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This research provides the first evidence of dispersal of bryophytes and associated microorganisms through ingestion by a highly mobile vertebrate vector, the spectacled flying fox (Pteropus conspicillatus). Bryophyte fragments were found in faeces collected at four P. conspicillatus’ camps in the Wet Tropics bioregion, northeastern Australia. These fragments were viable when grown in culture; live invertebrates and other organisms were also present. Our study has significantly increased understanding of the role of flying foxes as dispersal vectors in tropical forests.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 1,544 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) collected in nine southeastern states were examined for leptospiral antibodies. Significant titers of 1:100 or greater were found in 292 deer. The highest prevalence of leptospiral antibodies was in Virginia, where 108 of 351 deer had significant titers. The most frequently encountered serotypes of Leptospira interrogans were: grippotyphosa (210 positive), pomona (81), and canicola (26). Other serotypes disclosed were australis (15), icterohaemorrhagiae (10), pyrogenes (6), tarassovi (hyos) (5), georgia (4), ballum (4), sejroe (3), bataviae (2) and autumnalis (2).  相似文献   

狐蝠对森林生态系统的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
翼手目 (Chiroptera)为真正能飞翔的哺乳动物 ,现存 19科 110 7种 ,分别属于小蝙蝠亚目 (Microchiroptera)和大蝙蝠亚目 (Megachiroptera) ;其中大蝙蝠又称旧大陆狐蝠或果蝠 (flyingfox) ,分布在热带和亚热带地区 ,仅狐蝠科 188种 ,我国自然分布有 9种。部分地区因栖息地丧失和过度捕杀导致狐蝠种群数量全球性或地区性下降或灭绝 ;狐蝠通过传播种子或传粉 ,促进森林生态系统的更新和基因交流。因此 ,狐蝠对森林生态系统的稳定、扩散、生物多样性以及衰退森林的恢复有重要作用  相似文献   

  • 1 The successful introduction of the red fox Vulpes vulpes into Australia in the 1870s has had dramatic and deleterious impacts on both native fauna and agricultural production. Historical accounts detail how the arrival of foxes in many areas coincided with the local demise of native fauna. Recent analyses suggest that native fauna can be successfully reintroduced to their former ranges only if foxes have been controlled, and several replicated removal experiments have confirmed that foxes are the major agents of extirpation of native fauna. Predation is the primary cause of losses, but competition and transmission of disease may be important for some species.
  • 2 In agricultural landscapes, fox predation on lambs can cause losses of 1–30%; variation is due to flock size, health and management, as well as differences in the timing and duration of lambing and the density of foxes.
  • 3 Fox control measures include trapping, shooting, den fumigation and exclusion fencing; baiting using the toxin 1080 is the most commonly employed method. Depending on the baiting strategy, habitat and area covered, baiting can reduce fox activity by 50–97%. We review patterns of baiting in a large sheep‐grazing region in central New South Wales, and propose guidelines to increase landholder awareness of baiting strategies, to concentrate and coordinate bait use, and to maximize the cost‐effectiveness of baiting programs.
  • 4 The variable reduction in fox density within the baited area, together with the ability of the fox to recolonize rapidly, suggest that current baiting practices in eastern Australia are often ineffective, and that reforms are required. These might include increasing landholder awareness and involvement in group control programs, and the use of more efficient broadscale techniques, such as aerial baiting.

Social thermoregulation is an important adaptation for animals living in cold environments, especially for those with high surface area-to-volume ratios. Huddling behavior can influence animal dispersion patterns. However, little attention has been paid to the relationship between huddling behavior and social organization, including mating systems. We studied aggregations of Bonin flying foxes Pteropus pselaphon on Chichijima Island in Japan, which is located at one of the northern limits of their geographical range. Bonin flying foxes aggregate in arboreal roosts, where they form temporary clusters within the colony during winter months. Specifically, we hypothesized that the occurrence and intensity of clustering behavior are affected by ambient temperature; therefore, we examined the relationship between cluster size and ambient temperature. We also investigated the age and sex compositions of clusters and mating behavior to gain insight into the mating system of this species. Field observations showed that P. pselaphon clusters were roughly separated into three groups: males, females, and subadults. Statistical analyses showed that ambient temperature had significant negative effects on the proportion of individuals that formed clusters for all groups. Cluster size decreased significantly with increasing ambient temperature in female and subadult groups. Some female clusters were composed of a single male and multiple females. Marked males were observed excluding other males from the periphery of female clusters, and they monopolized copulations with clustering females. Our findings suggest that clustering plays an important warming role in the species, and that this behavior is exploited by males resulting in a social system that is best described as a form of female-defense polygyny.  相似文献   

Plasma testosterone (T) concentrations, measured in wild bats of P. poliocephalus in Queensland in 1983-87, showed a peak during the mating season in March. Plasma androstenedione (A) concentrations changed less dramatically with season. Mean testicular concentration and total content of T and A was substantially greater in March than in regressed testes in July-October. Paired adrenal glands were heavier during February to April than during September to November. In the same wild population, throughout a single breeding season (1987), plasma T concentrations were significantly higher in mid-March than 3 weeks previously or 3 weeks later. Testicular T content rose as the breeding season progressed, being greatest during March, coinciding with the large rise in plasma T concentrations. Testicular T concentration and content were correlated significantly with plasma T concentrations. Adrenal glands contained T, but the absolute concentrations were much lower than in the testis. No significant changes in plasma, testicular or adrenal A concentrations were found as the breeding season progressed. The large increase in plasma T during the mating season appears to be due to increased testicular production.  相似文献   

Summary Body temperature, heterothermy, oxygen consumption, heart rate, and evaporative water loss were studied in four species of flying foxes (Megachiroptera), Dobsonia minor, Nyctimene major, Nyctimene albiventer, and Paranyctimene raptor, from the vicinity of Madang on the north coast of New Guinea.The thermoregulatory response of D. minor resembled that of most other placental mammals weighing 80 to 100 g. Body temperatures were relatively stable at ambient temperatures between 5 and 34°. The mean oxygen consumption at rest between 30 and 35° was 1.26 cc O2 (g·hr)–1. At ambient temperatures between 5 and 35° evaporative water loss averaged 4.5 mg (g·hr)–1 and increased sharply at higher temperatures. When subjected to heat stress the animals panted, salivated, and licked the wings, belly, and uropatagium. At temperatures above 38° the ratio of heat lost through evaporation to heat production exceeded 1. Minimal heart rates in resting animals near thermal neutrality were approximately 275/min.In those parameters measured, N. major which weighed about 80 g resembled D. minor. Nyctimene albiventer and P. raptor weigh less than 30 g and are among the smallest of the flying foxes. Each shows both homeothermic and heterothermic patterns of response. At an ambient temperature of 35° the minimal oxygen consumption of homeothermic N. albiventer and P. raptor were 1.43 and 1.38 cc O2 (g·hr)–1, respectively. Oxygen consumption of homeothermic N. albiventer at 25°, 2.59 cc O2 (g.hr)–1, was almost quadruple that of torpid animals at the same temperature. During the daytime both N. albiventer and P. raptor characteristically allowed their body temperatures to fall to near 25°. Both readily aroused from the hypothermic state through physiological means. Heart rates of homeothermic N. albiventer resting at 35° ranged from 312 to 326/min while those of animals torpid at 25° were 88 to 96/min.The capacity for heterothermy has not previously been demonstrated in any members of the Megachiroptera, but our data indicate that it can occur on a daily basis in N. albiventer and P. raptor. This capacity appears to be related to size since it occurs in none of the larger flying foxes so far studied.The data presently available indicate that the relation of body weight to standard metabolism in the Megachiroptera is similar to that of the other placental mammals. In the species we studied, thermal conductances were higher, and heart rates, lower than predicted for mammals of their sizes.These studies were carried out during the 1969 Alpha Helix Expedition to New Guinea and were supported in part by grants GB-5139, GB-3656, and GB-8445 from the U. S. National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus (CDV) has a wide host spectrum, and during the past years, distemper has been observed in species that were previously not considered to be susceptible. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of CDV-specific antibodies in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) sampled between May and November 1997. About 9 to 13% of the Luxembourg red fox population is positive for antibodies against CDV. Thus a sizeable proportion of red foxes has been exposed to CDV in the wild. The significance of CDV in red foxes is discussed.  相似文献   

Four medetomidine/ketamine (M/K) doses (30 microg/kg/3 mg/kg; 40/4; 50/5; 60/6), administered by intramuscular injection, were evaluated for short-term immobilization of adult male variable flying foxes (Pteropus hypomelanus). The highest dose (60 microg/kg/6 mg/kg) produced a significantly faster induction (31 +/- 46 sec) than the lowest dose (30/3) (125 +/- 62 sec). The highest dose levels (50/5, 60/6) produced significantly longer immobilization times (52.5 +/- 25.7 min and 60.6 +/- 20.8 min, respectively) than did the lower doses (30/3, 40/4) (18.8 +/- 8.7 min and 31.0 +/- 14.3 min, respectively). The dose at which 50% of the bats were immobilized for > or = 30 min (ED(50)) was approximately 40 microg/kg/4 mg/kg. This dose produced a mean immobilization time of 31 +/- 14 min, bradypnea and bradycardia. In conclusion, a M/K dose of 50 microg/kg/5 mg/kg is recommended for greater than 30 min of relaxed immobilization in free-living variable flying foxes and is sufficient for safe collection of samples.  相似文献   

The shoulder gland secretions of captive males of the Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus), the little golden-mantled flying fox (P. pumilus), the island flying fox (P. hypomelanus), and the large flying fox (P. vampyrus) were examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sixty-five compounds, including hydrocarbons, carboxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, and amides, were identified among the four species. Many of these compounds, such as squalene, cholesterol, and C5-C16 straight- and branched-chain carboxylic acids, are typical of tetrapod epidermal products. Aldehydes, which were detected in all four Pteropus species, and some straight- and branched-chain ketones, which were detected in P. hypomelanus and P. pumilus, are known from other mammalian skin glands. Acetophenone, 4-acetoxyacetophenone, and 4-hydroxyacetophenone were observed in P. pumilus; the last compound comprised 37.1% of the total ion current. 2,3-Butanediol, a prominent component (5.2-19.3%) in the secretions of P. giganteus, P. hypomelanus, and P. pumilus, and C10 and C12 isopropyl esters and C10-C14 1-methylbutyl esters, observed in P. hypomelanus and P. vampyrus, have not previously been reported from vertebrates. alpha-Methyl-4-methoxybenzyl alcohol and dihydro-5-phenyl-2(3H)-furanone, from P. giganteus and P. pumilus, are new natural products. 1-Chloro-3-methyl-2-butene, another new natural product, and five C5 compounds exhibiting a similar isoprenoid structure were observed in P. giganteus. Striking contrasts were observed in the chemical profiles of the species we examined, with even general chemical classes differentially represented among them.  相似文献   

Three species of flying fox (Pteropus hypomelanus, P. vampyrus, and P. lylei) from Malaysia and Vietnam were screened for apicomplexan parasites by thin blood smears and polymerase chain reaction. Only 1 of 16 bats sampled from 3 localities in southeast Asia was found to be infected (P. hypomelanus from Pulau Pangkor, Malaysia). We observed micro- and macrogametocytes, with morphology consistent with Hepatocystis sp. parasites, using light microscopy. Phylogenetic analysis of the cytochrome b gene showed that the parasite from P. hypomelanus groups with 2 published sequences from Hepatocystis spp., including one from Cynopterus brachyotis, another fruit bat in the Pteropodidae.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were determined in sera from 222 coyotes (Canis latrans), 283 red foxes (Vulpes vulpes), and 97 gray foxes (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) from Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, and Ohio during 1990-1993. Sera were examined in 1:25, 1:100, and 1:500 dilutions by the modified direct agglutination test (MAT) with formalinized whole tachyzoites plus mercaptoethanol. Antibodies were found in 131 (59.0%) of 222 coyotes, 243 (85.9%) of 283 red foxes, and 73 (75.3%) of 97 gray foxes. Antibodies were also measured by different serologic tests in 4 littermate T. gondii-free red foxes fed T. gondii tissue cysts or oocysts; the fifth littermate fox was not fed T. gondii. Antibodies were measured in fox sera obtained 0, 14, and 36-55 days after infection with T. gondii. All 4 foxes fed T. gondii developed MAT and dye test antibody titers of 1:200 or more 14 days later. The latex agglutination test (LAT) and indirect hemagglutination test (IHAT) were less sensitive than MAT for the diagnosis of T. gondii infection in foxes. Antibodies were not detected by LAT (titer 1:64) in the 2 foxes fed tissue cysts nor by IHAT in 1 of the foxes fed tissue cysts. Toxoplasma gondii was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of all 4 foxes fed T. gondii. The control fox had no T. gondii antibodies detectable by any of the serologic tests.  相似文献   

A mechanism which enables flying foxes to lock their hind limb digits and thumbs in flexion is described. The deep digital tendons of the hind limbs have roughened fibrocartilage surfaces. The adjacent flexor tendon sheath supports ridges which interact with the rough tendon surface, temporarily 'locking' the two structures together. This tendon locking mechanism is of importance as it enables bats to reduce the energetic cost of hanging from branches. It does this by reducing, or eliminating, the need for digital flexor muscle activity.  相似文献   

Six flying fox species, genus Pteropus (four from the Philippines) were investigated using complete cytochrome b gene sequences (1140 bp) to infer their evolutionary relationships. The DNA sequences generated via polymerase chain reaction were analyzed using the neighbor-joining, parsimony, and maximum likelihood methods. We estimated that the first evolutionary event among these Pteropus species occurred approximately 13.90 ± 1.49 MYA. Within this short period of evolutionary time we further hypothesized that the ancestors of the flying foxes found in the Philippines experienced a subsequent diversification forming two clusters in the topology. The first cluster is composed of P. pumilus (Philippine endemic), P. speciosus (restricted in western Mindanao) with P. scapulatus, while the second one comprised P. vampyrus and P. dasymallus species based on the analysis from first and second codon positions. Consistently, all phylogenetic analyses divulged close association of P. dasymallus with P. vampyrus contradicting the previous report categorizing P. dasymallus under subniger species group with P. pumilus, P. speciosus, and P. hypomelanus. The Philippine endemic species (P. pumilus) is closely linked with P. speciosus. The representative samples of P. vampyrus showed a large genetic distance of 1.87%. The large genetic distance between P. dasymallus and P. hypomelanus, P. pumilus and P. speciosus denotes a distinct species group.  相似文献   

Large flying foxes (Pteropus vampyrus) are a socially complex species. In situ colonies typically comprise thousands of individuals in small harems of one male to many females. In ex situ environments, all‐male colonies are becoming more common due to a surplus of males in the population. There is limited information describing the hormonal and behavioral patterns of all‐male colonies during the breeding season. We assessed seasonal changes in hormones and behavior in an all‐male colony of 12 large flying foxes at Disney's Animal Kingdom®. We validated hormone assays using morning urine and fecal samples to assess seasonal changes in excreted immunoreactive testosterone and glucocorticoid metabolites. We collected behavior data using an all‐occurrence method, recording agonistic behaviors related to territorial defense (hooking, biting, wing flexing, vocalizing, and wrestling), and sexual behavior (mounting and frontal grabbing). Results indicated that (i) we could reliably measure testosterone and glucocorticoid metabolites concentrations from fecal and urine samples collected from individual bats; (ii) there were distinct relationships between changes in levels of agonism and hormone concentrations throughout the year; and (iii) three agonistic behaviors (chasing, wrestling, and open‐mouth threat) peaked prior to the increase in testosterone and glucocorticoid hormones measured during the breeding season. These three behaviors could potentially be used as early indicators to signal the onset of the breeding season and allow time to implement ex situ management changes to reduce the incidence of agonism between individuals.  相似文献   

Hendra virus (HeV) is a lethal paramyxovirus which emerged in humans in 1994. Poor understanding of HeV dynamics in Pteropus spp. (flying fox or fruit bat) reservoir hosts has limited our ability to determine factors driving its emergence. We initiated a longitudinal field study of HeV in little red flying foxes (LRFF; Pteropus scapulatus) and examined individual and population risk factors for infection, to determine probable modes of intraspecific transmission. We also investigated whether seasonal changes in host behaviour, physiology and demography affect host-pathogen dynamics. Data showed that pregnant and lactating females had significantly higher risk of infection, which may explain previously observed temporal associations between HeV outbreaks and flying fox birthing periods. Age-specific seroprevalence curves generated from field data imply that HeV is transmitted horizontally via faeces, urine or saliva. Rapidly declining seroprevalence between two field seasons suggests that immunity wanes faster in LRFF than in other flying fox species, and highlights the potentially critical role of this species in interspecific viral persistence. The highest seroprevalence was observed when animals showed evidence of nutritional stress, suggesting that environmental processes that alter flying fox food sources, such as habitat loss and climate change, may increase HeV infection and transmission. These insights into the ecology of HeV in flying fox populations suggest causal links between anthropogenic environmental change and HeV emergence.  相似文献   

Medetomidine (0.03 mg/kg) and medetomidine/ketamine (0.05/5.0 and 0.025/2.5 mg/kg), administered by intravenous injection, were evaluated for short-term immobilization of wild-caught variable flying foxes (Pteropus hypomelanus). Medetomidine alone produced incomplete chemical restraint and a stressful, prolonged induction. Both ketamine/medetomidine doses produced a smooth induction and complete immobilization. The combined medetomidine/ketamine dose of 0.025/2.5 mg/kg produced a rapid induction (232±224 sec) with minimal struggling and vocalization, a complete and effective immobilization period, and tended to lead to a faster and better quality recovery than medetomidine alone or a higher dose of medetomidine and ketamine (0.05/5.0 mg/kg), thus reducing holding time and permitting an earlier release of the bat back into the wild.  相似文献   

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