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In this paper, a canonical representation of transition probability matrix under Markov assumption is proposed as a mathematical model to study the survival distribution. A numerical example is used to illustrate the computational techniques.  相似文献   

Wileyto et al. [E.P. Wileyto, W.J. Ewens, M.A. Mullen, Markov-recapture population estimates: a tool for improving interpretation of trapping experiments, Ecology 75 (1994) 1109] propose a four-state discrete time Markov process, which describes the structure of a marking-capture experiment as a method of population estimation. They propose this method primarily for estimation of closed insect populations. Their method provides a mark-recapture estimate from a single trap observation by allowing subjects to mark themselves. The estimate of the unknown population size is based on the assumption of a closed population and a simple Markov model in which the rates of marking, capture, and recapture are assumed to be equal. Using the one step transition probability matrix of their model, we illustrate how to go from an embedded discrete time Markov process to a continuous time Markov process assuming exponentially distributed holding times. We also compute the transition probabilities after time t for the continuous time case and compare the limiting behavior of the continuous and discrete time processes. Finally, we generalize their model by relaxing the assumption of equal per capita rates for marking, capture, and recapture. Other questions about how their results change when using a continuous time Markov process are examined.  相似文献   

The sample frequency spectrum of a segregating site is the probability distribution of a sample of alleles from a genetic locus, conditional on observing the sample to be polymorphic. This distribution is widely used in population genetic inferences, including statistical tests of neutrality in which a skew in the observed frequency spectrum across independent sites is taken as a signature of departure from neutral evolution. Theoretical aspects of the frequency spectrum have been well studied and several interesting results are available, but they are usually under the assumption that a site has undergone at most one mutation event in the history of the sample. Here, we extend previous theoretical results by allowing for at most two mutation events per site, under a general finite allele model in which the mutation rate is independent of current allelic state but the transition matrix is otherwise completely arbitrary. Our results apply to both nested and nonnested mutations. Only the former has been addressed previously, whereas here we show it is the latter that is more likely to be observed except for very small sample sizes. Further, for any mutation transition matrix, we obtain the joint sample frequency spectrum of the two mutant alleles at a triallelic site, and derive a closed-form formula for the expected age of the younger of the two mutations given their frequencies in the population. Several large-scale resequencing projects for various species are presently under way and the resulting data will include some triallelic polymorphisms. The theoretical results described in this paper should prove useful in population genomic analyses of such data.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adaptive immune responses are deterministically classified into humoral or cell-mediated depending on the pattern of Th cell polarization into Th1 or Th2. Evidence suggests that the process of Th polarization is stochastic, however, the presence of some deterministic components has not been ruled out. Here, a Markov chain model that accounts for Th-mediated immune responses was developed based on the assumption that Th polarization and consequent transition events are stochastic. RESULTS: Using assumed probability values, model analysis suggests that there is a rapid convergence to produce an immune response once the Th cell is stimulated by an antigen which is amplified as the number of transitions increases. The expected number of visits between Th and itself, B and itself and Tc and itself is about one whereas it is zero, less than one or degrees in the rest of the transition events depending on the interacting states. CONCLUSIONS: Based on model analysis and validation, modeling Th-mediated immune responses as a Markov chain process seems to be plausible. The large degree of flexibility inherent in such a view of adaptive immunity can be helpful in addressing questions pertinent to Th function and behavior.  相似文献   

A typical task in the application of aggregated Markov models to ion channel data is the estimation of the transition rates between the states. Realistic models for ion channel data often have one or more loops. We show that the transition rates of a model with loops are not identifiable if the model has either equal open or closed dwell times. This non-identifiability of the transition rates also has an effect on the estimation of the transition rates for models which are not subject to the constraint of either equal open or closed dwell times. If a model with loops has nearly equal dwell times, the Hessian matrix of its likelihood function will be ill-conditioned and the standard deviations of the estimated transition rates become extraordinarily large for a number of data points which are typically recorded in experiments.  相似文献   

Haruo Abe  Nobuhiro G 《Biopolymers》1981,20(5):1013-1031
The noninteracting local-structure model of the folding and unfolding transition in globular proteins, the formulation of which was given in the preceding paper, is applied to the analysis of the two-dimensional lattice model of proteins. The lattice model of proteins is a theoretical tool designed to study the statistical-mechanical aspect of the folding and unfolding transition. Its dynamics have been studied by a method of Monte Carlo simulation. The noninteracting local-structure model reproduces the equilibrium properties of the lattice model obtained previously by computer simulation remarkably well, when the specificity of the long-range interactions is strong. This observation indicates that the basic assumption of the noninteracting local-structure model is equivalent to the assumption of strong specificity of intramolecular interactions. It is argued that by assuming this strong specificity, we can emphasize the correct main paths of folding and unfolding transition. The way local structures grow and/or merge along the most probable path of folding in the lattice model is discussed by the noninteracting local-structure model.  相似文献   

Tests for species interactions that involve the comparison of a statistic calculated from observed matrix of species presences and absences with the distribution of the same statistic generated from a null model have been used by ecologists for about 30 years. We argue that the validity of these tests requires a specific definition of independence. In particular, we note that an assumption that is often made is that all presence–absence matrices with the same row and column totals are equally likely if there is no interaction. However, we show using a simple model for species presences and absences without any species interactions that, in general, this assumption should be made with caution. Our model incorporates a definition of independence, allowing the computation of probabilities of different patterns in the null matrices. Other definitions of independence are possible; one of them is outlined using a new generalized linear model approach for carrying out tests applicable to different null models with or without the assumption of keeping row and column totals fixed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We welcome Dr Thorpe's interesting discussion (Thorpe, 1988), and we would like to take this opportunity to clarify some points.
Both MGPCA (multiple group principal component analysis) and CPCA (common principal component analysis) serve essentially the same purpose, namely estimation of principal components simultaneously in several groups, based on the assumption of equality of principal component directions across groups, while eigenvalues may differ between groups. However, CPCA has the distinct advantage that this assumption can actually be tested, using the (CPC) statistic. In analyses involving more than two variables, it is usually difficult to decide, without a formal test, whether or not the assumption of common directions of principal components is reasonable.
There is also a conceptual difficulty with MGPCA. In statistical terms, both methods assume that:
(a) a certain set of parameters (namely those determining the eigenvectors) are common to all groups
(b) there are sets of parameters (namely p eigenvalues per group) which are specific to each group.
CPCA sets up a model that reflects this structure and estimates the parameters accordingly. MGPCA, on the other hand, ignores part (b), at least temporarily, by pooling the variance-covariance matrices and extracting eigenvectors from the single pooled matrix. This may lead to reasonable results, but there is no guarantee that it will indeed do so. The reader may find a more familiar analog in the fitting of regression lines when data are in groups. If it is assumed that all regression lines are parallel, one should set up an appropriate model based on a single slope parameter common to all groups, and groupwise intercepts. One should then estimate the parameters of this model, and not simply apply a technique which is appropriate in the one-group case only.  相似文献   

In this paper, a two-phenotype, single-locus, n -allele matrix game diploid model incorporating interactions between full sibs influencing personal fitness is investigated. Necessary and sufficient conditions for an ESS are given. We show that if a strategy is an ESS for this model with the payoff matrix A, then it must be an ESS for the standard game formulation with payoff matrix A+(r/2) A(T) where r is the probability to interact with a sib, but it is also possible that no ESS exists. Moreover, under the assumption of weak selection, the partial change in phenotype frequencies brings the population closer to an ESS when it exists.  相似文献   

At sufficiently high ionic strength, long-range electrostatic interactions in a polyelectrolyte such as poly(L -glutamic acid) might be adequately approximated in matrix calculations by use of statistical weights representing second-order interactions. The validity of this assumption has been investigated making use of experimental observations (CD spectra and titration curves) for poly(L -glutamic acid) as a function of temperature in 0.1–0.5M sodium chloride. Theoretical analysis, using a statistical weight matrix proposed by Warashina and Ikegami, is based on the Zimm-Rice theory. Implementation differs from that of Warashina and Ikegami in one respect. Refinement of the initial estimates is achieved using a form of the configuration partition function which does not assume diagonalization of the statistical weight matrix. This difference is of no consequence for the values of σ and s, but it does produce somewhat different values for the statistical weights used to represent the electrostatic interactions. The method used to treat electrostatic interactions in poly(L -glutamic acid) in 0.1M sodium chloride can be viewed as successful in that it properly reproduces the helix–coil transition and titration curves in this solvent and the molecular-weight dependence of the titration curves yields values for s in harmony with those obtained using a treatment which is independent of model, and gives a reasonable ionic-strength dependence for the electrostatic parameters. Furthermore, the model can account for measured helix–coil transitions and titration curves in homopolypeptides in which the side chain is —(CH2)xNHCO(CH2)yCOOH. The model, however, is not exact. It does not properly account for the molecular-weight dependence of the helical content for polymers of low degree of polymerization.  相似文献   

We consider the dynamics of a model toggle switch abstracted from the genetic interactions operative in a fungal stress response circuit. The switch transduces an external signal and propagates it forward by mediating the transport between compartments of two interacting gene products. The transport between compartments is assumed to be related to the degree of association between the interacting proteins, a fact for which there exists a wealth of biological evidence. The ubiquity and modularity of this cellular control mechanism warrants a detailed study of the dynamics entailed by various modelling assumptions. Specifically, we consider a general gate model in which both of the associating proteins are freely transportable between compartments. A more restrictive, but biologically supported model, is considered in which only one of the two proteins undergoes transport. Under the strong assumption that the disassociation of the interacting proteins is unidirectional we show that the qualitative dynamics of the two models are similar; that is they both converge to unique periodic orbits. From a biophysical perspective the assumption of unidirectional dissociation is unrealistic. We show that the same result holds for the more restrictive model when one weakens the assumption of unidirectional binding or disassociation. We speculate that this is not true for the more general model. This difference in dynamics may have important biological implications and certainly points to promising avenues of research.  相似文献   

As methods of molecular phylogeny have become more explicit and more biologically realistic following the pioneering work of Thomas Jukes, they have had to relax their initial assumption that rates of evolution were equal at all sites. Distance matrix and likelihood methods of inferring phylogenies make this assumption; parsimony, when valid, is less limited by it. Nucleotide sequences, including RNA sequences, can show substantial rate variation; protein sequences show rates that vary much more widely. Assuming a prior distribution of rates such as a gamma distribution or lognormal distribution has deservedly been popular, but for likelihood methods it leads to computational difficulties. These can be resolved using hidden Markov model (HMM) methods which approximate the distribution by one with a modest number of discrete rates. Generalized Laguerre quadrature can be used to improve the selection of rates and their probabilities so as to more nearly approach the desired gamma distribution. A model based on population genetics is presented predicting how the rates of evolution might vary from locus to locus. Challenges for the future include allowing rates at a given site to vary along the tree, as in the ``covarion' model, and allowing them to have correlations that reflect three-dimensional structure, rather than position in the coding sequence. Markov chain Monte Carlo likelihood methods may be the only practical way to carry out computations for these models. Received: 8 February 2001 / Accepted: 20 May 2001  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The general-time-reversible (GTR) model is one of the most popular models of nucleotide substitution because it constitutes a good trade-off between mathematical tractability and biological reality. However, when it is applied for inferring evolutionary distances and/or instantaneous rate matrices, the GTR model seems more prone to inapplicability than more restrictive time-reversible models. Although it has been previously noted that the causes for intractability are caused by the impossibility of computing the logarithm of a matrix characterised by negative eigenvalues, the issue has not been investigated further. RESULTS: Here, we formally characterize the mathematical conditions, and discuss their biological interpretation, which lead to the inapplicability of the GTR model. We investigate the relations between, on one hand, the occurrence of negative eigenvalues and, on the other hand, both sequence length and sequence divergence. We then propose a possible re-formulation of previous procedures in terms of a non-linear optimization problem. We analytically investigate the effect of our approach on the estimated evolutionary distances and transition probability matrix. Finally, we provide an analysis on the goodness of the solution we propose. A numerical example is discussed.  相似文献   

The profile hidden Markov model (PHMM) is widely used to assign the protein sequences to their respective families. A major limitation of a PHMM is the assumption that given states the observations (amino acids) are independent. To overcome this limitation, the dependency between amino acids in a multiple sequence alignment (MSA) which is the representative of a PHMM can be appended to the PHMM. Due to the fact that with a MSA, the sequences of amino acids are biologically related, the one-by-one dependency between two amino acids can be considered. In other words, based on the MSA, the dependency between an amino acid and its corresponding amino acid located above can be combined with the PHMM. For this purpose, the new emission probability matrix which considers the one-by-one dependencies between amino acids is constructed. The parameters of a PHMM are of two types; transition and emission probabilities which are usually estimated using an EM algorithm called the Baum-Welch algorithm. We have generalized the Baum-Welch algorithm using similarity emission matrix constructed by integrating the new emission probability matrix with the common emission probability matrix. Then, the performance of similarity emission is discussed by applying it to the top twenty protein families in the Pfam database. We show that using the similarity emission in the Baum-Welch algorithm significantly outperforms the common Baum-Welch algorithm in the task of assigning protein sequences to protein families.  相似文献   

We present two algorithms to perform computations over Markov chains. The first one determines whether the sequence of powers of the transition matrix of a Markov chain converges or not to a limit matrix. If it does converge, the second algorithm enables us to estimate this limit. The combination of these algorithms allows the computation of a limit using DNA computing. In this sense, we have encoded the states and the transition probabilities using strands of DNA for generating paths of the Markov chain.  相似文献   

Summary The kinetics of ionic current mechanisms in excitable membranes are analyzed. It is assumed that there are voltage-dependent reactions occurring in the membrane which are independent of the flow of ionic current. The experimental evidence for this assumption is reviewed in the light of more recent results on the kinetics of conductance changes in cardiac membranes. Rate equations are then obtained using transition state theory and assuming that each reaction is rate limited by only one energy barrier. These equations give simple exponential functions for the voltage dependence of the rates. More complex functions may be obtained by assuming that more than one energy barrier is rate limiting. The single-barrier equations are used to estimate the energies of formation of the transition state. In most cases, the entropy of formation is positive but there is no systematic order in the estimated enthalpies. These results are contrasted with those for the ion permeation process itself which normally has a negative entropy of activation. This contrast reinforces the assumption that the reactions controlling membrane permeability are distinct from the ion permeation process itself. The significance of the positive entropy of formation of the transition state in the permeability reactions is discussed, and it is suggested that the membrane structures underlying these reactions may change their degree of hydration during the formation of the transition state.  相似文献   

Summary Meta‐analysis is a powerful approach to combine evidence from multiple studies to make inference about one or more parameters of interest, such as regression coefficients. The validity of the fixed effect model meta‐analysis depends on the underlying assumption that all studies in the meta‐analysis share the same effect size. In the presence of heterogeneity, the fixed effect model incorrectly ignores the between‐study variance and may yield false positive results. The random effect model takes into account both within‐study and between‐study variances. It is more conservative than the fixed effect model and should be favored in the presence of heterogeneity. In this paper, we develop a noniterative method of moments estimator for the between‐study covariance matrix in the random effect model multivariate meta‐analysis. To our knowledge, it is the first such method of moments estimator in the matrix form. We show that our estimator is a multivariate extension of DerSimonian and Laird’s univariate method of moments estimator, and it is invariant to linear transformations. In the simulation study, our method performs well when compared to existing random effect model multivariate meta‐analysis approaches. We also apply our method in the analysis of a real data example.  相似文献   

J J Tai  W H Song 《Human heredity》1991,41(5):316-323
In linkage analysis a single-child family is usually considered to be completely uninformative. This article shows that such a family can provide information on linkage disequilibrium, even if it provides no information on linkage equilibrium. A transition matrix consisting of the recombination fraction and the phase proportion is proposed to study the genetic transmission from a pair of parents to their single child. The information about linkage for a single-child family is shown to be confounded by the phase proportion. This explains why such a family used to be considered uninformative under the assumption of linkage equilibrium. By reparametrizing the recombination fraction and the phase proportion into one parameter, it is demonstrated that extracting information on linkage disequilibrium is feasible. The study of power of the testing method proposed here is carried out by simulation.  相似文献   

H Qian 《Biophysical journal》1994,67(1):349-355
A simple thermodynamic formalism is presented to model the conformational transition between a random-coil monomeric peptide and a coiled-coil helical dimer. The coiled-coil helical dimer is the structure of a class of proteins also called leucine zipper, which has been studied intensively in recent years. Our model, which is appropriate particularly for short peptides, is an alternative to the theory developed by Skolnick and Holtzer. Using the present formalism, we discuss the multi-equilibriatory nature of this transition and provide an explanation for the apparent two-state behavior of coiled-coil formation when the helix-coil transition is coupled to dimerization. It is found that such coupling between multi-equilibria and a true two-state transition can simplify the data analysis, but care must be taken in using the overall association constant to determine helix propensities (w) of single residues. Successful use of the two-state model does not imply that the helix-coil transition is all-or-none. The all-or-none assumption can provide good numerical estimates when w is around unity (0.35 < or = w < or = 1.35), but when w is small (w < 0.01), similar estimations can lead to large errors. The theory of the helix-coil transition in denaturation experiments is also discussed.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Probabilistic Boolean networks (PBNs) have been proposed to model genetic regulatory interactions. The steady-state probability distribution of a PBN gives important information about the captured genetic network. The computation of the steady-state probability distribution usually includes construction of the transition probability matrix and computation of the steady-state probability distribution. The size of the transition probability matrix is 2(n)-by-2(n) where n is the number of genes in the genetic network. Therefore, the computational costs of these two steps are very expensive and it is essential to develop a fast approximation method. RESULTS: In this article, we propose an approximation method for computing the steady-state probability distribution of a PBN based on neglecting some Boolean networks (BNs) with very small probabilities during the construction of the transition probability matrix. An error analysis of this approximation method is given and theoretical result on the distribution of BNs in a PBN with at most two Boolean functions for one gene is also presented. These give a foundation and support for the approximation method. Numerical experiments based on a genetic network are given to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

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