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Laboratory studies with the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), feeding on seeds or fruits of some alternate host plants, demonstrated differences in nymphal survival and development time, and body weight at adult emergence. Lowest mortalities (25%) were observed for nymphs on fruits of dakota mustard [Brassica kaber (DC.)] and siberian motherwort (Leonurus sibiricus L.). On fruits of castor bean (Ricinus communis L.) nymph mortality was ca. 60%, and on mature seeds of L. sibiricus ca. 75%. Total development time from second instar to adult ranged from ca. 26 days on B. kaber to ca. 42 days on R. communis. Fresh body weight at adult emergence was greatest for nymphs on L. sibiricus and lowest on R. communis. Adult survival after 30 days and mean longevity was greater on L. sibiricus than on the remaining foods, being drastically reduced on R. communis. In general, reproductive performance on all foods was similar, except R. communis, on which no female reproduced. Female weight gain of N. viridula was generally greater on L. sibiricus On R. communis, adults lost weight during their first week and showed the lowest weight gain at the end of day 29. Field observations coupled with these laboratory studies suggest that in the Warta area (northern Paraná state, Brazil, 23° 11 S), L. sibiricus and B. kaber are important alternate food plants in the seasonal phenology of N. viridula. R. communis, however, is of poor nutritional quality, serving primarily as a refuge.
Résumé L'alimentation au laboratoire de N. viridula avec les graines et les fruits de diverses plantes a entraîné différentes mortalités larvaires, différentes vitesses de développement et des différences dans les poids des adultes à l'émergence. Les mortalités les plus faibles (25%) on été observées avec les fruits de Brassica kaber DC. et de Leonurus sibiricus L.Avec les fruits de Ricinus communis L., la mortalité larvaire était de 60%; sur graines mûres de L. sibiricus, elle était de 75%. La durée du développement du second stade à l'adulte a varié de 26 jours sur B. kaber à 42 jours sur R. communis. Le poids frais des adultes à l'émergence était le plus élevé avec L. sibiricus et le plus faible avec de R. communis. La longévité des adultes au-delà de 30 jours était la plus élevée avec L. sibiricus, et était fortement réduite avec R. communis. Dans l'ensemble, la reproduction était de même importance avec les différents aliments, à l'exception de R. communis avec lequel les femelles ne se reproduisaient pas. Le gain de poids des femelles était généralement supérieur avec L. sibiricus; avec R. communis les adultes ont perdu du poids pendant la première semaine et ont présenté le plus faible gain à la fin du 29ème jour.Des observations dans la nature, associées à ces expériences de laboratoire, laissent supposer que dans la zone de Warta (au Nord de l'état de Paraná, 23° 11 S, au Bresil), L. sibiricus et B. kaber sont des plantes hôtes alternatives importantes dans la phénologie saisonnière de N. viridula. Cependant, R. communis, de faible valeur alimentaire, sert avant tout de refuge.

The predatory spined soldier bug, Podisus maculiventris (Say) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), is an economically important and highly valued biological control agent. There is substantial information on the biology, ecology, behavior, and rearing of this stink bug. However, virtually nothing is known of its genetic variation, in natural or domesticated populations. To address this lacuna, we used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) to assess the genetic variability of field and laboratory populations. Four AFLP universal primer combinations yielded a total of 209 usable loci. The AFLP results showed greater genetic variability between populations from Missouri and Mississippi (both USA), and relatively low variability within Missouri populations. We infer little genetic isolation among Missouri field populations and within laboratory populations, but a significant genetic isolation between Missouri and Mississippi populations.  相似文献   

Producers in the southeastern USA face significant crop losses from the stink bugs Nezara viridula (L.), Euschistus servus (Say), and Chinavia hilaris (Say) (all Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Cotton, peanut, and soybean are major agronomic crops and host plants of stink bugs in the region. We conducted a field plot study to measure the relative longevity of adult, unmated N. viridula males and females caged on peanut, cotton, and soybean to test three hypotheses: (1) differences in mortality are associated with differences in host plant food suitability, (2) mortality rates increase with age, and (3) males have higher mortality than females. Using survival analysis, we found that the sex of the individual did not affect survival rates on any of the three host plants. Survival was significantly higher in cotton and soybean than in peanut. Mortality rates increased with age in peanut, but not in soybean or cotton. The frequency of canopy temperatures above 35 °C was higher in peanut than in soybean. Peanut appears to be a less than ideal habitat in terms of canopy temperature and/or food quality for N. viridula adults. Both, cotton and soybean were equally suitable food resources for Nviridula adults prior to maturation of the plants.  相似文献   

The brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae), is a polyphagous invasive insect and currently one of the most threatening agricultural pests in the USA and globally. Nymphs are highly mobile, moving among host plants, and causing significant damage. Thus, understanding dispersal biology for all life stages is critical for the development of reliable monitoring and management programs. Here, we evaluated the influence of harmonic radar as a tool to study dispersal ecology of nymphal H. halys; we measured the impact of glues and tag attachment on survivorship and mobility in the laboratory and validated in the field that tagged and released nymphs could be tracked on baited and unbaited host and non‐host plants using harmonic radar. In the laboratory, four glues were evaluated for attaching harmonic radar tags securely to nymphs, and survivorship with attached tags was measured. There were no significant differences in survivorship or vertical and horizontal movement among nymphs with tags affixed with the glue treatments compared with the untagged control. Based on numerically greater survivorship of nymphs with tags affixed with Loctite glass glue, a field validation study of tagged nymphs released in host (apple tree) and non‐host (mowed grass) with or without H. halys pheromonal stimuli present revealed that nymphs could be successfully relocated using harmonic radar after 48 h. Among treatments, 83% of nymphs remained in baited and unbaited apple trees, 50% of nymphs remained in baited mowed grass plots, and in unbaited mowed grass plots, 17% of fifth instars, and 0% of fourth instars were retained. The absence of negative effects on mobility, survivorship, and field tracking validates that harmonic radar can be used to study dispersal ecology of nymphal H. halys.  相似文献   

Performance of nymphs and adults of the southern green stink bug,Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) feeding on immature fruits of radish,Raphanus raphanistrum L. (Brassicaceae) was poor compared with feeding on immature soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] pods, but a change from radish to soybean from nymph to adult alleviated some of the detrimental effects of this food on adult performance. Over 50% of nymphs died on radish, while only 15% died on soybean. To complete nymph development (stadia 2 through 5), male and female nymphs required 9.5 and 13.3 days longer on radish compared to soybean. Fresh body weight of 1-d-old adult females and males was ≅65% greater for those reared as nymphs on soybean than on radish, with females being significantly heavier than males on both foods. Survivorship and longevity of females, however, was greater for those fed on radish as nymphs and as adults, as compared to those that fed on soybean or radish followed by soybean. Males lived longer when fed exclusively on soybean. In general, reproductive performance and percentage gain in adult body weight was greatest for insects fed on soybean only, and were better for those whose food was switched from nymph to adult, as compared to those insects fed on radish solely.  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance of the neotropical brown stink bug, Euschistus heros (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in overwintering sites in northern Paraná state, Brazil (latitude 23°11 S, longitude 51°11 W) was monitored from September 1994 to August 1995. The breaking of dormancy (oligopause) was studied in the laboratory by comparing the feeding activity and reproduction of adults collected in the field under different physiological conditions (i.e., dormant and non-dormant). No bugs were found in overwintering sites during the summer (December to February) and during early autumn (March). From mid-autumn to winter (April – August), the number of E. heros captured in these sites gradually increased, decreasing thereafter with the start of spring in September. Dormant and non-dormant E. heros taken to the laboratory and maintained at 25 ± 1 °C , 65± 5% r.h., and L14: D10 photoperiod, and given suitable food (soybean pods or seeds), began feeding immediately. The number of stylet sheaths deposited/day on the food was greater for non-dormant than for dormant adults. Feeding activity was greater on immature pods than on mature seeds of soybean. Dormant females placed under suitable biotic and abiotic conditions took ca. 2 weeks to start reproduction, in contrast to non-dormant females, which reproduced immediately.  相似文献   

Adults ofCoccinella septempunctata L. (Coleoptera; Coccinellidae) were sampled in four overwintering sites: one in England and three at different altitudes in the Czech Republic (350–1420 m above sea level) in autumn 1992 and spring 1993. Body length, dry weight and fat weight were measured. There were significant differences in body length between sampling sites in spring 1993, but not in autumn 1992. The average sex ratio (♀) in all samples was 1∶0.60 in 1992 and 1∶0.72 in 1993. Females were significantly larger and heavier, and contained more fat than males in both sampling periods. Dry weight and fat weight were positively correlated to body length at all sampling sites except at Ruzyne, in the Czech Republic. Adults hibernating at higher altitudes and away from their breeding and feeding habitats had significantly more fat than those hibernating at lower altitudes. Fat reserves were reduced by 30% during the hibernation at the top of the Krkonose mountain, in the Czech Republic, where temperatures were much lower, but more than half of the fat reserves were consumed during the overwintering period at the other sampling sites. The significance of body length and fat reserves in relation to adult hibernation sites and overwintering survival is discussed.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts of brain, thoracic ganglion or corpora cardiaca of female Glossina morsitans were shown to contain a substance which inhibited the synthesis of lipid from l[U-14C] leucine by fat cells incubated in vitro. The highest concentration of this substance was found in the corpora cardiaca; approximately 1 × 10?6 gland pairs μl?1 were required for maximum inhibition. At concentrations greater than 1 × 10?4 gland pairs μl?1 the lipid synthesis inhibiting factor (hereafter referred to as the LSIF) was inactivated by the presence of a substance which could be removed by gel filtration. The concentration of LSIF in the corpora cardiaca and midbrain varied throughout the reproductive cycle of the female. Net release of LSIF from the midbrain occurred between the 2nd and 7th day of the 9-day reproductive cycle. Net release from the corpora cardiaca began on day 5 and continued until the end of the interlarval period on day 9. Results are consistent with the hypothesis that LSIF is synthesised mainly in the medial neurosecretory cells of the midbrain whereas the corpora cardiaca are the site of storage and release into the haemolymph. LSIF was present in midbrain and corpora cardiaca extracts from male G. morsitans but at lower concentrations than in females. No variation in LSIF concentration could be correlated with the feeding cycle. LSIF activity was not detected in fresh haemolymph but was found at high concentration in boiled haemolymph, suggesting the presence of an inhibitor which was inactivated at high temperature. Preliminary investigations into the nature of LSIF have shown it to be inactivated by proteolytic enzymes and to be recoverable in a single peak from a Sephadex G15 column.Results support the view that LSIF is a peptide hormone which, in conjunction with an inhibitor, controls the lipid synthetic ability of the fat cells of the adult female tsetse fly throughout the reproductive cycle.  相似文献   

Two species of Copepoda Temora longicornis (Müller) and Pseudocalanus elongatus (Boeck) were cultured continuously in the laboratory. Four and three generations, respectively, were raised at 16 different combinations of temperature and food concentration. Prosome length and ash-free dry weight were measured in the adult stage and in Pseudocalanus also in copepodite stage I, and the relation between length and weight was established. In Pseudocalanus also the relative amount of lipid was estimated.Prosome length and length-specific body weight (condition factor) were positively correlated with food concentration. Lipid content in Pseudocalanus was also strongly affected by the concentration of food.Prosome length was negatively correlated with temperature. However, length-specific body weight in Temora was positively correlated with temperature. Therefore, at higher temperature Temora was smaller, but heavier per unit body length. In Pseudocalanus a similar but less significant influence of temperature on length-specific weight was found; lipid content was not significantly influenced by the temperature.Females of Temora had larger length-specific weights than males. In Pseudocalanus the opposite was found, coinciding with a higher lipid content in males than in females.It is discussed that at natural concentrations of phytoplankton body size and weight of copepods are reduced in the North Sea during the major part of the growing-season.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate compensatory growth in juvenile Rutilus caspicus during starvation and re‐feeding periods. The results confirmed the existence of compensatory growth in R. caspicus which depended on the duration of food deprivation. Complete compensatory growth occurred in the fish that were food deprived for at least 3 weeks. Starvation and re‐feeding had no significant effect on the digestive somatic index and intestinal surface areas in the fish that were food deprived for 1 week, while they showed a significant decrease and increase, during starvation and re‐feeding in the fish that were food deprived for 2 and 3 weeks. This knowledge may have application in aquaculture, as appropriate exploitation of compensatory growth can give increased growth rate and feeding efficiency.  相似文献   

On a restricted food supply of Tubifex tubifex (2h/day) the fish consumed only 69.5 mg dry food/g live fish/day and grew only to 25.6 mg live body weight by the 30th day of it's age, while those fed ad libitum consumed 94.7 mg/g/day and attained a body weight of 125.9 mg live weight by the 30th day. Conversion efficiency (K1) averaged to 8.3% in the former and 14.1% in the latter series, throughout the 30 day experimental period.Feeding rate of the test series fed individually and at ad libitum, decreased from 780 mg dry food/g dry fish/day for a fish weighing 4 mg dry weight to 180 mg/g/ day for one weighing 41 mg, exhibiting a log-log relationship to the body weight (Y = 2.20140–0.5639 X). Growth rate also decreased as a log-log function with increasing body weight (Y = 1.2309–0.4384 X).  相似文献   

Theaflavins are reddish-colored polyphenols in black tea. To test the efficacy of theaflavin administration on body fat and muscle, we performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study and investigated the effect of theaflavins administration on the body composition using of healthy subjects. In this study, 30 male and female Japanese were enrolled and participants were randomly allocated to receive placebo, theaflavin (50 or 100 mg/day), or catechin (400 mg/ml) for 10 weeks. The effects were evaluated using body weight, body fat percentage, subcutaneous fat percentage, and skeletal muscle percentage. Theaflavin administration significantly improved body fat percentage, subcutaneous fat percentage, and skeletal muscle percentage when compared to with the placebo. In contrast, there was no significant difference in all measured outcomes between the catechin and the placebo groups. The results indicate that oral administration of theaflavin had a beneficial effect on body fat and muscle in healthy individuals.  相似文献   

Lipophorin (Lp) in the hemolymph of insects is known to selectively deliver lipids from sites of absorption or synthesis to sites of storage and utilization, such as the fat body, ovary and testis; however, no study regarding this has been reported in Galleria mellonella. In the present study, we examined the process by which Lp is taken up into the larval fat body, adult ovary and adult testis, and the transfer of lipid by Lp to these tissues in Galleria mellonella. To investigate the involvement of a receptor in Lp endocytosis, the larval fat body, adult ovary and adult testis were incubated for 1 h at room temperature with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)‐Lp, FITC‐Lp plus unlabeled Lp, and FITC‐Lp plus suramin, a receptor endocytic inhibitor. The amounts of FITC‐Lp in the three tissues were significantly decreased in the presence of unlabeled Lp and suramin, indicating that endocytosis of Lp by the tissues is mediated by a receptor. To examine the transfer of lipid by Lp, the tissues were incubated for 1 h at room temperature with 1,1′‐dilinoleyl‐3,3,3′,3′‐tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI)‐Lp, DiI‐Lp plus unlabeled Lp, and DiI‐Lp plus suramin. The transfer of lipid by Lp was inhibited in the presence of unlabeled Lp and suramin, which is consistent with a receptor‐mediated process. Our results show that the transfer process of lipid by Lp and uptake of Lp itself is by receptor‐mediated endocytosis.  相似文献   

本研究运用多变量路径分析技术,分析饥饿7d (饥饿组)和非饥饿状态下(对照组)眼斑双锯鱼(Amphiprion ocellaris)幼鱼的体质量和形态特征之间的相互依赖关系。实验对两种状态下的幼鱼进行体质量(g)和全长(L1)、体长(L2)、体高(L3)、头长(L4)、头高(L5)、吻长(L6)、尾柄长(L7)、尾柄高(L8)、背鳍前距(L9)、胸鳍前距(L10)、腹鳍前距(L11)、臀鳍前距(L12)、眼径(L13)等13个形态性状(mm)的准确测定。采用相关系数、决定系数、通径系数和回归方程等统计方法分析两种状态下眼斑双锯鱼幼鱼的形态性状对体质量的影响。结果显示,两个实验组14个性状间均存在极显著相关关系(P<0.01);剔除共线性影响后,通径分析筛选出了对照组对体质量影响显著的4个形态性状,直接作用由大到小排序:L3 > L2 > L6 > L5,间接作用由大到小排序:L5 > L6 > L2 > L3,单独决定系数由大到小排序:L3 > L2 > L5 > L6;饥饿组筛选出5个形态性状,直接作用由大到小是L3 > L2 > L12 > L6 > L7,间接作用由大到小是L7 > L12 > L2 > L6 > L3,单独决定系数由大到小为L3 > L2 > L12 > L7 > L6;对照组和饥饿组体质量与形态性状的多元回归方程分别为:W=-0.819+0.106L3+0.027L2+0.006L6-0.050L5,R2=0.94;W=-0.778+0.078L3+0.016L12+0.015L2-0.055L7+0.018L6,R2=0.930。结果表明,饥饿影响了形态性状与体质量的相关性,但饥饿和非饥饿状态下体高、体长和吻长都是影响体质量的关键因子,其中体高是最主要的因子,该结果可在眼斑双锯鱼的选育工作中对选育指标的确定提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Haemolymph volume does not change significantly during 96 hr of starvation. Haemolymph and fat body metabolites are depleted significantly in insects denied food for 96 hr. The percentage of oöcyte resorption is increased considerably by starvation. Differences in the utilization of lipid and protein under conditions of starvation between adult Oxya and adult locusts may be attributed to the migratory habit of the latter.  相似文献   

Larvae of the wax moth, Galleria mellonella (L.), were reared from first instar on a diet supplemented with 156, 620, 1,250, or 2,500 ppm boric acid (BA). The content of malondialdehyde (MDA, an oxidative stress indicator), and activities of the antioxidant enzymes [superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione S-transferase (GST), and glutathione peroxidase (GPx)] were determined in the fat body and hemolymph in the 7th instar larvae and newly emerged pupae. Relative to control larvae, MDA was significantly increased in larval hemolymph, larval and pupal fat body, but decreased in the pupal hemolymph. Insects reared on diets with 156- and 620-ppm BA doses yielded increased SOD activity but 1,250- and 2,500-ppm doses resulted in decreased SOD activity in larval hemolymph. SOD activity was significantly increased but CAT was decreased in the larval fat body. High dietary BA treatments led to significantly decreased GST activity. However, they increased GPx activity in larval hemolymph. Dietary BA also affected larval survival. The 1,250- and 2,500-ppm concentrations led to significantly increased larval and pupal mortality and prolonged development. In contrast, the lowest BA concentration increased longevity and shortened development. We infer that BA toxicity is related, at least in part, to oxidative stress management.  相似文献   

High overwintering mortality was recorded forMeligethes aeneus in the field in Finland, ranging from 85 to 98% depending on the source of the overwintering population. The main factor explaining, variation in survival was the body weight of the beetles in the autumn: only the heaviest beetles survived. Body weight, on the other hand, was influenced by treatment of the rape field soil withBeauveria bassiana, resulting in a 50% decrease in winter survival compared with the reference. The soil treatment did not appear to have direct mortality effects (pathogenesis) on the beetle neither in the summer nor in the winter, and there was no apparent effect on survival of crowding of the insects at the overwintering site. Density dependence in overwintering survival ofM. aeneus may function through the availability of pollen food in the autumn, and intraspecific competition for it. Treatment of the rape field soil withB. bassiana may be a feasible way to increase, the winter mortality and to lower the pollen beetle populations, but requires further research.  相似文献   

The enterocytes of the midgut epithelium of Aeshna cyanea larvae are rich in peroxisomes while the nidal regenerative and endocrine cells contain only a few. Most of the enterocytic peroxisomes are microperoxisomes lacking a crystalloid nucleoid, but peroxisomes with well developed nucleoid are also present. The peroxisomes are usually concentrated in the basal region of the cells but may also spread into the apical region and closely intermingle with absorptive lipid droplets. They significantly increase in number, when the larvae are regularly fed lipid-rich natural food or long-chain monounsaturated fatty acids that are unusual dietary components of these animals. This observation seems to indicate that the enterocytic peroxisomes are involved in chain shortening and degradation of fatty acids absorbed from the gut lumen.Numerous microperoxisomes are also present in the lipid-storing cells of the Malpighian tubules and fat body.  相似文献   

Male/female pairs of adult milkweed bugs, Oncopeltus faciatus were offered reduced food rations (100 mg milkweed seeds/week, 50 mg seeds/week, and 25 mg seeds/week) at 232C, 14L : 10D photoperiod. The high rate of food consumption normally occurring during the teneral period (first 8 days posteclosion) and subsequent food consumption were reduced on both reduced rations. Initial fresh weight was lost by bugs on both reduced rations and their weekly fresh body weight tended to remain less than bugs on the 100 mg seeds/week ration.Normal onset of egg production (about 3 weeks posteclosion) was delayed 6 weeks and normal length of a female's life (13–14 weeks) was increased 7–8 weeks on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. Rate of egg production exhibited a linear decrease with decrease in food ration on both reduced rations due to an increased interclutch interval, while fresh egg weight, duration of egg stage, number of eggs/clutch and percentage of clutches containing fertile eggs were little affected.Gross egg production efficiency (efficiency of conversion of ingested food into eggs = dry mg egg production × 100/dry mg food ingested) was high on both the 100 and 50 mg seeds/week rations (27.9% and 21.1%, respectively) and low (7.7%) on the 25 mg seeds/week ration. These data are discussed in the context of the reciprocal interaction between nutrient intake and egg production.  相似文献   

G. morsitans fat cells incubated in vitro with l-[U-14C]-leucine incorporated the radiolabel, mainly into triglycerides. Aqueous extracts of corpora cardiaca, midbrain, or thoracic ganglion stimulated the release of radiolabelled material from prelabelled fat cells in vitro. Corpora cardiaca extracts were the most active, approx. 1 × 10?3 gland pairs/μl elicited the maximal response. At concentrations above 1 × 10?3 gland pairs/μl the activity of corpora cardiaca extracts was inhibited by a substance which could be removed by gel filtration. The stimulatory factor in nervous-tissue extracts was destroyed by proteolytic enzymes and was recoverable in a single peak by Sephadex G15 gel filtration. Results suggest that it is a peptide hormone produced mainly by the median neurosecretory cells of the midbrain with the corpora cardiaca being the site of storage and release. No hormone was detectable in fresh haemolymph, but it was found at high concentration in boiled haemolymph, implying the presence of a heat labile inhibitor.Under the in vitro conditions used the hormone stimulated the synthesis of proline from alanine and the hydrolysis of triglycerides to free fatty acids. The probable functions of the hormone are to stimulate proline synthesis in response to demand for flight and/or to mobilise lipid for larval nutrition. The relative importance of these apparent functions in vivo could not be determined.  相似文献   

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