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Captures of sand flies were carried out in peridomiciliary, domiciliary and forest environments on S?o José farm, located in Carmo county where an autochthonous case of American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis occurred to investigate the probable vector of the disease. A total of 4.595 sand flies belonging to six species of the genus Lutzomyia were captured: L. intermedia (Lutz & Neiva), L. lenti (Mangabeira), L. whitmani (Antunes & Coutinho) L. migonei (Fran?a), L. ayrozai (Barretto & Coutinho) andL. quinquefer (Dyar). L. intermedia was the predominant species (99.1%), its highest frequencies occurring between 6 p.m. and 8 p.m.  相似文献   

A study of the phlebotomine sand fly fauna was carried out in the Rio Preto State Park (Minas Gerais, Brazil) aiming to associate the presence of vector species with the risk of leishmaniasis transmission in that region. Sand flies were captured using HP light traps for four months from January to October 2013. The traps were exposed continuously for 40 h each month, in nine fixed sites. A total of 3129 sand flies were captured, belonging to 19 species. Lutzomyia evandroi (Costa Lima & Antunes 1936) was the predominant species (76.48%). The distribution of the phlebotomine sand flies and climatic factors (temperature, humidity, and rainfall) was evaluated. The summer was the season with higher occurrence of insects captured (82.4%). The presence of cutaneous and visceral vector species in park areas requires attention and regular monitoring of sand fly fauna in this conservation area to ensure the well-being of visitors and the regional ecotourism.  相似文献   

Horn fly immatures were raised in media containing different concentrations of diflubenzuron in order to verify their susceptibility to this insect growth regulator (IGR). The 50% and 95% lethal concentrations of diflubenzuron for the population (LC50, LC95) were determined as well as the effect of this IGR on the different immature horn fly stages. The tests were performed using the progeny of adults collected in the field. The immatures were maintained in a growth chamber at 25.0 +/- 0.5oC and 12-12 h photoperiod. IGR concentrations of 300 ppb, 100 ppb and 50 ppb were lethal for 100% of the sample. Pupae malformation occurred in the breeding media containing different diflubenzuron concentrations. Values for LC50, LC95 (+/- 95% fiducial limits) and the slope of the regression line were respectively, 25.521 +/- 1.981 ppb, 34.650 +/- 2.001 ppb and 12.720 +/- 1.096. The third larval instar was more sensitive to the sub-lethal concentration of the product than the first and second ones were. The results indicate that this IGR can be an important tool for controlling horn fly populations as well as for managing horn fly resistance to conventional insecticides against Haematobia irritans in Uberlandia, State of Minas Gerais.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) falquetoi, sp. nov. (Diptera: Psychodidae, Phlebotominae) is described from the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. This new species belongs to the series longipalpis and is easily distinguished from the other members of this taxon by the presence of five well-developed spines and a pre-apical spiniform bristle on the gonostyle as well as nine bristles on the basal tuft of the gonocoxite.  相似文献   

Studies of species survey are important to know the available natural resources and to get useful information about the ecological characteristics of a specific area. There are not studies, on this issue, related to social wasps, in the Triangulo Mineiro region. The present study describes the diversity of species found in fragments of the cerrado region in Uberlandia, MG, and their temporal distribution. The field study was conducted from October 2003 to September 2004, and 43 samplings were carried out using active searching (24) and point sampling (19) methodologies. Twenty-nine species were found in 10 genera, Polybia and Polistes corresponding to 51.5% of the total listing. Mischocyttarus cerberus styx Richards represented 26.5% of the total individuals recorded by active searching and Agelaia pallipes (Olivier) corresponded to 57.6% by point sampling. Two species had their first record for the state of Minas Gerais: Polybia striata (Fabricius) and M. cerberus styx. The studied fragments presented a high level of diversity (H' = 0.66 to 1.16), a large number of rare species and a few common species. To collect the more common species the point sampling method was satisfactory while active searching was better to collect the rarer species. The active searching methodology was more efficient than point sampling, however some species could only be collected by point sampling. These factors showed that in order to carry out a wasp survey, a combination of different collection methodologies seems to be more appropriate.  相似文献   

The male of Brumptomyia angelae, sp. nov., a new species of Phlebotominae (Diptera, Psychodidae) of the Atlantic forest of the state of Paraná, Brazil, is described and illustrated. This new taxon is closely related to Brumptomyia ortizi Martins, Silva & Falc?o 1971, Brumptomyia nitzulescui (Costa Lima, 1932), and Brumptomyia troglodytes (Lutz, 1922). The male genitalia of these three latter species have also been drawn.  相似文献   

In Brazil capybara, the biggest existing rodent species, and associated tick species, Amblyomma cajennense and Amblyomma dubitatum, are undergoing an unplanned host and parasite population expansion in both urban and rural areas. However, scientific information about such issue, particularly in urban areas, is scanty. Such rodent and ticks are associated in some municipalities, particularly in southeastern Brazil, with the transmission of the highly lethal Rickettsia rickettsia caused spotted-fever. In this study ecological aspects related to the establishment and expansion of capybaras and ticks in urban areas of Uberlandia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil were evaluated. For this purpose, capybara and tick abundance in four urban areas and an ecological reserve was determined. Abundance of capybaras varied between areas and over the sampling period and these differences were related to human activities. A positive correlation was found between capybara and tick abundance, however, the tick species had an uneven distribution within the municipality and environmental factors rather than host availability were blamed for such. On the whole these observations show that capybara populations in urban areas are associated to high environmental infestation of ticks and the increased risk of bites and of pathogen transmission to humans. At the same time the uneven distribution of tick species might implicate in an unequal risk of tick-borne diseases within the same urban area.  相似文献   

The new species Sauvagesia lagevianae is described, illustrated, and discussed. This species is morphologically similar to S. glandulosa, but can be easily distinguished by its unique umbellate inflorescence arising from a distinct peduncle on the branch apex. Other diagnostic characters to identify S. lagevianae are the nodding, campanulate corollas, bi-apiculate anthers, and the small and strongly imbricate leaves with fewer and ascending secondary veins. The new species is only known from two nearby localities of “campo rupestre” vegetation in the Espinhaço range of Minas Gerais, Brazil.  相似文献   

This is the first record of the presence of the medically important genus Lutzomyia Fran?a in the Department of Guainía, Colombia. Sand flies were collected biting humans in the surroundings of the urban area of the Municipality of Inírida. Three Lutzomyia species were taxonomically identified as L. davisi (Root), L. olmeca bicolor Fairchild & Theodor, and L. antunesi (Coutinho). Additionally, Brumptomyia mesai Sherlock is cited for the first time in the Caribbean Coast of Colombia based on specimens collected with a modified CDC light trap in the Reserva Forestal Protectora Serranía de Coraza y Montes de María, Department of Sucre.  相似文献   

The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia evansi is recorded in Mexico for the first time. This species is a suspected vector of Leishmania infantum in other parts of its geographical range and was captured in a focus of American visceral leishmaniasis where the principal vector, Lu. longipalpis sensu lato, was also found. The relative public health importance of the two species in the study area (Chiapas state, Southern Mexico) is discussed.  相似文献   

We evaluated the presence and distribution of Trypanosoma cruzi DNA in a mummy presenting with megacolon that was dated as approximately 560 +/- 40 years old. The mummy was from the Perua?u Valley in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. All samples were positive for T. cruzi minicircle DNA, demonstrating the presence and broad dissemination of the parasite in this body. From one sample, a mini-exon gene fragment was recovered and characterized by sequencing and was found to belong to the T. cruzi I genotype. This finding suggests that T. cruzi I infected humans during the pre-Columbian times and that, in addition to T. cruzi infection, Chagas disease in Brazil most likely preceded European colonization.  相似文献   

Symplocos saxatilis from Serra do Cipó, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, is newly described and illustrated on the basis of field and herbarium studies. It appears to be restricted to “campo rupestre” (rocky field) habitats. This new species is characterized by its 1- to 3-flowered pedunculate inflorescence, 11 to 14 staminodes of the pistillate flowers, and 0.7–1.5 mm thick endocarp.  相似文献   

Coelomera lanio (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) is the most important defoliator of Cecropia trees. Natural enemies of C. lanio collected in the region of Vi?osa, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil were identified on field observations in a forest fragment and on laboratory analyses. Individuals of C. lanio were not found on Cecropia pachystachya trees colonized by Azteca mülleri (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). The majority of the egg masses of C. lanio collected in the field were found to be parasitised by a species of the family Eulophidae (Hymenoptera), while larvae of this pest were attacked by a parasitoid of the family Tachinidae (Diptera). Individuals of Oplomus catena (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) were observed preying on C. lanio larvae. The fungus Beauveria bassiana was found growing on larvae, pupae and adults of C. lanio while the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae only affected pupae of this insect in laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Sand flies were collected in the central region of the state of Rond?nia (W 64 degrees 30' to 63 degrees 00' and S 10 degrees 00'to 11 degrees 00') using Shannon and CDC light traps from October 1997 to August 2000. A total of 85,850 specimens representing 78 named species were captured. Of these 14 were new records for Rond?nia. The proportion of males/females was 1/1.131. Trypanosomatids, that are presently being identified, were detected in 11 species. Leishmania (Viannia) naiffi was recorded from Psychodopygus davisi and P. hirsutus. In the present study the dominant species was P. davisi (39.6%) followed by Lutzomyia whitmani (13.1%), P. carrerai (11.6%), and P. hirsutus (10.2%). The importance of P. davisi as a vector of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis is discussed.  相似文献   

Lutzomyia longipalpis, the main sandfly vector for New World visceral leishmaniasis is a complex of an as yet undefined number of sibling species. At present, there is no consensus on the status (single species vs. species complex) of Brazilian populations. We applied five microsatellite loci to test the hypothesis that L. longipalpis occurs as two sympatric cryptic species in Sobral, Ceará State, Brazil as predicted by male sex pheromone chemotypes described previously for field specimens from this site [S-9-methyl-germacrene-B (9MGB) and a cembrene compound]. Abdominal spot morphology corresponds with pheromone type at this locality (9MGB in '1 spot' males and cembrene in '2 spot' males). Genotype data from 190 wild-caught L. longipalpis specimens collected in October 1999 and April 2001 were used to estimate genetic differentiation between the two sex pheromone populations and sampling dates. No significant (P > 0.05) genetic differences were found between the 1999 and 2001 9MGB samples (theta = 0.018; RST = -0.005), and genetic differentiation was low between the cembrene collections (theta = 0.037, P < 0.05; RST = -0.043, P > 0.05). By contrast, highly divergent allelic frequencies (largely at two microsatellite loci) corresponded to significant (P > 0.05) genetic differentiation (theta = 0.221; RST = 0.215) for all comparisons between samples with different pheromones. When pheromone samples were pooled across sample date, genetic differentiation was high (theta = 0.229; P < 0.001; Nem = 0.84). The allele frequency distribution at each of the five microsatellite loci was similar for males and females from the two collection years. Two of these loci showed highly divergent allele frequencies in the two sex pheromone populations. This was reflected in the highly significant genetic differentiation obtained from the male genotypes, between populations producing different pheromones (theta = 0.229-0.268; P < 0.0001 for the 2001 and theta = 0.254-0.558; P < 0.0001 for the 1999 collections, respectively). Similar results were obtained when the females, assigned to a pheromone type, were included in the analysis. Both a Bayesian analysis of the data set and a population assignment test provided strong evidence for two distinct populations corresponding to pheromone type. Given its genotype, the probability of assigning a 9MGB male to the original 9MGB population was 100% once the two years' collections were pooled. For cembrene-producing '2 spot' males this probability although still high, was lower than for 9MGB males, at 86%. This microsatellite data together with previously reported reproductive isolation between the two Sobral populations confirm that premating barriers are important in speciation of L. longipalpis.  相似文献   

Forty-six species of Lutzomyia and one species of Brumptomyia were identified among 20,008 sand flies collected in central Amapá. L. squamiventris maripaensis, L. infraspinosa, L. umbratilis, and L. ubiquitalis accounted for 66% of the specimens caught in light traps, and L. umbratilis was the commonest of the 16 species found on tree bases. Seven species of Lutzomyia including L. umbratilis were collected in a plantation of Caribbean pine. Sixty out of 511 female sand flies dissected were positive for flagellates. Among the sand flies from which Leishmania was isolated, promastigotes were observed in the salivary glands and foregut of 13 out of 21 females scored as having very heavy infections in the remainder of the gut, reinforcing the idea that salivary gland invasion may be part of the normal life cycle of Leishmania in nature. Salivary gland infections were detected in specimens of L. umbratilis, L. whitmani and L. spathotrichia. Parasites isolated from L. umbratilis, L. whitmani and also from one specimen of L. dendrophyla containing the remains of a bloodmeal, were compatible with Le. guyanensis by morphology and behaviour in hamsters.  相似文献   

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