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The floor plate, a specialized group of cells in the ventral midline of the neural tube of vertebrates, plays crucial roles in patterning the central nervous system. Recent work from zebrafish, chick, chick-quail chimeras and mice to investigate the development of the floor plate have led to several models of floor-plate induction. One model suggests that the floor plate is formed by inductive signalling from the notochord to the overlying neural tube. The induction is thought to be mediated by notochord-derived Sonic hedgehog (Shh), a secreted protein, and requires direct cellular contact between the notochord and the neural tube. Another model proposes a role for the organizer in generating midline precursor cells that produce floor plate cells independent of notochord specification, and proposes that floor plate specification occurs early, during gastrulation. We describe a temperature-sensitive mutation that affects the zebrafish Nodal-related secreted signalling factor, Cyclops, and use it to address the issue of when the floor plate is induced in zebrafish. Zebrafish cyclops regulates the expression of shh in the ventral neural tube. Although null mutations in cyclops result in the lack of the medial floor plate, embryos homozygous for the temperature-sensitive mutation have floor plate cells at the permissive temperature and lack floor plate cells at the restrictive temperature. We use this mutant allele in temperature shift-up and shift-down experiments to answer a central question pertaining to the timing of vertebrate floor plate induction. Abrogation of Cyc/Nodal signalling in the temperature-sensitive mutant embryos at various stages indicates that the floor plate in zebrafish is induced early in development, during gastrulation. In addition, continuous Cyclops signalling is required through gastrulation for a complete ventral neural tube throughout the length of the neuraxis. Finally, by modulation of Nodal signalling levels in mutants and in ectopic overexpression experiments, we show that, similar to the requirements for prechordal plate mesendoderm fates, uninterrupted and high levels of Cyclops signalling are required for induction and specification of a complete ventral neural tube.  相似文献   

The floor plate is a morphologically distinct structure of epithelial cells situated along the midline of the ventral spinal cord in vertebrates. It is a source of guidance molecules directing the growth of axons along and across the midline of the neural tube. In the zebrafish, the floor plate is about three cells wide and composed of cuboidal cells. Two cell populations can be distinguished by the expression patterns of several marker genes, including sonic hedgehog (shh) and the fork head-domain gene fkd4: a single row of medial floor plate (MFP) cells, expressing both shh and fkd4, is flanked by rows of lateral floor plate (LFP) cells that express fkd4 but not shh. Systematic mutant searches in zebrafish embryos have identified a number of genes, mutations in which visibly reduce the floor plate. In these mutants either the MFP or the LFP cells are absent, as revealed by the analysis of the shh and fkd4 expression patterns. MFP cells are absent, but LFP cells are present, in mutants of cyclops, one-eyed pinhead, and schmalspur, whose development of midline structures is affected. LFP cells are absent, but MFP cells are present, in mutants of four genes, sonic you, you, you-too, and chameleon, collectively called the you-type genes. This group of mutants also shows defects in patterning of the paraxial mesoderm, causing U- instead of V-shaped somites. One of the you-type genes, sonic you, was recently shown to encode the zebrafish Shh protein, suggesting that the you-type genes encode components of the Shh signaling pathway. It has been shown previously that in the zebrafish shh is required for the induction of LFP cells, but not for the development of MFP cells. This conclusion is supported by the finding that injection of shh RNA causes an increase in the number of LFP, but not MFP cells. Embryos mutant for iguana, detour, and umleitung share the lack of LFP cells with you-type mutants while somite patterning is not severely affected. In mutants that fail to develop a notochord, MFP cells may be present, but are always surrounded by LFP cells. These data indicate that shh, expressed in the notochord and/or the MFP cells, induces the formation of LFP cells. In embryos doubly mutant for cyclops (cyc) and sonic you (syu) both LFP and MFP cells are deleted. The number of primary motor neurons is strongly reduced in cyc;syu double mutants, while almost normal in single mutants, suggesting that the two different pathways have overlapping functions in the induction of primary motor neurons.  相似文献   

The subcommissural organ (SCO) and the floor plate (FP) secrete high molecular weight glycoproteins that polymerize in the form of the Reissner's fiber (RF). To study to what extent the absence of the FP affects the expression of these glycoproteins, we have investigated the brain and spinal cord of 48-h and 72-h wildtype and cyclops (cyc) mutant zebrafish larvae by using a polyclonal antiserum against bovine RF. Wildtype larvae showed immunoreactivity in the SCO at the dorsal forebrain-midbrain boundary. In the ventricle, over the SCO surface, thin immunoreactive fibers aggregated into an RF that ran along the third and fourth ventricles and the central canal of the spinal cord until, at its caudal end, the fiber disintegrated and formed a strongly immunoreactive massa caudalis that left the neural tube and invaded the surrounding tissues of the tail fin. The rostral end of the FP, lining the pontine flexure, was also strongly immunoreactive, as was the caudal third of the FP. Cyc mutants showed an immunoreactive SCO and fibrous material in the ventricle, but an RF was missing. There was no label in the ventral midline of the neural tube except in some specimens in which the caudal FP persisted and was immunoreactive. It is concluded that the product of the cyc gene is not required for the expression of SCO glycoproteins but for their polymerization into an RF in the brain ventricles.  相似文献   

Midway between the anterior neural border and the midbrain-hindbrain boundary, two well-known local signalling centres in the early developing brain, is a further transverse boundary with putative signalling properties -- the zona limitans intrathalamica (ZLI). Here, we describe formation of the ZLI in zebrafish in relation to expression of sonic hedgehog (shh) and tiggy-winkle hedgehog (twhh), and to development of the forebrain regions that flank the ZLI: the prethalamus and thalamus. We find that enhanced Hh signalling increases the size of prethalamic and thalamic gene expression domains, whereas lack of Hh signalling leads to absence of these domains. In addition, we show that shh and twhh display both unique and redundant functions during diencephalic patterning. Genetic ablation of the basal plate shows that Hh expression in the ZLI alone is sufficient for diencephalic differentiation. Furthermore, acquisition of correct prethalamic and thalamic gene expression is dependent on direct Hh signalling. We conclude that proper maturation of the diencephalon requires ZLI-derived Hh signalling.  相似文献   

Nodal signalling is essential for many developmental events during vertebrate development, including the establishment of left-right asymmetry, of dorsoventral axis of the central nervous system, and endoderm and mesoderm formation. The zebrafish TGFbeta-related type I receptor, TARAM-A (Tar), is expressed in the prospective mesendodermal territory and, when activated, can transfate early blastomeres into endoderm, suggesting that Nodal and Tar may represent similar signalling pathways. We have analysed the functional relationships between those two pathways in zebrafish. We first demonstrate that tar and the zebrafish nodal genes cyc and sqt functionally interact. We also show that a dominant-negative isoform of Tar, TarMR, interferes specifically with the function of Cyc and Sqt in vitro, but does not interfere with the function of BMP2, another TGFbeta-related molecule. TarMR interferes also with Nodal signalling in vivo since it enhances the phenotype of embryos with weakened Nodal signalling. Overexpression of tarMR in wild-type embryos interfered with the formation of endoderm-derived structures. Conversely, overexpression of tar enlarged the presumptive mesendodermal region at the onset of gastrulation. Together, our results point to Tar as an essential factor for endoderm formation and an important modulator of Nodal signalling, potentially representing one of the Nodal receptors. (c)2001 Elsevier Science.  相似文献   

Here we report the expression of the zebrafish zic1 gene, also known as opl, a homologue to other vertebrate Zic genes and the Drosophila odd-paired gene. zic1 expression starts during epiboly stages in lateral parts of the neural plate and eventually comes to lie in dorsal regions of the developing brain following the morphogenetic movements of neural tube formation. To address the question whether BMP2 signalling affects the extent of zic1 expression, we analysed swirl and chordino mutant embryos. Expanded Zic1 expression in swirl and reduced expression in chordino as well as in bmp2 injected embryos suggest that BMP2 and its antagonists define the extent of zic1 expression in the neural plate. By searching for factors responsible for the dorsal restriction of Zic1 expression, we found zic1 expression is eliminated in sonic hedgehog (shh) injected embryos. The most rostral expression however is not affected by Shh suggesting that Shh plays a different role in dorso-ventral patterning of the future telencephalon. During somitogenesis zic1 is expressed in the dorsal most part of the developing somites. Here zic1 marks cells that are distinct from the main adaxial somite portion, the future myomere. zic1 expression in the somites is expanded in swirl but reduced in shh injected embryos, suggesting these factors have opposing activity in dorsoventral patterning of the somites. Later, a growing mass of zic1 expressing cells occurs in a dorsal mesenchyme that eventually invades the dorsal fin fold, suggesting a somitic contribution to the dorsal fin mesenchyme.  相似文献   

The ventral neural tube of vertebrates consists of distinct neural progenitor domains positioned along the dorsoventral (DV) axis that develop different types of moto- and interneurons. Several signalling molecules, most notably Sonic Hedgehog (Shh), retinoic acid (RA) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) have been implicated in the generation of these domains. Shh is secreted from the floor plate, the ventral most neural tube structure that consists of the medial (MFP) and the lateral floor plate (LFP). While the MFP is well characterized, organization and function of the LFP remains unclear. Here, we describe the novel homeobox gene nkx2.2b that is strongly expressed in the trunk LFP of zebrafish and thus represents a unique marker for the characterization of LFP formation and the identification of LFP deficient mutants. nkx2.2b and its paralog nkx2.2a (formerly known as nk2.2 and nkx2.2) arose by gene duplication in zebrafish. Both duplicates show significant differences in their expression patterns. For example, while prominent nkx2.2a expression has been described in the ventral brain [Barth, K.A., Wilson, S.W., 1995. Expression of zebrafish nk2.2 is influenced by sonic hedgehog/vertebrate hedgehog-1 and demarcates a zone of neuronal differentiation in the embryonic forebrain. Development 121, 1755-1768], hardly any expression can be found in the trunk LFP, which is in contrast to nkx2.2b. Overexpression, mutant and inhibitor analyses show that nkx2.2b expression in the LFP is up-regulated by Shh, but repressed by retinoids and ectopic islet-1 (isl1) expression. In contrast to previously described zebrafish trunk LFP markers, like e.g. tal2 or foxa2, nkx2.2b is exclusively expressed in the LFP. Thus, it represents a unique tool to analyse the mechanisms of ventral neural tube patterning in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Ventral midline cells in the neural tube form floorplate throughout most of the central nervous system (CNS) but in the anterior forebrain, they differentiate with hypothalamic identity. The signalling pathways responsible for subdivision of midline neural tissue into hypothalamic and floorplate domains are uncertain, and in this study, we have explored the role of the Wnt/Axin/beta-catenin pathway in this process. This pathway has been implicated in anteroposterior regionalisation of the dorsal neural tube but its role in patterning ventral midline tissue has not been rigorously assessed. We find that masterblind zebrafish embryos that carry a mutation in Axin1, an intracellular negative regulator of Wnt pathway activity, show an expansion of prospective floorplate coupled with a reduction of prospective hypothalamic tissue. Complementing this observation, transplantation of cells overexpressing axin1 into the prospective floorplate leads to induction of hypothalamic gene expression and suppression of floorplate marker gene expression. Axin1 is more efficient at inducing hypothalamic markers than several other Wnt pathway antagonists, and we present data suggesting that this may be due to an ability to promote Nodal signalling in addition to suppressing Wnt activity. Indeed, extracellular Wnt antagonists can promote hypothalamic gene expression when co-expressed with a modified form of Madh2 that activates Nodal signalling. These results suggest that Nodal signalling promotes the ability of cells to incorporate into ventral midline tissue, and within this tissue, antagonism of Wnt signalling promotes the acquisition of hypothalamic identity. Wnt signalling also affects patterning within the hypothalamus, suggesting that this pathway is involved in both the initial anteroposterior subdivision of ventral CNS midline fates and in the subsequent regionalisation of the hypothalamus. We suggest that by regulating the response of midline cells to signals that induce ventral fates, Axin1 and other modulators of Wnt pathway activity provide a mechanism by which cells can integrate dorsoventral and anteroposterior patterning information.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To estimate the rate of malformations observed during early human development, a series of 38,913 first-trimester abortions were studied. Neural tube defects (NTD) were found in 57 cases. METHODS: A histological study of serial sections performed in 25 embryos revealed a spectrum of axial structure abnormalities. Expression of the SHH gene was studied by in situ hybridization in one case of CRS and in two cases of SB. RESULTS: A cervical notochord duplication was always found in craniorachischisis (CRS, n = 8), but not in spina bifida (SB, n = 10) or diplomyelia (split cord malformation, n = 3). In the embryo with CRS, expression of SHH was found in both domains, corresponding to the duplicated part of the notochord, whereas a single signal was observed in the nonduplicated part. This expression was associated at the cervical level of the open neural tube with a broad SHH expression domain and with two or even three domains in its lumbar region, suggesting multiple functional floor plates. Similarly, in two embryos with SB, two domains of SHH expression were found in the ventral neural tube. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that notochord splitting in the cervical region might be involved in the pathogenesis of CRS. Interestingly, similar notochord abnormality and altered expression of the shh gene are observed in Lp mice with NTD. This suggests that the Lp gene could be a candidate gene for human CRS. Further studies are needed to establish the primary event responsible for the notochord splitting and for the abnormal expression of the SHH gene in the floor plate in embryos with CRS and SB.  相似文献   

The floor plate of the neural tube serves an important function as a source of signals that pattern cell fates in the nervous system as well as directing proper axon pathfinding. We have cloned a novel zebrafish wnt family member, wnt4b, which is expressed exclusively in the floor plate. To place wnt4b in the context of known regulators of midline development, its expression was analyzed in the zebrafish mutants cyclops (cyc), floating head (flh), you-too (yot), and sonic you (syu). wnt4b expression in the medial and lateral floor plate are shown to be regulated independently: medial floor plate expression occurs in the absence of a notochord, while lateral floor plate expression requires a functional notochord, sonic hedgehog and gli-2.  相似文献   

Cooperation of sonic hedgehog enhancers in midline expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In zebrafish, as in other vertebrates, the secreted signalling molecule Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is expressed in organiser regions such as the embryonic midline and the zona limitans intrathalamica (zli). To investigate the regulatory mechanisms underlying the pattern of shh expression, we carried out a systematic analysis of the intronic regulatory sequences of zebrafish shh using stable transgenesis. Deletion analysis identified the modules responsible for expression in the embryonic shield, the hypothalamus and the zli and confirmed the activities of previously identified notochord and floor plate enhancers. We detected a strong synergism between regulatory regions. The degree of synergy varied over time in the hypothalamus suggesting different mechanisms for initiation and maintenance of expression. Our data show that the pattern of shh expression in the embryonic central nervous system involves an intricate crosstalk of at least 4 different regulatory regions. When compared to the enhancer activities of the mouse Shh gene, we observed a remarkable divergence of function of structurally conserved enhancer sequences. The activating region ar-C (61% identical to SFPE2 in mouse Shh), for example, mediates floor plate expression in the mouse embryo while it directs expression in the forebrain and the notochord and only weakly in the floor plate in the zebrafish embryo. This raises doubts on the predictive power of phylogenetic footprinting and indicates a stunning divergence of function of structurally conserved regulatory modules during vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Nodal signals, a subclass of the TGFbeta superfamily of secreted factors, induce formation of mesoderm and endoderm in vertebrate embryos. We have examined the possible dorsoventral and animal-vegetal patterning roles for Nodal signals by using mutations in two zebrafish nodal-related genes, squint and cyclops, to manipulate genetically the levels and timing of Nodal activity. squint mutants lack dorsal mesendodermal gene expression at the late blastula stage, and fate mapping and gene expression studies in sqt(-/-); cyc(+/+) and sqt(-/-); cyc(+/-) mutants show that some dorsal marginal cells inappropriately form hindbrain and spinal cord instead of dorsal mesendodermal derivatives. The effects on ventrolateral mesendoderm are less severe, although the endoderm is reduced and muscle precursors are located nearer to the margin than in wild type. Our results support a role for Nodal signals in patterning the mesendoderm along the animal-vegetal axis and indicate that dorsal and ventrolateral mesoderm require different levels of squint and cyclops function. Dorsal marginal cells were not transformed toward more lateral fates in either sqt(-/-); cyc(+/-) or sqt(-/-); cyc(+/+) embryos, arguing against a role for the graded action of Nodal signals in dorsoventral patterning of the mesendoderm. Differential regulation of the cyclops gene in these cells contributes to the different requirements for nodal-related gene function in these cells. Dorsal expression of cyclops requires Nodal-dependent autoregulation, whereas other factors induce cyclops expression in ventrolateral cells. In addition, the differential timing of dorsal mesendoderm induction in squint and cyclops mutants suggests that dorsal marginal cells can respond to Nodal signals at stages ranging from the mid-blastula through the mid-gastrula.  相似文献   

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling patterns many vertebrate tissues. shh mutations dramatically affect mouse ventral forebrain and floor plate but produce minor defects in zebrafish. Zebrafish have two mammalian Shh orthologs, sonic hedgehog and tiggy-winkle hedgehog, and another gene, echidna hedgehog, that could have overlapping functions. To examine the role of Hedgehog signaling in zebrafish, we have characterized slow muscle omitted (smu) mutants. We show that smu encodes a zebrafish ortholog of Smoothened that transduces Hedgehog signals. Zebrafish smoothened is expressed maternally and zygotically and supports specification of motoneurons, pituitary cells and ventral forebrain. We propose that smoothened is required for induction of lateral floor plate and a subpopulation of hypothalamic cells and for maintenance of medial floor plate and hypothalamic cells.  相似文献   

The floor plate is a signaling center in the ventral neural tube of vertebrates with important functions during neural patterning and axon guidance. It is composed of a centrally located medial floor plate (MFP) and a bilaterally positioned lateral floor plate (LFP). While the role of the MFP as source of signaling molecules like, e.g., Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) is well understood, the exact organization and function of the LFP are currently unclear. Based on expression analyses, the one cell wide LFP in zebrafish has been postulated to be a homogenous structure. We instead show that the zebrafish trunk LFP is discontinuously arranged. Single LFP cells alternate with p3 neuronal precursor cells, which develop V3 interneurons along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. Our mutant analyses indicate that both, formation of LFP and p3 cells require Delta-Notch signaling. Importantly, however, the two cell types are differentially regulated by Hedgehog (HH) and Nkx2.2 activities. This implicates a novel mechanism of neural tube patterning, in which distinct cell populations within one domain of the ventral neural tube are differently specified along the AP axis. We conclude that different levels of HH and Nkx2.2 activities are responsible for the alternating appearance of LFP and p3 neuronal progenitor cells in the zebrafish ventral neural tube.  相似文献   

To begin to reconcile models of floor plate formation in the vertebrate neural tube, we have performed experiments aimed at understanding the development of the early floor plate in the chick embryo. Using real-time analyses of cell behaviour, we provide evidence that the principal contributor to the early neural midline, the future anterior floor plate, exists as a separate population of floor plate precursor cells in the epiblast of the gastrula stage embryo, and does not share a lineage with axial mesoderm. Analysis of the tissue interactions associated with differentiation of these cells to a floor plate fate reveals a role for the nascent prechordal mesoderm, indicating that more than one inductive event is associated with floor plate formation along the length of the neuraxis. We show that Nr1, a chick nodal homologue, is expressed in the nascent prechordal mesoderm and we provide evidence that Nodal signalling can cooperate with Shh to induce the epiblast precursors to a floor-plate fate. These results indicate that a shared lineage with axial mesoderm cells is not a pre-requisite for floor plate differentiation and suggest parallels between the development of the floor plate in amniote and anamniote embryos.  相似文献   

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