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A new species, Lathyrus egirdiricus H.Genc & A.Sahin (section Cicercula; Fabaceae), is described from Turkey, with illustrations and taxonomic comments. Characteristics of the species are compared with those of the related species Lathyrus hirsutus L., L. stenophyllus Boiss. & Heldr., L. sativus L., L. cassius Boiss. and L. gorgoni Parl., from which it differs mainly in the shape, length, width and venation of leaflets, length and width of the stipule, flower colour, legume and style length. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 158 , 301–305.  相似文献   

A new species of the section Lepidoseris (Rchb.) Benth. of the genus Crepis L. (Asteraceae) is described. The new species is restricted to a single known locality on near-vertical coastal cliffs of the Ria de Cedeira in northern Galicia (northwest Iberian Peninsula). Morphometric characters permitting discrimination from the most similar taxa are detailed, and possible phylogenetic relationships with other species of the section Lepidoseris (particularly those of the C. vesicaria complex) are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Astragalus L., A. trabzonicus (section Onobrychoidei DC.), is described and illustrated from north‐east Anatolia in Turkey. The diagnostic, pollen morphological, and chromosomal characteristics are discussed. A distribution map and conservation status are given. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 741–747.  相似文献   

Hedysarum al-shehbazii , a new species endemic to Iran, is described and illustrated. This species belongs to Hedysarum section Multicaulia . It is confined to the western part of Iran (Kermanshah Province), and is known from a single population close to the Iraq frontier, although possibly also growing in the adjoining eastern part of Iraq. The conservation status of this species is 'vulnerable' according to World Conservation Union (IUCN) criteria. In addition, H. varium and H. syricum are reported as new records from a single gathering close to the Turkish frontier. Moreover, H. kotschyi and H. pogonocarpum are transferred from Hedysarum section Crinifera to Hedysarum section Multicaulia .  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 505–512.  相似文献   

Two new species of the genus Galium are described from the Iberian Peninsula: G. moralesianum Ortega-Olivencia & Devesa, and G. talaveranum Ortega-Olivencia & Devesa. The first grows on limestone or dolomitic-limestone outcrops in south-east Spain (the Segura and Gádor mountain ranges) and shows morphological similarities with G. boissieranum Ehrend. & Krendl, which is endemic to southern Spain (mountains of Málaga). The second inhabits the margins of water courses, alder stands and cork-oak dehesas (parkland-type systems) of the west of the Iberian Peninsula, and is morphologically reminiscent of G. mollugo L. The chromosome numbers of these two species and of G. boissieranum are given.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 177−187.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Astragalus, namely A. hakkianus Bagheri, Maassoumi & Rahimin. is described and illustrated from NW Iran. It is most closely related to A. peresh­khoranicus Maassoumi & F. Ghahrem. and A. chehreganii Zarre & Podlech. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

CRESPO, MB., 1992. A new species of Vella L. (Brassicaceae) from the south-eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula . Vella lucenlina is described from the coastal, low, dry areas of Alicante Province (south-eastern Spain). This plant is a spineless shrub, woody at the base, with narrowly linear, entire leaves, and an acute tongue-shaped stylar part of the fruit. Affinities and differences with the other taxa in the genus are discussed, and ecological data and conservation proposals are reported.  相似文献   

Swertia barunensis P. Chassot sp. nov. from Nepal is described and illustrated. It was collected in 1997 in an alpine meadow in the Makalu Barun National Park at an elevation of 4200 m. It belongs to Swertia section Macranthos T.-N. Ho & S.-W. Liu and resembles S. pseudohookeri H. Smith, from which it differs mainly by the shape of the nectary and the exomorphic seed structure. A key to all the species of sect. Macranthos is provided. The affinities of S. barunensis with some other taxa in the subtribe Swertiinae (Griseb.) Rchb. are also briefly discussed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141, 389–394.  相似文献   

A new species, Ferulugo iduea , Özhatay et Akalin from Bahkesir, Kaz Da (Mount Ida) in north-west Turkey is described. The distinctive characteristics of the new species, and its relationship with three other endemic species ( F. humilis, F. macrosciadia and F. sandrasica ) are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Arabis L., A. alanyensis H. Duman sp. nov., is described and illustrated. The species is restricted to the north of Alanya (Antalya), It grows on calcareous rocks. Diagnostic morphological characters for discrimination from the most similar taxa are given.  相似文献   

A new strict gypsophilous species of Chaenorhinum, Ch. gamezii, is described. It is an annual to perennial species found in extremely arid locations upon Triassic gypsic habitats in the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. This species has an eglandular heterotrichous indumentum, which is related to Ch. segoviense and Ch. flexuosum. However, Ch. gamezii has a characteristic combination of vegetative and micromorphological features (trichomes and ornamentation of the seeds) that are not present in any other taxon of the genus. Herein, the affinities and differences with related species are studied and discussed. For its differentiation, an original key is presented with comparative figures of indumentum and seeds, and a complete iconography. Knowledge of the species ecology, biogeography, demography and threats is also provided, and according to that, Ch. gamezii should be considered as a critically threatened species (critically endangered, according to IUCN criteria). Future conservation proposals are discussed.  相似文献   

F. Conti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(4):814-818

Lathyrus apenninus, from beech woods margins and scrub in the Central Apennine (Italy), is described as a species new to science. The relationship of L. apenninus with L. linifolius, which it had been confused with, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The new species Chrysophthalmum gueneri Aytac & Anderb. sp. nov. from southwestern Turkey is described and illustrated. A key to the three species is presented; the systematic position and distribution of the genus are discussed.  相似文献   

Aethionema rhodopaeum D. Pavlova is described as a new species from the eastern Rhodope Mountains. The plant was found growing only on serpentines, in two localities, at an altitude of approximately 400 m. The localities are typical open habitats with sparsely colonized debris. The plant communities, composed mainly of xerophytes with a mosaic distribution, contain a large number of rare and endemic species for the Bulgarian flora. The new species belongs to the Aethionema saxatile group and is quite close to the species A. saxatile (L.) R. Br., in particular to ssp. creticum and ssp. graecum . The following diagnostic features are given for the new species: inner filament length always greater than half the petal length, lack of teeth of the filaments, longer [2–3(3.5) mm] style than that of A. saxatile subspecies, and dark purple petals. All leaves are broadly elliptical to suborbicular, obtuse, and fleshy. The chromosome number of the new species is 2 n  = 24. The differences between the new species and related taxa are also discussed.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 155 , 533–540.  相似文献   

A new species of Viola L., Viola yildirimlii M. Dinç & Y. Bağcı sp. nov. from South Anatolia is described and illustrated. It is found on the rocky slopes of Aladağ National Park, in the county of Adana, south Turkey, at an elevation of 1800 m. It belongs to Viola , subsect. Viola , and is similar to the Turkish endemics Viola isaurica Contandr. & Quézel and V. kizildaghensis M. Dinç & Ş. Yıldırımlı. Diagnostic morphologic characters for a detailed discrimination from two similar taxa and other Turkish Eflagellatae species are discussed.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 141 , 477–482.  相似文献   

DÍEZ, M. J. & VALDÉS, B., 1991. Pollen morphology of the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae (Boraginaceae) in the Iberian Peninsula and its taxonomic significance.
The pollen morphology of 33 species of Boraginaceae from the Iberian Peninsula belonging to the tribes Eritrichieae and Cynoglosseae has been studied by light and scanning electron microscopy. The results confirm the eurypalinous character of this family, in which a large number of species can be recognized by their pollen characters.
The pollen of these two tribes is basically heterocolpate, a type which is very uncommon in the angiosperms, with 6, 8 or 10 apertures, sometimes with ectoapertures anastomosed at the equator (ectocingulum), or diorate, minute or small in size, outline elliptic or rectangular-elliptic in equatorial view, with or without a constriction at the equator, exine 0.5-1.0 urn thick and the tectum psilate with granules around the colpi. The similarity in shape and apertural system found in several genera such as Asperugo, Gyrocarion and Omphalodes, and some species of Myosotis, does not permit the two tribes to be distinguished on pollen characters. The generic limits of Cynoglossum and the infrageneric classification of Myosotis are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Viola , V. kizildaghensis M. Dinç & S¸. Ẏlḋṙml̇, from Turkey is described and illustrated. It is found on the rocky slopes of K̇żldǎ, K̇żldǎ National Park, in the vilayet of Isparta, south-west Turkey, at an elevation of 1350–1600 m. It belongs to Viola , subsection Viola , and is similar to the Lebanese endemic V. libanotica Boiss., distinguished by its lanceolate, cuneate based leaves, pinkish-purple flowers with white throats, glabrous lateral petals, and peduncles bearing the mature fruit procumbent and pubescent. It is somewhat similar to another species from south-west Turkey, V. sandrasea Melchior, that is endemic to Sandras Dǎ in the vilayet Mǔla; it is distinguished from this by the characters listed above, its pubescent leaves and peduncles, and its linear-lanceolate to lanceolate stipules which have short, gland-tipped fimbriae. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 138 , 483–487.  相似文献   

A new species, Scilla merinoi , from Galicia is described and illustrated. The similarities between the new taxon and two related species, S. odorata and S. verna , are discussed. Together with a morphological comparison of the three species, scanning electron micrographs of seeds and a map of the new species' known distribution are presented.  相似文献   

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