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于1999年12月-2000年4月在成都动物园和成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,用放射免疫分析法测定了4只雌性小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)粪样中雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P)水平的变化,同时对其交配行为进行了观察。研究结果表明:雌性小熊猫进入发情期后,粪样中E2迅速升高,并多次出现峰值,表明小熊猫可能是季节性多发情动物。交配行为发生前E2出现峰值,P水平上升,说明E2和P是启动雌性小熊猫交配行为的重要因素;未伴随有P水平相对上升的E2峰值不能引起雌性小熊猫发生交配行为,该现象为暗发情。交配行为发生后P水平持续升高,据此推断小熊猫的排卵方式可能是诱导排卵,诱导因子是交配刺激。  相似文献   

马鹿的圈养种群粪样中性激素水平与繁殖行为的关联   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年9、10月和2004年4~7月,对黑龙江省兰西县榆林镇禄宝种鹿场圈养的天山马鹿(Cervuselaphus songaricus)进行了行为观察,并利用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定了马鹿粪样中的性激素水平,包括雄鹿的睾酮.雌鹿的孕酮、雌二醇和雌三醇.结果表明,圈养条件下天山马鹿繁殖行为呈显著的季节变化.雌马鹿性行为的高发期在9月(P<0.01).在幼仔出生后的6月(高出生月份),嗅仔和舔仔行为显著高于5月和7月(P<0.05),极显著高于其他月份(P<0.01);唤仔行为6月份极显著高于其他月份(P<0.01);哺乳行为发生的高峰期在6、7两个月,而且发生了显著的异常哺乳与异常授乳行为.雄马鹿嗅尿、卷唇、尿喷洒、腺体标记、呜叫与蹄地行为发生频次高发期在9、10月(P<0.01);饰角发生高峰期在6月,角斗在6月显著高于其他月份;爬胯与搅水或泥浴行为在9、10月显著出现.雄马鹿粪样性激素水平与其繁殖行为呈显著相关;而雌马鹿粪样性激素水平只有孕酮与雌马鹿的部分育幼行为存在显著的相关,与大部分行为不存在显著相关.  相似文献   

小熊猫妊娠期粪便中孕酮、雌二醇的水平变化   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
李春  魏辅文  胡锦矗 《兽类学报》2005,25(4):385-389
2000年3—8月在成都动物园和成都大熊猫繁育研究基地,用放射免疫分析法测定了6只雌性小熊猫粪样中孕酮(P)和雌二醇(E2)的水平变化,同时对其繁殖行为进行了观察。研究结果表明,交配后的雌体粪样中E2浓度下降至基础水平,P浓度在30d后上升至150ng/g以上;怀孕雌体在妊娠期粪样中P水平在200ng/g以上,P峰值可以达500ng/g以上;假妊娠者粪样中P水平一般不超过150ng/g,P峰值在200ng/g以下;雌体产前半个月孕酮迅速下降,E2缓慢上升,产后P保持在基础水平。这意味着可通过测定粪便中P水平进行早孕诊断、产期预测和真假妊娠判断。根据行为观察和粪样激素分析可知,雌兽妊娠期为123—128d(X=124,N=5),产仔率为1.8/胎(N=5)。  相似文献   

2011年8月到2012年4月间,在上海市浦东新区华夏公园獐重引入试点,采用目标取样、扫描取样和全事件记录法,对圈养条件下6只成体雄獐(Hydropotes inermis)的6种领域行为进行观察,并利用放射免疫分析法(RIA)测定雄獐粪便中的睾酮水平变化.结果表明,雄獐的许多领域行为发生频次表现出明显的月间变化,包括打斗、威胁、取代、追逐和粪尿标记;擦额标记行为频次虽月间差异不显著,但与其他领域行为一样在11月份出现频次峰值.发情期(2011年10月~2012年1月)和非发情期(2011年9月、2012年2~4月),打斗、威胁、粪尿标记和擦额标记行为发生频次差异显著;取代和追逐行为频次差异不显著.6种领域行为的发生频次均在发情期明显高于非发情期.粪便睾酮含量在发情期和非发情期差异显著,发情期明显高于非发情期,其含量在12月份达到峰值(51.16±9.85) ng/g.雄獐的威胁、擦额标记、粪尿标记和打斗行为发生频次与睾酮水平呈显著的正相关性,而取代和追逐行为与睾酮水平变化不具有显著相关性.  相似文献   

为研究野生雌性川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)不同季节体内睾酮水平与性行为频次的变化及二者的关系,我们以秦岭一野生川金丝猴种群为研究对象,通过长时间连续跟踪观察,完成了该种群中所有87只金丝猴的个体识别。用无损伤取样法采集了三只成年雌性川金丝猴不同季节的粪样,对粪样中的睾酮进行抽提测定,同时对采样个体的性行为进行记录。结果显示:1)成年雌猴在交配盛期与非交配盛期,粪样中睾酮水平均呈明显的周期性波动,交配盛期时睾酮水平的变化周期为24.56 d±4.07 d,非交配盛期时为43.67 d±2.89 d,显著长于交配盛期;2)成年雌猴在交配盛期的粪样睾酮水平为2.85 ng±1.12 ng/g,邀配频次为0.98±1.04次/d,非交配盛期时睾酮水平为1.71 ng±0.77 ng/g,邀配频次为0.28±0.53次/d,与交配盛期相比,非交配盛期的睾酮水平和邀配频次均明显降低;3)交配盛期各成年雌猴的粪样睾酮水平与邀配频次均有较显著的正相关关系(相关系数分别为0.631、0.683和0.659),而在非交配盛期这种相关关系并不存在(相关系数分别为0.091、0.493和0.205)。本研究表明,成年雌性川金丝猴体内睾酮水平、睾酮水平变化周期及邀配行为频次均具有明显的季节性差异,这种季节性差异可能是川金丝猴行季节性繁殖的内在原因和外在表现之一。本研究亦表明交配盛期雌猴的性行为频次在一定程度上可能受体内睾酮水平的控制,而在非交配盛期这种控制作用较弱。  相似文献   

发情期的雄性麋鹿根据序位分为群主、挑战者和单身汉3个等级,序位变化是雄性麋鹿应对环境压力的直 观体现。本文利用胆量和侵犯2个行为指标在麋鹿生活史不同阶段的耦合强弱,来解释幼体时麋鹿序位发育、亚 成体时雄性序位定型及发情期时挑战者对群体序位的扰动。行为取样采用焦点取样法和扫描取样法相结合;分 析个体间行为样本流的非同步化水平,以同类型行为中较早发生、同步化率较低的判断为胆大;侵犯则结合攻 击行为和取胜指数来判定;粪样睾酮水平测定采用放射免疫分析法。结果显示雄性麋鹿幼体胆量和侵犯耦合与 等级序位呈负相关(r=-0.111 8,P=0.018 3);成体胆量和侵犯耦合与等级序位的波动呈正相关(r=0.917 9,P= 0.002 6)。从亚成体到成体:4头雄性麋鹿序位上升(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.852 3,P=0.000 3),其中1头成为鹿 王;4头序位未发生改变(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.482 9,P=0.006 3);3头序位下降(胆量和侵犯耦合r=0.251 7, P=0.003 5)。雄性麋鹿幼体睾酮水平与等级序位呈正相关(r=0.860 7,P=0.005 5);亚成体睾酮水平与等级序 位呈正相关(r=0.845 7,P=0.004 4);成体睾酮水平与等级序位呈正相关(r=0.954 6,P=0.001 8)。结果表明雄 性麋鹿发情期胆量和侵犯耦合强度与等级序位波动呈正相关;等级序位上升与睾酮水平升高有关。  相似文献   

纯色鹪莺繁殖行为观察   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
纯色鹪莺(Prinia inornata)具有繁殖期身体量度小于非繁殖期的特性,开展相关研究对了解鸟类新的生存和繁殖策略有重要意义。从2005年12月至2006年6月在广东省肇庆地区对纯色鹪莺的繁殖行为开展了研究。结果如下:①繁殖期体长和尾羽长均极显著(P<0·01)小于非繁殖期,翼长显著(P<0·05)小于非繁殖期;②每年3月下旬开始出现筑巢现象,雌雄共同筑巢,筑巢时间4~5d,巢多建在禾本科植物上,巢址选择与水源关系密切,主成分分析显示,距水边距离占主导地位(34·88%),之后依次是距地面高度(18·55%)、距最近水面高度(12·95%)、巢口方向(9·08%)和巢区植被盖度(8·51%);③筑巢后1~2d产卵,窝卵数(4·7±1·6),孵卵期持续8~10d,亲鸟轮流坐巢,亲鸟会根据窝卵数的不同调整坐巢次数和坐巢时间。窝卵数越多,亲鸟坐巢时间越长;④纯色鹪莺的巢成功率为43·75%,繁殖失败的主要原因是外界干扰。据此,我们认为纯色鹪莺在繁殖期的高投资和繁殖行为,可能是研究该物种生存对策的重要线索。  相似文献   

本文研究了黄山短尾猴野生群体雄性睾酮的变化规律.采用放射性免疫分析方法,对黄山短尾猴鱼鳞坑YA2群成年雄性个体在交配期(2005年10月至2006年1月;2006年7月至9月)与非交配期(2006年2月至6月)的粪便睾酮水平进行了测定,共采集到5只雄性个体的新鲜粪便样品426个.结果表明:在群体水平,黄山短尾猴成年雄性睾酮浓度交配季节(12.283±5.745 ng/ml)显著高于非交配季节(9.424±4.987 ng/ml),季节性变化显著(P<0.01);个体水平上,不同个体雄性睾酮均呈现显著的季节性变化(P<0.01);成年雄性睾酮分泌水平与生境温度变化呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05),且在交配季节初期雄性睾酮浓度最高,交配季节末期降到最低.研究结果支持短尾猴季节性繁殖的结论,且环境温度是影响短尾猴雄性睾酮浓度的可能因素.  相似文献   

黑颈鹤(Grus nigricollis)为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,由于其生存的自然环境恶劣,野外种群数量少,许多动物园以及保护区等机构用迁地保护的方式对黑颈鹤进行保护和繁育,然而长期以来笼养黑颈鹤繁殖率低。本研究运用非损伤的研究方法,并结合行为观察,对繁殖期黑颈鹤的繁殖生理特征进行了探索研究。结果表明,进入繁殖期黑颈鹤的雌二醇水平显著升高,可作为有效监测雌性黑颈鹤繁殖期生理状态的重要生理指标之一;繁殖前期雄性黑颈鹤的睾酮水平显著升高,与非繁殖期以及繁殖期的其他阶段差异显著,表明睾酮可有效监测雄性黑颈鹤的繁殖生理状态,为人工采精选择合适的时间提供理论基础;交配成功的雌性黑颈鹤繁殖中期的孕酮水平极显著高于其他阶段,表明该指标可有效监测雌性黑颈鹤的交配状态。综上,通过非损伤性的采样研究手段,遴选合适的生理指标参数可以为黑颈鹤的人工繁育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

川金丝猴粪样内3种类固醇激素保存时效分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)是中国特有的灵长类物种,生存于海拔1 400~3 300 m的山地森林地带。采用拾取新鲜粪便的非损伤性途径研究该物种野生种群生理状态,必须首先确定其新鲜粪便在特定保存方法下的保存时效。本项研究探讨在川金丝猴自然分布区夏季可获得的低温(4±1)℃、在95%乙醇中保存条件下,该物种新鲜粪便内3种类固醇激素(睾酮、雌二醇、孕酮)在8个设定天数:0(标准对照)、5、6、7、8、10、20、30 d的保存时效。结果表明,雌性川金丝猴粪样内睾酮和雌二醇在30 d内可稳定保存,孕酮含量在保存10 d时的平均值显著性低于标准参照值(P0.05);雄性川金丝猴粪样中睾酮含量在保存6 d时的平均值显著低于标准参照值(P0.05)。本研究说明,在野生川金丝猴新鲜粪便保存条件一致的情况下,该物种新鲜粪样内睾酮、孕酮、雌二醇3种激素保存时效并不一致,实际运用时需要结合研究目的区别对待。  相似文献   

圈养小熊猫繁殖行为变化及繁殖行为对策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
In order to investigate the change of reproductive behaviors and understand reproductive strategies of both male and female red pandas, one-year behavioral observation was conducted through the focal sampling method in the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding from December 1999 to November 2000. Our results indicated that reproductive behaviors showed significant differences between the estrous and non-estrous seasons. Frequencies of the rubbing anogenital, sniffing and licking marking were much higher in estrus than in non-estrus. Bleating only appeared in the estrus and can be regarded as an estrous indicator.The result also demonstrated that both male and females applied different reproductive behavioral strategies. Frequencies of activity, rubbing anogenital, licking and sniffing marking, and bleat were much higher in the male than in the female. However, those of resting and investigating were much lower in the male than in the female. This indicated that the male was more active than the female during the estrus and might imply that the male acts mainly as an estrous message sender, and the female as a message receiver in the estrous season.  相似文献   

From July 1997 to September 1997 and from March 1998 to July 1998, we studied reproductive behaviors of Père David's deer in Dafeng, China. During the field behavioral observations, we collected fresh voided fecal samples from the Père David's stags and hinds periodically and kept those samples under -20 degrees C until laboratory analysis. We analyzed the fecal testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone concentrations in those samples using radioimmunoassay. During this study, we also recorded 17 types of male reproductive behaviors and nine types of female reproductive behaviors. Reproductive behaviors and the fecal steroid concentrations showed overt seasonal fluctuations. There were statistically significant correlations between some male reproductive behaviors, such as anogenital sniffing, urine sniffing, urine spraying, wallowing, bellowing, antler adorning, Antler swags mud, chasing, herding hinds, chin resting, mounting and copulating, with the fecal testosterone concentrations. These results suggested that seasonal reproductive behaviors in stags are strongly associated with circulating testosterone. We also found that some female reproductive behaviors fluctuate corresponding with changes in fecal estrogen concentrations. Although there was no direct evidence to confirm the correlations between female reproductive behaviors and fecal estrogen in our experiment, we could not rule out that reproductive activities of hinds were largely related to ovarian estrogen secretion, and estrogen is necessary for inducing female reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

From July 1997 to September 1997 and from March 1998 to July 1998, we studied reproductive behaviors of Père David's deer in Dafeng, China. During the field behavioral observations, we collected fresh voided fecal samples from the Père David's stags and hinds periodically and kept those samples under −20°C until laboratory analysis. We analyzed the fecal testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone concentrations in those samples using radioimmunoassay. During this study, we also recorded 17 types of male reproductive behaviors and nine types of female reproductive behaviors. Reproductive behaviors and the fecal steroid concentrations showed overt seasonal fluctuations. There were statistically significant correlations between some male reproductive behaviors, such as anogenital sniffing, urine sniffing, urine spraying, wallowing, bellowing, antler adorning, Antler swags mud, chasing, herding hinds, chin resting, mounting and copulating, with the fecal testosterone concentrations. These results suggested that seasonal reproductive behaviors in stags are strongly associated with circulating testosterone. We also found that some female reproductive behaviors fluctuate corresponding with changes in fecal estrogen concentrations. Although there was no direct evidence to confirm the correlations between female reproductive behaviors and fecal estrogen in our experiment, we could not rule out that reproductive activities of hinds were largely related to ovarian estrogen secretion, and estrogen is necessary for inducing female reproductive behaviors.  相似文献   

The female giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) experiences a brief (24-72 h) seasonal estrus, occurring once annually in spring (February-May). Our aim was to determine the existence and temporal profile of reproductive seasonality in the male of this species. The study was facilitated by 3 yr of access to eight giant panda males living in a large breeding center in China. Seasonal periods for the male were defined on the basis of female reproductive activity as prebreeding, breeding (early, peak, late), and nonbreeding seasons. Testes size, fecal androgen excretion, ejaculated sperm density, and frequency of reproductive behaviors (i.e., locomotion, scent marking, vocalizations) increased (P < 0.05) from the prebreeding period (October 1-January 31) to the early breeding season (February 1-March 21). Testes volume and sperm concentration were maximal from March 22 through April 15, a period coinciding with maximal female breeding activity. The occurrence of male reproductive behaviors and fecal androgen concentrations began declining during peak breeding and continued from April 16 through May 31 (late breeding period), returning to nadir throughout the nonbreeding interval (June 1-September 30). Reproductive quiescence throughout the latter period was associated with basal testes size/volume and aspermic ejaculates. Our results reveal that testes morphometry, fecal androgen excretion, seminal quality, and certain behaviors integrated together clearly demonstrate reproductive seasonality in the male giant panda. The coordinated increases in testes size, androgen production, sperm density, and sexual behaviors occur over a protracted interval, likely to prepare for and then accommodate a brief, unpredictable female estrus.  相似文献   

An analysis is presented of three possible pathways of reproductive allocation, namely, allocation of resources to reproductive organs from reproductive shoots, from non-reproductive shoots and from the main trunk. These pathways were examined by comparing the amount of storage starch in reproductive shoots, non-reproductive shoots and the main trunk in Styrax obassia, a typical masting tree species, during a year of little flowering (1999) and in a mass-flowering year (2000). In addition, we measured rates of light-saturated photosynthesis in leaves of reproductive and non-reproductive shoots to examine the contribution of photosynthetic production to reproductive costs. In both the main trunk and non-reproductive shoots the pattern of seasonal variation in the amount of starch did not differ between 1999 and 2000. However, in the mass-flowering year, the amount of starch in the reproductive shoots was less than that in non-reproductive shoots during the growing season. Thus, reproductive shoots bore most of the cost of reproduction, although non-reproductive shoots and the main trunk also bore some of the cost. Mass-based rates of light-saturated photosynthesis of the leaves of reproductive shoots were significantly higher than those of non-reproductive shoots during both the flowering and the fruiting period. However, leaves of reproductive shoots had a significantly smaller area, a lower mass per area, and lower concentrations of nitrogen than leaves of non-reproductive shoots, although the number of leaves did not differ between the two types of shoots. Therefore, the amount of photosynthate per shoot was significantly lower in reproductive shoots than in non-reproductive shoots. These results suggest that the cost of reproduction depends predominantly on storage starch in reproductive shoots, although it is still unclear how much photosynthate is allocated to reproductive organs from non-reproductive shoots.  相似文献   

Pallas' cats (Otocolobus manul) have a pronounced reproductive seasonality controlled by photoperiod. Previous studies of reproduction in captive Pallas' cats exposed to natural light showed a breeding season of December–April. This study evaluated the impact of artificial lighting timed to simulate natural photoperiods on male reproductive seasonality of four Pallas' cats housed indoors. Semen evaluation, blood collection, and body weight measurements were conducted every 1–2 months from November 2000–June 2001. Fecal samples were collected from each male twice weekly to assess testosterone and corticoid concentrations. Mean values for reproductive traits (sperm attributes, testicular volume) were highest from February–April, the defined breeding season. Fecal testosterone concentrations were highest from mid‐January to mid‐March. Male Pallas' cats managed indoors under simulated photoperiods experienced a delayed onset of the breeding season by 1–2 months and a decreased length of the breeding season. Over the course of the study, fecal corticoid concentrations did not seem to differ among seasons. Although mating attempts during this study were unsuccessful, subsequent pairings of male and female Pallas' cats in the same research colony during the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons produced viable offspring. These results suggest that male Pallas' cats, housed indoors under simulated photoperiods, exhibit distinct reproductive cyclic patterns, characterized by a delayed and truncated breeding season. Adrenocortical activity varied among individuals, but did not adversely affect reproductive parameters. Housing Pallas' cats indoors under simulated photoperiods may represent a viable strategy for maintaining breeding success while limiting disease exposure. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The highveld mole-rat, Cryptomys hottentous pretoriae is a social, subterranean, co-operative breeder with a high reproductive skew. The relationship between reproductive status and reproductive physiology in male highveld mole-rats was investigated. Testicular morphometrics, histological parameters, plasma testosterone concentrations and sperm motility parameters were studied in 31 males (14 reproductive and 17 non-reproductive males). Reproductive males were significantly larger than non-reproductive males, with testicular mass and volume corrected for body mass considerably larger for the reproductive males. Circulating plasma testosterone concentrations of reproductive males were not significantly higher than non-reproductive males (reproductive males 10.3±1.8 nmol l−1 vs non-reproductive males 7.3±1.74 nmol l−1). Sperm motility parameters were measured, but no significant differences were found between reproductive and non-reproductive males. All 14 reproductive males had motile sperm, whereas 13 of the 17 (76%) of non-reproductive males possessed motile sperm. A typical ejaculate of a reproductive male contains 48.3% motile sperm characterized by a high percentage of flagellar defects, whereas the non-reproductive male has an ejaculate containing 45.6% motile sperm with a high percentage of head defects. It is apparent that non-reproductive males are not physiologically suppressed from reproducing. Moreover, the non-reproductive males are excluded from incestuous matings as a result of being the offspring of the reproductive female.  相似文献   

In the first-ever study of reproductive endocrinology in wild male giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), we provide new insights into the reproductive ecology of the species. We tracked and observed pandas in Foping Nature Reserve of the Qinling Mountains for 3 years, collecting fecal samples for testosterone metabolite analysis and data on reproductive activity. Males encountered multiple potential mates and competed for reproductive access to females. Male testosterone metabolites increased in February, peaked in March and April, and fell back to baseline after the mating season. However, males did not maintain a high testosterone level throughout the mating season. Male testosterone instead peaked during encounters with potential mates and declined between encounters. These results indicate that testicular activity is typically dormant until mobilized by interactions with females and potentially by interactions with male competitors. This suggests that male pandas may be energetically constrained, elevating testosterone levels only when necessary to meet the demands of intrasexual competition and courtship and fertilization of females. Maintaining a high testosterone level is metabolically expensive and male pandas enter the mating season during a period of low food availability. If this hypothesis is correct, male panda body condition may be an important determinant of reproductive outcome, and anthropogenic activities that diminish foraging resources may have significant impacts on the mating ecology of the species, affecting its conservation.  相似文献   

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