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Beta-1,2-linked mannosides from Candida albicans phosphopeptidomannan (PPM) bind to macrophages through a receptor independent from the macrophage alpha-linked mannose receptor and stimulate these cells to secrete immune mediators. Anti-beta-1,2-linked mannoside but not anti-alpha-linked mannoside antibodies produced after immunization with neoglycoproteins protect animals from disseminated candidiasis. In this study, peptides that mimic beta-1,2-linked mannosides were isolated using phage display methodology. A phage library expressing random peptides was panned with an anti-beta-1,2-linked mannoside monoclonal antibody (mAb). After three rounds of biopanning, the isolated phages were able to inhibit recognition of C. albicans by the mAb. Sixty percent of the phages had an identical DNA insert corresponding to the peptide sequence FHENWPS that was recognized specifically by the mAb. Injection of KLH-coupled peptide into mice generated high titers of polyclonal antibodies against C. albicans yeast cell walls. The anti-FHENWPS antibodies bound to C. albicans PPM and were inhibited by soluble beta-1,2-mannotetraose. Together, these data provide evidence for mimotopic activity of the peptide selected by biopanning with the anti-beta-1,2-oligomannoside mAb.  相似文献   

Candida albicans strains consist of serotypes A and B depending on the presence of terminal beta-1,2-linked mannose residues in the acid-stable part of serotype A phosphopeptidomannan (PPM). The distribution of C. albicans serotypes varies according to country and human host genetic and infectious backgrounds. However, these epidemiological traits have not yet been related to a phenotypically stable molecule as cell surface expression of the serotype A epitope depends on the growth conditions. We have shown that C. albicans serotype A associates beta-mannose residues with another molecule, phospholipomannan (PLM), which is a member of the mannoseinositolphosphoceramide family. In this study, PLM from serotype B strains was analysed in order to provide structural bases for the differences in molecular mass and antigenicity observed between PLMs from both serotypes. Through these analyses, carbon 10 was shown to be the location of a second hydroxylation of fatty acids previously unknown in fungal sphingolipids. Minor differences observed in the ceramide moiety appeared to be strain-dependent. More constant features of PLM from serotype B strains were the incorporation of greater amounts of phytosphingosine C20, a twofold reduced glycosylation of PLM and overexpression of a beta-1,2 mannotriose, the epitope of protective antibodies. This specific beta-mannosylation was observed even when growth conditions altered serotype A PPM-specific epitopes, confirming the potential of PLM as a phenotypically stable molecule for serotyping. This study also suggests that the regulation of beta-mannosyltransferases, which define specific immunomodulatory adhesins whose activity depends on the mannosyl chain length, are part of the genetic background that differentiates serotypes.  相似文献   

In a series of studies, we have shown that Candida albicans synthesizes a glycolipid, phospholipomannan (PLM), which reacted with antibodies specific for beta-1,2-oligomannosides and was biosynthetically labeled by [(3)H]mannose, [(3)H]palmitic acid, and [(32)P]phosphorus. PLM has also been shown to be released from the C. albicans cell wall and to bind to and stimulate macrophage cells. In this study, we show by thin layer chromatography scanning of metabolically radiolabeled extracts that the C. albicans PLM corresponds to a family of mannose and inositol co-labeled glycolipids. We describe the purification process of the molecule and the release of its glycan fraction through alkaline hydrolysis. Analysis of this glycan fraction by radiolabeling and methylation-methanolysis confirmed the presence of inositol and of 1, 2-linked mannose units. NMR studies evidenced linear chains of beta-1,2-oligomannose as the major PLM components. Mass spectrometry analysis revealed that these chains were present in phosphoinositolmannosides with degrees of polymerization varying from 8 to 18 sugar residues. The PLM appears as a new type of eukaryotic inositol-tagged glycolipid in relationship to both the absence of glucosamine and the organization of its glycan chains. This first structural evidence for the presence of beta-1, 2-oligomannosides in a glycoconjugate other than the C. albicans phosphopeptidomannan may have some pathophysiological relevance to the adhesive, protective epitope, and signaling properties thus far established for these residues.  相似文献   

Cultivation of three Candida albicans strains, NIH A-207, J-1012, and NIH B-792, abbreviated as A-, J-, and B-strains, respectively, in yeast extract-enrich Sabouraud liquid medium at pH 2.0 provided the following findings, i.e., the two former strains belonging to serotype A were able to grow in this medium in almost the same rates as those in the same medium of pH 5.9, while B-strain cells did not proliferate under the former condition. The cells of A- and J-strains cultivated at pH 2.0 did not undergo agglutination with the factor serum 6 in a commercially available factor serum kit, Candida Check, corresponding to C. albicans serotype A-specific epitope. It was also revealed by 1H-13C correlation spectra of the mannans isolated from the cells of A- and J-strains contained neither phosphate group nor beta-1,2-linked mannopyranose unit, although these mannans retained non-reducing terminal alpha-1,3 linked mannopyranose units, providing a substantiating evidence that the serotype A-specific epitope contains a non-reducing terminal beta-1,2-linked mannopyranose unit.  相似文献   

Manno-oligosaccharides (DP 2 to greater than 15) were released by mild acid hydrolysis from the phosphopeptidomannan of a Candida albicans strain of A serotype (VW-32). Manno-oligosaccharides ranging from biose to heptaose were obtained in appreciable amount. Structural investigation of these oligosaccharides showed them to be of the beta-1,2-linked series. The occurrence of such compounds has already been reported in other strains of Candida albicans. We here report the assignment of the structural reporter groups of each of them, and general rules applicable for the 1H-NMR spectrum analysis of linear manno-oligosaccharide of general structure: Man(beta 1-2) [Man(beta 1-2)]nMan  相似文献   

The H-1 and H-2 signals of beta-1,2-linked mannooligosaccharides isolated from the phosphomannan of Candida albicans NIH B-792 strain by mild acid hydrolysis were assigned by a sequential NMR assignment method that combines two-dimensional 1H-1H correlated spectroscopy (COSY) and two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement and exchange spectroscopy (NOESY). The results indicated that the H-1 and H-2 of each beta-1,2-linked mannopyranose unit show largely different signals compared with those of the alpha-linked ones and that the correlation between linkages and signals could not be explained by a conventional additivity rule. Furthermore, a regular proportional downfield shift of the H-1 signal was observed in the order of the mannose unit from the reducing terminal except those of the reducing and nonreducing terminal positions. Although the 1H NMR spectra of these oligosaccharides were complicated due to the presence of a large portion of the beta-anomer from the reducing terminal mannose unit, reduction of the oligosaccharides with NaBH4 to the corresponding alcohols gave simple and more readily interpretable 1H NMR spectra. Unexpectedly, however, a shift of H-1 signals by this reduction occurred not only on the second mannose unit but also on the third and fourth mannose units from the modified reducing terminal group of each oligosaccharide alcohol. This result indicates that the reducing terminal mannose unit is able to affect up to the fourth mannose unit from the reducing terminal. The presence of a long-distance interresidue NOE also suggests that the beta-1,2-linked mannooligosaccharides have a compactly folded conformation in solution.  相似文献   

Extracellular and intracellular neutral beta-1,2-linked D-glucan content was determined in a virulent, attachment-deficient mutants of Agrobacterium tumefaciens that map in the chvA locus. chvA mutants contained approximately the same amount of intracellular glucan as cells of the virulent control strain A759, but released into the culture medium only 2% of the glucan released by strain A759. Introduction of a cosmid carrying the wild-type chv region restored attachment and virulence and restored extracellular glucan production to chvA mutant A2505. Exogenous glucan did not enhance or inhibit attachment or tumorigenesis of the virulent control strain or the chvA or chvB mutants. Our results suggest that the chvA locus is involved in the export of glucan from the cell and that export may be required for tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Galectin-1 and galectin-3 are the most ubiquitously expressed members of the galectin family and more importantly, these two molecules are shown to have opposite effects on pro-inflammatory responses and/or apoptosis depending on the cell type. Herein, we demonstrate for the first time that galectin-3 induces mast cell apoptosis. Mast cells expressed substantial levels of galectin-3 and galectin-1 and to a lesser extent the receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) on their surfaces. Treatment of cells with galectin-3 at concentrations of > or =100 nM for 18-44 h resulted in cell death by apoptosis. Galectin-3-induced apoptosis was completely prevented by lactose, neutralizing antibody to RAGE, and the caspase-3 inhibitor z-DEVD-fmk. Galectin-3-induced apoptosis was also completely abolished by dithiothreitol and superoxide dismutase, but not inhibited by catalase. Moreover, galectin-3 but not galectin-1 induced the release of superoxide, which was blocked by lactose, anti-RAGE, and dithiothreitol. Finally, galectin-3-induced apoptosis was blocked by bongkrekic acid, an antagonist of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (PTP), while atractyloside, an agonist of the PTP, greatly facilitated galectin-1-induced apoptosis. These data suggest that galectin-3 induces oxidative stress, PTP opening, and the caspase-dependent death pathway by binding to putative surface receptors including RAGE via the carbohydrate recognition domain.  相似文献   

Galectin-3 is a β-galactoside-binding C-type lectin that plays an important role in innate immunity. The purpose of this study was to determine whether Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis up-regulate galectin-3 secretion by human gingival epithelial cells and gingival fibroblasts. Ca9-22, a human gingival epithelial cell line, and human gingival fibroblasts were incubated in the presence or absence of C. albicans or C. parapsilosis without serum. Levels of secreted human galectin-3 in culture supernatants were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. We also pretreated Ca9-22 cells with cytochalasin D (an actin polymerization inhibitor), ALLN (a calpain inhibitor) and LY294002 [a phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI3K) inhibitor] to determine whether the up-regulation of galectin-3 secretion was mediated by cytoskeletal changes, protease activity, or PI3K signaling. Galectin-3 secretion was significantly and rapidly up-regulated by live C. albicans and C. parapsilosis, as well as heat-killed C. albicans. In addition, cytochalasin D, LY294002 and ALLN did not inhibit the up-regulation in galectin-3 secretion. These results suggest that both live and heat-killed C. albicans and C. parapsilosis may increase the activity of the innate immune system and invasion by other microorganisms via up-regulation of galectin-3 secretion.  相似文献   

Galectin-3, a beta-galactoside binding lectin, has been demonstrated to play a key role(s) in cell to extracellular matrix interaction. The precise mechanism by which it modulates cellular adhesion is presently unclear and warrants further studies. We hereby report that galectin-3 mediates the endocytosis of beta-1 integrins in a lactose-dependent manner. Interestingly we observed that galectin-3 was also rapidly internalized by the cells via the same pathway and the internalization was completely blocked by lactose. The endocytosis process was temperature dependent and was inhibited by filipin but not chlorpromazine. The endocytosis of galectin-3 and beta-1 integrins by the cells was accompanied by rapid cell spreading due to cytoskeletal reorganization. The data suggest a novel mechanism by which galectin-3 and beta-1 integrins are internalized into breast carcinoma cells via a cavaleolae-like pathway of endocytosis.  相似文献   

Galectin-1, a beta-galactoside-binding dimeric lectin, is involved in adhesion, migration, and proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC), the key steps in the development of atherosclerosis and restenosis. Here we investigated the molecular basis of the interactions between galectin-1 and SMCs. Galectin-1 modulated SMC attachment in a dose- and beta-galactoside-dependent manner. Direct binding of galectin-1 to beta1 integrin was detected by the immune precipitation of beta1 integrin after chemical cross-linking of 125I-labelled galectin-1 to the cell surface proteins. Galectin-1 transiently increased availability of beta1 integrins on the cell surface to antibodies against beta1 integrin. Incubation of SMCs with galectin-1 transiently increased the amount of the active form of beta1 integrin and tyrosine phosphorylation of two cytoskeleton-associated proteins; one of them coincided with focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Galectin-1 is likely to affect SMC adhesion by interacting with beta1 integrin on the cell surface of SMCs and inducing outside-in signalling.  相似文献   

Chen L  Kong F 《Carbohydrate research》2002,337(21-23):2335-2341
A facile and practical method was developed for the synthesis of beta-(1 --> 3)-linked xylooligosaccharides. Dibezoylation of allyl alpha-D-xylopyranoside (1) afforded 2,4-dibenzoate 6 as the major product. Chloroacetylation of 6, followed by deallylation and trichloroacetimidation, gave a 1:3 alpha/beta imidate (10 and 11) mixture. Coupling of the imidate mixture with 6 gave a disaccharide 13, whose dechloroacetylation afforded the disaccharide acceptor 16. Condensation of perbenzoylated xylosyl alpha/beta imidate (7 and 8) mixture with 6 gave the disaccharide 12. Deallylation of 12, followed by trichloroacetimidation, furnished the disaccharide donor as a 1:1 alpha/beta mixture. Coupling of the disaccharide donor mixture with the disaccharide acceptor 16 yielded the tetrasaccharide 17. Reiteration of deallylation and trichloroacetimidation transformed 17 to the tetrasaccharide donor mixture. Condensation of the tetrasaccharide donor mixture with the acceptor 16 gave the hexasaccharide 21. Debenzoylation with saturated ammonia-methanol afforded beta-(1 --> 3)-linked allyl xylotetraoside and xylohexaoside.  相似文献   

Standard chemical methods involving the use of O-acetylated glycosyl trichloroacetimidates as glycosylating agents were used to prepare the five 1,3-dideoxynojirimycin-3-yl beta-(1-->3)-linked oligo-glucosides (1-5) and also the beta-(1-->6)-bonded glucobiose (gentiobiose)-based analogue 6 as potential fungicides. In the course of the work, the beta-(1-->6), beta-(1-->6)-linked analogue 8 of 6 and 6-O- and 4-O-beta-glucopyranosyl-deoxynojirimycins 7 and 9, respectively, were also produced.  相似文献   

Two crystalline compounds were isolated from the culture filtrates of Candida species grown in synthetic medium supplemented with L-tyrosine as the sole source of nitrogen. These compounds were characterized as beta-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanol (HOPEA) and beta-(4-hydroxyphenyl)lactic acid (HOPLA). The production of these compounds in five species (both pathogenic and non-pathogenic) was compared and marked differences were revealed. Experiments using L-[14C]tyrosine indicated that both HOPEA and HOPLA are synthesized from L-tyrosine.  相似文献   

Mannans were isolated from six Candida strains and characterized. 13C-NMR spectroscopy revealed interspecific and interstrain difference of the yeasts in the structure of their mannans.  相似文献   

UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:alpha-3-D-mannoside beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase I (GnT I) and UDP-N-acetylglucosamine:alpha-6-D-mannoside beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase II (GnT II) are key enzymes in the synthesis of Asn-linked hybrid and complex glycans. We have cloned cDNAs from Caenorhabditis elegans for three genes homologous to mammalian GnT I (designated gly-12, gly-13 and gly-14) and one gene homologous to mammalian GnT II. All four cDNAs encode proteins which have the domain structure typical of previously cloned Golgi-type glycosyltransferases and show enzymatic activity (GnT I and GnT II, respectively) on expression in transgenic worms. We have isolated worm mutants lacking the three GnT I genes by the method of ultraviolet irradiation in the presence of trimethylpsoralen (TMP); null mutants for GnT II have not yet been obtained. The gly-12 and gly-14 mutants as well as the gly-14;gly-12 double mutant displayed wild-type phenotypes indicating that neither gly-12 nor gly-14 is necessary for worm development under standard laboratory conditions. This finding and other data indicate that the GLY-13 protein is the major functional GnT I in C. elegans. The mutation lacking the gly-13 gene is partially lethal and the few survivors display severe morphological and behavioral defects. We have shown that the observed phenotype co-segregates with the gly-13 deletion in genetic mapping experiments although a second mutation near the gly-13 gene cannot as yet be ruled out. Our data indicate that complex and hybrid N-glycans may play critical roles in the morphogenesis of C. elegans, as they have been shown to do in mice and men.  相似文献   

Low-molecular-mass beta-(2,6)-linked fructose-oligosaccharides (beta-(2,6)-FOS) were examined as a new carbohydrate source for growth of bifidobacteria. beta-(2,6)-FOS were prepared from microbial high-molecular-mass levan by acid hydrolysis and refined by cation-exchange chromatography. (13)C-NMR spectroscopy confirmed the presence of predominantly beta-(2,6)-fructosyl linkages in the oligosaccharides. More than 80% beta-(2,6)-FOS was recovered after in vitro incubation with amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes, implying resistance to degradation in the upper intestinal tract. Bifidobacterium adolescentis, B. longum, B. breve, and B. pseudocatenulatum were studied in vitro for their ability to metabolize beta-(2,6)-FOS. Growth, decrease in pH, formation of short- chain fatty acids (lactate, acetate, formate) and degradation of beta-(2,6)-FOS were markedly different among species. B. adolescentis showed the best growth, produced the highest amounts of organic acids and metabolized both short- and long-chain beta-(2, 6)-FOS.  相似文献   

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