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Summary In the sino-atrial (S-A) node of the monkey heart two types of muscle cells occur: 1. typical nodal cells which are the predominant cells and form the nodal fibers. 2. Intercalated clear cells with various diameters (4 to 12 m) and containing poorly developed myofibrils, rich in glycogen and demonstrating poor staining properties. These latter cells are dispersed, few in number, and never form discrete fibers of themselves, but are intercalated between the cell rows of the typical nodal fibers. Such intercalated clear cells become more numerous at the periphery of the node. Interconnection between the S-A node and the conventional atrial muscle is established by a progressive transformation of nodal fibers into atrial fibers producing an intermediate (or junctional) type of fiber at the nodal periphery. However, in addition, few nodal fibers make direct contact with the atrial cardiocytes. Our light and EM studies have failed to prove the existence of truly specialized internodal pathways. Nevertheless intercalated clear cells, nodal-like cells, junctional or intermediate type of cells are relatively frequent in valvular regions (Thebesian, Eustachian, A-V, fossa ovalis) and less frequent in other regions of the atrial wall.This study was conducted in part in the Department of Histology and Embryology of the Medical University in Budapest.  相似文献   

1.  Stimulation to left and right vagi caused an almost equal amount of inhibitory, and occasionally excitatory, effects on pacemaker activity. Both inhibitory and excitatory effects were abolished by atropine. Vagal stimulation hyperpolarized the resting membrane potential of pacemaker fibers in the sino-atrial valve, but did not change their action potential profile.
2.  The atrial action potential showed a prominent decrease in the action potential amplitude and duration in response to vagal stimulation. The atrial region surrounding the sino-atrial valve was more sensitive to right vagal stimulation.
3.  The fibers in the atrio-ventricular ring muscle were less sensitive to vagal stimulation than the atrial fibers. Some fibers showed a decrease in the action potential amplitude and duration by vagal stimulation, and other fibers showed a decrease in the amplitude, but a prolongation of the duration as the result of a slowing of the rate of upstroke. The atrial-ventricular conduction delay or block by vagal stimulation may depend on these properties of the action potential of the atrio-ventricular ring muscle.
4.  The sino-atrial conduction block is explained by the fact that the atrial fibers are more sensitive to vagal stimulation than pacemaker fibers.
5.  The possible pathways for the sino-ventricular conduction during vagal stimulation are discussed.

In the 8-, 9-, and 10-day-old mouse embryos, the primitive atria are interconnected with the ventricles via the atrioventricular (A-V) canal. Due to the twisting process of the tubular heart, the wall of the A-V canal establishes continuity not only with the left ventricle but also with the bulbus and truncus arteriosus. At this stage of heart development, the A-V node and bundle have not yet appeared, and, thus, the atrial impulse must be conveyed to the ventricle by the muscle tissue of the wall of the A-V canal, in which two muscle cell layers have been observed. The inner layer extends deep into the left ventricular cavity and is interconnected with both the trabecular system and the ventricular (IV) septum, which begins to develop on the tenth day. In the inner dorsal wall of the A-V canal, the cells are large (~ 20 μm in diameter) and show a strong PAS reaction. It is likely that these large glycogen-rich cells from which the A-V node primordium develops on the eleventh day play the main role in the A-V impulse conduction. The muscle cells at the ventrolateral walls of the canal are small and form a loose spongy myocardium into which the connective tissue cells begin to penetrate on the tenth day, ultimately to form the annulus fibrosus. At the same time, the outer cell layer of the dorsal wall begins to deteriorate; the cells show vacuolar degeneration, myolysis, and shrinkage necrosis. This process appears to represent a programmed cell death, as was described in the bird heart (Pexieder, 1975). On the basis of morphological data, the sequence of atrioventricular activation before the appearance of the A-V node and bundle is discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight anaesthetized open-chest mongrel dogs were used. Programmed atrial pacing was used and Hisian electrograms recorded through endocavitary electro-catheters to study and quantify the concealed conduction of non-transmitted atrial impulses in the A-V node. An exponential model was used in three situations to quantify the nodal conduction during incremental atrial pacing: a) during 1:1 conduction, b) during 2:1 nodal block, and c) during pacing, coupling an atrial impulse delivered at fixed intervals and blocked in the A-V node to each transmitted impulse. The relation between intranodal conduction times was analyzed both with and without the presence of blocked impulses, and the quotient between the obtained functions in situations b, c and situation a was determined. In a subgroup of 13 dogs the study was repeated following pharmacological block of the autonomic nervous system. In dogs with autonomic block, this relation always tended to decrease when the atrial pacing rate increased. The variations in the group of dogs with intact autonomic nervous systems were not homogeneous. During pacing with coupled block impulses, the progressive removal of conduction curves obtained for each coupling interval with respect to those obtained during 1:1 transmission, expresses the interval with respect ot those obtained during 1:1 transmission, expresses the lesser influence of the blocked impulses on decreasing their coupling interval.  相似文献   

Summary The caprine sinoatrial node (SAN) and atrioventricular node (AVN) were studied by freeze-fracture techniques, and their nexus or gap junction structure were compared with that of ordinary atrial and ventricular muscle cells. The general features of the nexus in both the SAN and AVN were essentially identical. Approximately two-thirds of the nexuses observed in the nodal cells consisted of typical macular arrangements of nexal particles, and the remaining third, of atypical configurations of either circular arrangements or linear arrays of particles in continuity with the macular nexuses. Such atypical nexuses were never observed in the ordinary adult myocardial cells. Quantitative analysis revealed that all of the nexuses in the nodal cells measured, were less than 0.1 m2, whereas the majority of the nexuses in ordinary myocardial cells (64% in the atrium and 76% in the ventricle) were larger than 0.1 m2. No significant differences in diameter and center-to-center distance of nexal particle were found between the nodal cells and ordinary myocardial cells.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde der Sinusknoten von 141 Rinderherzen (davon 11 Embryonen und 50 Kälber), 25 Schweinen und 10 Herzen anderer Säuger (5 Schafe, 2 Kaninchen, 2 Katzen, 1 Hund) sowie von 29 menschlichen Herzen verschiedenen Alters.Der Sinusknoten (SK) aller Spezies ist glykogenreich; die Vorhofsmuskulatur (VM) ist vergleichsweise glykogenarm. Bei Rinderkeimlingen tritt die Glykogenvermehrung im Knotengewebe gegenüber der VM ab einer Embryonallänge von 47 cm auf.Fermenthistochemisch zeigt sich, daß im SK von Rind und Schwein nicht nur die Enzyme des oxidativen Stoffwechsels, sondern auch die der Glykolyse schwächer als in der VM reagieren. Hierbei überwiegt in beiden Herzmuskelarten die Glykolyse etwas. — Das LDH-Isozymmuster gleicht sich in SK und VM weitgehend, ebenso die Aktivität der G6P-DH und die der lysomalen Enzyme. — Die Fermente des Glykogenmetabolismus reagieren im Knotengewebe in Übereinstimmung mit seinem höheren Glykogengehalt stärker als in der VM. — Die cholinerge Nervenfaserdichte ist im SK von Rind und Schwein höher als in der VM.Entsprechend dem geringeren Stoffwechsel ist die Kapillar Versorgung des SK beim Rind geringer als die des Vorhofs. Der prozentuale Volumenanteil der Kapillaren am Gesamtvolumen des SK verhält sich zu dem der VM wie 13. Der Radius eines Gewebszylinders, der von einer Kapillare versorgt wird, beträgt im SK 19,9 m, im Vorhof aber 10,9 [im.
On the histochemistry and capillary supply of the sinatrial node
Summary The sinatrial node (SA node) was investigated in the heart of 141 cattle (among which were 11 embryos and 50 calves), 25 pigs, 5 sheep, 2 rabbits, 2 cats, 1 dog, and 29 men of different age.The SA node of all species is rich in glycogen; in the atrial muscle its amount is always lower. Comparing the fetal SA node of cattle with the working myocardium, glycogen increases in the former tissue with an embryonic length of 47 cm.Histochemically in the SA node of cattle and pigs the activities of oxidative as well as of glycolytic enzymes are lower than in the ordinary muscle cells; but in both heart muscle systems the pathway of Embden-Meyerhof seems to predominate.—The LDH-isoenzyme patterns of the pacemaker region and working myocardium resemble one another. This is also true for the activity of G6P-DH and lysosomal enzymes.—According to the higher amount of glycogen the enzymes of the glycogen metabolism are more active in the SA node than in the atrial muscle.—In comparison with the working myocardium the number of cholinergic nerve fibers is somewhat higher in the nodal tissue.In agreement with the reduced overall metabolism the capillary supply of the cow's SA node is lower than that of the atrial muscle. The ratio between the partial volume of the capillaries and the total volumes of the SA node and working myocardium is 13. On the average the radius of a tissue cylinder being supplied by one capillary runs up to 19.9 m in the SA node, but only to 10.9 m in the atrial muscle.The partial volume of the connective tissue in the SA node of cattle, calves, and men exhibits strong individual changes. An increase of connective tissue in the SA node of humans appears around the 50th year of life.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Comparisons were made of the passive electrical properties of closer muscle fibers in the dimorphic claws of snapping shrimp,Alpheus armillatus. During claw transformation the small fibers of pincer claws grow to become much larger snapper claw fibers. As muscle fibers grow, the relationship of fiber input resistance (R 0) to fiber diameter (d) is predicted by the proportionality,R 0d –3/2. Muscle fiber membrane resistance,R m, is independent of fiber diameter, but membrane capacitance,C m, grows with diameter. This results in a 40 to 50 fold reduction in fiber input impedance as fiber diameter enlarges during transformation. Reductions of muscle fiber impedance are partially compensated by 2–5 fold increases in quantal content at excitatory synapses on snapper muscle fibers. However, changes in quantal content during transformation apparently are independent of fiber diameter per se. Excitatory junction potentials in both pincer and snapper muscle fibers have equal amplitude. Because fiber input impedance decreases precipitously during transformation, and in view of the relatively small compensatory changes in quantal content at excitatory synapses, additional pre- or post-synaptic modifications must supplement increased quantal content to maintain synaptic efficacy in transformed muscle fibers.Abbreviations ejp excitatory junctional potential - epp endplate potential - mepp miniature endplate potential  相似文献   

Summary The thin limbs of short and long loops of Henle of the rabbit kidney were studied by freeze fracture techniques. According to TEM studies of thin sections four segments are discernible: descending thin limbs of short loops, descending thin limbs of long loops, subdivided into an upper and a lower part, and ascending thin limbs (Kaissling and Kriz 1979). This division is supported by findings obtained with the freeze fracture technique and based on differences in the organization of the junctional complexes as well as on differences in the internal morphology of the cell membranes. The descending thin limbs of short loops have junctional complexes established by several closely arranged junctional strands and numerous desmosomes. The upper parts of the long descending thin limbs have tight junctions consisting of a variable number of strands; their outstanding characteristic after freeze fracture is a high density of intramembrane particles in both luminal and baso-lateral membranes. The tight junctions of the lower part of the long descending thin limbs consist of several anastomosing junctional strands, which are, in contrast, loosely arranged; the cell membranes contain only a sparse population of intramembrane particles. The ascending thin limbs are characterized by shallow tight junctions (frequently consisting of only one single junctional strand). Moreover, the epithelial cells of this segment are heavily interdigitated; thereby the tight junctions are correspondingly lengthened.In addition, this study presents further evidence that remarkable species differences occur among thin limb epithelia. The junctional complexes of the long descending thin limbs of the rabbit are organized quite differently from those of small rodents (e.g., rat, Psammomys).The data of this study support the concept that the tight junctions are the main determinant of ionic conductances of the paracellular pathway. However, with reference to recent findings from microperfusion studies, it becomes obvious that a correlation of the junctional morphology with the transepithelial water permeability is lacking, at least for the thin limbs.This investigation was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; project Kr 546 Henlesche Schleife  相似文献   

Summary Thin sections after bile duct ligation showed that the depth of tight junctions appeared to increase and that the distance between individual punctate contacts appeared to become irregular and wider than in controls. The freeze fracture replicas clearly demonstrated these changes in the tight junction morphology. Changes were noted most conspicuously in the tight junction three weeks after ligation. Measurements of the junctional morphology in control and ligated specimens showed that the junctional depth had increased two fold in the latter, whereas the number of strands had scarcely changed. Lanthanum tracer experiments showed that the tight junctions did not permit the passage of the tracer in normal nor ligated rats. It was concluded that the mechanism of obstructive jaundice could not be related to changes in junctional morphology causing increased junctional permeability.Tight junction depth in this paper is synonymously used with Tight junction width or Tight junction thickness  相似文献   

Summary A total of 147 muscle spindles was studied histochemically in serial transverse sections of 42 cat tenuissimus muscle specimens. Nuclear bag1, nuclear bag2 and nuclear chain intrafusal muscle fibers were distinguished by the differential staining resulting from the reactions for myosin adenosine 5-triphosphatase and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide tetrazolium reductase. The majority of intrafusal fibers were of the same histochemical type at both fiber poles. However, seven muscle spindles contained one nuclear bag fiber each that presented as a bag1 in one pole and as a bag2 in the other pole. These mixed nuclear bag fibers were found in spindles that also contained at least one bag1 and one bag2 fiber of equivalent histochemical presentation in both fiber poles. The mixed bag fibers displayed differences of apparent fiber diameter and relative polar length between the two fiber poles. The motor innervation pattern, as revealed by staining for cholinesterase, was also dissimilar between the two poles of mixed bag fibers. The study indicates that the spindle equatorial region may in some instances serve as a boundary between two morphologically and histochemically different poles of the same intrafusal fiber.  相似文献   

Summary The intracellular distributions of major muscle proteins, myosin, actin, tropomyosin, -actinin, and desmin, in smooth muscle cells of chicken gizzard at various stages of embryogenesis were investigated by immunofluorescence-labeling of enzyme-dispersed cells cultured up to three hours. These muscle proteins, except some part of myosin, were organized into fibrous structures as soon as synthesis and accumulation of proteins started. As for myosin, a considerable amount of it was dispersed in soluble cytoplasm as well. On the other hand, Ca++-dependent contractility was detected with detergent-extracted myoblasts and glycerinated tissue from embryos older than 7 days. Although the nascent myofibrils bear a resemblance to stress fibers, the former could be distinguished from the latter by their high stability in dispersed, spherical cells. The above findings, therefore, show that the synthesis of contractile proteins is followed by immediate assembly of them into functional myofibrils without undergoing any intermediate structure. Based on these findings, the mechanism of myofibril formation in developing smooth muscle cells is discussed.  相似文献   

As a rule,Gentianaceae exhibit a double unilacunar nodal pattern. Upon leaving the lacun, the complex leaf trace divides first into three branches, and then into five or more bundles which become the leaf veins. OnlyGentiana lutea (andG. punctata) as well asMenyanthes trifoliata differ from all other species investigated by their multilacunar nodes. BothCentaurium andOrphium within the cortex form a completely closed bundle ring around the nodal flanks from smaller bundles which depart from the lateral branches of the complex leaf traces.

Summary Location, distribution and density of nerve fibers immunoreactive to neuropeptide tyrosine, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and substance P were studied in the reproductive tract of the female rat and compared with acetylcholinesterase-positive (cholinergic) and noradrenergic nerves. Plexuses of all types of fibers were present in the vagina, uterine cervix, uterine horn and oviduct. In the tubular reproductive organs all of these types of nerve fibers appeared to innervate vascular and non-vascular smooth muscle and nearly all types of fibers formed plexuses subjacent to the epithelium lining the organs. Individual fibers of all classes appeared to innervate fascicles of smooth muscle in the mesometrium of the uterine horn. A few acetylcholinesterase-positive and substance P-immunoreactive fibers were present in the ovary but no vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-immunoreactive nerves were observed. Noradrenergic and neuropeptide tyrosine-immunoreactive nerves were numerous in the ovary where they were seen in the interstitial gland tissue and associated with follicles and blood vessels. It is suggested that these nerves may influence hemodynamic events and non-vascular smooth muscle in such functions as transport of sperm and ova and parturition. Substance P-immunoreactive nerve fibers are likely to be sensory fibers that could have roles in neurohormonal reflexes.  相似文献   

Summary The semitendinosus muscle of the rabbit is composed of a homogeneous fiber population. Fiber typing was carried out by means of light and electron microscopy according to which this muscle exhibits structural features that are either characteristic for both red and white fibers, or that do not allow for any classification according to the A-, B-, C-fiber system. Hence the long-held assumption that the semitendinosus muscle of the rabbit represents a classical paradigm of a red muscle should be revised in light of the present results.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structure, origin, and distribution density of the autonomic nerve endings in the tarsal muscle of the mouse were studied by histochemistry and electron microscopy. With histochemical methods, the fine nerve plexus in the normal muscle shows both catecholamine-positive varicose fibers and acetylcholinesterase-active varicose fibers. The former are distributed more densely than the latter. After superior cervical ganglionectomy, the catecholamine-positive fibers disappear, while after pterygopalatine ganglionectomy, the acetylcholinesterase-active fibers vanish. In electron micrographs, the varicosities appear as expansions containing many synaptic vesicles. The axonal expansions partly lack a Schwann sheath and directly face the pinocytotic vesicle-rich zones of the smooth muscle cells. A relatively wide space, 0.1 to 1.0 m in width, lies between nerve expansion and muscle cell. The expansions can be classified into two types: Type I having small granular synaptic vesicles, and Type II having agranular vesicles instead of small granular synaptic vesicles. Type I undergoes degeneration after superior cervical ganglionectomy, while Type II degenerates after pterygopalatine ganglionectomy. This indicates that Type I corresponds to the synaptic ending of the adrenergic fiber originating from the superior cervical ganglion, and Type II to the synaptic ending of the cholinergic nerve fiber derived from the pterygopalatine ganglion. Type I is more frequent (88/104 m2 area of muscle) than Type II (17/104 m2).  相似文献   

The cells of the atrioventricular (AV) junction in the ferret heart were examined using light microscopy, a wax-model reconstruction and quantitative electron microscopy to determine their organization and characteristics. A series of subdivisions of the specialized tissues of the AV junction was apparent at both the light and electron microscopic levels. A transitional zone was observed interposed between the atrial muscle cells and the AV node. The AV node consisted of a coronary sinus portion, a superficial portion and a deep portion. The AV bundle had a segment above the anulus fibrosus, a segment which penetrated the right fibrous trigone, a non-branching segment below the anulus fibrosus and a branched segment. At the ultrastructural level the AV junctional conduction tissues had fewer irregularly oriented myofibrils than did working atrial myocardial cells. T-tubules, present in atrial muscle cells, were not observed in the modified muscle cells of the AV node and bundle. Conventional intercalated discs also were not observed between the cells of the AV node or the AV bundle. Atrial myocardial cells had the highest percentage of the plasma membrane occupied by desmosomes, fasciae adherentes and gap junctions. The AV bundle cells had the highest percentage of appositional surface membrane and a relatively large fraction of plasma membrane occupied by gap junctions. Cells of the superficial portion of the AV node had the smallest percentage of the plasma membrane composed of gap junctions, desmosomes or fasciae adherentes, as well as the smallest fraction of the cell membrane apposed to adjacent cells. The stereological data indicate that the most useful distinguishing characteristic between atrial muscle cells and conduction cells was that a smaller percentage of the conduction cell sarcoplasm was occupied by mitochondria and myofibrils. The most useful characteristics that could be used to differentiate between the regions of the AV junctional conduction tissues were the amounts and types of surface membrane specializations in the respective cell types.  相似文献   

Chronotropic and dromotropic responses to treadmill exercise were compared in conscious dogs prior to and following excision of the sinoatrial node (SAN). The initial junctional rhythm accompanying removal of the SAN region was replaced within hours to days by subsidiary atrial pacemaker (SAP) foci located in the inferior right atrium along the sulcus terminalis. With SAN intact, cardiac acceleration was immediate at onset of exercise and the tachycardia was directly proportional to work intensity. Atrioventricular (AV) conduction concurrently accelerated during exercise as manifest by shortening in P-R and atrioventricular (A-V) intervals. Following SAN excision, subsidiary atrial pacemaker foci likewise demonstrated prompt tachycardias during exercise, although heart rate was significantly reduced at rest and during steady state exercise. In the SAP state, tachycardia during exercise was related to work intensity and was mediated by changes in cardiac autonomic nerve activity. Combined propranolol-atropine blockade increased heart rate at rest in the SAP state, and significantly attenuated the tachycardia accompanying treadmill exercise. Following SAN excision the P-R (A-V) interval was significantly reduced in the resting animal. In response to exercise, AV conduction time decreased in the SAP state, though the absolute levels during steady state exercise were not significantly different from prior control runs with SAN intact. Blood pressure response to exercise was similar during both SAN and SAP states. We conclude that following an initial unstable period, SAP foci maintain adequate heart rate increases in response to dynamic exercise, primarily mediated via autonomic nerve regulation.  相似文献   

Summary The semitendinosus muscle of the albino rat is divided grossly into two clearly distinguishable parallel longitudinal bands, one red (anterior) and the other white (posterior). By using mitochondrial content as a criterion for distinguishing fiber types, it is demonstrated that the red portion of the muscle is composed predominantly of red (52%) and intermediate (40%) fibers, while the white portion consists primarily of white fibers (82%). Red fibers have the smallest and white fibers have the largest average diameter. Ultrastructural characteristics of the three fiber types resemble closely those previously described for the rat diaphragm. Red fibers are rich in large mitochondria with abundant cristae, and possess the widest Z lines. In red fibers, the H-band region of the sarcoplasmic reticulum consists of an elaborate network of narrow tubules. In white fibers, mitochondria are smaller, less numerous, and have fewer cristae; Z lines are about half as wide as in red fibers. In the H-band region of the sarcoplasmic reticulum there is a more compact arrangement of broad more or less parallel tubules. Intermediate fibers are similar to red fibers except that their diameters are larger; mitochondria are somewhat smaller and cristae are less abundant; the width of the Z lines is close to that of white fibers. The consistent difference in Z line width establishes this dimension as an important criterion for distinguishing fiber types and facilitates ultrastructural identification, especially of the intermediate fiber.The clear relationship between color of the semitendinosus and cytological features of its component fibers supports the use of the terms red, white, and intermediate as simple and valid designations for fiber types in mammalian skeletal muscle. Measurement of the cross-sectional area contributed by each fiber type to the total area indicates that both red and intermediate fibers may contribute to redness in mammalian skeletal muscle.An early portion of this work was carried out with MissSharon Whelan (Mrs.Bernard Weiss). The author acknowledges the important contribution of Mr.Richard Stearns through his skillful work on the photographic illustrations and the technical assistance of MissAnn Campbell and Mrs.Joan Normington. — This study was supported by Grant No. HD 01026-04 from the United States Public Health Service.  相似文献   

The mechanism of coupling in adrenaline-induced ventricular bigeminy in sensitized hearts has been investigated in intact animals, isolated preparations, and single cardiac fibers. The electrophysiological and cardiovascular dynamic changes during the development of fixed interval coupling strongly indicate that the coupled beats result from stretch of subsidiary pacemaker fibers in the specialized ventricular conduction system, induced by the mechanical response to the normally conducted sinus impulse. The resulting intraventricular pressure elicits an extrasystole when a certain critical end systolic pressure for a particular animal is reached. The interval between the normal and premature ventricular beat decreases progressively as the intraventricular pressure rises, as a result of the combined action of adrenaline and postextrasystolic potentiation. The onset of ventricular bigeminy is preceded by a shift in the pacemaker site to the A-V junctional area, due to a differential effect of the anesthetic-adrenaline combination on fibers of the S-A node and those in the junctional area. The degree of prematurity of the coupled beat shows an inverse linear relationship to the intraventricular pressure of the initiating beat at the end of systole. The premature QRS complex occurs after a period of mechano-electrical latency, the duration of which is directly related to this pressure.  相似文献   

The pacemaker of the heart, the sinoatrial (SA) node, is characterized by unique electrical coupling properties. To investigate the contribution of gap junction organization and composition to these properties, the spatial pattern of expression of three gap junctional proteins, connexin45 (Cx45), connexin40 (Cx40), and connexin43 (Cx43), was investigated by immunocytochemistry combined with confocal microscopy. The SA nodal regions of rabbits were dissected and rapidly frozen. Serial cryosections were double labeled for Cx45 and Cx43 and for Cx40 and Cx43, using pairs of antibody probes raised in different species. Dual-channel scanning confocal microscopy was applied to allow simultaneous visualization of the different connexins. Cx45 and Cx40, but not Cx43, were expressed in the central SA node. The major part of the SA nodal-crista terminalis border revealed a sharply demarcated boundary between Cx43-expressing myocytes of the crista terminalis and Cx45/Cx40-expressing myocytes of the node. On the endocardial side, however, a transitional zone between the crista terminalis and the periphery of the node was detected in which Cx43 and Cx45 expression merged. These distinct patterns of connexin compartmentation and merger identified suggest a morphological basis for minimization of contact between the tissues, thereby restricting the hyperpolarizing influence of the atrial muscle on the SA node while maintaining a communication route for directed exit of the impulse into the crista terminalis.  相似文献   

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