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Expression of hTS (human thymidylate synthase), a key enzyme in thymidine biosynthesis, is regulated on the translational level through a feedback mechanism that is rarely found in eukaryotes. At low substrate concentrations, the ligand-free enzyme binds to its own mRNA and stabilizes a hairpin structure that sequesters the start codon. When in complex with dUMP (2′-deoxyuridine-5′-monophosphate) and a THF (tetrahydrofolate) cofactor, the enzyme adopts a conformation that is unable to bind and repress expression of mRNA. Here, we have used a combination of X-ray crystallography, RNA mutagenesis and site-specific cross-linking studies to investigate the molecular recognition of TS mRNA by the hTS enzyme. The interacting mRNA region was narrowed to the start codon and immediately flanking sequences. In the hTS enzyme, a helix–loop–helix domain on the protein surface was identified as the putative RNA-binding site.  相似文献   

Expression of human thymidylate synthase in Escherichia coli   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A cDNA clone encoding thymidylate synthase (TS) has been isolated from a human T-cell library and modified in the 5'-untranslated region to incorporate several unique cloning sites. The gene has been cloned as a cassette into several Escherichia coli expression vectors which did not provide detectable amounts of the enzyme. A successful approach used a constitutive E. coli expression vector developed for the enzyme from Lactobacillus casei. A 115-base pair 5'-untranslated region from the L. casei TS which contains a ribosomal binding site and other regulatory sequences has been fused to the coding region of the human TS gene to provide a construct that is expressed in E. coli. The level of expression was further enhanced by altering the nucleotide sequence of the first 90 base pairs to accommodate common codon use in E. coli. In our best expression system, catalytically active human TS is expressed to a level that represents about 1.6% of the total soluble protein. The recombinant human TS has been purified and characterized; except for the presence of an amino-terminal blocking group, the enzyme has physical and kinetic properties similar to the enzyme isolated from human cells.  相似文献   

Several new crystal forms of thymidylate synthase (5,10-methlenetetrahydrofolate:dUMP C-methyltransferase; EC were obtained by controlled pH change. In the crystals the dimeric molecule has a 2-fold symmetry axis coinciding with crystallographic symmetry. The crystals scatter to at least 2.7 A resolution in the synchrotron X-ray beam and appear to be suitable for high-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystals were successfully derivatized and preliminary results are reported for the covalent inhibitory ternary complex of thymidylate synthase, 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridylate and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate.  相似文献   

The structure of thymidylate synthase complementing protein with substrates dUMP and FAD, presented in this issue of Structure, sheds light on a fascinating new catalytic mechanism, suggests a strategy for the design of new antimicrobial compounds, and highlights the promise of proteomics in medicine.  相似文献   

Isolation of functional cDNA clones for human thymidylate synthase   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Thymidine auxotrophic mutants of mouse FM3A cells due to thymidylate synthase deficiency can be transformed into prototrophs by DNA-mediated gene transfer using total human DNA (Ayusawa, D., Shimizu, K., Koyama, H., Takeishi, K., and Seno, T. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 48-53). From one such transformed cell clone, cloned recombinant lambda phages containing DNA fragments were obtained recently that were concluded by circumstantial genetic evidence to have been derived from the human thymidylate synthase gene (Takeishi, K., Ayusawa, D., Kaneda, S., Shimizu, K., and Seno, T. (1984) J. Biochem. (Tokyo) 95, 1477-1483). Using a DNA segment derived from the cloned genomic DNA fragment and free of repetitive sequences as a probe, functional cDNA corresponding to thymidylate synthase mRNA could be cloned from a cDNA library of SV40 transformed human fibroblasts constructed by Okayama and Berg (Okayama, H. and Berg, P. (1983) Mol. Cell. Biol. 3, 280-289). The cloned cDNA plasmid containing an insert of approximately 1.7-kilobase transformed mouse thymidine auxotrophic mutant cells to thymidine prototrophic cells at a frequency of 2-3 transformants/micrograms of DNA/10(5) cells, a value almost comparable to the highest so far reported. The resultant transformants retained the introduced cDNA and expressed human thymidylate synthase protein sufficient for supporting normal growth of otherwise auxotrophic mouse cells.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase (EC (TS) catalyzes the conversion of dUMP to dTMP and is therefore indispensable for DNA replication in actively dividing cells. The enzyme is a critical target at which chemotherapeutic agents such as fluoropyrimidines (e.g., 5-fluorouracil and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine) and folic acid analogues (e.g., raltitrexed, LY231514, ZD9331, and BW1843U89) are directed. These agents exert their effects through the generation of metabolites that bind the active site of TS and inhibit catalytic activity. The binding of ligands to the TS molecule leads to dramatic changes in the conformation of the enzyme, particularly within the C-terminal domain. Stabilization of the enzyme and an increase in its intracellular level are associated with ligand binding and may be important in cellular response to TS-directed drugs. In the present study, we have examined molecular features of the TS molecule that control its degradation. We find that the C-terminal conformational shift is not required for ligand-mediated stabilization of the enzyme. In addition, we demonstrate that the N-terminus of the TS polypeptide, which is extended in the mammalian enzyme and is disordered in crystal structures, is a primary determinant of the enzyme's half-life. Finally, we show that TS turnover is carried out by the 26S proteasome in a ubiquitin-independent manner. These findings provide the basis for a mechanistic understanding of TS degradation and its regulation by antimetabolites.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase has been purified greater than 4000-fold from a human colon adenocarcinoma maintained as a xenograft in immune-deprived mice. In this disease, the enzyme is an important target for the cytotoxic action of 5-fluorouracil, which is influenced by the reduced folate substrate CH2-H4PteGlu. Due to the importance of this interaction, and the existence in cells of folate species as polyglutamyl forms, the interaction of folylpolyglutamates with thymidylate synthase was examined. Polyglutamates of PteGlu were used as inhibitors, and the interaction of CH2-H4PteGlu polyglutamates as substrates or in an inhibitory ternary complex were also examined. Using PteGlu1-7, Ki values were determined. A maximal 125-fold decrease in Ki was observed between PteGlu1 and PteGlu4; further addition of up to three glutamyl residues did not result in an additional decrease in Ki. Despite the increased binding affinity of folypolyglutamates for this enzyme, no change in the Km values for either dUMP (3.6 microM) or CH2-H4PteGlu (4.3 microM) were detected when polyglutamates of [6R]CH2-H4PteGlu were used as substrates. Product inhibition studies demonstrated competitive inhibition between dTMP and dUMP in the presence of CH2-H4PteGlu5. In addition, CH2-H4PteGlu4 stabilized an inhibitory ternary complex formed between FdUMP, thymidylate synthase, and CH2-H4PteGlu4. Thus the data do not support a change in the order of substrate binding and product release upon polyglutamylation of CH2-H4PteGlu reported for non-human mammalian enzyme. This is the first study to characterize kinetically thymidylate synthase from a human colon adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

We have determined the kinetic parameters of human recombinant thymidylate synthase (hrTS) with its natural substrate, dUMP, and E-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2(')-deoxyuridine monophosphate (BVdUMP), a nucleotide derivative believed to be the active species of the novel anticancer drug NB1011. NB1011 is activated by hrTS and is selectively toxic to high thymidylate synthase expressing tumor cells. BVdUMP undergoes hrTS-catalyzed thiol-dependent transformation. dUMP and BVdUMP act as competitive hrTS substrates. The natural folate cofactor, CH(2)-THF, inhibits the TS-catalyzed reaction with BVdUMP. We suggest that lower folate levels found in tumor cells favor TS-catalyzed BVdUMP transformation, which, in addition to higher levels of TS expression in tumor cells, contributes to the favorable therapeutic index of the drug NB1011.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone, pcHTS-1, encoding human thymidylate synthase (5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate: dUMP C-methyltransferase, EC which was previously isolated from a human fibroblast expressible cDNA library and functional in mouse cells. The 1.6 kilobase cDNA insert of pcHTS-1 encodes a subunit protein of 313 amino acid (Mr = 35,706) and its predicted amino acid sequence is highly conserved in many regions including folylpolyglutamate and 5-fluoro-2'-deoxyuridylate binding sites, when compared with those of Lactobacillus casei, Escherichia coli, and bacteriophage T4. The cDNA contains in its 5'-untranslated region a triple tandemly repeated sequence consisting of 90 nucleotides, which starts immediately upstream of the ATG initiator codon, is very high in G+C content (80%), and can form three possible interconvertible stem-loop structures.  相似文献   

Two important polymorphisms of folate cycle enzymes, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) C677T and thymidylate synthase (TS) enhancer region (TSER) 28-bp tandem repeat, are related to risk of various types of cancer, including brain tumors, although there are few studies on this subject. A case-control study of these two polymorphisms in astrocytomas of different grades was carried out using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism, also determining the immunohistochemical expression of TS. The MTHFR 677 TT genotype was less associated with astrocytic tumors (odds ratio [OR]=0.00; p=0.0238), but the TSER polymorphism did not show any significant association. Combined genotype TT-double repeats/triple repeats (2R/3R) had a protective effect against astrocytomas (OR=0.00; p=0.0388). Expression of TS protein was observed in the majority of cases, with grade IV tumors being the exception. Moreover, the median H-score for the pilocytic astrocytomas was significantly higher when compared with that for diffuse tumors. There was an inverse correlation between the 2R/2R genotype and the highest TS-expressing tumors, and 3R/3R was relatively more frequent among the tumors grouped in the third and fourth quartiles. Our results provide support for the role of MTHFR and TS polymorphism in gliomagenesis, possibly because of the alteration of DNA methylation and repair status. Moreover, high levels of TS expression were detected in these tumors.  相似文献   

Saturation site-directed mutagenesis of thymidylate synthase   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We have subjected 12 different codons of a synthetic Lactobacillus casei thymidylate synthase (TS) gene to saturation site-directed mutagenesis to create amino acid "replacement sets" at each of those positions. The target residues were chosen because they are highly conserved and because they are important for the structure and function of the protein as indicated by solution and structural studies. The mutagenesis procedure involved excision of a fragment of the synthetic gene containing the target codon, followed by its replacement with a mixture of oligonucleotides which code for all 20 amino acids and the amber stop codon. TS mutants were identified by DNA sequencing, and catalytically active mutants were identified by genetic complementation using a Thy- strain of Escherichia coli. Only 3 of the 12 target amino acids examined were essential for TS activity; and of the 125 total mutants identified, 57 were catalytically active. These results point to a high degree of plasticity of TS in accommodating function with structural change.  相似文献   

Each of the two active sites of thymidylate synthase contains amino acid residues contributed by the other subunit. For example, Arg-178 of one monomer binds the phosphate group of the substrate dUMP in the active site of the other monomer [Hardy et al. (1987) Science 235, 448-455]. Inactive mutants of such residues should combine with subunits of other inactive mutants to form heterodimeric hybrids with one functional active site. In vivo and in vitro approaches were used to test this hypothesis. In vivo complementation was accomplished by cotransforming plasmid mixtures encoding pools of inactive Arg-178 mutants and pools of inactive Cys-198 mutants into a host strain deficient in thymidylate synthase. Individual inactive mutants of Arg-178 were also cotransformed with the C198A mutant. Subunit complementation was detected by selection or screening for transformants which grew in the absence of thymidine, and hence produced active enzyme. Many mutants at each position representing a wide variety of size and charge supported subunit complementation. In vitro complementation was accomplished by reversible dissociation and unfolding of mixtures of purified individual inactive Arg-178 and Cys-198 mutant proteins. With the R178F + C198A heterodimer, the Km values for dUMP and CH2H4folate were similar to those of the wild-type enzyme. By titrating C198A with R178F under unfolding-refolding conditions, we were able to calculate the kcat value for the active heterodimer. The catalytic efficiency of the single wild-type active site of the C198A + R178F heterodimer approaches that of the wild-type enzyme.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a major target in the chemotherapy of colorectal cancer and some other neoplasms. The emergence of resistance to the treatment is often related to the increased levels of TS in cancer cells, which have been linked to the elimination of TS binding to its own mRNA upon drug binding, a feedback regulatory mechanism, and/or to the increased stability to intracellular degradation of TS.drug complexes (versus unliganded TS). The active site loop of human TS (hTS) has a unique conformation resulted from a rotation by 180 degrees relative to its orientation in bacterial TSs. In this conformation, the enzyme must be inactive, because the catalytic cysteine is no longer positioned in the ligand-binding pocket. The ordered solvent structure obtained from high resolution crystallographic data (2.0 A) suggests that the inactive loop conformation promotes mRNA binding and intracellular degradation of the enzyme. This hypothesis is supported by fluorescence studies, which indicate that in solution both active and inactive forms of hTS are present. The binding of phosphate ion shifts the equilibrium toward the inactive conformation; subsequent dUMP binding reverses the equilibrium toward the active form. Thus, TS inhibition via stabilization of the inactive conformation should lead to less resistance than is observed with presently used drugs, which are analogs of its substrates, dUMP and CH(2)H(4)folate, and bind in the active site, promoting the active conformation. The presence of an extension at the N terminus of native hTS has no significant effect on kinetic properties or crystal structure.  相似文献   

Salo-Ahen OM  Wade RC 《Proteins》2011,79(10):2886-2899
Human thymidylate synthase (hTS) is an established anticancer target. It catalyses the production of 2'-deoxythymidine-5'-monophosphate, an essential building block for DNA synthesis. Because of the development of cellular drug resistance against current hTS inhibitors, alternative inhibition strategies are needed. hTS exists in two forms, active and inactive, defined by the conformation of the active-site (AS) loop, which carries the catalytic cysteine, C195. To investigate the mechanism of activation and inactivation, targeted molecular dynamics (TMD) simulations of the transitions between active and inactive states of hTS were performed. Analysis of changes in the dihedral angles in the AS loop during different TMD simulations revealed complex conformational transitions. Despite hTS being a homodimeric enzyme and the conformational transition significantly involving the dimer interface, the transition occurs in an asymmetric, sequential manner via an ensemble of pathways. In addition to C195, which reoriented during the simulations, other key residues in the rotation of the AS loop included W182 and R185. The interactions of the cognate bulky W182 residues at the dimer interface hindered the simultaneous twist of the AS loops in the hTS dimer. Interactions of R185, which is unique for hTS, with ligands at different allosteric sites affected the activation transition. In addition to providing insights into the activation/inactivation mechanism of hTS and how conformational transitions can occur in homodimeric proteins, our observations suggest that blocking of AS loop rotation by ligands binding in the large cavity between the loops could be one way to stabilize inactive hTS and inhibit the enzyme.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase (TS) catalyzes methylation of dUMP to dTMP and is the target of cancer chemotherapeutic agents (e.g. 5-fluorouracil). Here, we used error-prone PCR to mutagenize the full-length human TS cDNA and then selected mutants resistant to 5-fluorodeoxyuridine in a bacterial complementation system. We found that resistant mutants contained 1-5 amino acid substitutions and that these substitutions were located along the entire length of the polypeptide. Mutations were frequent near the active site Cys(195) and in the catalytically important Arg(50) loop; however, many mutations were also distributed throughout the remainder of the cDNA. Mutants containing a single amino acid replacement identified the following 14 residues as unreported sites of resistance: Glu(23), Thr(51), Thr(53), Val(84), Lys(93), Asp(110), Asp(116), Pro(194), Ser(206), Met(219), His(250), Asp(254), Tyr(258), and Lys(284). Many of these residues are distant from the active site and/or have no documented function in catalysis or resistance. We conclude that mutations distributed throughout the linear sequence and three-dimensional structure of human TS can confer resistance to 5-fluorodeoxyuridine. Our findings imply that long range interactions within proteins affect catalysis at the active site and that mutations at a distance can yield variant proteins with desired properties.  相似文献   

We have performed molecular docking on quinazoline antifolates complexed with human thymidylate synthase to gain insight into the structural preferences of these inhibitors. The study was conducted on a selected set of one hundred six compounds with variation in structure and activity. The structural analyses indicate that the coordinate bond interactions, the hydrogen bond interactions, the van der Waals interactions as well as the hydrophobic interactions between ligand and receptor are responsible simultaneously for the preference of inhibition and potency. In this study, fast flexible docking simulations were performed on quinazoline antifolates derivatives as human thymidylate synthase inhibitors. The results indicated that the quinazoline ring of the inhibitors forms hydrophobic contacts with Leu192, Leu221 and Tyr258 and stacking interaction is conserved in complex with the inhibitor and cofactor.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that human TS mRNA translation is controlled by a negative autoregulatory mechanism. In this study, an RNA electrophoretic gel mobility shift assay confirmed a direct interaction between Escherichia coli (E.coli) TS protein and its own E.coli TS mRNA. Two cis-acting sequences in the E.coli TS mRNA protein-coding region were identified, with one site corresponding to nucleotides 207-460 and the second site corresponding to nucleotides 461-807. Each of these mRNA sequences bind TS with a relative affinity similar to that of the full-length E.coli TS mRNA sequence (IC50 = 1 nM). A third binding site was identified, corresponding to nucleotides 808-1015, although its relative affinity for TS (IC50 = 5.1 nM) was lower than that of the other two cis-acting elements. E.coli TS proteins with mutations in amino acids located within the nucleotide-binding region retained the ability to bind RNA while proteins with mutations at either the nucleotide active site cysteine (C146S) or at amino acids located within the folate-binding region were unable to bind TS mRNA. These studies suggest that the regions on E.coli TS defined by the folate-binding site and/or critical cysteine sulfhydryl groups may represent important RNA binding domains. Further evidence is presented which demonstrates that the direct interaction with TS results in in vitro repression of E.coli TS mRNA translation.  相似文献   

Thymidylate synthase (TS) is a critical chemotherapeutic target and intracellular levels of TS are an important determinant of sensitivity to TS inhibitors. Translational autoregulation represents one cellular mechanism for controlling the level of expression of TS. This mechanism involves the binding of TS protein to its own messenger RNA (mRNA), thus, repressing translational efficiency. The presence of excess substrate or inhibitors of TS leads to derepression of protein binding to mRNA, resulting in increased translational efficiency and ultimately increased levels of TS protein. TS protein has been shown to bind to two distinct areas on its mRNA. The goal of the present work is to define the TS domains responsible for this interaction. Using a separate series of overlapping 17-mer peptides spanning the length of both the human and Escherichia coli TS sequences, we have identified six potential domains located in the interface region of the TS protein that bind TS mRNA. The identified domains that bind TS mRNA include three concordant regions in both the human and E. coli peptide series. Five of the six binding peptides contain at least one invariant arginine residue, which has been shown to be critical in other well-defined protein-RNA interactions. These data suggest that the identified highly conserved protein domains, which occur at the homodimeric interface of TS, represent potential participating sites for binding of TS protein to its mRNA.  相似文献   

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