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我国的人类群体遗传学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了什么是人类群体遗传学,我国人类群体遗传学的研究历史、现状、初步得出的一些主要结论以及以今后的展望。  相似文献   

藏鸡群体遗传多样性研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
藏鸡的体型外貌和生活习性与红色原鸡非常相似,是具有自己独特群体遗传特性的高原地方鸡种。为了有效保护并合理利用这一遗传资源,我们采用多重PCR与半自动荧光标记微卫星聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳相结合的方法检测了20个微卫星基因座的多态性,并随机抽取藏鸡群体中部分个体进行个体体形特征与生产性能的统计。结果表明藏鸡群体的20个微卫星基因座的多态等位基因数为4~10个,平均值为7.25个/基因座,多态信息含量(CPI)和杂合度(H)平均值分别为0.67、0.74。大染色体较小染色体的微卫星标记多态性程度要高。藏鸡群体的微卫星基因座多态性丰富,也解释了生产性能不均,外貌表现迥异的群体遗传特性。 Abstract: Morphological traits and living habit of Tibetan chicken, which is an aboriginal chicken breed on plateau with its own characteristic populational genetic features, are in great common with the Red Jungle Fowl, the assumed ancestry of domestic chicken. To fully exploit this chicken resource, Multiplex PCR with semi-automated polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) using fluorescently labeled microsatellite primers was used to detect the polymorphism at 20 microsatellite loci. At the same time, we randomly test the individual morphology and performance. It showed that numbers of polymorphic alleles were 4-10, with mean value 7.25 per locus. Polymorphism Information Content (CPI) and Heterozygosity (H) had mean values 0.67 and 0.74, respectively. Macrochromosomes had relatively higher polymorphism than microchromosomes(P>0.05). In all, high polymorphisms at microsatellite loci related to the uneven production performance and morphological discrepancy of population genetic characteristics in Tibetan chicken.  相似文献   

表遗传学推动新一轮遗传学的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛开先 《遗传》2005,27(1):155-159
科学的发展孕育着突破,表遗传学研究推动着新一轮的遗传学的发展。表遗传学是研究没有DNA序列变化的、可遗传的表达改变。表遗传学不仅对医学和农业有重要的实践意义,而且还提供了理解遗传和进化的新观点。研究表明,人类基因组含有两类遗传信息,遗传学信息提供了合成生命所必需蛋白质的模板,而表遗传学信息提供了何时、何地和怎样地应用遗传学信息的指令;遗传学和表遗传学的关系有如“阴阳”,它们既相区别又协同参与调节生命活动。同时还讨论了基因的概念、进化和epigenetics的中文译名等问题。表遗传学研究应引起国内学术界的关注。Abstract: Scientific development is pregnant with a breakthrough, epigenetic studies are pushing the genetics forward. Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression that occurs without a change in DNA sequence. Epigenetics not only has practical significance for medicine and agriculture, but also provides new views on understanding heredity and evolution. Human genome contains information in two forms: the genetic information provides the blueprint for the manufacture of all the proteins necessary to create a living thing while the epigenetic information provides instructions on how, where, and when the genetic information should be used. The interrelationship of genetics and epigenetics is like a yin-yan, they are different from each other, and cooperatively take part in regulation of a variety of living activities. In this paper concept of gene and problems of evolution has been also discussed according to epigenetic viewpoints.  相似文献   

遗传学试题库的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用FoxPro 2.5b设计了遗传学试题库。系统主要分为试题输入、试题查找与编辑、试卷生成、试卷管理、编辑打印、试卷分析、学生成绩管理等部分。系统将窗口设计和菜单式设计相结合,集多种功能于一个窗口之中,窗口之间可以相互调用,具有题型多,速度快,直观性强,操作灵活方便等特点。该题库现已输入1500多道试题,生成标准试卷16份。 Abstract:A computer system of genetics test question pool was designed with FoxPro 2.5b.This system includes mainly as follows:input,search,and edit of test questions,generation,management,edit,print and analysis of examination paper and student scored management,etc.The design mthod of window and menu style were used in this system.It collects multi-function in a window,and has some specialties such as calling each other among windows,many question styles,high speed,visualization and easy operation,etc.So far 1 500 test questions have been input into this system and 16 standard examination papers have been generated.  相似文献   

潘沈元  李宗芸  朱卫中 《遗传》1998,20(5):39-42
利用FoxPro 2.5b设计了遗传学试题库。系统主要分为试题输入、试题查找与编辑、试卷生成、试卷管理、编辑打印、试卷分析、学生成绩管理等部分。系统将窗口设计和菜单式设计相结合,集多种功能于一个窗口之中,窗口之间可以相互调用,具有题型多,速度快,直观性强,操作灵活方便等特点。该题库现已输入1500多道试题,生成标准试卷16份。 Abstract:A computer system of genetics test question pool was designed with FoxPro 2.5b.This system includes mainly as follows:input,search,and edit of test questions,generation,management,edit,print and analysis of examination paper and student scored management,etc.The design mthod of window and menu style were used in this system.It collects multi-function in a window,and has some specialties such as calling each other among windows,many question styles,high speed,visualization and easy operation,etc.So far 1 500 test questions have been input into this system and 16 standard examination papers have been generated.  相似文献   

遗传学的发展与遗传学教学改革诌议   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
余诞年 《遗传》2000,22(6):413-415
本文概述了遗传学的最近发展及其对遗传学教学提出的新问题。针对面临的问题,从遗传学教学的目标、要求及几大分支的内容处理等方面的改革提出了作者的观点,根据教学与市场的关系提出教学改革的初步意见。 Abstract:New questions are now put forward to genetics teaching by the advance of genetics recently,and summarized in this discussion. According to relation between market requirement and education,the author suggested tentative proposal of reforming genetics teaching and improving contents of main parts in genetics.  相似文献   

江西省主要地方鸡种的RAPD分析及其群体遗传关系的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
采用RAPD技术分析了南城黑鸡、余干五黑鸡、泰和乌骨鸡、东乡绿壳蛋鸡、崇仁麻鸡、宁都三黄鸡、广丰白耳黄鸡和万载康乐黄鸡等8个江西地方鸡种、1个培育鸡种--景德黄鸡以及1个外来鸡种--以色列隐性白羽鸡基因组池DNA的多态性,经OPERONA,B,C,D,G5组100种随机引物扩增筛选,14种引物获得了33个多态标记.各品种间的遗传距离指数的计算结果和UPGMA聚类关系图表明:在10个鸡种间,南城黑鸡和余干五黑鸡的遗传距离最近,两者有着极密切的亲缘关系.据此认为这两个鸡群可视为同一品种的两个地方系.此外,广丰白耳黄鸡和景德黄鸡也表现出较密切的亲缘关系,这与景德黄鸡在培育过程中曾掺有白耳黄鸡血缘的选育历史相吻合。 Abstract:Random amphfied polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) analysis was explored to investigate genetic polymorphisms of pooled genomic DNA from 8 native and 1 cultivated chicken breeds in Jiangxi province as well as 1 exotic chicken breed,which include Guangfeng baier huang,Jingde huang,Yugan wuhei,Nancheng hei,Congren ma,Taihe Silky Fowl,Ningdu san huang,Dongxiang green-shell,Wanzai kangle huang and Israel Recessive White Feather Fowl.of 100 OPERON random primers screened,14 primers produced 34 polymorphic RAPD markers.The genetic distance index and UPGMA dendrogram indicated that Nancheng hei and Yugan wuhei chickens had very closely genetic relationship,the genetic distance between the two populations was closer than any other pair of breeds.Therefore,the two chicken populations were suggested to be classified into one breed.In addition,Guangfeng baier huang and Jingde huang shown intimately relationship,it was consistent with the cultivation history of Jingde huang chicken breed,in which Guangfeng baier huang was introduced as one of parental breed.  相似文献   

赣中南花猪随机扩增多态DNA与群体遗传关系的研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
用RAPD技术检测了泰和冠朝猪、永丰藤田花猪、瑞金三花猪、兴国茶园猪、上犹花猪、万安花猪、乐安花猪等7个赣中南花猪地方类群基因组混合DNA的多态性,经80个随机引物扩增筛选,16个引物产生了共44个多态标记。遗传距离指数计算结果显示:泰和冠朝猪和瑞金三花猪亲缘关系最近,而兴国茶园猪与乐安花猪遗传距离最远。各类群的UPMGA和NJ聚类分析结果与采用生化、免疫和细胞遗传标记分析的结论不尽相同,在此基础上,结合现行分类方法,认为各受试猪群可暂时归并为赣中南花猪类型,但对泰和冠朝猪和万安花猪的品种归属性应作进一步分析。 Abstract: Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were used to investigate bulked genomic DNA polymorphism of seven pig populations including Taihe Guanchao,Yongfeng Tengtian Spotted,Ruijin Spotted,Xingguo Chayuan,Shangyou Spotted,Wanan Spotted,and Lean Spotted pig.Eighty random primers were screened,of them,16 primers generated polymorphic markers with total number of 44.The genetic distance index matrix indicated that the genetic relationship between Taihe Gaunchao and Ruijin Spotted pig population was the closest,while that between Xingguo Chayuan and Laan Spotted pig population was the farthest.Our molecular phylogenetic trees constructed by UPMGA and NJ methods were in general consistent with that based on biochemical,immunogenetic and cellular genetic markers except for differences in some populations.It was inferred from this study that all pig populations examined could be temporary classified into one breed,however,the population genetic character of Taihe Guanchao and Wanan Spotted pig populations should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

DNA分子标记在果树遗传学研究上的应用   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
王倩  王斌 《遗传》2000,22(5):339-344
本文综述了近年来DNA分子标记在果树种质资源研究、分子遗传图谱构建、 基因标记、辅助选择育种等方面研究的应用。 Abstract:This paper reviewed the recent progress of the application of DNA molecular markers in various aspects of fruit tree genetics including germplasm reseach,genetic mapping,genetic tagging,marker asisted selection.  相似文献   

华卫建  吕君 《遗传》2002,24(3):342-344
本文介绍了一组新编的人群嗅阈测量实验。该实验既兼顾了培养学生进行人类群体遗传调查的基本方法与技能和调查当地人群的嗅觉相关基因频率与分布两方面,又兼顾了课堂实验与课外研究两方面,是实验教学改革中比较成功的一种类型。 Abstract:This paper presents a group of new experiments on human olfactory threshold measurement.It is a successful educational reform in teaching of genetic experiment.It considered not only training students' skills in the research on population genetics and investigating local population's olfactory allelic frequency,but also class experiments and research out of the class.  相似文献   

Domestication is a selection process that genetically modifies species to meet human needs. A most intriguing feature of domestication is the extreme phenotypic diversification among breeds. What could be the ultimate source of such genetic variations? Another notable outcome of artificial selection is the reduction in the fitness of domesticated species when they live in the wild without human assistance. The complete sequences of the two subspecies of rice cultivars provide an opportunity to address these questions. Between the two subspecies, we found much higher rates of non‐synonymous (N) than synonymous (S) substitutions and the N/S ratios are higher between cultivars than between wild species. Most interestingly, substitutions of highly dissimilar amino acids that are deleterious and uncommon between natural species are disproportionately common between the two subspecies of rice. We suggest strong selection in the absence of effective recombination may be the driving force, which we called the domestication‐associated Hill‐Robertson effect. These hitchhiking mutations may contribute to some fitness reduction in cultivars. Comparisons of the two genomes also reveal the existence of highly divergent regions in the genomes. Haplotypes in these regions often form highly polymorphic linkage blocks that are much older than speciation between wild species. Genes from such regions could contribute to the differences between indica and japonica and are likely to be involved in the diversifying selection under domestication. Their existence suggests that the amount of genetic variation within the single progenitor species Oryza rufipogon may be insufficient to account for the variation among rice cultivars, which may come from a more inclusive gene pool comprising most of the A‐genome wild species. Genes from the highly polymorphic regions also provide strong support for the independent domestication of the two subspecies. The genomic variation in rice has revealing implications for studying the genetic basis of indica‐japonica differentiation under rice domestication and subsequent improvement.  相似文献   

  • 1 The pecan nut casebearer Acrobasis nuxvorella Neunzig (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is an important, monophagous pest of pecan Carya illinoinensis (Fagales: Juglandaceae).
  • 2 This pest is native from Louisiana west to the eastern edge of New Mexico and north to Illinois in the U.S.A. and as far west as Chihuahua and south to Oaxaca in Mexico.
  • 3 Recently, this pest has expanded beyond the native range of pecan into regions where pecan has been introduced for cultivation.
  • 4 Amplified fragment length polymorphism markers were used to determine the population genetic structure of this insect pest across its current geographical distribution.
  • 5 Population genetic analyses indicate a great degree of genetic structure in the pecan nut casebearer across its geographical distribution, with genetically distinct populations occurring in those areas where the pecan nut casebearer is not native but has been invasive.

朱庆  张义正  孟祥军  刘益平 《遗传》2006,28(2):139-147
用20对微卫星引物对丝羽乌骨鸡BM、BF两个蛋用新品系的基因组DNA进行扩增,应用多重PCR结合全自动电泳技术分析群体遗传结构。试验结果表明:18个微卫星标记表现出丰富的多态性,每个标记平均检测到7.444个等位基因(3~15个),平均观测杂合度为0.3962,平均预期杂合度为0.7301,平均多态信息含量为0.669。本研究的标记检测结果比以前的研究报道值要高,说明全自动电泳分析技术比聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳结合银染法检测电泳结果的传统方法要精确,能更好地用于群体遗传结构的分析。   相似文献   

MHC及其在种群遗传学和保护遗传学中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
杨光  陈旭衍  任文华  严洁 《遗传》2002,24(6):712-714
主要组织相容性复合体(major histocompatibility complex,MHC)是脊椎动物体内与免疫应答调节密切相关的一个基因家族,是基因组中多态性最丰富的区域。通过MHC的遗传变异分析可以提供物种的遗传多样性水平、进化历史和种群动态,以及种群遗传结构等信息,并在濒危物种饲养繁殖种群的遗传管理中有重要应用。 MHC and Its Application in the Population and Conservation Genetics YANG Guang,CHEN Xu-yan,REN Wen-hua,YAN Jie Institute of Genetic Resources,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China Abstract:The major histocompatibility complex (MHC),with the highest genetic polymorphism,is a cluster of genes involved in immune response regulation in the vertebrates.MHC can provide information such as population genetic diversity,evolutionary history and population dynamics,and population genetic structure etc.It can also be applied in the captive breeding programme for endangered vertebrate species. Key words:major histocompatibility complex (MHC);genetic diversity,population viability;population genetic structure;captive breeding  相似文献   

基于线粒体控制区的滇金丝猴群体遗传学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
潘登  符云新  张亚平 《遗传》2006,28(4):432-436
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)是我国著名的濒危保护动物。迄今为止,关于滇金丝猴并基于DNA序列的的群体遗传学研究还没有报道。 本文测定了来自于云南省维西县滇金丝猴群体样本的线粒体控制区全序列以及部分个体的细胞色素b全序列。在排除了核线粒体假基因存在的可能性之后,滇金丝猴维西群体内部被确认存在着两个序列分歧较大的分枝。 即使如此,如果考虑到群体结构和迁移的影响,维西群体的遗传多样性水平可能并不高。


T. E. Kijima  Hideki Innan 《Genetics》2013,195(3):957-967
A population genetic simulation framework is developed to understand the behavior and molecular evolution of DNA sequences of transposable elements. Our model incorporates random transposition and excision of transposable element (TE) copies, two modes of selection against TEs, and degeneration of transpositional activity by point mutations. We first investigated the relationships between the behavior of the copy number of TEs and these parameters. Our results show that when selection is weak, the genome can maintain a relatively large number of TEs, but most of them are less active. In contrast, with strong selection, the genome can maintain only a limited number of TEs but the proportion of active copies is large. In such a case, there could be substantial fluctuations of the copy number over generations. We also explored how DNA sequences of TEs evolve through the simulations. In general, active copies form clusters around the original sequence, while less active copies have long branches specific to themselves, exhibiting a star-shaped phylogeny. It is demonstrated that the phylogeny of TE sequences could be informative to understand the dynamics of TE evolution.  相似文献   

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