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We investigated the native-state dynamics of the Bacillus caldolyticus cold-shock protein mutant Bc-Csp L66E, using fluorescence and appropriate molecular dynamics methods. Two fluorescence lifetimes were found, the amplitudes of which agree very well with tryptophan rotamer populations, obtained from parallel tempering calculations. Rotamer lifetimes were predicted by transition-state theory from high-temperature simulations. Transition pathways were extracted from the transition rates between individual rotameric states. The molecular dynamics also reveal the loop fluctuations in the native state.  相似文献   

The calcium-dependent change in the tryptophan fluorescence intensity of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+- and Mg2+-ATPase was investigated using different quenching reagents. It is demonstrated that only those compounds which are bound to the enzyme (i.e., 1-(9,10-dibromomyristoyl)-sn-2-glycerophosphorylcholine and 1-(9,10-dibromostearoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphorylcholine) are able to decrease the amplitude of the fluorescence decrement observed after removal of calcium ions. From the position of the bromine atom within the lysophosphatidylcholines, it is concluded that the tryptophan residues involved are located in the hydrophobic part of the ATPase molecule and are in contact with the hydrocarbon chains of the phospholipids.  相似文献   

Considerable effort in instrument development has made possible detection of picosecond fluorescence lifetimes by time-correlated single-photon counting. In particular, efforts have been made to narrow markedly the instrument response function (IRF). Less attention has been paid to analytical methods, especially to problem of discretization of the convolution integral, on which the detection and quantification of short lifetimes critically depends. We show that better discretization methods can yield acceptable results for short lifetimes even with an IRF several times wider than necessary for the standard discretization based on linear approximation (LA). A general approach to discretization, also suitable for nonexponential models, is developed. The zero-time shift is explicitly included. Using simulations, we compared LA, quadratic, and cubic approximations. The latter two proved much better for detection of short lifetimes and, in that respect, they do not differ except when the zero-time shift exceeds two channels, when one can benefit from using the cubic approximation. We showed that for LA in some cases narrowing the IRF beyond FWHM = 150 ps is actually counterproductive. This is not so for quadratic and cubic approximations, which we recommend for general use.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of a fluorescent probe molecule depends on both the chemical structure of the dye and the cellular environment. To study the number and types of environments in an epithelial cell line, we have measured in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells the fluorescence lifetimes of three structurally distinct fluorescent dyes — rhodamine-B, 3,3′-dihexadecylindocarbocyanine-(C3) (diI), and Collarein — incorporated into these cells. The latter is a rhodamine-cardiolipin conjugate that we designed and synthesized for the property of exclusive localization in the plasma membrane. The former two dyes required at least two exponential components to fit their fluorescence decay curves, while the decay of Collarein was characterized by a single exponential. These data are consistent with fluorescence microscopic observations, in which diI and rhodamine-B exhibit heterogeneous spatial distributions, while Collarein appears to be located on the cell surface.  相似文献   

The binding of the beta-1-4-linked trimer of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine to hen egg-white lysozyme was studied by rapid-reaction-kinetic methods with tryptophyl fluorescence observation of the transients. It was found that discrete segments of the fluorescence-difference spectrum from this reaction were perturbed at different time-points during the binding process. The results were interpretated as the formation of the initial complex, the fast phase of the reaction, perturbing the environment of tryptophan-62 and a subsequent and slower rearrangement of the initial complex perturbing the environment of tryptophan-108. At pH 4.4, the release of protons from aspartate-101 occurred during the rearrangement step of the binding reaction. A model for the reaction is presented (E, enzyme; L, ligand): (see article) The association of this ligand with lysozyme may be visualized in three-dimensional terms as initial complex-formation across the top of the active-site cleft followed by a diving motion of the ligand into the cleft.  相似文献   

R McGuire  I Feldman 《Biopolymers》1975,14(5):1095-1102
The fluorescence parameters—lifetime, relative quantum yield, wavelength of maximum fluorescence intensity, half-width, and polarization—of 0.01% lysozyme were measured at 15°C in aqueous solution, in glycerol–water mixtures (0–90% v/v glycerol), in aqueous urea (0–8M) solutions, and in aqueous guanidine hydrochloride (0–6.4M) solutions. The changes in the static and dynamic quenching of lysozyme fluorescence, monitored by the quantum yield and lifetime measurements, were correlated with the other fluorescence parameters and compared with our earlier results with bovine serum albumin. The results were interpreted in terms of induced conformational changes. The various perturbants altered the fluorescence parameters of lysozyme and bovine serum albumin very differently. The differences were shown to be entirely consistent with our earlier conclusion that bovine serum albumin fluorophores are nonsurface residues and with the conclusion of others that lysozyme fluorophores are surface residues. Unlike their effects on bovine serum albumin, urea and guanidine hydrochloride affect lysozyme structure quite differently, both in nature and degree. We have suggested that the affect of urea on lysozyme fluorescence is an indirect result of reduction in the size of the cleft brought about by the structure-breaking action of urea on water in the cleft. 4M Urea is sufficient for this reaction. Large decreases in the polarization of the fluorescence of lysozyme in the 0.8–1.6M and 3.2–4.8M guanidine hydrochloride ranges demonstrated two guanidine hydrochloride-induced conformation changes. A red shift of the fluorescence maximum to 354 nm indicated that the second transition completely exposes all fluorescing tryptophan residues of lysozyme to mobile solvent water. However, even 6.4M guanidine hydrochloride did not completely unravel the lysozyme molecule at 15°C, as evidenced by its failure to cause any of the tyrosine residues to become fluorescent.  相似文献   

The tryptophan intrinsic fluorescence of mitochondrial complex III reconstituted in phosphatidylcholine bilayers was examined at different temperatures. Absorption and emission maxima occur at 277 and 332 nm, irrespective of temperature or lipid:protein ratio even if there are indications (from fluorescence quenching) of protein conformational changes as a function of lipid:protein ratio. Low values of Trp fluorescence quantum yield in complex III (0.008-0.010) are probably due to the neighborhood of the heme groups. The temperature-dependent decrease of fluorescence intensity is nonlinear; the corresponding Arrhenius plots show "breaks" or discontinuities that could be interpreted as thermally dependent changes in protein conformation. However, no temperature-dependent changes in fluorescence quenching have been observed that may be related to protein conformational changes. In addition, Arrhenius plots of the fluorescence intensity of simple molecules, such as Trp or 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate in the presence of aqueous phospholipid dispersions, also show breaks in the same temperature range. Stern-Volmer plots of acrylamide and iodide quenching were also nonlinear, indicating large differences in quenching constants for the various tryptophanyl residues. The quenching results also suggest that, at high lipid:protein ratios, the microviscosity of the protein matrix is higher than that in lipid-poor systems. Comparison of quenching efficiencies of iodide and acrylamide suggest that no significant fraction of the fluorophores occurs in the neighborhood of charged residues.  相似文献   

The recent characterization of an acetylcholine binding protein (AChBP) from the fresh water snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, shows it to be a structural homolog of the extracellular domain of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR). To ascertain whether the AChBP exhibits the recognition properties and functional states of the nAChR, we have expressed the protein in milligram quantities from a synthetic cDNA transfected into human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. The protein secreted into the medium shows a pentameric rosette structure with ligand stoichiometry approximating five sites per pentamer. Surprisingly, binding of acetylcholine, selective agonists, and antagonists ranging from small alkaloids to larger peptides results in substantial quenching of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. Using stopped-flow techniques, we demonstrate rapid rates of association and dissociation of agonists and slow rates for the alpha-neurotoxins. Since agonist binding occurs in millisecond time frames, and the alpha-neurotoxins may induce a distinct conformational state for the AChBP-toxin complex, the snail protein shows many of the properties expected for receptor recognition of interacting ligands. Thus, the marked tryptophan quenching not only documents the importance of aromatic residues in ligand recognition, but establishes that the AChBP will be a useful functional as well as structural surrogate of the nicotinic receptor.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for the treatment of phase and modulation lifetime data in fluorescent systems having multiexponential decay. All computer procedures (called FIT programs) arise from the lifetime resolution theory for phase-modulation measurements (Weber, G (1981) J. Phys. Chem. 85, 949–953). The programs most successful in resolving heterogeneous lifetimes use a Monte Carlo approach in which phase and modulation lifetime data at three modulation frequencies are simultaneously utilized. These programs are shown to have more utility than the final closed form procedure presented by Weber (1981). The FIT routines are simple and require little computer time while yielding excellent results. To illustrate the applicability of these programs, defined binary (carbazole and pyrene) and ternary systems (carbazole, pyrene and POPOD) were examined. In most cases, the resolved lifetimes were within 5% of the independently measured value and the fractional fluorescence contributions were within 10% of that expected. These results demonstrate that phase-modulation measurements analyzed by appropriate computer programs are capable of solving for lifetimes in both binary and, in selected cases, ternary systems. An example is given from the recent literature (Dalbey, R., Weiel, J. and Yount, R.G. (1983) Biochemistry 22, 4696–4706) in which the above programs allowed the resolution of both binary and ternary lifetimes of a dansyl label on myosin, where Förster energy transfer was occuring. These lifetimes] were used to quantify changes in distances between two activity-related thiols on myosin upon the addition of Mg-ATP or its analogs.  相似文献   

We have studied the intrinsic fluorescence of the 12 tryptophan residues of electron-transfer flavoprotein:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (ETF:QO). The fluorescence emission spectrum (lambda ex 295 nm) showed that the fluorescence is due to the tryptophan residues and that the contribution of the 22 tyrosine residues is minor. The emission maximum (lambda m 334 nm) and the bandwidth (delta lambda 1/2 56 nm) suggest that the tryptophans lie in hydrophobic environments in the oxidized protein. Further, these tryptophans are inaccessible to a range of ionic and nonionic collisional quenching agents, indicating that they are buried in the protein. Enzymatic or chemical reduction of ETF:QO results in a 5% increase in fluorescence with no change of lambda m or delta lambda 1/2. This change is reversible upon reoxidation and is likely to reflect a conformational change in the protein. The ubiquinone analogue Q0(CH2)10Br, a pseudosubstrate of ETF:QO (Km = 2.6 microM; kcat = 210 s-1), specifically quenches the fluorescence of one tryptophan residue (Kd = 1.6-3.2 microM) in equilibrium fluorescence titrations. The ubiquinone homologue UQ-2 (Km = 2 microM; kcat = 162 s-1) and the analogue Q0(CH2)10OH (Km = 2 microM; kcat = 132 s-1) do not quench tryptophan fluorescence; thus the brominated analogue acts as a static heavy atom quencher. We also describe a rapid purification for ETF:QO based on extraction of liver submitochondrial particles with Triton X-100 and three chromatographic steps, which results in yields 3 times higher than previously published methods.  相似文献   

Tryptophan residues of creatine kinase: a fluorescence study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
C H Messmer  J H K?gi 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7172-7178
Spectroscopic studies of rabbit skeletal muscle creatine kinase (CPK) and its complexes with adenosine phosphates have long suggested the occurrence of a tryptophan residue at or near the coenzyme binding sites [K?gi, J. H. R., Li, T.-K., & Vallee, B. L. (1971) Biochemistry 10, 1007-1015; Price, N. C. (1972) FEBS Lett. 24, 21-23]. This conjecture was further supported by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) 1H NMR studies indicating through-space interactions between protons of the adenine ring of bound ADP and one or more aromatic side chains of the proteins [Vasák, M., Nagayama, K., Wüthrich, K., Mertens, M. L., & K?gi, J. H. R. (1979) Biochemistry 18, 5050-5055]. Further evidence for a tryptophan residue in the environment of the active site has now been obtained by fluorescence-quenching studies using iodide and acrylamide as external quenchers. Thus, while by the addition of iodide the tryptophan fluorescence of unliganded CPK is reduced to about 75% of the unquenched control, no such effect is manifested upon addition of this quencher to the CPK.ADP and CPK.ATP complexes. Similarly, the relative effectiveness of quenching of the CPK-coenzyme complexes by acrylamide is only about 60% of that measured in the unliganded enzyme. Both these data and the spectral characteristics of the quenched fluorescence suggest that coenzyme binding perturbs a tryptophan residue that is close to the active site and that is partially exposed to the solvent. The differential effectiveness of external quenchers on unliganded and liganded CPK allows the determination of the ligand binding equilibria by fluorescence-quenchability titration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Actin contains four tryptophan residues, W79, W86, W340, and W356, all located in subdomain 1 of the protein. Replacement of each of these residues with either tyrosine (W79Y and W356Y) or phenylalanine (W86F and W340F) generated viable proteins in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which, when purified, allowed the analysis of the contribution of these residues to the overall tryptophan fluorescence of actin. The sum of the relative contributions of these tryptophans was found to account for the intrinsic fluorescence of wild-type actin, indicating that energy transfer between the tryptophans is not the main determinant of their quantum yield, and that these mutations induce little conformational change to the protein. This was borne out by virtually identical polymerization rates and similar myosin interactions of each of the mutants and the wild-type actin. In addition, these mutants allowed the dissection of the microenvironment of each tryptophan as actin undergoes conformational changes upon metal cation exchange and polymerization. Based on the relative tryptophan contributions determined from single mutants, a triple mutant of yeast actin (W79) was generated that showed small intrinsic fluorescence and should be useful for studies of actin interactions with actin-binding proteins.  相似文献   

The FK506-binding protein (FKBP12) is important in the immunosuppressant action of FK506 and rapamycin. We have investigated Trp side chain dynamics in FKBP12, with and without a bound immunosuppressant, by measuring the Trp time-resolved fluorescence anisotropy decay r(t). The r(t) for W59 in aqueous uncomplexed FKBP12 at 20 degrees C is well described by a single exponential with a recovered initial anisotropy, r(eff)o, of 0.192 and an overall rotational correlation time for the protein, phi p, of 4.7 ns; r(eff)o = 0.214 and phi p = 4.2 ns for the FKBP12/FK506 complex. Using an expression for the order parameter squared, namely S2 = r(eff)o/rTo, where rTo is the vitrified steady-state excitation anisotropy, we recovered an S2 of 0.75 for W59 fluorescence in uncomplexed FKBP12 and S2 approximately equal to 1 in the FKBP12/FK506 complex. Results obtained for the FKBP12/rapamycin complex are similar to those found for the FKBP12/FK506 complex. Minimum perturbation mapping simulations were performed on the free and complexed forms of FKBP12 and the results were generally in agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The Dead-End Elimination method was used to identify 40 low energy microconformations of 16 tryptophan residues in eight proteins. Single Trp-mutants of these proteins all show a double- or triple-exponential fluorescence decay. For ten of these lifetimes the corresponding rotameric state could be identified by comparing the bimolecular acrylamide quenching constant (k(q)) and the relative solvent exposure of the side chain in that microstate. In the absence of any identifiable quencher, the origin of the lifetime heterogeneity is interpreted in terms of the electron transfer process from the indole C epsilon 3 atom to the carbonyl carbon of the peptide bond. Therefore it is expected that a shorter [C epsilon 3-C[double bond]O] distance leads to a shorter lifetime as observed for these ten rotamers. Applying the same rule to the other 30 lifetimes, a link with their corresponding rotameric state could also be made. In agreement with the theory of Marcus and Sutin, the nonradiative rate constant shows an exponential relationship with the [C epsilon 3-C[double bond]O] distance for the 40 datapoints.  相似文献   

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