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本文详细描述了尚未报道的特新蚤指名亚种Neopsyllaspecialisspecialis幼虫形态。它与新蚤属已描述的5种或亚种幼虫的鉴别特征是:1-3胸节腹板上后排主鬃列长鬃外侧有2个小鬃;破卵器的长宽比例,大颚的齿数和齿形,前后头刚毛的数目和长度,肛梳刚毛和支柱毛的数目。作者观察到特新蚤指名亚种幼虫第10背板上有感器一对,并又观察了4科9种或亚种蚤幼虫和Bartkowska(1965,1972),Kirjakova(1968)的描述,认为该特征可能是多毛蚤科幼虫的鉴别恃征之一。  相似文献   

本文首次描述了方叶栉眼蚤Ctenophthalmusquadratus幼虫的形态。它与栉眼蚤属已经描述的田栉眼蚤的鉴别特征是:破卵器前都较长,是后部的1.6-1.8倍,大颚的齿数和肛梳刚毛的数目。  相似文献   

本文详细描述了尚未报道的燕角叶蚤端突亚种Ceratophyllus farreni chaoi幼虫形态并与同属的禽角叶蚤欧亚亚种Ceratophyllus gallinae tribulis幼虫进行比较。 这两亚种的共同特征是:头部,1—3胸节,1—9腹节的毛序和感觉孔数目,肛柱形态,肛梳2列,第10腹节的感觉孔数目和腹面的刚毛数目。而其鉴别特征是:破卵器形态,大颚的齿数,1胸节至9腹节背板上前排感觉孔与前排鬃的位置,肛梳和肛柱的刚毛数目。  相似文献   

眼蚤属两种幼虫形态描述(蚤目:细蚤科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
关于细蚤科蚤类幼虫的形态,Elbel(1952),王敦清(1956)及叶瑞玉等(1982)已作过研究。但是,前凹眼蚤(Ophthalmopsylla jettmari)及角尖眼蚤指名亚种(O.praefectapraefecta)的幼虫形态,迄今国内外尚乏报告。为此,本文描述作者在室内饲养的两种蚤幼形态。此外,对国内细蚤科已知四种蚤—龄幼虫破卵器的形状也进行了比较。  相似文献   

棕形额蚤指名亚种幼虫形态及与同属蚤幼虫的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
漆一鸣  何晋侯 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):388-392
我国已描述的蚤幼虫约有50余种或亚种,而额蚤属幼虫已有5种或亚种:似升额蚤介中亚种FrontopsyllaelatoidesintermediaCai,Wu&Zhang,1987[1,2],似升额蚤指名亚种FrontopsyllaelatoideselatoidesWagner,1928[3],升额蚤指名亚种Frontopsyllaelatae-lata(JordanetRothschild,1915)[4],无棘鬃额蚤FrontopsyllaaspindermisLiu&Wu,1960[5]和前额蚤灰獭亚种FrontopsyllafrontalisbaibacinaJi,1979[2]。本文首次描述可疑的鼠疫媒介蚤种棕形额蚤指名亚种FrontopsyllaspadixSpadix(Jordan&Rothschild,1927)的幼虫形态,并与同…  相似文献   

前额蚤灰獭亚种幼虫形态的描述   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
肖柏林  李志仑 《昆虫学报》1993,36(3):375-378
本文对前额蚤灰獭亚种Frontopsylla frontalis baibacina Ji, 1979的幼虫形态进行了描述,并与同属似升额蚤介中亚种和无棘鬃额蚤的幼虫形态作了比较,其结果有共同点也有异点。  相似文献   

两种蚤的幼虫形态   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
肖柏林 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):250-253
关于蚤类幼虫形态的研究,进展比较缓慢,我国王敦清1956年首次描述7种蚤的幼虫形态以后,由柳支英,虞以新(1957),孙昌秀(1965),叶瑞玉(1982,1986),费荣中(1986)等学者先后共描述过约29种蚤的幼虫形态。到目前为止,我国已知蚤类幼虫形态约36种,隶属6科19属。本文描述未见报道的无棘鬃额蚤Frontopsylla aspiniformis Liu etWu(1960)和青海双蚤Amphipsylla qinghaiensis Ren et Ji(1979)两种蚤山幼虫形态。  相似文献   

朝鲜叉蚤一新亚种记述:(蚤目:多毛蚤科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文记述了采自湖北省神农架林区叉蚤属Doratopsylla的一新亚种,命名为朝鲜叉蚤湖北亚种,新亚种Doratopsylla coreana hubeiensis ssp.nov.标本存于湖北省医学科学院寄生虫病研究所。  相似文献   

描述了吴氏角叶蚤Ceratophyllus wui Wang et Liu 的幼虫形态,并与同属三种蚤幼虫作比较,标本采自湖北省西北部神农架海拔2 300 m 短嘴金丝燕四川亚种 Collocalia brevirostris innominata巢窝内。  相似文献   

蚤类的幼虫形态,我国迄今已报告15种,其中蚤科Pulicidae 3种,多毛蚤科Hystrichopsyliidae 4种,细蚤科Leptopsyllidae 2种,蝠蚤科Ischnopsyllidae 1种,角叶蚤科Oeratophyllidae 5种。而角叶蚤科的黄鼠蚤属Citellophilus目前已报告2种,即方形黄鼠蚤指名亚种C.t.tesquorum(1961)和三鬃黄鼠蚤巴湖亚种C.trispinus balkhaschensis(叶瑞玉等,1982)。我们在探索方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种C.tesquorum sungaris的生物学特征中,对它的幼虫形态进行了研究,并与同属2个亚种的幼虫形态相比较。  相似文献   

为探讨云南西北高原藏区小型兽类体表寄生蚤的生态位特征,根据海拔和地形等自然环境特点,在德钦县选取42个调查样点,划分为5个垂直带,4种生境,采用铗夜法和笼日法捕获小兽,梳捡其体表寄生蚤,运用生态位宽度指数(Bi)和生态位重叠指数(NO)对其生态位特征进行分析。结果:共梳捡寄生蚤1275头,隶属4科9亚科17属33种,其中迪庆额蚤和云南栉眼蚤为优势种,常见种12种,稀有种19种。在海拔资源轴上,Bi值前三分别是特新蚤德钦亚种0.698、棕形额蚤0.690、斯氏新蚤川滇亚种0.667;生境资源轴上,Bi值前三分别是:无值大锥蚤0.630、特新蚤指名亚种0.57、特新蚤德钦亚种0.537;寄主资源轴上,Bi值前三为绒鼠怪蚤0.584、迪庆额蚤0.567、棕形额蚤0.553;多维生态位宽度来看,特新蚤德钦亚种和迪庆额蚤Bi值较大,分别为1.031、1.019。海拔、生境、寄主生态位重叠指数中,有意义的重叠种对分别占比35.6%、39.39%、9.28%;完全不重叠的种对分别占比26.89%、18.56%、51.14%;完全重叠的种对分别占比2.27%、13.26%和0.19%。三种生态因子中,优势种和常见种的生态位宽度值较大,对资源的利用能力和竞争能力较强。不同生态因子的生态位重叠指数格局不同,与资源轴本身有关。有意义的重叠和完全不重叠的种对占比较多,前者多为优势种、常见种、稀有种两两之间重叠,重叠指数越高,竞争关系越激烈;完全不重叠的种对多为稀有种之间,无资源利用竞争关系。总体来说,德钦县小兽体表寄生蚤种类丰富,生态位分化较为均匀,本研究可为该地蚤传疾病的监测防控提供生态学依据。  相似文献   

Bochkov AV 《Parazitologiia》2000,34(6):534-538
The mites of genus Neharpyrhynchus Fain, 1972 (Acari: Harpirhynchidae) are recorded from Rissia for first time. Two species, N. hippolae sp. n. from Hippolais icterina (Passeriformes: Sylviidae) and N. plumaris (Fritsch) from Fringilla coelebs (Passeroformes: Fringillidae) from N. W. Russia was found. N. hippolae sp. n., female holotype (all measurements in mkm, abbreviations--see Fain e.a., 1999): L 517, W 382, LS 179, WS 325, PA 27, thicker than PI 49 and PE 24, pts smooth, vi, ve [symbol: see text] sci are subequal, about 94, l5 247; propodosomal shield not divided; anterior region of pronotum with rounded verrucosites; venter without scales; legs I-II with 2 free segments and strongly developed lobes at their bases; legs III-IV with one segment, bears 4 and 5 setae respectively (in paratypes number of these setae is variable, 4-5). Male: L 227-254, W 210-219, LS 129-134, WS 170-183, pts are smooth, ve 78-87, sci 83-90, sce 89-95, h 90-110; penis 49-56 long; legs III with 2 free segments, basal segment bears seta, apical segment with 5-6 setae; legs IV with one free segment, it bears 4-5 setae. The new species is closely related to N. pilirostris (Berlese et Trouessart, 1889) and distinguished by characters as follows. N. hippolae sp. n. (female): the setae PI about 2 times are longer than PA and PE; the apical segment of legs III-IV bears 4-5 setae. N. pilirostris: setae PA, PI [symbol: see text] PE are subequal; the apical segment of legs III-IV bears 4 setae only. N. plumaris differs from closely related species N. novoplumaris Moss e.a., 1968 by characters as follows. In female of N. plumaris, the setae PA are subequal to PE and 1.6-1.8 times shorter than PI. In N. novoplumaris, the setae PA shorter than PI and PE.  相似文献   

1979年7月至1980年3月,作者在云南云龙县的功果采集到蚊类标本一批,发现伊蚊属纷蚊亚属(Finlaya)一新种,特记述如下。 功果伊蚊Aedes (Finlaya) gonguoensis,新种 雌蚊 中型黑色蚊虫,翅长3.5—4.2毫米。 头部 头顶前部平覆深褐宽鳞,中央区和后部具白弯鳞;头顶后部和后头有黑色窄竖鳞,并杂有少数白竖鳞;有眶白鳞线;头侧大部平覆白色宽鳞,仅前部有一褐鳞区。触角梗节内侧有淡色鳞。唇基光裸;喙约为前股的1.1倍长,一致暗黑色;触须约为喙  相似文献   

Bochkov AV 《Parazitologiia》2001,35(2):149-154
A new species Syringophiloidus delichonum sp. n. (Acari: Syringophilidae) is described from quills of Delichon urbica (Hirundinidae) and S. glandarii (Fritsch, 1958) from Garrulus glandarius (Corvidae) is redescribed. Syringophiloidus glandarii, female: body length 650-680, width 160-180. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 11-14 chambers, lateral--with 2 chambers. All propodosomal setae slightly serrate. Length of setae: vi 33-36, ve 87-96, sci 150-180, sce 180-240, h 200-230, dl 210-230, d2 140-170, d4 25-32, d5 33-40, l1 190-210, l2 150-170, l4 250-280, l5 310-320, pg1 140-150, pg2 120-160, pg3 190-200, g1, g2 40-45, a1, a2 25-33. Male. Body length 500-520, width 150-170. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 13-14 chambers, lateral with 4 chambers. Length of setae: vi 32-36, ve 50-56, sci 74-80, sce 120-135, h 90-100, d1 135-140, d2 13-22, d5 20-22, l1 24-45, l2 13-22, l5 180-200, pg1 90-110, pg2 70-90. S. glandarii is closely related to S. presentalis Chirov et Kravsova, 1995. It is distinguished from the latter species by following characters. In female S. glandarii, setae vi, ve are thick and serrate, ve 87-96 in length. In female S. presentalis, setae vi, ve are thin and nude, ve 40-70 in length. Syringophiloidus delichonum sp. n., female (holotype): body length 900, width 135. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 8 chambers, lateral--with 1-2 chambers. All setae nude. Length of setae: vi 45, ve 90, sci 200, sce 200, h 225, d2 90, d4 35, d5 33, l1 140, l2 ?, 155-160 in paratypes, l4 230, l5 320, pg1 135, pg2 120, pg3 170, g1, g2 40, a1, a2 17. Male Body length 506, width 135. Peritremes: longitudinal branch with 9 chambers, lateral with 2 chambers. Length of setae; vi 33, ve 78, sci 90, sce 123, h 130, d1 135, d2 15, d5 17, l1 22, l2 15, l5 180, pg1 105, pg2 45. S. delichonum sp. n. is closely related to S. presentalis, but differs by following characters. In female S. delichonum sp. n., body length is 850-920; longitudinal branch of peritreme includes 6-8 chambers; setae ve 85-90 in length; in male, longitudinal branch of peritreme include 9 chambers. In female S. glandarii, body length 630-700; longitudinal branch of peritreme include 10-11 chambers; setae ve 40-70 in length; in male, longitudinal branch of peritreme include 11-13 chambers.  相似文献   

记述新恙螨属NeotrombiculaHirst ,192 5一新种 ,拟旱獭新恙螨Neotrombiculaparamarmotaesp .nov .,模式标本采自民和县的松田鼠PitymysireneThomas,1911体上。标本存放在青海省地方病防治研究所。量度单位均为 μm。  相似文献   

M Kavaliers  H Y Yang 《Peptides》1991,12(2):235-239
The effects of two endogenous mammalian FMRFamide (Phe-Met-Arg-Phe-NH2)-related peptides, an octapeptide F8Fa (Phe-Leu-Phe-Gln-Pro-Gln-Arg-Phe-NH2) and an octadecapeptide A18Fa (Ala-Gly-Glu-Gly-Leu-Ser-Ser-Pro-Phe-Trp-Ser-Leu-Ala-Pro-Gln-Arg-Phe-NH2 ), and IgG from serum against them on the responses to aggression and defeat-induced analgesia were examined in subordinate mice in "resident-intruder" pairings. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) administrations of F8Fa and A18Fa (0.10-10 micrograms) reduced, in a dose-dependent manner, the number of bites to obtain defeat in the subordinate mice during the agonistic encounters, as well as attenuating defeat-induced analgesia, with F8Fa having a greater inhibitory effect than A18Fa. Peripheral administration of naloxone (1.0 mg/kg) had a similar inhibitory effect on the number of bites to defeat and the level of defeat-induced analgesia. In contrast, ICV administrations of F8Fa-IgG and A18Fa-IgG antisera increased the number of bites to defeat and augmented the levels of defeat-induced analgesia, with F8Fa-IgG having a greater effect than A18Fa-IgG. These results provide further evidence that the peptides, F8Fa and A18Fa, are involved in the modulation of opioid-mediated analgesia accompanying biological stressors and suggest that these endogenous FMRF-NH2-related peptides may also be associated with the expression of opioid-sensitive components of aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

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