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In México, 63% of the mammalian carnivore species are considered threatened. Therefore, we performed a prioritization exercise to find sets of areas needed for the conservation of Mexican terrestrial carnivores. Using a grid of half-degree cells, we mapped the distribution of richness, endemic and threaten species. Then, we determine the efficiency of the natural protected areas in México for protecting carnivores. Finally, we define optimal sets of complementary cells needed to represent all species either one or five times, or to represent at least 10% of the geographic distribution range of each carnivore in México. We perform this analysis including or excluding the existing protected areas, or excluding the top 10% cells with highest human population density (HPD). Species richness was higher in south-eastern México, threatened species concentrate in the same region, and also in the Yucatan's Peninsula. The Baja California Peninsula and the central region of the Mexican Plateau is where lower richness and numbers of threatened species are found. There is only one endemic carnivore distributed in the central and southern portion of the Pacific Slope. Complementary analysis showed that sets of three, 16 and 71 cells are required to represent one time, five times or at least 10% of the total distribution range of all species. Sets of 35 cells are needed to complement the natural protected areas to achieve this last representation goal. Finally, if cells with highest HPD are excluded, sets of three, 14 and 71 cells are needed to achieve our three representation goals. Our results provide insight into the ability of different sites to contribute to the representation of carnivore diversity at the national scale, and indicate gaps in the existing protected area network.  相似文献   

The presence of such a large number of terrestrial orchid species in a small area (ca. 1 km2) of the Huanglong valley in southwestern China is uncommon for this country. Studying the relationship between the distribution patterns of these orchid species and their microenvironments may help us understand this uncommon phenomenon. We established 662 1 m × 1 m plots, measured the cover of each species and found that there were 33 orchid species distributed mainly in two different habitats, i.e. travertine areas and forest. In the travertine areas, 30 orchid species were found; the six most common ones being Cypripedium bardolphianum, Cypripedium flavum, Cypripedium tibeticum, Galearis diantha, Ponerorchis chusua and Phaius delavayi. However in the forested habitat, we found 21 orchid species; the most common ones being Tipularia szechuanica and Goodyera repens. Travertine areas had a higher number of orchid species as well as higher numbers of orchid species per plot as compared to forest. Light availability seems critical to the performance and distribution of orchid species. Stream flow through the travertine area during the orchids growing season appears to be an important factor in shaping and maintaining stable microenvironments favorable to the growth and reproduction of orchids. The results presented in this study suggest that some orchid species in the travertine area might be threatened if the travertine stream flows were to change or be disrupted.  相似文献   

The properties of apoA-I in human high density lipoprotein (1.063 smaller than d smaller than 1.210 gm per ml) have been examined by fluorescence and difference absorption spectroscopy, while the behavior of the total complement of apoproteins has been evaluated by far ultraviolet circular dichroism. Marked increases in stability to temperature, pH, and guanidine hydrochloride were observed for apoA-I in the native particle as compared to the isolated state.  相似文献   

Modern zoological institutions are devoting more of their resources to research, education and conservation than they have in the past. Many zoos recently have become increasingly involved in external or field (in situ) projects, with a view to conserving species and their habitats where they occur naturally. An opportunity to practice in situ conservation exists on Bioko, the largest and biologically the most diverse of the Gulf of Guinea islands. Although urgent political and economic problems confront Equatorial Guinea, of which Bioko is part, external aid will be needed if the infrastructure is to be developed to protect and maintain two important nature reserves on the island. Several initiatives are suggested for the involvement of zoos in this process.  相似文献   

Aim In this study, I determine the relationships between net primary productivity (NPP), human population density, species richness and land use. I also examine the implications of human settlement patterns for species conservation. Location Australia. Methods I document the associations between NPP, human population density and the species richness of birds, butterflies and mammals using correlations and spatial regressions. I also assess changes in land‐use with NPP and population density, focussing particularly on protected areas. An initial exploration into the implications of the NPP‐population density relationship for regional conservation strategies is provided. Results Human population density increases with NPP suggesting that available energy may be a key driving force of human settlement patterns. The species richness of each taxonomic group and geographically restricted species also increases with NPP leading to substantial overlap between species diversity and populated regions. The percentage of land designated as minimal use decreases considerably with increasing human population density and NPP, while intensive agriculture is confined entirely to areas of high NPP. There are strong negative relationships between the size of Australia's National Parks and human population density and NPP. Small parks are often surrounded by relatively dense settlements, but have high average NPP, while large parks are mostly isolated and characterized by low productivity. There are no areas in the highest quartile of NPP that also occur in the most sparsely populated regions, presenting challenges for conservation strategies wanting to protect productive areas under the least threat of human development. Main conclusions Human population density and species richness respond similarly to variation in NPP, leading to spatial congruence between human settlements and productive, species rich regions. Planning strategies are required that minimize the potential threat posed by human development to diverse ecosystems and maximize the underlying productivity of protected areas. Reducing the level of threat may require stabilizing the size of the human population, while capturing larger areas of relatively high productivity in the conservation reserve system would lead to greater protection of local diversity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Previous studies have concluded that southern ocean islands are anomalous because past glacial extent and current temperature apparently explain most variance in their species richness. Here, the relationships between physical variables and species richness of vascular plants, insects, land and seabirds, and mammals were reexamined for these islands. Indigenous and introduced species were distinguished, and relationships between the latter and human occupancy variables were investigated. Most variance in indigenous species richness was explained by combinations of area and temperature (56%)-vascular plants; distance (nearest continent) and vascular plant species richness (75%)-insects; area and chlorophyll concentration (65%)-seabirds; and indigenous insect species richness and age (73%)-land birds. Indigenous insects and plants, along with distance (closest continent), explained most variance (70%) in introduced land bird species richness. A combination of area and temperature explained most variance in species richness of introduced vascular plants (73%), insects (69%), and mammals (69%). However, there was a strong relationship between area and number of human occupants. This suggested that larger islands attract more human occupants, increasing the risk of propagule transfer, while temperature increases the chance of propagule establishment. Consequently, human activities on these islands should be regulated more tightly.  相似文献   

中国东部森林样带典型森林水源涵养功能   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
贺淑霞  李叙勇  莫菲  周彬  高广磊 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3285-3295
通过对我国东部森林样带四个森林生态系统定位研究站(长白山站、北京站、会同站和鼎湖山站)的九种森林类型水源涵养监测数据的分析,研究了水热梯度下不同森林生态系统水源涵养功能。结果表明:在生长季的5-10月份,各森林类型的水源涵养特性表现出较大差异。林冠截留率的大小依次为:阔叶红松林>杉木林>常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>季风常绿阔叶林>落叶阔叶混交林>马尾松林>落叶松林>油松林,最高的长白山站阔叶红松林的截留率是最低的北京站油松林的2.2倍。森林降雨截留量与林外降雨量呈显著的正相关,林冠截留率与降雨量呈显著负相关。枯落物最大持水深(5-10月份)以北京站落叶阔叶林最大,为6.0mm;鼎湖山站的季风常绿阔叶林最小,为1.0mm。0-60cm土层蓄水量最大的是会同站的人工杉木林,为247mm;最小的是北京站的落叶松林,仅为45.5mm;林分总持水量依次为:杉木林>阔叶红松林>常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>季风常绿阔叶林>落叶阔叶混交林>马尾松林>落叶松林>油松林。各林分总持水量主要集中在土壤层,占总比例的90%以上。  相似文献   

森林公园在我国自然保护区系统中的地位   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文针对我国森林公园建设发展迅速的现状,阐述了“森林公园”的自然保护性质和作用,提出“国家自然保护区系统”的概念,将森林公园与自然保护区、风景名胜区三个体系同视为“国家自然保护区系统”中的三个组成部分,并阐述了这三个体系各自的特点、地位及其相互关系。同时,还提出进一步加强森林公园管理的建议。  相似文献   

毛军  田赟  谢军平  赵菁  马莉  查天山 《生态学报》2021,41(22):9020-9028
本研究对北京市首都功能核心区、城市功能拓展区、城市发展新区和生态涵养发展区进行林分涵养水源功能评价及价值估算,旨在探究提升城市功能区森林水源涵养功能较优林分配置模式。结果表明:(1)北京市森林植被面积2009年为4.00×105 hm2,2014年为4.59×105 hm2,北京市NDVI平均值2009年为0.331,2014年为0.708,北京市森林植被面积总体呈增加趋势。北京市2014年林地绿化调节水量较2009年降低了近1/3,2014年水源涵养功能价值量较2009年分别减少了22.08%和8.24%。(2)生态涵养发展区水源涵养功能年平均能力最强(2.88×108 m3/a),城市发展新区水源涵养功能年平均能力次之(1.72×108 m3/a),而首都功能核心区水源涵养功能年平均能力相对最弱,仅1.05×106 m3/a。在针叶林、阔叶林和混交林三种林分类型中,2014年混交林水源涵养功能价值量较2009年增加5.13%,而阔叶林和针叶林分别减少34.93%和55.55%。(3)培育纯林,提高森林覆盖率,对于调节水土资源和保护生态环境具有非常重要的生态意义,而从森林水源涵养功能实物量和价值量考虑,认为混交林比纯林具有更强的水源涵养功能和较优的经济价值。在城市特定的条件下,建立生态与景观相协调的人工植物群落使城市土地资源的利用达到生态、社会、经济三大效益的最佳结合,是提高城市绿地质量的关键所在。  相似文献   

The establishment of a network of reserves is of fundamental importance to the loss of biodiversity. Seven different area selection methods for the establishment of a reserve network were applied in the present study: (a) 5% cut-off value of the grid cells with the highest species richness or conservation value, (b) complementarity analysis using as criteria species richness or conservation value or rarest species richness, and (c) mixed complementarity analysis using as criteria species richness or conservation value. These methods were applied in the orchid taxa of east Macedonia. The conservation values of taxa were estimated on the basis of regional rarity, broad-scale rarity, and species specialization. The spatial overlap between the resulting networks and the Natura 2000 network of the study area was assessed. Furthermore, the efficiency of the latter network to protect the orchid taxa of the study area was examined. Our results suggest that: (a) a multiscale estimation of rarity is necessary for the unbiased estimation of species conservation values; (b) species specialization adds valuable ecological information to the assessment of taxa conservation values; (c) complementarity and mixed complementarity analyses on species richness or conservation value safeguard all the taxa of the region; (d) complementarity analysis on the basis of the richness of the rarest species safeguards all the rarest taxa, but not the total number of the remaining taxa; (e) the 5% cut-off value on species richness or conservation value fails to protect all the taxa of the region, including a large number of the rarest taxa; and (f) the Natura 2000 network, despite its large coverage in the study area, fails to safeguard all the taxa, including some of the rarest.  相似文献   

It is widely held that existing reserve systems are inadequate in representing the diversity of biological features of the regions in which they reside. Evidence for this argument has, however, derived principally from analyses of the efficiency of networks when compared with a minimum set that represents each species at least once. Here, we examine the efficiency of the system of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in representing wetland plants in fen sites in the Scottish Borders, a region where reserve networks might be expected a priori to perform reasonably well in this regard. The results support the general contention that networks have been designated in an inefficient manner. However, examined in terms of effectiveness (measured as the gap between the representation target required and the one attained by the existing network), the SSSI system is actually a rather good way of representing diversity. This result is consistent when each of several very different representation targets is evaluated, and suggests that a more balanced approach to evaluating the performance of reserve networks should be employed, and that general statements based on existing analyses should be treated cautiously.  相似文献   

Southern Africa's subtropical forest biome, though small and highly fragmented, supports much of the region's biodiversity. With limited resources available for conservation and the exploitative use of forest escalating, identifying a network of priority forest reserves is important. We examine the distribution of forest birds, butterflies and mammals in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Using an iterative algorithm we explore the efficiency of existing protected areas, species richness and rarity hotspots, prime forest sites (selected by forest area) and complementary networks as alternative approaches to priority reserve selection, as well as the potential use of indicator taxa. Existing protected areas represent 98% of species but are relatively inefficient in terms of area. Alternative selection criteria represent a high proportion of species (86–92%) and provide efficient bases for developing fully representative reserve networks. All species are represented within a network of 22 complementary quarter degree cells. This network includes several larger forests and existing protected areas and is recommended for priority conservation. Complementary networks identified separately for birds, butterflies and mammals overlap little, but each represents a high proportion of the remaining taxa, supporting their potential as representative 'indicator' taxa. The evolutionary history of the three main forest types in KwaZulu-Natal explains observed spatial patterns of alternative reserve networks. Priority areas are concentrated in scarp and coastal forest belts, regions of comparatively recent evolutionary activity with high species richness. Afromontane forest is older and less diverse, but its inclusion in any reserve network is necessary for the full representation of forest diversity.  相似文献   

中国林木遗传资源原地保存体系包括以自然保护区为代表的区域保存、以原地保存林为代表的群体保存和以古树为代表的个体保存3种类型。截至2012年,全国有自然保护区2669个,面积14979万hm2,约占国土面积的14.94%。截至2011年,建立了森林公园2747处,总面积1703万hm2;建立了国家与省级风景名胜区共962处,总面积1975万hm2;截至2012年,在16个省建立了50多个树种的原地保存林和天然采种林群体;截至2005年,全国共清查出古树名木285.3万株,绝大部分进行了挂牌保护。全国约90%的陆地自然生态系统、85%的重点保护野生动物种群、65%的高等植物群落类型都得到了较好保护。中国林木遗传资源原地保存成绩显著,但也存在不足,今后应优先考虑如何提高原地保存的质量,解决保护区域与当地经济发展的矛盾,加强对原地保存的遗传资源动态监测和评价。  相似文献   

Throughout the world, previously extensive areas of natural habitats have been degraded and fragmented, and improving habitat connectivity may help the long-term persistence of species, and their ability to adapt to climate changes. We focused on Borneo, where many remaining areas of tropical forest are highly fragmented, and we assessed the extent to which Protected Areas (PAs) protect highly-connected forest sites. We analysed remotely-sensed land cover data (0.86 km2 grid cell resolution) using ‘Zonation’ reserve design software, and we ranked grid cells (rank 0–1) according to forest extent and connectivity. PAs currently cover 9% of Borneo, but <20% of highly-connected cells (i.e. cells with Zonation ranks ≥0.9) lie within PAs. Approximately 65% of highly-connected cells were located above 400 m elevation, although >60% of Borneo’s total land area lies below 200 m and only 15% of highly-connected cells occurred in these low elevation areas. These findings were relatively insensitive to assumptions about species’ dispersal ability (within the range 1–20 km; representing relatively mobile animal species). The percentage of highly-connected grid cells within PAs could rise from <20 to >50% under proposed new PAs (including the ‘Heart of Borneo’ project), although many other highly-connected sites will remain unprotected. On-going land-use changes mean that existing PAs in lowland areas are likely to become increasingly isolated within inhospitable agricultural landscapes, and improving connectivity through reforestation and rehabilitation of degraded forest may be required to maintain the conservation value of these PAs in future.  相似文献   

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