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This study focuses on the consequences of the switch of tactic from parasitic to parental male in the black goby, Gobius niger (Teleostei: Gobiidae), a species showing two alternative male mating tactics. Older and larger males defend nests, court, and perform parental care on eggs, while younger and smaller ones behave as parasites, sneaking into nests while spawning occurs. Males adopting different tactics are known to present differences in primary and secondary sex traits. The social context of sneaker males was manipulated to induce a tactic switch. Sneakers were kept under two different experimental treatments with or without a female, and under exclusion of male-male competition. Males changed tactics, courting females, spawning, and performing parental care. All males showed substantial changes in primary sexual traits, such as a reduction in gonadal development and an increase in the investment in accessory structures. The experimental groups differed in the functionality of gonads and accessory organs and in the development of the secondary sex traits. These results demonstrate that the moment of switching is not genetically fixed in the black goby. Sneaker males are able to quickly reallocate energy in primary and secondary sex traits, in accordance with the adopted tactic. Several aspects of this flexible reproductive pattern resemble the socially controlled sex change found in sequential hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Twelve microsatellite loci were isolated from and characterized for the black goby Gobius niger. These loci were tested on a total of 48 individuals from two geographically distant locations (Orbetello and Cattolica) and the number of alleles ranged from two to 18, with expected (He) and observed (Ho) heterozygosities ranging from 0·042 to 0·941 and from 0·042 to 0·917, respectively. The loci described were used to cross‐amplify other gobiid species belonging to Gobius, Zosterisessor, Lesueurigobius and Aphia.  相似文献   

Colonisation of extremely acidic waters (pH 3) by aquatic angiosperms occurs widely, but is poorly documented. Unlike acid rain affected and other naturally acidic aquatic ecosystems, waters with pH 3 usually have a high conductivity, with high concentrations of SO4 2- and often high concentrations of Fe3+, other heavy metal ions and Al3+. Where Fe3+ concentration is high, as in many mine waters, it provides a strong buffering system. In such waters, the biogeochemical Fe cycle exerts over water chemistry and the availability of nutrients and carbon for organisms. Biological activity is limited by low concentrations of phosphorus and inorganic carbon (DIC), which in this pH range is essentially all in the form of dissolved CO2. A number of angiosperms grow in such waters including Phragmites australis, Typha spp. and Juncus bulbosus, though the last is the only one reported to grow totally submerged in waters with pH 3 . J. bulbosus occurs in many lignite mining lakes in Lusatia (north eastern Germany) with pH 3. The characteristics and possible survival strategies for this and other species are discussed.  相似文献   

A molecular cytogenetic study of Gobius niger has been conducted by treating its mitotic chromosomes with silver-, CMA3- and DAPI-staining and fluorescent in situ hybridization using four multicopy or repetitive DNAs (the 28S and 5S rDNAs, the TTAGGG telomeric repeat and the mariner-like elements) as probes. In particular, the study proved the presence of NOR heteromorphism and suggested the possible role of the transposable element mariner in its genesis. In situ hybridization with the 5S rDNA probe proved the presence of just one 5S-bringing chromosome pair, whereas hybridization with the telomeric repeat revealed small bright hybridization spots, uniform in size and intensity, on each telomere of all chromosomes but no interstitial signals were noticed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A population of Gobius niger in a south-coast bay was sampled over a 12-month period. The bay received the cooling water discharge from Fawley power station. Four year-classes were recorded of which the 1+ group was found to be responsible for the bulk of egg production. The main spawning period was from April to May although some evidence of batch spawning was found. Growth was found to be faster than has been reported for populations elsewhere, possibly because of the raised water temperature. Despite higher temperatures the growing season was not extended beyond that of other comparable black goby populations, being restricted to a 4–5 months period after the main spawning period. Seasonal changes in diet were believed to be the result of the effect of water temperature on fish movement. Feeding occurred throughout the year.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - Gobius xoriguer sp. nov., a new ofshore species of goby (Teleostei: Gobiidae: Gobiinae) is described based on three specimens collected in 2010, 2012 and 2018 in the...  相似文献   

Synopsis Croilia mossambica, a burrowing goby endemic to the coastal lakes of south east Africa occurs from L. Poelela (salinity 8%.) to L. Sibaya (freshwater). Since these lakes are isolated from one another its distribution is discontinuous. It is not found in estuaries or the sea. In L. Sibaya C. mossambica is present on sheltered sides from a depth of 1 m to about 16 m. On exposed shores it is not found at less than 3.5 m depth. It is restricted to sandy, quiet water areas and is unable to form burrows where the substrate is disturbed by water movement, is muddy or consists of sand with a particle diameter greater than 0.5 mm. The maximum depth at which it lives is probably determined by light penetration since it is dependent on sight for prey capture. The food consists of slow moving benthic invertebrates such as chironomid larvae, gastropods, bivalves and amphipods. The relative importance of each depends upon its abundance. C. mossambica is a summer breeder with a protracted spawning season. The sticky eggs measure 0.7–0.8 mm when laid. Tolerance experiments show that it is euryhaline and can survive in seawater of 35%. and that its upper temperature limit is between 32 and 35°C. Temperatures in shallow waters of lakes and estuaries of the region frequently exceed 35°C. Thus its local distribution may be limited by temperature. Its lack of tolerance to high temperatures, to marked water movements and its ability to live in seawater indicates that C. mossambica is suited to life in the sea rather than in estuaries. It is suggested that it was present in quiet areas of the sea, such as lagoons, and that it invaded the coastal lakes which were formed as the estuaries and river valleys were inundated during the Pleistocene marine transgression. C. mossambica cannot tolerate estuarine conditions and with the present absence of quiet water in the sea off the south east African coast the species is now confined to deep coastal lakes.Note  相似文献   

The river goby Glossogobius callidus is native to freshwater and estuarine habitats in South Africa. Individuals [21.1–144.4 mm total length (LT)] were sampled from impoundments in the Sundays River Valley, Eastern Cape, from February 2014 to March 2015. The largest female was 137.2 mm LT, and the largest male was 144.4 mm LT. Length-at-50% maturity was 75.2 ± 2.1 mm LT for males and 76.2 ± 2.0 mm LT for females. Absolute fecundity was 1028.2 ± 131.7 oocytes per fish, and relative fecundity was 50.1 ± 18.1 oocytes per gram. The spawning season extended from October to December. Fish were aged using sectioned sagittal otoliths. The growth zone periodicity was validated using edge analysis. Longevity was more than 7 years for females and more than 6 years for males. Length-at-age was similar for the two sexes and was best described using the von Bertalanffy growth model as Lt = 74.7(1 − e–1.0(t + 0.1)) mm LT for the entire population. Using the population age structure, the mortality rate was estimated at 1.3 per year.  相似文献   

Parameters of shelters utilized by Gobius cruentatus and Thorogobius ephippiatus were measured, in situ , using SCUBA. Both species exhibited non-random use of shelters, with T. ephippiatus , the smaller of the two species, utilizing significantly larger shelters than G. cruentatus . Interspecific size differences and competitive exclusion are not considered to be of major importance in the observed differential utilization of shelters. The size of shelters utilized by both species is suggested to be influenced by current velocities.  相似文献   

Seasonal energy allocation of lipid reserves into different body tissues was analysed comparatively in two sympatric, closely related gobies: the grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus and the black goby Gobius niger . Lipid reserves were measured in liver, muscle and ovary and compared between the two species within a given sex and seasonal period (reproductive v . non-reproductive). Furthermore, temporal patterns of lipid reserves were investigated in the two species in relation to gonado-somatic and liver-somatic indices, as well as the relationship between size and lipid content. Results showed that the grass goby allocated more lipid reserves in reproduction while the black goby accumulated more reserves in liver and muscle, at a given size, although the temporal patterns of lipid accumulation and depletion were basically similar. Results are discussed in the light of life-history theories, taking into account both adaptation and evolutionary constraints.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated in laboratory conditions the presence of alternative reproductive tactics in the sand goby and describe proximate factors affecting their expression and success. We describe the reciprocal interactions of resident males, females, and sneaking males. The pre-spawning phase proved to be important for successful nest intrusions by sneakers. The number of sneakers had no effect on the frequency of successful intrusions. When small males had exclusive access to nest sites, they built a nest and courted females, showing a full behavioural repertoire. The intensity of courtship was, however, strongly positively correlated with body size. Using microsatellite DNA markers we assessed paternity shares of territorial and sneaker males in a subset of all replicates. Following successful nest intrusion sneaker males fertilised 5–10% of the eggs. Our interpretation of the results is that sneaking in the sand goby is a conditional tactic, one that is less successful than the normal nest guarding behaviour, at least for one spawning event. Received in revised form: 9 March 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The tidewater goby, Eucyclogobius newberryi, inhabits discrete, seasonally closed estuaries and lagoons along approximately 1500 km of California coastline. This species is euryhaline but has no explicit marine stage, yet population extirpation and recolonization data suggest tidewater gobies disperse intermittently via the sea. Analyses of mitochondrial control region and cytochrome b sequences demonstrate a deep evolutionary bifurcation in the vicinity of Los Angeles that separates southern California populations from all more northerly populations. Shallower phylogeographic breaks, in the vicinities of Seacliff, Point Buchon, Big Sur, and Point Arena segregate the northerly populations into five groups in three geographic clusters: the Point Conception and Ventura groups between Los Angeles and Point Buchon, a lone Estero Bay group from central California, and San Francisco and Cape Mendocino groups from northern California. The phylogenetic relationships between and patterns of molecular diversity within the six groups are consistent with repeated, and sometimes rapid, northward and southward range expansions out of central California caused by Quaternary climate change. Plio-Pleistocene tectonism, Quaternary coastal geography and hydrography, and historical human activities probably also influenced the modern geographic and genetic structure of E. newberryi. The phylogeography of E. newberryi is concordant with phylogeographic patterns in several other coastal California taxa, suggesting common extrinsic factors have had similar effects on different species. However, there is no evidence of a phylogeographic break coincident with a biogeographic boundary at Point Conception.  相似文献   

Vicariant and climatic cycling speciation hypotheses of the 'sand gobies' belonging to the genera Pomatoschistus, Gobiusculus, Knipowitschia, and Economidichthys are tested using molecular phylogenies constructed of nuclear DNA (ITS1 locus) and mitochondrial DNA (12S and 16S fragments). These gobies are among the most abundant in the Eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean region, and play an important role in the ecosystem. Considerable ITS1 length differences, primarily due to the presence of several tandem repeats, were found between species and even within individuals. Therefore, phylogenetic analyses focused on fragments of the 12S and 16S mtDNA region that have been sequenced for 16 goby taxa. The 'sand gobies' clustered as a monophyletic group as proposed on morphological grounds. However, G. flavescens, E. pygmaeus, and K. punctatissima clustered within the Pomatoschistus species, pointing to a paraphyletic origin of these genera. Furthermore, the genetic divergence between P. minutus from the Adriatic Sea versus the Atlantic-Mediterranean region was as high as the divergence within the P. minutus complex, suggesting that P. minutus from the Adriatic Sea should be considered as a distinct species. The "star" phylogeny might suggest that these gobies evolved in a very short time period, possibly linked to the drastic alterations in the Mediterranean Sea during and immediately after the Messinian salinity crisis at the end of the Miocene. The freshwater life-style appeared monophyletic; equating its origin with the salinity crisis resulted in a molecular clock estimate of 1.4% divergence per million years. The last common ancestor probably occupied sandy bottoms and a coastal niche while several species subsequently adapted to new habitats (pelagic, freshwater or stenohaline). The origin of the shallowest clades dated back to the glacial cycling during the Pleistocene epoch.  相似文献   

A new species of gobiid fish Glossogobius minutus collected from the south-west coast of India is described. The morphological, morphometric and meristic characters were studied with special emphasis on osteology. The various characters are compared with those of G. giuris (Harn.) and G. biocellatus (Val.), the only other species of the genus reported from this region. Glossogobius minutus is a benthic omnivore and shows distinct sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

A new marine goby Callogobius sheni collected from coral reefs off southern Taiwan is described. The new species can be distinguished from congeneric species by the following combination of features: dorsal fin rays VI-I, 9; anal fin rays I, 7; pectoral fin rays 18; longitudinal scale rows 27–28; predorsal scale rows 9–10; no posterior oculoscapular and preopercular canals; body pale white with five blackish brown cross bands; caudal and pectoral fins each with a large blackish brown blotch.  相似文献   

This first comprehensive study of the peripheral olfactory organ from a representative of the large and economically important order of teleost fishes, the Perciformes, shows a compact structure with olfactory sensory neurons distributed widely throughout the olfactory chamber. The spatial organization of the nasal cavity in the bottom-dwelling round goby (Gobiidae, Neogobius melanostomus) was examined using impression material injection, immunocytochemistry, and transmission electron microscopy. The olfactory chamber contains a single olfactory lamella; prominent dorsocaudal lachrymal and ethmoidal accessory nasal sacs are situated ventrocaudal to the chamber. The location of the olfactory mucosa within the olfactory chamber is novel for teleost fish, as it extends beyond the ventral surface to the lateral and dorsal regions. Microvillar olfactory sensory neurons and ciliated olfactory sensory neurons were identified by transmission electron microscopy and the spatial distribution of these two cell types was assessed through immunocytochemistry against olfactory receptor coupled G-proteins. Both G(alphaolf)-immunoreactive ciliated olfactory sensory neurons and the G(alphao)-immunoreactive microvillar form were located throughout the olfactory epithelium. Ciliated crypt cells were G(alphao) immunoreactive and were found throughout the olfactory epithelium of some specimens. The widespread occurrence of olfactory sensory neurons in the olfactory chamber supports the idea that olfactory signaling is important to the survival of the round goby. The prominence of the lachrymal and ethmoidal accessory nasal sacs indicates the capacity to regulate the flow of odorant molecules over the sensory surface of the olfactory sensory neurons, possibly through a pump-like mechanism driven by opercular activity associated with gill ventilation.  相似文献   

A new freshwater goby, Rhinogobius immaculatus sp.nov., is described here from the Qiantang River in China. It is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characters: second dorsal-fin rays I, 7–9; anal-fin rays I, 6–8; pectoral-fin rays14–15; longitudinal scales 29–31; transverse scales7–9; predorsal scales 2–5; vertebrae 27(rarely 28);preopercular canal absent or with two pores; a red oblique stripe below eye in males; branchiostegal membrane mostly reddish-orange, with 3–6 irregular discrete or connected red blotches on posterior branchiostegal membrane and lower operculum in males; caudal-fin base with a median black spot; and no black blotch on anterior part of first dorsal fin in males.  相似文献   

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