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The article examines the role of the 13 dreams in the book of Genesis. The dreams are first shortly described (following Gnuse, 1984, and Oppenheim, 1956) in their historical context: the Near-East of over 3000 years ago. The structure of some of the dreams is then discussed and compared to dreams from another historical period, that of modern Jewish Moroccan pilgrims (Bilu & Abramovitch, 1985), whose faith is based largely on the Bible. Following this discussion of the structure, the message of the dreams, regarding both the near future, and the remote, national future, is described. The article discusses the argument that all these dreams serve the purpose of establishing a common national identity, which has been historically the basis of Jewish faith. Possible reasons for using dreams in conveying the message are then discussed. The article ends with a discussion on the declining importance of the dream in the post-Genesis Bible.  相似文献   

The relationships that define the structure of a given ecosystem, social system, or even a physiological function can only exist if certain parameters are confined to a certain range of values. As the values change and exceed this given range the relationships are forced to change, and so produce a new pattern of relationships. The concept of a dynamic structure captures this potential for structural change in relation to a set of parameters. The precise definition of structure and allowable transformation constitutes the definition of a category. The total range of parameters associated with all the relevant structures provides a parameter space which is assumed to be a manifold. Maps with extra structure from the manifold to the category define dynamic structures. The domain of differential dynamic systems is the manifold, and a flow or movement across the manifold is associated with a series of structural transformations in the category. In some cases a structure outruns its parameter range, to be faced with an obstruction—an absence of possible transformations. Ways of studying such “obstructions” are considered along with the related problem of extending a dynamic structure beyond a previously given set of parameters. The cost or resistance of transformations is also studied. The concepts of dynamic structures are illustrated by the structural change of food webs and they are used in a necessarily qualitative fashion to study dominance structures of social orders and finally to speculate on the qualitative nature of evolutionary change of functional aspects of organisms.  相似文献   

The topological aspects of the conformational transformations in proteins are investigated using a new peptide-ribbon representation of the tertiary structure. The topological parameters evaluated on a set of 49 proteins show striking regularities that extend beyond the secondary structures actually present and are interpreted as a manifestation of the topological invariance of conformational transformations in globular proteins.  相似文献   

Sensorimotor learning has been shown to depend on both prior expectations and sensory evidence in a way that is consistent with Bayesian integration. Thus, prior beliefs play a key role during the learning process, especially when only ambiguous sensory information is available. Here we develop a novel technique to estimate the covariance structure of the prior over visuomotor transformations--the mapping between actual and visual location of the hand--during a learning task. Subjects performed reaching movements under multiple visuomotor transformations in which they received visual feedback of their hand position only at the end of the movement. After experiencing a particular transformation for one reach, subjects have insufficient information to determine the exact transformation, and so their second reach reflects a combination of their prior over visuomotor transformations and the sensory evidence from the first reach. We developed a Bayesian observer model in order to infer the covariance structure of the subjects' prior, which was found to give high probability to parameter settings consistent with visuomotor rotations. Therefore, although the set of visuomotor transformations experienced had little structure, the subjects had a strong tendency to interpret ambiguous sensory evidence as arising from rotation-like transformations. We then exposed the same subjects to a highly-structured set of visuomotor transformations, designed to be very different from the set of visuomotor rotations. During this exposure the prior was found to have changed significantly to have a covariance structure that no longer favored rotation-like transformations. In summary, we have developed a technique which can estimate the full covariance structure of a prior in a sensorimotor task and have shown that the prior over visuomotor transformations favor a rotation-like structure. Moreover, through experience of a novel task structure, participants can appropriately alter the covariance structure of their prior.  相似文献   

Hartmann  Ernest 《Dreaming》2008,18(1):44
"Big dreams" are hard to define. This paper considers "big" dreams under several more easily definable subcategories: memorable dreams; important dreams (labeled by dreamer); significant dreams; and impactful dreams. Past studies are reviewed, and five new preliminary studies are presented showing that a powerful Central Image (CI) distinguishes "big" dreams in all subcategories. 1) Dreams labeled "important" by the dreamer have higher CI intensity than dreams labeled "unimportant." 2) Dreams labeled "especially significant" have especially high CI intensity. 3) Impactful dreams (leading to a new discovery) have a very high CI intensity. 4) The dreams of people who score very "thin" on the Boundary Questionnaire (BQ)--sometimes called "dream-people"--have higher CI intensity than the dreams of people who score "thick." 5) In a separate, larger group, there is a significant positive correlation between CI intensity and "thinness." It appears that CI intensity is an important measure of the "bigness" of dreams. The present results are consistent with the Contemporary Theory of Dreaming which states that dreams involve making connections guided by emotion, that the Ci of the dream pictures the emotion, and that CI intensity measures the power of the underlying emotion. "Big" dreams are dreams with great emotional power and have powerful Central Images. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although several studies reported a significant effect with regard to the gender difference in an interest in dreams, the generalizability of these studies is limited because mainly students were recruited as participants. In this study, gender differences with regard to interest in dream interpretation as an indicator of interest in dreams in general have been demonstrated in a representative sample. There was, however, a significant age-gender interaction, indicating that interest in dreams might not be a potent variable for explaining gender differences in dream recall. In future studies, the course of interest in dreams over the life span and any associated gender differences should be investigated using carefully designed scales. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Stimulus selectivity of sensory systems is often characterized by analyzing response-conditioned stimulus ensembles. However, in many cases these response-triggered stimulus sets have structure that is more complex than assumed. If not taken into account, when present it will bias the estimates of many simple statistics, and distort the estimated stimulus selectivity of a neural sensory system. We present an approach that mitigates these problems by modeling some of the response-conditioned stimulus structure as being generated by a set of transformations acting on a simple stimulus distribution. This approach corrects the estimates of key statistics and counters biases introduced by the transformations. In cases involving temporal spike jitter or spatial jitter of images, the main observed effects of transformations are blurring of the conditional mean and introduction of artefacts in the spectral decomposition of the conditional covariance matrix. We illustrate this approach by analyzing and correcting a set of model stimuli perturbed by temporal and spatial jitter. We apply the approach to neurophysiological data from the cricket cercal sensory system to correct the effects of temporal jitter. Action Editor: Matthew Wiener  相似文献   

In this longitudinal developmental study, 12 boys and 12 girls provided home dreams and waking fantasies at 3 age levels: 9–11, 11–13, and 13–15. A total of 299 dreams and 286 fantasies were coded by 2 independent raters using Hall and Van de Castle (1966) content categories. In addition, word counts and bizarreness ratings were completed. There were very few changes in the dreams or waking fantasies of either boys or girls, but dream reports were longer at ages 13–15, the aggression/friendliness percent increased over the course of the study, joint-sex peer groups became more frequent, and girls showed a decline in animal percent. The tendency in a wide range of societies for men to dream mostly about other men and for women to dream equally of women and men was found in both the dreams and waking fantasies. Dreams and fantasies differed markedly, with dreams containing more outdoor and unfamiliar settings, and more bizarreness. In dreams the children tended to portray themselves as victims of aggression and recipients of friendliness, but in fantasies they took a more active role as aggressors and befrienders. It is suggested that the children in this study portrayed themselves in their dreams as they conceived of themselves in everyday life, while in their waking fantasies they imagined themselves as they would have liked to be.  相似文献   

Investigation of effects produced by 26 various phenol and diphenol derivatives, including industrial and natural antioxidants (ionol, bis-phenol 2246, alpha-tocopherol), on final product yields of radiation-induced free-radical processes involving peroxyl, alkyl, alpha-hydroxyalkyl and alpha,beta-dihydroxyalkyl radicals has been performed. Ionol and bis-phenol 2246 have been shown to be more effective than alpha-tocopherol or diphenol derivatives in suppressing hydrocarbon oxidation processes. At the same time, alpha-tocopherol and its water-soluble analogues, as well as diphenol-based substances, are more effective than phenol derivatives in regulating various homolytic processes involving carbon-centered radicals. This fact can be accounted for by taking into consideration the contribution to formation of the final product set and the respective yields made by semiquinone radicals and compounds with quinoid structure arising in the course of homolytic transformations in systems containing diphenol derivatives.  相似文献   

Siegel  Alan B. 《Dreaming》2005,15(3):147
New manifest content analysis research on children's dreams and nightmares provides insights into how dreaming reveals developmental changes over time. Five culturally diverse research studies were conducted with varied methods for dream collection that included laboratory-collected dreams, as well as written journals, audiotaped dreams, and retrospectively recalled dreams. As children grow older, they are more able to recall dreams, dream narratives increase in length, and dreams are characterized by decreasing levels of passive victimization and have more elaborate character interactions. Age and gender differences in recall, interactions, and gender of dream characters indicate that dream research is a fertile area for studying child development and the changing function of dreams over time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Drug Guru (drug generation using rules) is a new web-based computer software program for medicinal chemists that applies a set of transformations, that is, rules, to an input structure. The transformations correspond to medicinal chemistry design rules-of-thumb taken from the historical lore of drug discovery programs. The output of the program is a list of target analogs that can be evaluated for possible future synthesis. A discussion of the features of the program is followed by an example of the software applied to sildenafil (Viagra) in generating ideas for target analogs for phosphodiesterase inhibition. Comparison with other computer-assisted drug design software is given.  相似文献   

Dream content may reflect elements of memory processing occurring within a single night and across several days or weeks. One 19-year-old healthy female college student kept a daily diary, a sleep diary, and recorded her dreams for 2 months. A preset alarm clock allowed her to sample dreams from both early NREM-rich and late REM-rich sleep. Dreams were examined for memory elements that were similar to diary entries. There were 55 scorable dreams obtained during 25 nights. Matches between dream elements and daytime events occurred quite frequently depending on dream element. Dream characters, actions, themes, and settings more often matched daytime memories than dream objects, emotions, or events. Matches were also time dependent. Emotions appeared in dreams after the subject experienced them sooner than all other elements (1.5 days), while objects took the longest to appear in dreams (3.5 days). With respect to within night cognitive processing, 42% of scorable nights contained the same memory elements in the first and last dreams and 8% of scorable nights contained the same emotion within the same context between an early and late dream. Selected dream elements appear to reflect memory processing occurring throughout the night and over the course of several days. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Classification of newly determined protein structures is important in understanding their function and mechanism of action. Currently available methods employ a global structure alignment strategy and are computationally expensive. We propose a two-step methodology with a quick screen to significantly reduce the number of candidate structures followed by global structure alignment of the query structure with the reduced set. We represent a protein structure as a sequence of local structures, codified in the form of geometric invariants. Geometric invariants are quantities that remain unchanged under transformations such as translation and rotation. Protein structures represented as multi-attribute sequences are aligned via dynamic programming to identify close neighbors of the query structure. The query structure is then compared with this reduced dataset using conventional structure comparison methods to predict its functional class. For a typical protein structure, the screening method was able to reduce the protein data bank to mere 200 proteins while preserving structurally closest neighbor in the reduced set. This has resulted in 30 to 60 fold improvement in the execution time. We present the results of leave-one-out classification experiment on ASTRAL-95 domains and comparison with SCOP classification hierarchy.  相似文献   

The concepts of text and narrative are reviewed in terms of their appropriate application to the study of dreams. It is proposed that, once experienced, all dreams are texts, but that not all of these texts are narratives. Blending Jung's proposal for the form of the average dream with basic terms from narratology, dream data are employed in order to examine the narrativity of dreams, and by way of inquiring into cognitive aspects of narrative structure. Questions about the relation between language and narrative structure on the one hand, and between dreaming and language on the other are also briefly taken up.  相似文献   

A. Shearn 《Genetics》1989,121(3):517-525
Mutations in the ash-1 and ash-2 genes of Drosophila melanogaster cause a wide variety of homeotic transformations that are similar to the transformations caused by mutations in the trithorax gene. Based on this similar variety of transformations, it was hypothesized that these genes are members of a functionally related set. Three genetic tests were employed here to evaluate that hypothesis. The first test was to examine interactions of ash-1, ash-2 and trithorax mutations with each other. Double and triple heterozygotes of recessive lethal alleles express characteristic homeotic transformations. For example, double heterozygotes of a null allele of ash-1 and a deletion of trithorax have partial transformations of their first and third legs to second legs and of their halteres to wings. The penetrance of these transformations is reduced by a duplication of the bithorax complex. The second test was to examine interactions with a mutation in the female sterile (1) homeotic gene. The penetrance of the homeotic phenotype in progeny from mutant mothers is increased by heterozygosis for alleles of ash-1 or ash-2 as well as for trithorax alleles. The third test was to examine the interaction with a mutation of the Polycomb gene. The extra sex combs phenotype caused by heterozygosis for a deletion of Polycomb is suppressed by heterozygosis for ash-1, ash-2 or trithorax alleles. The fact that mutations in each of the three genes gave rise to similar results in all three tests represents substantial evidence that ash-1, ash-2 and trithorax are members of a functionally related set of genes.  相似文献   

Masochistic dreams, as defined by Beck (1967), are reportedly more prevalent among women and individuals with past or present depression. However, it is unclear whether these prevalence differences are a function of depressogenic personality traits or fluctuating mood symptoms. In the present study, 30 men and 30 women without histories of major depression slept two consecutive nights in a sleep laboratory and reported their dreams from each REM period on the second night. Dream content from this sample was compared to that of 60 depressed participants who were studied previously under the same protocol. Analyses did not support a heightened prevalence of masochistic dreams among women or depressed individuals. Interestingly, the masochistic dreams of the non-depressed sample were equally distributed across the night, whereas depressed individuals tend to report masochistic dreams closer to morning. This hypothesized pattern suggests that masochistic dreams may be pathognomic of depression in that their occurrence near the end of the night affects morning mood with negative dream residue.  相似文献   

Dream Recall Frequency, Attitude Towards Dreams and Openness to Experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The question whether personality dimensions explain the interindividual differences in dream recall frequency has often been investigated by dream researchers. The present findings confirm previous research which has shown that traits such as openness-to-experience and thin boundaries correlate substantially with dream recall frequency. However, correlation coefficients are small and are much larger if attitude towards dreams or a scale measuring different aspects of dream recall are considered. Thus, future studies should consider the differentiation between items measuring dream recall and related aspects and items measuring attitudes towards dreams. Schonbar's life-style hypothesis should be revised slightly: not dream recall frequency but attitude towards dreams and the way to deal with dreams are part of a broader life style.  相似文献   

The authors provide empirical data to help answer the question of what distinguishes “big dreams” (Jung, 1974) from ordinary dreams. Reported here are the results of a multifaceted quantitative analysis of 162 most recent dreams and 162 most memorable dreams gathered from the same group of individuals. This matched collection of recent and memorable dream reports was analyzed by a novel combination of three quantitative methods: Hartmann's (1998, 2008) research on central images, Hall and Van de Castle's (1966) content analysis, and Bulkeley's (2009b) word search approach. Using these different methods of analysis on the same two sets of dreams provided an unusually detailed portrait of the basic patterns of big dreams. The results suggest that big dreams are distinguished by a tendency toward “primal” qualities of form and content: more intense imagery, more nature references, more physical aggression, more family characters, more fantastic/imaginary beings, and more magical happenings, along with less high-order cognition and less connection to ordinary daily surroundings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigation of effects produced by 26 various phenol and diphenol derivatives, including industrial and natural antioxidants (ionol, bis-phenol 2246, α-tocopherol), on final product yields of radiation-induced free-radical processes involving peroxyl, alkyl, α-hydroxyalkyl and α,β-dihydroxyalkyl radicals has been performed. Ionol and bis-phenol 2246 have been shown to be more effective than α-tocopherol or diphenol derivatives in suppressing hydrocarbon oxidation processes. At the same time, α-tocopherol and its water-soluble analogues, as well as diphenol-based substances, are more effective than phenol derivatives in regulating various homolytic processes involving carbon-centered radicals. This fact can be accounted for by taking into consideration the contribution to formation of the final product set and the respective yields made by semiquinone radicals and compounds with quinoid structure arising in the course of homolytic transformations in systems containing diphenol derivatives.  相似文献   

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