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An automated procedure for NOE assignment and three-dimensional structure refinement is presented. The input to the procedure consists of (1) an ensemble of preliminary protein NMR structures, (2) partial sequence-specific assignments for the protein and (3) the positions and volumes of unassigned NOESY cross peaks. Chemical shifts for unassigned side chain protons are predicted from the preliminary structures. The chemical shifts and unassigned NOESY cross peaks are input to an automated procedure for NOE assignment and structure calculation (ARIA) [Nilges et al. (1997) J. Mol. Biol., 269, 408–422]. ARIA is optimized for the task of structure refinement of larger proteins. Errors are filtered to ensure that sequence-specific assignments are reliable. The procedure is applied to the 27.8 kDa single-chain T cell receptor (scTCR). Preliminary NMR structures, nearly complete backbone assignments, partial assignments of side chain protons and more than 1300 unassigned NOESY cross peaks are input. Using the procedure, the resonant frequencies of more than 40 additional side chain protons are assigned. Over 400 new NOE cross peaks are assigned unambiguously. Distances derived from the automatically assigned NOEs improve the precision and quality of calculated scTCR structures. In the refined structures, a hydrophobic cluster of side chains on the scTCR surface that binds major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/antigen is revealed. It is composed of the side chains of residues from three loops and stabilizes the conformation of residues that interact with MHC.  相似文献   

Soybean BAC-based physical maps provide a useful platform for gene and QTL map-based cloning, EST mapping, marker development, genome sequencing, and comparative genomic research. Soybean physical maps for “Forrest” and “Williams 82” representing the southern and northern US soybean germplasm base, respectively, have been constructed with different fingerprinting methods. These physical maps are complementary for coverage of gaps on the 20 soybean linkage groups. More than 5,000 genetic markers have been anchored onto the Williams 82 physical map, but only a limited number of markers have been anchored to the Forrest physical map. A mapping population of Forrest × Williams 82 made up of 1,025 F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was used to construct a reference genetic map. A framework map with almost 1,000 genetic markers was constructed using a core set of these RILs. The core set of the population was evaluated with the theoretical population using equality, symmetry and representativeness tests. A high-resolution genetic map will allow integration and utilization of the physical maps to target QTL regions of interest, and to place a larger number of markers into a map in a more efficient way using a core set of RILs.  相似文献   

Early detection of fibrosis progression is of major relevance for the diagnosis and management of patients with liver disease. This study was designed to find non-invasive biomarkers for fibrosis in a clinical context where this process occurs rapidly, HCV-positive patients who underwent liver transplantation (LT). We analyzed 93 LT patients with HCV recurrence, 41 non-LT patients with liver disease showing a fibrosis stage F≥1 and 9 patients without HCV recurrence who received antiviral treatment before LT, as control group. Blood obtained from 16 healthy subjects was also analyzed. Serum samples were fractionated by ion exchange chromatography and their proteomic profile was analyzed by SELDI-TOF-MS. Characterization of the peptide of interest was performed by ion chromatography and electrophoresis, followed by tandem mass spectrometry identification. Marked differences were observed between the serum proteome profile of LT patients with early fibrosis recurrence and non-recurrent LT patients. A robust peak intensity located at 5905 m/z was the distinguishing feature of non-recurrent LT patients. However, the same peak was barely detected in recurrent LT patients. Similar results were found when comparing samples of healthy subjects with those of non-LT fibrotic patients, indicating that our findings were not related to either LT or HCV infection. Using tandem mass-spectrometry, we identified the protein peak as a C-terminal fragment of the fibrinogen α chain. Cell culture experiments demonstrated that TGF-β reduces α-fibrinogen mRNA expression and 5905 m/z peak intensity in HepG2 cells, suggesting that TGF-β activity regulates the circulating levels of this protein fragment. In conclusion, we identified a 5.9 kDa C-terminal fragment of the fibrinogen α chain as an early serum biomarker of fibrogenic processes in patients with liver disease.  相似文献   

Dystroglycan (DG) is a member of the glycoprotein complex associated to dystrophin and composed by two subunits, the β-DG, a transmembrane protein, and the α-DG, an extensively glycosylated extracellular protein. The β-DG ectodomain degradation by the matrix metallo-proteinases (i.e., MMP-2 and MMP-9) in both, pathological and physiological conditions, has been characterized in detail in previous publications. Since the amounts of α-DG and β-DG at the cell surface decrease when gelatinases are up-regulated, we investigated the degradation of α-DG subunit by MMP-2. Present data show, for the first time, that the proteolysis of α-DG indeed occurs on a native glycosylated molecule enriched from rabbit skeletal muscle. In order to characterize the α-DG portion, which is more prone to cleavage by MMP-2, we performed different degradations on tailored recombinant domains of α-DG spanning the whole subunit. The overall bulk of results casts light on a relevant susceptibility of the α-DG to MMP-2 degradation with particular reference to its C-terminal domain, thus opening a new scenario on the role of gelatinases (in particular of MMP-2) in the degradation of this glycoprotein complex, taking place in the course of pathological processes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of outer surface protein A (OspA) from Borrelia burgdorferi contains a single-layer -sheet connecting the N- and C-terminal globular domains. The central -sheet consists largely of polar amino acids and it is solvent-exposed on both faces, which so far appears to be unique among known protein structures. We have accomplished nearly complete backbone H, C and N and C;/H assignments of OspA (28 kDa) using standard triple resonance techniques without perdeuteration. This was made possible by recording spectra at a high temperature (45 °C ). The chemical shift index and 15N T1/T2 ratios show that both the secondary structure and the global conformation of OspA in solution are similar to the crystal structure, suggesting that the unique central -sheet is fairly rigid.  相似文献   

We are employing a number of selective in vitro and in vivo methods including NMR to screen compounds that bind to heme oxygenases from pathogenic bacteria. We report the nearly complete HN, N, CO, Cα and Cβ chemical shift assignments of a 215-amino acid HO from Corynebacterium diphtheria in three forms, apo cd-HO-G135A, apo cd-HO and CO-bound ferrous holo cd-HO; these assignments will enable us to identify residues on cd-HO that are perturbed upon binding to selected compounds, and to help with the development of inhibitors specific to the bacterial proteins.  相似文献   

Soybean is a major crop species providing valuable feedstock for food, feed and biofuel. In recent years, considerable progress has been made in developing genomic resources for soybean, including on-going efforts to sequence the genome. These efforts have identified a large number of soybean genes, most with unknown function. Therefore, a major research priority is determining the function of these genes, especially those involved in agronomic performance and seed traits. One means to study gene function is through mutagenesis and the study of the resulting phenotypes. Transposon-tagging has been used successfully in both model and crop plants to support studies of gene function. In this report, we describe efforts to generate a transposon-based mutant collection of soybean. The Ds transposon system was used to create activation-tagging, gene and enhancer trap elements. Currently, the repository houses approximately 900 soybean events, with flanking sequence data derived from 200 of these events. Analysis of the insertions revealed approximately 70% disrupted known genes, with the majority matching sequences derived from either Glycine max or Medicago truncatula sequences. Among the mutants generated, one resulted in male-sterility and was shown to disrupt the strictosidine synthase gene. This example clearly demonstrates that it is possible to disrupt soybean gene function by insertional mutagenesis and to derive useful mutants by this approach in spite of the tetraploid nature of the soybean genome.  相似文献   

Gly m Bd 30K蛋白是大豆中主要的免疫显性过敏原之一,会引起人和牲畜腹泻和肠道炎症等过敏反应.因此,发掘低Gly m Bd 30K蛋白含量优异种质对于培育优质大豆品种具有重要意义.为了获得致敏蛋白Gly m Bd 30K低含量的优异种质,根据Gly m Bd 30K蛋白的190-379aa多肽序列制备多克隆抗体...  相似文献   

Molecular size has limited solution NMR analyses of proteins. We report 13C–13C NOESY experiments on a 480 kDa protein, the multi-subunit ferritin nanocage with gated pores. By exploiting 13C-resonance-specific chemical shifts and spin diffusion effects, we identified 75% of the amino acids, with intraresidue C–C connectivities between nuclei separated by 1–4 bonds. These results show the potential of 13C–13C NOESY for solution studies of molecular assemblies >100 kDa.  相似文献   

We have previously isolated and purified a goat sperm protein of 70 kDa molecular weight designated as P70 and characterized it as an inhibitor of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase. Our study reveals that the first 10 amino acid residues from the N-terminal end of P70 has high degree of homology with arylsulphatase A from mice, pig and human. Indirect immunofluorescence study shows the presence of the protein on goat sperm surface. Furthermore, live goat sperm and the extract of peripheral sperm plasma membrane proteins exhibit arylsulphatase A's desulphation activity. The P70 remains on the head surface of in vitro capacitated cauda epididymal sperm as shown by positive immunofluorescence staining of cauda sperm. Immunoblot and flow cytometric studies corroborate the above findings. The presence of P70 on capacitated cauda sperm surface suggest a possible role of this protein in sperm zona pellucida binding. In the present report we demonstrate arylsulphatase A like activity in P70 and describe its localization and expression in goat sperm.  相似文献   

In amyloidosis associated with apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I), heart amyloid deposits are mainly constituted by the 93-residue ApoA-I N-terminal region. A recombinant form of the amyloidogenic polypeptide, named [1-93]ApoA-I, shares conformational properties and aggregation propensity with its natural counterpart. The polypeptide, predominantly in a random coil state at pH 8.0, following acidification to pH 4.0 adopts a helical/molten globule transient state, which leads to formation of aggregates. Here we provide evidence that fibrillogenesis occurs also in physiologic-like conditions. At pH 6.4, [1-93]ApoA-I was found to assume predominantly an α-helical state, which undergoes aggregation at 37°C over time at a lower rate than at pH 4.0. After 7 days at pH 6.4, protofibrils were observed by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Using a multidisciplinary approach, including circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, electrophoretic, and AFM analyses, we investigated the effects of a lipid environment on the conformational state and aggregation propensity of [1-93]ApoA-I. Following addition of the lipid-mimicking detergent Triton X-100, the polypeptide was found to be in a helical state at both pH 8.0 and 6.4, with no conformational transition occurring upon acidification. These helical conformers are stable and do not generate aggregated species, as observed by AFM after 21 days. Similarly, analyses of the effects of cholesterol demonstrated that this natural ApoA-I ligand induces formation of α-helix at physiological concentrations at both pH 8.0 and 6.4. Zwitterionic, positively charged, and negatively charged liposomes were found to affect [1-93]ApoA-I conformation, inducing helical species. Our data support the idea that lipids play a key role in [1-93]ApoA-I aggregation in vivo.  相似文献   

Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry - Small G-proteins of Rho family modulate the activity of several classes of ion channels, including K+ channels Kv1.2, Kir2.1, and ERG; Ca2+ channels; and...  相似文献   

We report the full resonance assignments of MOD, which is an active mutant of maize ribosome-inactivating protein (mRIP). mRIP is a unique RIP which is synthesized as an inactive precursor and processed by removal of an internal inactivation region to yield an active form.  相似文献   

Segmental isotope labelling enables the NMR study of an individual domain within a multidomain protein, but still in the context of the entire full-length protein. Compared to the fully labelled protein, spectral overlap can be greatly reduced. We here describe segmental labelling of the (double-) hexameric DnaB helicase from Helicobacter pylori using a ligation approach. Solid-state spectra demonstrate that the ligated protein has the same structure and structural order as the directly expressed full-length protein. We uniformly 13C/15N labeled the N-terminal domain (147 residues) of the protein, while the C-terminal domain (311 residues) remained in natural abundance. The reduced signal overlap in solid-state NMR spectra allowed to identify structural “hotspots” for which the structure of the N-terminal domain in the context of the oligomeric full-length protein differs from the one in the isolated form. They are located near the linker between the two domains, in an α-helical hairpin.  相似文献   

Properties of the Photosystem II (PSII) complex were examined in the wild-type (control) strain of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC 6803 and its site-directed mutant D1-His252Leu in which the histidine residue 252 of the D1 polypeptide was replaced by leucine. This mutation caused a severe blockage of electron transfer between the PSII electron acceptors QA and QB and largely inhibited PSII oxygen evolving activity. Strong illumination induced formation of a D1-cytochrome b-559 adduct in isolated, detergent-solubilized thylakoid membranes from the control but not the mutant strain. The light-induced generation of the adduct was suppressed after prior modification of thylakoid proteins either with the histidine modifier platinum-terpyridine-chloride or with primary amino group modifiers. Anaerobic conditions and the presence of radical scavengers also inhibited the appearance of the adduct. The data suggest that the D1-cytochrome adduct is the product of a reaction between the oxidized residue His252 of the D1 polypeptide and the N-terminal amino group of the cytochrome α subunit. As the rate of the D1 degradation in the control and mutant strains is similar, formation of the adduct does not seem to represent a required intermediary step in the D1 degradation pathway.  相似文献   

Meng X  Huang B  Zhou L  He Y  Chen Q  Yuan Y  Xu Z  Song R 《Génome》2010,53(9):667-674
Coix lacryma-jobi L. (Coix) is a close relative of maize and is considered a valuable genetic resource for crop improvement. Here we report the construction of the first Coix bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library using accession PI 324059. This BAC library contains about 230?400 clones with an average insert size of 113?kb, has low organellar DNA contamination, and provides 16.3-fold coverage of the genome. The library was stored in 12?× 96 pools that could be screened with a PCR protocol. Library screening was performed for the 22?kDa α-coixin gene family. A total of 57 positive pools were identified, and single clones were isolated from 19 of these pools. Based on DNA fingerprinting and Southern blot analysis, these 19 BAC clones form a single contig of about 340?kb in length, indicating that the 22 kDa α-coixin genes occur in a cluster. These results demonstrated the suitability of this BAC library for gene isolation and comparative genomics studies of the Coix genome.  相似文献   

High expression of ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73) has been reported in a number of epithelium origin malignancies. Here, we hypothesize that CD73 promotes hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) growth and metastasis and that the effect is mediated by epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR). HCC cells with different malignancies and Tissue microarrays of the tumor and peritumoral liver tissues from 30 independent patients were used to examine CD73 and EGFR expression. Then, MTT and Ki67 detection, together with cell adhesion, invasion, and migration assays were used to evaluate the effects of CD73 on cell growth and metastasis. The expression of EGFR in HCC cells was also tested after suppressing or overexpressing CD73. Lastly, tumor tissues from nude mice, which had been injected subcutaneously with HCC cells, were transplanted subcutaneously into CD73−/− and wild-type (WT) C57 mice. CD73 expression was higher in HCC cells with greater metastatic potentials and tumor tissues compared with low metastatic cells and peritumor tissues. CD73 and EGFR were coexpressed and positively correlated in tumor and peritumor liver tissues in HCC tissue microarrays. Up-regulationof CD73 by plasmid transfection or by pharmacological agents promoted EGFR expression in HCC cells, whereas suppression of CD73 inhibited these effects. The growth of transplanted tumor tissues was dramatically slower in CD73−/− mice than in WT type mice in the in vivo experiments. CD73 promotes HCC growth and metastasis and upregulated the expression of EGFR in HCC. Thus, CD73 and EGFR are potential targets in the treatment of HCC.  相似文献   

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