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The formation of mesoderm is an important developmental process of vertebrate embryos, which can be broken down into several steps; mesoderm induction, patterning, morphogenesis and differentiation. Although mesoderm formation in Xenopus has been intensively studied, much remains to be learned about the molecular events responsible for each of these steps. Furthermore, the interplay between mesoderm induction, patterning and morphogenesis remains obscure. Here, we describe an enhanced functional screen in Xenopus designed for large-scale identification of genes controlling mesoderm formation. In order to improve the efficiency of the screen, we used a Xenopus tropicalis unique set of cDNAs, highly enriched in full-length clones. The screening strategy incorporates two mesodermal markers, Xbra and Xmyf-5, to assay for cell fate specification and patterning, respectively. In addition we looked for phenotypes that would suggest effects in morphogenesis, such as gastrulation defects and shortened anterior-posterior axis. Out of 1728 full-length clones we isolated 82 for their ability to alter the phenotype of tadpoles and/or the expression of Xbra and Xmyf-5. Many of the clones gave rise to similar misexpression phenotypes (synphenotypes) and many of the genes within each synphenotype group appeared to be involved in similar pathways. We determined the expression pattern of the 82 genes and found that most of the genes were regionalized and expressed in mesoderm. We expect that many of the genes identified in this screen will be important in mesoderm formation.  相似文献   

We have employed a DNA molecular beacon with a real abasic site, namely a 2-deoxyribose, in a fluorescent high-throughput assay to identify artificial nucleases that cleave at abasic sites. We screened a 1280 compound chemical library and identified a compound that functions as an artificial nuclease. We validated a key structure-activity relationship necessary for abasic site cleavage using available analogs of the identified artificial nuclease. We also addressed the activity of the identified compound with dose titrations in the absence and presence of a source of non-specific DNA. Finally, we characterized the phosphodiester backbone cleavage at the abasic site using denaturing gel electrophoresis. This study provides a useful template for researchers seeking to rapidly identify new artificial nucleases.  相似文献   

Ma C  Wang X  Yu S  Chai G  Su H  Zheng L  Wu W 《遗传学报》2010,37(9):621-635
Freshwater planaria has tremendous capacity to reform the missing part of the body and therefore is considered as one of the most important model organism for regeneration study.At present,Schmidtea mediterranea and Dugesia japonica are the two major species utilized for laboratory manipulations.Dugesia japonica flatworms are widely distributed in the Far East including Cherry Valley region in the north-west area of Beijing,China.We reported here the establishment of an asexual Dugesia japonica strain Pek-1,as a suitable system for regeneration study.Using morphological,karyotypical as well as phyiogenetic analyses,we confirmed that these flatworms indeed belonged to Dugesia japonica.We went on to show that the commonly used in situ probes and immunohistochemistry reagents and protocols were applicable to the Pek-1 strain.Using this strain,we carried out small scale analysis on EST,RNAi and gene expression.We identified 193 unique EST sequences and 65 of them had not been reported in planarian.By RNAi analysis,we showed that 48 genes,when down-regulated individually,had no effect on regeneration.Furthermore,we identified 3 groups of tissue specific expressing genes that were useful for cell lineage analysis.We concluded that the Dugesia japonica Pek-1 swain could be another suitable animal model to regeneration research.  相似文献   

Neural stem cell research suffers from a lack of molecular markers to specifically assess stem or progenitor cell properties. The organization of the Xenopus ciliary marginal zone (CMZ) in the retina allows the spatial distinction of these two cell types: stem cells are confined to the most peripheral region, while progenitors are more central. Despite this clear advantage, very few genes specifically expressed in retinal stem cells have been discovered so far in this model. To gain insight into the molecular signature of these cells, we performed a large-scale expression screen in the Xenopus CMZ, establishing it as a model system for stem cell gene profiling. Eighteen genes expressed specifically in the CMZ stem cell compartment were retrieved and are discussed here. These encode various types of proteins, including factors associated with proliferation, mitotic spindle organization, DNA/RNA processing, and cell adhesion. In addition, the publication of this work in a special issue on Xenopus prompted us to give a more general illustration of the value of large-scale screens in this model species. Thus, beyond neural stem cell specific genes, we give a broader highlight of our screen outcome, describing in particular other retinal cell markers that we found. Finally, we present how these can all be easily retrieved through a novel module we developed in the web-based annotation tool XenMARK, and illustrate the potential of this powerful searchable database in the context of the retina.  相似文献   

The last two decades have seen an increasing search for in vitro models that can replace the use of animals for safety testing. We adapted the methods from a recent nonquantitative report of spermatogenesis occurring in ex vivo mouse testis explants and tried to develop them into a screening assay. The model consisted of small pieces of neonatal mouse testis (testis “chunks”), explanted and placed on pillars of agarose or chamber inserts, and cultured at the air–liquid interface. A peripheral torus‐shaped zone in these explants would often contain tubules showing spermatogenesis, while the middle of each chunk was often necrotic, depending on the thickness of the tissue. The endpoint was histology: what proportion of tubules in the “permissive torus” actually contained healthy pachytene spermatocytes or spermatids? Extensive statistical modeling revealed that a useful predictive model required more than 60% of these tubules to show spermatogenesis. Separately, the logistics of running this as a predictive assay require that the controls consistently produce ≥ 60% tubules with pachytenes and round spermatids, and achieving this level of spermatogenesis reliably and consistently every week proved ultimately not possible. Extensive trials with various media additions and amendments proved incapable of maintaining the frequency of spermatogenic tubules at consistently ≥ 60%. Congruent with Schooler's “decline effect”; generally, the more often we ran these cultures, the worse the performance became. We hope that future efforts in this area may use our experience as a starting point on the way to a fully productive in vitro model of spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

Equilibrium H/D fractionation factors have been extensively employed to qualitatively assess hydrogen bond strengths in protein structure, enzyme active sites, and DNA. It remains unclear how fractionation factors correlate with hydrogen bond free energies, however. Here we develop an empirical relationship between fractionation factors and free energy, allowing for the simple and quantitative measurement of hydrogen bond free energies. Applying our empirical relationship to prior fractionation factor studies in proteins, we find: [1] Within the folded state, backbone hydrogen bonds are only marginally stronger on average in α‐helices compared to β‐sheets by ~0.2 kcal/mol. [2] Charge‐stabilized hydrogen bonds are stronger than neutral hydrogen bonds by ~2 kcal/mol on average, and can be as strong as –7 kcal/mol. [3] Changes in a few hydrogen bonds during an enzyme catalytic cycle can stabilize an intermediate state by –4.2 kcal/mol. [4] Backbone hydrogen bonds can make a large overall contribution to the energetics of conformational changes, possibly playing an important role in directing conformational changes. [5] Backbone hydrogen bonding becomes more uniform overall upon ligand binding, which may facilitate participation of the entire protein structure in events at the active site. Our energetic scale provides a simple method for further exploration of hydrogen bond free energies.  相似文献   

An enzyme amplified immunoassay for rCGRP based on cofactor cycling has been found to be clearly superior to a comparable radioimmunoassay employing the same antiserum in terms of sensitivity, speed and convenience. Correlation between the two methods was very good. With the enzyme amplified immunoassay we have been able to demonstrate the existence of rCGRP in thyroid extract.  相似文献   

Many different micro and nano sized materials have been used for enzymes immobilization in order to increase their catalytic activity and stability. Generally, immobilized enzymes with conventional immobilization techniques exhibit improved stability while their activity is lowered compared to free enzymes. Recently, an elegant immobilization approach was discovered in synthesis of flower-like organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructures with extraordinary catalytic activity and stability. In this novel immobilization strategy, proteins (enzymes) and metal ions acted as organic and inorganic components, respectively to form hybrid nanoflowers (hNFs). It is demonstrated that the hNFs highly enhanced catalytic activities and stability in a wide range of experimental conditions (pHs, temperatures and salt concentration, etc.) compared to free and conventionally immobilized enzymes. This review mainly discussed the synthesis, characterization, development and applications of organic-inorganic hybrid nanoflowers formed of various enzymes and metal ions and explained potential mechanism underlying enhanced catalytic activity and stability.  相似文献   

Activation sequence-1 (as-1) cognate promoter elements are widespread in the promoters of plant defense-related genes as well as in plant pathogen promoters, and may play important roles in the activation of defense-related genes. The as-1-type elements are highly responsive to multiple stress stimuli such as jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA), H(2)O(2), xenobiotics and heavy metals, and therefore provide a unique opportunity for identifying additional signaling components and cross-talk points in the various signaling networks. A single as-1-type cis-element-driven GUS reporter Arabidopsis line responsive to JA, SA, H(2)O(2), xenobiotics and heavy metals was constructed for mutagenesis. A large-scale T-DNA mutagenesis has been conducted in the reporter background, and an efficient high-throughput mutant screen was established for isolating mutants with altered responses to the stress chemicals. A number of mutants with altered stress responses were obtained, some of which appear to identify new components in the as-1-based signal transduction pathways. We characterized a mutant (Delta8L4) with a T-DNA insertion in the coding sequence of the gene At4g24275. The as-1-regulated gene expression and GUS reporter gene expression were altered in the Delta8L4 mutant, but there was no change in the expression of genes lacking as-1 elements in their promoters. The phenotype observed with the Delta8L4 mutant was further verified using RNAi plants for At4g24275 (8L4-RNAi), suggesting the feasibility of use of this high-throughput mutant screening in isolating stress-signaling mutants.  相似文献   

The biotechnologial approaches to conferring crop selectivity to herbicides have been demonstrated for a number of compounds such as glyphosate, glufosinate, imidazolinones and cyclohexanediones. Imidazolinone-resistant and cyclohexanedione-resistant maize lines are already in the market. There are several other effective and environmentally benign herbicides such as dicamba, for which engineering crop selectivity is desirable, to broaden the product utility in different crops and provide new solutions for weed control. One of the most effective approaches to conferring dicamba selectivity in crops is to incorporate a gene for its rapid metabolism. It is advantageous to have different dicamba-metabolizing enzymes in order to maximize the chances of at least one functioning optimally in a plant environment. Three different metabolizing enzymes are currently available to engineer crop selectivity. The first one is the folate-dependent O-demethylase from Clostridium thermoaceticum, that converts dicamba to herbicidally inactive 3,6-dichlorosalicylate. The second enzyme is the NADH-dependent, multi-component monooxygenase from Pseudomonas maltophilia DI-6 that also converts dicamba to 3,6-dichlorosalicylate. The third enzyme is from corn endosperm cultures that catalyzes the 5-hydroxylation of dicamba. The merits of these three enzymes are discussed with respect to conferring crop selectivity to dicamba. In addition, a rapid microbial screen was conceived for discovery of new dicamba-degrading bacteria, which resulted in identification of Pseudomonas orvilla. This bacteria degraded dicamba by the same pathway, perhaps using a similar enzyme system as Pseudomonas maltophilia DI-6. However, the microbial screen has the potential to identify novel bacteria that degrade dicamba by a different pathway, providing more options for metabolizing enzymes to confer herbicide selectivity in crops. Received 13 February 1997/ Accepted in revised form 26 June 1997  相似文献   

岳德成  鲍国军 《昆虫知识》2006,43(2):239-241
系统观察结果表明,南美斑潜蝇Liriomyza huidobrensis(Blanchard)在平凉市日光温室蔬菜全生产期内的种群消长明显呈“两头高中间低”的态势,成虫发生量以春夏生产期最大,可达2.1头/叶;深冬生产期最小,仅为0.1~0.2头/叶;秋冬生产期较大,保持在1.0~1.2头/叶之间。温室内温、湿度条件的变化是引起该虫种群数量波动的主要原因。根据有效积温计算结果,该虫在平凉市日光温室蔬菜全生产期发生9.1代,世代平均发育速率0.030,不同生产期的发生代数和发育速率差异较大。生产上宜采取“前控后治中间松”的防治策略。  相似文献   

A new disposable cell culture unit for adherent cell lines, the CellCube, was used to grow a variety of mammalian cell lines. A small unit with 2m2 growth surface area generated up to 4·109 cells. The disposable system consists of a series of polystyrene plates, mounted into a cubical container. A simple construction consisting of a spinner system for medium conditioning, rotameters for gas mixing and a peristaltic pump for medium circulation provided conditions for culture growth.Abbreviations COS M6 Green Monkey Kidney Cells - SKNMC Human Neuroblastoma Cell Line - BHK Baby Hamster Kidney Cells - CHO Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells - EDTA Ethtylenediaminetetraacetic Acid - PBS Phosphate Buffered Saline - FCS Fetal Calf Serum - MEM Minimum Essential Medium, Alpha Modification  相似文献   

A multi‐test screening system identified 63 fungal isolates with high in vitro biocontrol activity against Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. A bioassay method was developed, using sunflower seedlings growing in an unsterilized loam mixture. Twenty‐six isolates were tested in a series of five bioassay tests and a significant correlation (P < 0.01) was found between sclerotial infection in vitro and the number of healthy plants in vivo. Conversely, activity in an in vitro mycelial overgrowth test was not significantly correlated with activity in vivo. However, some isolates showing only mycelial activity still exerted significant disease control in both the bioassays at Littlehampton and in three additional bioassays at Sittingbourne. Only one isolate not previously reported showed significant activity in both sets of bioassays and the lack of consistency in disease control activity by all other isolates, and biocontrol agents in general, was deemed a major barrier to their use.  相似文献   

Disruption of dopaminergic (DA) systems is thought to play a central role in the addictive process and in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Although inheritance plays an important role in the predisposition to these disorders, the genetic basis of this is not well understood. To provide additional insight, we have performed a modifier screen in mice designed to identify mutations that perturb DA homeostasis. With a genetic background sensitized by a mutation in the dopamine transporter (DAT), we used random chemical mutagenesis and screened for mutant mice with locomotor abnormalities. Four mutant lines were identified with quantitatively elevated levels of locomotor activity. Mapping of mutations in these lines identified two loci that alter activity only when dopamine levels are elevated by a DAT mutation and thus would only have been uncovered by this type of approach. One of these quantitative trait loci behaves as an enhancer of DA neurotransmission, whereas the other may act as a suppressor. In addition, we also identified three loci which are not dependent on the sensitized background but which also contribute to the overall locomotor phenotype.  相似文献   

Summary Three methods for assaying nitrification and denitrification were compared in agricultural field plots in the Southeastern USA. Nitrification was measured using the chlorate inhibition enzyme assay, by measuring (NO 3 −N) production in controlled incubations and by most probable number (MPN) determinations. Denitrification was measured by the phase I enzyme assay, by incubation of soil cores and by MPN determinations. The methods were compared in terms of their representation of seasonal patterns and treatment differences. The enzyme assays were most effective for showing treatment differences because they measure maximum potential enzyme biomass activity which is an integrated product of treatment effects. The incubation methods required minimal alteration ofin situ soil conditions but were confounded by other biological processes and by high spatial and temporal variabiltiy. MPN determinations were time consuming and were least effective for illustrating treatment differences and seasonal patterns.  相似文献   

The evolution of novel enzymes has fueled the diversification of life on earth for billions of years. Insights into events that set the stage for the evolution of a new enzyme can be obtained from ancestral reconstruction and laboratory evolution. Ancestral reconstruction can reveal the emergence of a promiscuous activity in a pre-existing protein and the impact of subsequent mutations that enhance a new activity. Laboratory evolution provides a more holistic view by revealing mutations elsewhere in the genome that indirectly enhance the level of a newly important enzymatic activity. This review will highlight recent studies that probe the early stages of the evolution of a new enzyme from these complementary points of view.  相似文献   

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