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温度和食物浓度对老年低额溞生长与生殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在20℃和25℃培养温度下研究了3种食物浓度对老年低额(Simocephalus vetulusOF Müller)生长与生殖的影响。结果表明:老年低额有4个幼龄(在20℃、低食物浓度下有5个)和10-13个成龄。成龄的龄期明显高于幼龄,第一成龄的发育时间一般最长。在相同温度下,老年低额的首次怀卵所需时间及各龄期一般随食物浓度的增加而缩短,而各龄的平均体长及其生殖量则呈相反的趋势。在相同的食物条件下,25℃老年低额在生长后期的平均体长明显高于20℃,而各龄期却小于20℃。最大体长是2.82mm,出现在25℃、高食物浓度下的第16龄。老年低额的平均最大生殖量和最大内禀增长率分别为144个和0.41/d,均出现在25℃和高食物浓度下。统计分析显示老年低额的生殖量与体长之间存在显著的相关性。老年低额的食物浓度域值小于1×104cells/mL(Scenedesmus obliquus)。作者探讨了老年低额在渔业生产中作为活体饵料养殖对象的可能性。    相似文献   

A factorial experiment tested the effects of varying concentrations of the flavonol rutin and daytime temperatures of 20 and 30°C on growth, molting and food utilization efficiencies of third instar tobacco hornworms (Manduca sexta (L.)). Cool temperature prolonged both the growth (=feeding) and non-feeding periods and consequently the relative consumption rates (RCR) and relative growth rates (RGR). Temperature had no impact on the amount of food consumed and the utilization indices of efficiency of conversion of ingested food and efficiency of conversion of digested food to larval biomass. But rutin was more concentrated in the frass of the larvae at the warm temperature. With increasing levels of rutin in the diet, the efficiency of conversion of ingested food tended to decline. Rutin reduced RCR and RGR. At the cool temperature, rutin increased the time spent in the first portion of the non-feeding period disproportionately. Analysis of growth rate intervals within the growth period indicated that at the cool temperature rutin had no discernible impact over the first half of the growth period, during which developmental competence to molt is likely achieved. Overall, these results indicate an overlap in the growth and molting phases and suggest that rutin interferes with physiological processes at the time of molt initiation, with these effects magnified at a cool temperature.  相似文献   

The overall biology of ectotherms is strongly affected by the thermal quality of the environment. The particular conditions prevailing on islands have a strong effect on numerous features of animal life. In this study we compared mainland and island populations of the lizard Lacerta trilineata and hypothesized that insularity would affect the thermoregulatory strategy. Continental habitats were of lower thermal quality, experiencing more intense fluctuations and had higher values of operative temperatures. Nevertheless mainland lizards selected for higher body temperatures in the lab and showed more effective thermoregulation during summer than their island peers. Lizards achieved similar body temperatures in the field in both types of habitat, underlining the importance of predation as a potential factor to mainland lizards that failed to reach their higher thermal preferences. Both island and mainland populations of L. trilineata have been adapted to their thermal environment, supporting the labile view on the evolution of thermal physiology for this species.  相似文献   

the simultaneous effects on an insect herbivore (third instar tobacco hornwormManduca sexta (L.): Sphingidae) of temperature (daytime temperatures of 20 °C, 25 °C and 30 °C), a mineral that may play a role in plant defense (potassium) and a common allelochemical (rutin) were examined in a factorial experiment. To manipulate potassium levels, a modified diet with limited plant material was used as the base and KCl and rutin added. Temperature affected efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), efficiency of conversion of digested food (ECD), time to head-capsule slippage, stadium duration, relative consumption rate (RCR) and relative growth rate (RGR) but not food consumed, biomass gained and approximate digestibility (AD). Potassium concentration influenced all of the variables except AD, time to head-capsule slippage (HCS), duration of the stadium and percent of stadium time to HCS. Rutin impacted negatively on all of the variables except food consumed. Compared to larvae on the non-rutin diets, fewer larvae fed rutin survived through molt initiation to ecdysis and fewer successfully completed ecdysis. Temperature and rutin had interactive effects for AD, ECD, RCR, RGR, time to HCS, and percent of stadium required to reach HCS. Rutin and potassium had interactive effects for biomass gained, RCR, ECI, time to HCS, duration of stadium, and percent of stadium required to reach HCS. Comparison of larval responses on an average potassium concentration (3.1%) versus high concentration (6.1%) showed that at the low daytime temperature increasing potassium concentration depressed biomass gained, but at the warmer temperatures potassium concentration had little effect unless rutin was present. In addition, potassium concentration had little impact on ECI unless rutin was present. These results indicate that significant interactive effects occur among temperature, potassium and rutin, and thus suggest that such interactive effects on larval performance may be common under field conditions, which are characterized by varying temperature and different concentrations of minerals and allelochemicals in hostplants.  相似文献   

Synopsis A comparison was done between growth in Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar, parr from natal rivers and small tributaries in the subarctic River Teno watercourse in northern Finland (70° N, 28° E). Salmon do not spawn in these tributaries but juveniles enter the brooks from their spawning rivers. Parr from these brooks (age groups 1 + and 2 +) were larger, so were their recorded annual growth increments, than those caught simultaneously in the River Teno. First year growth was also better in brook parr, although both groups had spent their first year in the main river. The brook water temperature was lower than that in the main rivers through-out the growing season. On the other hand, drifting food resources were more abundant in brooks. It has been suggested that better growth and a longer residence in fresh water result in the larger smolts being produced in the brooks relative to the main river. Differences in habitat selection and subsequent differences in the smolt age and size of fish from the same place of origin reflect the distinct life histories of the salmon in the River Teno.  相似文献   

通过向水中添加不同浓度的铜(Cu2 ),观察其对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)Ⅰ期幼蟹(0.020±0.01g)和12月龄扣蟹(3.34±0.26 g)的毒性影响。Cu2 对Ⅰ期幼蟹24,48,72和96h的半致死浓度(LC50)分别为0.70,0.43,0.33和0.22 mg/L,而对12月龄扣蟹相应的LC50分别是18.20,10.23,9.12和8.51mg/L。中华绒螯蟹Ⅰ期幼蟹在0.00,0.01,0.02,0.03,0.05和0.08mg/L Cu2 的水环境中的蜕皮率、增重率和存活率的比较研究结果表明,虽然各浓度组存活率均高于50%,但其随着Cu2 浓度的增高而降低。增重率和蜕皮率的变化趋势与存活率相似。此外,研究了中华绒螯蟹12月龄扣蟹在0.00,0.01,0.05,0.10,0.50,1.00和2.50 mg/L Cu2 的水环境中蜕皮率、增重率和存活率的变化。结果显示,各组存活率均高于50%,除0.01mg/L处理组的存活率略高于对照组外,总的变化趋势是随着Cu2 浓度的增高而降低。增重率和蜕皮率随着Cu2 浓度的增高,总的变化趋势亦逐渐降低。相关性分析表明,中华绒螯蟹Ⅰ期幼蟹和12月龄扣蟹的生长、蜕皮和存活与水中添加Cu2 的浓度增加有极显著的负相关(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Summary Wire cages with different-sized meshes were placed on trunks and around leaves at different heights in oak trees and in forest litter. Gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, instars II–V tethered with threads were placed in each cage (instars II–III only in leaf cages) as well as outside the cages. Predation of larvae decreased from near ground to mid-crown in trees and was highest in litter and very low on leaves. Predation in litter was not strongly related to cage type, suggesting that small, invertebrate predators were active there, but IV–V instars on trunks were mainly killed by relatively large predators, probably forest mice and shrews. Influences of the time of day and weather on predation were evaluated by observing tethered V–VI instars in litter and on tree trunks hourly. Ants, particularly carpenter ants (Camponotus ferrugineus) and Formica sp., and probably vertebrates, were conspicuous predators in the litter. Ants were most active at lower relative humidities, while other predators were apparently not influenced by humidity. No daily activity rhythms of predation were noted. Invertebrates appear to be important predators of larvae only in the litter whereas vertebrates, such as forest mice and shrews, also readily attack larvae on tree trunks.  相似文献   

Predation has been assumed to be a necessary factor in the ten-year population cycle of the snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus) and Canadian lynx (Lynx canadensis). The UV-B-induced plant stress hypothesis, in contrast, predicts that hare performance, especially reproduction, is negatively related to sunspot numbers, because production of UV-B-protective phenolics in food plants in periods of low sunspot activity, when the ozone layer is thin, increases the availability of amino acids and reduces the amount of phenolics that protect against herbivores. In accordance with the UV-B-induced plant stress hypothesis, and despite the absence of predators that have been assumed to be necessary for hare cycles, mountain hare (Lepus timidus) populations in Norway fluctuate in close synchrony with snowshoe hare populations in Alberta and the Yukon, Canada. When adjusting for the phase of the hare cycle, the natality of snowshoe hare in Alberta 1962–1976 was negatively related to sunspot numbers with a time lag of two years. It is concluded that delayed responses to UV-B-induced changes in plant chemistry during the sunspot cycle is a possible cause of ten-year cycles of hares and other herbivores, for example grouse and forest moths.  相似文献   

用2006年4-6月捕自长安(陕西)、共和(青海)、哈尔滨(黑龙江)三个地理隔离种群尾部完整的丽斑麻蜥(Eremias argus)成年雄体检测断尾对选择体温、表面活动(表面调温个体数)和摄食量的影响。各种群个体均分为实验和对照组,在距尾基部10 mm处切除实验组蜥蜴尾部,获得断尾个体。实验和对照组个体饲养在相同的实验室条件下收集相关数据,历时四周。表面活动的种群间差异是不同种群个体对其所处区域热环境长期适应的结果。断尾个体减少表面活动见于所有三个种群,表明尾自切能导致丽斑麻蜥活动水平的改变。同一种群断尾和有尾个体表面活动的时间格局无显著差异,不同种群表面活动的时间格局无显著差异,这些结果表明丽斑麻蜥白天活动节律具有种的特异性,不受断尾影响。丽斑麻蜥选择体温随纬度或海拔升高而降低,这种变化趋势可能是热环境制约的结果。所有三个种群断尾个体的选择体温均低于有尾个体,表明断尾可改变丽斑麻蜥的体温调定点。丽斑麻蜥摄食量存在种群间差异,长安种群蜥蜴的摄食量显著大于共和种群蜥蜴。三个种群断尾个体均未增加摄食以满足尾再生的额外能量需求,表明增加摄食不是该种蜥蜴补偿断尾能量代价的对  相似文献   

Carl F. Cerco 《Hydrobiologia》1989,174(3):185-194
Empirical models of sediment-water fluxes of NH4 +, NO3 were and PO4 3– were formed based on published reports. The models were revised and parameters evaluated based on laboratory incubations of sediments collected from Gunston Cove, VA. Observed fluxes ranged from — 18 (sediments uptake) to 276 (sediment release) mg NH4 + m–2 day–1, –17 to –509 mg NO3 m–2 day–1, and –16.4 to 8.9 mg PO4 3– m–2 day–1. The model and observations indicated release of NH4 + was enhanced by high temperature and by low DO. Uptake of NO3 was enhanced primarily by high NO3 concentration and to a lesser extent by high temperature and by low DO. Direction of PO4 3– flux depended on concentration in the water. Release was enhanced by low DO. No effect of temperature on PO4 3– flux was observed.  相似文献   

Models describing the limits of growth of pathogens under multiple constraints will aid management of the safety of foods which are sporadically contaminated with pathogens and for which subsequent growth of the pathogen would significantly increase the risk of food-borne illness. We modeled the effects of temperature, water activity, pH, and lactic acid levels on the growth of two strains of Listeria monocytogenes in tryptone soya yeast extract broth. The results could be divided unambiguously into "growth is possible" or "growth is not possible" classes. We observed minor differences in growth characteristics of the two L. monocytogenes strains. The data follow a binomial probability distribution and may be modeled using logistic regression. The model used is derived from a growth rate model in a manner similar to that described in a previously published work (K. A. Presser, T. Ross, and D. A. Ratkowsky, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 64:1773-1779, 1998). We used "nonlinear logistic regression" to estimate the model parameters and developed a relatively simple model that describes our experimental data well. The fitted equations also described well the growth limits of all strains of L. monocytogenes reported in the literature, except at temperatures beyond the limits of the experimental data used to develop the model (3 to 35 degrees C). The models developed will improve the rigor of microbial food safety risk assessment and provide quantitative data in a concise form for the development of safer food products and processes.  相似文献   

Salamander tail autotomy improves survival, but loss of the tail can subsequently be costly. For example, burst swimming speed is significantly slower after autotomy in desmognathan salamanders, which may increase predation risk in aquatic habitats. However, any long-term cost of tail loss is contingent on the rate of tail regeneration. To examine variation among seasons and environments in the cost of tail autotomy, we tested the effect of temperature, photoperiod, and feeding on tail-length re-growth in the semiaquatic plethodontid salamander Desmognathus conanti. Eight experimental groups (n=15 each, equivalent in body size) were tested. After acclimation for four weeks at one of two temperatures (either 10 °C or 20 °C) and one of two photoperiods (either L:D 9.5:14.5 h or 14.5:9.5 h), 60% of the tail length was autotomized for each individual. After autotomy, each experimental group was maintained under unique conditions of temperature (either 10 °C or 20 °C), photoperiod (either L:D 9.5:14.5 h or 14.5:9.5 h), and feeding (either fasting or weekly feeding). The length of the regenerated tail portion for each individual was measured each week until the group with the fastest re-growth had regenerated 50% of the lost tail length. Low temperature had a large, negative effect, fasting had a small, negative effect, but photoperiod had no significant effect on tail re-growth. The large thermal effect resulted from a combination of delayed initiation of tail-length re-growth and reduced regeneration rate thereafter at low temperature. We conclude that the cost of salamander tail autotomy differs among seasons and environments based on variation in temperature and food availability.  相似文献   

The dielectric response of human umbilical cord hyaluronic acid in various environments has been studied at microwave frquencies using a resonant microwave cavity as a probe. Both the real and imaginary parts of complex dielectric constant and the loss tangent for hyaluronate solutions are obtained by utilizing equations for perturbation of a resonant cavity. Dielectric changes at room temperature have been observed in aqueous solutions of hyaluronic acid as a function of concentration ranging from 0 to 350 mg/ml. The data indicate the existence of ordered phases in hyaluronate solutions at selective concentrations, that is, exhibiting lyotropic-type transitions. Hyaluronate solutions at 1.5 and 3 mg/ml concentrations have been studied at various pH in the range of 6–8 and at constant ionic strength 0.1. A temperature-dependent transition in hyaluronate solution of 120 mg/ml concentration has been observed at physiological temperature. It is shown that this temperature-dependent behavior can be related to the orientational polarizability term in the Debye theory of polar molecules in liquids.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Rates of growth (length increase of stolons) and of asexual reproduction (increase in number of polyps) were determined in secondaryClava multicornis colonies of a clone exposed to 12 different combinations of water temperature and salinity (12°, 17°, 22° C; 16 , 24 , 32 , 40 S). Sexual reproduction (via gonophores) has been observed only at 12° and 17° C; temperature and salinity ranges are narrower for sexual than for asexual reproduction.2. The data obtained are insufficient for a detailed analysis; they provide, however, interesting insights into the variability of growth and reproduction ofC. multicornis caused by different intensities of temperature and salinity.3. It appears that temperature requirements for maximum colony increase are reduced as the colony grows older.4. One feeding period per 24 hours seems insufficient for maximum growth and reproduction at the higher temperature levels, especially at 22° C.5. The different degrees of environmental stress endured during the initial period of transfer into the test combinations of temperature and salinity have affected the resulting colony size at least up to an age of 39 days. More appropriate criteria for assessment of rates of growth and reproduction are therefore the doubling times (number of days within which stolon length and polyp numbers taken 20 days after initiation of experiments have doubled).6. On the basis of doubling time values, increase in stolon length is progressively reduced with increasing water temperature (12°, 17°, 22° C). At 12° and 17° C stolons grow fastest in 32 , followed by 24 , 16 and 40 S; at 22° C stolon growth rates are identical in 32 and 24 S.7. Doubling times of polyp numbers per colony show a less obvious trend. In 56-day-old colonies, however, stolon length and polyp number are modified to similar degrees by the various temperatures and salinities offered. The sequence of temperatures causing fastest increase in polyp number is 12°>17°>22° C; the respective sequence of salinities reads: 24 , 32 , 16 , 40 S.8. Stolon length and polyp number per colony increase exponentially; most curves obtained exhibit undulations indicating endogenous growth rhythms.9. During the initial period of transfer into the final test media, asexual reproduction via budding seems to have been stimulated by a reduction in salinity.10. The doubling times obtained forC. multicornis are considerably longer than those found forCordylophora caspia and indicate that our culture conditions may have been suboptimal.
Wachstum und Reproduktion als Funktion von Temperatur und Salzgehalt beiClava multicornis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa)
Kurzfassung Einzelpolypen eines Klons vonC. multicornis Forskål wurden schrittweise in 12 verschiedene Temperatur-Salzgehalts-Kombinationen überführt und — während sie zu neuen Kolonien heranwuchsen — das Längenwachstum ihrer Stolonen, die Geschwindigkeit ihrer asexuellen Vermehrung durch Knospung neuer Hydranthen sowie die Gonophorenausbildung (sexuelle Fortpflanzung) registriert. Die erhaltenen Daten sind unzureichend für eine detaillierte Analyse, gewähren jedoch interessante Einblicke in die Bedeutung der verschiedenen Temperatur- und Salzgehaltsbedingungen für Wachstum und Vermehrung. Die anfängliche, schrittweise Überführung in die Testmedien verursacht per se Leistungsunterschiede, deren Auswirkungen sich mindestens bis zu einem Alter von 39 Tagen verfolgen lassen. Doubling times stellen daher objektivere Kriterien dar als absolute Zuwachswerte. Die doubling times von Kolonien, welche länger als 20 Tage in den Testmedien gewachsen waren, zeigen eine Verringerung der Stolonenzuwachsrate mit steigender Temperatur (12°, 17°, 22° C). Die Reihenfolge der fördernden Wirkung der einzelnen Salzgehaltsstufen ergibt sich zu 32 , 24 , 16 , 40 S. Im Prinzip ähnliche Verhältnisse liegen hinsichtlich der asexuellen Vermehrungsrate vor. Bemessen an den getesteten Kriterien scheinen die Temperaturansprüche mit zunehmendem Koloniealter abzunehmen. Die errechneten doubling times sind wesentlich länger als beiCordylophora; möglicherweise deutet dieser Unterschied auf inadäquate Kulturbedingungen (Fütterung, Wasserbewegung) hin.

The growth of Salmonella enteritidis in a brain heart infusion medium was monitored using the traditional viable count method and by conductance measurements using a Rabit impedance instrument. Growth curves (log10 cfu ml−1 vs time) at three different concentrations of oleuropein (0, 0·2 and 0·8%), pH values in the range of 5–8 and incubation temperatures from 22 to 42 °C were modelled using the Gompertz equation. A good correlation between the maximum growth rate from the viable count method and the maximum slope of the conductance curve from the impedance instrument was established. Based on this correlation, the maximum specific growth rate of Salm. enteritidis was modelled as a function of the oleuropein concentration, initial pH values and the incubation temperature with a quadratic equation, using a new, larger dataset of growth measurements by conductance. The developed model was validated by statistical comparison of predicted growth rates with growth rates determined by the viable count method, within the limits of the antimicrobial, pH and temperature domain.  相似文献   

To explore the effect of low-dose Cryptocaryon irritans infection on growth, feeding and antiparasitic immunity of orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides), this study utilized C. irritans at concentrations of 5500 theronts/fish (Group I, 1/10 of 96 h LC50) or 11,000 theronts/fish (Group II) to infect E. coioides weighing 38 g on average at week 0, 2 and 4, respectively. Food consumption was recorded daily; the fish were weighed weekly; serum immobilizing titer (SIT), and acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), superoxide dismutase (SOD), lysozyme (LZM) activity were recorded every 2 weeks; the fish were treated with lethal dose (70,000 theronts/fish) of C. irritans in the 8th week and death number were recorded. The result shows that in the 1st week after the first infection, the fish's weight gain (WG), length gain (LG), and specific growth rate (SGR) dropped as parasite dose increased, and WG, SGR values were negative; while, after the 2nd and the 3rd infection, no significant differences were detected among the three groups. These results indicated that the 1st infection affected the fish most, while the following infections were protected by some immunity. In the 3rd, 7th, and 8th week, condition factor (CF) increased with the increased infectious dose, indicating that the parasite affected body length more than body weight. As the experiment went on, accumulated food consumption (AFC) of all three groups steadily grew (control > Group I > Group II). But on the 2nd day after the first infection, daily food consumption (DFC) of Group I and II significantly dropped, the decline of Group II was greater than that of Group I, DFC recovered in the following week, with Group I earlier than Group II. After the 2nd infection, DFC of Group I and II dropped again, Group II still dropped more than Group I, and both groups recovered on the 3rd day after infection. The 3rd infection caused no significant difference in week food consumption (WFC). These results indicated that a higher dose of infection causes a greater drop in FC and a slower recovery. Weekly feed conversion ratio (WFCR) values of Group I and II in the 1st week was negative; in the 2nd week, WFCR was lower in the group infected by a higher dose of parasite; while in the 3rd and following weeks, no significant pattern was observed. Accumulate feed conversion ratio (AFCR) dropped as the infectious dose increased (control > Group I > Group II), AFCR of Group I and II reached above 0 in the 2nd and 4th week, respectively. From the 4th week on, the inter-group AFCR of the 3 groups still took on a declining trend with the increased infectious dose but the gap became smaller. One week after the first infection, SIT of Group I and Group II were 0; one week after the 2nd infection, SIT reached up to 8 (Group I) and 16 (Group II) respectively; and after the 3rd infection, SIT further increased and peaked in the 7th week. When challenged by lethal dose of C. irritans, fish of all 3 groups began to die since the 3rd day after infection, and the final deaths were 14, 12 and 8 for the control group, Group I and Group II, respectively. ACP activity in the 1st, 5th, 7th but the 3rd week was higher in the experiment group than that in the control group, but no significant difference was detected between Group I and II throughout the experiment. AKP activity increased as the infectious dose increased, but the difference among the three groups gradually became less obvious in latter infections, and no significant difference can be detected in the end. SOD activity increased with infection dose at each time point, while both group I and group II had their SOD activities first increased and then decreased as times of infection increased. The LZM activity of the two infection groups increased as the infectious times increased. Combining the results on growth and feeding, we speculated that the fish's physiological condition stabilized after 3 rounds of infection. To sum up, low-dose infection by C. irritans can induce the fish's immunity, but at the cost of decreasing food intake, decreased food conversion, and lagged growth.  相似文献   

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