also forms a mixture of monomers and dimers in solution whereas HPr is known to be monomeric. Complete backbone and side-chain assignments were obtained for the monomeric form, and 60 % of the dimer backbone resonances; allowing the identification of the Crh dimer interface from chemical-shift mapping. The conformation of Crh was determined to a precision of 0.46(+/-0.06) A for the backbone atoms, and 1.01(+/-0.08) A for the heavy atoms. The monomer structure is similar to that of known HPr 2.67(+/-0.22) A (C(alpha) rmsd), but has a few notable differences, including a change in the orientation of one of the helices (B), and a two-residue shift in beta-sheet pairing of the N-terminal strand with the beta4 strand. This shift results in a shortening of the surface loop present in HPr and consequently provides a flatter surface in the region of dimerisation contact, which may be related to the different oligomeric nature of these two proteins. A binding site of phospho-serine(P-Ser)-Crh with catabolite control protein A (CcpA) is proposed on the basis of highly conserved surface side-chains between Crh and HPr. This binding site is consistent with the model of a dimer-dimer interaction between P-Ser-Crh and CcpA. (15)N relaxation measured in the monomeric form also identified differential local mobility in the helix B which is located in the vicinity of this site.  相似文献   

吴辉  李志敏  叶勤 《生物工程学报》2011,27(9):1299-1308
为了了解磷酸转移酶转运系统 (PTS) 依赖和非PTS依赖代谢的糖类对大肠杆菌生产琥珀酸的影响,进行了两阶段培养,有氧阶段采用PTS依赖型的果糖或非PTS依赖型的麦芽糖作为丙酮酸甲酸裂解酶 (PFL) 和乳酸脱氢酶 (LDH) 双突变株NZN111的碳源,研究其对NZN111厌氧阶段代谢葡萄糖的影响。5 L罐发酵结果表明,以果糖和麦芽糖为碳源有氧培养的细胞恢复了在厌氧条件下快速代谢葡萄糖的能力,琥珀酸和丙酮酸成为主要代谢产物,最终琥珀酸得率分别为0.84和0.75 mol/mol,丙酮酸得率分别达到了0.65和0.83 mol/mol,琥珀酸和丙酮酸终浓度比分别为1.73∶1和1.21∶1。果糖和麦芽糖培养的NZN111与葡萄糖培养的菌体代谢的明显差异推测是cyclic AMP (cAMP) 依赖型和非cAMP依赖型的分解代谢物阻遏调控这两种机制共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

The current knowledge on the genetics and biochemistry of the catabolism of aromatic compounds in Escherichia coli settles the basis to consider these pathways as a model system to study the complex molecular mechanisms that control the expression of the genes involved in the metabolism of less-preferred carbon sources in this paradigmatic organism. Two different levels of regulation are reviewed: (i) the specific regulatory mechanisms that drive the expression of the catabolic genes when the cognate inducer, i.e., the substrate of the pathway or an intermediate metabolite, is available, and (ii) the global or superimposed regulation that adjust the expression of the catabolic clusters to the general physiological status of the cell.  相似文献   

Carbon catabolite repression in Bacillus subtilis is mediated by phosphorylation of the phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system intermediate HPr at a serine residue catalyzed by HPr kinase. The orthologous protein Crh functions in a similar way, but, unlike HPr, it is not functional in carbohydrate uptake. A specific function for Crh is not known. The role of HPr and Crh in repressing the citM gene encoding the Mg(2+)-citrate transporter was investigated during growth of B. subtilis on different carbon sources. In glucose minimal medium, full repression was supported by both HPr and Crh. Strains deficient in Crh or the regulatory function of HPr revealed the same repression as the wild-type strain. In contrast, in a medium containing succinate and glutamate, repression was specifically mediated via Crh. Repression was relieved in the Crh-deficient strain, but still present in the HPr mutant strain. The data are the first demonstration of a Crh-specific function in B. subtilis and suggest a role for Crh in regulation of expression during growth on substrates other than carbohydrates.  相似文献   

Abstract The induction of the synthesis of extracellular xylanases was investigated in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans using a number of compounds, including xylans of different origin, monosaccharides, xylooligosaccharides and xylose derivatives. Certain xylans (wheat arabinoxylan, oat spelt xylan, birchwood xylan and 4-O-methyl-D-glucurono-D-xylan) were found to be the most powerful inducers. Also, xylooligosaccharides such as xylobiose, xylotriose and xylotetraose served as inducers, their efficiency being directly related to their chain length. Xylose, on the contrary, was not a true inducer. Of the three endo-β-(1,4)-xylanases secreted by A. nidulans , that of 24 kDa was not under carbon catabolite repression, whereas the other two, of 22 and 34 kDa, were under glucose repression mediated by the creA gene product.  相似文献   

The catabolism of pectin from plant cell walls plays a crucial role in the virulence of the phytopathogen Dickeya dadantii. In particular, the timely expression of pel genes encoding major pectate lyases is essential to circumvent the plant defense systems and induce massive pectinolytic activity during the maceration phase. Previous studies identified the role of a positive feedback loop specific to the pectin-degradation pathway, whereas the precise signals controlling the dynamics of pectate lyase expression were unclear. Here, we show that the latter is controlled by a metabolic switch involving both glucose and pectin. We measured the HPLC concentration profiles of the key metabolites related to these two sources of carbon, cAMP and 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate, and developed a dynamic and quantitative model of the process integrating the associated regulators, cAMP receptor protein and KdgR. The model describes the regulatory events occurring at the promoters of two major pel genes, pelE and pelD. It highlights that their activity is controlled by a mechanism of carbon catabolite repression, which directly controls the virulence of D. dadantii. The model also shows that quantitative differences in the binding properties of common regulators at these two promoters resulted in a qualitatively different role of pelD and pelE in the metabolic switch, and also likely in conditions of infection, justifying their evolutionary conservation as separate genes in this species.  相似文献   

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