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Immunoreactivity for calcium-binding proteins parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CB) was studied in the pigeon (Columba livia) telencephalic auditory center. All its regions displayed overlapping distribution patterns of PV and CB immunoreactivity, although in the central (L2) vs. peripheral (L1, L3, CMM) layers they were dissimilar. L2 and the inner L1 sublayer (L1i) were distinguished by a higher immunoreactivity of neuropil for both proteins and the presence (in L2) of numerous small densely packed granular-type cells: heavily stained PV-ir and, as a rule, poorly stained CB-ir neurons. In Lli, the number of neurons and the density of neuropil immunoreactive to both proteins decreased. The outer L1 sublayer (L1e) as well as L3 and CMM were characterized by a generally lesser density and irregular distribution of immunoreactive neuropil and a heterogenous repertoire of PV-ir and CB-ir neurons referring to diverse morphological types, with an increased number of large multipolar cells. The differences in PV and CB immunoreactivity among different regions of the pigeon telencephalic auditory center revealed the similarity of the latter to the laminar auditory cortex in mammals.  相似文献   

Distribution of calcium-binding proteins (CaBPr) parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin (CB) in the thalamic auditory center (nucleus ovoidalis, Ov) was studied in the pigeon (Columba livia). Two parts of Ov were distinguished on the basis of their cytoarchitectonics and distribution of PV and CB immunoreactivity. The central lemniscal region (core, nCe) contains both dense PV-ir neuropil and PV-ir neurons overlapped with scant CB-ir neuropil and weaker stained CB-ir neurons. The peripheral extralemniscal region (belt), consisting of peri/paraovoidal nuclei (Ovl, Ovm, SPO), contains only CB-ir neuropil and strongly stained CB-ir neurons morphologically differing from CB-ir neurons in the nCe. A comparative analysis of our data on the distribution of PV and CB immunoreactivity in the thalamic auditory relay center in pigeons and related literature data obtained on other avian, reptilian and mammalian species indicates high evolutionary conservatism of its extralemniscal region across all sauropside amniotеs and mammals in contrast to plasticity of its central lemniscal region due to adaptive, ecologically dependent transformations during the evolution.  相似文献   

Using histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, distribution of activity of oxidative mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) and calcium-binding proteins-immunoreactivity was studied in the spiral ganglion and auditory nuclei of brainstem in two turtle species. Calbindin-, parvalbumin-and calretinin-immunoreactivity in neurons and neuropil of cochlear, supraolivary complexes, the lateral lemniscal nucleus and neuropil of spiral ganglion is shown to coincide topographically with high activity of CO. Similarity of the studied metabolic and neuro-chemical characteristics of these auditory centers in reptiles, birds and mammals suggests some general principles of their organization in amniotes, despite phylogenetic differences and peculiarities of auditory system in different species.  相似文献   

Using histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, distribution of activity of oxidative mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) and of immunoreactivity to calcium-binding proteins has been studied in spiral ganglion and auditory nuclei of brainstem in two turtle species. It has been shown that immunoreactivity to calbindin, parvalbumin, and calretinin in neurons and neuropil of nuclei of cochlear and superior olivary complexes, in nucleus of lateral lemniscus, and in spiral ganglion neurons coincides topographically with the high CO activity. The similarity of the studied metabolic and neurochemical characteristics of these auditory centers in reptiles, birds, and mammals indicates the existence of some common principles of their organization in amniotes in spite of phylogenetic differences and peculiarities of specialization of the auditory system in different species.  相似文献   

The midbrain nucleus mesencephalicus lateralis pars dorsalis (MLd) is thought to be the avian homologue of the central nucleus of the mammalian inferior colliculus. As such, it is a major relay in the ascending auditory pathway of all birds and in songbirds mediates the auditory feedback necessary for the learning and maintenance of song. To clarify the organization of MLd, we applied three calcium binding protein antibodies to tissue sections from the brains of adult male and female zebra finches. The staining patterns resulting from the application of parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin antibodies differed from each other and in different parts of the nucleus. Parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity was distributed throughout the whole nucleus, as defined by the totality of the terminations of brainstem auditory afferents; in other words parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity defines the boundaries of MLd. Staining patterns of parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin defined two regions of MLd: inner (MLd.I) and outer (MLd.O). MLd.O largely surrounds MLd.I and is distinct from the surrounding intercollicular nucleus. Unlike the case in some non-songbirds, however, the two MLd regions do not correspond to the terminal zones of the projections of the brainstem auditory nuclei angularis and laminaris, which have been found to overlap substantially throughout the nucleus in zebra finches.  相似文献   

Europium(III) binding to 9-kDa calbindin from pig intestines was studied by direct excitation of the 7Fo----5Do transition of the ion and by near-ultraviolet circular dichroic spectroscopy. Europium(III) binding is clearly biphasic. As with other lanthanides the C-terminal metal-binding site (site II) is filled first. The europium ion in this site gives an excitation spectrum with a single peak at 579.1 nm (peak 2). The occupation of the N-terminal site (site I) by europium gives excitation spectra that are pH-dependent and show a peak at 579.4 nm (peak 1a) at pH 5 which shifts to 578.7 nm (peak 1b) over the pH range 5-7. At pH 8.07 the fluorescence from europium in site I largely disappears because of weak binding, whereas that from site II is quenched by about 75% in spite of full occupancy of the site as shown by circular dichroic titration. There is a strong interaction between the two sites in spite of the very different affinities. The fluorescence from site II increases stoichiometrically with the addition not only of the first equivalent of europium, but also concomitantly with the fluorescence from site I upon addition of the second equivalent. Furthermore, when Eu1-calbindin is titrated with calcium the fluorescence at 579.1 nm is quenched by about 30% during the addition of one equivalent of calcium which fills site I. Subsequent titration with large excesses of calcium displaces europium from site II. The affinity of site II for europium is about 100 times that of calcium under these conditions.  相似文献   

Yu SH  Lee JY  Jeon CJ 《Zoological science》2011,28(9):694-702
Although the dog is widely used to analyze the function of the brain, it is not known whether the distribution of calcium-binding proteins reflects a specific pattern in the visual cortex. The distribution of neurons containing calcium-binding proteins, calbindin D28K, calretinin, and parvalbumin in adult dog visual cortex were studied using immunocytochemistry. We also compared this labeling to that of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Calbindin D28K-immunoreactive (IR) neurons were predominantly located in layer II/III. Calretinin- and parvalbumin-IR neurons were located throughout the layers with the highest density in layers II/III and IV. The large majority of calbindin D28K-IR neurons were multipolar stellate cells. The majority of the calretinin-IR neurons were vertical fusiform cells with long processes traveling perpendicular to the pial surface. And the large majority of parvalbumin-IR neurons were multipolar stellate and round/oval cells. More than 90% of the calretinin- and parvalbumin-IR neurons were double-labeled with GABA, while approximately 66% of the calbindin D28K-IR neurons contained GABA. This study elucidates the neurochemical structure of calcium-binding proteins. These data will be informative in appreciating the functional significance of different laminar distributions of calcium-binding proteins between species and the differential vulnerability of calcium-binding proteins-containing neurons, with regard to calcium-dependent excitotoxic procedures.  相似文献   

Summary Calcium and intracellular Ca2+-binding proteins are possibly involved in hormone production and spermatogenesis in rat testis. Parvalbumin, calbindin D-28K, S-100 proteins and calmodulin were localized in the Leydig cells, which are sites of testosterone synthesis. Only the appearance of parvalbumin-immunoreactivity is closely correlated to testosterone production during development of the testes. Calbindin D-28K-immunoreactivity persisted in foetal-type Leydig cells and in adult-type Leydig cells at all stages of development. S-100-immunoreactivity was low during all foetal stages, absent between birth and puberty, and increased thereafter. Calmodulin staining is most prominent in the cytoplasm of developing spermatocytes and of maturing spermatids. All four proteins co-exist in the seminiferous tubules. The distinct localization and developmental appearance of these proteins suggests different regulatory roles in Leydig cell function and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Individual cells which produce projections from the torus semicircularis in the frog have been visualized after injection of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to various thalamic and isthmal areas. Labeled toral cells were observed if HRP had been injected to the posterodorsal areas of the thalamus or to the isthmal areas where lateral lemniscus fibers and cells of the premature lateral lemniscal nucleus are situated. Medium and large size cells in the rostrolateral torus semicircularis were mainly labeled. Thalamic injections of the HRP produced more labeled cells in the lateral part of the magnocellular nucleus, whereas isthmal injections produced labeled cells mainly in the lateral part of the laminar nucleus. A few HRP containing cells were observed in the principal nucleus of the torus. Specificity of the neuronal organisation of the auditory pathway in amphibians is discussed.  相似文献   

Barn owls have neurons sensitive to acoustic motion-direction in the midbrain. We report here that acoustic motion-direction sensitive neurons with receptive-field centres in frontal auditory space are not randomly distributed. In the inferior colliculus and optic tectum in the left (right) brain, the responses of about two-thirds of the motion-direction sensitive neurons were sensitive to clockwise (counter-clockwise) motion. The midbrain contains maps of auditory space that represent about 15 degrees of ipsilateral and all of contralateral space. Since a similar bias in motion-direction sensitivity was observed for neurons with receptive-field centres in ipsilateral as well as for neurons with receptive fields centres in contralateral auditory space, the brain side at which a motion-direction sensitive neuron was recorded was a more important predictor for the preferred direction of a cell than the spatial direction of the centre of the receptive field. Within one dorso-ventral electrode pass motion-direction sensitivity typically stayed constant suggesting a clustered or even a columnar-like organization. We hypothesize from these distributions that the right brain is important for orientating movements to the left hemisphere and vice versa.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to analyze the influence of the open field (OF) exposure on: 1. Distribution of c-Fos positive nuclei in: ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra, periaqueductal gray. 2. Appearance of calbindin-D28k, calretinin and parvalbumin in midbrain neurons that are engaged in the stress response. 3. Changes of c-Fos and calcium-binding proteins expression during maturation. The material consisted of Wistar rats of age between 0 and 90 days. The OF exposure was applied throughout 10 min and 90 min before the death of the animals. The brain sections were double stained using the antibodies against c-Fos, CB, CR or PV. Our results showed that in all studied nuclei age-related increase of c-Fos expression (without changing of its distribution properties) was found. PV didn't show any co-localization with c-Fos in neurons of studied regions at any ages, however some PV-immunoreactive (PV-ir) basket-like structures around c-Fos-immunoreactive (c-Fos-ir) neurons were observed. In the youngest group of rats c-Fos-ir cells and cells immunoreactive for CB and CR constituted separate neuronal populations. During maturation increases in the level of their co-localization with c-Fos was observed. We may conclude that in adult rat midbrain structures CB-immunoreactive (CB-ir) and CR-immunoreactive (CR-ir) cells (probably projection neurons) are mainly activated in the stress response following OF exposure. In the contrary PV-ir cells has only an indirect (modulatory) influence upon the c-Fos-ir cells.  相似文献   

Calcium binding proteins (CBPs) regulate intracellular levels of calcium (Ca2+) ions. CBPs are particularly interesting from a morphological standpoint, because they are differentially expressed in certain sub-populations of cells in the nervous system of various species of vertebrate animals. However, knowledge on the cellular regulation governing such cell-specific CBP expression is still incomplete. In this work on the L7 segment of the cat spinal cord, we analyzed the localization and morphology of neurons expressing the CBPs calbindin-28 KD (CB), parvalbumin (PV), and calretinin (CR), and co-expressing CB and PV, CB and CR, and PV and CR. Single CBP-positive (+) neurons showed specific distributions: (1) CB was present in small neurons localized in laminae I, II, III and X, in small to medium size neurons in laminae III–VI, and in medium to large neurons in laminae VI–VIII; (2) PV was present in small size neurons in laminae III and IV and in medial portions of laminae V and VI, medium neurons and in lamina X at the border with lamina VII, in medium to large neurons in laminae VII and VIII; (3) CR labeling was detected in small size neurons in laminae I, II, III and VIII, in medium to large size neurons in laminae I and III–VII, and in small to medium size neurons in lamina X. Double labeled neurons were a small minority of the CBP+ cells. Co-expression of CB and PV was seen in 1 to 2% of the CBP+ cells, and they were detected in the ventral and intermediate portions of lamina VII and in lamina X. Co-localization of CB and CR was present in 0.3% of the cells and these cells were localized in lamina II. Double labeling for PV and CR occurred in 6% of the cells, and the cells were localized in ventral part of lamina VII and in lamina VIII. Overall, these results revealed distinct and reproducible patterns of localization of the neurons expressing single CBPs and co-expressing two of them. Distinct differences of CBP expression between cat and other species are discussed. Possible relations between the cat L7 neurons expressing different CBPs with the neurons previously analyzed in cat and other animals are suggested.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution of calcium-binding proteins in the magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei of nonapeptidergic neurosecretory nuclei of the preoptic–hypothalamic complex in a tortoise (Testudo horsfieldi) and a pond turtle (Emys orbicularis) using immunohistochemistry. We have found that different types of cells in the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei predominantly express calbindin and, to a lesser extent, calretinin, but not parvalbumin. The selective calbindin/calretinin control of the neurohormone secretion in these hypothalamic nuclei is an evolutionary conservative feature typical of reptiles and mammals.  相似文献   

Summary Neural Ca2+-binding proteins (NCaPs) constitute a subfamily of 4-EF-hand proteins, and display a histological and structural dichotomy: the A-type NCaPs are selectively expressed by the retina and pineal organ and display two canonical EF-hands, whereas the B-type NCaPs are found in the entire brain and present three regular EF-hands. In this study, antisera were raised against the A-type NCaP recoverin (26 kDa) and the B-type NCaPs VILIP and NCS-1 (22 kDa). Since the sequence identity among NCaPs is high, specific polyclonal antibodies were purified by double cross-immunoaffinity chromatography; both ELISA and immunoblot analyses determined that the resulting antibodies showed selectivity ratios inferior to 1/363 for the two other related NCaPs. Besides, the anti-VILIP antibodies displayed some affinity toward neurocalcin δ, and the antirecoverin antibodies recognized a 24 kDa protein, which is most likely visinin. Thus, immunohistochemical studies on the chicken, rat and cow retina revealed that anti-recoverin antibodies recognized the vertebrate photoreceptors and a small number of mammalian bipolar cells. Anti-VILIP antibodies exclusively labelled the inner Retina, I.e. the amacrine and ganglion cells. NCS-1 was mainly present in the photoreceptor inner segments, the inner plexiform layer and the ganglion cells. NCS-1 showed the highest species disparity. The retinal localization of NCS-1 and VILIP offered an important morphological basis for the understanding of their function. Furthermore, specific antibodies against the NCaPs may enable the identification of cell populations in more complex neural tissues, such as the brain.  相似文献   

The distribution of calbindin, calretinin and parvalbumin during the development of the mouse main olfactory bulb (MOB) was studied using immunohistochemistry techniques. The results are as follows:(1) calbindin-immunoreactive profiles were mainly located in the glomerular layer, and few large calbindin-immunoreactive cells were found in the subependymal layer of postnatal day 10 (P10) to postnatal day 40 (P40) mice; (2) no calbindin was detected in the mitral cell layer at any stage; (3) calretinin-immunoreactive profiles were present in all layers of the main olfactory bulb at all stages, especially in the olfactory nerve layer, glomerular layer and granule cell layer; (4) parvalbumin-immunoreactive profiles were mainly located in the external plexiform layer (except for P10 mice); (5) weakly stained parvalbumin-immunoreactive profiles were present in the glomerular layer at all stages; and (6) no parvalbumin was detected in the mitral cell layer at any stage.  相似文献   

The influence of hydration on the internal dynamics of a typical EF-hand calciprotein, parvalbumin, was investigated by incoherent quasi-elastic neutron scattering (IQNS) and solid-state 13C-NMR spectroscopy using the powdered protein at different hydration levels. Both approaches establish an increase in protein dynamics upon progressive hydration above a threshold that only corresponds to partial coverage of the protein surface by the water molecules. Selective motions are apparent by NMR in the 10-ns time scale at the level of the polar lysyl side chains (externally located), as well as of more internally located side chains (from Ala and Ile), whereas IQNS monitors diffusive motions of hydrogen atoms in the protein at time scales up to 20 ps. Hydration-induced dynamics at the level of the abundant lysyl residues mainly involve the ammonium extremity of the side chain, as shown by NMR. The combined results suggest that peripheral water-protein interactions influence the protein dynamics in a global manner. There is a progressive induction of mobility at increasing hydration from the periphery toward the protein interior. This study gives a microscopic view of the structural and dynamic events following the hydration of a globular protein.  相似文献   

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