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Summary The stability determined by the systems ParD of plasmid R1 and Ccd of plasmid F is due to the concerted action of two proteins, a cytotoxin and an antagonist of this function. In this paper we report that CcdA and Kis proteins, the antagonists of the Ccd and ParD systems respectively, share significant sequence homologies at both ends. In Kis, these regions seem to correspond to two different domains. Despite the structural similarities, Kis and CcdA are not interchangeable. In addition we have shown that the cytotoxins of these systems, the Kid and CcdB proteins, do not share structural homologies. In contrast to CcdB, the Kid protein of the ParD system induces RecA-dependent cleavage of the cl repressor of bacteriophage very inefficiently or not at all. The functional implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We provide evidence that a mutation which derepresses an autoregulated system that is located in the vicinity of the basic replicon of R1, stabilizes the ParA- and ParB- miniplasmid of R1 pKN1562, without increasing its copy number. The system, which we have called ParD, maps inside the 1.45-kb PstI-EcoRI fragment that is adjacent to the origin of replication of the plasmid. Two protiens whose expression is coordinated are components of the system. The sequence of the PstI-EcoRI fragment was obtained. The wild-type ParD system determines in cis a basal but detectable stability.  相似文献   

Wang Z  Xiang L  Shao J  Wegrzyn G 《Plasmid》2007,57(3):265-274
ColE1 plasmid copy number was analyzed in relaxed (relA) and stringent (relA(+)) Escherichia coli cells after supplementation of culture media with adenosine monophosphate (AMP). When a relaxed E. coli strain bearing ColE1 plasmid was cultured in LB medium for 18 h and induced with AMP for 4h, the plasmid DNA yield was significantly increased, from 2.6 to 16.4 mgl(-1). However no AMP-induced amplification of ColE1 plasmid DNA was observed in the stringent host. Some plasmid amplification was observed in relA mutant cultures in the presence of adenosine, while adenine, ADP, ATP, ribose, potassium pyrophosphate and sodium phosphate caused a minor, if any, increase in ColE1 copy number. A mechanism for amplification of ColE1 plasmid DNA with AMP in relA mutant bacteria is suggested, in which AMP interferes with the aminoacylation of tRNAs, increases the abundance of uncharged tRNAs, and uncharged tRNAs promote plasmid DNA replication. According to this proposal, in relA(+) cells, the AMP induction could not increase ColE1 plasmid copy number because of lower abundance of uncharged tRNAs. Our results suggest that the induction with AMP can be used as an effective method of amplification of ColE1 plasmid DNA in relaxed strains of E. coli.  相似文献   

Weitao T  Dasgupta S  Nordström K 《Plasmid》2000,43(3):200-204
Fluorescence microscopy was used to determine the location(s) of the replication origin of plasmid R1 in exponentially growing cells of Escherichia coli. The number of oriR1 foci per cell was smaller than the number of R1 copies per cell and was found to be the same for a copA mutant of R1 and for the wild-type plasmid. The intensities of individual foci were stronger for the cop mutant than for the wild type. We interpreted these results to imply that the plasmid DNA molecules were localized in small groups/clusters, a result that seems contrary to the earlier observations that plasmid R1 replicates randomly and segregates as a single-copy unit. The implications for the quantitative behavior of plasmid R1 in stability, incompatibility tests, replication, and partition experiments are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The phenotype of Escherichia coli dnaA missense and nonsense mutations was integratively suppressed by plasmid R100-1. The suppressed strains, however, could not survive when the dnaA function was totally inactivated. This was demonstrated by the inability of replacing the dnaA allele in the suppressed strain by a dnaA::Tn10 insertion using phage P1-mediated transduction. When the intact dnaA + allele was additionally supplied by a specialized transducing phage, imm 21 dnaA +, which integrated at the att site on the E. coli chromosome, then the dnaA::Tn10 insertion, together with a oriC deletion, were able to be introduced into the suppressed strain. Thus, the mechanisms of dnaA function for oriC and for the replication origin of R100-1 may not be quite the same.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli minichromosomes are plasmids replicating exclusively from a cloned copy of oriC, the chromosomal origin of replication. They are therefore subject to the same types of replication control as imposed on the chromosome. Unlike natural plasmid replicons, minichromosomes do not adjust their replication rate to the cellular copy number and they do not contain information for active partitioning at cell division. Analysis of mutant strains where minichromosomes cannot be established suggest that their mere existence is dependent on the factors that ensure timely once per cell cycle initiation of replication. These observations indicate that replication initiation in E. coli is normally controlled in such a way that all copies of oriC contained within the cell, chromosomal and minichromosomal, are initiated within a fairly short time interval of the cell cycle. Furthermore, both replication and segregation of the bacterial chromosome seem to be controlled by sequences outside the origin itself.  相似文献   

Summary Escherichia coli Rl is an Ag+-resistant strain that, as we have shown recently, harbours at least two large plasmids, pJT1 (83 kb) and pJT2 (77 kb). Tn5-Mob was introduced into theE. coli Rl host replicon via conjugation on membrane filters. The transfer functions of plasmid RP4-4 were provided in this process and Tn5-Mob clones mated withE. coli C600 yielded Ag+-resistant transconjugants. This mobilization procedure allowed transfer and expression of pJT1 Ag+ resistance inE. coli C600. Prior to use of Tn5-Mob mobilization, it was not possible to transfer Ag+-resistant determinant(s) intoE. coli by conjugation or transformation including high-voltage electroporation.E. coli C600 containing PJTI and PJT2 displayed decreased accumulation of Ag+ similar toE. coli R1.E. coli C600 could not tolerate 0.1 and 0.5 mM Ag+, rapidly accumulated Ag+ and became non-viable. Tn5-Mob mobilization may be useful in the study of metal resistance in bacteria, especially in strains not studied for resistance mechanisms.  相似文献   

Summary We cloned the pem segment of plasmid R100 containing the two genes pemI and pemK, which are responsible for stable maintenance of R100 in dividing cells, into pHS1, a temperature-sensitive replication mutant of plasmid pSC101. We then examined the effect of the pem system on the maintenance of the resultant pem + plasmid pDOM17 in various Escherichia coli host strains upon inhibition of replication of the plasmid at a high temperature. We show that the pem + plasmid was maintained stably in the cell population and efficiently in the two hosts, km1213 (polA ts) and KP64 (recA), but less efficiently in others, such as W3110, C600, P3478 (polA), and SH2743 (sfiA sfiC); the rate of cell growth was reduced at or after the time when the copy number of pDOM17 was supposed to be 0 in all of the hosts examined. We also show that a large fraction of the non-viable pDOM17-free segregant cells was produced in the former two hosts, while a smaller fraction of such cells was produced in the latter hosts, in which cell division was inhibited for several generations. Based on these results and other observations, we point out that the pemK gene product has the function not to kill the plasmid-free segregant cells, but primarily to inhibit division of these segregants. Inhibition of cell division secondarily leads to death of the plasmid-free segregants very efficiently in the two particular hosts, resulting in an apparently more stable maintenance of the pem + plasmid in these two hosts than in others.  相似文献   

In the context of recombinant DNA technology, the development of feasible and high-yielding plasmid DNA production processes has regained attention as more evidence for its efficacy as vectors for gene therapy and DNA vaccination arise. When producing plasmid DNA in Escherichia coli, a number of biological restraints, triggered by plasmid maintenance and replication as well as culture conditions are responsible for limiting final biomass and product yields. This termed "metabolic burden" can also cause detrimental effects on plasmid stability and quality, since the cell machinery is no longer capable of maintaining an active metabolism towards plasmid synthesis and the stress responses elicited by plasmid maintenance can also cause increased plasmid instability. The optimization of plasmid DNA production bioprocesses is still hindered by the lack of information on the host metabolic responses as well as information on plasmid instability. Therefore, systematic and on-line approaches are required not only to characterise this "metabolic burden" and plasmid stability but also for the design of appropriate metabolic engineering and culture strategies. The monitoring tools described to date rapidly evolve from laborious, off-line and at-line monitoring to online monitoring, at a time-scale that enables researchers to solve these bioprocessing problems as they occur. This review highlights major E. coli biological alterations caused by plasmid maintenance and replication, possible causes for plasmid instability and discusses the ability of currently employed bioprocess monitoring techniques to provide information in order to circumvent metabolic burden and plasmid instability, pointing out the possible evolution of these methods towards online bioprocess monitoring.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro mutagenesis with hydroxylamine of a ParD- miniderivative of R1, pAB174, yielded mutants that were less stable in the cell than pAB174. Some of these mutants had a thermosensitive phenotype. The replication of pAB2623, one of the thermosensitive mutants, was inhibited in the cell at the restrictive temperature of 42° C. The efficiency of the RepA protein of pAB2623 to promote replication of R1 in an in vitro assay was greatly reduced. Sequence analysis indicated that the repA gene of pAB2623 contains, close to its 3 end, two GC-AT transitions, separated by a single base, that change two consecutive codons of the gene. These results indicate that the phenotype of the mutant is the consequence of a mutated RepA protein and is consistent with the requirement of RepA for the in vivo replication of this plasmid.  相似文献   

Summary A 2 m DNA-like plasmid, pSR1, isolated from a strain of Zygosaccharomyces rouxii has three coding frames, P, S and R. Insertional inactivation of R completely abolished the intramolecular recombination, and the defect was complemented by an intact R frame on a coexistent plasmid molecule. The P and S regions were also transactive and important, but not essential, for the stable maintenance of the plasmid molecules. Insertional disruption of the P frame suggested that it produces a protein factor. Similar insertional disruption of the S frame affected the plasmid stability in Z. rouxii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae hosts differently, depending on whether the inserted DNA fragment was a short 8 bp SalI linker or a long (2.2 kb) DNA fragment. Results strongly suggested that the S region encodes two factors, one RNA and the other a protein, and that the S protein is compatible with a sprecific hostfactor in Z. rouxii, but not in S. cerevisiae. In addition, a cis-acting locus, Z, was found at a site in the plasmid molecule where no distinct open reading frames were located. No long direct repeats or inverted repeats were observed in the Z region, such as are found in the REP3 locus of 2 m DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The seg-3 mutant Escherichia coli does not support the maintenance of mini-F plasmid at 42° C. We cloned the chromosomal DNA segment of the wild-type strain W3110 that complements the Seg phenotype of this mutant. Cleavage mapping of this segment showed that it was derived from the 76-min region of the E. coli chromosome map. Complementation tests using plasmids carrying subcloned DNA segments suggested that the seg-3 mutant carried two mutations that additively affected the maintenance of mini-F plasmid; one was in the ugpA gene and the other was presumably in the rpoH gene. We generated a disrupted ugpA null mutant and found that the mini-F plasmid was unstable in this ugpA null mutant even at 30° C. This suggests that the ugpA gene product is required for the stable maintenance of mini-F plasmid.  相似文献   

Summary We found that a 1.4 kb fragment of the F factor of Escherichia coli (coordinates 62.8–64.2) considerably increased the stable inheritance of different plasmids which carried it. The fragment has a 589 bp DNA sequence (coordinates 63.3–63.9) with extensive homology to the parB locus of plasmid RI and, probably like the parB region, ensures the presence of plasmids in bacterial populations by killing those cells which have lost the plasmid.  相似文献   

Summary A technique is presented by which mutations can be introduced into the Escherichia coli chromosome by gene replacement between the chromosome and a plasmid carrying the mutant gene. The segregational instability of plasmids in E. coli is used with high efficiency to isolate E. coli mutants. The method should be applicable to construction of mutants for any E. coli chromosomal gene provided it is dispensable, and for any E. coli strain provided it is capable of homologous recombination. The use of the method was demonstrated by constructing E. coli mutants for the glycogen branching enzyme gene (glgB) and the -galactosidase gene (lacZ). The results show that recombination occurs via a reciprocal mechanism indicating that the method should, in a slightly modified form, also be useful in transferring chromosomal mutations onto multicopy plasmids in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary A large (>250 kb) conjugative plasmid, pMER610, specifying resistance to tellurium and mercury was isolated from an Alcaligenes strain and transferred by conjugation to Escherichia coli AB1157. The acquisition of pMER610 by AB1157 increased the resistance to both tellurite and tellurate by 100-fold. Expression of tellurite resistance by pMER610 and the cloned Ter determinant was inducible by prior exposure to tellurite at levels sub-toxic to the sesitive AB1157. Physical analysis of the cloned Ter fragment located the resistance determinant to a 3.55 kb region. Insertion of Tn 1000 () into this region produced two classes of sensitive mutations, fully sensitive and intermediate or hyposensitive, which map in adjacent regions and form two complementation groups. Maxicell analysis identified four polypeptides (15.5, 22, 23 and 41 kDa) expressed by the Ter clone. The 23 kDa polypeptide may not be required for resistance since tellurium-sensitive insertion mutations were not detected in the 23 kDa coding region.  相似文献   

Summary At least ten polypeptides larger than 6 kilodaltons (K) are produced in minicells from the miniplasmid pSM1 in vivo. pSM1 (5804 bp) is a small derivative of the drug resistance plasmid R100 (ca. 90 kb) and carries the R100 essential replication region as well as some non-essential functions. Cloned restriction fragments of pSM1 and plasmids with deletions within pSM1 sequences were used to assign eight of the ten oberserved polypeptides to specific coding regions of pSM1. Two of these polypeptides were identified as RepA1 and RepA2, proteins encoded by the essential replication region of pSM1/R100. The nucleotide sequence consisting of 885 bp outside the essential replication region is presented here. This sequence contains an open reading frame,orf4, for a protein 22.9 K in size, and one of the pSM1-encoded polypeptides was identified as theorf4 gene product. Five additional polypeptides were shown to be the products of other open reading frames mapping outside the essential replication region. Specific functions have been assigned to four of these polypeptides and tentatively to the fifth.  相似文献   

Increasing reports of multidrug resistance conferred by conjugative plasmids of Enterobacteriaceae necessitate a better understanding of their evolution. One such group is the narrow-host-range IncI1 plasmid type, known for their ability to carry genes encoding resistance to extended-spectrum beta lactamases. The focus of this study was to perform comparative sequencing of IncI1 plasmids from porcine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), isolated irrespective of antimicrobial susceptibility phenotype. Five IncI1 plasmids of porcine ETEC origin and one IncI1 plasmid from a Salmonella enterica serovar Kentucky isolate from a healthy broiler chicken were sequenced and compared to existing IncI1 plasmid sequences in an effort to better understand the overall genetic composition of the IncI1 plasmid lineages. Overall, the sequenced porcine ETEC IncI1 plasmids were divergent from other sequenced IncI1 plasmids based upon multiple means of inferred phylogeny. High occurrences of IncI1 and IncA/C plasmid-associated genes and the blaTEM and blaCMY-2 beta lactamase genes were observed among porcine ETEC. However, the presence of blaTEM and blaCMY-2 did not strongly correlate with IncI1 plasmid possession, suggesting that these plasmids in porcine ETEC are not primarily associated with the carriage of such resistance genes. Overall, this work suggests a conservation of the IncI1 plasmid backbone among sequenced plasmids with a single locus for the acquisition of accessory genes, such as those associated with antimicrobial resistance. Furthermore, the high occurrence of IncI1 and IncA/C plasmids among clinical E. coli from commercial swine facilities is indicative of extensive horizontal gene transfer among porcine ETEC.  相似文献   

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