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道路建设对生态环境产生了复杂而深刻的影响,具有多要素、时空动态变化特征。基于景观生态学视角,景观生态学之父、美国哈佛大学Richard TT Forman教授提出道路影响域概念。道路建设对野生动物的影响域研究是道路影响域研究的重要组成部分。本文从研究方法、研究结果等方面总结了国内外研究进展,并结合我国道路生态学发展实际,提出两点建议:以生态敏感区域为案例(如吉林省长白山区、内蒙古草原区、云南省三江并流区和高原湿地区),深入探索道路建设对野生动物的影响域研究的学术空白领域;结合生态敏感区域道路建设实际,积极将研究成果应用于道路建设实践,指导生态敏感区域道路建设,为资源节约型与环境友好型交通建设服务。  相似文献   

Fire regimes are changing dramatically worldwide due to climate change, habitat conversion, and the suppression of Indigenous landscape management. Although there has been extensive work on plant responses to fire, including their adaptations to withstand fire and long-term effects of fire on plant communities, less is known about animal responses to fire. Ecologists lack a conceptual framework for understanding behavioural responses to fire, which can hinder wildlife conservation and management. Here, we integrate cue-response sensory ecology and predator-prey theory to predict and explain variation in if, when and how animals react to approaching fire. Inspired by the literature on prey responses to predation risk, this framework considers both fire-naïve and fire-adapted animals and follows three key steps: vigilance, cue detection and response. We draw from theory on vigilance tradeoffs, signal detection, speed-accuracy tradeoffs, fear generalization, neophobia and adaptive dispersal. We discuss how evolutionary history with fire, but also other selective pressures, such as predation risk, should influence animal behavioural responses to fire. We conclude by providing guidance for empiricists and outlining potential conservation applications.  相似文献   

To date, the processing of wildlife location data has relied on a diversity of software and file formats. Data management and the following spatial and statistical analyses were undertaken in multiple steps, involving many time-consuming importing/exporting phases. Recent technological advancements in tracking systems have made large, continuous, high-frequency datasets of wildlife behavioural data available, such as those derived from the global positioning system (GPS) and other animal-attached sensor devices. These data can be further complemented by a wide range of other information about the animals'' environment. Management of these large and diverse datasets for modelling animal behaviour and ecology can prove challenging, slowing down analysis and increasing the probability of mistakes in data handling. We address these issues by critically evaluating the requirements for good management of GPS data for wildlife biology. We highlight that dedicated data management tools and expertise are needed. We explore current research in wildlife data management. We suggest a general direction of development, based on a modular software architecture with a spatial database at its core, where interoperability, data model design and integration with remote-sensing data sources play an important role in successful GPS data handling.  相似文献   

The manipulation of landscape fire to maintain biodiverse, self‐sustaining ecosystems in flammable landscapes is rarely considered by restoration ecologists. Fire regimes can interact with ecological processes, food webs, and biodiversity in complex ways (here called pyrodiversity) and understanding these complexities could be used to promote restoration and resilience. We illustrate this using an example from northern Australia. Understanding and using pyrodiversity in ecological restoration programs will be intellectually and financially challenging. In Australia, the considerable technical and financial resources of the mining industry could support such restoration programs, yet redirecting these resources from the current narrow focus on restoring native vegetation cover at the mine‐affected site requires overcoming entrenched attitudes among policymakers and restoration ecologists.  相似文献   

Information and approaches to evaluating health risks to terrestrial wildlife from fluoride contamination in the environment are few in the literature. We use environmental field data from a phosphate ore processing site, toxicity reference values (TRVs), and bioaccumulation factors relative to site conditions to develop risk-based concentrations (RBCs) for total fluoride in terrestrial biota and soil. RBCs were derived specifically for forage that are protective of terrestrial mammalian and avian ecological receptors through multiple exposure pathways, and which can be used to evaluate site remediation or as environmental monitoring action levels. Following review of the literature, we recommend fluoride TRVs for mammalian and avian wildlife, and bioavailability factors for estimating exposures related to aerial deposition of fluoride and fluoride gases. For large ungulates, information on fluoride bioavailability from feed and soil, and related effects thresholds, are summarized from studies on grazing livestock. The resultant RBCs for fluoride in forage range from 14 to 63 mg/kg dry weight, based on no-effect and low-effect concentrations, respectively. These concentrations bracket most state, provincial, and international regulatory standards of vegetation levels for protection of livestock and wildlife.  相似文献   

Neutral theory and community ecology   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
J. Chave 《Ecology letters》2004,7(3):241-253
I review the mathematical and biological aspects of Hubbell's (2001) neutral theory of species abundance for ecological communities, and clarify its historical connections with closely related approaches in population genetics. A selective overview of the empirical evidence for and against this theory is provided, with a special emphasis on tropical plant communities. The neutral theory predicts many of the basic patterns of biodiversity, confirming its heuristic power. The strict assumption of equivalence that defines neutrality, equivalence among individuals, finds little empirical support in general. However, a weaker assumption holds for stable communities, the equivalence of average fitness among species. One reason for the surprising success of the neutral theory is that all the theories of species coexistence satisfying the fitness equivalence assumption, including many theories of niche differentiation, generate exactly the same patterns as the neutral theory. Hubbell's neutral theory represents an important synthesis and a much needed demonstration of the pivotal role of intraspecific variability in ecology. Further improvements should lead to an explicit linking to niche‐based processes. This research programme will depend crucially on forthcoming theoretical and empirical achievements.  相似文献   

Scavenging plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem health and contributing to ecological functions; however, research in this sub‐discipline of ecology is underutilized in developing and implementing wildlife conservation and management strategies. We provide an examination of the literature and recommend priorities for research where improved understanding of scavenging dynamics can facilitate the development and refinement of applied wildlife conservation and management strategies. Due to the application of scavenging research broadly within ecology, scavenging studies should be implemented for informing management decisions. In particular, a more direct link should be established between scavenging dynamics and applied management programs related to informing pharmaceutical delivery and population control through bait uptake for scavenging species, prevention of unintentional poisoning of nontarget scavenging species, the epidemiological role that scavenging species play in disease dynamics, estimating wildlife mortalities, nutrient transfer facilitated by scavenging activity, and conservation of imperiled facultative scavenging species. This commentary is intended to provide information on the paucity of data in scavenging research and present recommendations for further studies that can inform decisions in wildlife conservation and management. Additionally, we provide a framework for decision‐making when determining how to apply scavenging ecology research for management practices and policies. Due to the implications that scavenging species have on ecosystem health, and their overall global decline as a result of anthropic activities, it is imperative to advance studies in the field of scavenging ecology that can inform applied conservation and management programs.  相似文献   

Methods to ensure the health of crops owe their efficacy to the extent to which we understand the ecology and biology of environmental microorganisms and the conditions under which their interactions with plants lead to losses in crop quality or yield. However, in the pursuit of this knowledge, notions of the ecology of plant‐pathogenic microorganisms have been reduced to a plant‐centric and agro‐centric focus. With increasing global change, i.e. changes that encompass not only climate, but also biodiversity, the geographical distribution of biomes, human demographic and socio‐economic adaptations and land use, new plant health problems will emerge via a range of processes influenced by these changes. Hence, knowledge of the ecology of plant pathogens will play an increasingly important role in the anticipation and response to disease emergence. Here, we present our opinion on the major challenges facing the study of the ecology of plant‐pathogenic bacteria. We argue that the discovery of markedly novel insights into the ecology of plant‐pathogenic bacteria is most likely to happen within a framework of more extensive scales of space, time and biotic interactions than those that currently guide much of the research on these bacteria. This will set a context that is more propitious for the discovery of unsuspected drivers of the survival and diversification of plant‐pathogenic bacteria and of the factors most critical for disease emergence, and will set the foundation for new approaches to the sustainable management of plant health. We describe the contextual background of, justification for and specific research questions with regard to the following challenges:
  • Development of terminology to describe plant–bacterial relationships in terms of bacterial fitness.
  • Definition of the full scope of the environments in which plant‐pathogenic bacteria reside or survive.
  • Delineation of pertinent phylogenetic contours of plant‐pathogenic bacteria and naming of strains independent of their presumed life style.
  • Assessment of how traits of plant‐pathogenic bacteria evolve within the overall framework of their life history.
  • Exploration of possible beneficial ecosystem services contributed to by plant‐pathogenic bacteria.

Landscape ecology as a bridge from ecosystems to human ecology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Landscape as a subject of (terrestrial) ecology can be interpreted: first, as a piece of land composed of different ecosystems; and second, as a holistic entity of aesthetic perception derived from landscape paintings and parks of the 18th and 19th century. Such entities display a characteristic arrangement of landscape elements regarded as a whole and taking them apart for specific investigation will break up and virtually destroy it (e.g. a symphony dissociated into single notes). Landscape as a holistic entity satisfies emotional human needs like identification with regions, and explains the attraction of tourists. Entity features are land-use and land cover combined with openness and a certain naturalness. A key question is whether you call a piece of the earths surface just land or landscape– and why. Such questions touch the interface between landscape ecology and human ecology. But human ecology must not dismiss landscape functions. The most beautiful landscape will be reduced to a mere picture if it does not also provide basic life-support. Therefore, energy and matter flows and transformations between the ecosystems of a landscape have to be determined along with its climate, geomorphology (relief), soils, hydrology, species and ecosystem diversity. These different approaches, however, may never be combined into a unified whole. There is no superscience, and incidentally, its complexity would by far exceed human brain capacity. What we can achieve is bridge-building by approximation of selected facts. A conscious spatial arrangement of diversified land-use units (ecotopes) will promote (bio)diversity and may be perceived as an integral landscape pattern. A spatially and temporally differentiated energy input into land-use units will result in a gradient of utilization intensity and allow more species to thrive, again enhancing both diversity and landscape beauty. Modern humans have deliberately chosen artificial surroundings to achieve complete environmental control, even in rural lifestyles. But as far as emotional needs are concerned, this artificiality seems to be neither human nor ecological. Something natural is lacking, and landscape in its holistic sense can provide it – be it a landscaped open space in a city, a rural scene, a seashore or a mountain range. Maintaining and managing such naturalness requires sound ecological knowledge – not as an aim in itself, but to provide a bridge for humans.  相似文献   

周学红  马建章  张伟 《四川动物》2007,26(4):859-861
野生动物资源是中医药业的主要物质基础之一。目前,生物多样性急剧下降,物种灭绝速度加快,许多药用野生动物濒临灭绝,严重阻碍了中医药业的可持续发展。在许多野生动物野外种群难以恢复或恢复速度很慢、寻找中医药动物原材料的替代品短期内难以实现的情况下,开辟中医药原材料来源渠道是促进中医药业可持续发展的主要措施之一。在正确认识野生动物保护与利用的关系的前提下,妥善、高效利用人工驯养繁殖、库存野生动物产品,遵循经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的原则,优先保障重点领域、重点产业的需要,并发挥市场配置资源的积极作用,充分实现有限资源的合理配置,以促进野生动物资源保护与中医药业可持续发展的良性循环。  相似文献   

The Eurasian badger (Meles meles) is implicated in the transmission of bovine tuberculosis (TB) to cattle in the UK and Republic of Ireland. Badger culling has been employed for the control of TB in cattle in both countries, with varying results. Social perturbation of badger populations following culling has been proposed as an explanation for the failure of culling to consistently demonstrate significant reductions in cattle TB. Field studies indicate that culling badgers may result in increased immigration into culled areas, disruption of territoriality, increased ranging and mixing between social groups. Our analysis shows that some measures of sociality may remain significantly disrupted for up to 8 years after culling. This may have epidemiological consequences because previous research has shown that even in a relatively undisturbed badger population, movements between groups are associated with increases in the incidence of Mycobacterium bovis infection. This is consistent with the results from a large-scale field trial, which demonstrated decreased benefits of culling at the edges of culled areas, and an increase in herd breakdown rates in neighbouring cattle.  相似文献   

The study of mammals in Britain has progressed from studies of distribution and differentiation to the present time, when new challenges face mammal workers. We need to build upon past achievements and use both new technology and old-fashioned dedicated observation to learn why what mammal is whew.  相似文献   

Using an Australian focus to explore theoretical and policy issues of wider concern, this article examines linkages between public policy and the science of ecology. This is done within the broader framework of sustainability, emphasizing the problem of decision making in the face of uncertainty. Insights from the ecological, risk, sustainability and policy literatures are used. The sustainability-uncertainty problem is characterized, and the adequacy of existing policy support techniques and approaches noted, particularly the precautionary principle. The problem is further defined using the notion of ignorance. The treatment of ignorance and uncertainty in ecology is discussed. We suggest that the science of ecology has had a limited influence on policy formulation and discuss the basis of this using biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management as examples. We conclude by considering challenges for handling risk, uncertainty and ignorance in ecological science for policy formulation. We emphasize the need for improved communication between the science and policy communities, greater recognition of the limits of quantitative techniques in addressing uncertainty, and contingency planning.  相似文献   

祁新华  陈哲璐  郑伯铭  张惠光  蔡斌  程煜 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4434-4444
文章系统地回顾了野生动物肇事研究进展,对时空规律、肇事损害与评估以及防范策略等热点与难点进行全面梳理;同时指出当前争论的焦点,即如何协同社区发展与野生动物保护、当地原住民或动物哪方应当搬迁、如何开展动物肇事补偿、是否采用生物或基因控制等。在此基础上,展望了未来的研究趋势,强调突破人类地理学的研究范式、引入多学科研究视角、兼顾利益攸关者的不同需求以及关注自然保护地等,希望能够为后续相关研究提供一些有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Abstract: Recent articles have called for enhanced quantitative proficiency in wildlife students, arguing that such training will increase scientific rigor and produce wildlife researchers and managers who are better able to remedy current problems and to address future challenges in wildlife management. The idea that better, or more rigorous, science is the panacea for controversial natural resource problems is a cavalier and common presumption in many applied professions and one to which wildlife science and management is not immune. However, science and management are distinct processes and although scientific rigor is important, dialogue between the 2 processes is more critical for successful interaction. Integrated training that exposes students to nontraditional coursework and develops essential professional skills, such as planning, consensus-building, and communication, can help produce graduates to bridge the science—management gap and promote the conservation of natural resources. Changes in the structure and coursework of university wildlife departments can help to develop more effective wildlife professionals.  相似文献   

Disease control by managers is a crucial response to emerging wildlife epidemics, yet the means of control may be limited by the method of disease transmission. In particular, it is widely held that population reduction, while effective for controlling diseases that are subject to density-dependent (DD) transmission, is ineffective for controlling diseases that are subject to frequency-dependent (FD) transmission. We investigate control for horizontally transmitted diseases with FD transmission where the control is via culling or harvest that is non-selective with respect to infection and the population can compensate through DD recruitment or survival. Using a mathematical model, we show that culling or harvesting can eradicate the disease, even when transmission dynamics are FD. Eradication can be achieved under FD transmission when DD birth or recruitment induces compensatory growth of new, healthy individuals, which has the net effect of reducing disease prevalence by dilution. We also show that if harvest is used simultaneously with vaccination, and there is high enough transmission coefficient, application of both controls may be less efficient than vaccination alone. We illustrate the effects of these control approaches on disease prevalence for chronic wasting disease in deer where the disease is transmitted directly among deer and through the environment.  相似文献   

Abstract: State wildlife management is in a period of change unlike any other in its history. The growing human population in most states is having unprecedented impacts on the natural environment. At the same time, society's interests and expectations regarding wildlife and wildlife management, respectively, are changing. Increasing demands on state wildlife management agencies and subsequent costs, as well as the declining relative numbers of hunters, the traditional funding source for state wildlife management, have caused the state wildlife management institution to acknowledge and address the need to find and secure nontraditional funding sources. We interviewed administrators from 24 state wildlife agencies to understand these leaders' perspectives on how their agencies have responded to pressure to develop alternative funding mechanisms. Specifically, we wanted to know if agency behavior was generally consistent with a typology of strategic organizational response, ranging from passive conformity to active resistance. We found evidence that state wildlife agencies exhibited strategic behavior consistent with this typology and, in some cases, were innovative in their efforts to secure alternative funding. In other cases, agency behavior was limited by real or perceived external constraints, particularly political factors. We provide a modified typology of organizational response reflecting the context of state wildlife management. Not all responses are appropriate or feasible for all agencies, so agencies must evaluate their environments to determine which strategies offer the greatest potential benefits and least potential costs. Agencies unable to behave strategically due to political or other constraints would benefit from establishing broad-based partnerships, including traditional and nontraditional stakeholders, with the purpose of building support for alternative funding of state wildlife management.  相似文献   

Being inspired in the process of teaching and studying on tourism geography and heritage landscapes, the author attempts to broaden the scope of traditional studies in landscape ecology. Upon reviewing the progress, limitations and boundaries of landscape ecology, he criticizes the negligence of waterscapes by academics. The author further examines some waterscape conservation policy programs practiced by different nations. These include 10 National Seashores, 4 National Lakeshores, 4 National Rivers, 13 National Marine Sanctuaries and 1 Marine National Monument in USA, 13 Marine National Parks, 11 Marine Sanctuaries and 4 multiple use Marine Reserves in the State of Victoria, Australia, 3 Marine Nature Reserves and 43 Heritage Coasts in UK, and 272 National Water Parks in China. Based on these explorations, the author proposes a few hypotheses on waterscape ecology. Finally, he concludes that as one among many sub-disciplines of applied ecology, waterscape ecology can only achieve its full-fledged growth through concerted efforts among academics, and the supports from both governments and non-government organizations. Meanwhile, the site-specific policy practices with the rapid increasing social needs will likely facilitate the development of this infant school. Hopefully, the birth and development of waterscape ecology will contribute to the prosperity of global academics and the maintenance of earth level environmental health.  相似文献   

Being inspired in the process of teaching and studying on tourism geography and heritage landscapes, the author attempts to broaden the scope of traditional studies in landscape ecology. Upon reviewing the progress, limitations and boundaries of landscape ecology, he criticizes the negligence of waterscapes by academics. The author further examines some waterscape conservation policy programs practiced by different nations. These include 10 National Seashores, 4 National Lakeshores, 4 National Rivers, 13 National Marine Sanctuaries and 1 Marine National Monument in USA, 13 Marine National Parks, 11 Marine Sanctuaries and 4 multiple use Marine Reserves in the State of Victoria, Australia, 3 Marine Nature Reserves and 43 Heritage Coasts in UK, and 272 National Water Parks in China. Based on these explorations, the author proposes a few hypotheses on waterscape ecology. Finally, he concludes that as one among many sub-disciplines of applied ecology, waterscape ecology can only achieve its full-fledged growth through concerted efforts among academics, and the supports from both governments and non-government organizations. Meanwhile, the site-specific policy practices with the rapid increasing social needs will likely facilitate the development of this infant school. Hopefully, the birth and development of waterscape ecology will contribute to the prosperity of global academics and the maintenance of earth level environmental health.  相似文献   

Wildlife crime such as illegal hunting of elephants and rhinos is currently one of the major issues in conservation. In order to combat poaching, law enforcement is essential. Here, we reviewed wildlife cases from the Northern Zone Anti‐Poaching Unit, Arusha, Tanzania (APU‐Arusha), focusing on the types of wildlife offence committed, prosecution outcomes and the sentences awarded to the offenders who were found guilty by the courts. Eighty‐two registered cases were thoroughly reviewed. The majority of wildlife offences committed were unlawful possession of, and failure to report, government trophies. It was found that only 16% of the accused were found guilty, 6% were acquitted, 30% of the charges were withdrawn, and 48% of the cases were discharged by the director of public prosecution (DPP) or magistrate. The poor conviction rate was attributed to weak evidence, failure of the prosecution to prove cases beyond reasonable doubt, lack of cooperation between the zonal game office and the DPP, and in some cases, the accused jumped their bails. Understanding the factors which allow individuals to continue to engage in poaching and the factors that promote the practice of good governance is vital in trying to stop wildlife crimes.  相似文献   

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