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Cage-cultured sutchi catfish Pangasius hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878), a favourite food fish in Southeast Asia, proved to be infected by 6 myxozoan species. Three species belonged to the genus Hennegoides (H. berlandi, H. malayensis, and H. pangasii), 1 to Henneguya (H. shariffi) and 2 to Myxobolus (M. baskai, and M. pangasii). Five myxozoans infected the gills and 1 was found on the spleen. Myxozoans infecting the gills were characterised by a specific site selection. H. shariffi sp. n. and H. berlandi sp. n. formed plasmodia in the multi-layered epithelium of the gill filaments. Of the 2 vascular species H. pangasii sp. n. developed in the gill arteries, while M. baskai sp. n. infected the capillary network of the gill lamellae. Plasmodia of H. malayensis sp. n. were found inside the cartilaginous gill rays of the filaments. Large plasmodia of M. pangasii sp. n. were located in a groove of the spleen but they affected only the serosa layer covering the spleen.  相似文献   

鱼类只能利用饲料中可消化吸收的营养成分,使用易消化的原料配方可提高鱼类对配合饲料的利用效率.确定养殖鱼类对不同饲料原料的表观消化率(ADC)是评价饲料原料营养价值和合理配方的基础.  相似文献   

The swimbladder of Pangasius sutchi is made up of fibrosa, collagenic fibre walls and mucosa; its walls extend into the lumen to form dense respiratory alveoli, with the inner surface covered by a highly vascularized respiratory epithelium. The thin epithelial cells have the structural characteristics and function of type I and type II cells of lung alveoli in higher mammals. These cells and the endothelial cells compose the barrier through which gases must pass in the exchange between blood and air. The study shows that the swimbladder of P. sutchi is an important accessory respiratory organ.  相似文献   

The effect of stocking density on the locomotor activity of African catfish C. gariepinus under different light regimes was investigated. C. gariepinus were stocked under different densities (1, 5, or 10 fish/tank), and their locomotor activity recorded under light-dark (LD), constant light (LL), constant darkness (DD), and LD-reversed (DL) regimens. Under the LD cycle, catfish showed a crepuscular activity pattern, irrespective of stocking density, with most of the daily activity concentrated around the light-onset and light-offset times. When fish were subjected to DD, all 4 tanks with medium (5 fish) and high (10 fish) stocking densities showed circadian rhythmicity, with an average period (?) of 23.3???0.5 and 24.6???0.5?h, respectively. In contrast, only 2 low (1 fish) density tanks showed free-running rhythms. Under LL, activity levels decreased significantly in comparison with levels observed under LD and DD. Moreover, fish of 1, 2, and 3 out of the 4 tanks with low, medium, and high densities, respectively, showed free-running rhythms under these conditions. When the photocycle was reversed (DL), fish of 3, 2, and 4 out of the 4 tanks with low, medium, and high stocking densities, respectively, showed gradual resynchronization to the new phase, and transient cycles of activity were observed. These results suggest that stocking density of fish affected the display of circadian rhythmicity and the intensity of activity levels. Thus, fish kept in higher densities showed more robust rhythmicity and higher levels of daily activity, indicating that social interactions may have an influence on behavioral patterns in the African catfish.  相似文献   

The embryonic and larval development of Thai pangas was investigated during peak (May-July 1995) and late spawning (August-October 1995) periods. The fertilized eggs are adhesive and spherical with a yellowish or greenish-brown egg capsule. The yolk sac is yellowish-brown in color and 1.20-1.80 mm in diameter. Nine hours post-fertilization, the first cleavage stage, embryonic shield, head, tail region, neural grooves and somites were evident. The incubation period ranges from 24-36 h at a temperature of 20-30 degrees C. The newly hatched larvae are quite transparent and light yellowish in color with a body length of 2.98-3.10 mm. Eye pigments appear and the heart starts to work within 12-14 h of hatching. In 1-day-old pro-larvae, the mouth becomes well developed; barbules are elongated, prominent and look like tiny threads. The yolk sac is fairly well absorbed and the palatine teeth are fully developed during the 3 day pro-larval stage. At the end of 12 days of larval development, the stomach becomes functional and aerial respiration starts. After 2 weeks, the young fry is well-developed, and is of an adult appearance, that is, measuring up to 13.56 mm in length.  相似文献   

A synthesis of catch data from southern Laos and life-history information indicate that adult Pangasius krempfi , an important Asian catfish, migrates up the Mekong River from the South China Sea in Vietnam past Cambodia, arriving in southern Laos each year in May. Strontium concentrations in the otoliths of river-caught P. krempfi are, on average, three to four times higher than the levels of strontium in the otoliths of related freshwater species, indicating marine and estuary habitation for fish caught in southern Laos. Pangasius krempfi muscle tissue samples from the same fish also exhibit stable isotope (δ15N and δ13C) values characteristic of marine environments. The results of this investigation support the conclusion that P. krempfi is anadromous, spending a part of its life at sea and in the brackish water of the Mekong Delta before returning to spawn in fresh water. The fish travels at least 720 km to the Khone Falls in southern Laos, and possibly further. Spawning probably occurs in fresh water from June to August at which time young fish move down the Mekong River to the Mekong Delta. The data answer a previously unresolved question (the long-distance migratory behaviour of P. krempfi ) and have important implications for the management and conservation of Mekong River fishes.  相似文献   

We summarize the research on Asian Sun catfish, Horabagrus brachysoma (Günther), an endemic and threatened freshwater catfish from Western Ghats of India, and provide a comprehensive review of its taxonomy, distribution, biology, population, conservation and aquaculture. Although described in 1864, the taxonomy of H. brachysoma, particularly its familial affinities, continues to be in flux. The species, originally described from the erstwhile ‘state of Cochin’ in present day Kerala State, India, has a current distribution ranging from southern Kerala (8°N) to southern Maharashtra (16°N), where they are found in lowland westward-flowing rivers, as well as natural freshwater lakes and backwaters. As a much relished food fish, H. brachysoma is exploited throughout its range, predominantly through an unmanaged artisanal fishery. Although there are no scientific estimates of either the status or trends in overall population of this endemic catfish, anecdotal evidence and fisher-knowledge suggests drastic declines of several local populations. The fishery for H. brachysoma in the Periyar and Achenkovil rivers in the State of Kerala has been documented to be unsustainable. As a result of an overall population decline of 35 % due to overharvest and habitat loss, H. brachysoma is assessed as ‘Vulnerable’ on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species?. Primary research on various aspects of feeding, reproductive biology and demography has generated a wealth of information on the species, but this knowledge is yet to be utilized for the development and implementation of in situ conservation or management plans. In view of its high consumer demand, efficient biological and eco-physiological characteristics, as well as the availability of a captive breeding technology, H. brachysoma is considered an emerging species for small-scale aquaculture. Priorities for scientific research to address knowledge-gaps, as well as strategies for effective conservation of this threatened freshwater catfish are discussed.  相似文献   

A total of nine polymorphic microsatellite loci were obtained from a genomic library of Pangasius pangasius (order Siluriformes, family Pangasiidae). Samples from rivers Bhagirathi (n = 22) and Mahanadi (n = 20) were genotyped for each of the nine microsatellite loci to determine genetic variation. The mean number of alleles per locus was 5.22 in Bhagirathi and 5.78 in Mahanadi; and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.567 (Bhagirathi) to 0.578 (Bhagirathi). Significant deviation (P < 0.003) from Hardy–Weinberg expectations was evident at three loci, Ppa2 (Bhagirathi), Ppa14 (Mahanadi) and Ppa28 (Bhagirathi and Mahanadi). The identified microsatellite loci were found to be promising for population genetics studies of P. pangasius.  相似文献   

So N  Maes GE  Volckaert FA 《Heredity》2006,96(2):166-174
The detection and conservation of spawning units is of crucial importance in highly migratory species. The sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Pangasiidae; Teleostei) is a common large-sized tropical fish, which migrates annually to several upstream spawning sites on the Lower Mekong River and feeds on the huge floodplain of the Lower Mekong and Tonle Sap for the other half of the year. We hypothesised that because of the relative size of the feeding and spawning habitat, genetic variability would be high and homogeneous in foraging populations, but that spawning stocks would be distinct in space and time. To test these predictions, 567 individuals from 10 geographic locations separated by up to 1230 km along the Lower Mekong River were genotyped at seven microsatellite loci. The level of genetic diversity was much higher than other freshwater fish and reached values comparable to marine species (mean H(e)=0.757). All samples collected at the potential spawning sites deviated from Hardy-Weinberg expectations, suggesting admixture. Individual-based clustering methods revealed genetic heterogeneity and enabled the detection of three genetically distinct sympatric populations. There was no evidence of recent reduction in effective population size in any population. Contrasting with the vast extent of the feeding grounds, the shortage of spawning grounds seems to have moved sutchi catfish towards diachronous spawning. Hence the sustainable exploitation of this natural resource hinges on the conservation of the limited spawning grounds and open migration routes between the spawning and feeding grounds.  相似文献   

Larvae of the sutchi catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus were collected during peak downstream drift in the Lower Mekong river on four occasions over an 8-week period during the 2003 spawning season, and genotyped using seven microsatellite loci. We provide evidence for several heterogeneous groups within and among the temporally discrete larval peak samples. Strong evidence for a significant deficit of heterozygotes was observed for each larval sample and the pooled sample, possibly due to population admixture. Although individual-based assignment tests suggested that each larval peak sample was admixed, significant but low genetic differentiation was observed among larval samples ( F ST = 0.0052, P  < 0.01). The lack of significant relatedness confirms the multifamily composition of each larval group, excluding family bias to explain the observed genetic heterogeneity. Both the entire larval peak and each temporally separated larval peak originated from spawning groups with heterogeneous allelic composition involving several distinct spawning events. We propose three explanations to account for our findings: (1) the ecological match/mismatch hypothesis; (2) the genetic 'sweepstakes' selection hypothesis; and (3) life-history-specific characteristics of the spawning populations. Finally, an intra-annual shift in the contribution of the spawning populations to the larval drift was detected on successive occasions.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 89 , 719–728.  相似文献   

2006年3月至2007年2月, 用活体观察法和直接计数法对刘家峡水库网箱养鱼场纤毛虫群落进行了研究.共鉴定到77种纤毛虫, 其中包括4个未定名种, 隶属于3纲11目34科43属.下毛目为优势类群, 前口目为次优势类群, 异毛目为偶见类群.善变膜袋虫、长圆膜袋虫、珍珠映毛虫、钩刺斜管虫和大口瞬目虫为春季群落优势种; 善变膜袋虫、颗粒膜袋虫和珍珠映毛虫为夏季群落优势种; 颗粒膜袋虫和善变膜袋虫为秋季群落优势种; 冬季无明显优势种.纤毛虫物种数的周年动态呈单峰型, 8、9月份物种数最多, 有52种, 3月份最少, 只有18种; 物种数的季节动态为: 夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.纤毛虫丰度的周年动态呈三峰型, 高峰分别出现在4月、6月和9月份, 5月份采样前夕水库调水导致丰度骤降是造成三峰型的主要原因; 纤毛虫丰度的季节动态为: 夏季>秋季>春季>冬季.纤毛虫物种多样性指数的周年动态为: 8月份最大, 3月份最小.相关性分析结果表明, 对网箱养鱼场纤毛虫物种数影响最大的因子是水温, 其次是透明度和pH值, 投放饲料量的影响最小; 对网箱养鱼场纤毛虫丰度影响最大的是投放饲料量, 其次是水温和pH值, 透明度的影响最小.  相似文献   

Organic loading under a submerged fish cage in commercial operation has been quantified for the first time in the open ocean. Sediment traps out to 100 m sampled the loading continuously over the 15 months of a complete grow‐out cycle for cobia (Rachycentron canadum). Typically 4% or 5% of the feed arrived directly to the sediment, although this benthic percentage became much higher in the last two months of this study. Almost all the loading (90%) lands within 30 m of the cage mooring block. The loading consists of fragments of feed pellets that wash out from the mouths and gills of the fish. The fragments sink rapidly and almost vertically; they are not carried horizontally into large dilution volumes. Dispersal on the sediment surface is much more extensive than dispersal in the water. This study developed expeditious and cost‐effective techniques for sampling and analyzing organic loading, using a minimum of technological resources.  相似文献   

The population density and summer daytime habitat characteristics of the endangered torrent catfish, Liobagrus reini, in the Urano River, a tributary of the Chikuma River in Nagano, central Japan, were investigated. A total of 105 individuals were captured in 2001–2003, and the estimated population density 100m–2 in the whole study area ranged from 0.20 to 2.96. Liobagrus reini were captured from under cobbles and boulders, interstices in bedrock, and in clumps of roots of terrestrial vegetation along banks. Compared with the distribution of physical factors in the study area, the fish selected shallow habitats with the riverbed covered by cobbles and boulders. Boulders and larger cobbles were chosen by larger individuals as a habitat. Habitat selection was not correlated with current velocity, and some individuals were sampled near (<1m) the riverbank with no current. For the conservation of L. reini, the preservation of natural riverbanks and areas with boulders and large cobbles in the riverbed is concluded to be important.  相似文献   

The aim of the experiment was to evaluate the growth and survival of Horabagrus brachysoma larvae at different stocking densities (3, 7, 13, 20, 27 and 33 larvae L?1) during their hatchery phase. Total length and wet weight of the larvae consistently decreased (P < 0.05) at the end of 14 and 28 days of rearing as the density increased. The specific growth rate was significantly (P < 0.05) highest at three larvae L?1 compared to the other five densities. The percent weight gain and survival of larvae was also highest at lowest density. The observation corroborates that catfish larvae can be reared at low densities in stagnant water conditions. Considering the value of larval growth, survival and overall weight gain, the stocking density of seven larvae L?1 has been identified as the maximum for larval rearing of H.  brachysoma under hatchery conditions.  相似文献   

Genotypic variation in cold tolerance influences the yield of Miscanthus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When grown in Europe, Miscanthus genotypes often produce yields lower than their potential due to late emergence of shoots in the spring or to damage from late frosts when shoots emerge too early. Here, we investigate genotypic variation in the base temperature (Tb) for shoot emergence and in the lethal temperature for shoots (LT50) in four Miscanthus genotypes. In all genotypes, lowering temperature increased the time to shoot emergence, with Tb ranging from 8.6°C in Sac‐5 to 6°C in Sin‐H9. Frost treatments below ?8°C resulted in a marked reduction in growth in all four genotypes. Sin‐H9 was the most frost tolerant with an LT50 of ?9.3°C. There was little variation found in leaf osmotic potential, but leaf moisture content was significantly lower in Sin‐H9 than in the other genotypes. The lower thermal requirement for emergence and lower LT50 seen in Sin‐H9 was incorporated into a model of Miscanthus production. The model showed an extended growing season that was predicted to increase yields by up to 25%.  相似文献   

1. Steroid bioconversions in the seminal vesicles of Clarias gariepinus were studied quantitatively in vitro by tissue incubations with [3H]pregnenolone, [3H]androstenedione and [14C]11 beta-hydroxyandrostenedione, respectively. 2. Spawning and non-spawning catfish, collected in the Hula nature reserve in northern Israel during the spawning period, and non-spawning animals, collected from a fish pond in the same region during the same period, were studied. 3.Spawning animals showed a significantly higher production of 17 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone, 5 beta-pregnan-17 alpha-ol-3,20-dione and 5 beta-reduced androgens than non-spawning feral and pond catfish, as a result of a significantly increased contribution of the enzymes 5 beta-reductase and 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (HSD). 4. In spawning catfish the concentration of gonadotropin in blood plasma were also significantly higher than in the plasma of non-spawning feral and pond catfish. This increase in gonadotropin level might have induced the rise in enzyme activity of 5 beta-reductase and 3 alpha-HSD. 5. It is concluded that the absence of a shift in steroidogenesis towards the production of 5 beta-reduced steroids may be among the factors preventing spontaneous spawning in male African catfish under husbandry conditions.  相似文献   

The impact of an off-shore fish farm in Alghero Bay (northwest Sardinia, Italy) on the benthic ecosystem was investigated in 2007 and 2008. In addition to studying the chemical and physical characteristics of the area (i.e., currents and sediment analyses), some biological analyses were also performed. The AZTI's Marine Biotic Index (AMBI) and the multivariate AMBI (M-AMBI) were calculated, which are being used in assessing the ecological status of benthic communities within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Clear impact gradients were detected according to both methods; they are related to farm production, prevailing currents, and characteristics of the area (i.e., water depth and distance to the cages). The site affected most was detected within 84 m from the cages; the area that no longer showed effects was over 907 m from the cages. The gradient is shown by decreasing AMBI values and percentage of opportunistic species and increasing richness, diversity, and the presence of sensitive species. This study highlights the importance of setting reference conditions for different areas when calculating M-AMBI. These reference conditions correspond to those in undisturbed sites in the opposite direction of the prevailing currents within the area.  相似文献   

The critically endangered Pangasianodon gigas is endemic to the Mekong River. Despite its importance, little is known about its genetic diversity and conservation efforts are hampered. Ten polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite primer pairs were developed from DNA of P. gigas. The analysis of 20 individuals from hatchery stocks using these primers resulted in two to six alleles/locus; HO = 0.05–0.95; HE = 0.05–0.81. All but one locus (Pg‐3) conformed to Hardy–Weinberg expectation. Eight, six and seven primer pairs were amplified with the DNA from Pangasianodon hypophthalmus, Pangasius larnaudii and Pangasius sanitwongsei, respectively. These markers will be useful for genetic monitoring of wild and hatchery stocks of these pangasiids.  相似文献   

Zinc deficiency is an important limiting factor in sustainable crop production and is a factor often overlooked in determining the benefits and overall success of alfalfa pastures in rotations. A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of zinc and alfalfa cultivars on nodulation, herbage yield, leaf drop and disease severity (Phytophthora root rot disease and common leaf spot disease) in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Ten cultivars of alfalfa (Hunter River, Hunterfield, Sceptre Aurora, Genesis, Aquarius, Venus (Y8622), PL69, P5929 and PL34HQ) were tested at two levels of zinc (+Zn: 4 kg ha–1, -Zn: no zinc added) on a Zn-deficient soil (DTPA zinc of top 0–15 cm soil was 0.4 mg kg–1 soil, while 15–30 cm subsoil Zn was 0.1 mg kg–1 soil) under field conditions. Zinc application significantly increased number and dry weight of nodules, herbage yield and leaf to stem ratio of alfalfa plants. There was a significant reduction in leaf drop, and occurrence of Phytophthora root rot (caused by fungus Phytophthora megasperma f. sp. medicaginis) and common leaf spot (caused by fungus Pseudopeziza medicaginis) diseases with Zn application. Alfalfa cultivars had a differential response to low Zn. Hunter River and Hunterfield were the most affected by omitting zinc application, while Sceptre, PL34HQ and Aquarius were comparatively less affected. The present study suggest that Zn nutrition effects nodulation, leaf drop, disease occurrence and production potential of alfalfa. The alfalfa cultivars have differential ability to low Zn supply. Growing of Zn-efficient cultivars and adequate Zn nutrition may also improve the N2-fixation by alfalfa on low-Zn soils.  相似文献   

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