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Summary Quantitative electron microprobe analysis was employed to compare the effects of aldosterone and ADH on the intracellular electrolyte concentrations in the toad urinary bladder epithelium. The measurements were performed on thin freeze-dried cryosections utilizing energy dispersive x-ray microanalysis. After aldosterone, a statistically significant increase in the intracellular Na concentration was detectable in 8 out of 9 experiments. The mean Na concentration of granular cells increased from 8.9±1.3 to 13.2±2.2 mmol/kg wet wt. A significantly larger Na increase was observed after an equivalent stimulation of transepithelial Na transport by ADH. On average, the Na concentration in granular cells increased from 12.0±2.3 to 31.4±9.3 mmol/kg wet wt (5 experiments). We conclude from these results that aldosterone, in addition to its stimulatory effect on the apical Na influx, also exerts a stimulatory effect on the Na pump. Based on a significant reduction in the Cl concentration of granular cells, we discuss the possibility that the stimulation of the pump is mediated by an aldosterone-induced alkalinization.Similar though less pronounced concentration changes were observed in basal cells, suggesting that this cell type also participates in transepithelial Na transport. Measurements in mitochondria-rich cells provided no consistent results.  相似文献   

Summary We recently described a method by which the resistance to water flow of the luminal membrane of ADH-stimulated toad bladder can be quantitatively distinguished from that of barriers lying in series with it. This method requires estimates of both total bladder water permeability (assessed by transbladder osmotic water flow at constant gradient) and luminal membrane water permeability (assessed by quantitation of the frequency of ADH-induced luminal membrane particle aggregates). In the present study we examined the effect of bladder distension on transepithelial osmotic water flow before and during maximal ADH stimulation. Base-line water flow was unaffected by bladder distension, but hormonally stimulated flow increased systematically as bladders became more distended. Distension had no effect on the frequency of ADH-induced intramembranous particle aggregates. By comparing the relationships between aggregate frequency and hormonally induced water permeability in distended and undistended bladders, we found that distension appeared to enhance ADH-stimulated water flow by decreasing the resistance of the series permeability barrier while the apparent water permeability associated with each single luminal membrane aggregate was unaffected. In that bladder distension causes tissue thinning, the series resistance limiting ADH-stimulated water flow appears to be accounted for by deformable barriers within the bladder tissue itself, probably unstirred layers of water.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular electrolyte concentrations of the bullfrog corneal epithelium have been determined in thin freezedried cryosections using the technique of electron-microprobe analysis. Under control conditions, transepithelial potential short-circuited and either side of the cornea incubated in Conway's solution, the mean intracellular concentrations (in mmol/kg wet weight) were 8.0 for Na, 18.4 for Cl and 117.3 for K. These values are in good agreement with ion activities previously obtained by Reuss et al. (Am. J. Physiol. 244:C336–C347, 1983) under open-circuit conditions. From a comparison of the chemical concentrations and activities of Na and K a mean intracellular activity coefficient of 0.75 is calculated. For small ions no significant differences between nuclear and cytoplasmic concentration values were detectable. The Cl concentrations in the different epithelial layers were virtually identical and showed parallel changes at varying states of Cl secretion, suggesting that the epithelium represents a functional syncytium. For Na a concentration gradient between theouter and inner epithelial layer was observed, which can be accounted for by two different models of epithelial cooperation. The behavior of the intracellular Na and Cl concentrations after removal of Na, Cl or K from the outer or inner bathing medium provides support for a passive electrodiffusive Cl efflux across the apical membrane and a Na-coupled Cl uptake across the basolateral membrane. The results are inconclusive with regard to the exact mechanism of Cl uptake, indicating either a variable stoichiometry of the symporter or the presence of more than one transport system. Furthermore, a dependence of intracellular Cl on HCO3 and CO2 was observed. Extracellular measurements in corneal stroma demonstrated that ion concentrations in this space are in free equilibrium with the inner bath.  相似文献   

Summary Osmotic water permeability of the apical membrane of toad urinary epithelium is increased greatly by vasopressin (VP) and is associated with exocytic addition of granules and aggrephores at the apical surface. To determine the physiological role of granule exocytosis, we measured the osmotic water permeability and membrane fluidity of isolated granules, surface membranes and microsomes prepared from toad bladder in the presence and absence of VP.P f was measured by stopped-flow light scattering and membrane fluidity was examined by diphenylhexatriene (DPH) fluorescence anisotropy. In response to a 75mm inward sucrose gradient, granule size decreased with a single exponential time constant of 2.3±0.1 sec (sem, seven preparations, 23°C), corresponding to aP f of 5×10–4 cm/sec; the activation energy (E a ) forP f was 17.6±0.8 kcal/mole. Under the same conditions, the volume of surface membrane vesicles decreased biexponentially with time constants of 0.13 and 1.9 sec; the fast component comprised 70% of the signal. Granule, surface membrane and microsome time constants were unaffected by VP. However, in surface membranes, there was a small decrease (6±2%) in the fraction of surface membranes with fast time constant. DPH anisotropies were 0.253 (granules), 0.224 (surface membrane fluidity is remarkably lower than that of surface and microsomal membranes, and (4) rapid water transport occurs in surface membrane vesicles. The unique physical properties of the granule suggests that apical exocytic addition of granule membrane may be responsible for the low water permeability of the unstimulated apical membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular ion concentrations were determined in split skins of Rana pipiens using the technique of electron microprobe analysis. Under control conditions, principal cells and mitochondria-rich cells (MR cells) had a similar intracellular ion composition, only the Cl concentration in MR cells was significantly lower. Inhibition of transepithelial Na transport by low concentrations of ouabain (2 × 10–6 m, innerbath) resulted in a Na concentration increase of principal cells from 10.9 to 54.3 mmol/kg wet wt. The increase was completely abolished by simultaneous application of amiloride (10–4 m, outer bath). Amiloride alone resulted in a significant decrease of the Na concentration to 6.1 mmol/kg. w. w. Among MR cells, two different groups of cells could be distinguished; cells that showed a Na increase after ouabain which was even larger than that in principal cells and cells that did not respond to ouabain. In about half of all ouabain-sensitive MR cells the Na increase could be prevented by amiloride. According to these results, a subpopulation of MR cells displays the transport characteristics expected for a transepithelial Na transport compartment, an apical amiloride-sensitive Na influx and abasal ouabain-inhibitable Na efflux. Given the small number of cells, however, it is unlikely that this subtype of MR cells contributes significantly to the overall rate of transepithelial Na transport.I wish to thank Cathy Langford, Cindy Partain, and Ray Whitfield for their excellent technical assistance. Financial support was provided by NIH grants DK35717 and 1S10-RR0-234501.  相似文献   

Summary Dopamine administration increases renal excretion of water and Na. It remains uncertain whether these effects of dopamine are the result of a hemodynamic effect or the consequence of a direct cellular action. We investigated the effect of dopamine on water transport by the isolated toad bladderin vitro. Dopamine failed to alter baseline water flow but caused a significant inhibition of arginine vasopressin (AVP) or cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP) stimulated water flow. The effect of dopamine on stimulated water flow was not due to activation of adrenergic, adrenergic, or cholinergic receptors. The selective antagonists of dopamine, metoclopramide and apomorphine, prevented the effect of dopamine on AVP-stimulated water flow. These observations suggest the existence of a dopaminergic receptor in the toad bladder.l-Dopa also inhibited AVP-stimulated water flow. The effect ofl-Dopa could be prevented by metoclopramide, thus suggesting thatl-Dopa is converted to dopamine by an aromatic amino acid decarboxylase present in the toad bladder. To investigate this possibility we measured the effect of the decarboxylase inhibitor, carbidopa, on the14CO2 production generated by decarboxylation of14Cl-Dopa in isolated toad bladder epithelial cells. Isolated toad bladder epithelial cells generated significant amounts of14CO2 from14Cl-Dopa. This effect could be blocked by carbidopa, thus suggesting the existence of an aromatic amino acid decarboxylase system in the toad bladder. Carbidopa also prevented the inhibitory effect ofl-Dopa on AVP-stimulated water flow, suggesting thatl-Dopa needs to be converted to dopamine to inhibit water flow. These data suggest the existence of a dopaminergic receptor in the toad bladder. These data also suggest that dopamine can be formed locally in the toad bladder and can thus serve as a local modulator of water transport.  相似文献   

Summary The present study investigated whether the hydrophobic properties (wettability) of the luminal surface of the toad urinary bladder might play a role in modulating water transport across this epithelium. In the absence of vasopressin (ADH), water transport across the tissue was low, while luminal surface hydrophobicity (water contact angle) was relatively high. Following stimulation by ADH, water transport increased and surface hydrophobicity decreased. The addition of indomethacin to inhibit ADH-induced prostaglandin synthesis did not reduce these actions of ADH. In an attempt to alter water transport in this tissue, a liposomal suspension of surface-active phospholipids was administered to the luminal surface. This addition had no detectable influence on the low basal rates of water transport, but blocked the ADH-induced stimulation of water transport. We suggest that surface-active phospholipids on the toad bladder luminal membrane may contribute to the hydrophobic characteristics of this tissue. ADH may act to decrease surface hydrophobicity, facilitating the movement of water molecules across an otherwise impermeable epithelium. This surface alteration may be associated with the appearance of water channels in the apical membrane.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the sodium ionophore monensin on osmotic water flow across the urinary bladder of the toadBufo marinus were studied. Monensin alone did not alter osmotic water flow; however, the ionophore inhibited the hydrosmotic response to vasopressin and cyclic AMP in a dose-dependent manner. The inhibitory effects of monensin were apparent when the ionophore was added to the serosal bathing solution but not when it was added to the mucosal bathing solution. The inhibitory effect of serosal monensin required the presence of sodium in the serosal bathing solution but not the presence of calcium in the bathing solutions. Thus, it appears that intracellular sodium concentration is a regulator of the magnitude of the hydrosmotic response to vasopressin and cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

Summary The extracellular Ca2+ requirement for antidiuretic hormone (ADH) stimulation of water permeability in the toad urinary bladder has been critically examined. The polarity of the tissue was maintained with 1mm Ca2+ in the mucosal bathing medium and a serosal bath nominally free of Ca2+. Under these condition, ADH-induced osmotic water flow was inhibited by more than 60% while enhancement of the diffusional permeability to water was unaffected. Structural studies revealed that low serosal Ca2+ led to parallel alterations in epithelial architecture that amounted to a significant distorition of the osmotic water pathway. Prevention of these alterations, or restoration of normal cell-cell contact showed that the reduction of serosal Ca2+ did not restrict hormonal action,per se, but that it resulted in a weakening of cell-cell junctions such that intercellular space distension during water flow occurred to a point where the geometric conditions for maintenance of osmotic flow were compromised. We conclude that extracellular Ca2+ is not a requirement for the molecular aspects of ADH action but that, in its absence, a direct measurement of ADH-induced osmotic flow proves to be an inaccurate index of the hormone-generated changes in epithelial transport characteristics. Under certain conditions the ADH-effect on the tissue's hydraulic permeability is probably best assessed by measurement of the diffusional permability to water; although accuracy in this determination is difficult, it is not as strongly dependent on tissue geometry.  相似文献   

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