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Research on human evolution and sexual dimorphism motivates an interesting test problem. In studying hominid phylogeny it is of interest to test whether parallel evolution plays a role. With regard to sexual dimorphism it is of interest to known whether the directions of sexual dimorphism in the populations being compared are the same. We show that testing these two problems gives rise to the same type of hypothesis testing, viz. the problem of testing the hypothesis that the means of independent, normally distributed random vectors with unit covariance matrices are situated on a straight line through the origin. A test is proposed and applied to study the sexual dimorphism of 20 recent skull populations. In this example the hypothesis of equal directions of sexual dimorphism is rejected. The classical theory of constructing multiple discriminant functions (canonical variates) is adapted to the problem of comparing sexual dimorphisms.  相似文献   

Sober and Steel (J. Theor. Biol. 218, 395-408) give important limits on the use of current models with sequence data for studying ancient aspects of evolution; but they go too far in suggesting that several fundamental aspects of evolutionary theory cannot be tested in a normal scientific manner. To the contrary, we show examples of how some alternatives to the theory of descent can be formulated in such a way that they lead to predictions that can be evaluated (and rejected). The critical factor is a logical formulation of the alternatives, even though not all possible alternatives can be tested simultaneously. Similarly, some of the limits using DNA sequence data can be overcome by other types of sequence derived characters. The uniqueness (or not) of the origin of life, though still difficult, is similarly amenable to the testing of alternative hypotheses.  相似文献   

Rosenbaum  Paul R. 《Biometrika》2008,95(1):248-252
In certain circumstances, one wishes to test one hypothesisonly if certain other hypotheses have been rejected. This orderingof hypotheses simplifies the task of controlling the probabilityof rejecting any true hypothesis. In an example from an observationalstudy, a treated group is shown to be further from both of twocontrol groups than the two control groups are from each other.  相似文献   

Physiological data from a range of human populations living in different environments can provide valuable information for testing evolutionary hypotheses about human adaptation. By taking into account the effects of population history, phylogenetic comparative methods can help us determine whether variation results from selection due to particular environmental variables. These selective forces could even be due to cultural traits-which means that gene-culture co-evolution may be occurring. In this paper, we outline two examples of the use of these approaches to test adaptive hypotheses that explain global variation in two physiological traits: the first is lactose digestion capacity in adults, and the second is population sex-ratio at birth. We show that lower than average sex ratio at birth is associated with high fertility, and argue that global variation in sex ratio at birth has evolved as a response to the high physiological costs of producing boys in high fertility populations.  相似文献   

Phillips PC 《Genetica》2005,123(1-2):15-24
Many of the hypotheses regarding the genetics of adaptation require that one know specific details about the genetic basis of complex traits, such as the number and effects of the loci involved. Developments in molecular biology have made it possible to create relatively dense maps of markers that can potentially be used to map genes underlying specific traits. However, there are a number of reasons to doubt that such mapping will provide the level of resolution necessary to specifically address many evolutionary questions. Moreover, evolutionary change is built upon the substitution of individual mutations, many of which may now be cosegregating in the same allele. In order for this developing area not to become a mirage that traps the efforts of an entire field, the genetic dissection of adaptive traits should be conducted within a strict hypothesis-testing framework and within systems that promise a reasonable chance of identifying the specific genetic changes of interest. Continuing advances in molecular technology may lead the way here, but some form of genetic testing is likely to be forever required.  相似文献   

Hypotheses tests in bioinformatics can often be set in a tree structure in a very natural way, e.g. when tests are performed at probe, gene, and chromosome level. Exploiting this graph structure in a multiple testing procedure may result in a gain in power or increased interpretability of the results.We present the inheritance procedure, a method of familywise error control for hypotheses structured in a tree. The method starts testing at the top of the tree, following up on those branches in which it finds significant results, and following up on leaf nodes in the neighborhood of those leaves. The method is a uniform improvement over a recently proposed method by Meinshausen. The inheritance procedure has been implemented in the globaltest package which is available on www.bioconductor.org.  相似文献   

Efforts to test hypotheses about small-scale shifts in development (tinkering) that can only be observed in the fossil record pose many challenges. Here we use the origin of modern human craniofacial form to explore a series of analytical steps with which to propose and test evolutionary developmental hypotheses about the basic modules of evolutionary change. Using factor and geometric morphometric analyses of craniofacial variation in modern humans, fossil hominids, and chimpanzee crania, we identify several key shifts in integration (defined as patterns of covariation that result from interactions between components of a system) among units of the cranium that underlie the unique shape of the modern human cranium. The results indicate that facial retraction in modern humans is largely a product of three derived changes: a relatively longer anterior cranial base, a more flexed cranial base angle, and a relatively shorter upper face. By applying the Atchley-Hall model of morphogenesis, we show that these shifts are most likely the result of changes in epigenetic interactions between the cranial base and both the brain and the face. Changes in the size of the skeletal precursors to these regions may also have played some role. This kind of phenotype-to-genotype approach is a useful and important complement to more standard genotype-to-phenotype approaches, and may help to identify candidate genes involved in the origin of modern human craniofacial form.  相似文献   



Coronary artery disease (CAD), and one of its intermediate risk factors, dyslipidemia, possess a demonstrable genetic component, although the genetic architecture is incompletely defined. We previously reported a linkage peak on chromosome 5q31-33 for early-onset CAD where the strength of evidence for linkage was increased in families with higher mean low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C). Therefore, we sought to fine-map the peak using association mapping of LDL-C as an intermediate disease-related trait to further define the etiology of this linkage peak. The study populations consisted of 1908 individuals from the CATHGEN biorepository of patients undergoing cardiac catheterization; 254 families (N = 827 individuals) from the GENECARD familial study of early-onset CAD; and 162 aorta samples harvested from deceased donors. Linkage disequilibrium-tagged SNPs were selected with an average of one SNP per 20 kb for 126.6-160.2 MB (region of highest linkage) and less dense spacing (one SNP per 50 kb) for the flanking regions (117.7-126.6 and 160.2-167.5 MB) and genotyped on all samples using a custom Illumina array. Association analysis of each SNP with LDL-C was performed using multivariable linear regression (CATHGEN) and the quantitative trait transmission disequilibrium test (QTDT; GENECARD). SNPs associated with the intermediate quantitative trait, LDL-C, were then assessed for association with CAD (i.e., a qualitative phenotype) using linkage and association in the presence of linkage (APL; GENECARD) and logistic regression (CATHGEN and aortas).


We identified four genes with SNPs that showed the strongest and most consistent associations with LDL-C and CAD: EBF1, PPP2R2B, SPOCK1, and PRELID2. The most significant results for association of SNPs with LDL-C were: EBF1, rs6865969, p = 0.01; PPP2R2B, rs2125443, p = 0.005; SPOCK1, rs17600115, p = 0.003; and PRELID2, rs10074645, p = 0.0002). The most significant results for CAD were EBF1, rs6865969, p = 0.007; PPP2R2B, rs7736604, p = 0.0003; SPOCK1, rs17170899, p = 0.004; and PRELID2, rs7713855, p = 0.003.


Using an intermediate disease-related quantitative trait of LDL-C we have identified four novel CAD genes, EBF1, PRELID2, SPOCK1, and PPP2R2B. These four genes should be further examined in future functional studies as candidate susceptibility loci for cardiovascular disease mediated through LDL-cholesterol pathways.  相似文献   

Vertebrate embryos pass through a period of morphological similarity, the phylotypic period. Since Haeckel's biogenetic law of recapitulation, proximate and ultimate evolutionary causes of such similarity of embryos were discussed. We test predictions about changes in phenotypic and genetic variances that were derived from three hypotheses about the evolutionary origin of the phylotypic stage, i.e. random, epigenetic effects, and stabilizing selection. The random hypothesis predicts increasing values for phenotypic variances and stable or increasing values for genetic variances; the epigenetic effects hypothesis predicts declining values for phenotypic variances but stable or increasing values of genetic variances, and the stabilizing selection predicts stable phenotypic variances but decreasing genetic variances. We studied zebrafish as a model species, because it can be bred in large numbers as necessary for a quantitative genetics breeding design. A half-sib breeding scheme provided estimates of additive genetic variances from 11 embryonic characters from 12 through to 24 hr after fertilization, i.e. before, during (15-19 hr), and after the phylotypic period. Because additive genetic variances are size dependent, we calculated narrow-sense heritabilities as a size independent gauge of genetic contributions to the phenotype. The results show declining phenotypic variances and stable heritabilities. In conclusion, we reject the random and the stabilizing selection hypotheses and favor ideas about epigenetic effects that constrain the early embryonic development. Additive genetic variance during the phylotypic stage makes it accessible for evolution, thus explaining in a simple and straightforward way why the phylotypic period differs among vertebrates in timing, duration, and morphologies.  相似文献   

Polygenic threshold model of finger dermatoglyphics inheritance is worked out on the basis of family and population data. According to the model, ulnar loops are subthreshold patterns, which transforms into whorl or arch under the control of SU and SR gene complexes. Epistasis-hypostasis interactions take place between genes of SU and SR complexes. Classification of phenotypes for finger dermatoglyphics is offered and the frequency of these phenotypes in three populational samples of Kiev is studied.  相似文献   

Sang T  Zhong Y 《Systematic biology》2000,49(3):422-434
Hybridization is an important evolutionary mechanism in plants and has been increasingly documented in animals. Difficulty in reconstruction of reticulate evolution, however, has been a long-standing problem in phylogenetics. Consequently, hybrid speciation may play a major role in causing topological incongruence between gene trees. The incongruence, in turn, offers an opportunity to detect hybrid speciation. Here we characterized certain distinctions between hybridization and other biological processes, including lineage sorting, paralogy, and lateral gene transfer, that are responsible for topological incongruence between gene trees. Consider two incongruent gene trees with three taxa, A, B, and C, where B is a sister group of A on gene tree 1 but a sister group of C on gene tree 2. With a theoretical model based on the molecular clock, we demonstrate that time of divergence of each gene between taxa A and C is nearly equal in the case of hybridization (B is a hybrid) or lateral gene transfer, but differs significantly in the case of lineage sorting or paralogy. After developing a bootstrap test to test these alternative hypotheses, we extended the model and test to account for incongruent gene trees with numerous taxa. Computer simulation studies supported the validity of the theoretical model and bootstrap test when each gene evolved at a constant rate. The computer simulation also suggested that the model remained valid as long as the rate heterogeneity was occurring proportionally in the same taxa for both genes. Although the model could not test hypotheses of hybridization versus lateral gene transfer as the cause of incongruence, these two processes may be distinguished by comparing phylogenies of multiple unlinked genes.  相似文献   

Testing hypotheses about interclass correlations from familial data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S Konishi 《Biometrics》1985,41(1):167-176
Testing problems concerning interclass correlations from familial data are considered in the case where the number of siblings varies among families. Under the assumption of multivariate normality, two test procedures are proposed for testing the hypothesis that an interclass correlation is equal to a specified value. To compare the properties of the tests, including a likelihood ratio test, Monte Carlo experiments are performed. Several test statistics are derived for testing whether two variables about a parent and child are uncorrelated. The proposed tests are compared with previous test procedures, using Monte Carlo simulation. A general procedure for finding confidence intervals for interclass correlations is also derived.  相似文献   

We experimentally tested a series of hypotheses proposed by Masaki (1979, 1986) for the evolution of ovipositor length in crickets. Female crickets use the ovipositor to bury eggs in the soil, where it was hypothesized to protect their eggs from desiccation, cold and other disturbance. However, we found no effect of depth on the overwinter survival of eggs of three species of Nemobiinae. The probability of hatchlings reaching the soil surface was negatively correlated with depth documenting a significant cost to females laying eggs deep in the soil. Hatchling survival may be an important agent of selection on ovipositor length in habitats of different soil moistures. Hatchling survival in the soil was also correlated with body size, which may impose a constraint on egg-size fecundity trade-offs. Females of a bivoltine population of Allonemobius socius lay eggs at shallower depths when reared under summer compared to fall conditions and, therefore, may be able to respond to selection through behavioral plasticity when morphological adaptation is constrained by allometry.  相似文献   

Research on human evolution and sexual dimorphism motivates an interesting test problem. In studying hominid phylogeny it is of interest to test whether parallel evolution plays a role. With regard to sexual dimorphism it is of interest to know whether the directions of sexual dimorphism in the populations being compared are the same. We show that testing these two problems gives rise to the same type of hypothesis testing, viz. the problem of testing the hypothesis that the means of independent, normally distributed random vectors with unit covariance matrices are situated on a straight line through the origin. A test is proposed and applied to study the sexual dimorphism of 20 recent skull populations. In this example the hypothesis of equal directions of sexual dimorphism is rejected. The classical theory of constructing multiple discriminant functions (canonical variates) is adapted to the problem of comparing sexual dimorphisms.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary causes of phenotypic variation among populations has long been a central theme in evolutionary biology. Several factors can influence phenotypic divergence, including geographic isolation, genetic drift, divergent natural or sexual selection, and phenotypic plasticity. But the relative importance of these factors in generating phenotypic divergence in nature is still a tantalizing and unresolved problem in evolutionary biology. The origin and maintenance of phenotypic divergence is also at the root of many ongoing debates in evolutionary biology, such as the extent to which gene flow constrains adaptive divergence ( Garant et al. 2007 ) and the relative importance of genetic drift, natural selection, and sexual selection in initiating reproductive isolation and speciation ( Coyne & Orr 2004 ). In this issue, Wang & Summers (2010) test the causes of one of the most fantastic examples of phenotypic divergence in nature: colour pattern divergence among populations of the strawberry poison frog (Dendrobates pumilio) in Panama and Costa Rica ( Fig. 1 ). This study provides a beautiful example of the use of the emerging field of landscape genetics to differentiate among hypotheses for phenotypic divergence. Using landscape genetic analyses, Wang & Summers were able to reject the hypotheses that colour pattern divergence is due to isolation‐by‐distance (IBD) or landscape resistance. Instead, the hypothesis left standing is that colour divergence is due to divergent selection, in turn driving reproductive isolation among populations with different colour morphs. More generally, this study provides a wonderful example of how the emerging field of landscape genetics, which has primarily been applied to questions in conservation and ecology, now plays an essential role in evolutionary research.
Figure 1 Open in figure viewer PowerPoint Divergent colour morphs observed among populations of the strawberry poison frog, Dendrobates pumilio. Frogs are from San Cristobal (upper left), Cerro Brujo (upper right), Bastimentos (lower right), and Agua (lower left).  相似文献   

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