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Microbotryum violaceum is a fungus that causes the sterilizing anther smut disease in many Caryophyllaceae. Its diploid teliospores are heterozygous at the mating-type locus, normally producing equal proportions of haploid sporidia of the two mating types. However, natural populations contain high frequencies of individuals producing sporidia of only one mating type. This mating-type ratio bias is caused by the presence of deleterious alleles at haploid phase ("haplo-lethals") linked to the mating-type locus. These haplo-lethals can be transmitted if there is conjugation among the products of meiosis (intratetrad selfing). Haplo-lethals still suffer from selective disadvantages, through reducing the infection probability of strains that carry them, and thus cannot persist in a panmictic population. We develop a realistic model of a metapopulation of M. violaceum on its host Silene latifolia. Simulations show that if intratetrad selfing rate is high, haplo-lethals can be maintained under a metapopulation structure because of founder effects and selection at the population level. Populations founded only by strains carrying haplo-lethals experience a lower extinction rate precisely because of their lower infection ability; they spread more slowly and sterilize fewer plants, thereby allowing their host population to grow more rapidly and therefore to be less prone to extinction.  相似文献   

In the fungal pathogen Microbotryumviolaceum mating (i.e. conjugation between cells of opposite mating type) is indispensable for infection of its host plant Silenelatifolia. Since outcrossing opportunities are potentially rare, selfing may be appropriate to ensure reproduction. On the other hand, outcrossing may create genetic variability necessary in the coevolutionary arms race with its host. We investigated the propensity of M. violaceum to outcross vs. self in different host environments. We used haploid sporidia from each of three strains from five fungal populations for pairwise mixtures of opposite mating type, representing either selfing or outcrossing combinations. Mixtures were exposed to leaf extract from seven S. latifolia plants. The proportion of conjugated sporidia quantified mating propensity. The identity of both fungal strains and host influenced conjugation. First, individual strains differed in conjugation frequency by up to 30%, and strains differed in their performance across the different hosts. Second, selfing combinations produced, on average, more conjugations than did outcrossing combinations. Selfing appears to be the predominant mode of reproduction in this fungus, and selfing preference may have evolved as a mechanism of reproductive assurance. Third, individual strains varied considerably in conjugation frequency in selfing and outcrossing combinations across different hosts. This indicates that conjugation between outcrossing partners could be favoured at least in some hosts. Since the dikaryon resulting from conjugation is the infectious unit, conjugation frequency may correspond with infection probability. This assumption was supported by an inoculation experiment, where high infectious sporidial dosage resulted in higher infections success than did low dosage. We therefore predict that sexual recombination can provide this pathogen with novel genotypes able to infect local resistant hosts.  相似文献   

Snetselaar, K. M., Bolker, M., and Kahmann, R. 1996. Ustilago maydis mating hyphae orient their growth toward pheromone sources. Fungal Genetics and Biology 20, 299-312. When small drops of Ustilago maydis sporidia were placed 100-200 μm apart on agar surfaces and covered with paraffin oil, sporidia from one drop formed thin hyphae that grew in a zig-zag fashion toward the other drop if it contained sporidia making the appropriate pheromone. For example, a2b2 mating hyphae grew toward a1b1 and a1b2 mating hyphae, and the filaments eventually fused tip to tip. Time-lapse photography indicated that the mating hyphae can rapidly change orientation in response to nearby compatible sporidia. When exposed to pheromone produced by cells in an adjacent drop, haploid sporidia with the a2 allele began elongating before sporidia with the a1 allele. Sporidia without functional pheromone genes responded to pheromone although they did not induce a response, and sporidia without pheromone receptors induced formation of mating hyphae although they did not form mating hyphae. Diploid sporidia heterozygous at b but not at a formed straight, rigid, aerial filaments when exposed to pheromone produced by the appropriate haploid sporidia. Again, the a2a2b1b2 strain formed filaments more quickly than the a1a1b1b2 strain. Taken together, these results suggest that the a2 pheromone diffuses less readily or is degraded more quickly than the a1 pheromone.  相似文献   

It has been shown theoretically that the conditions for the maintenance of polymorphism at pleiotropic loci with antagonistic effects on fitness components are rather restrictive. Here, we use a metapopulation model to investigate whether antagonistic pleiotropy could help maintain polymorphism involving common deleterious alleles in the phytopathogenic fungus Microbotryum violaceum. This fungus causes anther smut disease of the Caryophyllaceae. A previous model has shown that the sex-linked deleterious alleles can be maintained under a metapopulation structure, when intra-tetrad selfing (mating between products of the same meiosis) is high, due to founder effects and selection at the population level. Here, we add two types of pleiotropic advantages to the metapopulation model. A competitive advantage for strains carrying the sex-linked deleterious alleles did not facilitate their maintenance because competitive situations were too rare. In contrast, higher spore production did facilitate the maintenance of the deleterious alleles at low intra-tetrad mating rates and with a large advantage for spore production. These results show that antagonistic pleiotropy may promote the persistence of genetic variation, in combination with other selective forces.  相似文献   

《Experimental mycology》1993,17(3):200-214
Martinez-Espinoza, A. D., Gerhardt, S. A., and Sherwood, J. E. 1993. Morphological and mutational analysis of mating in Ustilago hordei. Experimental Mycology 17, 200-214. Ustilago hordei is a basidiomycete that causes covered smut on barley. Mating in U. hordei, which is controlled by a single locus with two alleles, results in the conversion of haploid, nonpathogenic yeast-like sporidia to dikaryotic, pathogenic mycelia. When sporidia of the opposite mating type were mixed and placed on water agar, both cell types produced conjugation tubes within 2 h at 21°C. Growth of conjugation tubes was directed toward the tip of tubes arising from cells of the opposite mating type. These tubes fused and the dikaryotic mycelium emerged from the conjugation bridge. Sporidia separated by a dialysis membrane were still capable of inducing conjugation tube formation by cells of the opposite mating type, indicating the involvement of diffusible small-molecular-weight mating factors (pheromones). Numerous nutritional and environmental variables were examined in order to optimize conjugation tube induction. Twenty-six mutants that fail to form dikaryotic mycelium have been isolated and characterized. These mutants were arranged into classes based on their ability to form conjugation tubes, the ability to induce conjugation tube formation by opposite mating-type cells, and cell morphology. These mutants provide an indication of the genetic complexity involved in this critical phase of the U. hordei life cycle.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied intraspecific competition and assortative mating between strains of the anther smut fungus Microbotryum violaceum from two of its host species, Silene latifolia and S. dioica . Specifically, we investigated whether strains from allopatric host populations have higher competitive ability on their native host species and show positive assortative mating. In general, strains isolated from S. latifolia outcompeted strains isolated from S. dioica on both host species, but in female hosts, heterotypic dikaryons (i.e., dikaryons composed of a haploid strain originating from S. latifolia and a haploid strain originating from S. dioica ) were most successful in competition. Furthermore, the latency period was significantly shorter for heterokaryons that contained at least one strain originating from S. latifolia , compared to heterokaryons that only contained strains originating from S. dioica . The frequencies of conjugations between strains originating from S. latifolia were much higher than conjugation frequencies between strains originating from S. dioica . A significant positive correlation was detected between the relative success of strains in competition and in conjugation, suggesting that success of a strain in competition might be partly determined by its swiftness of mating. In addition, reciprocal differences within heterotypic crosses revealed a significant effect of fungal mating type, with mating type a1 being the main determinant of mating pace. The observed differences in infection success, conjugation rate, and latency period in favor of strains from S. latifolia relative to strains from S. dioica on both host species are discussed in an evolutionary context of opportunities for the maintenance of differentiation between different formae speciales upon secondary contact.  相似文献   

Snetselaar, K. M., Bölker, M., and Kahmann, R. 1996.Ustilago maydismating hyphae orient their growth toward pheromone sources.Fungal Genetics and Biology20,299–312. When small drops ofUstilago maydissporidia were placed 100–200 μm apart on agar surfaces and covered with paraffin oil, sporidia from one drop formed thin hyphae that grew in a zig-zag fashion toward the other drop if it contained sporidia making the appropriate pheromone. For example,a2b2mating hyphae grew towarda1b1anda1b2mating hyphae, and the filaments eventually fused tip to tip. Time-lapse photography indicated that the mating hyphae can rapidly change orientation in response to nearby compatible sporidia. When exposed to pheromone produced by cells in an adjacent drop, haploid sporidia with thea2allele began elongating before sporidia with thea1allele. Sporidia without functional pheromone genes responded to pheromone although they did not induce a response, and sporidia without pheromone receptors induced formation of mating hyphae although they did not form mating hyphae. Diploid sporidia heterozygous atbbut not ataformed straight, rigid, aerial filaments when exposed to pheromone produced by the appropriate haploid sporidia. Again, thea2a2b1b2strain formed filaments more quickly than thea1a1b1b2strain. Taken together, these results suggest that thea2pheromone diffuses less readily or is degraded more quickly than thea1pheromone.  相似文献   

Under appropriate conditions, haploid Cryptococcus neoformans cells can undergo a morphological switch from a budding yeast form to develop hyphae and viable basidiospores, which resemble those produced by mating. This process, known as haploid fruiting, was previously thought to occur only in MATalpha strains. We identified two new strains of C. neoformans var. neoformans serotype D that are MATa type and are able to haploid fruit. Further, a MATa reference strain, B-3502, also produced hyphae and fruited after prolonged incubation on filament agar. Over-expression of STE12a dramatically enhanced the ability of all MATa strains tested to filament. Segregation analysis of haploid fruiting ability confirmed that haploid fruiting is not MATalpha-specific. Our results indicate that MATa cells are intrinsically able to haploid fruit and previous observations that they do not were probably biased by the examination of a small number of genetically related isolates that have been maintained in the laboratory for many years.  相似文献   

Nonmating mutants were also isolated from haploid strains of yeast of both mating types. The mutants were characterized with respect to their ability to produce and respond to specific yeast sex factors, their ability to mate at low frequencies, and the ability of the low-frequency diploids to sporulate. Loss of the ability to mate by either mating type was invariably accompanied by the loss of one or more, and in some cases, all, of the above capabilities. The results strongly indicate that the sex factors are functionally involved in the conjugation process.  相似文献   

Some species mate nonrandomly with respect to alleles underlying immunity. One hypothesis proposes that this is advantageous because nonrandom mating can lead to offspring with superior parasite resistance. We investigate this hypothesis, generalizing previous models in four ways: First, rather than only examining invasibility of modifiers of nonrandom mating, we identify evolutionarily stable strategies. Second, we study coevolution of both haploid and diploid hosts and parasites. Third, we allow for maternal parasite transmission. Fourth, we allow for many alleles at the interaction locus. We find that evolutionarily stable rates of assortative or disassortative mating are usually near zero or one. However, for one case, in which assumptions most closely match the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) system, intermediate rates of disassortative mating can evolve. Across all cases, with haploid hosts, evolution proceeds toward complete disassortative mating, whereas with diploid hosts either assortative or disassortative mating can evolve. Evolution of nonrandom mating is much less affected by the ploidy of parasites. For the MHC case, maternal transmission of parasites, because it creates an advantage to producing offspring that differ from their parents, leads to higher evolutionarily stable rates of disassortative mating. Lastly, with more alleles at the interaction locus, disassortative mating evolves to higher levels.  相似文献   

Mating type and mating strategies in Neurospora   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
In the heterothallic species Neurospora crassa, strains of opposite mating type, A and a, must interact to give the series of events resulting in fruiting body formation, meiosis, and the generation of dormant ascospores. The mating type of a strain is specified by the DNA sequence it carries in the mating type region; strains that are otherwise isogenic can mate and produce ascospores. The DNA of the A and a regions have completely dissimilar sequences. Probing DNA from strains of each mating type with labelled sequences from the A and the a regions has shown that, unlike in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, only a single copy of a mating type sequence is present in a haploid genome. The failure to switch is explainable by the physical absence of DNA sequences characteristic of the opposite mating type. While the mating type sequences must be of the opposite kind for mating to occur in the sexual cycle, two strains of opposite mating type cannot form a stable heterokaryon during vegetative growth; instead, they fuse abortively to give a heterokaryon incompatibility reaction, which results in death of the cells along the fusion line. The DNA sequences responsible for this reaction are coextensive with those sequences in the A and a regions which are necessary to initiate fruiting body formation. The genus Neurospora also includes homothallic species--ones in which a single haploid nucleus carries all the information necessary to form fruiting bodies, undergo meiosis, and produce new haploid spores. One such species, N. terricola, contains one copy each of the A and the a sequences within each haploid genome.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Very little is known about the biology and ecology of haploid Armillaria strains in nature. In this outdoor inoculation experiment, we assessed the virulence of six haploid Armillariaostoyae strains along with their diploid parent towards 2-year-old seedlings and 4-year-old saplings of Norway spruce (Picea abies), and determined their ability to colonise freshly cut stumps. As inoculum source an Armillaria-colonised hazelnut (Corylus avellana) stem segment was inserted into the soil substrate. Re-isolations from mycelial fans at the root collar of infected trees or stumps were made. Surprisingly, not a single haploid re-isolate could be recovered. Microsatellite genotyping of 133 re-isolates suggests that the inoculated haploid strains were diploidised either by mating propagules (basidiospores or haploid mycelia) already present in the soil substrate or naturally disseminated in the course of the experiment from nearby forests. Consequently, no conclusion about the infectious ability of haploid Armillaria mycelia under natural conditions can be drawn. Nonetheless, the diploid half-sib families resulting from the diploidisation showed varying degrees of virulence, with a high correlation between the experiment with 2-year-old seedlings and 4-year-old saplings. Despite extensive genotyping of re-isolates, no evidence for somatic recombination between haploid mating propagules and diploidised mycelia was detected, suggesting that this is an uncommon phenomenon in A. ostoyae.  相似文献   

Various auxotrophic mutants of diploid heterothallic Japanese sake strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were utilized for selecting mating-competent diploid isolates. The auxotrophic mutants were exposed to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation and crossed with laboratory haploid tester strains carrying complementary auxotrophic markers. Zygotes were then selected on minimal medium. Sake strains exhibiting a MATa or MATα mating type were easily obtained at high frequency without prior sporulation, suggesting that the UV irradiation induced homozygosity at the MAT locus. Flow cytometric analysis of a hybrid showed a twofold higher DNA content than the sake diploid parent, consistent with tetraploidy. By crossing strains of opposite mating type in all possible combinations, a number of hybrids were constructed. Hybrids formed in crosses between traditional sake strains and between a natural nonhaploid isolate and traditional sake strains displayed equivalent fermentation ability without any apparent defects and produced comparable or improved sake. Isolation of mating-competent auxotrophic mutants directly from industrial yeast strains allows crossbreeding to construct polyploids suitable for industrial use without dependence on sporulation.  相似文献   

Sexual development in fungi is controlled by mating type loci that prevent self-fertilization. In the phytopathogenic fungus Ustilago maydis , the b mating type locus encodes two homeodomain proteins, termed bE and bW. After cell fusion, a heterodimeric bE/bW complex is formed if the proteins are derived from different alleles. The bE/bW complex is required and sufficient to initiate pathogenic development and sexual reproduction; for the stages of pathogenic development succeeding plant penetration, however, its role was unclear. To analyse b function during in planta development, we generated a temperature-sensitive bEts protein by exchange of a single amino acid. bE ts strains are stalled in pathogenic development at restrictive temperature in planta , and hyphae develop enlarged, bulbous cells at their tips that contain multiple nuclei, indicating a severe defect in the control and synchronization of cell cycle and cytokinesis. DNA array analysis of bE ts mutant strains in planta revealed a b -dependent regulation of genes encoding secreted proteins that were shown to influence fungal virulence. Our data demonstrate that in U. maydis the b heterodimer is not only essential to establish the heterodikaryon after mating of two compatible sporidia and to initiate fungal pathogenicity, but also to sustain in planta proliferation and ensure sexual reproduction.  相似文献   

J. Labarere  T. Noel 《Genetics》1992,131(2):307-319
The study of fruiting in the basidiomycete Agrocybe aegerita has shown that some haploid homokaryotic strains can spontaneously switch their mating specificities at the two unlinked A and B mating type factors. This event causes the dikaryotisation of primary homokaryons without plasmogamy and leads to the differentiation of sporulating fruit-bodies (pseudo-homokaryotic fruiting). For each mating type factor, the genetic analyses have revealed that: (1) parental and switched mating types segregate meiotically as Mendelian markers, (2) a total of six switched mating type factors (two parental and four nonparental) were obtained from a wild strain, (3) most of the nonparental factors have specificities differing from those of a large series of wild factors, (4) strains with the same expressed mating type can generate different specificities, (5) switching is always restricted to the same mating type in a homokaryon, (6) nonparental types can switch again, and (7) meiosis fixes the specificities to which switching can occur. This suggests, for the first time in filamentous fungi, the existence of a mechanism analogous to the mating type switching in yeasts. We hypothese that both A and B mating type regions in A. aegerita are constituted of three loci, one specialized in expression and two other carrying silent information. Mating type switching in homokaryotic strains would occur by copy transposition of silent A and B information into the expression loci. Moreover, we propose that during meiosis the silent loci are substituted by copies of the expressed loci.  相似文献   

The yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was used as a model to investigate theories of ploidy evolution. Mutagenesis experiments using the alkylating agent EMS (ethane methyl sulphonate) were conducted to assess the relative importance that masking of deleterious mutations has on response to and recovery from DNA damage. In particular, we tested whether cells with higher ploidy levels have relatively higher fitnesses after mutagenesis, whether the advantages of masking are more pronounced in tetraploids than in diploids, and whether purging of mutations allows more rapid recovery of haploid cells than cells with higher ploidy levels. Separate experiments were performed on asexually propagating stationary phase cells using (1) prototrophic haploid (MAT alpha) and diploid (MATa/alpha) strains and (2) isogenic haploid, diploid and tetraploid strains lacking a functional mating type locus. In both sets of experiments, haploids showed a more pronounced decrease in apparent growth rate than diploids, but both haploids and diploids appeared to recover very rapidly. Tetraploids did not show increased benefits of masking compared with diploids but volume measurements and FACScan analyses on the auxotrophic strains indicated that all treated tetraploid strains decreased in ploidy level and that some of the treated haploid lines increased in ploidy level. Results from these experiments confirm that while masking deleterious mutations provides an immediate advantage to higher ploidy levels in the presence of mutagens, selection is extremely efficient at removing induced mutations, leading growth rates to increase rapidly over time at all ploidy levels. Furthermore, ploidy level is itself a mutable trait in the presence of EMS, with both haploids and tetraploids often evolving towards diploidy (the ancestral state of S. cerevisiae) during the course of the experiment.  相似文献   

This article develops a simplified set of models describing asexual and sexual replication in unicellular diploid organisms. The models assume organisms whose genomes consist of two chromosomes, where each chromosome is assumed to be functional if it is equal to some master sequence σ0, and non-functional otherwise. We review the previously studied case of selective mating, where it is assumed that only haploids with functional chromosomes can fuse, and also consider the case of random haploid fusion. When the cost for sex is small, as measured by the ratio of the characteristic haploid fusion time to the characteristic growth time, we find that sexual replication with random haploid fusion leads to a greater mean fitness for the population than a purely asexual strategy. However, independently of the cost for sex, we find that sexual replication with a selective mating strategy leads to a higher mean fitness than the random mating strategy. The results of this article are consistent with previous studies suggesting that sex is favored at intermediate mutation rates, for slowly replicating organisms, and at high population densities. Furthermore, the results of this article provide a basis for understanding sex as a stress response in unicellular organisms such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker’s yeast).  相似文献   

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