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Six trees of the palm species Attalea phalerata Mart. were sampled during high water (aquatic phase) of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso (February 2001), by canopy fogging. The composition, structure, and biomass of the arthropod community associated with their canopies were analysed, as well as the influence the flood pulse renders on it. Each tree was fogged once, followed by three consecutive collections. A total of 63,657 arthropods (643.0 +/-; 259.87 ind./m(2)) were collected, representing 25 orders in the classes Insecta, Arachnida, Diplopoda and Crustacea. The dominant groups were Acari (40.0%; 257.2 +/- 116.50 ind./m(2)), Coleoptera (12.0%; 77.5 +/- 64.93 ind./m(2)), Psocoptera (9.2%; 59.0 +/- 38.00 ind./m(2)), Diptera (8.4%; 54.1 +/- 18.72 ind./m(2)), Collembola (8.3%; 53.4 +/- 26.24 ind./m(2)) and Hymenoptera (7.9%; 50.6 +/- 21.40 ind./m(2)), the latter mostly represented by Formicidae (49.2%). Arthropod biomass amounted to 8.86 g dry weight and 0.18 mg/m(2). Coleoptera, Blattodea, Orthoptera, Araneae and Hymenoptera were the most representative taxa. The hydrological regime (flood pulse), as well as seasonality, appear to strongly affect the composition and structure of this canopy community.  相似文献   


Premise of research

A large number of fossil coryphoid palm wood and fruits have been reported from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India. We document the oldest well-preserved and very rare costapalmate palm leaves and inflorescence like structures from the same horizon.


A number of specimens were collected from Maastrichtian–Danian sediments of the Deccan Intertrappean beds, Ghughua, near Umaria, Dindori District, Madhya Pradesh, India. The specimens are compared with modern and fossil taxa of the family Arecaceae.

Pivotal results

Sabalites dindoriensis sp. nov. is described based on fossil leaf specimens including basal to apical parts. These are the oldest coryphoid fossil palm leaves from India as well as, at the time of deposition, from the Gondwana- derived continents.


The fossil record of coryphoid palm leaves presented here and reported from the Eurasian localities suggests that this is the oldest record of coryphoid palm leaves from India and also from the Gondwana- derived continents suggesting that the coryphoid palms were well established and wide spread on both northern and southern hemispheres by the Maastrichtian–Danian. The coryphoid palms probably dispersed into India from Europe via Africa during the latest Cretaceous long before the Indian Plate collided with the Eurasian Plate.  相似文献   

Eleutherodactylus olivaceus sp. n., a member of the E. unistrigatus group is described. The new species is known from montane rainforests of the Departamento Cochabamba, Bolivia, as well as from lowland rainforest of the Departamento Madre de Dios, Perú. E. olivaceus is mainly characterized by its predominantly olive green dorsal color and a papilla on the tip of the snout. Advertisement call and habitat of E. olivaceus are described. The occurrence of Eleutherodactylus mendax in Bolivia is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Bankoualé Palm, Livistona carinensis is the only known species of Livistona occurring in Africa and is currently classified as vulnerable (IUCN 2004). This extreme outlier species of the genus is restricted to Yemen, Somalia and Djibouti, where all populations are in rapid decline. In Djibouti the palm is confined to three valley systems within the upland plateau of the Goda Massif. This study used microsatellite markers to investigate the genetic diversity and relationships within the species. At the species level L. carinensis contained very low genetic diversity. Most variation was due to the variation between the samples from Yemen and Somalia compared with those in Djibouti. The Djibouti populations were almost monomorphic across the nine loci tested. Interestingly, and despite the small sample sizes, the individuals from botanic gardens collections of the Yemen and Somalia populations were more genetically diverse than the Djibouti populations. This study indicates that the populations in Yemen and Somalia are highly significant for the conservation of the species genetic diversity. Given the lack of genetic diversity both within and among L. carinensis populations in Djibouti, plants could be cultivated for in-situ population enhancement from any seed that is available from within Djibouti with no significant genetic impacts of provenance mismatch. Clearly the populations from Djibouti, Somalia and Yemen are different genetic provenances raising some issues for the conservation and recovery of L. carinensis.  相似文献   

This paper describes the leaf anatomy of Sabal mauritiiformis (Karst.) Griseb. & H. Wendl., Sabal mexicana Mart. and Sabal yapa Wright ex Becc., three of the four most representative species of the Yucatán Península, in Mexico. These species are locally used: in the roofing of traditional homes, as food (fruits and apical buds), and in the production of hats, brooms and handicrafts. Leaf samples were collected in secondary growth of lower montane rainforest in the state of Quintana Roo and in two home gardens in the state of Yucatán. Herbarium samples were obtained, and samples of blade and petiole were fixed in formaline-acetic acid-alcohol. Cross incisions were made on the blade and petiole, and were dyed with safranin and toluidine blue O. The results show that S. mauritiiformis and S. yapa are morphologically alike: both are tall, slim palm trees; the leaf in S. mauritiiformis is a shorter palm-like structure compared with the other two species. The shape of the main nerve, as seen in cross section, is rectangular in the three species. The hastula in the three species is acuminate and adaxial. The foliar anatomic structure is similar in the three species, although there are some differences. The adaxial an abaxial epidermis of the blade consist of one layer and, superficially, the anticlinal walls are straight; the stomata are intercostal, of the tetracytic type, present on both surfaces in S. mexicana and S. yapa and only on the abaxial surface on S. mauritiiformis. The hypodermis is one layer thick in S. yapa and in S. mexicana and two layers thick in S. mauritiiformis. In the three species the palisade parenchyma consists of several undefined strata as the cells are similar-in shape and size--to the cells in the spongy parenchyma, so there is no marked difference between these strata and the spongy parenchyma seems almost continuous. Both fibrous and vascular bundles are distributed between the hypodermis and the palisade parenchyma; the fiber bundles can be found towards the abaxial surface while the vascular and fiber bundles are located towards the adaxial surface. The fibers, in the three species, are elongated, with the pointed tips, undivided and unseptated. One to three wide vessels of metaxilem can be seen in the vascular bundles, those in S. yapa being the widest in diameter. The vascular bundles are surrounded by thick fiber sheaths which come in pairs. The anatomic structure of the petiole is similar to that of the blade, and is characterized by the many vascular and fiber bundles dispersed in the parenchymatous tissue, and which are very resistant. The histological structure of the blade and petiole reflects strength and flexibility, qualities which make these plants adequate in the construction of roofs for rural housing and other buildings.  相似文献   

H. P. Gandhi 《Hydrobiologia》1959,14(2):130-146
Synopsis In these notes the Diatom community of fountain-reservoirs of the Victoria garden is systematically examined and some remarks on their ecology, occurrence and distribution are given. From the observations and the halobion data available, due to extensive and valuable researches done by Hustedt, Petersen, Foged and others, it is concluded here from the occurrence of Diatom-floral types that the water of these reservoirs have a high chloride-contents. This fact is also corroborated from the water-analysis-data available from the Asstt. Officer-in-charge Public Health Laboratory, Municipal Corporation, Ahmedabad.  相似文献   

A new depsidone 1′-chloropannarin has been isolated from the lichen Argopsis friesiana Müll. Arg. and synthesized by chlorination of pannarin. A revised structure of pannarin, and notes on the chemical constitution of Argopsis friesiana Mill. Arg. A. megalospora Th. Fr., are given.  相似文献   

Notes on the Poaceae of the Robinson Crusoe (Juan Fernández) Islands, Chile, Brittonia 54: 154–163. 2001.—Poaceae in the Robinson Crusoe (=Juan Fernández) Islands number 53 species in 32 genera, of which 9% of the species are endemic, 9% indigenous, and 81% adventitious. The endemic taxa (and their conservation status) are:Agrostis masafuerana (rare),Chusquea fernandeziana (not endangered),Megalachne berteroana (not endangered),M. masafuerana (not endangered), andPodophorus bromoides (extinct).Megalachne andPodophorus are endemic genera. Comparisons with Poaceae in the Bonin and Volcano Islands, Canary Islands, Galápagos Islands, and Hawaiian Islands show different levels of endemism: number of endemic taxa, respectively, 5, 10, 12, 40; percent specific endemism, 8, 6, 21, 19. No endemic genera occur.Anthoxanthum odoratum, Avena barbata andHordeum murinum are noxious weeds in the Robinson Crusoe Islands. Many adventives are shared among floras of the archipelagos, with the highest ties of Robinson Crusoe being to the Canaries (53% of total Poaceae known in Juan Fernández) and the Hawaiian Islands (47%). Low levels of adventives occur within the Bonin (5%) and Galápagos (7%) Islands. In contrast, there are many endemic genera of Asteraceae in these same archipelagos: Bonin and Volcano Islands (1), Canary Islands (8), Galápagos Islands (5), and Hawaiian Islands (6); percent of specific endemism is also higher (20, 53, 54 and 56, respectively). Hypotheses for greater levels of endemics among oceanic island Asteraceae include more efficient dispersal mechanisms by wind and birds, animal pollination systems that result in greater degrees of geographic populational genetic isolation, and a vascular cambium that offers enhanced growth-form evolutionary opportunities.  相似文献   

(1) Clematis taiwaniana Hayata, C. grata Wall. var. ryukiuensis Tamura, C . sikkimensis (Hook. f. & Thoms. ) Drumm. ex Burkill, C. connata DC. var. bipinnata M. Y. Fang, C. kilungensis W. T. Wang & M. Y. Fang etc. are reduced to synonymy. (2) New classifications for sect. Tubulosae Decne., C. siamensis Drumm. & Craib and C. connata DC. are proposed. (3) 3 series, 3 species and 4 varieties are described as new. (4) 6 new combinations and 3 newranks are made.  相似文献   

( 1 ) Some taxonomical problems of the genus Clematis mainly about misidentifications are discussed, and some treatments including the reinstatement of Clematis montana var. brevifoliola Kuntze, C. apiifolia var. biternata Makino, C. subumbellata Kurz, C. goudotiana Planch. & Triana, C. insidiosa Baill., C. kockiana Schneid. and C. longicauda A. Rich., and the reduction of subsect. Africanae M. Johnson, C. umbellifera Gagnep., C. pubescens Benth., C. rhodocarpa Rose, C. edentata Baker, C. stoltzi Engler, C. tibetana ssp. vernayi var. dentata Grey-Wilson, C. clarkeana var. stenophylla Hand.-Mazz., C. subfalcata Pei ex M.Y. Fang, C. angustifoliola W. T. Wang, C. dasyandra var. polyantha Finet & Gagnep. etc are given. (2) The new diagnoses for the two subsections of the sect. Meclatis are provided; C. sericea H.B. K. ex DC. and C. grossa Benth. are treated as two varieties of one species; and a new classification of the infraspecific taxa of C. hirsuta Perr & Guill. is made. (3) one subsection, one series, eight species and one variety are described as new. (4) The new occurrences of C. montana var. brevifoliola Kuntze in southern Xizang, China, Nepal, Bhutan and northern Myanmar, C. burmanica Lace in southwestern Yunnan, C. armandii Franch. in Assam, India and northern Myanmar,and C. yui W. T. Wang in northern Myanmar are reported.  相似文献   

(1) The evolutionary trends of sepals and stamens of the genus Clematis are discussed; (2) New classifications for sect. Cheiropsis DC. and sect. Aspidanthera Spach are proposed; (3) One subsection, 13 series, 5 species and 4 varieties are described as new; (4) Six new ranks and2 new combinations are made.  相似文献   

In situ sampling of gas from cod swim-bladders took place during a fortnight's saturation mission with the underwater laboratory Helgoland in May–June 1975. These samples were compared to those done by the conventional method of transporting the fish to the surface for sampling. Based upon these in-situ measurements, the mean O2-concentration was 55.7% in buoyant cod at 15 m depth. Repeated sampling of the same fish showed a change in gas composition. Compared to the conventional method of transporting fish for sampling to the surface, in-situ sampling gave results with less variation, and indicated that surface-sampling does not give the correct gas composition of buoyant fish at depth of catch.  相似文献   

(1) The systematic positions of Clematis potaninii Maxim., C . heynei Rau, C. trichotoma Nakai, C. apiculata Hook. f. & Thoms, C. theobromina Dunn, C. sigensis Engler,C. hedysarifolia DC., and C. dissecta Baker, and the specific status of C. trifida Hook, C.pimpinellifolia Hook., C. oligophylla Hook., and Clematopsis lineariloba Hutch. are discussed; (2) New classifications for Clematis parviloba Gardn. & Champ., C. puberula Hook. f. & Thoms., and sect. Naraveliopsis Hand.-Mazz. are provided; (3) Clematis subsect. Potaninianae M. Johnson, C. heynei M. Johnson, C. petelotii Gagnep. and some other names are reduced to synonymy; (4) Two subsections, 4 series, 4 species, and 4 varieties are described as new; (5)Four new ranks and 4 new combinations are made.  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Cantonius (Procantonius) austrisinicus sp. n. from Southern China (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Guangdon Province) is described. Lectotypes of Cantonius obesus...  相似文献   

The evaluation of the growth patterns and reproductive strategies of fish species are vitally important for the understanding of their biology and the management of stocks. The present study focused on the Amazonian electric eel (Electrophorus electricus), which is capable of producing an electrical discharge of up to 800 V. Specimens were collected on a monthly schedule from a floodplain in the eastern Amazon basin. The gonads of these specimens were examined, and the sex ratio, growth parameters, population structure, body size at first gonadal maturation, and the gonadosomatic index were determined. A balanced sex ratio was found. Males were larger than females, and both sexes presented isometric growth, which is unusual in species with an elongated anatomy. This isometry may be related to the reduction of the coelomic cavity, and its position near the head. The spawning period coincided with the start of the rainy season, and continued until high water, with the variation in gonadal development following the fluctuations in precipitation and river water levels. The asymptotic body length in both sexes was relatively large, and was inversely related to the growth coefficient (k), with a slower growth rate being recorded in the males. Mortality rates were relatively low in comparison with most species of tropical fish. The larger size of the male may be related to their role in parental care, and sexual selection on the part of the females. These findings may be important for the management of wild stocks, as well as captive rearing.  相似文献   

Myrmecia dispar (Clark) is found in the drier inland areas of New South Wales and southern Queensland in Australia. Its nests, which are situated adjacent to trees, have a distinctive structure of simple architecture. The composition of the colonies varies seasonally with little or no brood production during the colder months. Colony founding probably takes place in March, April, and/or May. Several myrmecophiles are found in nests ofM. dispar, and some of these are present in relatively large numbers.  相似文献   

A floristic inventory of woody plants was conducted in the tropical forest vegetation of Indigenous Territory and National Park Isiboro-Sécure, Bolivia. All stems with a diameter at breast height ≥2.5 cm were sampled in two terra firme and two floodplain 0.1 ha forest transects, resulting in a total of 447 species and 1,564 individuals. Results correspond fairly well with other Bolivian and neotropical studies in terms of species distribution patterns, physiognomy, family distribution, growth forms, as well as species and family richness. Our finding that only 6% of all species occurred in all four transects, while 69% was found in only one transect, supports the hypothesis that Amazonian plant communities are dominated by a limited set of species, whereas the large majority of species follows a patchy distribution. However, Fisher’s Alpha index values were much higher than was expected from literature data. It is hypothesized that this might be related to high local precipitation levels and/or natural and (historical) anthropogenic disturbance regimes. Although much more research is necessary, our results suggest that TIPNIS represents a strongly underestimated local center of plant diversity.  相似文献   

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