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The mechanism of inhibition of polypeptide synthesis by the addition of a tRNA fraction in a rat liver cell-free system was studied. The inhibition was found to occur at the step of aminoacyl-tRNA binding to ribosomes, in which aminoacyl-tRNA's were mainly responsible for the inhibition. The addition of EF-1 decreased the inhibition by the tRNA fraction. The tRNA fraction inhibited polypeptide synthesis in a polysome-S100 system under conditions in which poly U- and poly A-dependent polypeptide syntheses were not inhibited. The possibility that the aminoacyl-tRNA inhibitory activity functions through improper binding to the ribosomes in the polysome-S100 system is discussed.  相似文献   

The present report reviews our findings on the subcellular distribution of albumin mRNA in rat liver under normal and abnormal physiologic conditions, the identification of albumin mRNA in specific mRNP complexes in liver cytosol of starved rats, and evidence for albumin mRNA sequences in a higher molecular weight nuclear precursor to cytoplasmic albumin mRNA.  相似文献   

A pathway for the synthesis of dimethyl seledine from sodium selenite was studied in rat liver and kidney fractions under anaerobic conditions in the presence of GSH, a NADPH-generating system, and S-adenosylmethionine. Chromatography of liver or kidney soluble fraction on Sephadex G-75 yielded a Fraction C (30 000 molecular weight) which synthesized dimethyl selenide, but at a low rate. Addition of proteins eluting at the void volume (Fraction A) to Fraction C restored full activity. Fractionation of Fraction A on DEAE-cellulose revealed that its ability to stimulate Fraction C was associated with two fractions, one containing glutathione reductase and the other a NADPH-dependent disulfide reductase. It was concluded that Fraction C contains a methyltransferase acting on small amounts of hydrogen selenide produced non-enzymically by the reaction of selenite with GSH, and that stimulation by Fraction A results partly from the NADPH-linked formation of hydrogen selenide catalyzed by glutathione reductase present in Fraction A. Washed liver microsomal fraction incubated with selenite plus 20 mM GSH also synthesized dimethyl selenide, but addition of soluble fraction stimulated activity. A synergistic effect was obtained when liver soluble fraction was added to microsomal fraction in the presence of a physiological level of GSH (2 mM), whereas at 20 mM GSH the effect was merely additive. The microsomal component of the liver system was labile, had maximal activity around pH 7.5, and was exceedingly sensitive to NaAsO2 (93% inhibition by 10?6 M arsenite in the presence of a 20 000-fold excess of GSH). The microsomal activity apparently results from a Se-methyltransferase, possibly a dithiol protein, that methylates hydrogen selenide produced enzymically by the soluble fraction or non-enzymically when a sufficiently high concentration of GSH is used.  相似文献   

Conditions were investigated for demonstrating the synthesis in vitro of the complete molecule of cytochrome c by isolated liver microsomal systems from partially hepatectomized rats. It was first found that in vivo the early labelled cytochrome c associated with the microsomal fraction required, by comparison with the mitochondrial pool, more drastic conditions of extraction and its binding was less affected by freezing and thawing of the subcellular particles. The procedure of extraction and purification of cytochrome c had to be modified accordingly, to assure the recovery of the recently synthesized molecule. Several subcellular fractions were isolated from regenerating liver with a homogenization medium containing either 5 or 10mm-Mg(2+) and most of them were active in the synthesis of the cytochrome c apoprotein. The microsomal fraction, in the presence of either cell sap or pH5.0 fraction, was also able to incorporate [(59)Fe]haemin, delta-amino[(3)H]laevulic acid and (55)Fe into the prosthetic group of cytochrome c. These experiments confirm firmly the conclusions of our previous results obtained in vivo showing that both the apoprotein and the haem moieties are made and linked together on cytoplasmic ribosomes and only then is the complete molecule transferred to the mitochondria.  相似文献   

A pathway for the synthesis of dimethyl selenide from sodium selenite was studied in rat liver and kidney fractions under anaerobic conditions in the presence of GSH, a NADPH-generating system, and S-adenosylmethionine. Chromatography of liver or kidney soluble fraction on Sephadex G-75 yielded a Fraction C (30,000 molecular weight) which synthesized dimethyl selenide, but at a low rate. Addition of proteins eluting at the void volume (Fraction A) to Fraction C restored full activity. Fractionation of Fraction A on DEAE-cellulose revealed that its ability to stimulate Fraction C was associated with two fractions, one containing glutathione reductase and the other a NADPH-dependent disulfide reductase. It was concluded that Fraction C contains a methyltransferase acting on small amounts of hydrogen selenide produced non-enzymically by the reaction of selenite with GSH, and that stimulation by Fraction A results partly from the NADPH-linked formation of hydrogen selenide catalyzed by glutathione reductase present in Fraction A. Washed liver microsomal fraction incubated with selenite plus 20 mM GSH also synthesized dimethyl selenide, but addition of soluble fraction stimulated activity. A synergistic effect was obtained when liver soluble fraction was added to microsomal fraction in the presence of a physiological level of GSH (2 mM), whereas at 20 mM GSH the effect was merely additive. The microsomal component of the liver system was labile, had maximal activity around pH 7.5, and was exceedingly sensitive to NaAsO2 (93% inhibition by 10(-6) M arsenite in the presence of a 20,000-fold excess of GSH). The microsomal activity apparently results from a Se-methyltransferase, possibly a dithiol protein, that methylates hydrogen selenide produced enzymically by the soluble fraction or non-enzymically when a sufficiently high concentration of GSH is used.  相似文献   

Citrinin, a fungal metabolite known as an antibiotic, strongly inhibited the labeled acetate incorporation into nonsaponifiable lipids by a cell-free system from rat liver but not the labeled mevalonate incorporation. Of the enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis, two enzymes, acetoacetyl-CoA thiolase (EC and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase (EC, were specifically inhibited by the antibiotic. The concentration required for 50% inhibition was 0.2 mM for the former enzyme and 0.5 mM for the latter. Essentially the same results were obtained with a cell-free system from yeast although higher concentrations of the antibiotic were required for inhibition.  相似文献   

Hyaluronic acid synthesis in a cell-free system from rat fibrosarcoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A transplantable rat fibrosarcoma (in both ascites and solid forms) has been shown to contain and synthesize large amounts of hyaluronic acid. A particulate hyaluronic acid synthesizing system has been isolated from the solid fibrosarcoma and some characteristics of the enzyme system are detailed. The enzyme complex transferred GlcUA or GlcNAc from UDP-GlcUA or UDP-GlcNAc at a rate of approximately 60 nmole/hr/mg protein to extend hyaluronic acid chains by approximately 45,000 daltons.  相似文献   

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