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The present electron microscopic cytochemical investigation was undertaken to characterize the alterations in the golgi apparatus and GERL of rat parotid acinar cells during ethionine intoxication and recovery. Although the Golgi apparatus and GERL were reduced in size, and some broadening of the Golgi saccules occurred as the result of ethionine treatment, the relative localization of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) activity in the Golgi saccules, and acid phosphatase activity (AcPase) in GERL, remained unchanged. Shortly after ethionine treatment was stopped, a dramatic redistribution of enzyme activities was noted. Within the first 24 hours of recovery, the Golgi apparatus began to enlarge, and the content of secretory granules increased. By day 3 of recovery, cisternae morphologically identifiable as GERL and forming secretory granules possessed TPPase activity, while AcPase activity was virtually undetectable. After seven days of recovery, the Golgi apparatus and GERL appeared both morphologically and cytochemically normal. The enzyme modulation observed during recovery may be correlated with increased secretory granule production. Furthermore, the presence of TPPase activity in GERL and forming secretory granules lends support to the suggestion that GERL may be derived from the trans Golgi saccule.  相似文献   

UDP-galactose: N-acetylglucosamine beta-1,4-galactosyltransferase was partially purified from rat liver Golgi membranes and rat serum. The kinetic parameters of the two enzymes isolated by affinity chromatography were compared with each other and with those for commercial bovine milk galactosyltransferase. When N-acetyl-glucosamine was the acceptor the Km values for UDP-galactose were 65,52 and 43 microM for the rat liver Golgi, rat serum and bovine milk enzymes respectively. The Km values for N-acetylglucosamine were 0.33, 1.49 and 0.5 mM for the three enzymes respectively. The Km values for UDP-galactose, with glucose as acceptor in the presence of 1 mg of alpha-lactalbumin, were 23, 9.0 and 60 microM for the three enzymes respectively, and the Km values for glucose were 2.3, 1.8 and 2.0 mM respectively. The effects of alpha-lactalbumin in both the lactosamine synthetase and lactose synthetase reactions were similar. The activation energies were 94.0 kJ/mol (22.5 kcal/mol) and 96.0 kJ/mol (22.9 kcal/mol) for the Golgi and serum enzymes respectively. Although some differences in Km values were observed between the rat liver Golgi and serum enzymes, the values obtained suggest a high degree of similarity between the kinetic properties of the three galactosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - Cells of the PC-12 rat pheochromocytoma cell line respond to nerve growth factor (NGF) by sprouting neurites and biochemically differentiating into sympathetic ganglion-like...  相似文献   

Although the preparation of rat liver Golgi apparatus isolated by our method contains appreciable activities of NADH- and NADPH-cytochrome c reductases and glucose-6-phosphatase, these enzymes as well as thiamine pyrophosphatase of the extensively fragmented Golgi fraction are partitioned in aqueous polymer two-phase systems quite differently from those associated with microsomes. Similarly, the partition patterns of acid phosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase of the Golgi fragments differ from those of homogenized lysosomes and plasma membrane, respectively. It is concluded that most, if not all, of these marker enzymes in the Golgi fraction cannot be ascribed to contamination by the non-Golgi organelles. In sucrose density gradient centrifugation the NADH- and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activities of the Golgi fraction behave identically with galactosyltransferase but differently from the reductase activities of microsomes, again indicating that the reductases are inherently associated with the Golgi apparatus. NADPH-cytochrome c reductase of the Golgi preparation is immunologically identical with that of microsomes. The marker enzymes mentioned above and galactosyltransferase behave differently from one another when the Golgi fragments are subjected to partitioning in aqueous polymer two-phase systems, suggesting that these enzymes are not uniformly distributed in the Golgi apparatus structure.  相似文献   

The reactivity of the various components of the Golgi apparatus of rat spermatids for three phosphatase activities (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphatase, NADPase; thiamine pyrophosphatase, TPPase; cytidine monophosphatase, CMPase) and the incorporation of 3H-fucose by the spermatids was analyzed at the 19 steps of spermiogenesis, i.e., during and after this organelle elaborated the glycoprotein-rich acrosomic system. During steps 1-3, the Golgi apparatus produced, in addition to the proacrosomic granules, multivesicular bodies that became associated with the chromatoid body. NADPase was located within the four of five intermediate saccules of Golgi stacks, and TPPase was found in the last one or two saccules on the trans aspect of the stacks from steps 1 to 17 of spermiogenesis. CMPase was located within the thick saccular GERL elements found in the trans region of the Golgi apparatus from steps 1 to 7 of spermiogenesis, but the CMPase-positive GERL disappeared from the Golgi apparatus after its detachment from the acrosomic system at step 8. Th acrosomic system itself was reactive from CMPase and TPPase but was negative for NADPase, while the multivesicular bodies were CMPase and NADPase positive but unreactive for TPPase. Tritiated-fucose was readily incorporated within the Golgi apparatus of steps 1-17 spermatids; in steps 1-7 it was subsequently incorporated within the acrosomic system and multivesicular bodies. These various data indicated (1) that the Golgi apparatus of spermatids, although it loses its CMPase-positive GERL element in step 8, retains evidence of functional capacity until it degenerates in step 17; (2) that in early spermatids the various saccular components of the Golgi are specialized with respect to enzymatic activities; and (3) that each Golgi region may contribute in a coordinated fashion to the formation of the acrosomic system and multivesicular bodies.  相似文献   

Golgi and endoplasmic-reticulum fractions were prepared from the lactating guinea-pig mammary gland. The endoplasmic-reticulum fraction was highly active in the processing and sequestration of milk-protein primary translation products. Explants from the lactating gland in organ culture were used to identify milk-protein intermediates present in the secretory pathway, and the timing of the events leading to their post-translational modification. With [35S]methionine, the milk proteins labelled after a short pulse (3 min) were represented by the partially processed (but not phosphorylated) caseins and alpha-lactalbumin sequestered within membrane-bound vesicles. After a 30 min labelling period, higher-Mr caseins with electrophoretic mobilities identical with those of the phosphorylated caseins isolated from milk were identified in the incubation medium, and sequestered within membrane-bound vesicles. Pulse-chase experiments established a precursor-product relationship between these forms. Secretion is apparent approx. 30 min after sequestration. Caseins are highly phosphorylated; removal of the phosphate residues with acid phosphatase results in proteins with increased electrophoretic mobility, similar to those of the partially processed early casein intermediates found sequestered in explants after a 3 min pulse with [35S]methionine, and those sequestered within microsomal membranes after mRNA-directed cell-free protein synthesis. A comparison of the proteins labelled during both short (5 min) and long (30 min) pulses with [35S]methionine and [32P]Pi shows that, in contrast with the 35S-labelled caseins, those labelled with [32P]Pi exhibit only electrophoretic mobilities identical with those of the mature caseins isolated from milk and those identified after long labelling periods with [35S]methionine. No phosphorylated early intermediate forms of caseins were identified. We conclude that the synthesis and post-translational modification of guinea-pig caseins occurs in two stages, (i) an early event involving synthesis and sequestration within the endoplasmic reticulum, an event that involves signal-peptide removal, followed (ii) 10-20 min later by phosphorylation at a different point in the secretory pathway, probably in the Golgi complex. Secretion of the phosphorylated caseins occurs 10-20 min later.  相似文献   

The distribution of thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) and acid phosphatase (AcPase) has been examined in resting parotid acinar cells as well as during decreased and increased secretory granule production. In resting acinar cells, TPPase activity was restricted to the trans Golgi saccules and AcPase activity was localized in GERL and immature secretory granules. Although secretory granule production is diminished during ethionine intoxication, no significant alteration in the distribution of either TPPase or AcPase was noted. However, marked changes in enzyme localization, especially of TPPase, occurred during accelerated secretory granule production. The alterations were essentially the same for all of the conditions studied (recovery from ethionine treatment, recovery from a protein depletion diet, secretory stimulation with isoproterenol, and postnatal maturation of the parotid gland). During maximal secretory granule production, TPPase activity was localized not only in the trans Golgi saccules, but also in GERL-like cisternae and immature secretory granules. The immature secretory granules were often in continuity with the GERL-like cisternae. At the same time that the TPPase activity was increased, the AcPase activity was frequently diminished. These modulations in enzyme activity provide evidence that GERL is derived from the trans Golgi saccule.  相似文献   

Biochemical aspects of induced autolysis ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae were observed in the presence of various physical and chemical enhancers of autolysis (increased temperature, changes of pH, NaCl, ethanol, fresh autolyzate). Direct assays of proteinases, nucleases, glucanases and acid phosphatases in homogenized autolyzed cells were performed. In addition, the degradation products of proteins, nucleic acids, polysaccharides and phosphate from phosphorylated compounds were determined in the supernatant of autolyzate after centrifugation. These results suggested that the inducers affected transport processes and that they had mostly negative effects on the activities of the above-mentioned enzymes.  相似文献   

The effect of prenatal exposure to ethanol on the Golgi apparatus of newborn rat hepatocytes has been studied cytochemically using several trans-Golgi markers (thiamine pyrophosphatase, uridine diphosphatase, inosine diphosphatase, acid phosphatase, and 5'-nucleotidase) as well as a cis-side marker (osmium impregnation). The amount of cerium phosphate formed in the cytochemical reactions was roughly quantitated by stereologic methods. The Golgi apparatus of about 40% of the hepatocytes appeared disorganized after alcohol treatment, and in the other 60%, the electron density of reaction product deposits for all phosphatases investigated was decreased. 5'-Nucleotidase was completely absent in cisternae of Golgi apparatus of treated cells. In control cells impregnated with osmium tetroxide, reduced osmium compounds were observed in most Golgi cisternae and in nearby vesicles. In contrast, only small vesicles appeared positive in treated hepatocytes. These results suggest that prenatal alcohol exposure alters some Golgi functions. Thus, the decrease in nucleoside diphosphatase and 5'-nucleotidase cytochemical activities after ethanol exposure strongly suggests that this treatment could affect glycosylation in the Golgi apparatus of newborn rat hepatocytes.  相似文献   

Summary The use of cerium chloride for the localization of thiamine-pyrophosphatase (TPPase) in rat liver parenchymal cells has been investigated and the results are compared with the classical lead capture method. A medium containing 3 mM cerium chloride gave the most uniform and consistent results with a homogenous electron dense reaction product in the first trans lamella of the Golgi complex and a weak staining of endoplasmic reticulum. The fine deposits of cerium phosphate filled completely the first trans Golgi cisterna. In contrast the reaction product of the lead-based method appeared clumpy and aggregated with an irregular distribution over both Golgi complex and endoplasmic reticulum. Higher and lower concentrations of cerium chloride than 3 mM gave inconsistent results. The present study demonstrates that the cerium-based method is superior to the classical lead-technique for the localization of TPPase.  相似文献   

Vesicular fragments of Golgi apparatus, smooth- and rough-surfaced microsomes from rat liver are differently partitioned in aqueous polymer two-phase systems consisting of dextran, polyethylene glycol, and sodium phosphate buffer. At a given polymer concentration, the amount of material partitioned in the top phase increases in the following order: rough microsomes less than smooth microsomes less than Golgi fragments. Counter-current distribution of Golgi fragments in the system consisting of 6.8% (w/w) dextran T500 and 6.8% polyethylene glycol 4,000 results in the separation of the fragments into three fractions; i.e. Fractions I, II, and III. NADH- and NADPH-cytochrome c reductase activities are detected almost exclusively in Fraction I, whereas the activities of galactosyltransferase, acid phosphatase, 5'-nucleotidase, and thiamine pyrophosphatase are maximal in Fraction III and minimal in Fraction I. The distribution of these enzymes suggests that Fraction I is similar to, though not identical with, microsomes, Fraction III resembles plasma membrane and lysosomes, and Fraction II is between the two. It is concluded that NADH- and NADPH-cytochrome c reductases are localized in a restricted region of the Golgi structure and that intra-Golgi differentiation seems to proceed in a discontinuous manner.  相似文献   

A method is described for the isolation of morphologically well-preserved Golgi apparatus from rat liver. The method is essentially the same as that of Morré et al. (Morré, D.J., Hamilton, R.L., Mollenhauser, H.H., Mahley, R.W., Cunningham, W.P., Cheetham, R.D., & Lequire, V.S. (1970) J. Cell Biol. 44, 484-491) except that mild cell disruption is achieved by means of a stainless-steel sieve. The average recoveries of protein and galactosyltransferase in the isolated fraction are about 6 mg from 10 g of perfused liver and about 35% from the homogenate, respectively. The preparation is virtually free from succinate-cytochrome c reductase, glucose-6-phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and 5'-nucleotidase. The Golgi fraction as well as its vesicular fragments is homogeneous upon isopycnic centrifugation in both sucrose and dextran density gradients. Their buoyant densities in sucrose are significantly higher than those in dextran, indicating that both forms of the organelle are closed systems which are impermeable to macromolecules. The galactosyltransferase activity of a freshly prepared Golgi fraction, measured with ovalbumin as galactosyl acceptor, is activated 26-fold by the addition of Triton X-100, whereas those of homogenized, sonicated, and aged preparations are only activated 2- to 4-fold.  相似文献   

The nucleus contains a plethora of different dynamic structures involved in the regulation and catalysis of nucleic acid metabolism and function. Over the past decades countless factors, molecular structures, interactions and posttranslational modifications have been described in this context. On the one side of the size scale X-ray crystallography delivers static snapshots of biomolecules at atomic resolution and on the other side light microscopy allows insights into complex structures of living cells and tissues in real time but poor resolution. Recent advances in light and electron microscopy are starting to close the temporal and spatial resolution gap from the atomic up to the cellular level. Old challenges and new insights are illustrated with examples of DNA replication and nuclear protein dynamics.  相似文献   

The Golgi apparatus consists of a set of vesicular compartments which are distinguished by their marker proteins. These compartments are physically separated in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell. To characterize them extensively, we immunoisolated vesicles carrying either of the SNAREs Sed5 or Tlg2, the markers of the early and late Golgi compartments, respectively, and analyzed the membrane proteins. The composition of proteins was mostly consistent with the position of each compartment in the traffic. We found six uncharacterized but evolutionarily conserved proteins and named them Svp26 (Sed5 compartment vesicle protein of 26 kDa), Tvp38, Tvp23, Tvp18, Tvp15 (Tlg2 compartment vesicle proteins of 38, 23, 18, and 15 kDa), and Gvp36 (Golgi vesicle protein of 36 kDa). The localization of Svp26 in the early Golgi compartment was confirmed by microscopic and biochemical means. Immunoprecipitation indicated that Svp26 binds to itself and a Golgi mannosyltransferase, Ktr3. In the absence of Svp26, a considerable portion of Ktr3 was mislocalized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Our data suggest that Svp26 has a novel role in retention of a subset of membrane proteins in the early Golgi compartments.  相似文献   

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