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Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology - The aortic valve is a highly dynamic structure characterized by a transvalvular flow that is unsteady, pulsatile, and characterized by episodes of...  相似文献   

Hemolysis and thrombosis are among the most detrimental effects associated with mechanical heart valves. The strength and structure of the flows generated by the closure of mechanical heart valves can be correlated with the extent of blood damage. In this in vitro study, a tilting disk mechanical heart valve has been modified to measure the flow created within the valve housing during the closing phase. This is the first study to focus on the region just upstream of the mitral valve occluder during this part of the cardiac cycle, where cavitation is known to occur and blood damage is most severe. Closure of the tilting disk valve was studied in a "single shot" chamber driven by a pneumatic pump. Laser Doppler velocimetry was used to measure all three velocity components over a 30 ms period encompassing the initial valve impact and rebound. An acrylic window placed in the housing enabled us to make flow measurements as close as 200 microm away from the closed occluder. Velocity profiles reveal the development of an atrial vortex on the major orifice side of the valve shed off the tip of the leaflet. The vortex strength makes this region susceptible to cavitation. Mean and maximum axial velocities as high as 7 ms and 20 ms were recorded, respectively. At closure, peak wall shear rates of 80,000 s(-1) were calculated close to the valve tip. The region of the flow examined here has been identified as a likely location of hemolysis and thrombosis in tilting disk valves. The results of this first comprehensive study measuring the flow within the housing of a tilting disk valve may be helpful in minimizing the extent of blood damage through the combined efforts of experimental and computational fluid dynamics to improve mechanical heart valve designs.  相似文献   

Mathematical models can provide valuable information to assess and evaluate the mechanical behavior of tissue-engineered constructs. In this study, a structurally based model is applied to describe and analyze the mechanics of tissue-engineered human heart valve leaflets. The results from two orthogonal uniaxial tensile tests are used to determine the model parameters of the constructs after two, three and four weeks of culturing. Subsequently, finite element analyses are performed to simulate the mechanical response of the engineered leaflets to a pressure load. The stresses in the leaflets induced by the pressure load increase monotonically with culture time due to a decrease in the construct's thickness. The strains, on the other hand, eventually decrease as a result of an increase in the elastic modulus. Compared to native porcine leaflets, the mechanical response of the engineered tissues after four weeks of culturing is more linear, stiffer and less anisotropic.  相似文献   

While the mechanical behaviors of the fibrosa and ventricularis layers of the aortic valve (AV) leaflet are understood, little information exists on their mechanical interactions mediated by the GAG-rich central spongiosa layer. Parametric simulations of the interlayer interactions of the AV leaflets in flexure utilized a tri-layered finite element (FE) model of circumferentially oriented tissue sections to investigate inter-layer sliding hypothesized to occur. Simulation results indicated that the leaflet tissue functions as a tightly bonded structure when the spongiosa effective modulus was at least 25 % that of the fibrosa and ventricularis layers. Novel studies that directly measured transmural strain in flexure of AV leaflet tissue specimens validated these findings. Interestingly, a smooth transmural strain distribution indicated that the layers of the leaflet indeed act as a bonded unit, consistent with our previous observations (Stella and Sacks in J Biomech Eng 129:757–766, 2007) of a large number of transverse collagen fibers interconnecting the fibrosa and ventricularis layers. Additionally, when the tri-layered FE model was refined to match the transmural deformations, a layer-specific bimodular material model (resulting in four total moduli) accurately matched the transmural strain and moment-curvature relations simultaneously. Collectively, these results provide evidence, contrary to previous assumptions, that the valve layers function as a bonded structure in the low-strain flexure deformation mode. Most likely, this results directly from the transverse collagen fibers that bind the layers together to disable physical sliding and maintain layer residual stresses. Further, the spongiosa may function as a general dampening layer while the AV leaflets deforms as a homogenous structure despite its heterogeneous architecture.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation of mechanical heart valve closure fluid dynamics   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A computational fluid dynamics model for the analysis of the bileaflet mechanical heart valve closure process is presented. The objective of the study is to demonstrate the ability of the numerical model to simulate the leaflet motion during the closing phase in order to investigate the closure fluid dynamics and to evaluate the effect of alterations in the leaflet tip geometry. The model has been applied to six different combinations of the leaflet tip geometry and the gap width between the leaflet tip and the housing. The results show that the negative pressure quickly develops on the atrial side of the leaflet tip. The pressure becomes more negative as the leaflet closure progresses and the lowest pressure is reached before the leaflet comes to a stop in the closed position. The flow dynamics at the instant of valve closure is strongly dependent on the leaflet velocity during the closing phase. Decrease of the tip velocity by a factor of three in the last four degrees of leaflet motion leads to a 50% reduction in the negative pressure magnitude.  相似文献   

Porcine bioprosthetic heart valves degenerate and fail mechanically through a mechanism that is currently not well understood. It has been suggested that damage to the elastin component of prosthetic valve cusps could be responsible for changes in the mechanical function of the valve that would predispose it to increased damage and ultimate failure. To determine whether damage to elastin can produce the structural and mechanical changes that could initiate the process of bioprosthetic valve degeneration, we developed an elastase treatment protocol that fragments elastin and negates its mechanical contribution to the valve tissue. Valve cusps were mechanically tested before and after digestion to measure the mechanical changes resulting from elastin damage. Elastin damage produced a decrease in radial and circumferential extensibility (from 43 to 18% strain radially and 12 to 7% strain circumferentially), with a slight increase in stiffness (1.3-2.6kN/m for radial and 10.6-11.9kN/m for circumferential directions). Digestions with trypsin, which does not cleave elastin, confirmed that the changes in mechanics of the circumferential samples were likely due to the nonspecific removal of proteoglycans by elastase, while the changes in the radial samples were indeed due to elastin damage. Removing the mechanical contribution of elastin alters the mechanical behavior of the aortic valve cusp, primarily in the radial direction. This finding implies that damage to elastin will distend the cusps, reduce their extensibility, and increase their stiffness. Damage to elastin may therefore contribute to the degeneration and failure of prosthetic valves.  相似文献   

Blood damage and thrombosis are major complications that are commonly seen in patients with implanted mechanical heart valves. For this in vitro study, we isolated the closing phase of a bileaflet mechanical heart valve to study near valve fluid velocities and stresses. By manipulating the valve housing, we gained optical access to a previously inaccessible region of the flow. Laser Doppler velocimetry and particle image velocimetry were used to characterize the flow regime and help to identify the key design characteristics responsible for high shear and rotational flow. Impact of the closing mechanical leaflet with its rigid housing produced the highest fluid stresses observed during the cardiac cycle. Mean velocities as high as 2.4 m/s were observed at the initial valve impact. The velocities measured at the leaflet tip resulted in sustained shear rates in the range of 1500-3500 s(-1), with peak values on the order of 11,000-23,000 s(-1). Using velocity maps, we identified regurgitation zones near the valve tip and through the central orifice of the valve. Entrained flow from the transvalvular jets and flow shed off the leaflet tip during closure combined to generate a dominant vortex posterior to both leaflets after each valve closing cycle. The strength of the peripheral vortex peaked within 2 ms of the initial impact of the leaflet with the housing and rapidly dissipated thereafter, whereas the vortex near the central orifice continued to grow during the rebound phase of the valve. Rebound of the leaflets played a secondary role in sustaining closure-induced vortices.  相似文献   

Despite continued progress in the treatment of aortic valve (AV) disease, current treatments continue to be challenged to consistently restore AV function for extended durations. Improved approaches for AV repair and replacement rests upon our ability to more fully comprehend and simulate AV function. While the elastic behavior the AV leaflet (AVL) has been previously investigated, time-dependent behaviors under physiological biaxial loading states have yet to be quantified. In the current study, we performed strain rate, creep, and stress-relaxation experiments using porcine AVL under planar biaxial stretch and loaded to physiological levels (60 N/m equi-biaxial tension), with strain rates ranging from quasi-static to physiologic. The resulting stress-strain responses were found to be independent of strain rate, as was the observed low level of hysteresis ( approximately 17%). Stress relaxation and creep results indicated that while the AVL exhibited significant stress relaxation, it exhibited negligible creep over the 3h test duration. These results are all in accordance with our previous findings for the mitral valve anterior leaflet (MVAL) [Grashow, J.S., Sacks, M.S., Liao, J., Yoganathan, A.P., 2006a. Planar biaxial creep and stress relaxatin of the mitral valve anterior leaflet. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34 (10), 1509-1518; Grashow, J.S., Yoganathan, A.P., Sacks, M.S., 2006b. Biaxial stress-stretch behavior of the mitral valve anterior leaflet at physiologic strain rates. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 34 (2), 315-325], and support our observations that valvular tissues are functionally anisotropic, quasi-elastic biological materials. These results appear to be unique to valvular tissues, and indicate an ability to withstand loading without time-dependent effects under physiologic loading conditions. Based on a recent study that suggested valvular collagen fibrils are not intrinsically viscoelastic [Liao, J., Yang, L., Grashow, J., Sacks, M.S., 2007. The relation between collagen fibril kinematics and mechanical properties in the mitral valve anterior leaflet. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 129 (1), 78-87], we speculate that the mechanisms underlying this quasi-elastic behavior may be attributed to inter-fibrillar structures unique to valvular tissues. These mechanisms are an important functional aspect of native valvular tissues, and are likely critical to improve our understanding of valvular disease and help guide the development of valvular tissue engineering and surgical repair.  相似文献   

The anatomic relationship of the aortic and mitral valves is a useful landmark in assessing congenital heart malformations. The atrioventricular and semilunar valve regions originate in widely separated parts of the early embryonic heart tube, and the process by which the normal fibrous continuity between the aortic and mitral valves is acquired has not been clearly defined. The development of the aortic and mitral valve relationship was studied in normal human embryos in the Carnegie Embryological Collection, and specimens of Carnegie stages 13, 15, 17, 19, and 23, prepared as serial histologic sections cut in the sagittal plane, were selected for reconstruction. In stage 13, the atrioventricular valve area is separated from the semilunar valve area by the large bend between the atrioventricular and outflow-tract components of the single lumen heart tube created by the left interventricular sulcus. In stages 15 and 17, the aortic valve rotates into a position near the atrioventricular valves with development of four chambers and a double circulation. In stage 19, there is fusion of aortic and mitral endocardial cushion material along the endocardial surface of the interventricular flange, and this relationship is maintained in subsequent stages. Determination of three-dimensional Cartesian coordinates of the midpoints of valve positions shows that, while there is growth of intervalvular distances up to stage 17, the aortic to mitral distance is essentially unchanged thereafter. During the period studied, the left ventricle increases in length over threefold. The relative lack of growth in the saddle-shaped fold between the atrioventricular and outflow tract components of the heart, contrasting with the rapid growth of the outwardly convex components of most of the atrial and ventricular walls, may be attributed to the different mechanical properties of the two configurations. It is postulated that the pathogenesis of congenital heart malformations, which characteristically have failure of development of aortic and mitral valve continuity, may involve abnormalities of rotation of the aortic region or malpositioning of the fold in the heart tube.  相似文献   

The cavitation inception threshold of mechanical heart valves has been shown to be highly variable. This is in part due to the random distribution of the initial and final conditions that characterize leaflet closure. While numerous hypotheses exist explaining the mechanisms of inception, no consistent scaling laws have been developed to describe this phenomenon due to the complex nature of these dynamic conditions. Thus in order to isolate and assess the impact of these varied conditions and mechanisms on inception, a system of ordinary differential equations is developed to describe each system component and solved numerically to predict the minimum pressure generated during valve closure. In addition, an experiment was conducted in a mock circulatory loop using an optically transparent size 29 bileaflet valve over a range of conditions to calibrate and validate this model under physiological conditions. High-speed video and high-response pressure measurements were obtained simultaneously to characterize the relationship between the valve motion, fluid motion, and negative pressure transients during closure. The simulation model was calibrated using data from a single closure cycle and then compared to other experimental flow conditions and to results found in the literature. The simulation showed good agreement with the closing dynamics and with the minimum pressure trends in the current experiment. Additionally, the simulation suggests that the variability observed experimentally (when using dP/dt alone as the primary measure of cavitation inception) is predictable. Overall, results from the current form of this lumped parameter model indicate that it is a good engineering assessment tool.  相似文献   

Living tissues show an adaptive response to mechanical loading by changing their internal structure and morphology. Understanding this response is essential for successful tissue engineering of load-bearing structures, such as the aortic valve. In this study, mechanically induced remodeling of the collagen architecture in the aortic valve was investigated. It was hypothesized that, in uniaxially loaded regions, the fibers aligned with the tensile principal stretch direction. For biaxial loading conditions, on the other hand, it was assumed that the collagen fibers aligned with directions situated between the principal stretch directions. This hypothesis has already been applied successfully to study collagen remodeling in arteries. The predicted fiber architecture represented a branching network and resembled the macroscopically visible collagen bundles in the native leaflet. In addition, the complex biaxial mechanical behavior of the native valve could be simulated qualitatively with the predicted fiber directions. The results of the present model might be used to gain further insight into the response of tissue engineered constructs during mechanical conditioning.  相似文献   

A two dimensional laser Doppler anemometer system has been used to measure the turbulent shear fields in the immediate downstream vicinity of a variety of mechanical and bioprosthetic aortic heart valves. The measurements revealed that all the mechanical valves studied, created regions of elevated levels of turbulent shear stress during the major portion of systole. The tissue bioprostheses also created elevated levels of turbulence, but they were confined to narrow regions in the bulk of the flow field. The newer generation of bioprostheses create turbulent shear stresses which are considerably lower than those created by the older generation tissue valve designs. All the aortic valves studied (mechanical and tissue) create turbulent shear stress levels which are capable of causing sub-lethal and/or lethal damage to blood elements.  相似文献   

To optimize the mechanical properties and integrity of tissue-engineered aortic heart valves, it is necessary to gain insight into the effects of mechanical stimuli on the mechanical behavior of the tissue using mathematical models. In this study, a finite-element (FE) model is presented to relate changes in collagen fiber content and orientation to the mechanical loading condition within the engineered construct. We hypothesized that collagen fibers aligned with principal strain directions and that collagen content increased with the fiber stretch. The results indicate that the computed preferred fiber directions run from commissure to commissure and show a strong resemblance to experimental data from native aortic heart valves.  相似文献   

Determining the biomechanical behavior of heart valve leaflet tissues in a noninvasive manner remains an important clinical goal. While advances in 3D imaging modalities have made in vivo valve geometric data available, optimal methods to exploit such information in order to obtain functional information remain to be established. Herein we present and evaluate a novel leaflet shape-based framework to estimate the biomechanical behavior of heart valves from surface deformations by exploiting tissue structure. We determined accuracy levels using an “ideal” in vitro dataset, in which the leaflet geometry, strains, mechanical behavior, and fibrous structure were known to a high level of precision. By utilizing a simplified structural model for the leaflet mechanical behavior, we were able to limit the number of parameters to be determined per leaflet to only two. This approach allowed us to dramatically reduce the computational time and easily visualize the cost function to guide the minimization process. We determined that the image resolution and the number of available imaging frames were important components in the accuracy of our framework. Furthermore, our results suggest that it is possible to detect differences in fiber structure using our framework, thus allowing an opportunity to diagnose asymptomatic valve diseases and begin treatment at their early stages. Lastly, we observed good agreement of the final resulting stress–strain response when an averaged fiber architecture was used. This suggests that population-averaged fiber structural data may be sufficient for the application of the present framework to in vivo studies, although clearly much work remains to extend the present approach to in vivo problems.  相似文献   

There has been significant improvement in device designs, operative techniques, and early clinical outcomes in <5 years. Presently, there are two catheter-based bioprostheses (balloon expandable or self-expandable), which have been widely used in humans and are undergoing clinical investigations. Three approaches, including transvenous, transarterial, and transapical have been used for delivery of the catheter-based bioprostheses, and transarterial and transapical approaches have been adopted by cardiologists and cardiac surgeons worldwide. The most recent clinical results have been very encouraging and promising. With experience, 30-day operative mortality with either balloon-expandable or self-expandable bioprosthesis was reduced significantly to approximately 10% in high-risk patients. In vivo long-term durability of catheter-based bioprostheses remains unknown, and presently transcatheter procedure is limited to the cohort of high-risk patients. Expanding this new technology to low-risk patients should be done with extreme caution because conventional aortic valve replacement still provides the best long-term outcome with minimal operative mortality and morbidity in low-risk patients. Ongoing clinical trials will address many unanswered questions, such as patient selection, long-term in vivo durability, preoperative assessment, and the role of the procedures in management of valvular diseases.  相似文献   

Several trace elements are essential nutrients for an optimal functioning of organs and tissues, including the immune system and the heart. The pathogenesis of some heart diseases has been associated with changes in the balance of certain trace elements. The etiology of nonrheumatic aortic valve sclerosis is unknown, however. A prospective study was performed on trace element changes in the sclerotic valves of 46 patients undergoing surgical aortic valve replacement because of aortic stenosis. Valves from 15 individual forensic cases without known cardiac disease served as controls. The contents of 15 trace elements (Al, As, Cd, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Hg, Se, Ag, V, and Zn) were measured by inductively coupled plasma — mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) of aortic valve tissue from both patients and forensic autopsy controls. Some trace elements showed similar concentrations in sclerotic and control valves (Al, Ag, Hg, Mn), whereas a few were moderately changed in the sclerotic as compared with the control valves, including an increase in Cd by 52% (p<0.05) and decreases in Se by 14% (p<0.05), in V by 42% (p<0,001), and in Cu by 45% (p<0.001). However, there were pronounced increases (p<0.001) in the concentrations of As (5-fold), Ca (70-fold), Co(10-fold), Fe (20-fold), Pb (8-fold), Mg (20-fold), and Zn (10-fold) in the sclerotic valves. Thus, sclerotic aortic valve disease is associated with a pronounced imbalance in several trace elements of well-known importance for cardiovascular and immune function as well as in trace elements with hitherto unknown significance.  相似文献   

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