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Natural killer (NK) cells are now recognized to exhibit characteristics akin to cells of the adaptive immune system. The generation of adaptive memory is linked to epigenetic reprogramming including alterations in DNA methylation. The study herein found reproducible genome wide DNA methylation changes associated with human NK cell activation. Activation led predominately to CpG hypomethylation (81% of significant loci). Bioinformatics analysis confirmed that non-coding and gene-associated differentially methylated sites (DMS) are enriched for immune related functions (i.e., immune cell activation). Known DNA methylation-regulated immune loci were also identified in activated NK cells (e.g., TNFA, LTA, IL13, CSF2). Twenty-one loci were designated high priority and further investigated as potential markers of NK activation. BHLHE40 was identified as a viable candidate for which a droplet digital PCR assay for demethylation was developed. The assay revealed high demethylation in activated NK cells and low demethylation in naïve NK, T- and B-cells. We conclude the NK cell methylome is plastic with potential for remodeling. The differentially methylated region signature of activated NKs revealed similarities with T cell activation, but also provided unique biomarker candidates of NK activation, which could be useful in epigenome-wide association studies to interrogate the role of NK subtypes in global methylation changes associated with exposures and/or disease states.  相似文献   

Butyltin (BT) compounds are known for their worldwide contamination. Dibutyltin (DBT) is used as a stabilizer in plastic products, and as a deworming agent in poultry. Poultry products have been shown to contain measurable levels of DBT. Drinking water has also been reported to contain BTs due to leaching from PVC pipes. We, and others, have found measurable levels of DBT in human blood. BTs appear to increase the risk of cancer and other viral infections in exposed individuals. In previous studies we have shown that the tumor killing function of natural killer (NK) lymphocytes was greatly diminished after as little as a 1 h exposure to DBT and the inhibition continued even after removal of the compound. We also showed that there was a significant decrease in NK cell lysis of K562 target cells after an exposure to 1.5 microM DBT for 24 h. This 24 h exposure also decreased the ability of NK cells to bind to tumor cells. Loss of binding function was not seen when NK cells were exposed to 5-10 microM DBT for 1 h. However, NK cells exposed to 5 microM DBT for 1 h and then incubated in DBT-free media for 24, 48, or 96 h, showed a significant loss of tumor-binding function within 24 h. The effects of DBT exposure on seven cell surface molecules that are involved in NK-cell interactions with target cells were investigated. The results indicated that the exposure of NK cells to 1.5 microM DBT for 24 h decreased the expression of CD2, CD11a, CD16, CD11c. There was no decrease in expression of any of the markers studied when NK cells were exposed to 5 microM DBT for 1 h, consistent with the fact that a 1-h exposure had no effect on the ability of NK cells to bind tumor cells. However, when NK cells were exposed to 5 microM DBT for 1 h followed by 24, 48 or 96 h incubations in DBT-free media there was decreased expression of several of the cells surface molecules with the most dramatic decreases being in CD16 and CD56.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of human natural killer (NK) cell activities (both binding and killing) after exposure of peripheral blood mononuclear cells to different doses of gamma radiation was studied. A panel of monoclonal antibodies was used to identify the NK and T-lymphocyte subsets and to evaluate their radiosensitivity. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were irradiated with low (2-6 Gy) and high (10-30 Gy) doses and NK cell binding and cytotoxic activity against K562 target cells were studied after 3 h and 48 h in culture. The primary damage to NK cell activity was identified at the postbinding level and affected mainly the lytic machinery. After 48 h culture postirradiation, an overall depression of cytotoxic activity was observed, but ionizing radiation produced either a selection of the more cytotoxic NK cell subsets, which therefore might be considered more resistant to radiation damage than the less cytotoxic NK cells, or a long-term stimulation of cytotoxic activity in surviving cells.  相似文献   

Mouse natural killer (NK) cells can be activated by interferon and by interferon inducers, such as viruses. In the present report we compared the cell surface properties of the nonactivated "endogenous" NK cells from normal mice with NK cells activated in vivo by acute infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) or in vitro by interferon. Several striking differences were found: 1) in vivo LCMV-activated as well as in vitro interferon-activated NK cells were more adherent to nylon wool columns than the endogenous NK cells; 2) activated NK cells were more EA-monolayer adherent than endogenous NK cells; this adherence could be blocked by streptococcal A protein, indicating that activated NK cells expressed greater Fc receptor mediated adherence; 3) LCMV-activated NK cells that passed through nylon wool columns expressed relatively low EA adherence properties; 4) the sensitivity of NK cells to anti-theta serum + complement treatment was increased in spleen cells late after LCMV infection (day 6 to 7) but not in spleen cells early after infection (day 2 to 3); 5) as shown by centrifugal elutriation, LCMV-activated spleens contained a population of large NK cells that were not present among endogenous spleen cells. In contrast to previous reports, these findings show that there are several distinct changes as a result of both long-term in vivo activation or of short-term in vitro activation of NK cells. These changes might functionally be involved in the increased lytic ability of activated NK cells.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examined the dynamics of splenic natural killer (NK) cells under two conditions of enhanced NK cell activity: (1) CBA/J mice given polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly-I:C), an NK-cell-enhancing agent, and 62) untreated athymic nude (nu/nu) mice. The 'total NK cell activity' of the spleen (percentage specific lysis corrected for changes in organ cellularity) increased 5-fold and 2.7-fold after poly-I:C treatment for 1 day and 4 days, respectively. An injection of hydroxyurea (HU), a cell-cycle-toxic drug, given together with either poly-I:C or saline to CBA/J mice resulted in both cases in a 25% reduction in total NK cell activity 1 day later. This suggests that the renewal rate of nondividing NK cells is similar in poly-I:C-treated and saline-injected mice, and that the NK-enhancing effect of poly-I:C is not due to a stimulation of proliferation among NK cell precursors. HU administered simultaneously with poly-I:C or saline for 4 days eliminated NK cell activity in both cases, indicating that spleen NK cell activity is mediated almost entirely by newly formed (less than or equal to 4 days) cells. In nude mice, NK cell activity was assayed at various intervals after an HU depletion period of 2 days. NK depletion was initially more rapid in nu/nu mice than in control (nu/+) mice, although equally profound, and the subsequent recovery of NK cell activity after cessation of HU was also more rapid than in control (nu/+) mice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Natural killer (NK) cell is a key component of innate immunity and plays an important role in host defense against virus infection by directly destroying infected cells. Influenza is a respiratory disease transmitted in the early phase of virus infection. Evasion of host innate immunity including NK cells is critical for the virus to expand and establish a successful acute infection. Previously, we showed that human influenza H1N1 virus infects NK cells and induces cell apoptosis, as well as inhibits NK cell activity. In this study, we further demonstrated that avian influenza virus also directly targeted NK cells as an immunoevasion strategy. The avian virus infected human NK cells and induced cell apoptosis. In addition, avian influenza virion and HA protein inhibited NK cell cytotoxicity. This novel strategy has obvious advantages for avian influenza virus, allowing the virus sufficient time to expand and subsequent spread before the onset of the specific immune response. Our findings provide an important clue for the immunopathogenesis of avian influenza, and also suggest that direct targeting NK cells may be a common strategy used by both human and avian influenza viruses to evade NK cell immunity.

Heterogeneity of human natural killer cell populations.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Natural killing (NK) in human donors was determined by the ability of peripheral blood subpopulations to lyse the myeloid target, K562, in a 2 to 4 hr 51Cr release assay. The most active cell was a non-T cell which passed through nylon columns (representing 10 to 25% of column passed cells). A second column passed cell population, with characteristics of T lymphocytes (75 to 90% of column passed cells), was also capable of mediating natural killing. Non-T cells which were retained by the nylon columns (45 to 55% of adherent cells) lacked NK activity. However, nylon adherent T cells (45 to 55% of adherent cells) were consistently active in NK assays, illustrating an important subset of NK effector cell often overlooked. Both column passed and adherent T cells were further separated according to their ability to bind IgG or IgM immune complexes, showing that those mediating NK have receptors for IgG (Tγ+) but not for IgM (Tμ+).  相似文献   

The enriched populations of natural killer (NK) cells have been obtained using two different approaches. The first one was based on the separation in a density gradient of Percoll and further formation of rosettes with sheep erythrocytes. This method allowed to isolate the population containing approximately 70% of CD16(+)-cells. The second approach consisted in separating lymphocytes on a flow cytofluorometer FACS II. Using this method the population with 80% CD16(+)-cells was isolated from PBMC. Studies on morphological, phenotypical and functional characteristics of the first population revealed that NK cells constituted 70% of total number of cells; T-lymphocytes, 8-lymphocytes and monocytes constituted the minor population (10%, 8% and 1% respectively). Activity of DPIV was determined on both cell populations obtained. As it was shown, approximately 27% of the cells isolated using percoll density gradient and 22% of the cells after the separation on a flow cytofluorometer carried the enzyme molecules on the cell surface. The results of the present study apparently indicate that part of NK cells (about 10%) is characterised by the presence of DPIV on the cell surface.  相似文献   

自然杀伤(natural killer,NK)细胞和自然杀伤T(natural killer T,NKT)细胞是参与机体抗病毒免疫和肿瘤免疫的两群淋巴细胞亚群,是介导先天性免疫(innate immunity)应答和调节适应性免疫(adaptive immunity)应答的重要效应细胞。近年来,随着对NK细胞和NKT细胞及其转录调控因子研究的不断深入,NK细胞和NKT细胞的发育机制逐步被阐明,这将为提高NK细胞和NKT细胞的抗病毒和肿瘤免疫疗效提供新的策略。  相似文献   

The suppressive effect of human natural killer (NK) cells on B cell differentiation induced by pokeweed mitogen (PWM) was investigated. By using Percoll discontinuous density gradient centrifugation, peripheral blood nonphagocytic and nonadherent mononuclear cells were divided into low and high density fractions for which NK cells (Large granular lymphocytes, LGL) and T cells were enriched, respectively. These fractionated mononuclear cells were co-cultured with purified autologous B cells in the presence of PWM, and were examined for their helper and suppressor activities on differentiation of B cells to immunoglobulin-(IgM and IgG) producing cells by a highly sensitive reversed hemolytic plaque assay. The T cell-enriched high density fractions provided help for B cell differentiation to levels higher than that of unfractionated mononuclear cells. On the other hand, the NK-enriched low density fractions did not show helper activity, and when added to the culture of B cells plus helper T cells, they markedly suppressed B cell differentiation. This suppressive activity, as well as the NK cytotoxicity of the NK-enriched fractions, was abrogated by treatment of the cells with monoclonal antibody against human NK cells (HNK-1), but not against T cells (OKT3) in the presence of complement. NK cells also suppressed PWM-driven B cell differentiation in the presence of T4+ (helper/inducer T) but not T8+ (cytotoxic/suppressor T) cells; however, they showed no inhibition of soluble factor-induced B cell differentiation assayed in the absence of helper T cells. It is thus concluded that human peripheral blood NK cells exhibit an ability to suppress PWM-driven B cell differentiation, possibly by acting through the effect on helper T cells but not directly on B cells.  相似文献   

Natural killer cell cytotoxicity was studied in a 18-hour 51Cr-release assay in the cultures of human tumor target cells: K562 leukemia and lung adenocarcinoma (LAC) cells. The mean cytotoxic value was similar for K562 and LAC cells: 36.13 +/- 3.23% and 40.78 +/- 3.43%, respectively, although significant individual variability was recorded. The similar cytolytic action of blood mononuclear cells (MNC) on the two tumor lines was observed in 30% of normal donors. MNC from 30% donors produced more pronounced lytic action on K562 cells while MNC from other 30% donors lysed mainly LAC cells. In the competitive inhibition test cold K562 cells more effectively than cold LAC cells suppressed the MNC-induced lysis of both K562 and LAC cells.  相似文献   

动脉粥样硬化发生发展与免疫细胞参与的免疫反应密切相关,其中自然杀伤细胞主要是通过释放IFN-γ、穿孔素和颗粒酶等方式发挥生物学作用,自然杀伤T细胞通过释放多种细胞因子影响动脉粥样硬化形成,但其具体机制未明。本文就自然杀伤细胞和自然杀伤T细胞对动脉粥样硬化的影响做一综述,为动脉粥样硬化及其相关疾病的防治研究提供新的思路。  相似文献   

A mAb, porcine NK-inhibitory mAb (PNK-I) that inhibits porcine NK activity without affecting antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) has been developed. PNK-I acts at the level of the effector cell and inhibition of NK activity is independent of complement. Inhibitory effects are seen against various human and murine NK-susceptible targets. Addition of PNK-I antibody up to 60 min after assay initiation was effective at inhibiting NK activity. Furthermore PNK-I does not inhibit E:T conjugation and inhibits during the Ca2(+)-dependent phase of NK cytolysis. PNK-I Ag is present on virtually all PBL showing a bimodal distribution with 74% "dim" and 15% "bright" by flow cytometry. Monocytes and granulocytes stain with an intermediate intensity with greater than 90% and 95% staining positively, respectively. F(ab')2 fragments of PNK-I antibody show identical staining and functional activity as the whole molecule indicating that PNK-I acts independently of FcR. PNK-I immunoprecipitates molecules of molecular mass of 166, 155, 95 kDa under reducing and nonreducing conditions. PNK-I appears to be recognizing an epitope on a CD18 molecule. The CD18 molecule (beta-chain of CD11a,b,c) is ubiquitous on the surface of leukocytes and is implicated in a variety of cellular functions. Dim and bright populations were sorted and assessed functionally for NK and ADCC activity. It is demonstrated that PNK-I+ bright lymphocytes contain all detectable NK and ADCC activity in porcine PBL. Furthermore PNK-I+ bright lymphocytes contain the cytokine responsive NK cells capable of stimulation by IL-2, porcine NK-activating factor, and porcine natural killer-enhancing mAb. PNK-I+ dim cells were devoid of all baseline as well as inducible NK and ADCC activity. Giemsa stain of sorted populations show PNK-I+ bright cells containing the large granular lymphocytes whereas dim are devoid of these. Two color analysis show that PT4+ cells are PNK-I+ dim whereas PT8+ lymphocytes are divided between PNK-I+ bright and dim populations. Our results indicate that we are able to isolate all active as well as inducible NK and ADCC effector cells from porcine PBL based on relative Ag expression of CD18. Therefore quantitative as well as qualitative antigen expression is important in NK/ADCC-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

To determine whether phosphorylation of cell surface proteins is involved in NK cell activity, the phosphorylation patterns of a rat NK cell line (RNK-16) incubated with 12.5 microM [gamma-32P]ATP were characterized before and after exposure to YAC-1 cells, which serve as targets for killing, and K562 cells, which are not killed by RNK-16 cells. By 51Cr release assays, the inhibitory effect of ATP on RNK-16 killing activity previously reported was corroborated. RNK-16 cells prelabeled with 12.5 microM ATP show enhanced labeling of a 70- to 72,000-Da protein after exposure to unlabeled target YAC-1 cells but not after exposure to K562 cells. A protein of similar apparent molecular size is also labeled upon exposure of RNK-16 cells to OX-34, an antibody which binds and inhibits killing, as well as upon exposure to OX-18, which also binds but does not inhibit NK activity. These findings are indicative of the activation of a kinase with high affinity for [gamma-32P]ATP, which phosphorylates an endogenous surface substrate of 70-72,000 Da upon binding of macromolecules to the RNK-16 cells. RNK-16 cells, previously labeled with micromolars [gamma-32P]ATP and subsequently treated with millimolars unlabeled ATP, showed loss of label from a 110,000-Da protein component, indicative of the rapid turnover of a phosphate group on a surface protein. Thus, extracellular ATP enhances the phosphorylation of a 70- to 72,000-Da component upon binding of RNK-16 cells to target cells or upon binding of antibodies at micromolar concentrations of ATP and catalyzes the loss of phosphate from a 110,000-Da component at millimolar concentrations of ATP. These findings reflect a complex repertoire of surface phosphorylation changes which occur in RNK-16 cells.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that natural killer (NK) cells are lysosome-rich and stain more intensely with lysosomotropic agents such as neutral red and quinacrine (Qu) than do non-NK cells. In this study we combined the quantitation of Qu staining with surface marker staining to define subpopulations of NK cells. While all NK activity was contained within the Qu+ population, most but not all NK cells expressed the surface marker CD16. A subpopulation of NK cells was found to be Qu+CD16- composed of medium- to large-sized cells with a granular appearance on Giemsa staining. Culture with interleukin-2 (IL-2) induced enhanced cytotoxicity in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) against NK-sensitive and NK-resistant tumor cells. Like NK cells, these lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells were predominantly Qu+CD16+. However, some LAK cells were Qu+CD16-. The Qu+CD16+ cells were typical large granular lymphocytes (LGL). The Qu+CD16- cells were also large lymphocytes, more than 50% of which were proliferating. However, the granulation in some Qu+CD16- cells, as detected by Giemsa staining, was more prominent and numerous than others in the same population. No LAK activity was ever detected in Qu- cells, which were uniformly small lymphocytes. Quantitation of Qu staining in effector cells was therefore demonstrated to have a good correlation with NK and LAK functions, and with surface markers can help to characterize both types of cells. Moreover, these results indicate that both NK and LAK populations include a small subset of CD16- cells in each.  相似文献   

The trophoblast, the outermost layer of the human placenta, lacks expression of the classical human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I molecules. This prevents allorecognition by T cells but raises the question of what protects the trophoblast from natural killer (NK) cells. In a previous study, we have shown that choriocarcinoma cell (CC) resistance to NK lysis was mainly independent of HLA class I molecules. In the present study, we postulated that CC may prevent activation of NK cells by failing to stimulate their triggering receptors (TR). To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the lysis of JAR and JEG-3 CC after effective cross-linking and activation of NK cells by means of lectins or antibodies. Our results show that NK-resistant CC were sensitive to lysis by unstimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes in the presence of phytohemagglutin (PHA), to antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity in presence of anti-Tja antibodies, and to monoclonal antibody redirected killing using anti-TR antibodies anti-CD16 and anti-CD244/2B4. Finally, CC fail to express CD48, the ligand for CD244/2B4. These results indicate that the resistance of CC to lysis results primarily from defective NK cell activation, at least partially due to the lack of expression of ligands, such as CD48, involved in the triggering of NK cells.  相似文献   

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